Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Difference Between Adam and Eve [] Sinning Willfully

Question received:
Hi. Just a quick question. The bible mentions Adam's age at death was 930 years, yet never mentions when Eve died. I was curious as to why not. 
Kind Regards

My Reply:
Adams death was permanent, and so very notable. When he sinned; Adam knew what he was doing. 
In contrast; Eve sinned in ignorance (1Tim.2:14;  2Cor.11:3). 

Sins committed in ignorance can be forgiven through an atoning sacrifice (Eze.45:20; Heb.9:7; Rev.5:9; Rev.14:4YLT; Eph.2:13). 
This is the reason why, at Gen.3:15; God spoke of the promised seed as coming from Eve and not from Adam. 

Through Eve, it was still possible to generate forgivable, righteous seed by means of God's spirit (a righteous generation -Ps.14:5ESV)...
 ...not through Adam (Heb.10:26), but through the woman, Eve. 
(Job 14:1; 25:4; Eph.2:13; Rev.5:9; 19:8; 7:14; Gal.4:4; Luke 7:28)

-- The righteous generation adopt God and Christ as their fathers, through voluntary imitation
  (Isa.9:6;  1Cor.15:45,47-48,49,22; *Ps.15:1-2; Eph.5:1;  1Pet.1:23;  1John3:9; 4:7; 5:4,18;  1Pet.1:23; John 6:63; 1:13; John 10:10; Matt.28:20; 24:34; Phil.2:15).
-- The wicked remain generated by the spirit of the evil one, and remain under the lineage of Adam 
(Hosea 6:7; Ps.78:37; *Job 31:33; Deut.17:1-2,3,5; Rom.5:12;  1Cor.15:22;  1John5:19; John 8:44; 3:18; Eph.2:2; Deut.32:5ESV; Matt.17:17ESV).
 [* When we compare Job 31:33 and Ps.15:1-2 we learn a significant and important difference 
      between the hearts of the wicked and righteous generations. The wicked hide the truth 
      about their sins, even from themselves 
      (John 3:20; Isa.29:15; Job 15:31; 1John2:4; 1:6,8-10; James 1:26,22-24). 
      The righteous seek sanctification and honor (James 1:25,22; Ps.51:10; 19:12; Col.3:10; Prov.28:13)].

      (Jer.17:9; Rev.3:17-18; Luke 18:9-10,11-12,13-14; 1Cor.3:18; Gal.6:3; Deut.11:16; Ecc.12:14)

If it were not for Eve's ignorance and the possibility that Eve's offspring could be atoned for as righteous; no one generated by our original parents could have become anointed as a son of God (Rom.8:16,14,10; Gal.3:26; John1:12-13)...
Nor could Christ have been born into the human race (Gal.4:4; Luke 1:30-31,34-35). 
  Redemption by the sacrifice of Christ could not have been applied;
But due to the ignorance of Eve, redemption has been made possible for those seeking God's grace.

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