Friday, February 27, 2015

"Faint out of Fear"

(from a comment which was left at

Sister Pearl,
I am overwhelmed and shaking since I found your blog. I studied and was baptized into the Witnesses faith and served as an elder until recently. I need to find God's truth and serve Him eternally, NOT an organisation. What would you advise I do? 

Spiritually Thirsty Soul from Africa
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Dear Reader,
Although I do realize how shocked and perhaps horrified you are feeling, at your realization of today's spiritual realities; 
you may wish to reflect upon the expectations we all had as "Jehovah's Witnesses", which was of an impending "Great Tribulation" (Matt.24:21,22; Luke 13:23,24; Matt.7:13,14) and "the War of the Great Day of God the Almighty" (Rev.16:14; 17:14; 20:8). 

The quaking adjustment we now need to make in our understanding; is that these prophetic events are not to take place the way in which we were previously taught by the wicked steward (1Thess.5:3; 2Thess.2:1,2,3,4; Micah 3:5,3; Jer.6:13,14,15; 3:3). This is because as a whole, "Jehovah's Witnesses" are not receiving "the proper food at the proper time" as they fatally assume. The feelings you are experiencing, also have been prophesied to occur, in those who awaken and are granted accurate perception 
(Eze.38:19; Joel 3:16; Haggai 2:6,7; Rev.11:13; 16:18; Luke21:25,26; Isa.40:30,31) (Matt.13:14,15,16).
For this reason, despite your horror at what you now perceive,
both you and I have great reason to rejoice. You are beginning to gain a vital understanding of the authentic fulfillment of the prophesied "Great Tribulation" and "Armageddon". You have been counted worthy to be offered life, and an invitation to the marriage feast! (Matt.22:8,9,10; Rev.22:17; 19:9)
Of course, that conclusion is not for anyone to tell you; but for you to conclude after testing out all that is offered to you 
(1John4:1; Matt.7:20; 24:4,5,24,25)....both here at my blog, and at the blogs of other anointed slaves of Christ, who have already been "killed" (John16:2) in fulfillment of prophecy (Rev.6:9,10,11; 11:7; 13:15; 12:10,11; 20:4; Mark8:35; etc.).
My advice to you, is the advice of Christ; which I am sure you are already familiar with... John17:3.

Keep reading. If any questions arise, please use the contact form in the right column of this Main Page.

As you come out of the spiritual famine 
(Amos 8:11; Rev.6:6; 13:17; Isa.55:1,2; 27:6; Eze.36:8; 17:22,23,24; Matt.13:31,32; 23:12), 
and feed yourself more pure spiritual food, you will grow stronger, and more mature (1Pet.2:2). Please keep in touch with me by means of the contact form. I am here to serve you.

One more thing to mention...
While we do not serve the Gentile Wild Beast Organization (or the adulterous false prophet who "rides" it);
we also remember John4:21,23,24...
“Woman,” Jesus replied, “believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”

While we must not worship the Wild Beast Organization (Rev.13:8; 19:20; Eze.14:10),
God DOES have a "mountain"....a spiritual one. 
It is ZION, and IT is the place of proper worship "in spirit and truth", just as prophesied at Isa.2:2,3 and Rev.14:1.
    ("YHWH's Genuine Mountain")

It is organized, according to the divine arrangement, of Eph.2:20,21,22,10; 4:11,12 and 1Cor.12:12,14,18,27,28
It is God's spiritual Temple (Isa.2:2), established in the heavens (Heb.8:5; 9:24; 12:22,23; 1Cor.3:16,9). 
That temple...
       [from it's founding "cornerstone" (Ps.118:22; Eph.2:20
            to it's "capstone" (Zech.4:7,9,10,11,14; Rev.11:3,4) made of chosen, living stones (1Pet.2:5,9) who worship in spirit and truth.
There is where you can find living waters, contained within their "fruit" (Luke 6:44,45
(John7:38,39; 14:17; 16:13; 1Cor.2:12,13; Rev.22:17,1,2,3; Matt.7:20).

"So we say with confidence, 'The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?'" (Heb.13:6)
       ("Who is your God?")

Love in the hope and salvation of God and Christ,
(For making and reading comments in language other than English)

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Satan's Fall --- When?

Jesus told us when Satan fell from heaven, and how. It was not 1914, as a recent article by the "Watchtower" asserts.

"The seventy-two returned with joy and said, “Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name.”
 He replied, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions (Eze.2:6; Matt.23:33and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” (Luke10:17,18,19,20)
Jesus seeing Satan fall in the first century, is in the past tense. Satan is the "enemy". He and the demons, then had to "submit" to the apostles. Now the apostles names were "written in heaven". 
"Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me." (Matt.28:18)

While their work subjugated Satan and the demons (fall from heaven); the apostles replaced them in this raised position...
"And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus," (Eph.2:6; Rev.3:21)
Both Christ, and his faithful chosen ones, began ruling in the first century, for a symbolic "Thousand Years" (Rev.5:10; John20:23; Rev.20:4 --click to read whole verse). During the "Thousand Years", Satan was restrained from overcoming the light (1Pet.2:9; John1:5; Matt.5:14), by his being "chained" within the confines of darkness;... And his "heads" (Deut.28:13; Matt.4:8; Rev.17:9), unable to breach and trample the light (Acts5:29), among it's sons (John12:36; 1Thess.5:5) (Jer.5:22; Ps.74:13; Gen.3:15; Rom.16:20; Rev.20:2,3; 5:9c; Rev.7:9). 
That restraint and trampling of Satanic deception, was initially accomplished by the work of Christ in the first century (John1:5; 16:33; 12:31; 1Cor.1:28; 2Tim.1:10; 1John3:8; Heb.2:14,15,16; John10:10; Rev.1:18; 20:1,2,3), and subsequently, the war between Truth and Lies continued, through the members of faithful "Zion" (Eph.6:12; Rom.13:12; Ps.110:1,2; Rev.14:1). The faithful were not overcome by darkness, during Satan's restraint (Matt.28:20; 2Cor.13:5; John12:35,36). When the "conclusion of the age" arrives (Matt.28:20); the final remnant ("remaining ones") are overcome, due to the fall of their leading steward/false prophet (Rev.16:13), and his releasing of Satanic deception for a "short time" ("short time" -- Rev.12:12; 20:3) after he receives the "key" to open the abyss of darkness (Luke12:42; Rev.8:10,11; 9:1,2,3,10,11; 13:15; 19:20; Jer.9:15; 23:15; 2:13; 7:13; 19:4; Dan.11:37,38; Rev.13:8). Those who are overreached (2Cor.2:11; 11:3; Luke22:31; 1Pet.5:8) by these "lying signs" (2Thess.2:9; Rev.13:15,2; Matt.4:9), must be released from their present captivity (Rev.12:17; 13:10,7), and also overcome the wicked one (1John2:13,14; Rom.8:37; Rev.3:21; 12:11)... no longer being deceived by his deceptions (1Pet.2:9; 1Thess.5:5; Eph.5:8) through the false prophet (wicked steward/harlot -Isa.1:21; Matt.23:34,35; Rev.18:24; John16:2; Rev.6:9,11) and it's Gentile Beast (Rev.13:15; 11:7).
(Mark10:42,43,44; Matt.24:49; 1Cor.15:24; Matt.23:12)

When Satan is released, the Great Tribulation begins, and the remaining ones ARE overcome (Rev.13:1,7,10; 9:1,2,3,10; Eze.2:6; 2Cor.12:7; Luke10:20) (Isa.5:5; Jer.9:7; 12:10,11; Eze.22:30; Jer.23:1,2; Dan.8:10,11,12,13; Luke21:24; Matt.24:15,16; Rev.11:2; 13:7,10; Zech.1:14,15,16), for a time (Rev.20:7; 13:1; 20:9; Luke21:20; Dan.8:12,13,14) (Rev.12:15,6; 11:3,5; Jer.5:14; Rev.20:9).
Their being overcome by Satanic deception, is the reason why when Christ arrives, they need to be refined (Mal.3:1,2,3; Rev.3:17,18; Zech.13:9; Rev.9:18,20,21; 8:7; 1Pet.1:7,8; Num.31:23; 1Cor.3:13,14; 2Cor.5:10; John12:48; Rev.20:12). A remnant will be refined by the fire of God's Word (Jer.23:29; Matt.3:11), when the spirit of Truth, arrives (John16:13; Rev.22:6; 1:1,2; 10:7). 
After their release (John8:32; Luke4:18; Isa.49:9; Rev.18:4), they will battle at Christ's side (Rev.6:2; 19:11,14; 17:14; 2:26,27; 12:7; Dan.12:1,3; Phil.2:15; Eph.6:12; 2Cor.10:3,4,5; Rev.3:21; 5:10; 20:4,6; 2Tim.2:12) in the spirit of the truth (Rev.19:15; 3:14; John14:17; Eph.6:17; Heb.4:12; Luke10:19; 2Cor.10:5).
Once Satan was released from the abyss (Rev.20:7,8); the lying spirit of demons were released with him (Rev.16:13,14,15,16), and the Great Tribulation/Test  began. Satan and his agents seek out and battle against the Truth (Rev.17:14; 13:15,16,17,18,8,7) and it's agents (Rev.12:17,7; 20:9; 16:14; Mark8:35). The spiritual battle that results, is Armageddon.
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(For making and reading comments in language other than English)

Saturday, February 21, 2015

666 / 144,000


Pearl, what does 144,000 and 666 mean? How can mankind practically apply these numbers and their meaning in their lives?
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Since we pointedly receive the numbers 144,000 and 666 from the scriptures, we should seek a deeper understanding of these numbers, from the same place.
First I would like to point out, that worshippers of the Wild Beast, are marked with 666, on their hand and forehead (see Rev.13:16,17,18,15,8).
What does it mean to possess the symbolic mark of 666?
Well, what does it means to be marked with anything on the hand and forehead, since the slaves of God are also marked in these same places, though not by 666 (Rev.7:3; 14:1; 22:4).
I find Deut.6:4,6,8 and Deut.11:18, the most telling...
"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Tie them as symbols on your hands and on your foreheads."
When our hearts are filled with God's Laws (Heb.10:16), it is seen symbolically as on our forehead ("I will write them on their minds"). 
Our marked "hands", (symbolizing what we do); and our marked "forehead" (symbolizing what we think and believe), are then directed by God. Those faithful to God's New Covenant (Heb.10:16), will have a spiritual mark, that identifies them as loyal from the heart, to God's Laws. 
[That mark is seen, only in the spirit realm. Yet this distinction is observable in the physical realm,
  by examining a prophet's deeds (hands), and teaching (mind)
  -(Mal.3:18; Eze.14:23,22; Matt.7:20)]

To be directed by and obedient to God's Laws, is to be a slave of God (and His Laws). This brings us back to the symbolism of Rev.7:3 and Rev.22:3B, Rev.22:4...
“Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the slaves of our God.” 
"...his slaves will serve him. They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads."

Here's the tie between obeying God's word, and being his branded slave...
"Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone as obedient, you are slaves of the one you obey —whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness? But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin"... [branded with "666" and by the "man of sin"  2Thess.2:3; Rev.13:18], "you have come to obey from your heart (Deut.6:6; Heb.10:16) the pattern of teaching [God's Laws] that has now claimed your allegiance. You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness." (Rom.6:16-18)

Okay, now back to the numbers.
The obedient slaves/worshippers of the Beast, have their hands and foreheads so designated, by the number 666.
As we learned about God's Laws marking the hands and forehead... The Beast's directive Laws are represented by the symbolic mark, 666. First, we need to know what the numeral 6 means. 
We can, when we know what 12 means.
Are not God's Laws, declared to be the truth?
"Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth." (John17:17)
So if our minds, hearts, and deeds are directed by God's Laws, they are directed by and obedient to, Divine Truth.
What number would that symbolically place on our hand and forehead?
The numeral 12 is constantly associated with the foundation and working of divine truth....
12 apostles, 12 tribes of Israel, 12,000 in each tribe...
the "measurements" (Isa.28:17) of God's City of Truth (Rev.21:16,27)...

"Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads. No lie was found in their mouths" (Rev.14:1,5)
[144,000 is equal to 12 hundred X 12 hundred)

If the divine truth found in God's Words/Laws, is associated with the numeral 12, 
take note what other number truth is associated with...
"In your own Law it is written that the testimony of two witnesses is true." (John8:17)
"And I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.” 
If anyone tries to harm them,   fire comes from their mouths" (Rev.11:3,5a)
"'Is not my word like fire?,' declares the LORD" (Jer.23:29a)
"I will make my words in your mouth a fire and these people the wood it consumes" (Jer.5:14b)
"for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you" (Matt.10:20)
Like Christ, the spirit of truth and the words of God issue forth from the mouths of God's "two witnesses" (Rev.2:16; 19:11,14; 17:14; 2Cor.10:4-5; Eph.6:17; Heb.4:12; Rev.2:16). 
Two witnesses, is a symbol of those who speak truth.

So, TWO witnesses can symbolize witnesses of truth, just as those who obey God's truths, by the numeral 12.
What number would symbolize, one witness?
And what would one witness, signify?

If 12 is associated with 2 witnesses,
then one witness would be 6. (2x=12;  x=6)
According to the bible, one witness was to be regarded as false. (Deut.17:6b; 19:15; John7:18; 5:31; 8:13,14,18; Num.35:30).
If six stands for lies (Satan is their source -John8:44)
then where are 3 false witnesses? (6-6-6)
Check it out...
"Then I saw three impure spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, (1) out of the mouth of the beast (2), and out of the mouth of the false prophet (3). They are demonic spirits that perform... lying signs and portents" (Rev.16:13,14a; 2Thess.2:9; 2Tim.3:13).

We learned that the spirit of God can symbolically speak through "two" truthful witnesses (Matt.10:20; John 14:17);
and the spirit of demons can speak through Satan, the Beast, and the false prophet (Rev.16:14)...all of whom are false witnesses.
Any branded by their lies, are also false witnesses (Rev.13:16; Isa.44:20; Ps.144:8; Rom.1:25; Rev.13:8; 2Thess.2:11).

I feel the following affords some confirmation...
There are "24 elders" and "12 tribes" (Rev.7:5-8; 4:4).
This means that each tribe has two elders.
If the 12 tribes are 144000, then each tribe amounts to 12,000 (Rev.7:5);
and each elder is over 6,000. 
There must be 12,000, and there must be 2 elders...not 6,000, and not one elder, because both 1 witness and 6, signify untruth. 
Two and twelve are needed, not because these numbers are literal, but because the Truth they signify, is essential 

(Rev.14:5; Eph.5:27; Rev.19:7,8; 1Cor.1:6,8).

Those who are obedient from the heart, to the untruths of the dragon, wild beast, and false prophet; are so designated by having their hands and foreheads symbolically branded as slaves to their deceptive laws and decrees (Rev.13:17,18).
On the other hand, those obedient to Divine truth, are branded as obedient slaves to that truth (Deut.6:6,8; Rev.22:3,4), and to the Divine Beings who are the source of it (Rev.7:3; 14:1,5).

How can we make practical application of all this?
We must make certain that our service, obedience, and worship is to God alone. This is just as Jesus kept admonishing us (Matt.4:10; 22:36,37,38; Deut.10:12

(2Cor.13:5; 1John4:1; 1Thess.5:21,22; 1Tim.4:1; Rev.16:13,14,15; 13:15,8; 2Thess.2:1,2,3,4,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15)
We must make certain, that everything we believe, obey, and practice, is sourced in God's word of Truth.
Our minds, hearts, and deeds must be directed by and obedient to, God's Laws of Divine Truth. 
Only then are we marked as His slaves (1John2:17; Rom.6:18,22).

For more information about this subject,
(For making and reading comments in language other than English)

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

77 times

Done editing

A COMMENT that was left after "Salvation in question",
as follows:
"Jesus replied, ‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery" " Does Jesus say that committing the act is wrong, but if another person we "love" is an unrepentant adulterer, we should permit it because they do it, but we don't? 
Its not just stopping it ourselves, its hating what is bad to such an extent that we wont tolerate it IN OUR LIVES. If our marriage mate unrepentantly continues to do this, it is flaunting it before Jah and Christ. We may not be an "adulterer", but we share the sin of it, if we tolerate it by our "love" for that one. Our "love" can only be for things in HARMONY with Christ's Love of righteousness."


If we wish to please God, we accept what His Word tells us about matters. We seek to act in the way His Word directs.
If someone we love is practicing sin, and we are a true, loyal, and obedient follower of Christ, we are grieved over the sins of our loved one. But we seek to respond to them, according to the way Christ directs.
First, we can neither permit nor not permit the sins of another. Each person has free will, and will do what they themselves choose.
If our mate asked our permission to commit adultery, then of course we must deny our permission in respect for God's Laws.
But normally, our mate does not ask permission to do such a thing. The innocent one should not be blamed for "permitting" the sin, when they had no influence, nor likely even knowledge, about the free will choices of the other.
God has not given us the right or power, to control the will of another, unless they are our child. Even with a child, our power and right to protect eventually ends as they become adults. Even God and Christ do not remove the freedom to choose. They give warnings to us, and hope for our integrity and the good consequences that brings. God and Christ are not to blame for "permitting" people to sin, and they have a lot more power than we do. That stain is on the one who desires wrong, and chooses it (James1:14,15).

If our mate is committing the sin of adultery; Jesus gave us the option of leaving them (Matt.19:9).
However, leaving them is not mandatory. This is proven in the case of Hosea the prophet. God actually commanded him to have and keep an adulterous wife (Hosea1:2; 3:1). Are we to believe that God was forcing this righteous prophet, to sin? (James1:13)
God's own nation committed spiritual adultery against Him many times, and many times, He forgave them when they repented. This is a personal decision, that no one should judge.

Although it is lawful to leave an adulterous mate, we receive some more advice to consider, at 1Cor.10:23,24...
“'I have the right to do anything,' you say—but not everything is beneficial. 'I have the right to do anything'—but not everything is constructive. No one should seek their own good, but the good of others."

According to Jesus, we have the right to leave an adulterous mate.
But this verse asks us to consider if such an action is "constructive" and "for the good of others".
What "constructive good" might come from staying with an adulterous mate?
The Bible itself tells us.
"And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with her, she must not divorce him. 14 For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy.
15 But if the unbeliever leaves, let it be so. The brother or the sister is not bound in such circumstances; God has called us to live in peace. 16 How do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband? Or, how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife?" (1Cor.7:13-16)
The advice of God's Word is, if an adulterous mate wants to continue living with us, the advantage to them should be considered.
If an adulterous mate wants to leave us, we are not under obligation to resist this, because again, we do not control the choices of another.

Within these verses, the "advantage" and "good of others" is defined. Through association with a believing mate, the sinner may over time, be "sanctified". In that case, the one we love may be "saved". What a fine reward for endurance through the heartache.
Jesus himself suffered at the hands of sinners (Luke24:7). Why did he endure such injustice? 
1Pet.3:18 tells us;
"For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God."
That reveals that Jesus was thinking about the "advantage" and "good of others", all of whom, were sinners deserving of death (Isa.53:5; 1Cor.15:3; Rom.6:23).
Jesus gave us many illustrations about forgiveness, and how our forgiving others effects God's forgiveness toward us.
We do well to keep this in mind (Matt.6:12,14,15).
We should never respond in vengeance, although admittedly, this is very difficult to control when we have been hurt so deeply. The God who can read each heart, is the only righteous judge when it comes to punishment (Rom.12:19; Prov.20:22; 19:11; Matt.5:39).
Such patient endurance does not mean that we love or condone the sin of adultery. We hate badness. But we humbly remember that we also were bad, and despite the sins others commit against us; we pray for them, their repentance, and their salvation. If we wish to avoid hypocrisy, we work in harmony with our prayers when dealing with a sinner (Rom.12:14,21,20). This may provoke their conscience to be pained toward repentance (Prov.25:22; Ps.120:4; 11:6; Heb.12:11; Isa.6:6,7) and made clean (Isa.6:7; Acts24:16), 
when combined with our atoning prayers (Num.16:42,43,44,45,46,47,48Rev.8:4; James5:16).
Jesus said;
"You have heard that it was said, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR and hate your enemy.' "But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous." (Matt.5:43-45)

The Bible never tells us that we should think so much of ourselves, that we do not tolerate the sins of others (Ec.7:9,16).
Jesus made a special effort to associate with sinners, because not only did they need his loving care the most (Matt.9:11,12,13),
they were also the most appreciative when they did repent.
"When one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to have dinner with him, he went to the Pharisee’s house and reclined at the table. 37 A woman in that town who lived a sinful life learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee’s house, so she came there with an alabaster jar of perfume. 38 As she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them.
39 When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is—that she is a sinner.”
40 Jesus answered him, “Simon, I have something to tell you.”
“Tell me, teacher,” he said.
41 “Two people owed money to a certain moneylender. One owed him five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. 42 Neither of them had the money to pay him back, so he forgave the debts of both. Now which of them will love him more?”
43 Simon replied, “I suppose the one who had the bigger debt forgiven.”
“You have judged correctly,” Jesus said.
44 Then he turned toward the woman and said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? I came into your house. You did not give me any water for my feet, but she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. 45 You did not give me a kiss, but this woman, from the time I entered, has not stopped kissing my feet. 46 You did not put oil on my head, but she has poured perfume on my feet. 47 Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little.”
48 Then Jesus said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.” (Luke7:36-48)

 Lastly you say...
"We may not be an "adulterer", but we share the sin of it, if we tolerate it by our "love" for that one, when our "love" can only be for things in HARMONY with Christ's Love of righteousness."

If we tolerate the sins of others; Is this not in imitation of God and Christ, who have shown great patience toward sinners ? (Ps.103:10; 2Pet.3:9,15; Rom.2:4; 5:6,7,8; 6:23; Eze.33:11; 1Tim.2:4) This patience will have an end, because God also hears the cries of the faithful (Luke18:7; 2Pet.2:9). But the expiration of God's patience and mercy, belongs to God (2Thess.1:6,5; Isa.3:11).

If we show long-suffering and hope toward one we love (1Cor.13:4,5,6,7,8,13), this is not the same as sharing in the sin.
God's Word makes clear, that each person as an individual is accountable for their own sins (Eze.18:20; Gen.18:25), and for what they themselves have done (2Cor.5:10; Matt.16:27; Rom.14:10,12; Ecc.3:17).
The love of Christ was righteous. Yet that love was expressed...not by judgment, but by salvation (John3:17; 8:15; 12:47; 1John4:14).
We are to be emissaries of that salvation to yet other sinners (2Cor.5:20; 6:1,2; Col.1:20). Soon the time to be reconciled to God will end. We do not take delight in what that will mean for the unrepentant, and we may not want to personally rush the closing of that door, upon anyone. (Matt.18:21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35)
What an innocent mate chooses to do in this situation, is a personal decision, with individual considerations and circumstances; which is why Jesus did not impose his will on someone under such torment (Matt.19:9). He always judged according to the will of God (John5:30). We can therefore conclude, that it is God's will that each mate have the freedom to choose to forgive, or not.
(For making and reading comments in language other than English)

Monday, February 16, 2015

Salvation in question

as follows;

Can you help me? I have been stepping out on my husband for four years. Am I still saved if I die in an accident?
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Thank you for writing to me.
If you want help, real help comes from God, Christ, and the Bible.
I cannot really help people on my own. But I can give you the help from God, Christ, and the Bible.
If you accept that help, you will really be helped.

There are some things about your question that I do not understand.
When you say, "Am I still saved if I die in an accident?"; this sounds as if you believe that you are already "saved". Is this what you believe?
If that is so, then first let's look at what the Bible says about that.

Being "saved" has it's requirements. Those requirements are very difficult for us to meet and fulfill. Please think about these scriptures....

"Someone asked him, “Lord, are only a few people going to be saved?”
He said to them, “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to." (Luke 13:23,24)

There Jesus tells us that being saved is difficult. Many will try to be saved, but will not be able. "Every effort" is needed, and the door we have to squeeze through, is "narrow". Yet it would seem that Jesus did not answer the question directly. Are only a few saved?
Jesus answered this question directly in a different place, but we have to go to a different Bible writer to find out how many get through that narrow door....

"Enter through the narrow door. For wide is the door and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the door and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it". (Matt.7:13,14)

So, Jesus answer to Luke13:23 is "yes". Only a few get through the tight door. Why? Because to get through to salvation, the requirements are very exact. Jesus explains...
“Not everyone who calls me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does what my Father in heaven, wants them to do, will." (Matt.7:21)

What does God want you to do?
We can read in the Bible where God actually spoke, and told us what he wants us to do...
"A voice came from the cloud, saying, 'This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him.'" (Luke9:35)
Can you see that God wants us to listen to Jesus? Can you see that only those who listen to Jesus get saved?
There are other places in the Bible where God actually spoke, and told us to listen to Jesus.
Does that mean that if we listen to what Jesus taught, and we obey it, that we will be saved from death?
See what Jesus said...
"Very truly I tell you, whoever obeys my word will never see death." (John 8:51)

"'If you love me, keep my commands.' Jesus answered and said to him, 'If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home inside him. He who does not love Me, does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine, but the Father's who sent Me" (John14:15,23,24)

"The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you--they are full of the Spirit and life." (John6:63)

Is it enough to read the words and teaching of Jesus? What must we do with his words and teachings, if we want to be saved?

James told us in the Bible...
"Do not only listen to the word, and just fool yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says, is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But whoever looks deep into the perfect teaching that gives freedom, and continues to obey and do it, —not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it —they will be blessed by what they do." (James1:22-25)

Yes, they will be blessed with being saved, only IF they DO what Jesus teaches.
That reminds us of what Jesus said at Matt.7:21, remember? We have to DO what God wants.
We have to listen to what Jesus teaches (Luke9:35), and then DO it.

There was once a man who asked Jesus how to get saved. The answer Jesus gave him helps us to see this clearly...

"Just then a man came up to Jesus and asked, 'Good teacher, what things must I do to get saved?' Jesus answered, 'Why do you call me good? There is only One who is good, God. If you want to enter life, obey His commandments.'
'Which ones?' the man asked.
Jesus replied, ‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not lie, honor your father and mother, and love your neighbor as yourself.’” (Matt.19:16-19)

We learned that in order to be saved, we have to listen to, and do what Jesus says.
Jesus says that we need to obey God's commandments. One of those commandments says that we must not commit adultery. This is what you are doing, if you are "stepping out" on your husband.
Can you see, that if we do not obey God's commandments, then we are not saved?
Those who do not listen to Jesus and God, are not saved. It does not matter how, or when, they die.
The only way we can get saved, is to stop our sinning, and start obeying God and Jesus (John8:4,10,11; John5:14).
Here is some good advise from the apostle Paul...

"...The time has come for you to wake up from darkness, because our being saved has come close... The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the protection of light. Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in fighting and jealousy. Rather, clothe yourselves with the light of the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh." (Rom.13:11-14)

We just read from the Bible, that there is "light" and "darkness".
There are "deeds of darkness", which include "sexual immorality".
Instead of practicing those dark deeds,
the Bible tells us to "clothe yourselves with the light of Christ".
What is the "light of the Lord Jesus Christ"?

The apostle John talked about that when he talked about Jesus....
"The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." (John1:14,4,5)

If we accept and obey the "light" of Jesus' teachings, and obey them,
it will shine into the dark places of our life.... those dark deeds... the sins of disobedience. It is more powerful than the darkness. When we turn a lamp on in a dark room, the darkness cannot make the lamp dark... but the light of the lamp makes the darkness into light.
It is the same with the teachings of Jesus. They are light to our life. They are full of spirit and life. If we get rid of the darkness, and fill ourselves with light,
we will become part of the light, and we will be saved.

"So Jesus said to them, 'For a little while longer the Light is among you. Walk while you have the Light, so that darkness will not overpower you; he who walks in the darkness does not know where he is going. While you have the Light, believe in the Light, so that you may become children of Light." (John12:35,36)

Here is more of what Jesus said...
"The words I have spoken to you--they are full of the Spirit and life". (John6:63)

"When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." (John8:12)

"I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness." (John12:46)

And the apostle Paul said;
"For you were once in darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light" (Eph.5:8)

It is good to remember what Jesus said at John12:35...
"he who walks in the darkness does not know where he is going"

Isn't that true of the ones on the dark road to destruction?
Remember what we read at Matt.7:13,14?
“Enter through the narrow door. For wide is the door and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the door and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

From all these words in the Bible (and the teachings of Christ),
we learn that being saved is not easy, and if we want it, we need to leave behind the work of darkness. That work includes adultery. Jesus tells us, that we must become children of light if we want to be saved. This means that we must obey the light of Jesus Christ. What is that light? It is his teachings, which, if we obey them, we will be doing what God wants. That means we will be among those who are saved. We will be among the "few", who squeeze through the narrow door, into the kingdom of eternal life.

"Now this is eternal life: that they know (and obey) you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent." (John17:3)

The Bible tells us, that we must get to know the teachings of Jesus.
Then we must obey them.
If we continue to DO this, we will be saved.

Thank you for inviting me to share the Bible with you.
I hope you continue to look into it, for the help we all need to be saved and get eternal life.
If there is any other way I can serve you, please let me know.

Here is something else I have written. It is more about the Bible, and how it's words can help us to be children of light.
It is a letter I got from someone else, and my reply to them,
just as I replied to your letter to me.
I hope you read and enjoy what it contains.

God bless your search for salvation,
(For making and reading comments in language other than English)

Sunday, February 15, 2015

"Abomination Causing Desolation"

ADDITION to "Who is your God?"
  as follows:

"Today within the Congregations of "Jehovah's Witnesses", non-anointed (Gentile) "elders" have taken over the priestly duties of God's chosen and consecrated priests. They preside over judicial matters of sin, which is only for anointed to do  (Num.16:47; Rev.8:4; James 5:15; Job 42:7-8; Lev.6:7; Rev.5:10; Matt.16:19; John 20:22-23;  1Cor. 6:1-3; Gal.6:1; Rom.8:14,9,16;  1Cor. 2:151Cor. 3:16because as God's Chosen priests, they have been given the "keys" (authority to open or close understanding/life) to the Kingdom (Matt.16:19; John 20:23,22; 7:38; 15:16; Luke 6:44,45; Matt.13:52; John 7:38; Rev.22:1,2). 
The Kingdom is accessed, through knowledge of truth, which those who have the "keys", possess (Matt.13:11; Luke 8:10). They can open or shut the knowledge they have, among those they forgive or do not forgive (Luke 24:32,45; Rev.11:6; 4:1; 20:12) (Matt.10:13,14,15; Mark 6:11; Luke 10:11; John 13:20; Luke 10:16; Matt.18:18(Matt.7:6; Prov.23:9; 9:8).
"Gentile" "elders" have not genuinely been given this divine authority ("keys") to forgive sins (nor to grant forgiveness from death and give the waters of life/truth), nor to condemn God's Chosen ones (Rom.8:33,34; 2:29; Isa.54:17) (Luke 21:15; Ex.4:12; Luke 12:11,12; Matt.10:20), nor anyone else. 

The policies of the governing body brazenly direct the condemnation of any not subservient to them, and they conduct this condemnation through the "Gentile" "elders" (1Cor. 6:1-2,3-4,5,8; Jer.6:15; 5:24; 3:3; Eze.16:30,21John 3:12; John 13:34). Those leaders do not obey the scriptures, but rather, dispense their henchmen (Matt.18:15; Isa.50:8; Rev.13:11,15; 11:7; 17:6; 18:24; Matt.23:35,36,37,38; Isa.1:21) (Mark 8:35; Rev.6:9,11).
Even Gal.6:1 has also been twisted within the WT Bible. It reads, "those with spiritual qualifications", which, when erroneously coupled with Titus 1:5-9; grants the Gentiles power to "readjust" a sinner. This is an "abomination" in God's eyes. When that abomination of Gentile priests (2Chron. 13:91Kings 12:31; Eze.44:6,81Cor. 10:6,11), slays God's genuine priests, that abomination "causes desolation" (Matt.24:15,16; Dan.8:24,25; 11:31,32; Mark 13:14).

Literally, Gal.6:1 accurately reads, "those who walk/live by spirit".
Rom.8:14 define these ones, as God's Sons/genuine priests.
(1Cor. 2:12; Rom.8:15; 2:28-29; Col.2:11; Gal.3:261John 2:272Cor. 1:21; Ex.40:15; Rev.5:9-10; Mal.2:7)"
["mountains/hills of Judea"(Matt.24:16)=(Eze.36:8; Matt.7:20; 5:14
The mountains/hills, are the same identity as the slain body upon which the eagles who flee, will be fed.]

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Great Crowd serves "In the Temple"

UPDATE TO: "Operation of Error"
as follows:
"You are also right about the "Great Crowd"...that they are anointed ones...they are the last of the anointed (The remnant/"remaining ones"/"rest" -Rev.12:17; 20:5). Their number are singled out, because they are the Elect from the period of the Great Tribulation (Rev.7:14), the result of Satan's release from the abyss (Rev.20:7,8; 16:14; 17:14). 
   (Posts about the symbolic "Thousand Years")
We can see that they are also priests, because they minister in the Temple (2Chron.23:6) "day and night" (Rev.7:15; Heb.10:11; Joel1:13; Jer.33:20,21)
..."before God's Throne". Where is God's throne? (See Isa.66:1
The "Great Crowd" (Matt.5:19) serves in God's Temple; 
and we know that the Temple reality, is in Heaven 
(Heb.9:23; 8:5; Rev.15:5; 7:15; Heb.12:22,23,25). How does God, "warn us from heaven" (Heb.12:25)? First through Christ, and then through "eye witnesses" of heaven (Heb.12:25; 2:3; Luke1:2; 2Pet.1:16; Matt.16:28; 17:1,2; Rev.1:12,13,16,19; John14:21; 16:13,14; 2Cor.12:1,2; Num.12:6; Rev.22:6; Mal.3:1; 2:7; Rev.10:7; Amos3:7) (Rev.20:9; 11:5; Matt.10:20; Phil.3:20; 1Cor.15:48). 
"Heaven" is where the Temple priests within it, serve 
(Eph.2:6; Rev.5:10; Mark14:62; Jude1:14; Heb.12:1; Isa.43:10,21; 1Pet.2:9).

The "operation of error" (2Thess.2:11,9) is the presence of a collective "lawless one"/"man of lawlessness" (2Thess2:3,4), who operate as Temple priests (Mark13:14; 2Chron.13:9; Eze.44:6,8over God's genuine Temple priesthood (2Thess.2:4; 1Cor.3:16)...trampling them into submission (Rev.11:2; Dan.11:16 (Rev.13:4)...Dan.11:31,32,33 (Rev.13:10,7; Luke 21:24)...Dan.11:34,35,36 (2Thess.2:4); Dan.8:10,13; Rev.13:7). ("Who are the 'gods'?"
This operation is accomplished on the basis of lies/"error"/"delusion"; which comes through the false prophet/fallen star (Rev.13:11,15; 19:20; 8:10,11; 9:1,2,3,10; 12:15; 16:13,14; 1Tim.4:1). This Gentile counterfeit priesthood ("disgusting thing"), is successful for a time, in subjugating ("trampling") the genuine Temple/Chosen Ones ("holy place" -1Cor.3:16; Deut.14:2) (Rev.11:2; 13:5,7; Dan.12:7).

( -- For making and reading comments in language other than English)

Friday, February 6, 2015

Our "Garment"

Addition to"Hide, or Herald? Stay, or Flee?"
as follows;

"Are we afraid of losing an identity among men?
Our identity/label among men, is symbolized in the Bible by the "garment" we wear (and is seen by others). (Matt.24:15,16,18; 6:28,30; Rev.19:8). We may think we have adequate "covering" while labeled one of "Jehovah's Witnesses", but we do not (Rev.3:17,18). We must seek the identity that will not be taken from us (Rev.16:15; 17:16
(Matt.6:19; Rev.3:5; 6:11; 1Pet.3:3,4; Rev.12:1; 1:16; Rom.13:14; 2Cor.4:6) (Col.3:9,12; 2Cor.5:2,3).
Let us be clothed by our association with the light of Christ, rather than the darkness of demons 
(Jer.13:16; John12:35; Isa.50:3; 13:10; Jer.4:28; Rev.20:7,8; 9:2,3,10,11; 13:7,10; Isa.49:9; 42:7
(Isa.60:2; Col.1:13; Heb.3:1; Matt.10:32; Rev.12:17; 2:25; 3:11; Luke12:36,35).
We are not to be anxious over our identity before men (John5:44,41; 12:43; Rom.2:29; 1Thess.2:6
(Mark 8:35; Eph.6:13,14,15,16,17).
God will provide a garment of incorruptible glory, to those who seek to please His face (Rom.9:26; Zech.3:8,3,4,5; Job 29:14; Matt.6:28; Hosea 14:5; Isa.52:1; 61:10; Rev.21:2; Isa.49:18; Ps.45:14,15; 132:16; 149:4; Rev.3:11)."

(For making and reading comments in language other than English)

Monday, February 2, 2015

Who is your God?

MANY NEW ADDITIONS (scriptures, and clarifications)


Hi. Greetings from Philippines, am happy to have found this site, I hope that my questions about faith -in God and his teachings - will be answered.Below are the said questions.

1) If there is a conflict between the Bible and the watchtower reading material - which of the two are we going to follow or obey?

2) Is the 144,000 in Revelation referred to the Jews only or gentiles - it appears that the said group is only Jews?

3) There are many revisions of the New world translation - if I have the older version of it, is it still a correct version?

4) What is the name of God - is it Jehovah or another? ( I learned that God's name is composed only of letters )

5) Is Jehovah's witness church - the only church God will accept?

6) Do you believe that the Bible is the word of God - all of it - or contain only portion of God's word?
Thank you for taking the time in reading my message, kindly answer it any way you want - simple answer will do.,one that a layman can easily understand.
note: do you have a bible correspondence course for those who want to study about your faith via e-mail? thanks.
God bless!
Respectfully yours,
- - - - - - - - - - - -

My Reply:

Hello Ram,
Thank you for writing to me.
I'll get right to your questions. Thank you for stating them clearly.
Since you have numerous questions, and each deserves many scriptures and comments, I hope you don't mind that I will include links to articles which discuss each topic in greater depth. Please do not skim over any scriptures. I know there are a lot of them. Perhaps you can do one question for each study session.
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1) If there is a conflict between the Bible and the watchtower reading material - which of the two are we going to follow or obey?

I cannot speak for you or for others, because as individuals, we each must make this decision.
It is a vital question, which unfortunately, millions of "Jehovah's Witnesses" do not even recognize as a vital issue before them. They make the false assumption, that to do one, is to do the other... just as the Jews of the first century assumed that following the false religious leaders meant having God's approval. It didn't (Matt.15:14,8; Luke 12:1; Matt.23> LINK).
("Should We Obey Men?")
Even the directives Jesus gave others, was not sourced in his own initiative (John 5:30; 8:16). He spoke only what God told him (John 12:49). Genuine ambassadors of Christ imitate this (1Pet.2:212Cor.5:20), teaching only what spirit directs (Matt.10:20) and backing everything up by means of the source of their teaching... the scriptures.
("Who are the Fine Trees?")
The Bible itself contrasts between following God's Word, or man's (Rom.3:4; Mark 7:7).
God has told us within His Word, how He symbolizes this contrast.
To have one's heart directed by God's Word, is symbolized by a mark on your forehead (thinking)
and a mark on your hands (deeds) [See Deut.6:6,8; 11:18].
When our heart is directed by men in power, the same symbols are used [See Rev.13:16,8,7).
("Mark of the Beast")

Whoever we obey, is our Master (Rom.6:161Cor.7:23; Gal.1:10). Jesus said that we cannot serve two masters (Matt.6:24). We obey one, or the other, If a spiritual leader directs by means of God's Word, we are obeying God's Word through them, not the leader themselves 
(Heb.13:72Cor.13:31John 4:1; Matt.24:24,25).
  Yet "Jehovah's Witnesses" are blatant about their obeying those whom they have dubbed, "The faithful and discreet slave", even without continually testing these men according to God's standards found within scripture. That "testing" becomes vital, in the time of the end
(1John 4:1; Col.2:8,23; Rev.13:10,72Cor.11:20,13-15,3-41Tim.4:1; Rev.16:13,14,15,161Cor.10:12; Matt.7:20; 24:4,5,24,251Tim.6:202Cor.13:5).
  Any within that organization who profess that they must obey God and His Word, (when there is a conflict between scripture and doctrine), are promptly thrown out. "Unity under one whip" is the Law. I and thousands of others are living proof of this policy. Under it, how can Christ's priests, obey Christ (John 14:26; Matt.10:20,27; 28:20; Acts 1:8)?
In doing these things, such shepherds 
(Jer.23:1; 12:10; Acts 20:29; Micah 3:1,2,3,11,12; John 10:1,2,11,122Pet.2:3) and the unfaithful anointed leaders above them, overstep their divine authority, by usurping Christ's headship over his own body/bride (Eph.5:231Cor.12:27,28,29)
(1Pet.5:32Cor.1:24; Phil.2:3; Rom.2:6; Matt.25:44,45; 18:5,6; Rev.18:21; Jer.51:7; Isa.1:21); all for which there will be consequences.

Jesus did not submit to such a system (Matt.10:34,35,36,37,38,39; Luke 12:51; John 7:43). 
He exposed and defied it (Rev.6:4; Dan.9:26; Luke 19:43; Rev.17:14; 12:7,10,11; Eph.5:11) by a persistent teaching of truth, regardless of the personal cost
(John 8:40; Matt.16:21; Rom.6:5; Heb.13:13; John 16:2; Mark 13:13; 8:34,35,36,37,38; Rev.6:9,11; 11:3,7; 20:4).

The abusive religious system in covenant with God, (that was fulfilled and ended in the first century -Heb.8:13; Matt.5:17; 21:43; John 4:21,23) is also prophesied to arise at the end of the present covenant (Rev.13:15,7; 11:7; 6:9).
("End of the New Covenant")
When a Chosen One today, takes a loyal stand for truth, in imitation of Christ, they also are expelled (LINK)(LINK)(LINK)
[John 16:2; 12:42; Matt.10:32; Rev.6:9,11; 11:7,9 (Ps.79:2,3; Rev.11:8; Heb.13:12,13); Rev.13:15,17].
("What do 'Buying' and 'Selling' Mean?")
This fulfills many prophecies which relate the details of this foretold "trampling" of the Holy Ones in the time of the end
(John 16:2; Mark 13:13; Dan.8:10,11,12,13; Luke 21:24; Rev.13:10; 11:2).
("Getting 'Killed'")

John the baptist prepared the way before Christ (John 1:23), through a baptism of repentance. God's Nation had been lead astray by it's leadership. 
Jesus claimed that the Jewish nation was guilty of having ears and eyes that were blind and deaf to God's basic healing truths, due to a preoccupation with the doctrines of men 
(Matt.13:13,14,15; Isa.6:10; Mark 7:13).
  This condition has also befallen God's Chosen people within the "Watchtower" organization today. Interestingly, these things were prophesied within God's Word as due to happen in the time of the end (1Tim.4:12Thess.2:1,2,3,4,8; Rev.13:11,8,7). Symbolic prophecies tell us to expect God's Temple priesthood to be trampled by "Gentiles", and taken into "captivity"
(Col.2:8; Rev.13:10,7; Luke 21:24; Dan.8:13; Rev.11:2; Eph.5:6; Gal.4:3; Col.2:201Tim.6:202Cor.11:3,4,20,13; Rev.2:2)
(2Thess.2:4; Dan.11:36,31,32,33,34,35; Matt.24:15,16; Rev.11:2).
("The Disgusting Thing Standing in a Holy Place")

And so you see, the first question you ask, is actually a matter of salvation.
It is a matter of life and death to discern which we are serving as slave (Rom.6:16)...God, ...or men?
Prophecy indicates that "all the earth" will follow the Wild Beasts with admiration (Rev.13:1,3,4,11,12,8,15; 19:20), allowing themselves to worship it's Image/Idol, by obeying all it's Laws (Rev.13:16). (Remember what that symbolism means, according to Deut.11:18).
(Rev.13:16,17,18 LINK LINK LINK)
These slaves of the Beasts will come to include the Holy Ones (Rev.13:7,10).
Only those who "wake up" (Rev.3:2; Matt.25:6,7)
and "keep awake" and on guard according to God's Word (including it's prophecies),
have any hope of escaping this final Great Test (Luke 21:36,35; Matt.24:22; Luke 13:23,24; Matt.7:13,14,21,22,23; 25:11,12,13; Matt.7:24; Ps.119:133).
("Two Wild Beasts of Revelation 13")
("'Wormwood' / False Prophet./ Armageddon")
("Jezebel") (Rev.2:20; 13:15,8)
- - - - - - - - - - - -

2.) Is the 144,000 in Revelation referred to the Jews only or gentiles - it appears that the said group is only Jews?

The Greek of Rev.1:1 ("He signified" "esEmanen"/root-"sémainó") makes clear that the entire scroll to follow is symbolic ("presented in signs"/"signified"), in accord with the way Jesus always taught (Matt.13:34,10,11) and made things known (Mark 4:34).

Who then, are symbolic "Jews"? (Rom.2:28,29; Gal.3:29,28)
Please consider:
("Jew or Gentile?")
- - - - - - - - - - - -

3) There are many revisions of the New world translation - if I have the older version of it, is it still a correct version?

I see your point. Genuine darkness does not become light. Neither does genuine light become darkness (Luke 11:35,34,36). God's light does not vary at all (James 1:17). Neither do the scriptures (Isa.40:8; Num.23:19).
As I continue to learn by spirit, I am astounded at the errors of translation found in the "Watchtower's" "Bible". What shocks me further, is the impact these mis-translations have on the beliefs and practices of those who follow them. I will give you two examples...
Eze.44:6,7,8,9 reads in every other Bible, (as well as is obvious in the Hebrew interlinear)...
"6 Say to rebellious Israel, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Enough of your detestable practices, people of Israel! 7 In addition to all your other detestable practices, you brought foreigners uncircumcised in heart and flesh into my sanctuary, desecrating my temple while you offered me food, fat and blood, and you broke my covenant. 8 Instead of carrying out your duty in regard to my holy things, YOU put others in charge of my sanctuary. 9 This is what the Sovereign Lord says: No foreigner uncircumcised in heart and flesh is to enter my sanctuary, not even the foreigners who live among the Israelites."

If you examine past published NWT/Watchtower Bibles; you will see that mis-translation. Their most recent translation has been changed to agree with all the others. They performed damage control after I exposed them. If you are a JW reading this, please investigate your older copy of the Bible, to see who the liars actually are.
Now it becomes obvious from the context of Eze.44, that the great sin of Israel's priests, is that they had  appointed the "uncircumcised" to be in charge of the Temple Sanctuary. These are Gentiles/"foreigners".
  We know from Rom.2:28,29, [and the scriptures contained in the link above ("Jew"/"Gentile"), that those with a circumcision of the heart are those in covenant with God. Those "circumcised"/covenant priests today, would be the Chosen Anointed. - Col.2:11,12; Eph.2:6]
Instead of the priests tending to God's Temple, we see that those in power appointed Gentiles
(UN-circumcised in heart), as priests instead
(2Chron.13:9; Matt.24:15; Dan.9:27).

Now let's look at how the past "Watchtower's" Bible translates Eze.44:6-9...
"And you must say to Rebelliousness, to the house of Israel, "This is what the sovereign Lord Jehovah has said, "That is enough of you because of all your detestable things, O house of Israel, when you bring in the foreigners uncircumcised in heart and uncircumcised in flesh, in order to come to be in my sanctuary so as to profane it, even my house, when you present my bread, fat and blood, while they keep breaking my covenant on account of all your detestable things. Neither have you taken care of the obligation of my holy things, nor would you post [others] as caretakers of my obligation in my sanctuary for yourselves. This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said: "No foreigner, uncircumcised in heart and uncircumcised in flesh, may come into my sanctuary, that is, any foreigner who is in the midst of the sons of Israel."

Did you detect the discrepancy? No wonder they edited their Bible after my exposing their error.

The original Hebrew tells us (and the first translation, above) that the Israelite priests gave the offering of sacrifices (presentation of bread, fat and blood) over to Gentiles, and in this way, they profaned the sanctuary and broke God's covenant with His consecrated priests (Ex.40:15; Num.25:132Chron.23:6; Rev.5:9,10) (Mal.2:8; Neh.13:29; Dan.11:28,29,30,31,32,36,452Thess.2:4; Matt.24:15; Rev.11:2).

  But now the second translation cited above from the "Watchtower's" Bible, asserts that the service of the Temple priests was completely abandoned, not being performed by anyone.
That concept contradicts their own translation of verse 7, which stated that the offerings are being presented, by "they" who "keep breaking my covenant" of the priesthood. Who are "they"?
Well, the authentic priests would not be breaking the covenant by offering the sacrifices. But the Gentiles that they sent into the sanctuary to perform priestly duties; certainly would (2Chron.13:9; Mark 13:14).
("The Disgusting Thing Standing in a Holy Place")

The "Watchtower" leaders erroneously believe that if a spiritual Gentile meets the "qualifications" set out at Titus 1:5-9; this makes him a spiritual "Jew", and qualified to replace God's Chosen priests (2Chron.13:9; Rev.3:92Cor.11:12). 
When the Genuine but fallen priestly WT leaders,
sanction and empower Gentiles to take over the Temple of God (Dan.11:31);
...this fulfills Rev.9:1,2,3,72Thess.2:4; Dan.8:24 ;
and the collective Gentile Beast that is empowered by the False Prophet (Rev.13:15; 19:20)
to dominate and trample the Holy Ones/rightful priests
  Their mis-translation of Eze.44:8 takes the focus off the true abomination of Gentile priests inside the Temple (Num.18:7); and places the emphasis of the sin, on a neglecting of Temple duties.
This nullifies the true message behind Eze.44:6,7,8,9.

Can you discern from this discrepancy that the "Watchtower's" Bible had allowed Gentiles to take over the priesthood, so long as someone is on duty? It is ever so relevant that this is the only Bible that obscured an accurate interpretation of this verse.
Without this twisting of scripture, the Gentiles would not have been sanctioned to trample the Temple, just as prophecy predicted they were going to.

Today within the Congregations of "Jehovah's Witnesses", non-anointed (Gentile) "elders" have taken over the priestly duties of God's chosen and consecrated priests. They preside over judicial matters of sin, which is only for anointed priests to do...  
...because as God's Chosen priests, they have been given the "keys" (authority to open or close understanding/life) to the Kingdom 
The Kingdom is accessed, through knowledge of truth, which those who have the "keys", possess (Matt.13:11; Luke 8:10; Mal.2:7). They can open or shut the knowledge they have, among those they forgive or do not forgive (Luke 24:32,45; Rev.11:6; 4:1; 20:12
(Matt.10:13,14,15; Mark 6:11; Luke 10:11John 13:20; Luke 10:16; Matt.18:18)
(Matt.7:6; Prov.23:9; 9:8).
"Gentile" "elders" have not been given this authority ("keys") to forgive sins (nor to grant forgiveness from death and give the waters of life/truth), nor to condemn God's Chosen ones 
(Rom.8:33,34; 2:29; Isa.54:17) (Luke 21:15; Ex.4:12; 12:11,12), nor anyone else.

The policies of the governing body brazenly direct the condemnation of any not subservient to them, and they conduct this condemnation through the "Gentile" "elders" (1Cor.6:1,2,3,4,5,8; Jer.6:15; 5:24; 3:3; Eze.16:30,21John 3:12; John 13:34). Those leaders do not obey the scriptures, but rather, dispense their henchmen (Matt.18:15; Isa.50:8; Rev.13:11,15; 11:7; 17:6; 18:24; Matt.23:35,36,37,38; Isa.1:21) (Mark 8:35; Rev.6:9,11).

Even Gal.6:1 has also been twisted within the WT Bible. It reads, "those with spiritual qualifications", which when erroneously coupled with Titus 1:5,6,7,8,9; grants the Gentiles power to "readjust" a sinner. This is an "abomination" in God's eyes. When that abomination of Gentile priests (2Chron.13:91Kings 12:31; Eze.44:6,81Cor.10:6,11), slays God's genuine priests, that abomination "causes desolation" (Matt.24:15,16; Dan.8:24,25; 11:31,32; Mark 13:14).
Literally, Gal.6:1 accurately reads, "those who walk/live by spirit".
Rom.8:14 define these ones, as God's Sons/genuine priests (Rom.8:15,16,17).
(1Cor.2:12; Rom.8:151John 2:27)
That harmonizes with Ps.82:6, which brings us to our second example...
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The second example, is John 10:35
which reads;
"If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came".

Yet the "Watchtower" has translated this as saying;
"If he called 'gods' against whom the word of God came".

Obviously, these two interpretations have opposite meanings.
I offer for your consideration, the Greek word "pros" ("unto"),
which is translated as,
and interpreted by myself, as meaning a "delivering" of God's Word to the 'gods'.
The "Watchtower" Bible has translated the meaning as "against",
as if these 'gods' stand condemned by God's Word against them.
Yet the "Watchtower's" own Greek interlinear does not contain that in the Greek writing.

Here is what can be found at:
4314 prós (a preposition) – properly, motion towards to "interface with" (literally, moving toward a goal or destination).
4314 /prós ("towards, with") indicates "extension toward a goal, with implied interaction or reciprocity (L & N, 1, 84.18), with "presumed contact and reaction" (L & N, 1, 84.23). 4314 (prós) naturally suggests the cycle of initiation and response (L-N, 1,90.25, 90.33).
[4314 (prós) can mean "in view of," or "in light of, but never "against".
("Who are the 'gods'?")

Why does this matter?
Because this verse is speaking once again, of God's Sons.
 Psalm 82:6 reads...
"I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High."
In harmony, these are the "gods" "to whom the word of God came", just as Jesus, there said
(Mal.2:71Cor.2:12,13; 4:11John 2:20,27; Luke 8:10; Rev.1:6; John 15:4,5,15,16,8)
(Ps.119:105; Matt.5:14,16).
But in order to sanction the Gentiles to subvert the Temple's "gods"/priests (2Thess.2:4);
their distinction as Holy Ones had to be obscured and nullified, and their divine authority, power, and nature, (Luke 10:19; Rev.9:10,4) "brought to nothing" in the eyes of the Gentiles...
Dan.12:7 reads;
"And I heard the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the stream; he raised his right hand and his left hand toward heaven and swore by him who lives forever that it would be for a time, times, and half a time, and that when the shattering of the power of the holy people comes to completion all these things would be finished."
(See also Dan.8:13; 7:25; Rev.11:7,8,9,10; 6:9,10,11)

If the "Watchtower" Bible had kept the integrity of John 10:35 ;
elders among "Jehovah's Witnesses" may have thought twice before condemning the least of Christ's brothers (Rom.8:33; Matt.25:40,44,45,46) by consigning them to a judgment of "irreversible spiritual death" through the disfellowshipping judgment of apostasy
(John 16:2; Isa.66:5; Matt.10:22; Heb.13:13; Rev.6:9,11; 13:11,15)...
...simply because they disagree with the teachings of the wicked steward, and stand up to defend the truth (Eph.5:8,9,10,11; 4:25; Matt.10:32) just as Jesus set them the example.
The elders are blind to the fact that those whom they condemn, are those to whom the "light" of God's Word has been given
(John 10:351Pet.2:9,101Cor.4:1,2; Luke 1:1,2; Matt.25:14; John 17:8; Matt.28:19,20)
Who are the "Mentally Diseased"?
Those who obey and follow these counterfeit priest "elders"/collective "beast" as their master, are not written in the Lamb's scroll of life (Rev.13:8; 20:15).
Those who obey God as Master (Acts 5:29), will instead be sealed as His slaves (Rom.6:16; Rev.7:3; 14:1; 22:4,3).

By means of these two examples of many, I hope you can appreciate as I do, what Satan is able to promote by means of his own twist on the scriptures (Gen.3:1; Matt.4:6)....
which power of deception (key to abyss) he gives to the "fallen star"/false prophet (Rev.8:10,11; 9:1,11; 13:11; 16:131Tim.4:1) and it's "Bible".
("The Fallen Star")
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4) What is the name of God - is it Jehovah or another? ( I learned that God's name is composed only of letters )

By "only letters", what is meant, is only consonants. The original language, in which God's name was written, had no vowels. Translated into English, those letters (consonants) are YHWH.
  The name "Jehovah" is constructed by men, through a blend of the original consonants, mixed with the vowels from the Hebrew word used as a substitute for God's name...."eloah" -"Lord") (English pronunciation: Elohim).
Those vowels, are E L O A H.
When combined with the consonants the Bible gives us,
men constructed  J-(Y) E H O V-(W) A H.
As you can see, the liberty of changing Y to J, and W to V, was also taken.

Does all this mean that "Jehovah" is God's name?
No... which is freely admitted by the leaders of the "Watchtower". They don't think this matters, as much as saying and using the name, because they have a literal interpretation of Rom.10:13. They ignore the requirement (Ps.145:18) and the real relevance of what it means to call on that name.
"Calling on the Name of God"

Is the use of "Jehovah" a big deal? Well, it very well may prove to be.
The Hebrew meaning of "Jehovah" refers to one who despoils/destroys (associated with Hebrew the word "hovah", meaning violence and evil),
and this is a scriptural designation of Satan
(Heb.2:14; John 10:10; John 8:44; Rev.9:11; Heb.11:28; Isa.33:1).
I find this ignorance, ironically appropriate among "Jehovah's Witnesses"
(Rev.9:112Thess.2:9,10,11,12; Isa.5:20; Jer.23:15; 9:15; Rev.8:10,11; 12:15,16).
("Earth Swallows Satan's River")

Here is more information about God's name:
(The Name)
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5) Is Jehovah's witness church - the only church God will accept?

I have written extensively on this subject, and there are many scriptures to teach us about where salvation is found. God has made this clear by providing many details, to make certain that loyal lovers of His Word will be guided with clarity. This provision of discernment is merciful, in light of all the prophesied false prophets that would exist during the time of final test. Please graciously allow me to refer you to those writings...
("Where is the True Religion?")
("YHWH's Genuine Mountain")

It was prophesied that there would be a religious power claiming to have a monopoly on salvation (Rev.13:15,16,17; Isa.47:8; Rev.18:7).
If we use the words of Christ, which warn us in detail how we can recognize the true from the false, we will be kept safe (Matt.7:24,15,20; Rev.2:29).
("Who are the Fine Trees?")

Those who exclusively use scripture to interpret Revelation, realize that the design of the "Watchtower" Organization (unfaithful anointed leaders/steward, who wields control over a mountain/Beast, of Gentiles) is the manifestation of prophecy which has been expressed in a variety of apocalyptic parables.
Rather than it being the only path of salvation;
it is the only apparition specifically manifested as irrevocably condemned (Rev.20:10,14) along with it's followers (Rev.13:8; 20:15; 14:9,10; Eze.14:10).
"The Great Winepress!"/
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6) Do you believe that the Bible is the word of God - all of it - or contain only portion of God's word?

The scripture itself answers:
"All Scripture is God-breathed/(inspired) and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." (2Tim.3:16,17)

Hopefully you will discern from my work, that I strive to make the Bible, the basis for all I teach.
John 3:34 reads;
"For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives the Spirit without limit."
(also Luke 11:13 and John 14:26)

John 8:47 A, reads;
"Whoever belongs to God, hears what God says."

In fact, this listening to and speaking from God's Word,
are the touchstones that aid us in distinguishing a true from a false prophet...

"16 Jesus answered, “My teaching is not my own. It comes from the one who sent me. 17 Anyone who chooses to do the will of God will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own. 18 Whoever speaks on their own does so to gain personal glory, but he who seeks the glory of the one who sent him is a man of truth; there is nothing false about him."
(John 7:16-18)

"But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.  He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you.  All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will receive from me what he will make known to you.” (John 16:13-15) (see John 15:15)
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There is a great deal of meaning in those two quoted scriptures, all of which points to the fulfillment of prophecy. It is my hope that you can glean the point at hand, which is that those who truly are sent from God, seek the glory of God, by speaking from His Word exclusively (never from their own originality), by referring to the words of Christ (John 14:26) and God... the scriptures (2Tim.3:16).
A messenger of God cannot work in this way, if they do not have faith that the Bible is the genuine and supreme Word of God.

When Jesus said, "All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will receive from me what he will make known to you.";
This is a parallel to Rev.1:1; 5:7; John 15:15; Rev.22:6; John 16:13.
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I know I have given you much information. But in truth, your questions deserve this and more, to be answered properly. If you have any trouble understanding it, please follow up. You can also send me a message through the contact form on the Main Page.

Regarding a "Bible course"; Jesus gave a command to his chosen ones (John 15:16,5,191Pet.1:15; Rev.17:14; 5:9-10; Mal.2:7), at Matt.28:19,20. As a result; I have written some basic posts, to teach the commands of Christ. You may start here if you wish: (LINK).
Also, my Blog here is freely available to anyone interested. The contact form is there for any questions that arise. There is a search box at the top left, and another in the right side column of this page.
There are also articles in my profile.
"Jehovah's Witnesses" also are famous for their structured Bible course. I do not recommend taking it, for reasons that will become more obvious to you as you read the links above.

Thank you for your interest, and I hope my efforts prove satisfactory.
If there is any other way I might serve you, please let me know.
Love in Christ,
(For making and reading comments in language other than English)

Additional Pages for Study (coming soon)