Saturday, August 24, 2013

Sanctified, Justified, Declared Righteous---How?

What exactly does 1Cor.6:11 mean?  How does one become sanctified?  Justified?  Righteous?


Hello Jay,
I am pleased to meet you.
You have asked a number of questions. I hope to cover all of them.
You ask for the meaning of 1Cor.6:11, which reads;
"And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God."

That verse begins; "And that is what some of you were."

  First we should determine, the previous nature of those to whom Paul is speaking.
You may be surprised at the true application, which is undergoing dynamic fulfillment today.
"What some of you were" applies in a spiritual sense as well as physical, according to the sins mentioned in 1Cor.6:9,10.
(See Hosea9:1; 4:15; Rev.2:14,20,21; 17:1,2; 9:21; Isa.28:1; Matt.24:49)
Eph.2:1-10 helps us to clarify these previous sins. I will insert scriptures that relate to each phrase, and then I will follow by writing about the phrases that directly impact your question...
  "1 As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, (1Tim.5:6) 2 in which you used to live (Eph.4:22,23,24) when you followed the ways of this world (1John2:15,16,17) and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air (Eph.6:12), the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient (Mark4:15,18,19; 2Thess.2:9,3,4,11,12; John8:44; Col.2:8; Rev.17:14).
3 All of us also lived among them at one time (2Cor.6:17,16; Rev.18:4; Luke4:18), gratifying the cravings of our flesh (Rom.8:3,7; 1Pet.4:1; Gal.5:17; Rev.13:5,6,7; 2Pet.2:12,13,14) and following its desires and thoughts (Rom.8:5; Gal.5:17; Matt.23:6,7,5,25,28). Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath. (Gal.6:8,7; Hosea10:13; Rom.6:21) 4 But because of his great love for us (John3:16; John16:27; Rom.5:8), God, who is rich in mercy (Rom.9:15,18; Matt.5:7; Luke6:35,36),
5 made us alive (John5:24; 11:26; 1John3:14; Mal.3:3; 1Pet.1:7; Jer.31:11; Isa.43:1,2,10,21; 48:20) with Christ (Rom.8:2,9,11; 6:4; John5:21) even when we were dead in transgressions
—it is by grace you have been saved.
6 And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, (Rev.12:5; Eph.1:18,19,20,21; Rom.8:9) 7 in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace (Rom.8:19; 1Cor.2:9; Isa.64:4; Rev.21:5), expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. 8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith (Heb.6:12; 13:7; James2:20; Matt.25:23,40)
—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— (Rom.9:16; John6:44,65) 9 not by works, so that no one can boast. (1Cor.4:7; Luke17:10; John15:5; Rev.7:10) 10 For we are God’s handiwork (Isa.61:3; 1Cor.3:9; Eph.2:10,21,22; Mark14:58; Acts17:24; 1Cor.3:16; 1Pet.5:10; 1Pet.2:5,9; Rev.22:3), created in Christ Jesus to do good works (John15:8; Luke12:35; Matt.7:19; Phil.2:15,16; 2Cor.10:5), which God prepared in advance for us to do." (Eph.1:5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12; Titus2:14; Luke10:19; Rev.2:3,10,26,27)

There is a great deal of information in these verses. I will try to limit their application to your question...
"That is what some of you were"...
  Can you see from the cited verses above, that Chosen Ones were picked by God while they were still practicing sin? Can you see that they needed to be cleansed...both by the blood of Christ (Rev.5:9,10; 7:14) and by their own righteous deeds and work (Rev.19:8,14; 3:4,18)? They need to "grow up" in Christ (Gal.4:19; Eph.4:13; 3John1:4; 1Tim.6:11; 1John3:3)...
leaving behind their past lives (Rom.6:2,11; 8:2; 6:14; 7:4,6; Gal.2:19; 2Tim.2:21,22; 1Thess.4:7; 1Pet.1:14).

Next, "But you were washed"
Please consider Eph.5:26; John3:5; 15:3; Rev.22:14; 7:14; 1John1:9; and John17:17 (sanctified = cleansed)

  Can you see that when God's spirit is combined with His Holy Word (Heb.4:12; James1:21; Luke8:8,15; 2Tim.3:16,17; 2Pet.1:19), those chosen are equipped to perfect themselves (2Cor.7:1; Matt.5:48; 1Pet.1:19; 2Pet.3:13,14; James3:17,18; Heb.12:11; 1Thess.4:4)?
It is as if those who were sinful, are "washed clean" in their hearts (2Cor.11:2; Isa.1:18), by a "circumcision" performed by spirit (Rom.2:28,29; 1Cor.6:11 c).
See also

Next, "you were sanctified"
 Please consider 1Thess4:3; 2Thess.3:5; John17:17,18,19,8; 15:3; Eph.5:26; Heb.10:10,11,14,29; 2:10,11,12; John17:26; Matt.6:9.   1Pet.1:2; Heb.13:12

  Can you see that sanctification occurs for the "firstborn" from the dead (James1:18; Rev.14:4; 20:6),
which is why they are called "Holy Ones"? (Rev.20:6; 1Pet.1:14,15,16; 2:9; 1Thess.4:7; 2Tim.1:9; 2Cor.7:1; Dan.7:18,21,22; 4:17; Ps.89:5,7; Zech.14:5; Rev.19:11,14; Joel3:9,11,16).
  These worship God with "spirit and truth" (John4:23,24). Christ baptizes them with ("pours out") Holy Spirit (Luke3:16; Acts1:5; John14:15,16,17,26; 6:63; 16:13,14,15; Rom.5:5; Acts10:45; Gal.4:6; Rom.8:15,16; 1John2:20,27). When that spirit combines with God's Word through Christ (Truth -John17:17; 14:6; 1:1,14); those who receive it and bear fruit (Luke8:11,15; John15:2,3,4,5,7,8) are
sanctified for this honorable purpose. As holy spirit flows from Christ, into the "branches" (John15:5; Rom.11:17,19; Zech.4:12,14,3; Rev.11:4), they are further purified and made holy by that spirit and the fruit of truth it produces (Rev.22:11; 2:25; 3:11; Dan.12:3,10).

Next, "you were justified/declared righteous"

  This word "justified" is defined as a legal justification or basis for pardon. Again, both the blood of Christ and the righteous deeds of the Holy Ones are required for this "justification". This basis is condensed at Rev.12:11. When the Holy Ones are willing to die for Truth, they are justified before the accuser, Satan, as faithfully sealed. In this way, they personally conquer Satan, by proving victorious despite all his testing and deceptions (Rev.12:10,11; 6:9,11; 20:4).
You may note at Rev.19:8, that the "white robe" symbolizes the righteous standing the faithful members of the Bride receive, due to their "righteous acts". By what acts did they receive this righteous standing? Rev.6:9,11 tells us. (witnessing/bearing testimony to truth under threat of death -Rev.12:11) Who "slaughtered" them for their outspokenness? Rev.11:7 and Rev.17:6 tells us.

Yet Rev.7:14 and Rev.22:14 tells us that their robes are white due to washing them, "in the blood of the Lamb". How are both sources of their white robe, true?
These faithful have the blood of Christ upon their robe, by means of their imitation of Christ's sacrifice.
"These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever he goes", "sticking with him in his trials" (Rev.14:4; Luke22:28).
By following the same path as Christ (John14:6; 1Pet.2:21), they accept their baptism into his death (Rom.6:3; Matt.25:6; Heb.13:13). Only those who finish this course, receive the white robe marked by the same sacrifice of Christ's blood. Both sacrifices cleanse them of sin, because only those willing to imitate Christ's full course (including his death), receive the benefit of Jesus' ransom.
Their own sacrifice, is how they are "justified" to receive it.

Only those who have been "slaughtered" for truth, ride at Christ's side during Armageddon (Rev.19:11,14,15; 2:27,26; Rev.17:14; Eph.2:6); assisting him in warring against Satan's deceptions, by means of the sword of God's Word (Rev.19:15; 1:16; 2:16; Heb.4:12; 2Cor.10:3,4,5). Treading down the fruit of the counterfeit "vine" (Jer.2:21; Deut.32:32,33; Rev.18:3; 14:8; Jer.51:7) means the destruction of the rotten fruit (false teachings) of the false prophets (Matt.7:15,16,17,18,19,20; 12:33,34,35,36,37; 24:24,25; Rev.13:11; 17:14; 12:7,11; 16:13,14,15,16; 19:19,20,13,21; 20:10; Jer.23:29; 5:14; 1:10; Hosea6:5).

Previously, all chosen ones were conquered by the Beast. During their subjection to it, they remain unsealed (1Cor.7:23; Rev.13:8,16,17,15; Gal.1:10; Rev.13:7; 11:2; 2Cor.11:20; 2Thess.2:4; Dan.8:13; 12:7; Matt.5:13; Rev.9:3,4,10,11). This is why Jesus Christ must at first, war against the false teachings alone (Luke18:8; 21:34,35,36; Isa.63:2,3,4,5; Rev.19:15). He first does this, by saving the faithful at heart (Isa.63:7,8; Rev.9:13,14; Luke4:18; Isa.49:9; 61:1; Rev.13:10; Isa.48:20; Rev.18:4; Isa.43:2; Psalm66:12; Rev.12:15,14,6).

Those chosen who resist Christ's trampling of the false teachings, become his enemy (Isa.63:10; Rev.2:4,5,16; 3:3,16,17,18,19; 16:8,9; Heb.6:4,5,6,8).
Those who are awoken and faithful to this war, soon join with Christ (Matt.25:5,6,7; Rev.14:17,18,19; 17:14; 19:14; Luke12:49; Jer.5:14; Matt.7:19; 2Pet.3:10,12; Rev.11:5,3,4; Zech.4:14; Rev.22:3,4; Heb.1:6,7,14; 2:5,16)

Because of this justified standing of faithfulness and exclusive devotion to the Father of Truth.... Christ's blood can rightfully be applied to them, removing all corruption and stain of sin (Col.2:14; 1Pet.2:24). Once redeemed by Christ, they have life by means of their new father (Isa.9:6; John10:10; 5:40; 14:6,18; 1Cor.15:21,22,23,45; Rom.8:21,23,25) they are fit for adoption by the Father of us all (Rom.8:23; Eph.1:5). This will take place in heaven.

"in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ"

In all that the name of Jesus Christ stands for (John14:8,9; 4:10,14; 7:38; Col.2:9,10,11; Rom.2:29; 5:8; Isa.9:6,7; Rev.5:9; 19:12,13,16; John5:28; etc.)...
these ones chosen by him (John15:16) and his father (2Chron.16:9 A; Eph.1:4; 2Cor.1:21)
are the first to receive the blessings and mercies of this cleansing, sanctification, and justification.

"and by the Spirit of our God"

Who can possibly estimate or express the persona of our Heavenly Father or His Holy Spirit?
God is Eternal and Almighty (Isa.44:6; Rev.1:8; Psalm94:22). He is the personification of Love (1John4:7,8,16) Wisdom (Prov.2:6; James1:5), Life (Psalm36:9), Justice (Job34:10), and Truth (Rom.3:4).
He is the source of all life...worthy of all praise, loyalty, honor, and fear (Psalm83:18; Rev.4:11; 14:7).
What an undeserved kindness and honor to these sinful chosen recipients, that God's spirit is the source of the blessings of 1Cor.6:11 !
Yet, by no other means could such miracles occur.

Thank you for your question.
If a need remains, please follow up.
Love in Christ,



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