Friday, March 6, 2020

The Knowledge of God [] The Abomination of Desolation


Dearest sister Pearl, 

I continue studying articles at your Blog, but my fleshly sisters are not as eager to look into the scriptures. When the three of us had gotten together, they had not read over the material I sent them and so had not even prepared for studying. As JWs, they just want to be told what to do. They essentially have said that the information I shared is too deep, and focuses more on those anointed who rule with Jesus. Although I’ve asked both of them to do personal study and then to reconvene, neither of them responded with interest saying basically that it’s too deep and that the Bible shouldn’t be complicated. How can I respond with scriptures?

In addition, have two questions that I hope you will address. First, as I feel like I’ve read something on your blog about 2 Peter chapter 2 but now cannot find it. It asked you about that chapter and particularly verse 21 (2Pet.2:21). Do I understand correctly that this verse is essentially speaking about leaving the teachings of the false prophet after being given true understanding, but then returning to that false prophet? Would this basically be applied in our day, as leaving the organization, finding the truth, but then returning to that organization? 
My younger sister wondered why it would be imperative for “good” people to leave the organization when God can read their hearts. 
She referenced a friend who is trying to get reinstated (after 2 yrs being df’d), only so that she can talk to her family again. 
I don’t have a clear understanding on how to respond to my sister about the command at Rev.18:4-5 and the judgment of God resulting in destruction. We don’t want to have the mark of the beast, but is the penalty death? 

My second question. When sharing with a friend who is an elder, the understanding regarding the inappropriateness of anointed feeding spiritually from the Gentiles, there is great likelihood the elder will respond that it is not they who feed the anointed but that they are helpers and more or less servants helping the GB dispense “food at proper time.”  Now, to me, it is clear that the GB are false prophets and thus the “food” is not healthy (rotten fruit), but am just wondering about a concise and simple response to the likely aforementioned rebuttal an elder might give.  

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First, perhaps you could show your sisters these few scriptures:
Persistent effort is needed to gain an understanding of the deep things of God. If we gain and heed that knowledge, the reward, is everlasting life (John17:3).

Your first question:
Here is the context of 2Pet.2: 
"20 For if, having escaped the world’s impurity through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in these things and defeated, the last state is worse for them than the first. 21 For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than, after knowing it, to turn back from the holy command delivered to them. 22 It has happened to them according to the true proverb: A dog returns to its own vomit, and, “a sow, after washing itself, wallows in the mud.”

Both fleshly Jew and Gentile, escape Satanic darkness/deception, when they are enlightened by the truths of Jesus Christ. 
Many Jews returned to a practice of the Law (see Gal.4:9). Many Gentiles too, found it difficult to keep away from their previous idolatry (1Cor.10:14-22). Think of how may xJWs who have lost family, have returned to get re-instated, so that the shunning would stop. Jesus told us this circumstance would happen (Luke 12:51-53; Mark 13:12-13; John16:2).....
.....and he told us how to handle it (Matt.10:36-37; Luke 14:26).

How many anointed, have received "the holy command" (2Pet.2:21), to love their brothers in Christ (John13:34), only to later command that they be persecuted (Luke12:45; Rev.13:11,15)?
Even many who profess having been anointed and are out of the WT, have entered into envy, competition, and strife (1Cor.1:10; 11:18-19)... nurturing the very WT spirit of dominance they left behind.
Christ cleanses his bride members from all sin (1John1:7; 4:16-18,19-21) which affords love, fellowship, and unity amid his faithful body members (Eph.4:3; 1Cor.12:12,25-27; Eph.4:11-13). 
But there are those who succumb to pride, and return to not being cleansed of sin or falsehood (a "sow, who returns to wallowing in the mud" -2Pet.2:22). Many anointed who had rejected falsehood, founded in the unloving pride of the steward above them... retain and return to false teachings (even false WT doctrine -Mark2:22; Luke 17:31-32), stubbornly refusing to be mild and humble in considering direction by scripture and spirit (Rev.5:6; 1:20; Jer.25:4; Matt.5:15; Rev.22:16; John13:20; Matt.10:20; 1Cor.14:32,3,29; Eph.2:20-22; 1Cor.4:1; Amos 3:7).

All anointed have been given a testimony as to the love of God and his spirit and truth. ANY of them, can later reject that testimony, reject the unity of the body under Jesus as head, and not realize that they have resumed walking in darkness (John12:35). 
That also ties in with Luke 17:31 and Matt.9:17, which I cited above in the first section of this letter. 
If, upon their exodus from the WT, one does not get a clean slate mentally; that old false doctrine may creep back into their spiritual perception, and prevent them from being clean. Like a lens that is smudged with dirt, their "eye" is unhealthy, and light cannot reach their body (Matt.6:22-23). 
They can return and resort to eating that which they had previously rejected (dog,vomit).
If that does not address your question, please respond.

Regarding your question about your sister's thought that there are good people in the WT, who do not deserve to be condemned.... consider 2Thess.2:9-12. Those inside believe "the lie"... that their leaders, who confess being uninspired and fallible, who continually change their teachings, who trample down the brothers of Christ, condemning many of them to death... is an organization directed by the spirit of God. 
Why do they believe this obvious lie? 2Thess.2:10,12 told us that they do not have sufficient love of truth, and that they enjoy unrighteousness. How? 
Do they not enjoy feeling superior, when someone faithful is vilified and expelled? I have seen it (Rev.11:7-10; Matt.5:10-12).

Please consider Gen.18:32 and Jer.5:1.
Do you see that God will not even abandon one single person to destruction, if they are righteous? Why are we told with urgency, even by Jesus, to flee? (Matt.24:15-16; 18:4-5; Jer.51:6; Luke17:26-37). All those of righteous heart, will be "taken" and invited to feast upon the slain. The rest will be abandoned to what they have chosen....
....Because the destruction of the corrupt, blasphemous, throne of Satan... Must go Down... along with everyone who is a coward or loves a lie (Rev.22:15). 
Those who slave for the false prophet and it's Beast, have succumbed to the agents of the "last enemy, Death" (1Cor.15:24-26; Rev.6:7-8).
This links to follow may also help with this part of your questions. 
It is a search result, and contains many posts on a few pages. You should read at least the first few results: 
NOTE: When God abandons the wicked to Destruction... He is not destroying them. He is accepting a surrender to the god, lord, and father they themselves have chosen, which is, the Destroyer.

Your second question...
It is asserted that the elders are helpers to the anointed, because there are not enough anointed to care for the flock. Perhaps you could ask how the elders help anointed, that are not the GB. If a lesser anointed one, disagrees with the GB in favor of scripture; What do the elders do to them? 
Yet what did Jesus say, at Matt.25:45-46
Why do the elders condemn such ones to death? Is it not because the GB has ordered this policy, to "beat" any who do not submit to them? 
Yet Jesus said at Mark10: "42 Jesus called them over and said to them, “You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles dominate them, and their men of high positions exercise power over them. 43 But it must not be like that among you. On the contrary, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 44 and whoever wants to be first among you must be a slave to all."
It is up to Jesus upon his return, to reveal which of his slaves have proven to be genuine, faithful, and discreet slaves of all (Matt.25:19,21; Rom.8:19). But Jesus did give us guidance, to help us to find the answer to who is working faithfully (Matt.7:20).

It must also be asked... in what capacity do the elders, serve? What is their job description, so to speak?
Do they not preside over cases of sin... pray in behalf of sinners, and do the teaching in the congregations?
They may not recognize it, but that is serving in the capacity designated to God's priests (1Cor.6:1-3). The NWT translates Gal.6:1 as "those with spiritual qualifications", which allows the original words to be lost. Literally, it reads... those who are 'inspired by/walk/are lead, by spirit'. 
It is pneuma (breath/spirit) -tikos (to own) (John20:22) and is G4152 in Strong's Greek dictionary.

The Bible defines such ones (who "re-adjust" a sinner), as "God's sons" (Rom.8:14-17; John20:21-23). Those who are designated by God to teach God's nation, are His priests (Mal.2:7; 1Cor.4:1; 1Pet.2:5,9; Rev.5:9-10).
In fact, Eze.44:6-9 and 2Chron.13:9 condemned the leaders of Israel, for letting others serve as priests. 
---(The Hebrew interlinear should be consulted for the verses in Eze.44:6-9, or any other Bible but the NWT, because they changed the wording of Eze.44:6-9).---

Do you remember the lesson of this account?

God's anointed priesthood and spiritual Temple (Eph.2:20-22; 1Pet.2:5; 1Cor.3:16; 2Thess.2:1-4) is not to be performed by any who are not so consecrated (2Chron.23:6-7). 
This is the very definition of the "disgusting thing/abomination"... standing in the "holy place/Temple" which "causes desolation" to that priesthood/Temple (Mark13:14; Rev.11:2; 13:7).

Jesus said that when we are able to perceive those circumstances, we are to Flee!
The elder in question, may not be granted to have that perception (Mark4:12).
If you try to impart it to him, he may fulfill his actual place, which really is, to uphold the idolatry toward the Image of the Beast (Rev.13:15; 11:2-3,7; John16:2)... 
...not to assist, serve, and support, the least of Jesus' anointed brothers... who are now being trampled down into powerlessness, and condemned to death, by Gentile, so-called, "elders". 


Please let me know if my reply, and especially the scriptures I have cited within, are of sufficient number to care for your need.
Love in Christ,

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