I received a question about the paradise of God which Jesus promised to the one who was dying at his side, as well as why Jesus said, "today".
What follows, is my reply.
First I will comment on why Jesus said "today", in regard to the timing of when the request he was asked would be fulfilled.
When I was an active Jehovah's Witness being taught by the "Watchtower", their doctrine asserted that this use of "today", means that Jesus was making his promise, on that particular day.
You may agree, that such a use of "today", simply to state the obvious, would be a waste of Jesus' precious breath.
Other religions, interpret the use of "today", as Jesus telling the man, that he would enter paradise, on that very day of his death.
That teaching also, cannot be accurate, for the following reasons...
1. Jesus said that the dead will rise on the last day (
John 6:40).
2. God's paradise (garden of God), with all it's various kinds of "trees of life" (called, chosen, and faithful priests and kings), did not yet exist in the first century.
What then, did Jesus intend, when he told the man, "today"?
A look at the previous verse, recorded the very request of the man, which Jesus was responding to.
It also helps us gain understanding, if we look at a full definition of the Greek word, which is translated as "
The statement which Jesus was replying to, is in verse 42, and reads;
" 'Jesus,
remember me
when You come into Your kingdom!' ” (
Luke 23:42-43)
To "remember", means to recall to the mind something that occurred in the past.
"When you come into your kingdom" points to the future.
All these words inform us, that the dying man believed that Jesus' kingdom was yet future. This was natural for him to conclude, while viewing the humiliating condition and circumstances that Jesus was in at that moment.
But was that physical viewpoint, accurate?
Jesus spoke of his suffering, shame, and death,
Why would the glorious victory of Jesus be concurrent with his public humiliation, torture, and death?
It is through satanic trial, that the integrity of God's servants, is proven. Such faithful integrity and patient endurance, is the spiritual glory of that person. The unsurpassed integrity of Jesus Christ, was inseparable, from his position, as the king of truth.
Jesus was not the kind of king that we see in this world. He said that his kingdom, was no part of the world, but that his authority and power, was in the hearts of those who listened to, and obeyed his message (
John 18:36-37;
Now, returning to the words of the dying man...
He requested that Jesus "remember him", when he received his kingdom.
To be remembered by Jesus as faithful, is to be written in the Lamb's scroll of life (
21:27). That scroll / book was
already having names added to it during the earthly lifetime of Jesus (
Luke 10:20;
John 5:21-22). Those written there will be with Jesus in Paradise.
Would the dying man need to wait, in order to be written down in the king's book of the living? Would he need to wait until some future time, for Jesus to have the kingly, royal authority to offer that man, salvation?
No, Jesus was letting the dying man know, that on that very day, in those very circumstances... the day was already here for Jesus to endow a sovereign promise of life to his hearers (
John 5:24-25;
If we look at the
Greek interlinear for
Luke 23:43 and the way the sentence is structured... as well as looking up the definition, and other Bible uses for that same
Greek word... we will learn that it is not usually speaking of a literal day, but as something already present or accomplished. It can also refer to an era, usually of a king, such as the "day of Herod" or, the "day of John the Baptist" (
11:12). It is speaking of an era of a person's influence. Jesus, is "Lord of the Sabbath" Day (
Rev.20:6). He was already God's messenger king during his days on earth, and already empowered with all authority, to grant life (
John 5:21;
With all this in mind,
can you see why Jesus told the man, "Truly I tell you today... You will be *with me, in paradise."?
Jesus was indicating that there was no need to remember the man's request at a later time, because Jesus was already granting it. Jesus already had royal authority to grant the sinner life in Paradise. The crucifixion of Jesus that day, guaranteed Paradise to both the sinner
*and Jesus. (
Acts 2:29-30,
Luke 22:69;
1Cor.15:25). Paradise is the trees of life belonging to the holy city (
2-3). Jesus inherits that Bride / City / dwelling of God's spirit / eternal kingdom of priests and kings... through his death at crucifixion (
Rev.21:3-5) as well as the Paradise that results.
I believe that Jesus was telling the man, that the day of salvation was already here (
2Cor.6:2), and the man was already being granted access to the City of Life, by the already existing, bridegroom and king (
John 18:33,
After reading those scriptures, can you see what it was, that Jesus granted the one who died at his side?
Jesus referred to how God prepares and cultivates a heart...
Jesus works with God, to cultivate (prepare) the heart/"place"/"room"...
...the "ground", where His seed will grow.
So many parables and illustrations... symbols... to describe the same aspects of the same things. The paradise of God, is where one finds the truths of God, provided through the trees of life in that garden, who produce fruit for healing and eternal life.
Jesus promised that the one who died at his side, who had expressed humility concerning his sins, and acknowledged the innocence and unjust suffering of Jesus... Jesus promised that he would receive God's favor and blessing, given those who "enter the City", the "temple", the cultivated "garden" of God. Access to that Paradise and holy city would include access to fine spiritual fruit containing living water
All those granted entrance, will be taught by YHWH.