Tuesday, July 31, 2012

For those still awaiting answers to questions,
I have not forgotten you....
the questions about the "birds" in Rev.19:21...
and the question about the "earth, swallowing the river" from Satan's mouth (Rev.12:15,16)
...and what those things mean.

I am fully occupied by present work, but I will tend to these questions as soon as possible.
I will either post the answers here, on the front page,
or create an article and post the link here.
Thank you for your kind patience,

Here are the two articles:


Obey God as Ruler

An increasing number of those professing to be of the anointed, have been contacting me recently. They are either sighing and groaning over what they discern to be idolatry among "Jehovah's Witnesses"; or, they are in the process of being disfellowshipped for a declaration of exclusive devotion to God's Word, or, they have been recently disfellowshipped for the same "offense".
Although it is distressing to see our brothers suffering persecution,
it is also exciting that the prophecies are being fulfilled before our eyes.
(Specifically Rev.6:9,10,11; 11:3,7; 12:11 among others.)

There are many sections of the recent letters I have written these, which I believe would benefit all readers, whether anointed or not. For, we all are facing this choice...to obey God as ruler, rather than men.

I have posted segments of those letters:

Hello again Xxxx,
My being disfellowshipped is the same story as the other anointed who are being expelled.
We are asked about our subjection to the man-extolled "faithful and discreet slave", and we must of course reply that our
subjection belongs to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. 


We are then thrown out. (John 16:2; Matt.25:6; Heb.13:13; Rom.6:5)
Two more anointed brothers were thrown out this week. It is what I have been waiting for,
as a clear fulfillment of prophecy.
This must happen to all anointed proving faithful, in the face of the "Beast"/Organization...(Rev.13)
if they hope to be considered by God as 
part of the "two witnesses" of Rev.11:3,7; see Dan.12:7; Rev.6:9,10,11....powerful scriptures...I hope you look them up.
This is what the end is waiting for!
Prophecy indicates that those who prove faithful will be few.
it's finally happening. Most will not take note of what this means. (Luke17:20)
Those of us to whom spirit has granted recognition of the current idolatry of God's "City" (Jer.25:29,30; 2:21; Isa.5:7; Rev.14:19,20; Joel3:13).
would never partake inside a Kingdom Hall again.
As Jesus said, at Luke21:21,22; 17:32.....after we depart, we are not to go back.
As Matt.24:15,16 says...when YOU catch sight of the disgusting thing standing in a holy place (by using discernment), you are to "flee".
The meaning of this has become wide open among the anointed being thrown out by spiritual Gentile elders, who see
only themselves as God's chosen priests (Eze.44:6,7,8,9; 2Chron.13:9). The anointed "Steward", is responsible for this abomination. "He" is the one who has authorized these "Gentile" priests.

Yet, only the anointed are circumcised in heart, and as such, are the only "priests" allowed to render acceptable service in God's spiritual Temple (Rom.2:29; 1Cor.3:16; 1Pet.2:5,9).
As all the previous scriptures show, the only ones whom God approves to serve as priests in His spiritual Temple, are those whom he has chosen and whose hearts He has circumcised. 
This does not include non-anointed elders, who are considered spiritual Gentiles, not anointed "Jews" (Rom.2:29). 
Yet these ones have taken over the priestly duties, and have "raised themselves up over" the anointed Temple (2Thess.2:4; Isa.14:13; Dan.8:10,11; Rev.12:4; 11:2; Mark13:14; 2Chron.13:9; Eze.44:6,7,8,9; Matt.24:15; Dan.11:31). 
-- (pearl-disgustingthing.blogspot.com)
They have proceeded to throw out any who do not regard their "authority" as a genuine representation (and subject themselves accordingly) of "Jehovah's spirit directed organization" (Rev.13:15,7). These Gentiles do not recognize the True Temple directed by God's spirit (John 20:22; Rom.8:14,16; 1Cor.3:16). 
The "False Prophet" has fashioned an "image" of a counterfeit spirit-directed "Temple", consisting of unanointed elders (Rev.13:11,15; 9:1,2,3,7).....rather than endorsing those whom YHVH decreed as His chosen witnesses and priests (Isa.43:10,21; 1Pet.2:9). Any who refuse to worship that counterfeit "Temple" and it's "priests", are "killed"/expelled (Rev.13:7,8,15; John 16:2).
The "disgusting thing" now stands in the Holy Place (Matt.24:15; Mark 13:14). It is being idolized, despite it's treatment of Christ's brothers (Matt.25:40,46). Just as Daniel described, it is shattering the power of the Holy Ones (Dan.12:11,7; 11:31,36; Dan.9:17,18,19,26,27; Rev.11:1,2)

You are welcome to partake with us next year, along with all those who have proven their loyalty to God and paid the price for it.
Any contribution you are pleased in giving is appreciated....meaning....a short prayer...a few scriptures about what the occasion means to you, or perhaps a song choice.
Our individual, personal contributions of expressed love to our heavenly Father and Jesus, will enrich the occasion for everyone.

I hope that if any JW's have questions about what is going on, you will offer them a read at my blog. I have covered many subjects and have clung to the scriptures.
It would be great if you decide to join us next time.
I hope you are doing well, and are richly blessed with our Father's spirit.
Love in Christ,
Pearl Doxsey
If you read again the scriptures I sent you, you will see plainly that the "disgusting thing standing where it ought not" as well as the "Man of Lawlessness", are spiritual GENTILES, serving as priests in God's Temple. 
Anointed ones ARE NOT spiritual Gentiles, but are spiritual JEWS.
Even the MOL is called the "son of destruction" (2Thess.2:3), which makes the only comparison to Judas (John17:12)...who also was not a spiritual Jew....as none of the apostles were yet anointed (which occurred on Pentecost). The MOL, is then, not anointed....yet it enters and stands(rules) in the anointed Temple ("where it ought not" Mark13:14).

Please, read the scriptures in the last letter. Otherwise, you will not discern the true identity of the MOL, the Beast, and the disgusting thing (they are all the same identity). 
Even unfaithful anointed (GB) are still anointed priests. The MOL that "raises himself up" OVER the priests (and DOES NOT BELONG THERE) is the "disgusting thing". The Bible itself contains the definition of these ones, because this has happened before, and has made a historic record in the Bible. (see Eze.44:6,7,8,9; 2Chron.13:9)

I implore you to read all the scriptures I give you now, and in the last letter. It won't take you too long, and it will, I believe, open your eyes wide.
Otherwise, you will likely continue to see the GB as these identities. It is not, but it is over them. The scriptures I have given you should make this clear, if you read them.

If you would like to look in more depth, with more scriptures, you can check out http://pearl-disgustingthing.blogspot.com
but what I have given you here should be enough to clarify things.

I am glad to know that you do not return to the Org., as any in association with it are prophetically condemned by God, and the hour is late.
You are welcomed to join us, whatever you decide.
Love in Christ,

(2Co 6:14-18) . . .Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. For what fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have? Or what sharing does light have with darkness? 15 Further, what harmony is there between Christ and Be′li·al? Or what portion does a faithful person have with an unbeliever? 16 And what agreement does God’s temple have with idols? For we are a temple of a living God; just as God said: “I shall reside among them and walk among [them], and I shall be their God, and they will be my people.” 17 “‘Therefore get out from among them, and separate yourselves,’ says the Lord, ‘and quit touching the unclean thing’”; “‘and I will take YOU in.’” 18 “‘And I shall be a father to YOU, and YOU will be sons and daughters to me,’ says the Lord Almighty.”

There is obviously a physical, as well as a spiritual application to this, which I feel would help your argument regarding the separation from the org.  

Something else that may contribute to your side of the argument is that just prior to the Great Tribulation, the disgusting thing is seen where it should not be.  

(Mt 24:15-21) 15 “Therefore, when YOU catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place, (let the reader use discernment,) ... for then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again."

Every person on the board believes that the Great Tribulation is just around the corner, even as Mr. King has written several articles stating such, it should therefore be easy to reason with them that the disgusting thing is existing there already, and that it is time to stop touching the unclean thing.  

I understand if you do not want to continue with the conversation on the board, as it is difficult when the group denounces you as they have.  All honor belongs to our heavenly Father and his son, for if what we teach is truth it is from them, and not ourselves...

With love and hope,



My reason for believing that the segregating of lovers of Truth does occur spiritually, but manifests itself physically,
is guided partially, by Rev.13:15...

"He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed."

According to this verse, 
do you see the possibility of someone not worshiping the Beast, and yet not being "killed" by it?
Or do you rather see, that ALL who do not worship the Beast...do get killed by it?
Please stop and think about what this verse is saying.

This makes sense....the fact that, if you do not worship the Organization and it's authority over your mind and power (forehead and right hand);
you will not be able to avoid being disfellowshipped. At the point that your lack of subjection is made manifest, you are out.

Why does it make sense that you have to be expelled, if you are not worshiping the Beast?
if we obey the scriptures, we are directed to preach truth to our neighbor (see Eph.4:25; Zech.8:16).....including those with whom we meet at the Hall. If instead, we "blend in", we are guilty of Jer.9:5 and Eze.33:8.

Once we do obey these (and other) scriptures to speak the truth to all....what happens???
Can you see how the prophecy at Rev.13:15 must, and is, being fulfilled?

There is no middle ground, nor place of neutrality in this final spiritual battle. Jesus said that if you seek to save your soul (from the wrath of the beast) you will lose your soul (Luke17:33). 

Rev.11:7 says clearly of the faithful....

"When they finish their testimony, the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit will make war against them, overcome them, and kill them."

It does not say, that some manage to hide from "death", by keeping quiet, and hiding who they really are (Psalm26:4,5).
I truly hope that you can discern what direction the Bible is giving to us, in this period of time and circumstance.

I don't think I will be returning to the board...at least for now. If my present load lightens up, I may return my attention to work there. But right now, I have other things assigned to me.

Thank you for providing your link. I will be happy to consider what you are providing.
I also want you to know that I am now planning next Memorial, and that you are most welcome to attend with us.
Please let me know when you can, what you decide, and I will then offer you options for your own contribution to the occasion. 
No pressure...just perhaps a prayer, a few words of faith with scripture, or a song choice.
If we all do something small, there will be many expressions of love to our Heavenly Father and Christ,
and it will prove refreshing for all who attend.

As an afterthought,
Rev.6:9,10,11 --
"When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. 10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” 11 Then a white robe was given to each of them; and it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer, until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren, who would be killed as they were, was completed. 

Although the Organization claims that this was fulfilled in 1918-1919, can you reason that this is not possible, since these ones are all dead now, and the end has not arrived? 
Can you see that the anointed are still present, and so the last of this group could not have been from 100 years ago? 
Remember that Jesus said
 that this anointed generation, would not pass away, until ALL things occur! That condition is yet future....not past.

Can you see from Rev.6:9,10,11 , that if as anointed ones, we desire to be counted in among "the number" 144000, then we also have to be "killed"?
As you can see from this scripture, we are talking about the completion...the last ones. These must be killed
Well, not only does it establish them as refusing to worship the beast and be a part of the end time idolatry (as shown in the last letter);
but in addition, we get an answer at Rev.12:11 ...
"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. "

"Overcame" who?
Rev.12:9,10 show that they overcame the "Accuser"..."Satan the Devil".

They were not silent in the Congregation. 
They testified and were killed for it. 
They are then given a white robe...sealed as loyal, 
despite the threat of "death". 
Rev.11:7 shows the means of their death...the Beast.

Love in Christ,

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


"And they answered and said to Him, “Where, Lord?”
So He said to them, “Wherever the body is, there the eagles will be gathered together.” Luke 17:37NKJV
What follows is a segment of a conversation about what Luke 17:37NKJV means, which contained scriptural thoughts, are beneficial to all.

Part of my response:
Be assured that I do not believe that the GB is the "disgusting thing" or the "man of lawlessness".
Please let me explain.
The GB is not working alone, even in the Bible's prophecies. There is an alliance between the "iron" and "clay", between the Beast and Harlot, and between the wicked stewards and the confirmed drunkards (Matt.24:49; Isa.5:22-23). Accurate interpretation is challenged, if we blur those two allies, together as one. We must see the distinction between them, for a sharper image of the genuine fulfillment.
If the GB are genuinely anointed, then they belong in the "Temple" as priests, even if unfaithful (1Cor.3:16; Rom.2:29). It is those who are "uncircumcised by spirit" ("Gentiles"), that do not belong serving in the spiritual Temple, performing **priestly duties (Eze.44:6,7,8,9; 2Chron.13:9; 23:6; Num.18:7; Ex.19:22; Rev.2:9; 3:9; Rev.11:2NKJV )(Heb.8:1-2,5; Rev.5:10; 1Pet.2:5,9-10) **(1Cor.6:1-3; John20:22-23; James 5:14-15; Rev.11:16), usurping and tramping the genuine priesthood into submission to them rather than to Jesus Christ, and whose presence over the "Temple" is considered by YHVH, as disgusting thing, causing desolation to God's Temple (2Thess.2:3-4; Rev.11:2NKJV ; Luke 21:24; Rev.13:10,7).
Just as the Roman-appointed "priests", replaced the chosen Levites, and were then accepted by the Jews; so too today. Anointed among "Jehovah's Witnesses" are accepting the non-anointed elders, to be over them as their spiritual heads, rather than Christ.
Just as the Romans then later destroyed "Jerusalem", so it has already begun and will finish taking place...all the way up to the Harlot... today. Anointed who refuse to worship the Image of the WT Beast, are "killed"/expelled (John16:2; Rev.13:15; 19:20; 11:7; 6:9-11; Mark 8:35). But soon, even the GB will be desolated by it's own Beast (Rev.17:16-17; Eze.16:37).

Those whom YHVH considers "Jews", are anointed ones...chosen priests (Ex.40:15; 2Cor.1:21; 1John2:20) (again, Rom.2:29; 1Pet.2:5,9). 
All others not anointed, are considered spiritual "Gentiles"; including the vast numbers of elders which are now the substance and backbone of the Org.
Again, I have gone into depth with hundreds of scriptures within the articles. You are welcome to examine them at your leisure.
So you see, -there is an alliance... the GB and it's organization.
When we wish to identify the "man of lawlessness" over God's Temple (2Thess.2:4) of anointed (1Cor.3:16; 1Pet.2:5,9; Eph.2:20-22)
and the "disgusting thing" standing "where it does not belong" (Mark 13:14);
we need to know if it is the unfaithful anointed steward, OR
the Gentiles/Beast, who serve the unfaithful anointed leaders/wicked steward/false prophet.
The Gentiles are the "man of lawlessness", the "disgusting thing"/"abomination", and the Wild Beast (from the sea).
The GB, is the false prophet/two horned beast (from the earth) which empowers the Image of the Beast (Rev.13:11,14-15; 19:20), the Harlot (Isa.1:21; Hosea 6:7; 4:12; Rev.17:1-2,6; 18:24; Matt.23:34-38), and Jezebel (Rev.2:20,14; 18:3; 13:7-8,14-15; 19:20).
When we see this circumstance (Matt.24:15-16; Mark13:14), we are directed to Flee (Rev.18:4; Luke17:30-32; 21:20-22,34-36).

Why would this, seemingly unjust test, come upon the Chosen and others who sought to serve God, inside the WT?

All anointed are subjected to Satan's testing. As with Job, Satan has demanded it (Luke22:31; Job 1:11,12; 14:13; Rev.9:5,6; Rom.8:17; 1Pet.4:13; Luke9:23). Would we expect any less toward those who are taking away Satan's reign, from him? (Rev.12:9-11)
Yet, not all permanently defeated Satan's end-time lying machinations (Matt.24:24; Rev.13:5,7,8,14; 19:20; 2Thess.2:9) (see: LINK), and as a result of their victory, are sealed (Rev.12:10,11; 6:10,11; 15:2; 20:4; 19:8).
"Jerusalem today" (Gal.4:25,26) is no longer (since the first Century) the place of true worship (John4:21; John2:19; Mark14:58). It is those who worship in spirit and truth who will comprise "Jerusalem above", and that are the Temple today (1Cor.3:16). The foretold destruction is also...not in literal Israel, but in the Israel of God (Gal.6:16).

For those who can examine things spiritually (1Cor.2:14), the detailed fulfillment of prophecy is being "exposed in a remarkable way showing divine power". But just as the great majority of God's people did not recognize these things being accomplished through Christ (because it didn't match their preconceived expectations), so too with the fulfillment of the end-time scenario (Luke 17:20). For these who seek a physical sign, and expect YHVH God to tailor truth to their own desires, it is as Jesus said, at Matt.16:4. They are spiritual adulterers, and therefore will not be granted recognition of these fulfilled signs of the Kingdom's arrival (Matt.13:11).

Jesus himself answers your question. His words are found in both Matthew and Luke. These accounts are supplemental. They combine to help complete the picture of that which you seek. Let me demonstrate...
Matt.24:15-18 --
15 “Therefore when you see the ‘abomination of desolation', spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place” (whoever reads, let him use discernment), 16 “then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17 Let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his house. 18 And let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes."

Chapter 17 of Luke continues...
31 “In that day, he who is on the housetop, and his goods are in the house, let him not come down to take them away. And likewise the one who is in the field, let him not turn back. 32 Remember Lot’s wife. 33 Whoever seeks to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it. 34 I tell you, in that night there will be two men in one bed: the one will be taken and the other will be left. 35 Two women will be grinding together: the one will be taken and the other left. 36 Two men will be in the field: the one will be taken and the other left.”

(Now here is your question)

37 And they answered and said to Him, “Where, Lord?”
So He said to them, “Wherever the body is, there the eagles will be gathered together.”

In order to understand what the "Body"/"carcass"/"slain" is, what that has to do with where to "flee", as well as who these "eagles" are (Rev.12:14); these are new questions which relate to your original one.
The Bible clearly answers these questions as well.
But hopefully, as regards your original question....Where the discerning readers should flee to (Matt.24:15), you have recognized Jesus' answer, at Luke17:37NKJV and have discerned
that it is not a physical place.
By comparison, according to Matt.24:16, that place where the eagles feed on the "body", is also called
"Judean Hills"/"mountains"/"wilderness" (Rev.12:6; Eze.36:8).
The simplest facts that can be discerned, is that this place is spiritual, and is no longer within the "City" of apostate "Jerusalem".
Luke 21:21,22,24 c
"21 Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those who are in the midst of her depart, and let not those who are in the country enter her. 22 For these are the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled. And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled." --(Rev.11:2; 13:7,8; 2Thess.2:4; Matt24:15)

Hopefully you can see that all these different scriptures are linked by the phrases they contain, ...linking them into a full picture of the end-time scenario involving the anointed "body"of Christ/"temple"/Zion (Jer.3:14-15NKJV).
   That full picture can not be discerned clearly unless we do combine the details of each piece;
and each piece is provided, within scripture.

I just realized that what you may be asking is...
If the "place" to flee, and the "place" from which one is fleeing, is not physical;
then why should people flee the Org.? Is that right?
Salvation does not depend upon location, but upon our heart's subjection.
Revelation makes clear, that we are either marked as slaves of the Idol (Rev.13:8,16,17; 14:9),
or as slaves of God (Deut.6:6,8; 11:18; Rev.15:2; 7:3; 14:1; 20:4).

I'll leave a few scriptures here now, and maybe through your own reading and meditating, you will come up with the answer yourself...

(Rev.13:16,17 -- Can you see that one can have the mark on one's hand, by directing one's deeds according to the lies, even if it is not on one's forehead?) (Isa.44:20; Psalm144:8)
(I have written scripture based articles on what this mark of slavery means, and how the forehead symbolizes ones mental discipine and faith; and one's "right hand" is one's power, actions, and will.)
Here is one: (https://4womaninthewilderness.blogspot.com/2013/05/mark-of-beast.html)

The Bible must direct our behaviour (Deut.11:18)...
We are commanded to "speak truth with our neighbor" (Eph.4:25);
Not sit with men of untruth (Psalm 26:4),
and to warn those who are headed for death (Eze.33:9).

Jesus tells us to "buy" gold from him (with the payment God seeks), refined by fire (Rev.3:18; Isa.55:1)...[devoted faith in God, cleansed by His Word of truth. (Psalm 22:25; Jer.23:29)]
We are not doing that, if we "buy from those who sell" (Matt.25:9; Isa.55:2) and therefore, do not get the "light" that we are shining in our "lamps" of understanding,
from Holy Spirit (Matt.6:22).
Our eye/lamp, must be "simple", or "clear"...only directed by Spirit and Truth (John4:24), not doctrines of men (Mark7:7), (which requires that we "pay" devotion/subjection to them, in order to receive).

What does all this have to do with the Org. and the decision to remain inside or leave?

If we obey any of these scriptural commands of God; then our "hand" is not marked with the "Beast" as it's master, but by YHVH's word and Christ as master.
Can we obey God, and still get away with remaining in the Org?
Can we remain inside and still practice these commands of God?

The demonstrated reality is found in scripture....
Rev.13:15-17 reads
15 "He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

Can you see that, even if we refuse the mark on our foreheads (thinking)....if we submit to the Beast's rules of behaviour, we do not dodge the mark being put on our "right hand" of power?

If you do not submit...the scripture says...you will be "killed".
This shows that only those marked, remain inside.
This experience is being fulfilled, in any who do obey the scriptures
...by speaking up and proclaiming truth.
None of them who obey these scriptures and others, are able to avoid disfellowshipping.

If you decide to "lay low" and keep quiet?
Then you are not obeying the commands of the Bible (Ps.26:4; Eph.4:25),
as cited in the scriptures above...
and you are marked on your right hand, by the demands of the Org.

...If inside the Org., you are not permitted to buy "gold refined by fire" directly from Christ;
You may not sell (or dispense spiritual provisions/food)...without the stamp of approval of the "Beast". All provisions are under the oversight of the Org., and nothing but it's defiled waters (Rev.8:10,11), are permitted. (Isa.55:2). (see again Rev.13:15,16,17)
All violators are expelled/"killed" (John16:2; Rev.11:7). It helps to remember that Revelation is symbolic (Rev.1:1).
The 5 virgins (anointed ones) "buy" from those who "sell" (Matt.25:9,10), rather than from Christ (Rev.3:18). This is where the light in their lamps comes from (Matt.6:22,23), which light Jesus does not recognize (Matt.25:10,11,12). This shows us, that the Beast is over spiritual provisions and worship, just as many verses in Rev.13 indicate.

 Matt.24:16; Rev.18:4; Jer.51:6

More info:

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Many "Jehovah's Witnesses" have said to me, 
"Don't you think that we should just wait on Jehovah to straighten things out in the leadership of the Organization? Surely Jehovah will take care of things in His own due time."
Has not God already made clear how He handles wayward leadership, and those who cling to them who lead His people astray? Did he "straighten out" Jerusalem, when they rejected His Son? How does God always conclude his covenants with those who reject His guidance? What happened in 70 C.E.?
Don't you remember Christ's warning, at Matt.24:15,16?

Please consider my scriptural reply to your questions....
Because of the critical times in which we live, we must consult Yhwh's direction in this (Prov.3:5,6).
Certainly, we do not want to view the continuing existence of sin and false doctrines as Yhwh's fault, as if  He wants it to continue until He feels inclined to correct it (1John 1:5; Rom.3:4). Any apostasy that exists, is due to men, and not due to God's complacency. 
True, this futility and operation of error is being permitted by Yhwh (Rom.8:20;  2Thess.2:11,9), but not without purpose! 
Be certain that you see clearly what that purpose is!

2Thess.2:9,10,11,12 tells us, that God allows this test by Satan, so that those who do not really love Him and the truth, will be deceived and marked. The outcome? 
Eze.14:10;  2Thess.2:10,12; Rev.13:8 and Rev.19:20,21 answer.
Does Yhwh really hold accountable, and condemn, those who are deceived into subjection to corrupt leaders, or even just the complacent condoning of an environment of corruption?
See Ezek.14:10;  1Tim.2:14; Psalm 26:4 make the answer to that clear.
So, if we continue to subject ourselves to a false prophet and continue to take in the spiritual food they provide; how does Yhwh view us? (Matt.15:14;  1Cor.10:21,22; Rev.2:2,14,16,20,21,22,23).

"Waiting on Jehovah" is for the endurance of injustice, after you have actually been subjected to it for righteousness' sake 
(Rev.6:10;  1Pet.2:19; 5:9; Matt.5:10,11,12; Gal.5:1,7,8; Matt.10:32; Rom.8:17;  2Tim.2:12). 
The example of Christ was to speak out against religious corruption and poisonous spiritual food (Matt.23). He knew that Truth was the only way to salvation (John 14:6; 17:3,17). He was willing to die to provide the vital warning, that we must not be complacent followers (John 18:37; 8:40; Matt.23:13,33,38; 5:20; 15:14). 
So also, do his brothers and true followers (Luke 9:23,24; Rev.6:11; 12:11; Matt.5:13,14,15,16). If we know what is right, and do not do it; it is a sin for us (James 4:17; Gen.3:3). We know it is right, to warn those in spiritual peril (Ezek.3:18; 33:8). We know it is wrong to tolerate wicked leaders 
(Rev.2:20;  2Kings 9:7; Eze.13:17;  2Cor.11:4,20,13,12,3).

Sitting still in silence, is not truly, "waiting on Jehovah"...as if His patience is to blame for our drunken sleep. God is not to blame for His people wallowing in demonic deception. He is ready to rescue those who call on Him for salvation. He delivers them from the Pit of Darkness, but not if they are content to remain their and condone it.
  We do not "wait on Jehovah" for Him to make us take action to do what is right (Deut.30:15,19; Luke 13:24). Yhwh is not going to force the corrupt ones to change, so we should stop waiting for that. He is allowing a short time, to see what WE will choose; the condoning of corruption...or faithful action that results in life. 
(Gal.6:4; Mark 10:29,30; Rev.2:2;  2Cor.6:17; Rev18:4; Mark 8:35).

We have free will, and must choose for ourselves to obey His warnings and guidance. "Waiting" will not accomplish this, nor save us. Decisive action was needed to save Noah and his family (Gen.6:22; Heb.12:25). It is the same today (Matt.24:37;  1Cor.10:11).

Many may be under the impression that we have enough time before the end; and that there is time for the Organization to be cleansed and repaired. The reality is, that no longer will imperfect men running an imperfect organization, rule in righteousness during the remainder of Satan's system. 
The very next kings will be Yhwh, Christ, and his glorified brothers (2Pet.3:5,6,7,11,13; Rev.12:10; 6:10,11; 14:1). These have no need of a man-made Temple, buildings, or Organization 
(John 4:21,23,24; Matt.24:2; Isa.26:5; Job 5:11; Eze.21:25,26,27; Luke 14:11). 
God himself is constructing his own, perfected "organization"; and the last of the living stones are taking their place in the completed Tabernacle of God 
(1Cor.15:50;  1Pet.2:5,9;  1Cor.3:16; Eph.2:20,21,22; Heb.11:10; Acts 7:48; Zech.4:9-10) 
This everlasting and glorious "organization" comes down out of heaven from God (Rev.21:2,3,4,5; 22:3,4; Dan.2:44); not up from the ashes of corruption and sin (Job 14:4). 

Yhwh has made plain in so many scriptures, that now is not the time for loyalty to those condemned. It is a time for fleeing, an opened door provided by the merciful compassion of the King of Eternity; who does not implement the cleansing fire of His wrath, until first He warns His prophets (Amos 3:7;  2Pet.1:21). 
Let him that has ears...listen! (Rev.1:3; 22:7)
(Luke 21:21,22; 17:32; Isa.52:11;  2Cor.6:17; Jer.51:45; Rev.18:4)
More Information:

3 1/2 times


HiYa Sis,
Read the latest blog about the disgusting thing. Will mull it over.
 If the application is to flee to the 'mountains' applies to the Org..then the time period when the army came.. and then left and came back,this time to flee must also apply. Cant remember how long that was(would be freaky if it was 3.5 years) But if one applies one part of what happened to apostate Jews, then the "time to flee" has to also apply.
 Maybe thats when the 2 witnesses appear and help people "get out"
 Anyway,hope you are doing OK.


Hi Xxxx,
I'm having trouble understanding what you mean. Is it about the warning the Christians received by seeing the surrounding of Jerusalem, and then the retreat of that army...and then their later return 3 1/2 years later? Of course today, this all takes place spiritually. It is true today, that if the warning is not heeded, it will be too late when the desolation becomes inescapable and obvious. The withdrawal of Roman troops gave a false sense of security to those still inside. The Jews felt that they had "conquered the Gentiles"; but this was a false sense of "peace and security". It is the same with the wild beast
(Rev.17:8  "The beast that you saw was, and is not, and will ascend out of the bottomless pit and go to perdition. And those who dwell on the earth will marvel, whose names are not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they see the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.")
The "Beast" that persecuted the chosen people... "was". God's people then think that it "is not"; and yet as Revelation tells us, it will be "alongside" them...unrecognized. They do not recognize that their own Organization is now the persecutor.

Today, the disfellowshipping of anointed in the Congregations and the underlying, growing disrespect for Jehovah's chosen priests, the articles which pronounce their insignificance and apostacy, is the warning. The MOL has "surrounded" and is now dominating these anointed in each congregation (whether loyal to the Org. or not). Their [the "Gentile" (non-"Jews"/anointed) elders] intentions toward any who do not worship the Org., is now evident (Rev.13:15).
(All anointed but the Harlot and ten kings are under threat. The ten kings rule "with" the beast/org., due to positions they hold. Rev.17:12)
("Who are the 'kings of the earth'?")

These proclamations of enmity in the study articles, plus the desolating of the faithful anointed, is the warning that leads up to the full collapse of anointed leadership, which no anointed will escape.
Even the anointed inside who are loyal to the Beast (ten kings), will have lost their own crowns after sharing guilt with the Beast who killed the faithful. (Read all of Jer.4) This is why the ten horns no longer have crowns on them, after the Beast becomes "scarlet"...stained with the blood of the two witnesses (faithful who have been disfellowshipped). (Rev.17:3,4,5,6) The beast is then said to have horns, but not crowns.

The "ten kings" lose their crowns (Rev.3:11) due to "hating their" anointed "brothers" (1John3:15). That crown was their eternal life on the basis of Christ's blood (James1:12; Rev.2:10; 5:9,10) which they lose because of that lack of love (1John3:15 b; Heb.10:26), or, lawlessness (against the law of love...Christ's commandment. John13:34). 
After the faithful are all "killed", the Beast no longer has the "ten kings" crowns to show off, not because the unfaithful inside were also "killed", but because the anointed still inside the Org. have now lost their crowns forever. 
This is because at this point, all 144000 are sealed, and the door is now shut to these unfaithful ten kings, who have retained the mark of the Beast (Rev.9:20; 16:11; 17:12; 13:8). It is also at that point, that the Harlot is seen as drunk with the blood of the faithful.
Once the MOL (Beast Org. along with the ten kings and ten horns with crowns), finishes killing the anointed who get sealed; the time to escape "Jerusalem" is over. All those in distress over the detestable things being done in the midst of it, have already been marked (Eze.9:4). 
The actual desolating of all Jerusalem (including GB members--the Harlot), is yet to come. At that point, all faithful anointed have already been expelled, and are no longer in the "City" of apostate Jerusalem. 
This later, full attack of the Beast on even the anointed Harlot, has been instigated by Jehovah himself. He put this act into it's heart (Rev.17:16,17). After it, none of "Jerusalem" will remain inside the Org. 
Once they, like Cain, "murder" their brothers (1John3:12), the "ten kings" are no longer considered by Jehovah, as His anointed sons, but as the rest of the "uncircumcised" Beast (Hab.2:2,3,16; Jer.9:26; Amos9:7,8,9,10).  The crowns on the Beast, are gone.
It is the crown-less beast, that attacks the Harlot which is riding it.
It is "scarlet colored", because it returns from battle, and is sin-stained with the blood of Christ's "killed" brothers (Isa.1:18).

Please know for a certainty, that the 3 1/2 and 7 times, are not literal.
ALL ANOINTED go through this cleansing/sifting, that lasts "7 times" (no matter when they lived John4:35). It is the time when they are cleansed and whitened... or not. They each mature to become either wheat or weeds, depending on whether they cultivate the word in their heart, and come to the full stature of Christ (Luke8:11,15; Mark4:28,29; Eph.4:13). With the very last of the remnant however, these things come to full manifestation and revelation....for it is the finality of the harvest.
The time to flee is while the final anointed are still being harvested and separated as wheat or weeds. Once this sorting is finished and judgment reaches the unfaithful, it is too late to heed the signs now being seen (the trampling has already begun on the "least" of Christ's brothers). Jesus said that when you already see "the disgusting thing" "standing in the holy place" "trampling the Holy City"...THEN it is already time to get out (Matt.24:15,16; Rev.11:1,2) (but it is also not too late to get out). Can you see the similarity between the first century and the end?

I know that I will come to a full understanding of the seven times. This understanding has begun. It was one of the visions. Now... I do not yet have all understanding of what I saw. I have already made an article space for this subject, and will release it when spirit finishes teaching me about this.

Thanks for asking about when to flee, because there are others who have also recently asked.
I hope this is helpful.
I'll post it on the front page so you can have the pop-up scriptures.
Back to work,
love you bro, and hope you're feeling okay,

Monday, July 9, 2012


Hi Pearl,
I have just begun to read your blog and your articles. Thank you for taking the time to do those things.
I am 25 years old and was raised as a witness....I am actually 6th generation on my moms side.
As of late I feel lost and pulled in many directions. I do not feel any love coming from the organization. I do not feel satisfied with the explanations for certain teachings. I feel intellectually stifled by being discouraged from doing outside research or being afraid to raise questions in fear of being labeled apostate.
I appreciated your article on titles and pioneering (http://pearl-titles.blogspot.com/ ).
This was a major issue of mine since my entire immediate family started pioneering 2 years ago. My mom, dad, and younger brother. in addition to feeling like the black sheep, I took issue with the special school, special book, special lunches, and dinners and get-togethers. Pioneers should be taking the lead and setting an example. But instead they form a club. They mostly go out during the week with other pioneers and many skip sat morning service.....i'm beginning to rant.
I have begun to do a lot of reading and research. I have been very wary tho. Maybe because of an ingrained thinking that all outside out dissenting opinions or teachings are evil and apostate. How do I know who to trust? I know I must only trust God and the Bible, but there are many deep things if the Bible that need to be explained through the anointed on earth, but as you have stated many if these anointed are either deliberately or unknowingly teaching things which are false. How can I trust what anyone says including yourself?....I don't mean that in a disrespectful way. Should I be seeking out other anointed ones to talk to or read their words?
Is the Bible even written for non anointed ones?
What is my role and responsibility as a non-anointed "Jehovah's witness"? I have stopped going to meeting due to what I see in the organization. I lost faith in God momentarily.
I could not understand why, if I am suppose to make a choice between God and satan, I was not able to make a real informed decision....I felt God was hidden from me, and if I was not even sure of his distance then how could I choose him? How could anyone?
And now if the very organization that he has chosen is going to try to mislead me, and the other anointed are both scattered and teaching differing things, what do I do?
The book(s) by brother Franz, are they ok to read? .....you can tell I have been taught that they are dangerous and apostate lol.
not sure what I am looking for in emailing you, but I was compelled to. Sorry it was not more coherently laid out.
Thank you.


Hello Xxxx,
I am very happy to hear from you, and that you decided to write me.
I will try to take each thing you bring up (the points you make are excellent), and let you know what I glean from scripture regarding them.
Yhvh has indicated that he will draw those who have a heart that pleases Him. Without that undeserved kindness and mercy, all of us would,
on our own, remain blind and dead. Because of your quote..."As of late I feel lost and pulled in many directions. I do not feel any love coming from the organization. I do not feel satisfied with the explanations for certain teachings. I feel intellectually stifled by being discouraged from doing outside research or being afraid to raise questions in fear of being labeled apostate."...

I believe that you are one of those of whom God's spirit is causing to "wake up". As you can imagine, this is a mixed blessing. Satan is against these, and along with godly devotion, comes persecution (2Tim. 3:12; Eph.6:12).
Your comments to follow, show that your heart is indeed on the right path (Eze.9:4). You have safeguarded your thinking ability, and trained your perceptive powers to distinguish between right and wrong (Prov.3:21,22,23,24,25,26; Heb.5:14). Our heavenly Father supports such ones (Ps.97:10). Those marked by the "Beast" have abdicated (1John 4:1;  2Cor. 13:5; 11:3-4) these responsibilities to the "image" of their god (Rev.13:15,16) and will suffer the consequences of allowing themselves to be mislead (Rev.13:8;  2Thess. 2:10).
It is good however, that you are wary (1John 4:1). This is the period of time where expressions inspired by demons are at work (1Tim. 4:1; Rev.16:13). Many anointed will fall to this deception (Matt.24:24; Rev.12:4; 13:7).

If you have noticed, both the Harlot daughter of Babylon the Great (Rev.17:5), and the faithful woman's Virgin daughters, are both located in the "wilderness" leading up to the end (Rev.17:3; 12:6).
This is a symbol of a time of testing (Matt.4:1), just as it was for the Israelites previous to their arrival to the Land of Promise.
This day of test, is for each anointed one to prove what their own work is (1Cor. 3:12,13,14). Jesus gave many warnings to his anointed slaves about this hour (Rev.3:10; 16:14; Matt.25:13;  1John 2:18). Only those who "keep awake" will be found "standing" when he returns (Luke 21:36; Mal.3:2,3). The rest of the anointed will suffer shame (Rev.3:18; 16:15).
I tell you these things, because during this "hour", all the spiritual air which surrounds us, is befouled by pervasive falsehood (Rev.8:10,11,12; 16:10,13,15; 9:2).

Jesus knew we would be facing this. For this reason, he gave guidance for recognizing the true prophets from the false (Matt.7:20; John 13:34,35).
I hope you will consider http://pearl-finetrees.blogspot.com
which article offers Jesus words, relevant to this selecting of "the proper food"/"fruit".
The truth is, that according to my own "roving about" (Dan.12:4); I have seen a sea of error, which it seems all are drowning in (Rev.12:15,16; 18:3; Jer.51:7; Isa.28:7,15,17,18,19).
Take heart that this was all prophesied, during this hour of test. Everyone, anointed and not, are proving the source of their teachings and therefore, their god.
Continue to be extremely selective. It means your life.
It is true that the anointed are needed for understanding. Many take offense at this thought. All the scriptural indications of this are contained in the article,
Please know that I do not take the slightest offense at being scrutinized or critiqued. Any anointed one may prove unfaithful. Only God, Jesus, and the Bible can be trusted implicitly.
And so, any anointed one must measure up to the requisites given by Christ. (in first article)
The Bible is written for all, but not all parts for all.

It may help you to resort to the scriptural description of the faithful remnant, in discerning who they are. I will review with you, those verses. 
At Rev.11:1, we are told:
"I was given a reed like a measuring rod and was told, “Go and measure the temple of God and the altar, with its worshipers."
The "Temple" and "altar" being measured, are the anointed 
(1Cor. 3:16;  1Pet. 2:5; Eph.2:20,21,22; Rev.6:9,10,11).

Verse 2 reads:
"But exclude the outer court; do not measure it, because it has been given to the Gentiles.They will trample on the holy city for 42 months."

The "courtyard" of the "Temple" has been defiled by the Nations/Gentiles, and doesn't measure up to God's standards. Those ruling priests in covenant with Yhvh have done this thing (Isa.22:15,16,17,18,19; Luke 16:3; Ezek.44:7,8). THEY have brought in the Gentile "Image" of worship (Eze.5:11; 8:5,6; 23:38; 33:11; Rev.13:14,15,8; Eze.44:7; 30:3; Jer.13:20,21) John is told to "cast it clear out" , (or "dis-possess" them, and "turn to flight"; according to Greek and Hebrew--as Deut.7:17 and Heb.11:34 puts it for cross reference)  (Deut.7:17,21,22,23,24,26; Exo.22:20; Rev.13:8; Isa.62:10). 
This "casting out" is the same Greek world used for casting out demons (Mark 16:17; John 12:31).
Deut.7:17 reflects a lack of confidence on the part of those who will do this casting out (Rev.13:4).

This "Gentile" courtyard is also accused of  "trampling the holy city underfoot" (Rev.13:7; Matt.24:15; Dan.9:27; 11:16 --(Rev.13:4); Dan.11:31; 12:11).
Here is an excellent reference on exactly what parts of the Temple have been defiled by the "Gentiles"...

Rev. 11:1  And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein.
Rev. 11:2  But the court which is WITHOUT the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot 42 months.

The sanctuary in Daniel 8:11 & 13 is cast down and trodden, but in Revelation 11:2, portions of the sanctuary are afforded some means of protection, symbolized by its measurement by John (see, for example, Zechariah 2:1-5) (3).  In addition, in Daniel the pollution of the sanctuary seems to include the very portion that is protected in Revelation. The problem here arises from the identification of the “court” in Revelation 11:2a with the Outer Court of the Temple, namely the Court of the Gentiles. 
1)  The Abomination of Desolation, the removal of the daily sacrifice, & the presence of Gentiles in the sanctuary all indicate that more than just the OUTER COURT of the temple was polluted.  In fact it is strong evidence that AT LEAST the INNER COURT of the temple was somehow defiled by these Gentiles.  (Although not proven here, the “army” of Dan 11:31, and the “little horn” and “host given him” in Daniel 8 are almost certainly Gentiles, as an analysis of Daniel’s prophecies quite readily show). 

2)  The Outer Court was the “court of the Gentiles,” so the natural question is why would the presence of Gentiles in the outer court be reason for its casting out?  On the other hand, the presence of Gentiles in the Inner Court (see below) was an abomination and cause for pollution in and of itself.

One possible solution, which I propose, is that the passage in Revelation is misinterpreted.  It is not the OUTER COURT which is actually cast out, but the INNER COURT.  

1)  Beale in his commentary on Revelation says “A few manuscripts have ‘inner court’ instead of ‘outer court’ (Uncial #1, 2329, al, vgs, syph, Vic.).”  Although Beale does not believe this is the original, he does state that one possible reason for the error was “the copyists thinking that the inner court of the temple originally was in mind and that their predecessors had miscopied the text.”   (4).

2)  Even if the text in fact reads “outer,” another possible translation of the text is “the court that is outside the temple.” (5)  Beale goes on to say that “Snyder prefers ‘the court that is outside the temple,’ which she concludes refers to the court outside the sanctuary* where the altar of burned offerings was located; consequently for her it is that altar which is in mind in Rev.11:2 instead of the altar of incense.”  (6) (7)

*The Greek word “naos,” although sometimes used to refer to the entire temple complex (Matt 26:61, 27:5, John 2:20), more often refers to the temple proper which included the “inner sanctuary or inside house where only priests were allowed” (8).  The altar of Revelation 11:1 may refer to either the altar of incense inside the naos (which many prefer), or to the altar before the naos in the Inner Court, that is, the altar of burnt offerings. 

3)  The Naos (Holy Place and Holy of Holies) and the altar which stood just outside the Naos, are said to be “measured, ” (Rev 11:1).  John is never actually told to measure the Inner Court, so the implication is that it is not included in the measurements.   If the outer court is cast out, and only the Altar and Naos measured, that leaves the tent that forms the Inner Court conspicuously unmeasured.

Put another way, if the naos and altar (regardless of whether it is the altar of burnt offering or the altar of incense), are the only objects measured and protected, then this emphasizes the exclusion of everything  around them including the Inner Court.

4)  The expression “cast out,” translated “leave out” in the KJV, implies that something was “within.”  This further indicates the original term may have been “esothen,” (within).  In other words, the court “within” is cast “without.”  Mounce in his commentary on Revelation says that ‘esothen’ [within]… makes ‘ekballo’ [cast out] more understandable.” (9)

5)  The Daily Sacrifice was in the Inner Court.  If the Outer Court, the court of the Gentiles, is cast out, why would the daily sacrifice cease?  This is better understood if the court referred to in Revelation 11:2 is the Inner Court.  The reason the daily sacrifice is taken away is because with the absence of the tent that formed the Inner Court, Israel’s approach to God, along with their sacrifices were removed.  Any sacrifices would be defiled before ever being allowed on the altar.  The daily sacrifice, therefore, would be effectively “removed” with the pollution of the inner court.

Furthermore, if the “altar” in Revelation 11:1 is the altar of incense, then everything outside the naos would be excluded including the altar of burnt offerings where the daily sacrifices were made.  If this is true, John is essentially saying that the only thing left Holy, by God’s divine power, was the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies, along with its worshipers.

6)  Matthew (see arguments below for further detail) records that the “abomination of desolation” is set up in the “holy place.”  Although the “holy place” could possibly refer to the “outer court,” it more likely refers to the inner court or even the Holy Place itself (see below).

New Testament Allusion 2; Old Testament Allusion 3]  The Abomination of Desolation

Matt 24:15  When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
Matt 24:16  Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:

Matt 24:21  For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

Mark 13:14  But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains:

Mark 13:19  For in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from the beginning of the creation which God created unto this time, neither shall be.

Compared to Luke’s account in the Olivet Discourse, Matthew and Mark describe the same period of time, but do not mention the surrounding of the city by armies, nor the trampling of Jerusalem by Gentiles.  Matthew and Mark, on the hand, replace this event with another…the abomination of desolation.  It seems then, although not recorded in Revelation 11, that this abomination of desolation is somehow associated with the “treading of the Gentiles.” 

In addition they both mention that this abomination is set up in a place that it should not be, and according to Matthew it is “in the holy place.”  Before continuing, if the abomination was set up in THE Holy Place, then this contradicts Revelation 11:1-2, since the NAOS, including the Holy Place, is measured and not cast out.  This is quickly resolved by observing a passage from the book of Acts in which Paul was said to defile “the holy place” as well.

Acts 21:26  Then Paul took the men, and the next day purifying himself with them entered into the temple, to signify the accomplishment of the days of purification, until that an offering should be offered for every one of them.
Acts 21:27  And when the seven days were almost ended, the Jews which were of Asia, when they saw him in the temple, stirred up all the people, and laid hands on him,
Acts 21:28  Crying out, Men of Israel, help: This is the man, that teacheth all men every where against the people, and the law, and this place: and further brought Greeks also into the temple, and hath polluted this holy place.

The exact same Greek phrase is used here for “holy place,” but does not refer to the Holy Place itself but to the temple, in this case, the hierion.  The “hierion” included not just the NAOS but the entire Temple complex, including the courts.  In other words, Paul was being accused of polluting A holy place, not THE Holy Place by bringing Gentiles into the Inner Court.  The same is probably true of Matthew 24:15.  The pollution did not occur in the Holy Place, but inside the Inner Court. 

But this abomination is not mentioned by the author of Revelation.  Is there a connection between the abomination and the treading of the Gentiles?

1)  As seen already from the account in Acts, the presence of Gentiles within the temple itself causes pollution of the temple (Acts 21:28). 

2)  Daniel also makes a connection between the presence of some ‘army’ or host and the abomination of desolation. 

Dan.8:11  Yea, he magnified himself even to the prince of the host, and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away, and the place of his sanctuary was cast down.
Dan.8:12  And an host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practised, and prospered.
Dan.8:13  Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?

Dan.11:31  And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.

Dan.9:26  And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
Dan.9:27  And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

There is no surprise then that Luke uses the Gentile presence in Jerusalem and Matthew and Mark use the ‘abomination of desolation’ since the two are intimately connected in Daniel.  The Gentile presence, the “arms” of Daniel 11:31 are the ones that ultimately “set up” the “abomination.”  Furthermore, what this indicates is the presence of Gentiles themselves within the Inner Court which defile the Inner Court, causing it to be “cast out.” 

3)  There is a strong connection in the Old Testament between the presence of Gentiles and the defilement of the sanctuary, usually in connection to the sins and disobedience of Israel.  In Leviticus we find a warning to the Israelites in the wilderness what God would do if they walked contrary to his commandments.

Lev.26:27  And if ye will not for all this hearken unto me, but walk contrary unto me …
Lev.26:31  And I will make your cities waste, and bring your sanctuaries unto desolation, and I will not smell the savour of your sweet odours.
Lev.26:32  And I will bring the land into desolation: and your enemies which dwell therein shall be astonished at it.
Lev.26:33  And I will scatter you among the heathen, and will draw out a sword after you: and your land shall be desolate, and your cities waste.

4)  In the book of Lamentations, a picture of the destruction of the temple and land by the Babylonians is recorded.  Here we again we also see the trampling of Jerusalem as well as the defilement of the sanctuary.

Lam.1:10  The adversary hath spread out his hand upon all her pleasant things: for she hath seen that the heathen entered into her sanctuary, whom thou didst command that they should not enter into thy congregation.
Lam.4:12  The kings of the earth, and all the inhabitants of the world, would not have believed that the adversary and the enemy should have entered into the gates of Jerusalem.
Lam.4:13  For the sins of her prophets, and the iniquities of her priests, that have shed the blood of the just in the midst of her,

5) In a Psalm of Asaph, a similar message is seen, with additional connections to the two witnesses and the martyrs of Revelation (discussed further in the next section).

Ps.79:1  A Psalm of Asaph. O God, the heathen are come into thine inheritance; thy holy temple have they defiled; they have laid Jerusalem on heaps.
Ps.79:2  The dead bodies of thy servants have they given to be meat unto the fowls of the heaven, the flesh of thy saints unto the beasts of the earth.
Ps.79:3  Their blood have they shed like water round about Jerusalem; and there was none to bury them.

6) Finally, in Ezekiel’s Temple vision, Ezekiel is told to give a message to the rebellious house of Israel regarding the strangers that they brought into the house of the Lord.  Here it seems that their sin included both bringing Gentiles (uncircumcised in flesh) as well as unholy Jewish priests (uncircumcised in heart) into the temple.

Eze 44:6  And thou shalt say to the rebellious, [even] to the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord GOD; O ye house of Israel, let it suffice you of all your abominations,
Eze 44:7  In that ye have brought … strangers, uncircumcised in heart, and uncircumcised in flesh, to be in my sanctuary, to pollute it, even my house, when ye offer my bread, the fat and the blood, and they have broken my covenant because of all your abominations.
Eze 44:8  And ye have not kept the charge of mine holy things: but ye have set keepers of my charge in my sanctuary for yourselves.
Eze 44:9  Thus saith the Lord GOD; No stranger, uncircumcised in heart, nor uncircumcised in flesh, shall enter into my sanctuary, of any stranger that is among the children of Israel.

It should be obvious then that there is an intimate connection between the presence of Gentiles in the holy city of Jerusalem and the defilement of the temple, usually by their presence within the temple itself.  The importance of this connection is that this firmly places the 42 months of Revelation 11:2, the treading of the Gentiles, within the second period, since the desolation of the temple occurred at the beginning of the second period 
(Matthew 24:15-16, Mark 14:13-19, Daniel 9:26-27).
See Psalm 79.

If the "holy city" is being trampled underfoot (Rev.11:2 c; Isa.26:13), then this involves these two faithful witnesses. At Rev.3:12, and Rev.21:2; we see that those sealed ones belong to this "holy city" which is being trampled (Rev.13:7). 
No one should rule over God's chosen anointed priests, except their head and high priest...the glorified Christ (Eze.21:25,26,27; Isa.26:5,6).
Previous to John being given the command to cast out/dispossess the Gentiles from ruling in the Temple ("given" into the hands of "the Gentiles"), the anointed had accepted this dominance over them. This is why the two witnesses needed to repent (Eze.44:6,7,8,9; Jer.13:19,20,21; Lam.4:17,12,1,2,11,16,18,19,20,21,22) and take their God assigned temple priestly service, back. Some anointed will (Eze.44:15,16; Isa.26:2), some won't (Eze.44:10). This is why Rev.11:1 shows that these are individually being measured up.
The inner courtyard being ruled by the Gentiles, is beyond repentance 
(see pearl-winepress.blogspot.com).
All of them, are worshiping this Gentile Beast (Rev.13:8) and it's false Prophet (Rev.8:10,11; 9:1; 13:11; 17:1; 19:20; 20:10). But the anointed are still free to choose who they will obey; the Gentiles, or Yhvh. The "two witnesses" choose wisely, and repent. They will pay a price for this loyalty, they will be "thrown out" from performing their duties for the courtyard (John 16:2;  2Chron. 13:9)  
(Rev.11:7; 12:11; 13:7,15; 6:11; 17:6;  2Chron. 20:11,12; Psalm 79:1,2,3,4; Rev.11:8,9,10)

Next, in Rev.11:3, Jesus begins his description of these two witnesses..
"And I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.”
These "two" are appointed by Christ himself. They are anointed ones (John 15:16; Rev.5:9,10). These are the ones he found being faithful at his return (Matt.24:46,47). 
Why "two"? 
That symbol means that these ones are teaching truth (John 8:17). Note that they are dressed in sackcloth. This indicates their past guilt and repentance (which is covered in many prophecies about the remnant) 
Joel 1:13; Dan.9:2,3,4,5,7,14,16,17,18,19,24,26,27; 11:32,35; 12:9,10; Isa.26:16,17,18,19,20,21
This guilt reflects that these of the Temple, were a part of the sins of the courtyard, but they have repented in sackcloth (Isa.22:12; Job 42:6). Scriptures indicate that this courtyard and Temple of God, are those bearing God's name (Jer.25:29;  1Pet. 4:17; Eze.9:6; Dan.9:17,18,19).
And Jesus says that he will "cause" these "two witnesses" "to prophesy".
This means that these two, are Prophets.
According to God's own decree, this means that these two have received visions of truth from Yhvh's Holy Spirit (Num.12:6; Acts 2:17,18). Despite this, we also know that these prophets will not be accepted,  recognized, or appreciated (Rev.11:7,9,10) And so, in the midst of all the confusion and "roving about" (Dan.12:4,10); these "two" will be prophesying "true knowledge". The next verse, Dan.12:5, shows that this knowledge is associated with these two. This is confirmed in Zech.4:3,5,8,9,10,11,12,13,14. And Zech. is confirmed in Rev.11:4 which follows Rev.11:3.
Rev.11:4 ...
"They are “the two olive trees” and the two lampstands, and “they stand before the Lord of the earth.”

And so, if we review all these traits...
The faithful "two witnesses" would:
-be anointed
-teach truth
-be repentant of the sins being committed by God's people (courtyard of worship) which sin is
                 accepting a rule by Gentiles, rather than by Christ and his Father
-being "trampled" underfoot by Gentiles who are ruling in God's people (courtyard of God's
                 worship) when these faithful no longer accept that Gentile rule. (Eze.30:3; Luke 21:24)
                 (Spiritual Gentiles are not anointed "Jews" -Rom.2:29)
-would have been given truth through vision, in order to prophesy (Rev.11:3; Num.12:6)
-Have been appointed by Christ and empowered by him to prophesy.
-are not generally accepted or recognized by God's own people
-will be persecuted for the Truth they preach

As for your next question, "What is my role and responsibility as a non anointed jehovas witness?"...
According to God himself...His "witnesses" are the anointed "chosen" ones (see Isa.43:10 a; 1Pet.2:9,10).
You ask about your responsibility before God, as one not anointed.
The scriptures answer this question. God is more distant from those not anointed, IF they do not join themselves to a faithful ambassador of Christ 
(Matt.10:40,41,42; John 13:20;  2Cor. 5:20; Zech.8:23; Jer.31:31,33; Rom.2:29). 
These "chosen" "hills" are God's arrangement for dispensing spiritual nourishment and spirit (Mal.2:7; John 17:14,17,18,21,26;  2Cor. 4:7; Matt.24:16) (in the time of exodus from the "City" "Jerusalem").
The grapes of a vineyard can not receive sustenance, unless they are attached to the branches of the true vine (John 15:5,8). For this reason, the anointed branches must also, remain in union with Christ as their only Head and Vine (1John 2:28; Rom.11:17,18,19,20,21,22). 
Not all have remained in union with Christ and holy spirit during this hour of test (Matt.25:2,8,11,12,13,24,25,30; Rev.17:12,18).
This is the period of time Jesus referred to as "Winter" (Matt.24:20). It is the time when spiritual waters of Truth are "frozen" and scarce. Prophecy says that God is holding them back until the time He decrees...when he will melt them, releasing the anointed from their captive paralyzed condition, and they will then flow truth freely (see Job 38:22,23,29; Psalm 147:15,16,17,18,19,20)
The "scattered" condition (among the Gentiles) of the anointed was prophesied (Jer.31:10; Joel 3:2; Eze.34:6; Zech.14:2), as well as the faithful ones as being gathered together in the near future (Isa.11:12; Eze.20:34; Matt.24:28,31).
In the meantime, we can rely on Jesus' guidance for discerning the "fine trees" (Matt.7:15,16,17,18).
There is another responsibility that the Bible cites for all...including those not anointed. It is the commandment of Christ (John 13:34,35; James 2:8; Matt.22:36,37,38,39,40).
It is a matter of life and death to do this to the "least of Christ's brothers" (Matt.25:40,46; Luke 9:48). Jesus already knew what the "greatest" of his brothers would be inclined to do (Mark 9:33,34; 10:42,43,44,45; Matt.24:48,49). These who glorify themselves (John 7:18) are not the ones proving True. This should help you to discern where to find safe spiritual provisions.

Regarding the "misleading" that now occurs in the Organization...Satan is at the root of it. He has waged war with the remnant of the 144000, and is trying to overtake them with lies (Rev.12:15) in the hope of drowning their hope and Covenant promises. He "got in" through a traitor at the top (Rev.8:10,11; 9:1; 2:5; 13:11; Isa.28:15) 
The collateral damage, is the "earth" surrounding the faithful, which swallows those lies. God justly allows it, because they have taken refuge in their beloved demonic lies, and idolatry. 
(1Tim. 4:1; Rev.16:13,14; 12:16;  2Thess. 2:9,10,11,12; Isa.28:14,15,17; Rev.13:5,14,8). 
Those lies also mislead the "earth" into hating and mistreating the faithful anointed (Rev.11:3,7,9,10; Matt.25:41,42,43,44,45). This is already being fulfilled, as all those who remain loyal to God, are being disfellowshipped. They are then shunned by J.W.'s as filthy apostates. The Great Majority of JW's are loyal to the Organization/Beast who are "killing" the least of Christ's brothers, rather than treating these faithful ones, with love. Satan has found a way for God's own people to condemn themselves (Matt.25:40; Rev.11:10; 13:8).
And yet, as you pointed out, all the love is "cooling off" (Matt.24:12,13). Jesus was not referring to the world, but to the love of God's own people. It is due to the "increasing of lawlessness", which is due to the rule of the "man of lawlessness" over God's "temple" 
1Cor. 3:16 (the anointed) (2Thess. 2:3). That rule is in opposition to the anointed (2Thess. 2:4), is over them (2Thess. 2:4) and "tramples them underfoot" (Rev.11:1,2). This is the "disgusting thing" "standing"/ruling, in the "holy place"/Temple (Matt.24:15; Dan.11:31; 12:7,11).
All this, as well as Yhvh's remedy and rescue, was prophesied.

You may read anything you wish. Just keep in mind that even with the faithful anointed;
 no one has all truth yet. (1Cor. 13:9). As the end approaches, the truth becomes more abundant
among the faithful anointed.
This is covered in the article http://pearl-distinction.blogspot.com

I hope that the spiritual food I have offered you here, answers your need.
If not, feel free to write again.
Because of the quality of your question, I have posted it on my front page. You may find reading it there an advantage, since all the scriptures will "pop-up" for you.
Thanks again Xxxx, and I'm very pleased to have met you.

Additional Pages for Study (coming soon)