Some have told me that the "buying" and "selling" that the "Wild Beast" oversees, is not spiritual. Scripture often used "riches", "treasures", "buying" and "selling" as symbols for spiritual meanings
(Matt.13:44,46; Prov.4:7; Matt.25:9; Prov.2:3,4,5,6; 17:16; 23:23; Zech.11:4,5,6; Rev.3:18; Isa.55:1; Ps.74:2; Rev.5:9; Acts 20:28; Rev.14:3,4).
The book of Revelation, is symbolic (Rev.1:1,2; Hosea 12:10).
[Rev.1:1 literally reads in Greek "presented it in signs" "SIGNified it"---
eshmanen esEmanen G4591 vi Aor Act 3 Sg He-SIGNifiES he-signifies-it]
Please note the Bible's meaning for Jesus' words, at John 6:27...
"Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you."
See it's parallel to Isa.55:2...
"Why spend money on what is not bread,
and your labor on what does not satisfy?
Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good,
and your soul will delight in the richest of fare."
When Jesus said, "Do not work for food that spoils" ...
this "work" done is represented by the "day's wage" of a "denarius" (Matt.20:2; Rev.6:6).
This daily wage represents the work and labor we have to give, each day of our lives (Ec.1:3; 2:11,18,22; 3:9; Matt.20:2,13,14,15,16; 11:28; Isa.28:12; Rev.18:13). Jesus meant these things symbolically.
The "daily bread" Jesus taught us to pray for, was not physical
(Matt.6:11; John 6:51,35,48; Luke 12:1; Mark 8:15,16,17; Matt.16:12; Amos 8:11; Rev.3:18)
The "food that spoils" are doctrines of men, which do not give us life
(Matt.13:44,46; Prov.4:7; Matt.25:9; Prov.2:3,4,5,6; 17:16; 23:23; Zech.11:4,5,6; Rev.3:18; Isa.55:1; Ps.74:2; Rev.5:9; Acts 20:28; Rev.14:3,4).
The book of Revelation, is symbolic (Rev.1:1,2; Hosea 12:10).
[Rev.1:1 literally reads in Greek "presented it in signs" "SIGNified it"---
eshmanen esEmanen G4591 vi Aor Act 3 Sg He-SIGNifiES he-signifies-it]
Please note the Bible's meaning for Jesus' words, at John 6:27...
"Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you."
See it's parallel to Isa.55:2...
"Why spend money on what is not bread,
and your labor on what does not satisfy?
Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good,
and your soul will delight in the richest of fare."
When Jesus said, "Do not work for food that spoils" ...
this "work" done is represented by the "day's wage" of a "denarius" (Matt.20:2; Rev.6:6).
This daily wage represents the work and labor we have to give, each day of our lives (Ec.1:3; 2:11,18,22; 3:9; Matt.20:2,13,14,15,16; 11:28; Isa.28:12; Rev.18:13). Jesus meant these things symbolically.
The "daily bread" Jesus taught us to pray for, was not physical
(Matt.6:11; John 6:51,35,48; Luke 12:1; Mark 8:15,16,17; Matt.16:12; Amos 8:11; Rev.3:18)
The "food that spoils" are doctrines of men, which do not give us life
(Jer.23:16; Matt.24:24; 2Pet. 2:1; 1John 4:1; Rev.16:13; Matt.7:19,20)....
a house of Faith built upon sand (Matt.7:26,27) that will "spoil" when the day shows up our disobedience (1Cor. 3:13; 2Pet. 3:10; Ex.16:15,19,20; Luke 12:21; Matt.6:19; Col.2:22).
To give one's life and work to the doctrines of men, is a "commerce" of futility
a house of Faith built upon sand (Matt.7:26,27) that will "spoil" when the day shows up our disobedience (1Cor. 3:13; 2Pet. 3:10; Ex.16:15,19,20; Luke 12:21; Matt.6:19; Col.2:22).
To give one's life and work to the doctrines of men, is a "commerce" of futility
(Matt.15:9; 1John 2:17; Matt.6:20; John 6:27; Isa.55:2; Rev.13:17)....
and more importantly,
causes us to turn away from the source of our life (John 6:27,33,48,51,53).
The Apostle Paul did not derive his "teachings" or have his "work" directed from men or an Organization. (Gal.1:11,12,16,17,10) He did not go to "consult" with the supposed leaders of an Organization in Jerusalem (Matt.23:10), because he was directed by God's Holy Spirit and Word alone
and more importantly,
causes us to turn away from the source of our life (John 6:27,33,48,51,53).
The Apostle Paul did not derive his "teachings" or have his "work" directed from men or an Organization. (Gal.1:11,12,16,17,10) He did not go to "consult" with the supposed leaders of an Organization in Jerusalem (Matt.23:10), because he was directed by God's Holy Spirit and Word alone
(Psalm 119:133; John 4:24; John 17:17; Eph.6:17; 3:3,5; John 16:13; 14:26; 1John 2:28; 1Cor. 2:10; Matt.13:11; 25:11,12,13).
Therefore, Paul's forehead was "marked", not by a Beast (Rev.13:16,17), but by God's Laws (Deut.6:6,8; 11:18; Rev.7:3; 14:1; 22:4).
(Is Baptism the Mark of the Beast?)
When Jesus tells us that the "foolish virgins" go off to "buy" oil from those who "sell" (Matt.25:9,10); this is not literal, but symbolic. When Jesus entrusts his anointed household slaves with "gold", and expects them to gain more for him (Matt.25:14,16,24,27,29) is this money/gold/ literal? Do you understand the symbolic meaning of Rev.13:17?
If we enslave our life's work, (devotion and worship) under the doctrinal restraints of a visible Organization (1Cor. 7:23; 6:20; Gal.1:10,12); we have succumbed to the prophesied idolatry (Rev.13:16,17,8; 2:20; Rom.1:25). We have "hidden"/"buried" the spirit's gifts (Matt.5:14,15; Matt.25:18; 1Thess. 5:19) and have as our "wages", treasures "stored on earth" (Matt.6:19; Isa.50:9; Job 13:28; James 5:3; Eze.24:6,11,12,13; Luke 12:39; John 10:10).
In the symbolic book of Revelation, what is the "buying and selling" in Rev.13:17?
"Buying" is the acquisition of divine favor, guidance, stature, and instruction (wisdom and understanding).
It is acquired by what one sacrifices for it (or sells)'s devotion, study, obedience, and giving honor (Ec.5:4,5; Rev.13:3,8) within ones mind and actions (Deut.11:18,13; Rev.6:6; Rev.13:16,17,8,7).
Organized religion requires conformity to it's own doctrines and leadership.
They demand that you "pay" your vow to them and their expectations, and their organizational arrangements.
To pay them this worship rather than to serve God alone (Matt.4:10; 6:24), is to commit idolatry.
If you sell your obedient conformity away to men, they will give you approval, position, and spiritual food.
This entire system of spiritual commerce is corrupt. (Matt.21:12,13)
All these things belong to Christ, and not to men, who exploit spiritual need for their own dishonest gain, glory and power.
Who rightly owns our subjection, devotion, obedience, and loyalty?
These should only be given to God and His Christ (Rev.3:18; Isa.1:19; Matt.11:28,29; (Rev.14:11); Mark 8:34,35; 10:21; Matt.16:24; Isa.1:19; 28:12), not to a religious organization, no matter what they claim for themselves (Matt.24:24,25).
Jesus has a right to expect obedience, industriousness, and faithfulness from his slaves (Matt.24:45,46; 25:14,19; Rev.22:12).
Men do not have a right to expect these things for themselves.
(Is Baptism the Mark of the Beast?)
When Jesus tells us that the "foolish virgins" go off to "buy" oil from those who "sell" (Matt.25:9,10); this is not literal, but symbolic. When Jesus entrusts his anointed household slaves with "gold", and expects them to gain more for him (Matt.25:14,16,24,27,29) is this money/gold/ literal? Do you understand the symbolic meaning of Rev.13:17?
If we enslave our life's work, (devotion and worship) under the doctrinal restraints of a visible Organization (1Cor. 7:23; 6:20; Gal.1:10,12); we have succumbed to the prophesied idolatry (Rev.13:16,17,8; 2:20; Rom.1:25). We have "hidden"/"buried" the spirit's gifts (Matt.5:14,15; Matt.25:18; 1Thess. 5:19) and have as our "wages", treasures "stored on earth" (Matt.6:19; Isa.50:9; Job 13:28; James 5:3; Eze.24:6,11,12,13; Luke 12:39; John 10:10).
In the symbolic book of Revelation, what is the "buying and selling" in Rev.13:17?
"Buying" is the acquisition of divine favor, guidance, stature, and instruction (wisdom and understanding).
It is acquired by what one sacrifices for it (or sells)'s devotion, study, obedience, and giving honor (Ec.5:4,5; Rev.13:3,8) within ones mind and actions (Deut.11:18,13; Rev.6:6; Rev.13:16,17,8,7).
Organized religion requires conformity to it's own doctrines and leadership.
They demand that you "pay" your vow to them and their expectations, and their organizational arrangements.
To pay them this worship rather than to serve God alone (Matt.4:10; 6:24), is to commit idolatry.
If you sell your obedient conformity away to men, they will give you approval, position, and spiritual food.
This entire system of spiritual commerce is corrupt. (Matt.21:12,13)
All these things belong to Christ, and not to men, who exploit spiritual need for their own dishonest gain, glory and power.
Who rightly owns our subjection, devotion, obedience, and loyalty?
These should only be given to God and His Christ (Rev.3:18; Isa.1:19; Matt.11:28,29; (Rev.14:11); Mark 8:34,35; 10:21; Matt.16:24; Isa.1:19; 28:12), not to a religious organization, no matter what they claim for themselves (Matt.24:24,25).
Jesus has a right to expect obedience, industriousness, and faithfulness from his slaves (Matt.24:45,46; 25:14,19; Rev.22:12).
Men do not have a right to expect these things for themselves.
(1Cor. 1:13,15; Col.3:24; Gal.1:10; 2Cor. 11:20,3; Rev.3:11; Gal.4:9; 5:1; John 8:36,32)
Rev.6:6; Rev.13:17
Yet we see that Rev.13:17 foretells that this system of spiritual commerce will overtake "all those who dwell on the earth (Greek literally, "occupied home" -Isa.33:20; John 14:23 LINK). That system of spiritual commerce is part of the sifting tribulation of which Jesus said "It will come in on all those dwelling upon the inhabited earth" (Luke 21:35; Rev.13:16,14,8; 3:10).
What is the response of all the earth/land? See Rev.13:8. The "earth" fails this test (Isa.55:2; John 6:27; Jer.12:13). It swallows Satan's lies (Rev.12:15,16)
Yet we see that Rev.13:17 foretells that this system of spiritual commerce will overtake "all those who dwell on the earth (Greek literally, "occupied home" -Isa.33:20; John 14:23 LINK). That system of spiritual commerce is part of the sifting tribulation of which Jesus said "It will come in on all those dwelling upon the inhabited earth" (Luke 21:35; Rev.13:16,14,8; 3:10).
What is the response of all the earth/land? See Rev.13:8. The "earth" fails this test (Isa.55:2; John 6:27; Jer.12:13). It swallows Satan's lies (Rev.12:15,16)
Just as Jesus said, this deception will be so powerful, that if possible, even the anointed will be mislead (Matt.24:24,25; Rev.13:7,14) and subjugated
(2Thess. 2:4; Dan.7:21; Rev.9:5,6; 13:7; Hosea 8:7) (Col.2:8; Luke 21:24; Rev.13:10).
The end-time spiritual provisions ("daily bread") under the reign of the Beast, are carefully measured be certain that these teachings support their interests, and that they keep the minds and actions of those who take them in, under subjection. It is the very same "measuring basket" under which the unfaithful/"lazy" anointed, allow their light to be hidden under (Matt.5:14,15,16).

Rev.6:6; Eze.4:16; 12:18; Isa.28:10; 2Cor. 2:17; 2Pet. 2:3; Rev.13:16,17,4,10
We should remember that all the end time prophecies are not separate stories about separate identities and situations. They are a variety of illustrations, defining the very same period, the very same events, and the very same identities. It is only when we combine them all, that we can clearly see who these prophecies are describing in detail. Let him that has ears, listen!
Regarding Rev.6:6
"Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “A quart of wheat for a day’s wages, and three quarts of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!"
I will also go into this in depth within the "four horsemen" article (Rev.6:1-8).
You can already see that according to this plague, spiritual provisions (daily bread) will come at a cost, for what should be free
The end-time spiritual provisions ("daily bread") under the reign of the Beast, are carefully measured be certain that these teachings support their interests, and that they keep the minds and actions of those who take them in, under subjection. It is the very same "measuring basket" under which the unfaithful/"lazy" anointed, allow their light to be hidden under (Matt.5:14,15,16).
Rev.6:6; Eze.4:16; 12:18; Isa.28:10; 2Cor. 2:17; 2Pet. 2:3; Rev.13:16,17,4,10
We should remember that all the end time prophecies are not separate stories about separate identities and situations. They are a variety of illustrations, defining the very same period, the very same events, and the very same identities. It is only when we combine them all, that we can clearly see who these prophecies are describing in detail. Let him that has ears, listen!
Regarding Rev.6:6
"Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “A quart of wheat for a day’s wages, and three quarts of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!"
I will also go into this in depth within the "four horsemen" article (Rev.6:1-8).
You can already see that according to this plague, spiritual provisions (daily bread) will come at a cost, for what should be free
(Isa.55:1,2; Rev.22:17; 13:17,16,15; 2Cor. 2:17; 4:2; 2Pet. 2:3; Tit.1:10,11; Prov.1:19; Isa.57:17; 2Thess. 2:3; 1Tim. 6:5; 2Tim. 3:5).
When Rev.6:6 tells us, "do not harm the olive oil and wine"; perhaps you know from my past writings about this... that "olive oil" stands for Holy Spirit which acts as fuel for spiritual enlightenment (Matt.25:7,8; Heb.1:9; Psalm 23:5; Zech.4:12,14; Rev.11:3,4).
Under this plague (caused by the "Wild Beast"/"Man of Lawlessness" 2Thess.2:4), it restrains the partaking of Holy Spirit and it's enlightenment [but allows only it's own spiritual commerce, based upon the lies of demonic spirits (Rev.13:17; 16:13,14; 1Tim.4:1; 2Thess. 2:7,10)].
"Buying" is the acquisition of divine favor, guidance, stature, and instruction.
It is acquired by what one trades for it (or sells)'s devotion, obedience, and honor (Rev.13:3,8).
Organized religion requires conformity to it's doctrines and leadership.
If you sell these away to men, they will give you approval and spiritual food.
This entire commerce is corrupt. All these things belong to Christ, and not to men, who exploit these things for their own glory and power. Who rightly owns our subjection and loyalty?
These should only be given to God and His Christ (Rev.3:18; Mark 8:34,35; 10:21; Matt.16:24)
Let's get back to the spiritual commerce prophesied for the end time....
We read that this plague also restrains "the wine".
Wine is a product of the "vine" (see John 15:5,16; Heb.13:15). Yes, without Jesus Christ the true vine...sending Holy Spirit to those branches that remain "in union" with him (John 15:5 B; 1John 2:28) there will be no "fruit" (Matt.7:20,17; 12:33,35,37; John 7:16,17,18).
That spiritual fruit produced (teachings, sayings)
and it's wine (fruit made ready for spiritual ingestion)
are the end product of Holy Spirit being poured out upon anointed prophets
(1John 2:20,27; John 16:13; Exo.4:12; Matt.10:20; Rev.11:3,4; Zech.4:14; Mark 9:4).
That wine can be fine truths sourced in God's holy spirit...
or the false prophets who bear rotten fruit (Matt.7:15,16; 12:33,34; John 7:18). The false prophets will offer poisonous wine...doctrines leading to death (Jer.2:21; Deut.32:33,32; Psalm 140:3; Rom.3:13).
God tells us the future of these anointed who leave the "True Vine" Christ, in order to mislead for the profit of their own power and glory (John 7:18 A; Jer.25:30,29; Rev.18:3,4; 14:18,19). These forbid partaking of the True "olive oil and the wine" (Rev.6:6; Rev.13:17).
For a time, this plague of discipline headed up by the returned Master (Rev.6:2);
allows the Chosen to be mislead and disciplined by the Gentiles, whose idolatrous rule they have chosen to have over them (Rev.9:3,4,5,10). (LINK) (LINK)

(Dan.11:36; 2Thess. 2:4; Matt.24:24; Eze.11:12; 8:10; Matt.24:15; Micah 6:16; Dan.7:21,25; 11:30; Rev.13:7; 9:10).
Why are they being "trampled"? (Rev.11:2; Isa.5:5; 63:18; Dan.8:13; 12:7; Luke 21:24) Because they have lost their "saltiness", and buried the light of Holy Spirit under a "measuring" basket of commerce (Matt.5:13,14,15; Rev.2:4; 2Thess. 2:10; Rev.3:18; 13:17). Their lamps have replaced the fuel of Holy Spirit, with doctrines of spiritual Gentiles (Matt.25:9,10). To replace Holy Spirit in your lamp with false doctrine, is spiritual fornication (Rev.17:2; 18:3; 1Cor. 6:15,16).
When Rev.6:6 tells us, "do not harm the olive oil and wine"; perhaps you know from my past writings about this... that "olive oil" stands for Holy Spirit which acts as fuel for spiritual enlightenment (Matt.25:7,8; Heb.1:9; Psalm 23:5; Zech.4:12,14; Rev.11:3,4).
Under this plague (caused by the "Wild Beast"/"Man of Lawlessness" 2Thess.2:4), it restrains the partaking of Holy Spirit and it's enlightenment [but allows only it's own spiritual commerce, based upon the lies of demonic spirits (Rev.13:17; 16:13,14; 1Tim.4:1; 2Thess. 2:7,10)].
"Buying" is the acquisition of divine favor, guidance, stature, and instruction.
It is acquired by what one trades for it (or sells)'s devotion, obedience, and honor (Rev.13:3,8).
Organized religion requires conformity to it's doctrines and leadership.
If you sell these away to men, they will give you approval and spiritual food.
This entire commerce is corrupt. All these things belong to Christ, and not to men, who exploit these things for their own glory and power. Who rightly owns our subjection and loyalty?
These should only be given to God and His Christ (Rev.3:18; Mark 8:34,35; 10:21; Matt.16:24)
Let's get back to the spiritual commerce prophesied for the end time....
We read that this plague also restrains "the wine".
Wine is a product of the "vine" (see John 15:5,16; Heb.13:15). Yes, without Jesus Christ the true vine...sending Holy Spirit to those branches that remain "in union" with him (John 15:5 B; 1John 2:28) there will be no "fruit" (Matt.7:20,17; 12:33,35,37; John 7:16,17,18).
That spiritual fruit produced (teachings, sayings)
and it's wine (fruit made ready for spiritual ingestion)
are the end product of Holy Spirit being poured out upon anointed prophets
(1John 2:20,27; John 16:13; Exo.4:12; Matt.10:20; Rev.11:3,4; Zech.4:14; Mark 9:4).
That wine can be fine truths sourced in God's holy spirit...
or the false prophets who bear rotten fruit (Matt.7:15,16; 12:33,34; John 7:18). The false prophets will offer poisonous wine...doctrines leading to death (Jer.2:21; Deut.32:33,32; Psalm 140:3; Rom.3:13).
God tells us the future of these anointed who leave the "True Vine" Christ, in order to mislead for the profit of their own power and glory (John 7:18 A; Jer.25:30,29; Rev.18:3,4; 14:18,19). These forbid partaking of the True "olive oil and the wine" (Rev.6:6; Rev.13:17).
For a time, this plague of discipline headed up by the returned Master (Rev.6:2);
allows the Chosen to be mislead and disciplined by the Gentiles, whose idolatrous rule they have chosen to have over them (Rev.9:3,4,5,10). (LINK) (LINK)
(Dan.11:36; 2Thess. 2:4; Matt.24:24; Eze.11:12; 8:10; Matt.24:15; Micah 6:16; Dan.7:21,25; 11:30; Rev.13:7; 9:10).
Why are they being "trampled"? (Rev.11:2; Isa.5:5; 63:18; Dan.8:13; 12:7; Luke 21:24) Because they have lost their "saltiness", and buried the light of Holy Spirit under a "measuring" basket of commerce (Matt.5:13,14,15; Rev.2:4; 2Thess. 2:10; Rev.3:18; 13:17). Their lamps have replaced the fuel of Holy Spirit, with doctrines of spiritual Gentiles (Matt.25:9,10). To replace Holy Spirit in your lamp with false doctrine, is spiritual fornication (Rev.17:2; 18:3; 1Cor. 6:15,16).
If it were not for God "cutting short" those days of deception (Matt.24:22; 2Thess. 2:4,9; Rev.12:9; 13:11,14; 14:8), no flesh would be saved (Luke 13:23,24; 1Pet. 4:18; Rom.9:29; Isa.1:9; 10:21,22; Eze.17:22; Psalm 72:16) (LINK).
To allow His deceived people more of a choice, God does cut this sifting tribulation by Satan short, limiting it's lethal effects (Luke 22:31; Amos 4:11; Isa.48:9; Mark 13:20).
Yhvh restricts the damage, just as a log is snatched out of a fire, for the sake of His Holy Name (Eze.36:22; Dan.12:1; Zech.3:2,3,4; (Rev.19:8) Zech.2:12; Jude 1:23; Rev.9:14).
What is it that saves the remnant from being drowned by this flood of Satanic lies? (Rev.12:15)
How are His people given one more chance at life?
Along with this plague of horsemen (including a spiritual famine); He limits their ability to harm/destroy totally, the "olive oil and the wine". (Isa.65:8,9)
A remnant will be awoken spiritually (Matt.25:6,7; Luke 12:37; Rev.9:14; 11:3,4). These will have the resolve to base their teachings upon Holy Spirit, despite Satan's persecution and the wrath of the Wild Beast (John 15:4,5; 1John 2:28; Rev.13:15; Mark 8:35; Rev.11:7; 20:4) The fruit the faithful bear, will remain (John 15:16; 1Cor. 3:13,14). The "blessing within it"(Isa.65:8), will become manifested (Matt.13:43; Dan.12:3; 11:33,35; 12:10; Prov.4:18; 11:30).
Greetings! I have passed by this article of yours, I find it very imperative information, will you expound more about "daily bread". And explain rev 6:6 please.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the "daily bread", there is already much information above, as well as many scriptures there upon which to meditate.
ReplyDeleteThe spiritual famine (lack of bread--"hearing the words of Jehovah") is a subject that I prefer to expound further on, when the article about the four horsemen is released. If you have a specific question about "daily bread", please submit it here, or email me at , and I will forward whatever spirit provides in response.
Regarding Rev.6:6
"Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “A quart of wheat for a day’s wages, and three quarts of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!"
I will also go into this in depth within the four horsemen article.
I will give you a brief answer for now.
You can already see that according to this plague, spiritual provisions (daily bread) will come at a cost, for what should be free (Isa.55:1,2; Rev.22:17; 13:17,16,15; 2Cor.2:17; 4:2; 2Pet.2:3).
When Rev.6:6 tells us, "do not harm the olive oil and wine"; perhaps you know from my past writings about this... that "olive oil" stands for Holy Spirit which acts for fuel for spiritual enlightenment (Matt.25:7,8; Heb.1:9; Psalm23:5; Zech.4:12,14).
Under this plague (caused by the Wild Beast), it forbids the partaking of Holy Spirit [but only allows it's own spiritual commerce (Rev.13:17)].
We also read that this plague holds back "the wine".
Wine is a product of the "vine" (see John15:5,16; Heb.13:15). Yes, without Jesus Christ the true vine...sending Holy Spirit to those branches that remain "in union" with him (John15:5 B; 1John2:28) there will be no "fruit" (Matt.7:20,17; 12:33,35,37; John7:16,17,18).
That spiritual fruit produced (teachings, sayings)
and it's wine (fruit made ready for spiritual ingestion)
is the end product of Holy Spirit being poured out upon the anointed
(1John2:20,27; John16:13; Exo.4:12; Matt.10:20).
That wine can be fine truths sourced in God's holy spirit...
or the false prophets who bear rotten fruit, will offer poisonous wine...doctrines leading to death (Jer.2:21; Deut.32:33,32; Psalm140:3; Rom.3:13).
God tells us the future of these anointed who leave the "True Vine" Christ, in order to mislead for their own glory (Jer.25:30,29; Rev.18:3,4; 14:18,19). These forbid partaking of the True "olive oil and the wine" (Rev.6:6; Rev.13:17).
I hope this answer suffices for now.
There will be more under the "four horsemen" article, I hope soon to come.