I received a letter of appreciation from a reader.
He is searching for spiritual provisions, outside the "Watchtower" (Dan.12:4,9-10,3), because he has recognized the present spiritual famine (Amos 8:11; Rev.18:8). Those considered wicked by God, do not gain understanding (Rev.22:10-11; Dan.12:10,4; Amos 8:12) (Col.2:8; Rev.13:10; 2:10; Mark 8:35; Ps.116:15; Rev.9:6; Amos 8:12). Only through God's grace, and a loyalty of a person toward the Word of God (Matt.13:11,13), will a person be rescued from demonic deception, and find the sayings of life.
Where do we find such sayings, today?
In this era of social media, many are offering spiritual provisions. How can we recognize the difference, between error and divine truth? How can we discern true prophets from false?
I will write some of the points made in his letter, and I will respond to them. I hope the information contained, is helpful to all readers.
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His letter to me:
"I assumed Pearl wasn't your real name, and if it isn't, I understand and respect your privacy.
I wonder if you've ever come across the Beroeans site? So far I've only browsed, just like I browse your website, but it's obvious the people there especially Eric Wilson aka Meleti Vivlon (the person who set it up. 40 years ex elder) are roving about the Bible on the same level as you and your group. Meleti as he appears to prefer to be called, also has a YouTube channel. There's also a guy on YouTube whose channel is called isaiah-30v8 I think. He focuses a lot on Isaiah 66:5 and it eventually becomes very difficult to sit through his videos because of the pace and repetition. The measure by measure that he measures out, as he likes to say, is measured out too slow and gets buried under repetition, even at full double speed. I feel bad saying that but I can't not say it, as a warning. Point being that I can see and sense the sincerity of these people in particular and it would be nice if y'all became aware of each other other, if you haven't already. In fact, I really should try to sign up for your blog/forum and do the same for the Beroean's site. The reddit ex JW is immersed in the sea which roils and foams and tosses about, and I guess I will keep trying to throw lifelines but I definitely need the quiet place and true food of the wilderness and beroeans. Take care. (Please ask the father and our lord for satan to loosen his grip on me)."
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My Response:
[A note about my pen name, before I begin the body of this post:
He is searching for spiritual provisions, outside the "Watchtower" (Dan.12:4,9-10,3), because he has recognized the present spiritual famine (Amos 8:11; Rev.18:8). Those considered wicked by God, do not gain understanding (Rev.22:10-11; Dan.12:10,4; Amos 8:12) (Col.2:8; Rev.13:10; 2:10; Mark 8:35; Ps.116:15; Rev.9:6; Amos 8:12). Only through God's grace, and a loyalty of a person toward the Word of God (Matt.13:11,13), will a person be rescued from demonic deception, and find the sayings of life.
Where do we find such sayings, today?
In this era of social media, many are offering spiritual provisions. How can we recognize the difference, between error and divine truth? How can we discern true prophets from false?
I will write some of the points made in his letter, and I will respond to them. I hope the information contained, is helpful to all readers.
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His letter to me:
"I assumed Pearl wasn't your real name, and if it isn't, I understand and respect your privacy.
I wonder if you've ever come across the Beroeans site? So far I've only browsed, just like I browse your website, but it's obvious the people there especially Eric Wilson aka Meleti Vivlon (the person who set it up. 40 years ex elder) are roving about the Bible on the same level as you and your group. Meleti as he appears to prefer to be called, also has a YouTube channel. There's also a guy on YouTube whose channel is called isaiah-30v8 I think. He focuses a lot on Isaiah 66:5 and it eventually becomes very difficult to sit through his videos because of the pace and repetition. The measure by measure that he measures out, as he likes to say, is measured out too slow and gets buried under repetition, even at full double speed. I feel bad saying that but I can't not say it, as a warning. Point being that I can see and sense the sincerity of these people in particular and it would be nice if y'all became aware of each other other, if you haven't already. In fact, I really should try to sign up for your blog/forum and do the same for the Beroean's site. The reddit ex JW is immersed in the sea which roils and foams and tosses about, and I guess I will keep trying to throw lifelines but I definitely need the quiet place and true food of the wilderness and beroeans. Take care. (Please ask the father and our lord for satan to loosen his grip on me)."
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My Response:
[A note about my pen name, before I begin the body of this post:
Thank you for the common courtesy of respecting my privacy, regarding my online name. I don't mind explaining my pen name.
Pearl Doxsey is the name I was born with, before my marriage. "Pearl" is the meaning of my first name. For example, "Caoimhín" is the Celtic form of "Kevin". "Jose" is the Spanish form of "John", but it is "Sean" in Gaelic. Although names change from language to language... they are the same name, because they have the same meaning.
"Doxsey" is my father's family name, and the surname I was given at birth.
My husband previously used his own name, but then we were accused of hiding the fact that he was my husband, due to having different last names.
Pearl Doxsey is the name I was born with, before my marriage. "Pearl" is the meaning of my first name. For example, "Caoimhín" is the Celtic form of "Kevin". "Jose" is the Spanish form of "John", but it is "Sean" in Gaelic. Although names change from language to language... they are the same name, because they have the same meaning.
"Doxsey" is my father's family name, and the surname I was given at birth.
My husband previously used his own name, but then we were accused of hiding the fact that he was my husband, due to having different last names.
Rather than me changing my well established online name or adding a new one (and be accused of covertly working as two people), he took my last name, in order to be upfront about our marriage, and not stumble anyone.
When my mother passed away, I provided to some who were closer online associates, my mother's online obituary. Since she naturally had the same name Doxsey, (my maiden name) I was then accused of looking for sympathy by lying about her death, because of my husband having the same name. They reasoned and assumed that she could not be my mother, if my last name was my married (and husband's) last name. I guess you just can't please everyone. Some people's singular goal, is to slander and accuse... usually because they hate the truth, and those who present it. They should be more concerned with their standing with God, as they demonstrate before His face, their petty hatred (Matt.22:11-13; Col.3:14-15).]
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I have known those you mention in your letter, and others, for many years.
Many online activists, speak with great confidence about their own reasoning, opinion, and assertions. They draw followers, who are swayed by such reasoning. Is not the world full of so-called knowledge? If we are wise, we consider God as wiser than men. Jesus is clear about who it is that conveys God's wisdom to the world (Matt.5:14-15; Rev.1:20; Phil.2:15; Dan.12:3). God has always conveyed His message, through His prophets and priests (Amos 3:7; Mal.2:7). His primary messenger, is Jesus Christ (Rev.3:14; John 8:28; 6:66-69). Jesus gives us clear advice, as do his apostles, about who it is that provides a truthful source of learning. I would urge you to give priority, to considering the scriptures in the following link:
After you have read it, please consider, that I don't think Meleti Vivlon / Eric Wilson claims to be an anointed priest of God. (Mal.2:7; Rev.5:10; 1Cor. 4:1)
Robert King is not anointed (he claims to be, but does not fulfill the standard)...
When asked about his anointing experience; he expresses the source of his confidence, as being his desire to read the writings of the prophets. When a priest or king in Israel was chosen and anointed by God, that person went through an anointing. His position was not established by a desire to read. He also fails the test of Deut.18:20-22 as regards his assertion that he is a prophet/watchman. He foretold that the new World Headquarters of the "Watchtower", would never be completed.
Perimeno, also claims to be anointed, but his anointing story also, does not fulfill the Bible's standard of authenticity.
He also teaches his followers to have patience, and remain inside the Beast, despite Jesus' own command to flee (Matt.24:15-16; Mark 13:14; Rev.18:4; Luke 17:28-30,31-32; 21:21-22).
He believes JWs to be God's people, which is easily proven false, by Isa.43:10,21; 1Pet. 2:9-10 and many other scriptures.
Abe/ablebodiedman/(Isaiah-30v8), also claims to be anointed, though I do not know his story of that experience. I do not know if he was genuinely anointed or not, but I do know that he is now guided by his own overconfident thinking, rather than spirit, or a submission to the guidance of scripture. Like a vain man in front of a mirror, he is so enamored with his own "profound" conceptualizing, that he can't break free to consider anything outside himself. He has an exaggerated sense of his own wisdom. As a result, he denies the Body of Christ, and the gifts given to the other Body members for his building up (Eph.4:2-4,11-13,14-16; Rom.12:4-5). As a result, we consistently see from him... drawn out re-hashing of his own thoughts, and scriptures that point to his personal vindication... both of which prevent his growth within the Body of Christ (1Cor. 12:7,11,15-16,17-18,19-20,21,27-29).
Like the "ten kings" who rule "one hour" with the Beast (Rev.17:12); he is in danger of returning to the organization, to bask in both the "Watchtower's" contrition, and the esteem from its condemned rebels (Rev.19:20; 20:10; 13:8; 20:15; 16:2; 14:9-11).
Isa.66:5 (and Hosea 1:10) which is the verse of his obsession, is not speaking of Kingdom Halls, but rather, the place where speech originates, which is inside the heart (Luke 6:45; Matt.15:18-19).
Isa.66:5 (and Hosea 1:10) which is the verse of his obsession, is not speaking of Kingdom Halls, but rather, the place where speech originates, which is inside the heart (Luke 6:45; Matt.15:18-19).
I have repeatedly sent him the clear direction of scripture, in order for him to consider how it can enhance his perspective and adjust his practices. He rejects the direction of scripture, in favor of his own course. A genuine and faithful messenger of God, hears, listens, and heeds God's Words (John 8:47; Ps.119:105).
To substantiate with one example....
he insists on partaking alone. His reasoning, is from Rev.3:20.
Is this referring to the memorial emblems, and therefore a Bible contradiction to 1Cor. 11:33?
No. Jesus was referring to the meaning of John 6:63; 17:3 and Rev.2:17 (Luke 10:22). Jesus will share the opening of the scroll/marriage feast with any servant, who is found, awake.
***(Mark 13:34; Luke 12:37,36; Rev.3:20; 2:17; John 6:58,51,55; Rev.19:9; John 6:63; Rev.22:17)*** -- (Rev.5:2,5; Dan.7:13; Rev.5:7; John 15:15; 16:15; 14:26)
Even the context of that verse makes clear, that partakers are to gather for the memorial. Why did the apostle Paul, say this? Why did they need to "wait for one another" and "come together", if not to partake as a unified body?
1Cor.12 goes into detail, about how closely the members of the Body of Christ are to work together and care for each other. "Abe" insists on feeling too superior to even consider working toward a relationship with other anointed. When he fails to discern the Body of Christ (1Cor.11:29), he has lost union with it's Head (Col.2:19). He also, like Perimeno, considers the blasphemous "Watchtower" Beast, to be the materialization of Christ's kingdom, arrived. That is scripturally wrong on so many levels, but you will see that from scripture, if you continue to study.
There are many others also, who deem themselves the genuine messengers of God. But it matters not what we may think of ourselves, or how reasonable or profound our human message may seem to be. What matters is who God Himself has really chosen, cleansed, and qualified, to trumpet His message in this time of the End. It is not that the vessel is anything of itself. Their import is only in the message they are assigned to relate, and it's Origin (Luke 17:10; 2Cor. 4:7). But it is crucial for those seeking the "proper food at the proper time", to identify the genuine and faithful.
There are many in the wilderness that are legitimately attacking the "Watchtower". But that is not God's standard for His genuine prophets. Even the Beast and ten kings, develop a hatred for the harlot leadership (Rev.17:16; 19:17-18).
Of course it seems that all these previous false christs and false apostles (Matt.24:24-25), are lead by scripture, and teach accordingly (2Cor. 11:3-4,12-15; Rev.2:9; Rom.2:28-29; Acts 5:36). But didn't the "Watchtower" also seem to be so? Satan and his agents, often mix a concoction of truth and lies (Rev.8:10-11). Pure and obvious deception would not be an effective bait. Some truth must be used, in order to ensnare if possible, even the elect (Matt.24:24-25).
Please be cautious, because we are told that we cannot partake of both the deceptive table of demons, and at the same time, benefit from the table of the Lord (1Cor. 10:21).
In order for our house of faith to be built on solid rock (Matt.7:24-27); we must identify those faithful, genuinely assigned by Jesus to feed his household (Luke 12:42)... those who base all their teaching and example of behavior, on the words of God and Christ.
"By their fruit you will recognize them" (Matt.7:20).
(1Cor. 11:18-19; Matt.24:6; Eph.5:11; Mal.3:18)
(1Cor. 11:18-19; Matt.24:6; Eph.5:11; Mal.3:18)
( https://pearl-finetrees.blogspot.com )
Those who impersonate God's priests, by replacing them in their position to teach (Mal.2:7), are actually a fulfillment of the "disgusting thing, standing in the holy place/standing where it does not belong" (Matt.24:15; Mark 13:14). The "holy place", is God's Temple priesthood (1Pet. 2:5; 1Cor. 3:17). Those who subjugate, trample down, and usurp God's priests, will soon face Christ (2Thess. 2:3-4,8).
Why is there an accounting for their actions?
(2Cor. 11:15; 1Cor. 11:19; Matt.24:6; 2Chron. 16:9; Dan.9:26; Mark 13:14)
They compete with, criticize, and in some cases publicly condemn, those sanctioned by Christ to feed his sheep. In their proud ignorance, they foment confusion and resist the work of God's spirit, making the work of God's messengers, so much more difficult to do... and make it more difficult for those searching, to find and recognize the genuine, amid the confusion.
Those who impersonate God's priests, by replacing them in their position to teach (Mal.2:7), are actually a fulfillment of the "disgusting thing, standing in the holy place/standing where it does not belong" (Matt.24:15; Mark 13:14). The "holy place", is God's Temple priesthood (1Pet. 2:5; 1Cor. 3:17). Those who subjugate, trample down, and usurp God's priests, will soon face Christ (2Thess. 2:3-4,8).
Why is there an accounting for their actions?
(2Cor. 11:15; 1Cor. 11:19; Matt.24:6; 2Chron. 16:9; Dan.9:26; Mark 13:14)
They compete with, criticize, and in some cases publicly condemn, those sanctioned by Christ to feed his sheep. In their proud ignorance, they foment confusion and resist the work of God's spirit, making the work of God's messengers, so much more difficult to do... and make it more difficult for those searching, to find and recognize the genuine, amid the confusion.
Of course, it is totally up to you, what spiritual food you choose to eat, and what standard in that regard, guides you. I do hope that your choice is guided by Christ and God, who clearly identify their genuine and faithful anointed priests, as well as their qualifications
(John 15:16; Mal.2:7; Rev.5:9-10; 1Cor. 4:1; Luke 12:42; Rev.11:3-5; Jer.5:14).
Pray for divine guidance in this.
(John 15:16; Mal.2:7; Rev.5:9-10; 1Cor. 4:1; Luke 12:42; Rev.11:3-5; Jer.5:14).
Pray for divine guidance in this.
Regarding our prayer for your endurance. Paula and I do pray for the redemption and salvation of God's elect, and their endurance through this great tribulation.
Each of us can learn from the example of Jesus, in how to cope with such torture (Heb.4:15). In the account of his own testing by Satan (Matt.4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13), Jesus repeatedly resorted to the guidance of the Word of God, found in the scriptures. If we do the same, we will not be overcome. We will find the path to victory (1John 2:13-14).
Each of us can learn from the example of Jesus, in how to cope with such torture (Heb.4:15). In the account of his own testing by Satan (Matt.4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13), Jesus repeatedly resorted to the guidance of the Word of God, found in the scriptures. If we do the same, we will not be overcome. We will find the path to victory (1John 2:13-14).
If you want to share the nature of your trials, perhaps I can assist you in finding the scriptures that will help you.
Thank you again for reaching out to me.
Love in Christ,
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