Monday, December 31, 2012

"As if we have no wife"


Hello Sister Pearl,
 Greetings to you and I hope all is well with you and your family.
The question I have for you is:
How are we to understand Paul's advice recorded at 1 Corinthians 7:29-31?
Thanking you in advance.


1Cor.7: "29 What I mean, brothers, is that the time is short. From now on those who have wives should live as if they had none; 30 those who mourn, as if they did not; those who are happy, as if they were not; those who buy something, as if it were not theirs to keep; 31 those who use the things of the world, as if not engrossed in them. For this world in its present form is passing away."

"What I mean, brothers, is that the time is short"

Every disciple of Christ including anointed ones, face a "time" that is "short" (Rom.13:11,12). How so?
Whether the end of all things looms imminent for the final remnant or not (1Pet.4:7);
all Chosen and disciples... from the time of Christ up until the last to be selected...
all have in common a short lifespan with which to prove faithful and complete the work assigned to them
(James 4:14; Psalm 39:5; 78:39; 144:4).
For the remnant, that human lifespan and opportunity will be cut short, by the end.

"From now on those who have wives should live as if they had none"

What does it mean for those who are married, to be as if they are not?
I see two applications...the physical and the spiritual.
The physical meaning of this is more obvious, and is explained within context.
See verses 32-34:
32"I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man (or woman -1Cor.7:34) is concerned about the Lord’s affairs—how he can please the Lord. But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world—how he can please his wife". (and 1Cor.7:35)
To be "as if they had none", is to leave off being concerned primarily with one's wife/husband and marriage,
in favor of making one's primary concern the work of the Lord. This is necessary for all anointed and all disciples...male or no matter what literal era they may live (1Cor.7:34). Oftentimes, Satan may even bring persecution to us through a mate's addiction or other difficulties. Such natural concerns can become a major distraction during our Christian course. Especially if we have been chosen by God to serve the spiritual needs of others; we must subdue other anxieties of life in order to keep our vow faithfully, to God and Christ. While we continue faithful to our marriage and family, placing God as the priority, is necessary.

The spiritual interpretation is in relation to the spiritual meaning of "wife" and "woman" (Rev.14:4).
To learn these things, you can read (
This verse and it's advice, is concerning, in over-simplified terms, organized religion.
It directs anointed to be absorbed in the Lord's concerns; and not in
"the affairs of this world" (1Cor.7:34)...obligations to men, their doctrines, nor their approval.
To be mature in Christ, is to be directed only by Holy Spirit ("undivided devotion to the Lord" -1Cor.7:35),
and not by one's covenant with men (or "women" Gal.4:24; 1Sam.21:5; Rev.14:4; 1Cor.6:15,16,17; Rev.18:9).

"those who mourn, as if they did not"

The scriptures indicate that any Chosen ones who are proving faithful,
are enduring tribulation and mourning while within Satan's world
(John17:14; 16:20,22,33; Acts 14:22; 2Cor.6:4; Rev.3:21; 12:11).
Yet through this pain, they can give themselves over to it, indulge it,
and let themselves prove to be overcome by it
(Heb.12:3; Prov.24:10; Gal.6:9; Rev.2:3) (Matt.25:26,27,28,30)
OR... As verse30 directs...
be as if you are NOT mourning when it comes to doing the work assigned.
Psalm126:5 reads: "Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy."
Yes, the Chosen must keep "sowing seed" regardless of their grief (Ec.11:6; 2Tim.4:2; James 1:4),
according to the example of Christ (Mark14:34; John4:34; Luke12:50).
Those who persevere, will eventually be comforted (Matt.5:4)

"those who are happy, as if they were not"

Basically, this refers to the dangers of a false sense of peace and security.
In fact, our reality, requires great sobriety and discernment...
Luke12:19,20; 1Pet.1:13; 4:7; 5:8; Prov.22:3
In the last days, men will grow secure and over-confident,
resulting in their destruction
(Job 8:14,15; Isa.28:14,15; 1Thess.5:3; Rev.11:10,13; Jer.50:36; 51:30)

Ec.1:18 sums up reality...and the meaning of 1Cor.7:30 B
It is telling us to increase our wisdom and knowledge,
even though this will result in a loss of previous delusions of happiness.
This loss of joy, is temporary.

"those who buy something, as if it were not theirs to keep"
Despite the payment of our lives for truth, we do not own what we receive
(Rev.3:18; Matt.10:8; 1Cor.4:7; 9:18; Rev.20:4) but must give it away freely.
On the other hand...
If we are deceived into buying UNTRUTH (Matt.25:9,10; Rev.13:17,14,8; 2Thess.2:9)
we also should not feel secure in our possession
(Eze.7:12; Luke 8:18; Luke12:16-18,19-21,39; 17:31; 1John2:17; James 1:10Heb.12:27; John10:10).

"those who use the things of the world, as if not engrossed in them"

At John17:15 Jesus prayed:
 "My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one."
This means that we still have to survive in the world, while remaining no part of it (John17:16)
If you would like to read some more about this:

For those who unwittingly get entangled in using the world for religious power
(Matt.24:48-51; 13:22; Rev.17:15; 2Thess.2:3,4; John16:2; Rev.11:1,2; 13:8);
and who become "engrossed" in that power and position, will be blinded (Eph.4:18).
Their proud captivity to Satan's deceptions and sin, will blind them to the light
that might have liberated and rescued them (Matt.13:15).
(2Thess.2:9-12; Rev.13:8,10,9; 2Cor.4:4; Acts 26:18; 2Cor.2:11; 11:3;
1John2:11; Rev.6:16; Hosea 10:8; Isa.2:19; Luke23:30)
They will be absorbed in defending their own "righteous" stature, dominion, and possessions,
("treasures on earth"/"the things of the world")
(2Cor.2:17; 1Tim.6:5; 2Tim.3:8; Titus 1:11; 2Pet.2:3; 1Thess.2:5; Mark8:36)
rather than defending the Truth, the Kingdom to come, and God's righteousness.
(treasures in heaven) (Matt.6:33,9; 1Pet.4:11; Rom.11:36; 12:3; Luke17:10; Rev.4:11; 5:13; 7:12)

"For this world in its present form is passing away."

This of course, reminds us of 1John2:17 and 2Pet.3:10,11,13.
From the preceding verses and context of 1Cor.7, we learn that none of the
present interests and religious powers have any future.
We stand as individuals before God, and can not find shelter
in an organizational "mountain" (Rev.6:16,14; 16:20),
despite current doctrines to the contrary. The only mountain endorsed
by God, is the future Mt. Zion in heaven (Rev.14:1; 7:4; Psalm 2:6; Heb.12:22)

We will be judged individually (Rom.14:12; 2Cor.5:10; Matt.16:27),
as to whether we:
obeyed Christ (John15:14; Matt.23:8,9,10; 28:20; Eph.5:23),
did God's will (Matt.12:50; 7:21; 1John2:17),
treated the "least" of Christ's brothers with love (Matt.25:40; 10:42),
and received the scriptural sayings of the true prophets
(Matt.7:20; Rev.11:3,4; Matt.10:40,20; John4:24).
These four things have absolutely nothing to do with the interests of
an organization, nor gaining the approval of those who govern it (Gal.1:10; Rom.2:29).

The "skirt of a Jew" contained tassels wrapped about with a "blue cord".
This symbolized divine truth (Num.15:38,39,40),
as did other clothing symbols (Isa.11:5).
That "blue cord" of truth, fittingly kept the skirt's hem from "unraveling".
In the prophecy at Zech.8:23; (some translations render "skirt", as sleeve)
it was this symbolic blue cord of truth, donned by God's anointed priests,
that the Nations would recognize and "grab hold of".
(Zech.8:23; Rom.2:29; Gal.3:28,29; 1Pet.2:9; Matt.5:16)

Every other interest, effort, work, pretense,
so called "knowledge", hierarchy, or identity,
will not provide salvation,
but will mean nothing (1Cor.15:24; Rev.16:20; 6:14; 20:11).
All these verses you inquire about, contain a warning to those who,
in various ways,
put their trust in what they can see...
"the world in it's present form", which "is passing away" (1Cor.7:31 B).
(Psalm 146:3; Jer.17:5; Isa.2:22; 2Cor.4:18; 1Cor.2:10,12,13,14)...
Almost all humanity have this misplaced trust (Rev.12:9,15,16).
But unfortunately,
these scriptures about being deceived into misplacing their trust,
refer primarily, to those whom God considers His own people,
in the time of the end. (Zech.4:9,7; Isa.40:4; Matt.23:12; Jer.51:25; Rev.8:8; Matt.21:21)
  - (

Now when you read the verses which are the subject of your query, review what comes to mind...

1Cor.7: "29 What I mean, brothers, is that the time is short. From now on those who have wives should live as if they had none; 30 those who mourn, as if they did not; those who are happy, as if they were not; those who buy something, as if it were not theirs to keep; 31 those who use the things of the world, as if not engrossed in them. For this world in its present form is passing away."

Thank you for your question.
I hope this work has made a difference,
in helping to transfer some of the dead, into the living.
All the best,


Sunday, December 30, 2012

A voice from Heaven / My People / Three Angels

Can you please tell me who is telling God's people to get out of "Babylon the Great"?

...The Bible itself tells us who, at Rev.18:4.
It reads:
"Then I heard another VOICE FROM HEAVEN say:
'Come out of her, MY PEOPLE'".
Since the voice that says "Come out of her my people" is said to be another voice; we see from the context, that this voice is not the first to make a declaration. There is an other voice that precedes it (Rev.18:1). Whose voice is second, that commands God's people to get out of "Babylon the Great" (as well as out from under her sealed daughters)?
Now that we know that your voice in question is second to make a declaration;
we can consider the context, in Rev.18 verses 1-4...

1"After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven.
He had great authority,
and the earth was illuminated by his splendor.
2 With a mighty voice he shouted:
'Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!
She has become a home for demons
and a haunt for every evil spirit,
a haunt for every unclean and detestable bird.
3 For all the nations have drunk
the maddening wine of her adulteries.
The kings of the earth committed adultery with her,
and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries.”
(That first voice is the same identity as the one at Rev.14:6-7,15 and Rev.10:3; 11:15; 21:9; 15:1,7)

Rev.18 continues...
4 Then I heard another voice from heaven say:
'Come out of her, my people,
so that you will not share in her sins,
so that you will not receive any of her plagues'"
(That second voice, is the identity also found at Rev.14:8,17)

Remember that these "angels" are anointed ones (Rev.1:16,20; Dan.12:3; Rev.11:3,4; Zech.4:11,14), and that once sealed, they are considered as "heavenly" ones (Eph.2:6; 1:3; Heb.12:22,23).
These are the ones that "blow their trumpets" (Rev.8:6; 1:20). The Greek for "trumpets" is associated with one's declaring "voice" (Isa.58:1NIV ; Rom.10:18).

How is it that this calling angel at Rev.18:4, addresses those needing to flee, as "MY PEOPLE"?
Daniel 9:24; 10:14; 12:1 ...will help us with this. 
You see, Daniel was one who was chosen, and found favor and reward with God (Dan.10:7,8,9,10,11,12). He too, was an heir of the kingdom (Dan.12:13; Heb.11:10,16,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40).
So, when Daniel is told that the Holy Ones are "his people", we learn that all who find permanent favor with God, are considered a "people" (1Pet.2:10,9,5; Hosea 1:10; 2:23; Rom.9:23-29)....and all who belong to that group, consider fellow members of that group...THEIR PEOPLE/"my people" (Eph.2:19; Rev.18:4).

You may also note that this voice "from heaven", makes this announcement in response to the first  "mighty voice" of "authority", which has just finished teaching the true condition of Babylon. The second voice from heaven makes the warning declaration in response to what they have just learned themselves from the first voice of "great authority" 
(Luke 10:19; 12:48,42; Matt.5:14-15; Eph.2:19-20; Rev.1:20; 4:5; 22:6,16; 10:7).

when a sealed Chosen One declares a warning about the impending destruction upon BTG and it's Harlot;
he calls those captive... "MY PEOPLE" (Rev.18:4), because it is the Anointed who are in danger (Rev.13:7,10; Col.2:8; Luke 21:24; Rev.11:2)...
and it is the Chosen
who must get out of Babylon the Great!

You may have noticed from the chapters I have referenced, that there is a third angel to follow the second. (Rev.18:21-22,23-24; 14:9-11,15). These three messengers expose and declare, the woes of the Great Tribulation (Rev.8:13; 4:7; 14:6), which are to come upon those who do not repent of their idolatry, spiritual fornication, and their cursing of God for their torments 

As you see from the apt illustration above; these voices carry with them, a message from an opened scroll 
an hour glass... symbolizing the urgency of the hour 
and the loud call/roar of their voices 
The hour of judgment has arrived. Who is listening?

The Meaning of Baptism

A Question:
"Been meaning to ask you this for a while: earlier this year you said you wanted to be baptized again, according to Jehovah’s standards – are you still planning to do that?"

My Reply:

I know that water baptism is a symbolic thing.

It is done by means of the water of life (John4:10,14; Rev.22:17) (the Truth of God's Word), which washes us from the stain of a bath (Eph.5:25,26; Heb.10:22; 2Tim.3:15; John15:3; 17:17; Acts 22:16), if  we take what we are learning from the Bible, and let it train/cleanse  our conscience (Heb.10:22; John13:8; 1Pet.3:20-21; 1John3:3), which we then must obey (Rom.1:5; 6:16,17; 2Tim.1:13; 1Cor.7:19; 2Cor.8:5; Heb.5:8).
True, we who are anointed have been baptized by holy spirit (Matt.3:11; Acts 1:5; Titus 3:5)...but we also, must continue to let the scriptures adjust and cleanse us (John3:5; 1Tim.3:15; 2Tim.3:16,17) We must also be baptized by fire, which is the tested quality of our faith, by which we are purified and prepared (Isa.4:4; 1Pet.1:7; 1Cor.3:13; 1Pet.4:12,13,14). Yet in addition, we still need the cleansing of the blood of Christ (Heb.9:14; Rev.5:9,10; Rev.7:14; 1John1:7; Titus 2:14) to take away the sin from Adam (Rom.5:12-21; 6:23; 1Cor.15:21,22,45). Only then can we have a new father...who from him, the Chosen have their birth in spirit (1Pet.1:3,23; Titus 3:5; James 1:18; John3:3; Isa.9:6; Psalm 45:16). Then finally, to be sealed, we must be baptized into Christ's death (Rom.6:3,5; 8:13,17,36; Phil.3:10; Rev.6:11). The "water", "spirit" and the "blood", all work together to cleanse the chosen ones, by the witness these three give to them (1John5:6,7,8). But in addition, obedience to that witness must be proven, through "fire" and "death". These "baptisms" must be maintained by each anointed one, until the end (Matt.24:13,22)
[note: the original Greek for "saved" and "survived" in verses 13 and 22, is the same word, but these verses are often translated differently. They should not be, because they both are talking about spiritual salvation (Luke 13:23; 1Cor.1:18). If God does not intervene, no "flesh" (Gal.5:17; Rom.8:7; 7:18) would see salvation, due to the powerful portents of Satan's final deceptions which for a time, restrain all the Remnant.]

I remember Jesus...although being the one who gives the baptism by spirit (Luke 3:16; Acts 1:5; John 16:7);

he subjected himself to the simple baptism of water as well (Matt.3:16).
The reason he gave was:
"Jesus replied, 'Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness.' Then John consented." (Matt.3:15)
Recall that God's Word and it's power to cleanse, is the meaning of water baptism (Eph.5:26).
In his humility, Jesus publicly manifested that he too, was guided by the Word of God (Matt.4:4,7,10,13,14; 8:17; 12:16,17; John12:50) although not needing to be cleansed of sin (2Cor.5:21; 1Pet.2:2; 1John3:5; Heb.7:26). By undergoing this "righteous" water baptism, he showed his desire to subject himself to God...demonstrating his decision to defy Adam's and Satan's rebellious choice (Hosea 6:7; John 8:44)...leaving a model for us all.

Because I understand the symbolic meaning of water baptism....

I know that while I constantly seek to be cleansed by the scriptures,
I am already fulfilling it's meaning. However, in order to "fulfill all righteousness",
I do plan to re-baptized myself to symbolize this removal of the previous dedication to the Beast,
which I did in my ignorance.
I know that the spiritual reality is that, I have  removed that mark of slavery to lies, from my forehead and right hand (Rev.13:16; Gal.5:1; Isa.44:20; Psalm 144:8) by no longer allowing my thinking (forehead) and power (right hand) to be enslaved to the organization's doctrines (Gal.1:10; 1Thess.2:4; Col.2:22) (but rather, bring them into slavery to God -Deut.6:6,8; Rev.7:3; 14:1; 22:4); which brings the faithful "death" to follow (Rev.11:7; 6:9,10,11; 20:4).
    Yet according to Christ's example...he manifested his spiritual choices in a physical outward display, while he was yet in the physical body.


Saturday, December 29, 2012

What do "Buying and Selling" Mean?

Some have told me that the "buying" and "selling" that the "Wild Beast" oversees, is not spiritual.  Scripture often used "riches", "treasures", "buying" and "selling" as symbols for spiritual meanings
(Matt.13:44,46; Prov.4:7; Matt.25:9; Prov.2:3,4,5,6; 17:16; 23:23; Zech.11:4,5,6; Rev.3:18; Isa.55:1; Ps.74:2; Rev.5:9; Acts 20:28; Rev.14:3,4).
The book of Revelation, is symbolic (Rev.1:1,2; Hosea 12:10).
  [Rev.1:1 literally reads in Greek "presented it in signs" "SIGNified it"---
eshmanen esEmanen G4591 vi Aor Act 3 Sg He-SIGNifiES he-signifies-it]

 Please note the Bible's meaning for Jesus' words, at John 6:27...
"Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you."
See it's parallel to Isa.55:2...

"Why spend money on what is not bread,
    and your labor on what does not satisfy?
Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good,
    and your soul will delight in the richest of fare."

When Jesus said, "Do not work for food that spoils" ...
this "work" done is represented by the "day's wage" of a "denarius" (Matt.20:2; Rev.6:6).
This daily wage represents the work and labor we have to give, each day of our lives (Ec.1:3; 2:11,18,22; 3:9; Matt.20:2,13,14,15,16; 11:28; Isa.28:12; Rev.18:13). Jesus meant these things symbolically.
The "daily bread" Jesus taught us to pray for, was not physical
(Matt.6:11; John 6:51,35,48; Luke 12:1; Mark 8:15,16,17; Matt.16:12Amos 8:11Rev.3:18)
The "food that spoils" are doctrines of men, which do not give us life 
(Jer.23:16; Matt.24:242Pet. 2:11John 4:1; Rev.16:13; Matt.7:19,20)....
a house of Faith built upon sand (Matt.7:26,27) that will "spoil" when the day shows up our disobedience (1Cor. 3:132Pet. 3:10; Ex.16:15,19,20Luke 12:21Matt.6:19; Col.2:22).

To give one's life and work to the doctrines of men, is a "commerce" of futility 
(Matt.15:91John 2:17; Matt.6:20; John 6:27; Isa.55:2; Rev.13:17)....
and more importantly,
causes us to turn away from the source of our life (John 6:27,33,48,51,53).
The Apostle Paul did not derive his "teachings" or have his "work" directed from men or an Organization. (Gal.1:11,12,16,17,10)  He did not go to "consult" with the supposed leaders of an Organization in Jerusalem (Matt.23:10), because he was directed by God's Holy Spirit and Word alone 
Therefore, Paul's forehead was "marked", not by a Beast (Rev.13:16,17), but by God's Laws (Deut.6:6,8; 11:18; Rev.7:3; 14:1; 22:4).
(Is Baptism the Mark of the Beast?)

When Jesus tells us that the "foolish virgins" go off to "buy" oil from those who "sell" (Matt.25:9,10); this is not literal, but symbolic. When Jesus entrusts his anointed household slaves with "gold", and expects them to gain more for him (Matt.25:14,16,24,27,29) is this money/gold/ literal? Do you understand the symbolic meaning of Rev.13:17?
If we enslave our life's work, (devotion and worship) under the doctrinal restraints of a visible Organization (1Cor. 7:23; 6:20; Gal.1:10,12); we have succumbed to the prophesied idolatry (Rev.13:16,17,8; 2:20; Rom.1:25). We have "hidden"/"buried" the spirit's gifts (Matt.5:14,15; Matt.25:181Thess. 5:19) and have as our "wages", treasures "stored on earth" (Matt.6:19; Isa.50:9; Job 13:28; James 5:3; Eze.24:6,11,12,13; Luke 12:39; John 10:10).


In the symbolic book of Revelation, what is the "buying and selling" in Rev.13:17?

"Buying" is the acquisition of divine favor, guidance, stature, and instruction (wisdom and understanding).
It is acquired by what one sacrifices for it (or sells)'s devotion, study, obedience, and giving honor (Ec.5:4,5; Rev.13:3,8) within ones mind and actions (Deut.11:18,13; Rev.6:6; Rev.13:16,17,8,7).
Organized religion requires conformity to it's own doctrines and leadership.
They demand that you "pay" your vow to them and their expectations, and their organizational arrangements.
To pay them this worship rather than to serve God alone (Matt.4:10; 6:24), is to commit idolatry.
If you sell your obedient conformity away to men, they will give you approval, position, and spiritual food.
This entire system of spiritual commerce is corrupt. (Matt.21:12,13)
All these things belong to Christ, and not to men, who exploit spiritual need for their own dishonest gain, glory and power.
Who rightly owns our subjection, devotion, obedience, and loyalty?
These should only be given to God and His Christ (Rev.3:18; Isa.1:19; Matt.11:28,29; (Rev.14:11); Mark 8:34,35; 10:21; Matt.16:24; Isa.1:19; 28:12), not to a religious organization, no matter what they claim for themselves (Matt.24:24,25).
Jesus has a right to expect obedience, industriousness, and faithfulness from his slaves (Matt.24:45,46; 25:14,19; Rev.22:12).
Men do not have a right to expect these things for themselves. 

 Rev.6:6; Rev.13:17

Yet we see that Rev.13:17 foretells that this system of spiritual commerce will overtake "all those who dwell on the earth (Greek literally, "occupied home" -Isa.33:20; John 14:23  LINK). That system of spiritual commerce is part of the sifting tribulation of which Jesus said "It will come in on all those dwelling upon the inhabited earth" (Luke 21:35; Rev.13:16,14,83:10).
What is the response of all the earth/land? See Rev.13:8. The "earth" fails this test (Isa.55:2; John 6:27; Jer.12:13). It swallows Satan's lies (Rev.12:15,16)

Just as Jesus said, this deception will be so powerful, that if possible, even the anointed will be mislead (Matt.24:24,25; Rev.13:7,14) and subjugated 
(2Thess. 2:4; Dan.7:21; Rev.9:5,6; 13:7; Hosea 8:7) (Col.2:8; Luke 21:24; Rev.13:10).

The end-time spiritual provisions ("daily bread") under the reign of the Beast, are carefully measured be certain that these teachings support their interests, and that they keep the minds and actions of those who take them in, under subjection. It is the very same "measuring basket" under which the unfaithful/"lazy" anointed, allow their light to be hidden under (Matt.5:14,15,16).

Rev.6:6; Eze.4:16; 12:18; Isa.28:102Cor. 2:172Pet. 2:3Rev.13:16,17,4,10

We should remember that all the end time prophecies are not separate stories about separate identities and situations. They are a variety of illustrations, defining the very same period, the very same events, and the very same identities. It is only when we combine them all, that we can clearly see who these prophecies are describing in detail. Let him that has ears, listen!


Regarding Rev.6:6
 "Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “A quart of wheat for a day’s wages, and three quarts of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!"
I will also go into this in depth within the "four horsemen" article (Rev.6:1-8).

You can already see that according to this plague, spiritual provisions (daily bread) will come at a cost, for what should be free 
(Isa.55:1,2; Rev.22:17; 13:17,16,152Cor. 2:17; 4:22Pet. 2:3; Tit.1:10,11; Prov.1:19; Isa.57:172Thess. 2:31Tim. 6:52Tim. 3:5).

When Rev.6:6 tells us, "do not harm the olive oil and wine"; perhaps you know from my past writings about this... that "olive oil" stands for Holy Spirit which acts as fuel for spiritual enlightenment (Matt.25:7,8; Heb.1:9; Psalm 23:5; Zech.4:12,14; Rev.11:3,4).
Under this plague (caused by the "Wild Beast"/"Man of Lawlessness" 2Thess.2:4), it restrains the partaking of Holy Spirit and it's enlightenment [but allows only it's own spiritual commerce, based upon the lies of demonic spirits (Rev.13:17; 16:13,141Tim.4:12Thess. 2:7,10)].
"Buying" is the acquisition of divine favor, guidance, stature, and instruction.
It is acquired by what one trades for it (or sells)'s devotion, obedience, and honor (Rev.13:3,8).
Organized religion requires conformity to it's doctrines and leadership.
If you sell these away to men, they will give you approval and spiritual food.
This entire commerce is corrupt. All these things belong to Christ, and not to men, who exploit these things for their own glory and power. Who rightly owns our subjection and loyalty?
These should only be given to God and His Christ (Rev.3:18; Mark 8:34,35; 10:21; Matt.16:24)

Let's get back to the spiritual commerce prophesied for the end time....
We read that this plague also restrains "the wine".
Wine is a product of the "vine" (see John 15:5,16; Heb.13:15). Yes, without Jesus Christ the true vine...sending Holy Spirit to those branches that remain "in union" with him (John 15:5 B;  1John 2:28) there will be no "fruit" (Matt.7:20,17; 12:33,35,37; John 7:16,17,18).
That spiritual fruit produced (teachings, sayings)
and it's wine (fruit made ready for spiritual ingestion)
are the end product of Holy Spirit being poured out upon anointed prophets
(1John 2:20,27; John 16:13; Exo.4:12; Matt.10:20; Rev.11:3,4; Zech.4:14; Mark 9:4).
That wine can be fine truths sourced in God's holy spirit...
or the false prophets who bear rotten fruit (Matt.7:15,16; 12:33,34; John 7:18). The false prophets will offer poisonous wine...doctrines leading to death (Jer.2:21; Deut.32:33,32; Psalm 140:3; Rom.3:13).
God tells us the future of these anointed who leave the "True Vine" Christ, in order to mislead for the profit of their own power and glory (John 7:18 A; Jer.25:30,29; Rev.18:3,4; 14:18,19). These forbid partaking of the True "olive oil and the wine" (Rev.6:6; Rev.13:17).

For a time, this plague of discipline headed up by the returned Master (Rev.6:2);
allows the Chosen to be mislead and disciplined by the Gentiles, whose idolatrous rule they have chosen to have over them (Rev.9:3,4,5,10). (LINK) (LINK)


(Dan.11:362Thess. 2:4; Matt.24:24; Eze.11:12; 8:10; Matt.24:15; Micah 6:16; Dan.7:21,25; 11:30Rev.13:7; 9:10).
Why are they being "trampled"? (Rev.11:2; Isa.5:5; 63:18; Dan.8:13; 12:7; Luke 21:24) Because they have lost their "saltiness", and buried the light of Holy Spirit under a "measuring" basket of commerce (Matt.5:13,14,15; Rev.2:42Thess. 2:10; Rev.3:18; 13:17). Their lamps have replaced the fuel of Holy Spirit, with doctrines of spiritual Gentiles (Matt.25:9,10). To replace Holy Spirit in your lamp with false doctrine, is spiritual fornication (Rev.17:2; 18:31Cor. 6:15,16).

If it were not for God "cutting short" those days of deception (Matt.24:222Thess. 2:4,9; Rev.12:9; 13:11,14; 14:8), no flesh would be saved (Luke 13:23,241Pet. 4:18; Rom.9:29; Isa.1:9; 10:21,22; Eze.17:22; Psalm 72:16) (LINK).
To allow His deceived people more of a choice, God does cut this sifting tribulation by Satan short, limiting it's lethal effects (Luke 22:31; Amos 4:11; Isa.48:9; Mark 13:20).
Yhvh restricts the damage, just as a log is snatched out of a fire, for the sake of His Holy Name (Eze.36:22; Dan.12:1; Zech.3:2,3,4; (Rev.19:8) Zech.2:12; Jude 1:23; Rev.9:14).
What is it that saves the remnant from being drowned by this flood of Satanic lies? (Rev.12:15)
How are His people given one more chance at life?
Along with this plague of horsemen (including a spiritual famine); He limits their ability to harm/destroy totally, the "olive oil and the wine". (Isa.65:8,9)
A remnant will be awoken spiritually (Matt.25:6,7; Luke 12:37; Rev.9:14; 11:3,4). These will have the resolve to base their teachings upon Holy Spirit, despite Satan's persecution and the wrath of the Wild Beast (John 15:4,51John 2:28; Rev.13:15; Mark 8:35; Rev.11:7; 20:4) The fruit the faithful bear, will remain (John 15:161Cor. 3:13,14). The "blessing within it"(Isa.65:8), will become manifested (Matt.13:43; Dan.12:3; 11:33,35; 12:10; Prov.4:18; 11:30).


Friday, December 28, 2012

Who are thrown into the Winepress of God's Wrath?

I grieve for all those who have been blinded into thinking that it's alright with Yhvh, for them to idolize the organization.
But I think it likely, that your elder is also bowing to this same idol.

As Joel 3:11-14 Reads:
         "Come quickly, all you nations from every side
          and assemble there.
          Bring down your warriors, O Lord!
12 “Let the nations be roused;
    let them advance into the Valley of Jehoshaphat,     
for there I will sit
    to judge all the nations on every side.
13 Swing the sickle,
    for the harvest is ripe.
Come, trample the grapes,
    for the winepress is full
    and the vats overflow—
so great is their wickedness!”
14 Multitudes, multitudes
    in the valley of decision!
For the day of the Lord is near
    in the valley of decision.

We know from Rev.14:18,19 (along with Joel 3:13); that this occurs in the time of the end.
We also know from Jer.25:29,30; that Yhvh is talking about "Jehovah's Witnesses" and the anointed who are captive within them..... 
            (1Pet.2:9-10; Luke 21:24; Rev.13:7,10; Col.2:8; 1Tim.4:1; Rev.16:13-14; 17:14)

.....Jer.25:29,30 reads

"For, look! it is upon the city upon which my name is called that I am starting off in bringing calamity, and should YOU yourselves in any way go free of punishment?”’
“‘YOU will not go free of punishment, for there is a sword that I am calling against all the inhabitants of the earth,’ is the utterance of the LORD of armies.
30 “And as for you, you will prophesy to them all these words, and you must say to them, ‘From on high Yhvh himself will roar, and from his holy dwelling he will give forth his voice. Without fail he will roar upon his abiding place. A shout like that of those treading the winepress he will sing out against all the inhabitants of the earth.’"

 "Still another angel, who had charge of the fire, came from the altar and called in a loud voice to him who had the sharp sickle, “Take your sharp sickle and gather the clusters of grapes from the earth’s vine, because its grapes are ripe.” 19 The angel swung his sickle on the earth, gathered its grapes and threw them into the great winepress of God’s wrath.

I hope you can please awaken to the scriptural reality,
that God has an issue with his own people,
and that according to prophecy,
the great majority are about to be judged at the end of our world.
This calls for rousing ourselves, to go beyond our own concerns and interests;
just as "Jehovah's Witnesses" claim to believe,
we must warn our neighbors (Eze.33:1,2,3,4,5,6 ; Eph.4:25)
of God's approaching wrath (Rev.14:19).

Please deeply consider the seven scriptures I have sent you here.
Let there be a saving of as many as possible. (Matt.7:14; Luke 13:24).
Love in Christ,


I am also sending out an invitation to all those chosen by Yhvh God.
Any of you wishing to obey:
Matt.18:20; John17:21,22,23; 1Cor.11:33 ...
please contact me about coming together for the Memorial.


Saturday, December 22, 2012

Marital Subjection for a female "son of God".

In consideration of the other posts here, which explained the role of female anointed and their equality with male anointed...

...I thought it best to leave a related comment here, about my dual subjection...according to my flesh, and according to my spirit.
The human woman who I am in the flesh, remains in subjection to the "law of my husband" (Rom.7:2; 1Cor.7:39; Eph.5:22,24; 1Pet.3:1). Such will be the case until my flesh is done away with.
The angelic son of God who I am in the spirit, remains in subjection to the "law of Christ" my redeemer, and in slavery to my Father in Heaven.
(Gal.3:28,26; 1:10; 2:20; Eph.5:25; John13:34; Gal.6:2; 5:13; 1Cor.4:1; 7:22,23; Matt.25:21; James2:8; Col.3:24; John8:31; Rev.14:1; 22:3,4)
My anointing allows no other subjection of my spirit, to another. In my case (anointed), my only spiritual head and Master, is Christ (Matt.23:8,10; Eph.1:22; 5:23; Rev.19:7). In my flesh I am joined to my marriage mate (Mark10:8). Regarding all things of this life in the flesh, I am in subjection to my husband.
In my spirit, I am joined to my Lord (1Cor.6:17; John17:21). Regarding all things spiritual; both in this life and the one to come, I am in subjection to The Christ.

I hope that this clarifies the position of an anointed married woman.
Regarding the supposed subjection the anointed are to have under a so-called "governing body", I must respond as did the apostle Paul....
Gal.1:15,16,17,11,12,20,10,1,8; 1Cor.7:23; Matt.4:10; Col.3:24


Friday, December 21, 2012

Accepting Titles

Hello Sister Pearl,
 I know that JW's don't use the title of Rev. (Reverend) when addressing each other while other church's do. What are your thoughts on this? Are there scriptural reasons for one not to be addressed as Rev.?
 Thank you.


I think it likely that you would agree, that the definition of being a "Christian", is to be a person who follows the example and teachings of Jesus Christ.

Jesus said:
“But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have only one Master and you are all brothers. And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven. Nor are you to be called ‘teacher,’ for you have one Teacher, the Christ. The greatest among you will be your servant. For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.
“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in men’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to. You love to be greeted in the marketplaces and to have men call you ‘Rabbi.’  (Matt.23:8-13,7)

Can you discern the principle here? What does Jesus teach us about titles?

Who should determine if we deserve to be "revered"?
This is what the title "Reverend" means. It means that we believe that person to be worthy of being revered.
Here is the definition of revered...

 hallowed, revered, reverend, sacred, venerated

Related Words:
 honorable, reputable, respectable; considered, esteemed, honored, respected, reverenced; admirable, distinguished, estimable, redoubtable, worthy; good, moral, noble, righteous

Is it really up to us to take or bestow such a title?
John7:18 reads:
"He who speaks on his own does so to gain honor for himself, but he who works for the honor of the one who sent him is a man of truth; there is nothing false about him."

Matt.23:12 reads:
"For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted."

Luke14:7-11 reads:
"When Jesus noticed how the guests picked the places of honor at the table, he told them this parable: “When someone invites you to a wedding feast, do not take the place of honor, for a person more distinguished than you may have been invited. If so, the host who invited both of you will come and say to you, ‘Give this man your seat.’ Then, humiliated, you will have to take the least important place. But when you are invited, take the lowest place, so that when your host comes, he will say to you, ‘Friend, move up to a better place.’ Then you will be honored in the presence of all your fellow guests. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”

God and Christ are the only ones who deserves our "veneration".
Even Jesus said:
"Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good--except God alone." Mark10:18

He also said:
"So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty." Luke17:10

Because of Matt.22:36-38, which reads:
"“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.".....

....It would seem that after we give all that we are, and all that we have, to God;
there is nothing left to give to men.
Is that not righteous and true...that we give all honor, glory, admiration, AND veneration,
to God, and not to men? (Even less so, to ourselves)

Genuine Christians look to Christ and his teachings to guide them in their practices.
1Peter2:21 reads:
"To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow his steps closely."
How can we follow in Jesus' steps when it comes to the bestowing of Titles?
The Bible tells us:
 "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the torture stake, scornful shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart." (Heb.12:2,3) (see also John13:14-17 and Gal.3:13)

Did Jesus seek honor for himself?
Or did he rather bear the shame of sin, though a sinless man?
We are told to bear the same injustice, rather than to seek glory in this world.
Matt.5:10,11 reads:
"Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you."

We see clearly here, that it is not those who receive honor from men that will be rewarded....
but those who unjustly suffer the same indignities that Christ did.
Even while Christ was with his own disciples,
he humbled himself. Mark10:45


1Pet.5:6 reads:
"Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time."

Yes....IN DUE TIME....not now.
For now, we are to "humble ourselves" under the only hand that deserves all subjection, honor and glory.

When Jesus describes which of his slaves are rewarded in the life to come, he portrays them...
NOT as men who have already honored themselves or one another....
but as men that wait for Jesus himself to judge and honor them...when he returns.
(see Matt.25:19,20,21)

Now I must tell you, that although Jesus taught us to lower ourselves and not to accept glorifying titles.....
"Jehovah's Witnesses" ARE GUILTY OF THIS.
They may not use the title "Reverend", but they do use the titles of "elder", "overseer", Pioneer", etc.
all of which bestow undeserved honor. To learn FROM THE BIBLE who deserves to be called an "older man" and "overseer", is to realize that those who carry these titles, do so without scriptural backing. They may believe that they fulfill the scriptural qualifications (1Tim.3:1-9) for these titles, but they believe so in their ignorance. They do not dig deep enough into the Bible, to see who these "overseers" really are (1Pet.5:2; Deut.15:10; Isa.65:22). The word "pioneer" or "governing body" is not in the Bible (Gal.1:15,16,17,11,12; Mark10:42,43), nor their designations, nor their positions (Matt.6:1,2,3,4).

I hope I have clearly and fully answered your question, addressing it solidly, through the scriptures.
Thank you for it, because the scriptures cited are good for us all to remember.
I wish you the best in your search for truth,
and an accurate knowledge, leading to life (John17:3,17)


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Circumcision of Heart [] Who Serve in the Temple [] Difference between Great Crowd and 144000


We know that our old personality was impaled with Christ Jesus as Romans 6:6 puts it but Ephesians 4:22 says "that you should put away the old personality..." And Colossians 3:9 says "strip off the old personality..."
Is Paul talking to two different groups here now??? One being in Romans as one and in Ephesians and Colossians as different other? Cause I know once a person receives a circumcision of the heart is part of that old personality being strip off, I know that. Does these have anything related to Ephesians 2:15,16,17; Eph.2:18 the two persons his talking about that's why there's two different persons I'm seeing ???
That makes me think of one given the white robe the one being circumcision from the heart. The other cleaning their robe ones not circumcised from the heart.
That makes "two people's" as Ephesians 2:15,16,17,18 puts it. What do you think?
Rev 6:11 "given to them" Rev.7:9,13 "dressed in white robes" "they have washed their robe and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. 15 That is why they are before the throne of God; and they are rendering him sacred service day and night in his temple; and the One seated on the throne will spread his tent over them."


The "two peoples" are both joined together to become parts of the same "body", Christ (1Cor.12:12,18; Eph.4:4,16; Eph.2:21; 1Pet.2:5,10).
Those two groups are fleshly Jews and fleshly Gentiles.
When each race becomes anointed, and all have their hearts circumcised, they all become SPIRITUAL Jews. All those belonging to Christ's body are spiritual Jews, regardless of their fleshly nationality. In this way, Christ did away with the enmity and separation that formerly was between Jews and Gentiles (Eph.2:14). They are now all united as spiritual Jews by means of faith and spirit (Gal.3:14,8,7,26,27,28,29; Rom.2:28,29) Being a physical Jew no longer mattered (Rom.4:14; Gal.5:6; 3:286:152Cor.5:17Col.3:11; Acts.10:15,34,35).

The stripping off of the old personality, and Jesus impaling our sinful flesh to his torture stake....does not cause a transformation aside from our free will.
Jesus opened the way to become new...a new creation....with a new personality that lived by spirit and not by the flesh. (Rom.8:9,14; 1John3:24; Gal.5:16-26)
That opened door is not enough, unless we walk through that door. It is up to us to work in harmony with spirit, so that we no longer practice sin, but rather become full grown in Christ. (Gal.5:16; Eph.4:13) Our new personality is not without work on our part (Luke13:24; 21:36).

Regarding Rev. and the white robes....those differing scriptures do not point to two different groups, nor two different events. They point to two different requirements....the ransom of the lamb, and the righteous acts of the holy ones (Rev.19:8; 5:9,10; 6:9,11; 7:10; 12:11). The white robes are granted on the basis of both requirements.

What do you think Rev.7:9,13 means?
Who are the only ones that can fulfill Rev.7:15?
Did you see where the Great Crowd are working, in Rev.7:15?
Who are the only ones who are allowed to "render sacred service day and night in His temple" and have that service be acceptable?

Please read 2Chron.23:6,7; 1Pet.2:5; 1Cor.3:16,17; Eze.44:15,16; Num.3:10
Please read those scriptures, and please let me know who the Bible says the Great Crowd is.
Rev.7:14 will help you. It says that they are in "white robes" (Rev.19:8; 6:11; Lev.6:10; 16:32; Rev.7:13-15).
It also tells us what period of time they are from.
Rev.7:15 will also help (1Pet.2:5; Num.3:10).

So you see that those rendering service in the temple are priests...good. Who are the priests of the temple? Yes, the anointed (Rev.5:9,10; 1Pet.2:9,10). The great crowd are anointed ones. They are the same priesthood as the rest of the 144000. There are not two different groups. The "Great Crowd" are a part of the 144000. they are specifically the anointed who come through the Great Tribulation in the time of the end...the "remnant" of God's people (Rev.12:17). The 144000 are ALL the anointed who reign with Christ during his time-limited kingdom. The Great Crowd are from the time of the Great Tribulation, after the "thousand years" ends. They Great Crowd need to wash their robes, unlike the 144000 of the first resurrection, in whom no falsehood was ever found.
The Great Crowd are special because they are the ones from the end of the world (Matt.28:20; 24:34).
Please let me know if all your questions from today are answered.

Yes, the context of 2Chron. IS interesting!
Like today, the leaders of Israel replaced God's chosen priests. (2Chron.13:9). (see also Eze.44:6,7,8,9) Same as today. This is why we have to get out from under the apostasy, and not work in harmony with it's defiling and trampling, of God's anointed Temple. 
(Matt.24:15,16; Mark 13:14) (Eze.36:8; John15:16; Matt.7:20; 5:14-16)
The anointed leaders have replaced their fellow anointed priests, with spiritual Gentiles. These elders and overseers have not received a circumcision of the heart by Holy Spirit, as the anointed have (Rom.2:28,29) (Eze.44:9); yet they have been empowered by the doctrines of the GB, to replace the anointed priests as shepherds of God's anointed Congregation. 
To our Heavenly Father, it is a rebellious abomination to replace those hand-picked by God Himself, and install these "uncircumcised" Gentiles over the sanctuary of the Almighty, and make it subject, to them (2Thess.2:4). The only rightful Head over the bride members, is Jesus Christ (Eph.5:23-25,26-27; 1:22; Col.1:18).
(Col.2:19; John15:6; 2Cor.11:2-4,20,14-15)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Last Harlot and her Beast

This article is for advanced students who have already read the basic articles in the right column. If you are new, you will still benefit. But for points you do not understand, supplemental links are provided within this article. Please be sure to read the scriptures as you come to them (they pop-up if you hover over them), in order to optimize understanding. This post is a copy of my part of a conversation with another person who claims to be anointed.

At the end, there is the last harlot (one) ruling over and persecuting God's anointed. This LAST Harlot to persecute the anointed (there have been many) you can read about at Rev.17:1
Rev.17:3-4,5-6 will show you that at the end, there is only one harlot sitting on the beast. 
The name "Babylon the Great" which she has on her forehead (Rev.17:5), is not her own name, but is the name of who she is a slave to (Rev.14:1,9; 13:16-17; 7:3; 9:4
Rev.20:4...continues..."and who had not received the mark upon their forehead and upon their hand..."; 
Rev.22:3-42Cor.1:22; Ezek.9:4,6). 
The harlot is a servant/daughter of her mother, Babylon the Great, the "covenant of death" Isa.28:15.

All the slave Harlots of that Covenant (who have persecuted the chosen in covenant with God)...have sat on a "Gentile" beast and used it to kill... one Harlot at a time.
(Rev.17:6; 18:24; Matt.23:34-35,36-37)
  There have been more than one harlot under the covenant of death...all of those harlots through time, are her daughter(more than one harlot). (Rev.17:5)
That "mother" covenant of death, actually started in Eden (Gen.2:17). Adam and Eve were originally in a Covenant with God (Gen.1:26,28; 3:3) which covenant they broke (Gen.3:11,24; Hosea 6:7). Now all their offspring, are under a mother covenant with Death, except those ransomed by Christ's blood, having come under a New Covenant/mother (Gal.4:24,26; Rev.12:1-2). 

Those redeemed can leave that New Covenant of Life, and thereby digress to the Covenant of Death, by betraying their mother for Satan's lies (Isa.28:15; Rev.9:1; 8:10-11). These are no longer "virgins" daughters (Rev.14:5,41Pet.3:6; Isa.37:22), but "harlots" (Rev.13:11; Matt.12:34; John 8:44)... who are now under the Covenant of Death/Babylon the Great (Rev.17:5; Isa.28:15; Rev.17:18; 1:5).

Revelation depicts the last Harlot (who also has Babylon the Great AS HER MOTHER COVENANT), who is the GB over an organization of spiritual Gentiles (elders). God only considers anointed as spiritual "Jews"...having the circumcision of the heart by Holy Spirit (Rom.2:29; Gal.3:29).

The unfaithful anointed who have taken and use the worldly power of Gentiles to dominate their anointed brothers (Mark 10:42-43; Matt.23:8), decide to persecute their brothers with that power (Matt.24:49; Isa.66:5; John 16:2; Rev.13:15), teach lies, and "kill" the prophets... are the last Harlot (Rev.17:5-6; 18:24; Matt.23:34-35,37) who imitates her sister harlots and mother covenant from whom she is "generated" (Matt.23:36). 
The Jewish religious leaders were considered by Christ, as one of the Harlot identities (Matt.23:34; Rev.17:6; Acts 3:13; 10:39) (Isa.1:21; Jer.2:20).

Babylon the Great is the mother of ALL THE HARLOTS who have EVER persecuted the faithful anointed since they started...including the Pharisees.

In Revelation, Jesus is using symbolism to teach the anointed, that the unfaithful who rule us, are no longer our "brothers in Christ". 
They choose to enter a covenant with Satan! (Matt.4:9; Rev.9:1,11; 13:11,14-15,4; 19:20; 13:8,7) That covenant with Satan makes them harlots/daughters of Babylon the Great (1Cor.6:15-16), rather than virgin daughters of Jerusalem above (Gal.4:262Cor.11:2). Other anointed who "fornicate" with her, also enter the covenant with death 
Babylon the Great is the Covenant with Death (Isa.28:14-15), but it's Harlot daughter does not realize that it's power of the abyss, will later turn around, and come against her (Isa.28:18,19; Rev.17:16). That same flood of locust-scorpions from the abyss of death (From Rev.9:2-3; Joel 2:1-2)...     
     (Organization of spiritual "Gentile" elders -counterfeit priests> -LINK
     ("What is "Jew" / "Gentile'?")'s agents who carry the flood of demonic deceptions (Rev.12:15; 16:132Chron.18:212Thess.2:9) will soon turn on THEM also (Rev.17:16; Isa.28:19). The abyss is the spiritual domain of Satan... from which issues the power of lies, deception, and death.
Authority over it, is represented by holding the key to it. Accepting that key from Satan, is to enter the Covenant with death, with the devil (Rev.9:1).
("Who has a Key to the Abyss?")
That "Key" (authority and power) can be used to imprison persons there and unleash it's power of darkness, corruption, and death. The key can be used to unleash Satan and his demons, and all the powerful portents of their inspired utterances of deception, with them 
(Rev.16:13-14,15-161Tim.4:1; Rev.20:7).
Jesus Christ also has a key to the abyss (Rev.1:18; 20:1-3). He has authority and power, to release persons from spiritual darkness and death (Heb.2:14; Col.1:13; Isa.61:1), or to abandon those who desire and deserve to remain there, according to the justice of God 
(John 12:31; Luke 8:311Pet.3:192Thess.2:11-12; Eph.4:18).

To share in Satan's power and authority over false teachings, persecution and deceiving of the unsealed faithful, and death; is a great sin for those who had been Chosen ones (Rev.8:10-11; Matt.24:45,48-49,50-51).
Those who enter this Covenant with Satan and his abyss,
were already warned by Christ to love their brothers (John 13:34-35), or else be considered murderers and Satan's seed (1John 3:14,15; John 8:44). 
(Harlot daughters have as spiritual parents...Satan and Babylon the Great. These harlots used to be virgins of Jesus and the New Covenant of life, Jerusalem above. (2 Cor.11:2-31 Cor.6:15-16) (Gal.4:26,24,31).
 The beast has Satan's "physical" traits, because they are also his seed. (seven heads and ten horns) Rev.13:1; 12:3; Rev.9:112Thess.2:3

They are the elders that disfellowship the faithful anointed, hating and "killing" them as the GB wants them to....all because the faithful have God's favor...and are loyal to truth ...instead of loyal to the GB and it's Beast (1John3:10-11,12; Rev.20:4).

The "Disgusting things/abominations of the earth" (Rev.17:5) are all the abominations, blasphemies, and objects of idolatry that the anointed leaders have placed in God's temple (Ezek.8:5-6,7-8,9-10,12;  Rev.17:3,5; 13:1) among the anointed (1Cor.3:162Thess.2:4). 
This is a symbol of the lies the wicked steward is teaching the anointed; about the Father, Jesus, and the 144000; 
as well as them demanding worship for both the Organization's spirit-directed Image, and the spiritual "Gentiles" that wield it's blashphemous authority and power (Rom.1:25; Jer.13:252Thess.2:11), and whose strength, the Harlot relies upon (Jer.17:5; Isa.31:1-2,3; Rev.9:3,7,9)
She rides the Beast....rather than trusting and relying on God like Jesus taught them to 
They do not want to do that, because they want power, pride and riches while in Satan's world (1Cor.4:8; Matt.6:24; 4:8-9; Rev.17:15,18; 1:5; 5:102Pet.2:1; Rev.17:1-2; 2:20-21,222Cor.11:2-3,41Tim.4:1; Rev.16:13-14). 
Waiting for their reward in God's Kingdom is not good enough for them (Matt.6:19-20,21; Heb.11:10). That path of waiting for the reward of their master (Matt.25:23; Luke 14:26-27), includes that Satan and his world will hate them (John 17:14; 16:33) instead of having the world's blessing which they want to enjoy now (Matt.4:8-9; Rev.13:7; 17:18).

The "sea" is Satan's domain/abyss (Isa.57:20; Eph.4:14; Isa.60:5). He is Leviathan (Psalm.74:14; Job.41:1,34; Ezek.29:3-4) who is over Babylon the Great's death-dealing dark "smoke"/poisoned "waters" (Rev.17:1,15; 8:10-11; Isa.27:1; 57:20; Ezek.32:2-3,7-8; Joel 2:10; Isa.13:10; 34:4; Mark 13:24-25; Rev.8:12; 9:2,11). 

Our heavenly Father owns the harvest of the vine (Jesus the vine, the anointed are the branches (John 15:5)...and the FRUIT is both teachings, and those saved by them (Matt.12:33); (just as the "grapes" in the winepress of God's anger, are spiritual poison and those drugged by it (Jer.25:29-30; 2:21; Deut.32:32; Rev.14:19; 18:3-4). 

Babylon the Great's "waters", are also both Teachings and the people who believe them.  (Rev.17:1,15; 8:11)
People and teachings either have Jesus over them...or Satan over them.
The "sea"/"abyss" is where the Gentiles/Beast/locust scorpions come from (Rev.9:2-3; Rev.11:7). The Wild Beast IS from the sea (Rev.13:1). At the same time, from the Abyss (Rev.11:7) The Organization of elders are NOT ANOINTED, just as the Wild Beast made of locust/scorpions are NOT ANOINTED. These are the same. The Abyss/sea/pit/deep are also, all the same. In the spirit realm, it is also Satan's mouth of lies and death. (1Pet.5:8)
Those "Gentiles" born from it, are not spiritual Israelites. Yet these are now ruling in God's Temple! 
This "locust" swarm, spiritually desolates the "land" with it's stinging lies, consuming any "green thing" capable of eternal life (Joel 1:4; Rev.9:3-4,7; 7:3; 8:7after the anointed are done being sealed. Before they are sealed, they are also tormented by this brood (Rev.9:4-5,6). God allows it, to discipline them for their ignorant idolatry. Yet once repentant in "sackcloth" and sealed, these will be restored to their proper place (Rev.11:3Joel 2:25; Nahum 2:2; Jer.30:18; Isa.51:9-10,11-12; 59:20-21). Those locusts will turn on those apostate anointed leaders (Jer.51:13-14; Rev.17:16)
These locusts/scorpions/Wild Beast, ruling over his chosen priests, is what God Himself thinks is the "disgusting thing standing in a Holy Place" (Matt.24:15). It is Satan's spawn under the direction of fallen anointed "Wormwood"...ruling over all his anointed sons/priests.
When we recognize this, we are told by him, to FLEE! (Matt.24:16; Rev.18:4) Only when you come out from under Satan's decoy Kingdom, ruled by Satan's seed, can you hope to become sealed! (Rev.9:13-14; 12:15)
Do you understand these things? If it is hard, pray! It means your life!

The reason that the Wild Beast has seven heads and ten horns (Rev.13:1; 17:3), is because these are Satan's seed...they imitate their father (John 8:44)...Satan has given them his power and traits (Rev.13:2
(Satan also has 7 heads and ten horns. See Rev.12:3.
The heads of the Beast each stand for a king that has ruled by Satan's spirit 
(Rev.17:9-10 -- seven is symbolic for spirit at work, evil or holy) (Rev1:20).

One of the Beast's heads had a "death stroke". The genuine interpretation is unrecognized, but the event is well known. Remember what the Organization teaches about the death of the two witnesses [which the GB received in Spring 1918 (see the Revelation book, page 169)]? The governing body faced criminal prosecution and imprisonment. Although the Watchtower claims that this was the death of the two witnesses (Rev.11:7), it is in actuality, the authentic fulfillment of the death-stroke to one of the Beast's heads.
This false attribution of prophecy's fulfillment to the two witnesses as taking place in 1918, bolsters the 1914 false doctrine.

The genuine appearance of the two witnesses, is near the very end of Satan's world....NOT 100 years ago! The kingdom was not born at the beginning of the labor pains, but will be, at the end of them (Matt.24:8; Rev.12:2).

The "death stoke" was "healed" for the GB beast head (Rev.13:3), in Sept.1919....if you look in the Rev. book, page 169, paragraph 23,24; you will see their false claim of that healing as applying to them being the two witnesses being "healed/revived". 
-- The genuine recovery of the two witnesses of Rev.11:3, is when they are resurrected to a heavenly position during Judgment Day (Rev.11:11-12; Heb.12:1; Eph.2:6). 
The events of 1918-1919 which came upon the GB, was not the fulfillment of Rev.11:7 at all. The true interpretation of 1918 is the "death-stroke" and "revival" of the head of the Beast (Rev.13:3).

The elder you asked about being appointed by Holy Spirit did not give you the answer most elders give. Acts 20:28 has long been used by the Organization to declare the elders as "appointed by Holy Spirit". (This verse was talking about the anointed). Now that this lie has been exposed and proven wrong, are they trying to change it?
( )

The GB doesn't care how many partake or are genuine. They do not talk to, use, or care about the other anointed (unless one of them becomes a threat to their authority). They have declared themselves God's only anointed slaves...capable of proving "faithful and discreet". Have you yet not heard their "new light", that they alone are the "faithful and discreet slave"? Do you not yet perceive the "wicked steward", who beats his fellows (Luke12:42,45-46; Rev.17:6; Isa.47:8-9; Rev.2:23,22; 18:7; Zeph.2:15)?

Are not the elders the ones who "teach you", each time you go to a meeting? Who do you have to get the approval of before you can get baptized...or even before you can partake? Who decides if you are "apostate" or not? Who are the spiritual "shepherds"? Who throw you out, if you do not bow to their authority?
Don't you see who rules in each congregation for the Organization? Is it the anointed priests of God? OPEN YOUR EYES.

If you tell an elder that you (like Paul Gal.1:15-16,20) get "training" and spiritual education from the "heavens above" (1John 2:27-28) and not from the Organization....
you will be disfellowshipped! (by the elders John 16:2)....They will say that you do not recognize "the channel that Jehovah is using"....which means, THEM....the Gentiles! WAKE UP! 
(2Chron.13:9; Lam.1:10; Eze.44:8; Rev.11:2)

If you want to know if my witness about the Truth of the Bible was accepted in my Congregation,
You can read the letter I sent them...
as well as my blog posts from (Apr.2012). 
(1Tim.4:12Tim.4:3,4; Matt.24:24-25; Rev.8:10-11; Rev.13:15,17)

As always, please use the contact form in the right column, for any questions that may arise.


Saturday, December 15, 2012

Marriage in Kingdom [] A Cool Drink of Water

Hi Pearl;
 You say on your blog that perhaps after the thousand years these ones could marry. It is said at Mark12:25 that neither do these marry or are they given in marriage, but are as angels in heaven. I always thought that because Jesus became our eternal father by adopting us as his children that the heavenly ones who were part of this body would like wise view us the same. Would Jesus then be able to marry?  I stick with scripture here because one could only marry according to their kind , this would be the standard Jehovah set, right? What the creation is that is new I am unsure, but perhaps it is just the fact that they are immortal which no creation every was before Jesus put on immortality an opened the way for the rest of his body.  For sure it was a slap in the face of Satan as his demons for they forsook their proper dwelling place and low and behold Jesus bought ones from the earth to go to heaven and to gain immortality something Satan and his demons never had .   One more question and sorry for so many,perhaps you could respond all on one e-mail, anyway a my question is: how could one of those not anointed give a drink of water to the least of Christ's Brothers and what does the water symbolize to you?


The thirst the faithful anointed have remaining, is not for spiritual waters. 
Jesus said that those given water from him...
 "13 Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”  John4:13,14 (Prov.10:11Psalm37:30)

Although we are told that those given "living water" will "never be thirsty" again...
What is this water for which they would no longer thirst? 
(Psalm36:8; Rev.22:1; Psalm23:2; 46:4; Prov.13:14; 18:4; Isa.48:20,21)
Hopefully, from these scriptures, as well as the paragraph from the "Rev.12:16" post... (under "spewed water"; know that the water the faithful anointed already have, is the Word of the Truth (revealed by Holy Spirit) 1John2:20,27,28
These receive this living water from Christ himself (John4:14)....not from others, nor from those mentioned in Matt.10:42 and Matt.25:35.

What then, is the "cool drink of water", which others can give the brothers of Christ?

Jesus mentions it, at Matt.5:6 ...
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
    for they will be filled."

see also Isa.48:18 ...

“If only you had paid attention to My commandments!
Then your well-being would have been like a river,
And your righteousness like the waves of the sea.

"Can you see that the cool water that the faithful slaves thirst for, is "righteousness"?
The faithful anointed continue to "thirst", as they search for this righteousness.
Nothing within their lives of persecution and adversity within Satan's wicked world,
quenches this thirst.
When those working hard to save lives by means of teaching truth (1Tim.4:16),
find someone who "receives" their sayings....
This is such a refreshing contrast to the rest of parched humanity.

This is why Matt.10:42 is preceded by the words:
He who receives you receives Me, and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me. 41 He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward; and he who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward. 42 And whoever in the name of a disciple gives to one of these little ones even a cup of cold water to drink, truly I say to you, he shall not lose his reward.”
(This "receiving" is the same word as Matt.7:24.
We are talking about receiving/hearing, the "sayings" of a righteous prophet.)
(see also Mark9:37; John7:17)

From this we also see that not only is a righteous prophet "refreshed" by finding someone who receives the truth from him (listens),
Jesus and our Father are also refreshed; because that one also received These. (Matt.10:20)
The "righteousness" that the faithful slaves of God thirst for,
is found in the hearts of each one, who receives the sayings of God.

As for your other question about the anointed, the new creation, the "double portion" for "firstborn", and the idea of marriage and offspring for the Sons of God,
Please see if the article at 
( helps.
You may also get a bit more, from
and (
When you read what I said, you will note
that I did not commit to an opinion.

I did said that this was the case...
that there are scriptures that seem to indicate that they will have offspring...
and scriptures which seem to indicate that they won't.
Those scriptures are in the first article (first link).
Holy spirit has not given this information to me.
This was why I said that I can not commit to a belief at this time.
I am still in that position now.
You may wish to consider that the offspring, are spiritual, and are a result of the marriage of the Lamb to his Bride, New Jerusalem.

Thank you for your thoughtful question. If there is anything else,
please let me know.
Love in Christ,


Additional Pages for Study (coming soon)