Saturday, July 5, 2014

"World" / "Earth" / "HOME"


A comment which was left:

in response to:

You said"Both words used to translate this term (world, earth) are the same word in the Greek words originally written. Yet translations give two different translations of this same word (world, earth). In actuality, the original word simply means, "occupied home/filled homeland".
Please show one interlinear that shows the same word for both "earth" and "nations".
This link shows the 2 words for "earth" and "nations" are NOT the same word. Other interlinears confirm this.
The strongs concordance also shows that there are 2 seperate words with differant meanings for the words "earth" and "nations"."

My Reply:

 You are thinking I am speaking of the two words at Matt.24:14 for "world" and "nations" as being the same. I am not. I was speaking of the two words for "world" and "earth", at Rev.3:10
However, this is the same Greek word at Matt.24:14, translated "world" (or, "inhabited earth").
I will clarify all that in this post, as well as how the other Greek word "ethnos" (translated "nations"), is related to both verses.

I'll insert the broken link (to the Greek interlinear for Rev.3:10) again, down below, so you can check Rev.3:10, which as you will see, is translated:

"Because thou hast kept the
word of my patience, I also
will keep thee from the hour of
temptation, which shall come
upon all the world, to try them
that dwell upon the earth"

As you can see, there seem to be two different words there...
one for "world" and a different one for "earth".
Yet if you go to the Greek,
you will see that in both places, it is the Greek words "oikoumenEs" and "katoikountas"
If you notice the same root word is within both words,
you will see that both words contain the word for "Home".
The first word means occupation of the home ("oikoumenEs"),
the second means those who occupy the home ("katoikountas").
The way to understand this, is to think about how our own language works.
We also have words that are basically the same, but have different spelling to suit the grammar.
For example,
We can say, "He is throwing me the ball."
We can also say, "He threw me the ball."
The only letters those two words have in common, is "thr".
If you did not speak English, you may think (by looking at the words) that these are two different words with different meanings. They certainly look different, don't they?
While their meaning is slightly different, we are talking about the same thing,
and the word is only spelled different, in order to fit the grammar of the sentence.

If we go back to the scripture,
neither "oikoumenEs" nor "katoikountas" mean "world" or the planet "earth",
as they have been translated.
If you go to the Greek, you will see that where they are translated in the interlinear,
they both refer to "HOME"....
just as "threw", and "throwing",
both refer to the ball moving through the air because of someone's arm propelling it.

In case the link below does not work again
(it always works for a time, and is then disabled),
here is the interlinear of 

the first word:

n_ Gen Sg f

Translated at Rev.3:10, as:

(It is assumed here, by the translators, that the "home" being spoken of is the planet.)

and the second:

vp Pres Act Acc Pl m

Translated at Rev.3:10, as:

(Clearly does not mean "EARTH" as it has been translated. Again it is assumed by the translators, that the dwelling being referred to here is the whole planet earth. Only the anointed understand where "home" is from God's viewpoint. God inspired the scriptures, not the translators. God's perspective should give these words their interpretation.)

As you can see...the larger words are the actual direct and literal translation from Greek.
The two meanings were:




Yet when we finally get it after the publishers take their liberties,
we wind up with:

"Because thou hast kept the
word of my patience, I also
will keep thee from the hour of
temptation, which shall come
upon all the world, to try them
that dwell upon the earth." (Rev.3:10)

This is not accurate, because neither word carries the original root word of both...
which is "HOME"....and those who occupy that particular home.
Neither one of the original words have the Greek meaning for either.... "world"  or  "earth".
The original Hebrew word for earth, is "he-rets" (not "oikou"), and simply means "ground"/"land"/"soil". Think about how Jesus used this in illustration (Luke 8:15). In Luke, chapter 8, the various forms of ground/soil, stands for differing hearts. A heart either accepts, keeps, and cultivates the planting of the seeds of truth within it (Luke 8:11; James 1:211Cor. 3:8,9), or not. Those who cultivate the truth within them, become "sons of the kingdom" (Matt.13:8,23,37,38), because those who cultivate the word in their heart (wheat seed), grow up into mature wheat, and are known by their works and fruits, resulting from a cultivation of that seed. 
That fine soil, now becomes distinct from the other soils/hearts/land/earth, as belonging to God (Luke 8:5-8; Job 4:19; Ec.3:20; 12:71Cor. 3:9; Luke 20:9,13,15-16). 
It is the only sort of heart/soil that has accepted and cultivated the truths of God. What then, of it's designation? Is it still merely the dust of the earth as the rest? (Gen.3:19; Rom.5:12,19; John 5:24; Luke 8:15) Does it's identity come to acquire a designation that reflects it's acceptance of Truth within it?

When the truth of God's Word finds a home in a righteous, faithful heart (Luke 8:15; Matt.13:38; Mark 4:20; James 1:21) (Wheat Seed - The Word, or the Sons?); that person becomes an "occupied home/dwelling" for God's spirit and truth (John 4:232Cor. 1:21-22; 5:5; Eph.1:141Thess. 4:8), resulting in eternal life for that person (1Pet. 1:23; James 1:18; John 1:13; 6:631John 3:9; Rom.8:9-112Cor. 5:1-3).
God's spirit makes it's home within that heart of truth (John 14:23,22Tim. 1:141Cor. 3:16) (Isa.66:1-2 LINK). That is the "occupied home" (Greek: "oikou") which the scriptures which contain "oikou"/"occupied home", are referring to (John 14:10,20; Col.2:9; John 17:7,21-23,26; Eze.36:27; Rom.8:9; Heb.10:162Cor. 1:22; 3:17; 4:6; John 8:32). (These facts are lost to the mis-translation of "oikou", when mistakenly rendered as the general "world", or "earth"). This fact must be kept in mind, when interpreting the symbolic book of Revelation and it's reference to "earth" ("oikou").
There is presently a prevalent misconception, that the scroll of Revelation applies to the entire world/system/age, at large (Greek "cosmos"), the total occupants of the planet "earth"/Hebrew: "he-rets")... rather than to God's own people ("oikou").
This dire ignorance is largely due to this mis-translation and mis-interpretation of the original Greek word, "oikou" (literally, "occupied home") into "earth" or "world", when those are not the Greek word originally written within the scripture.

Inserting "Nations" (ethnos) as those who "occupy the home" (kat oikou ntas),
is also misleading. It assumes that the first translation is correct...
that we are talking about all that occupy the "world".
But we are not talking about all that occupy the world.
The Greek actually said, all that occupy the HOMEland.
These can be from all nations (Rev.5:9,10).

The translators have assumed
that the "home" the Bible is referring to,
must be the world/earth. But this is not true (Micah 3:8-12; 1:2).
God does not consider Satan's world as His "home",
nor does his spirit occupy the dirt/ground/land, of the literal planet.
He occupies the "soil" of hearts (Gal.4:6; Rom.5:5; 8:91Cor. 3:16; Luke 8:11,15).
He considers His Temple of Chosen Priests, his dwelling place/land/home.
(See 1Cor. 3:16 and John 14:23) (see Greek of Rom.8:9)
just as He referred to His people in the past, as being those who occupy the His land/His dwelling/His new "earth" (2Pet. 3:13; Eph.4:23; James 1:21). 
The translators consistently do the same thing with the Hebrew (Jer.25:30). Although translated as "earth", the subject of these verses are clearly limited to God's people, which is proven historically. The events described in these verses, only took place among God's people of covenant, not in the world at large at that time. Despite that fact, such verses are mistranslated and consequentially, misinterpreted and misapplied as referring to the world or entire earth, which is a misrepresentation of what the original languages actually state.

Here again is the link where all this came from:
The verse to examine there, is Rev.3:10.

If you go to the link you gave me (for Matt.24:14) and check,
the same word "oikoumenē
is used for "world". (Some say "inhabited earth")
Interestingly, your reference translates it as "world",
yet in Rev.3:10, that same word is translated as "earth", 
and "katoikountas" was the word at Rev.3:10 that was translated as "world".
Can you see how those two words are interchangeable, even among translators?

This is because  (like our example of throwing and threw), they basically have the same meaning,
because they are from the same root word OIKOU....which again, does not mean world or earth,
but means HOME. The Greek words for "world" and "earth" simply are not there, but are assumed by translators, who do not recognize the existence of God's actual spiritual "home".

It is good to read the Greek of Matt.16:18. It reads;

"And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build (Greek: oikodomhsw) my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it."
I have highlighted the word "build", due to it's actual Greek meaning...
vi Fut Act 1 Sg


This word speaks of building one's own home.
(John 14:23; 2:211Cor. 12:27; 3:9,10,16; 6:19; Eph.2:10,21,22; Isa.60:21; 64:8; Rom.8:9). That "home" is God's Temple / priesthood (1Pet. 2:5,9,10; Heb.11:10).

Regarding the word "Ethnos", which is found at Matt.24:14, and is liberally translated "Nations",
if you follow the link (at your own reference link) for this word's definition, 
it simply means,
"*a multitude (whether of men or of beasts) associated or living together", which in my mind, can also refer to those who "occupy the home".

  Bible writers themselves have used this word "Ethnos" in a variety of ways,
and obviously, translators have also.
However we choose to apply and interpret this word,
should be in harmony with God's perspective, the rest of prophecy, 
and the truth of the rest of scriptures...not according to limited assumption.

Please let me know if I am making this clear, and if you see a wider view now.
At least I hope it helps you see, that the translators have taken liberties based upon assumption,
according to the only options they are capable of seeing.
They don't realize that God's home has nothing to do with the world or planet earth,
and that those who occupy the home being referred to, do not necessarily have to be... all the "nations" of the world. (Rev.5:9,10; John 17:16)

Regarding Matt.24:14; If we go back to the grass roots Greek of the translation of "world" and "nations", we see that both these translated words, are assumptions.

The Greek only and simply says, that the preaching will be done in the "home",
and that all those who are *a group occupying together the same home (definition of "ethnos"...translated "nations"), will be the target of that message. 

Jesus made clear by his direct statement, who his brothers would be preaching to when he arrived (Matt.10:23). That literally reads "the circuit of Israel". That "circuit" was a first century mail route, and is exactly depicted by the seven congregations listed in Revelation. This ancient mail route went to those cities in that order. It was the "circuit of Israel". 

We know that this is symbolic, for the "Israel of God" (Rom.9:6; Gal.6:16; 3:29). 
God's last warning, is to the same group (1Pet. 2:9-10; Rev.18:41Cor. 6:15; Rev.17:2; 2:22)
People of all nations are included (Rev.5:9,10).

In speaking of Zion, God said,

“All the descendants of those who oppressed you
will come bending low before you,
and all those who despised you
will bow down at your feet.
They’ll call you ‘The City of the Lord,’
‘Zion of the Holy One of Israel.’”
“He has given you the glory of Lebanon,
and it will come to you,
the cypress, and the plane tree, and the pine,
to adorn the place of MY SANCTUARY;
and I will make THE PLACE OF MY FEET, glorious." (Isa.60:14,13; Dan.8:11) (Matt.5:35)
Yes, God's resting place for His feet, is the "earth"/home (Acts 7:49),... His "sanctuary" of His Temple. 
We know that Temple cannot be made by human hands 
(Mark 14:58; Matt.16:18; Eph.2:20-22; Zech.4:91Chron. 22:10; Ps.2:6-8; Heb.1:51Pet. 2:5).

(Eph.2:10; Isa.29:23; 43:7,10,211Pet. 2:9)

This link includes more scriptures that clarify what the "earth" is, to which God's Word refers.




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