Commemoration of the Lord's Memorial, is rightly held on Nisan 13. For those of you who did not realize that Jesus held the occasion and died, on Nisan 13, you can research that proof in the scriptures, by using the search box on this Blog Main Page.
Mark 14:12; 15:42-43; John19:14,31,42
While the Passover lambs were being sacrificed for the sundown/Sabbath to come, Jesus was also dying on his torture stake (Luke 22:7; John1:29; 1Cor.5:7; Isa.53:7; John19:9). That was the afternoon following the memorial [and the same Jewish day (sundown to sundown) as the Memorial / Day of Preparation / first day of the week of Unfermented Cakes - first day of Passover Week (Luke22:1,8,13-15,19,29; Rev.5:9-10; Mark14:12; 15:42-43)]. (Mark14:12; 15:42-43; John19:14,31,42)
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As far as calculating when Nisan 13 takes place during this year,
I will review with you, the procedure as follows...
The way in which Nisan is calculated, is to find out when the Spring Equinox occurs.
For this year (2020), it was Thursday March 19 at 11:49 p.m..
Then go to the schedule of the new moon for each month in your area,
(Google search)
and find the new moon that occurred BEFORE the Spring Equinox.
For 2020, that would be Feb.23 at 10:32 a.m.. The remainder of that day (10:32am - sunset) belongs to the previous month.
This means that the last month of the Jewish year, starts at sunset on Feb.23rd.
That new moon, is the start of the last month of the Jewish calendar which Jesus observed.
Then find the next new moon.
In 2020, the next new moon starts March 24, at 5:28 a.m..
Since the Jewish day runs from sundown to sundown; 5:28 a.m. is between the sundowns.
Sundown March 23 to 5:28 am, belongs to the previous month. The new sundown of the new moon/month, will not occur until sundown March 24.
If the new moon occurs at an hour, after the sun has already set, then that 24 hour period (sunset to sunset) is still the last day of the last month. The fresh day, would start the following sunset.
For 2020, a fresh day for the new month, does not begin until sundown on March 24.
Nisan 1, runs from sundown March 24 to sundown March 25. Nisan 2 runs from sundown March 25 to sundown March 26, and so on.
Sundown March 24 starts the first day of the first month (Nisan) of the new Jewish year.
Next, is to count 13 days from the starting evening of Nisan 1.
For my location, that brings the start of Nisan 13, to after sunset, on Sunday April 5, 2020.
This is when I intend to partake. It is up to each individual, to decide what they will choose to do.
If you have received miraculous proof of God's choosing you (Rom.8:16; Eph.4:4) to belong to the Bride of Christ, and wish to partake with us,
please contact me using the contact form in the right side column of this Main Page.
If you desire to gain more scriptural information about who should partake, there are many posts which address that questions, from many angles. Please use the search box.
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