In 2 Corinthians 12:2, Paul speaks of a “third heaven” that a person he met “fourteen years ago” was caught up in.
Is this “third heaven” symbolic for truths revealed by God?
If known, is there a particular purpose for Paul mentioning this specifically?
Hello Rachel,
Please read and reflect on the scriptures, as you come to them.
While there are no other direct references in scripture, to "third heaven"....
(Deut.10:14; Job 22:12; 1Cor.15:41; Dan.12:3,10; Phil.2:15)
....I do know that heaven refers, not to a physical place. The closest I can come to describing that spiritual realm in physical terms, is to say that the "levels" of heaven, have to do with perspective and understanding... and those who are granted that level.
(Deut.10:14; Job 22:12; 1Cor.15:41; Dan.12:3,10; Phil.2:15)
....I do know that heaven refers, not to a physical place. The closest I can come to describing that spiritual realm in physical terms, is to say that the "levels" of heaven, have to do with perspective and understanding... and those who are granted that level.
This is why those who are "raised up", or are invited to enter a door above to heaven (Rev.4:1), are given additional knowledge (John3:12).
This is symbolized by "eagles" (who are known to fly quite high)... yet from such great distances, they can see fine detail, as well as small items all the way down on the ground. Such ones are given greater clarity and understanding of how particular details, fit into the whole picture, so to speak.
This is symbolized by "eagles" (who are known to fly quite high)... yet from such great distances, they can see fine detail, as well as small items all the way down on the ground. Such ones are given greater clarity and understanding of how particular details, fit into the whole picture, so to speak.
Regarding "third heaven", I thought that I did write about it. I did not find it in a blog search, so I assume it's one of those chunks of information that I never got to transfer over.
Okay, so.... I'll start by summarizing what we covered so far... that with growing faithfulness, comes greater understanding
You may note in those previous scriptures, that with increasing faithfulness, comes increasing divine wisdom/light/glory. Conversely, a loss of faithfulness, results in a loss of understanding/spiritual perception. We see this principle also eluded to, at Matt.22:12-13; James 1:22; Luke8:18; Matt.7:6; Prov.4:18; 2Pet.1:19; Rev.5:2,5,9,12 and many other scriptures.
The next point, is that there are 3 stages to the maturation process of an anointed one... each stage, requiring fuller faithfulness and bestowing fuller light/glory, until finally, with the "full grown stature of Christ"...
(Eph.4:13; Heb.5:8; 1Pet.4:1; Rom.6:7; Phil.2:5; Gal.5:24; Luke10:17-20; Heb.12:22-23; 1Cor.2:15-16; 13:9-10,11-12),
(Eph.4:13; Heb.5:8; 1Pet.4:1; Rom.6:7; Phil.2:5; Gal.5:24; Luke10:17-20; Heb.12:22-23; 1Cor.2:15-16; 13:9-10,11-12),
...a person dies for the truth, proving their love for it more than their lives.
As a result, the stain of sin is behind them, and they can be raised up into highest "heaven" (Eph.2:6; Rev.3:21; 19:11,14,8) where they are empowered to conquer the powerful deceptions of Satan, which is by means of, that fullness of divine understanding that they are given for faithfully conquering (Rev.2:7,17,26-28).
The last point, is that this maturation process that is before those who eventually "win the race" and reach the end (not all do), is mentioned, at Rev.17:14.
You will notice that there are 3 stages... "Called, Chosen, Faithful".
First, one is "Called".
That is when the Father, draws that person to Christ (John6:44). Jesus is the way, truth, and life (John14:6). This would manifest, as a great desire to learn the Bible and the teachings of Jesus (who is, the Logos/Word of God/author of all scripture -John1:1,4,12-14).
If that person is faithful with that stage, a degree of divine wisdom is given, and that person's heart will prepare for the next stage. When they perceive their great need for the grace of God to save them, and to open their eyes to the things they do not understand... they long for that understanding so much, more than life, that with their whole heart, they Beg God for that grace (2Chron.16:9).
If God reads that complete and sincere heart as being ready, we come before the Father's sight and attention (John14:6), and they will then be Chosen.
This involves being anointed with holy spirit, and adopted as God's son (John1:12; Gal.3:26; Rom.8:14-17). The anointing makes clear to that person, that they have been chosen. They are now under obligation to continue their advancing growth in spirit and truth (1John2:20,27; John15:4-5,6-7), and most importantly, conforming obedience as they learn (Matt.7:24).
That path of Christ...
....eventually leads to a death for truth
(Rom.6:5; 1Pet.4:13; Phil.3:10; Mark8:35; John16:2; Rev.6:9-11).
(Rom.6:5; 1Pet.4:13; Phil.3:10; Mark8:35; John16:2; Rev.6:9-11).
If the anointed one makes it that far, they are "Faithful".
Now imagine that each of those stages, are levels in heaven... corresponding to levels of accomplished faithfulness and corresponding levels of enlightenment/glory.
Third Heaven is the place where the faithful, "reside"
(John17:24,22; 14:23,2-3; Rev.21:2; Eph.5:27,25-27).
(John17:24,22; 14:23,2-3; Rev.21:2; Eph.5:27,25-27).
The person Paul was speaking about, was himself. He puts it in the third person, out of humility (2Cor.12:1-3,4-5,6-7).
I do believe that there was a specific purpose behind Paul's mention of third heaven.
His vision of "third heaven" was a promise from God... a vision of the reward that awaited Paul, for a faithfulness to the death (Phil.3:14; James 1:12).
His vision of "third heaven" was a promise from God... a vision of the reward that awaited Paul, for a faithfulness to the death (Phil.3:14; James 1:12).
As we have considered; that is to be the goal of all those Called and Chosen. Paul gave his example of progress, to those on that path
(Phil.3:7-9,10-12,13-15,16-17; 2Tim.4:6-8; James1:12; Rev.2:10; John6:63; 8:43,47; 5:25; Luke8:18).
(Phil.3:7-9,10-12,13-15,16-17; 2Tim.4:6-8; James1:12; Rev.2:10; John6:63; 8:43,47; 5:25; Luke8:18).
I hope that helps.
Love in Christ,
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