Tuesday, December 26, 2017

What are, the Seven Spirits of God ?

God's "seven spirits" are from Him, but are not Him. The seven spirits, are "before the throne" of God (Rev.1:4). 
The Bible tells us, that they are the same as the "seven lamps" (Rev.4:5) who "burn and shine" (John5:35; Matt.5:14-15). 
Such lamps can prove faithful, or unfaithful (Rev.8:10-11). 
-- Jesus also equates those blazing lamps/torches/flames, to "stars" (Rev.3:1; Phil.2:15; Dan.12:3), "horns", and "eyes" (Rev.5:6). "Eyes", are also "lamps" (Matt.6:22), because it is our ability to perceive, and the means by which our understanding, is enlightened.
"Horns", are kings under Christ (Rev.17:12; 1:5; 5:9-10).
Each of these "seven", are also called angels (Greek:messengers), sent into the earth, to enlighten their own "congregation" (Rev.1:20) by means of their divine wisdom (Prov.9:1; Rev.3:12).
They are messengers of God's enlightening spirit (Matt.10:20)... prophets, to God's people. God sends His "light"/truth, into that dark "world", through such light-bearers (John13:20)... to give light to those in God's "house" (Matt.5:14-15; Eph.2:19; 1Tim.3:15; Heb.3:6; Titus 1:7; 1Pet.4:17).






Sunday, December 24, 2017

Babes and Children as Symbols

Done Editing

Here is my reply to a question
That question asked; 
"I was wondering if you could share your thoughts on Matt.21:16 (from Ps.8:2) and how it relates to Matt 24:19. The relationship of the two needs a more rounded understanding, although the picture is there at the link: (http://4womaninthewilderness.blogspot.com/2014/03/pregnant-woman-and-nursing-mothers.html). 
Thank you!".

My reply:
Jesus and all scripture, can use the same symbols, but apply them different ways. For example, at Luke 8:11, a wheat seed symbolizes the teachings of God. At Matt.13:38, wheat seed stands for sons of the kingdom, and at John 12:24, it stands for the life of a disciple, needing to be given up, or dying. 
We could not interchange the different meanings of the same symbol. 
In other words, we could not say that the wheat seed that needs to die at John 12:24, has the same meaning of the wheat seed at Luke 8:11. If that were so, then the teachings of God, would need to die.
Using the same symbol for different meanings, also applies to "babes" and "young children". There is confirmation for this, by comparing as before, two examples.
FIRST use of "Babes":
At Heb.5:12-13, Paul said;
"12 Although by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the basic principles of God’s revelation again. You need milk, not solid food. 13 Now everyone who lives on milk is inexperienced with the message about righteousness, because he is an infant."
Can you see by this use of "babes", that Paul was disappointed in the spiritual immaturity of his audience? He is critical, because they are not making advancement in their knowledge of Truth and are remaining ignorant and immature (see Eph.4:13; 1Tim.4:15; 1Cor.14:20; 13:11).
---Do you discern by this, that being a "babe" was a negative thing, because it was used as a symbol for stagnation and a failure to mature?
SECOND use of "Babes":
Jesus said; "“I tell all of you with certainty, unless you change and become like little children, you will never get into the kingdom from heaven. 4 Therefore, whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom from heaven" -- “Let the little children come to me, and stop keeping them away, because the kingdom from heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matt.18:3-4; 19:14)
---Certainly Jesus did not mean that those who stagnate, remain ignorant, and fail to mature, are those who will inherit the kingdom. Matt.18:4 clarifies that in this parable, Jesus was using the symbol of a babe, to represent "humility" instead of the choice to be spiritually stunted. Such humble ones are "babes to badness" and the "shrewdness" that belongs to those of the world (Luke 16:8; 1Cor.14:20) 
Although Jesus used the literal little ones who were present, we know that it is not literal children who exclusively inherit the kingdom. Though the children were physical, the meaning was spiritual. This also is the case, at Matt.21:16 and Psalm 8:2.
----My point is, that the symbol of a babe or young child, can be used in various ways. That is the case, when comparing Matt.24:19; 21:16 and Psalm 8:2.
First let's look at Matt.21:16 and Ps.8:2, because they DO belong together in their meaning....
Matt.21:16 "and asked him, “Do you hear what these people are saying?" Jesus told them, “Yes! Haven’t you ever read, ‘From the mouths of infants and nursing babies you have created praise’?”
Ps.8:2 "Out of the mouths of infants and nursing babies
you have established strength
on account of your adversaries,
in order to silence the enemy and vengeful foe."
In those two uses of "babes", it would not mean those who had abandoned the path of spiritual maturity. Although once again, the children were literal and physical in the first century, again, the meaning is to be taken spiritually, as was the case at Matt.19:14.
Ps.8:2 teaches us that the *spiritual* "babes" who praise God, do so with a purpose. What comes out of their mouths... power is being established ("established strength"). The purpose of that power, is to "silence the enemy" and "vengeful foe".
Only God can supply divine power through the mouth of humble ones, so that those who take vengeance on God's people, are made silent in their accusations (Rev.12:10-11). This requires... not immaturity and stagnation... but courage, faith, and wisdom in the Words of God. It also requires, humility. If such a "babe" is used by God to powerfully subvert their enemies under their feet (Rom.16:20),
then they fulfill Luke 14:11; Dan.2:21 James 4:6 and Isa.40:4.
Now, how does that compare to Matt.24:19? 
It reads; "“How terrible it will be for women who are pregnant or who are nursing babies in those days!"
This is yet another use of "babes" and "nursing" infants, who need milk. Not all who are fed such milk, stagnate and fail to mature. We were all spiritual babes at one time. But those who have progressed with the care of spiritual mothers, have indeed matured in the knowledge of God. They have nothing to be ashamed of, just because they were babes in the past. Of them, Paul said;
"7 even though as apostles of the Messiah we might have made such demands. Instead, we were gentle among you, like a nursing mother tenderly caring for her own children. 8 We cared so deeply for you that we were determined to share with you not only the gospel of God but our very lives. That is how dear you were to us." (1Thess.2:7-8)
Clearly in this case, the use of symbolic "babes needing milk", was not a negative (as it was at Heb.5:12-13).
This scripture at 1Thess.2:7-8 is well attached to the meaning of Matt.24:19. Although "babes" are not specifically mentioned at Matt.24:19, the mothers bearing and nursing them, are. The babes of these distressed spiritual mothers, are those who are new to the gospel and just beginning to learn (1Pet.2:2; Gal.4:26; Eph.2:6; Rev.3:12). The Great Tribulation brings woe, adversity, and necessity upon those responsible to symbolically bring to birth, teach, and nurture, their "babes" (John16:20-22; Rev.12:2; Matt.24:19). 

The babes of 1Thess.2:7-8 and inferred at Matt.24:19, are NOT the humble and mature ones of Matt.18:3-4 and 1Cor.14:20.
Yet as the literal babes of first century Jerusalem were able to publicly praise our Lord and King, even new ones today that are still drinking "milk", can share in the praise and power of their humble, spiritual "mothers" (Rev.21:2; 22:17)(Matt.21:16; Ps.8:2), and assist in defeating the power of the vengeful enemy and his present deceptions. They can share in inviting others also, to the "milk" as well as the other advanced provisions (Isa.66:10-13; 60:1-4).



Sunday, December 10, 2017

The Two Horns

WT has the wrong interpretation when it promotes the two kings of Daniel, as the USA and Britain.
"Horns", are kings (Rev.17:12).
The "two kings"/horns, that "keep speaking lies at the same table" (eat and serve, the same lying doctrines -1Cor.10:21)(Dan.11:27), are depicted at Rev.13:11. There it reads; "Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had **two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon."**
In speaking from the lying table of demons, they fulfill Rev.16:13-14 and 1Tim.4:1.

If we are to progress any further in the interpretation of the two kings/horns on the "beast from the earth"...
(not from the sea -Rev.13:1; Isa.57:20; Joel3:2; 1Cor.3:9)
..... then we must also accept that these two horns, are compared to the "two horns like a lamb". The primary "lamb", is Christ (John1:29; Rev.5:6).
Sheep-like ones (not goats Matt.25:33-34), would appear to belong to Christ, and seem to be following him (John10:14,27).
Christ himself has "two horns", because he also has two kings. They are two anointed kings (Rev.5:9-10; 1:5-6) who are also mentioned, at Rev.11:3... the "two witnesses". Those two horns testify to truths from Christ. This is why they are symbolized by "two" (see John8:17).
The 'earth beast' seems to have such horns... appearing to have the authority as belongs to the kings and priests of God, to speak the prophetic truth from Christ. That "two-horned" beast has an appearance of one of Christ's sheep... "like a lamb"... like one of Christ's brothers. But in actuality, it "speaks like a dragon" because it is also the false prophet among God's people... easily proven by a comparison of Rev.13:7,15-16 and Rev.19:20.
The four parts of the Image in Daniel, are also represented by beasts, at Daniel chapter 7. There you will see that the fourth beast to persecute God's nation, is described by Daniel as being "different" (Dan.7:7).
It is described as having ten horns (ten kings), and from this, we can see that it corresponds to the Beast of Rev.13:1,7.
This destroys the WT interpretation, because they say that the feet of iron and clay are USA and Britain... but they also teach, that the Beast with ten horns, is the U.N. They contradict themselves, because they don't have understanding.
One reason why the fourth beast is "different", is because it is comprised of clay, rather than the previous parts being composed exclusively of metal. The Bible tells us who comprises the clay (Isa.64:8; Eph.2:10,20-22; 1Pet.2:9-10).
The last power to persecute God's people (1Pet.2:9-10), includes the unfaithful of God's own people.... a wicked steward... a fallen heavenly star (Rev.8:10-11; 9:1; Luke12:42,45-46) who is beating his fellow servants of Christ's household.

There is an alliance in the last power (iron and clay)(Dan.2:40-43).
It is a parallel to the wicked steward's alliance with "confirmed drunkards" (Matt.24:49)... the harlot (Isa.1:21) who rides and elevates/empowers, the Gentile beast from the sea (who kills the faithful -Rev.11:7), and the false prophet, who "breathes" the image of being directed by spirit, into the ten horned beast (Rev.13:15; 19:20).
The WT's leaders are as blind leading the blind, because those leaders are the false prophet/harlot/wicked steward/clay... and the organization they "ride", is the ten-horned beast of iron, who is the "muscle" of that leadership.
Soon... all "JW's" will be shocked, because that Gentile organization will soon remove their own GB (Rev.17:16-17,8).
"Shocked", because they have not received the "proper food at the proper time", because they have mis-identified the "faithful slave" (Matt.24:45). They have not recognized the stealth reappearance of a beast of persecution against God's Elect. Instead, they worship it as being spirit-directed of God (Rev.13:8,15)(John20:22), and it's representative "elders", as a genuine priesthood over God's genuine Temple (Mark13:14; 2Thess.2:4; 1Pet.2:5; Dan.8:13; Luke21:24; Rev.13:10,7).
They have been swayed by "powerful signs and portents" (2Thess.2:9-12), like impressive building efforts and a "world-wide preaching work".
They don't realize that the final declaration of the "Good news", is for God's own people (Matt.10:23; Isa.48:20; Jer.31:11; Matt.24:22).
Another vision of Daniel, compares those same 4 powers of chapter 2, to beasts in chapter 7. The reason why such import is given to these visions (that's why God gave them), is because in the time of the fourth beast, the great tribulation occurs. It sifts those who idolize the fourth beast (Rev.13:8,16), from the few who remain loyal to the death for the sake of truth (John16:2; Mark8:35; 13:13-14; Rev.6:9-11; 12:10-11; Rom.6:5).

The spiritual battle that ensues between those few faithful messengers of truth, and the messengers of demonic teachings of demons (Rev.16:13-16; 1Tim.4:1; Rev.20:7-8; 17:14; 2Cor.10:3-5) (through the false prophet and it's beast), ---is the essence of Armageddon.

The last beast conquers God's own people (1Pet2:9-10; Rev.13:7; Matt.24:24-25; Luke21:24; Rev.13:10; Col.2:8)(Dan.8:24,11; 11:31; 2Thess.2:4; 1Cor.3:16).
If it were not for the understanding to be revealed in the time of the end....
(Dan.12:4,9; Rev.20:12),
(the days of deception/Gentile times, cut short)
....no one would be able to be saved (Mark13:20; Luke18:26-27).

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Greetings Readers,
I have not posted here for a few months. This is because the bulk of my present daily work, is being done on Facebook. I will begin transferring that work to this Blog, for those of you who do not have a FaceBook account. For those of you who do, you will find links to our groups, located at the beginning of the "INTRODUCTION", located above.
Christ has directed that I attend my present focus toward the completion of three books, which I am presently working on. I am astonished at the things I am presently learning. Those insights are enabling me to complete the books, which I will release when they are ready.
They are: 1. The Unveiling  - Revelation, according to the Word of God
               2. All the Things I Have Commanded - The parables of Christ, interpreted by Scripture.
               3. The New Creation - God's new creation, in Christ

On the night I was anointed and given visions of the future, while Jesus Christ conducted my heavenly song...
       (Isa.26:19; Rev.20:13,12; Eze.37:12; Dan.12:2; Eph.5:14;
        Isa.60:1; 51:17; 52:1; Luke1:78; Rev.2:28; Mal.4:2; Rev.22:5-6,16)
... I experienced a period during my singing (1Cor.14:15; Ps.40:3; 144:9) when I sang less, and others behind me who accompanied me and repeated a refrain, carried the bulk of the song.

I am now able to appreciated the fulfillment of that prophecy. Jesus well knew that the singing he placed in my heart, during the first part of my song, would be sufficient to give the needed direction those drawn to the truth. It would be enough to expose the Beast and Babylon the Great, and the need to stand for truth... willing to be expelled, for it (Mark8:35; John16:2; 2Thess.2:4; Mark13:13-14; Rev.13:8; 18:4; Matt.24:15-16). He well knew that at that midpoint of my song, I would be exhausted and in need of rest, would be caring for my dying mother, and would need to be taught by him my greatest lessons in truth, to prepare me for the crescendo to come.

I now know, that I am in the time of that lull, but continuing to learn, night and day. I am not however, silent. If you feel that you are finished with all the spiritual food presented at this Blog (I still learn from it), please do visit my activity on FaceBook, where I reply to questions and comments, daily. I will transfer that work to this Blog, as I am able. There is also the constant work of my sister in Christ, also located on FaceBook (see links in INTRODUCTION).

Your prayers in behalf of my divine assignment, are greatly appreciated. All the loving encouragement I receive, refreshes me to endure. May we all continue to receive the grace and mercy of God, expressed in the light He shines on our hearts, by which, we live.

(John3:8; 1Cor.2:15)


Friday, July 14, 2017

What is Sheol / Hades ?

Understanding Sheol and Hades results in deeper comprehension of many Bible teachings.
It is first good to establish that the Hebrew word Sheol, is the equivalent of the Greek, Hades.
We see that demonstrated by a comparison of Acts 2:27 (Hades - Greek) and Psalm 16:10 (Sheol - Hebrew).

The Greek word Hades (G-86) 
consists of a combination of two Greek words--
{From á¼„λφα (G1) (as negative particle) and Îµá¼´Î´Ï‰(G1492)}.

The combination (G1-"not" + G1492-"perceiving"), means, to be conceptually blind... unable to perceive spiritual light *(Mark 4:12; Eph.4:18)*. Hades is the symbolic and spiritual consignment, of those in spiritual darkness (Eph.4:18;  2Cor. 4:3-4John 12:35;  1John 1:6;  1Thess. 5:4)... not "the common grave of mankind", as we were deceived into believing by the "wormwood" of the "Watchtower", and other teachers who do not have the light of truth (Rev.8:10-11; Jer.23:15-16; James 3:1; Matt.12:36)(Mal.2:7; Rev.5:10;  1Pet. 2:9; Acts 26:18)
True, those in the realm of Hades, are considered spiritually dead (Eph.2:1), which is of greater importance than being physically dead 
(John 6:63 NIV ; Matt.10:28>"Gehenna", not "Hades").

The "realm" of those who occupy this darkened condition, is symbolically depicted in the book of Revelation, as the abyss 
(Rev.9:1; Rev.11:7) and as the sea / deep (Rev.11:7; Rev.13:1; Isa.57:20; Jude 1:13).
Accordingly, Hades can be occupied by those who are conscious, but considered spiritually dead (Eph.2:1; Ephesians 2:5; Col.2:13). Christ was there after his death (Rom.10:7; Acts 2:31) in order to preach to it's occupants (1Pet.3:19-20; Jude 1:6; 2Pet.2:4)  (Isa.49:9) (Isaiah 42:7). 
It is a realm without the light of the knowledge of God, without which, we are in a spiritually dead condition (Isa.59:10; Hosea 4:6; Rom.2:19; 1:21; 1John2:11; 3:15).
Only those called out of that realm, gain understanding (1Pet.2:9; Col.1:13; John 1:4; 2Cor.3:16; Isa.60:2) through Christ. Those not granted, do not gain spiritual sight (Mark 4:11-12; Isa.6:9). They remain under the power of the spiritual realm, Hades (Ps.74:20).

Image result for in mental darknessImage result for in mental darknessImage result for in mental darkness

When we ourselves have "light" concerning the meaning of Sheol/Hades/Abyss/Sea/Deep;
we then have an advantage, when it comes to grasping the meaning behind such verses, as Rev.13:1 , Revelation 11:7 and Revelation 9:1.
We then can "make our minds over", and remove former "Watchtower" misconceptions,
such as the doctrine which asserts that the Wild Beast arising from the sea (Isa.57:20Rev.13:1 and Revelation 17:8) is coming forth from "a place of inactivity". No... that is not the Bible's meaning of the abyss.

Satan's "abyss" of deception (LINK), is quite active in the minds of men. It is the source of the false prophet's great deceptive power, and the birthplace/source, of the Wild Beast/locust-scorpion collective (Rev.8:10-11; Revelation 9:1,2,3; Joel 2:2) 

Since Adam, we are all (including the Chosen) born under the realm of Hades, and the dominion of it's agents. (Isa.25:7; Eph.6:11-12)

Without the salvation granted by God, we would remain under that consignment of "darkness", confusion, "Babylon the Great", and death (John 3:18).
The power and realm of deception and death (Hades), is also symbolized as a covenant/"mother", of death 
(Isa.28:15Rev.9:1; Revelation 17:5)
"She", has a husband (Heb.2:14Rev.9:11Isa.33:1).
All "her" children, are born spiritually blind and corrupted, and prisoners of death.
The power and realm of light and life, is also symbolized as a covenant/"mother", of life (Gal.4:26,24). 
"She", also has a husband (2Cor. 11:2Rev.14:4-5; Rev.21:9-10; Rev.3:12; Rev.22:17).
Those born to her (Gal.4:19Rev.12:1-2John 3:3), are given spiritual enlightenment, and are her "seed" (Gen.3:15Rev.12:17).
(Virgins / Harlots)
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Monday, July 10, 2017

Who are the "Fallen Stars" of Rev.12:4 ?

Concerning the fallen stars of Rev.12:4; a "Watchtower" quote reads; 
"That number includes a sizable group of other spirit rebels, or demons. (Rev. 12:3, 4)" 
 Rev.12:3-4 reads; 
"Then another sign appeared in heaven: There was a great fiery red dragon having seven heads and 10 horns, and on his heads were seven diadems. His tail swept away a third of the stars in heaven and hurled them to the earth. And the dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she did give birth he might devour her child." 

 That WT quote, is assuming that the stars that Satan hurls to the earth, are his own demons. Yet other stars who are "cast down" to the earth (same Greek word) are interpreted by the WT, as "Christendom" (Rev.8:10-11) and as Jesus Christ (Rev.9:1). 
All three interpretations, are false, according to the scriptures. 

If we accept the interpretation which the scriptures give, those interpretations are harmonious and consistent. The Bible tells us what the fallen "stars" are. God's Word does NOT tell us that they are demons... or "Christendom".
The Bible tells us, what this "third" is ("third of the stars" -Rev.12:4). 

Joseph told Pharoah and his servants, that "interpretations belong to God" (Gen.40:8; 41:16,28), not the "Watchtower". 
If we hope to have truth, we must accept that fact. 
The "stars", are those whom God has chosen, to give light in the darkness, during the "night" (Matt.5:14-15). 
 Phil.2:15 reads; 
"so that you may be blameless and pure, children of God who are faultless in a crooked and perverted generation, among whom you shine like STARS in the world." 
Dan.12:3 reads; 
"Those who are wise will shine
like the bright expanse of the heavens,
and those who lead many to righteousness,
like the STARS, forever and ever." 

These "wise", who shine the light of truth in the darkness, are the "messengers" (Greek: "angels"), in the "right hand" of Jesus Christ. He works, through them (right hand). They give light to the Congregations/churches of holy ones (Rev.1:20;  1Cor. 14:33; Matt.10:23), which Congregations, support that light from Christ transmitted through his "stars" (Rev.22:6; John 13:20; Rev.1:20; Matt.5:15; Luke 12:42).

Rev.1:20 reads; 
"The secret of the seven STARS you saw in My right hand and of the seven gold lampstands is this: The seven stars are the angels/"messengers", to the seven churches, and the seven lampstands, are the seven churches."

 According to Eph.2:6, 
these faithful stars, are already spirit-born (Rom.8:9) and so already reside, in a "heavenly" position (Heb.12:22-23). 
2Pet. 3:17 warns, that these can be "falling", from their "secure height"/position (Click for: literal translation of the Greek)
Both Rev.8:10-11 and Rev.9:1, speak of a star that falls from Heaven. 
       (Note: when Jesus is spoken of as coming down from 
        heaven at Rev.20:1, the Greek word, differs from 
        the word "to fall". The Greek of Rev.20:1 means, 
        "to step down" voluntarily... NOT to stumble and fall.)

 Now, what about a "third", whom Satan is able to cause to "fall" from heaven (Rev.12:4; Dan.8:10)? 

This "third" of the Anointed "stars" of heaven, are mentioned, throughout Revelation. If we accept the Bible's interpretation of this "third", we can see that they are those whom God loves and must discipline, due to their failure to remain faithful, as His sons. God disciplines them, in the hope of their repentance and refinement (Heb.12:6-11). 
Of them, we read;    

"I will put this THIRD through the fire;
I will refine them as silver is refined
and test them as gold is tested.
They will call on My name,
and I will answer them.
I will say: They are My people,
and they will say: Yahweh is our God.” (Zech.13:9)

Would God actually subject this "third" of the heavenly "stars", to the "fire" of Satanic persecution and power, in order to discipline and refine? 
(See: Isa.48:10;  1Pet. 1:6-7; Job 23:10; 1:11-12; 2:4-6; James 1:12-14;  1Cor. 5:5; Luke 22:31; Rev.13:7)
God "permits" the tribulation of the holy ones, as stated in Job, Luke, and Revelation above (Rom.8:17-18; 1Pet.5:10; Heb.12:11).
The apostle Paul recognized the potential benefit of this... 
"hand this man over to Satan for the destruction of the sinful flesh, so that his spirit may be saved on the day of the Lord." (1Cor. 5:5). 

God DOES allow Satan's agents (Rev.9:11; Isa.33:1)... the "Gentiles",
 to "trample" His "holy place", when they "lose their 'salt' " (Matt.5:13; Rev.11:2; 13:7,10; Col.2:8; Matt.24:24-25; Rev.13:11,7). 
So the Bible IS consistent. The FALLEN "stars" are NOT, "Christendom"... the demons ...or Jesus Christ (Rev.12:4; 8:10; 9:1; Dan.8:10; Luke 21:24; Rev.11:2). 
In all three instances, they are consistently, fallen anointed. 
  [For those who would like to know who the fallen star is, found at Rev.8:10-11, 
   please consider this link: (https://TheFallenStar.html) ].

  [For those who wonder about the seeming connection between Rev.9:1 and Rev.20:1; 
   please consider the information at this link:

The misinterpretation of Rev.12:4, is only one of so many instances, where the WT has failed to interpret prophecy, according to scriptural truth. The result, is that they have misguided the sheep of Christ. They are NOT providing "the proper food at the proper time", but are actually among, those "fallen stars" and "wicked stewards" over Christ's household 
(Rev.8:10-11; Luke 12:42,45-46; Hosea 6:5; Jer.23:29; 5:14; Rev.11:5). 

This IS, the Great spiritual Tribulation...
 to sift those who genuinely love the truths of God, from those who love a lie, and worship the Image of a lying sign... a so-called "spirit-directed" Idol (Rev.13:15) [(John 20:22)]. 

What do YOU choose to love, believe, obey, and worship? (Rev.13:11,15,8) -- (https://4womaninthewilderness.blogspot.com/2013/05/mark-of-beast.html)

For more information on the fallen stars, please see the 4 links to follow. Some of the articles are long, and are best reviewed in multiple sessions. Please read the scriptures as you come to them. They will pop up if you hover your cursor over them...

Additional Pages for Study (coming soon)