"in order that they may all be one" John 17:21; Eph.4:13 -- Rev. 12:6 reads; And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that THEY should feed her there a thousand two hundred sixty days." Rev.11:3,7; Matt.24:28NKJV; 1Cor.10:17; Isa.41:27; Eze.14:22 --- For those seeking to understand the correlation between prophecy and current events among the Chosen Ones, as well as the Organization who call themselves witnesses of Jehovah.

Sunday, March 2, 2025
Saturday, March 1, 2025
1. (https://www.facebook.com/groups/restorationofjacob/?ref=bookmarks)
2. (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1702628413352282/)
You may also find writings in my FB profile (Pearl Doxsey)
Click here, for additional Blogs of mine: https://www.blogger.com/profile/13281232149590681155
Click here for work of one of my anointed partners: The Final Witness
Dear Readers,
I am going to leave this post as a constant feature at the top of this Main Page.
All new posts will be entered below it.
Since I first started this Blog, many readers have transferred their online reading from a computer, to a cell phone. Unless the phone reader makes compensation, the pop-up scripture feature, will not function. That loss is grave, because any wisdom in my work, is found in the cited scriptures. One of my cell phone readers has informed me, how you can compensate. I will put her words and picture, below:
"One way to overcome the scriptures not being able to be opened on the iPhone or any phone is to direct the audience to click the web version. If you scroll all the way to the end of the blog and right above the “About Me,” you will see a “Home” button. Directly underneath the Home button is a link “view web version.” Click that link. You will then be able to click scripture links. A soft click on a scripture link will create a pop up of the scripture. A hard click on the scripture link will open that scripture in another window bringing you to, for example, the blueletterbible or biblegateway websites with the scripture you clicked to read."
With whatever device you are using...
I request and advise that all cited scriptures be read. Most of your learning will occur while reading the cited scriptures. They will pop up for computer users, if you hover your cursor over them. Much of the theme and thrust of the article, as well as connecting points, will be found only as the scriptures are read. I leave many holes around my own words, which can only be filled and bridged by the scriptures contained.
I do realize that following this suggestion, takes time.
I hope you take the time needed, perhaps reading one post in sections, so that all scriptures can be read and their relevance, deeply considered as you come to them.
Please consider structuring your studies in this way,
because reading my words only, is a sad waste of both of our time.
There are currently, over 800 posts and additional blogs in my profile.
Introductory articles can be found in the right-side column, at the top of this page.
These readings should give you the foundation you need, in order to consider and understand more fully the current posts. A consideration of the scriptures they contain, should provide greater assurance about the deeper interpretation and application of God's Word, which is progressively posted here.
The underpinning scriptural truths of every post, will not usually be discussed again if that information has already has been covered. Please make full use of the search-box when needed.
If assistance is still desired, there is a contact box to message me, found in the right side column of this page.
I also welcome you to post comments under each post.
If you do not speak English, you can translate your comment into English by using the link to follow: https://translate.google.com/
You can also use the Google Translate tool, to submit existing English comments and replies from other readers, and then read them in your own language.
For ANY question which arises or remains, during or after your study;
there is a contact form, also within the right-side column. Please feel welcomed to use it.
I will be able to refer you to the appropriate material, or I will answer you directly. If you do not want your question and my reply to be published, please specify that wish within your message to me.
If you are searching a scripture, rather than a subject;
consider also searching that scripture's cross reference.
In other words, if you want information about Mark 13:8; also consider searching Matt.24:7,8;
because I may have written about that scriptural subject, using Matt.24:7,8 instead of Mark 13:8. If you need help with that, contact me.
One of our readers told me this helpful tip about search results...
After your search result page shows up...
If you press "control" (ctrl) then press "F" at the same time, another little search box appears.
I put my same search word(s) (or scriptural verse) in that new search box.
After clicking "enter", that search word(s) (or Bible verses) were highlighted on my result page.
Please enter the site by a direct search for "pearl doxsey", or for "4womaninthewilderness",
unless the URL is saved on your PC.
If you wish to help our Google rating, do a search for a Bible topic that you know is addressed by this Blog, and then click on the result for this site.
Every time a search result ends in another visit here, the Google rating improves, along with the site's visibility to new searchers. However, please do not enter the site repeatedly through one particular post, or by searching on a search engine repeatedly for the same subject or post. When that is done, it adversely affects the list of "Popular posts of the Week" from refreshing. Other topics of reader interest are then crowded off the list of highlighted links. It is best to keep that list fresh, for the interest of new readers and availability of new topics.
We live during a time of revelation. New concepts and interpretations are becoming unveiled (Dan.12:4,9; Hab.2:3; Rev.22:10; 20:12). Many of these things are deeper and more complex than what we were previously taught. Many run contrary to the Satanic deceptions to which we as former "Jehovah's Witnesses" subscribed, and which have become deeply entrenched within our perceptions.
Such doctrine must be overturned consciously, by effort and grace, which only by a careful and intense scriptural study, can this be done for us.
As always, if any questions arise, there is a contact form on the right side of this page.
If you appreciate what you are learning here,
you are welcomed to join the forum or Facebook group, for support.
Both links are found at the top of this post.
I have deep appreciation for the many expressions I receive from readers, and hope that you will send me feedback and any suggestions for improving the reading experience. Please feel welcomed to use the contact form in the right side column of this page.
If you believe the scriptural things you learn here;
please share those scriptures and the truth they reveal, with others.
This can be done on the various internet forums which cater especially to "Jehovah's Witness", ex-"Jehovah's Witnesses", and the ideology, mindset, and experience of each.
May God continue to answer our sincere requests for heavenly bread (Matt.6:11; John 6:27,35,51,58,55; 14:21,6; Rev.2:17), which we receive through the true vine, and his faithful branches (John15:4,5,8; 1Cor. 4:1).
May God bless all of you with spirit and truth (John 4:23-24), and the eternal blessing to follow for those who worship according to them
(John 8:31; 6:63; 2John 1:9).
Love in Christ,
---And finally,
http://e-watchman.com/ http://www.perimeno.ca/ http://www.scribd.com/try4truth http://brotherjohnsite.wordpress.co
Saturday, October 26, 2024
Revelation chapter 12 verse 14
Sunday, October 20, 2024
Luke 23:43 "Truly I tell you today you will be with me in Paradise."
Saturday, October 12, 2024
Who provoke God's Anger?
Monday, August 12, 2024
Malachi Chapter Four [] Great Day of God the Almighty
Friday, June 7, 2024
First Horseman of the Apocalypse
What follows is a link to a recording of one of our meetings. It is for advanced students who have already learned many basic Bible lessons. The recording covers the identity of the first horseman of Rev.6:1-2 as well as the first living creature that announces the approach of that first horseman. If any questions arise, please leave a comment at the bottom of this page, or use the contact form on the right side of this page. Thank you.
The scriptures used in the first recording can be read here:
Rev.6:1-2; Isa.62:6; Mark 13:35; Rev.4:7-8; 6:1-2; Ps.45:5; James 1:12; Rev.1:18; 19:11; 2Cor.2:14; 10:3-5; Rev.19:14; Eph.2:6; John1:23,29-31,34
Link to Greek interlinear for Rev.6 (https://www.scripture4all.org/OnlineInterlinear/)
Scriptures used in the second recording: