Questions I received:
I have been in touch with a brother who told me about the demonstrations you and others did at the summer conventions and I am ready to do it as well, here in my home town. There would be three of us.
I don't really know how to go about it so i would appreciate feedback from you about what needs to be done etc... I will do anything to help people wake up and search out those who are the faithful anointed.
I also need to ask you some things.
There are some on the net who have left the beast and claim to be anointed. Are those considered to have been killed, and are they the faithful anointed ones as well?
Will those who are truly anointed be directed to your blog?
Those ex witnesses activists who have left the organization and speak against it -- they are not marked by the beast? -- or are they?
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My Reply:
Hello again,
Can a household steward care for a household, by himself?
Now there is another group who criticize the organization for it's faults. They target the leadership as responsible for all it's corruption. But that group of reformists believe that if the leaders are willing to change, or if they are removed, that this will solve the problem. Such anointed and others believe, that the organization is still "God's spirit-directed earthly organization" (2Thess.2:11,9,10,11,12; Rev.13:8),
I have been in touch with a brother who told me about the demonstrations you and others did at the summer conventions and I am ready to do it as well, here in my home town. There would be three of us.
I don't really know how to go about it so i would appreciate feedback from you about what needs to be done etc... I will do anything to help people wake up and search out those who are the faithful anointed.
I also need to ask you some things.
There are some on the net who have left the beast and claim to be anointed. Are those considered to have been killed, and are they the faithful anointed ones as well?
Will those who are truly anointed be directed to your blog?
Those ex witnesses activists who have left the organization and speak against it -- they are not marked by the beast? -- or are they?
- - - - - - -
My Reply:
Hello again,
I am always happy to hear of those who are willing to demonstrate to those in captivity. We are warned that the great majority of God's people are in a blind and deaf condition (Isa.43:8; 42:19; Rev.3:17,18). But we still give the witness, not only for the few who might wake up, but for the sake of God's name, who always warns his prophets, so that He provides a warning to His people... being a God of Justice (Amos 3:7; Jer.26:5; 44:4).
For the full instructions you need, to share in that witness (Heb.6:10; Eph.4:25; Eze.33:7), here are two helpful links:
Here are two forum posts that may help:
I will also send you a link to another anointed one... a "teacher" in the Body of Christ (1Cor.12:28) (LINK)
For now, I want to get to your other questions.
I will post them below, just to be sure I don't forget anything...
Here are two forum posts that may help:
I will also send you a link to another anointed one... a "teacher" in the Body of Christ (1Cor.12:28) (LINK)
For now, I want to get to your other questions.
I will post them below, just to be sure I don't forget anything...
1. There are some on the net who have left the beast and claim to be anointed. Are those considered to have been killed, and are they the faithful anointed ones as well?
First I will say, that on the internet, we really don't know if all a person says, is true. They may say that they are out of the WT and that they are also anointed, but we really don't know at first. Dan.11:34 reads;
"When they fall, they will receive a little help, and many who are not sincere will join them."
Of that situation, we are given warning not to misplace our trust in impostors (Jer.9:4; Micah 7:5,6; Luke 12:51,52,53; 2Tim.3:13). Although those scriptures speak primarily of those inside the Beast as being treacherous; those verses include those we may meet outside in the "wilderness" of continued testing, because of what Daniel says at Dan.11:34 (quoted above)... which occurs after leaving.
While we are in that wilderness (Matt.4:1; Rev.12:14; Deut.8:16; Heb.3:8), Satan is still testing us, trying to get some who have left the one WT snare, to be caught in another snare, afterward (Amos 5:19; Eze.14:21; Rev.6:8).
Secondly, many have left the WT, only mentally, without being "killed" (Mark 8:35; John 16:2). There are anointed who are still attending meetings (Ps.26:4), or those who "faded" in order to avoid being shunned by family (Matt.10:37,32,33). Although such ones may truly be anointed... they are not faithful, nor will they be given the opening of the scroll...
(the end-time revelations of God's truths)
(Rev.5:5,7; John 15:15; 8:31),
...because they have not been "killed" for their testimony, by the WT Beast (Rev.11:7; 6:9,10,11). That "death" is a requirement to receive our inheritance, just as it was a requirement for Christ (Rev.5:9; 2:7, 17; Rom.6:5; John 12:24; Mark 8:35; Rev.6:11).
Third. Now here is where the most difficult challenge arises, for those who have taken the first step toward salvation (being killed - Rom.6:5; John 12:24; Rev.6:9,11) and are now outside the unfaithful City
As preparation for understanding that challenge, if you have not already done so, please read: ("Is leaving the City, enough?") << As that post reveals, those leaving must also turn to their spiritual fathers, for guidance ("Elijah turns hearts").
But what about anointed?
Do they have all they need to be faithful, within their own personal anointing?
Those who still hold on to WT ignorance concerning how the Body of Christ functions; misunderstand the meaning of 1John 2:20,27. The spirit teaches everything every member of the Body needs, to know the truth, through all the Body members, and all their anointed assignments by God (1Cor.12:18; 10:17; Eph.4:11,12,7,16; Rom.12:5). (discerning-body-God-of-order)
What a contrast this arrangement of God is, to the design of the "Watchtower", while it touts the "governing body" as the only "faithful slaves" (Isa.47:8,9,10; Rev.18:7), and those Gentiles whom it "crowns" (Isa.23:8; Rev.18:23; 9:7; 13:15; 19:20; Isa.47:6,7), to dominate the bride members of the Body of Christ! (2Thess.2:4; Rev.13:7,14,15,8) (Eph.5:23)
The proud do not accept the interdependence among the members of Christ (Eph.4:16; 1Cor.12:27,4,7,11), nor do they successfully pass that next test of their humility, by Satan (1John 2:15). They do not strive to learn from Christ what their place is under his headship, but rather, essentially assume by their actions, that they should be seated as an apostle, prophet, or teacher (Luke 14:8,9,10; Matt.23:12).
As Paul said, "not all are apostles, are they? Not all are prophets, are they? Not all are teachers, are they?" (1Cor.12:29)
Perhaps all would like to be. But if they have not been chosen to bear a heavier load, that is because God knows what place is best for each one (Mark 10:37,38; Luke 12:48; James 3:1) (Rom.9:16). They do not understand that a heavier load is not a prestige, but rather, a responsibility of service
(John 7:18; 13:14,15; Luke 22:26,27; Matt.20:27,28). Perhaps it is that very lack of understanding, which influenced God's choice
(James 4:6,10; Prov.29:23; Matt.23:12).
Can a household steward care for a household, by himself?
(1Cor.12:21,25). He depends upon all the household servants to work along with him (Rev.1:20; Matt.5:15), as all servants do (including the steward), as all obey, cooperate with, and serve their common master, Christ (Eph.4:16). All slaves are striving for his approval, as they keep their eye on their own work (Gal.6:4; Rom.14:12). As we know from Luke 12:45,46; stewards can also prove wicked.
Yet those who serve as a faithful foundation/steward for the others (Luke 12:42) (apostles and prophets Eph.2:20; 1Cor.3:10),
must be heeded (Heb.13:17; 2Tim.3:14; 1:13), and not hindered or challenged in an attempt to control their assignment as the Temple's foundation (1Cor.14:32,33) (Amos 3:7; Jer.26:5,6; Rev.22:6) ("Prophets"). That is what happens, when all those coming out, wrongly assume that they are also prophets (Num.12:6; 2Pet.1:20,21).
They do not comprehend nor understand God's own right to interpret His own prophecies (Gen.40:8; Rev.10:7),
but rely instead on their own capabilities ("self- assuming / proud" 2Tim.3:2 and 1Cor.11:29),
As a result, they become contentious with the genuine prophets and publicly oppose the faithful, bringing judgment upon themselves (Matt.10:14,15).
Each of us Chosen ones must "examine ourselves" to determine our own place in the Body (1Cor.11:28,29,30,31; Eph.4:7),
as assigned by God (1Cor.12:18,28),
and then respect that peculiar assignment, working diligently from that place. All places are needed, by all. ("Discerning the 'Body' ")
as assigned by God (1Cor.12:18,28),
and then respect that peculiar assignment, working diligently from that place. All places are needed, by all. ("Discerning the 'Body' ")
So to answer your first question by means of the foregoing scriptures;
Those who usurp God's arrangement of His Temple (the Body of Christ), rebel against God's spirit, and fail what you ask...
"are they the faithful anointed ones as well? "
"are they the faithful anointed ones as well? "
Even though they may have been "killed" / disfellowshipped, for being unsubmissive to the Beast and Harlot; they fail the next step of testing after leaving the "City". They fail to discern the Body of Christ and their place in it. Being proud, they rebel against God's arrangement, and sin against the Body of Christ.
You see, there is a difference between resisting the Harlot because one is submissive to Christ's headship (which will carry forward into the Body),
resisting the Harlot and her "elder" representatives of the Beast, because you are proud and feel superior to all.
The test of unity with the Body, (which comes after disfellowshipping, outside the Beast), separates into two groups according to the motive which caused their expulsion from the Beast.
resisting the Harlot and her "elder" representatives of the Beast, because you are proud and feel superior to all.
The test of unity with the Body, (which comes after disfellowshipping, outside the Beast), separates into two groups according to the motive which caused their expulsion from the Beast.
Dan.11:35 speaks of this, when it tells us that those who prove to be wise (those who wake up, begin their refinement, and get disfellowshipped), can yet stumble, because the refinement of the Holy Ones as a group, is not yet finished...
"Some of the wise will stumble, so that they (as a Bride Group) may be refined, purified and made spotless until the time of the end, for it will still come at the appointed time." (Dan.11:35)
Those who are stumbled after proving wise (Dan.12:3,10; 11:35), will be cut off from the vine of Christ and from under his headship (Col.2:19; John 15:5). They will be outside the anointed household of the Master and the care of his appointed steward whom they have rejected. Yet they will not realize that they are outside the Body of Christ, until that condition is later made manifest (Matt.25:30; Luke 8:18).
If they are proving to be genuine and faithful slaves of Christ, they will speak from the Word of God (John 8:47a; John 16:13; Rev.19:9), and from within and in harmony with, the other faithful members of the Body of Christ.
2. Will those who are truly anointed be directed to your blog?
Through parable, Christ has disclosed that most of those God has chosen as his priests, will not attend the marriage feast, nor receive the revealing of "the true words of God" (Rev.19:9; 10:7).
Because they are preoccupied with the spiritual commerce of the Beast (Matt.22:3,5,8; 25:10; Rev.13:17; Isa.56:11,12; Luke 12:19,20; Rev.18:3; Jer.51:7; Isa.19:14; 28:7,8; Micah 2:11; Matt.24:49; 2Pet.2:1; 1Thess.5:7,6) (Rev.1:11; Matt.10:23).
But "those whom God calls" will be awoken
It is then up to their own heart, if they continually turn to God in prayer, and humbly ask for His truth, in whatever way He has chosen to offer it
Truthful interpretation of scripture and prophecy, will always be offered through and by means of, God's own words found in scripture (Rom.3:4; John 17:17). We all must "keep testing" every teaching, to be sure it meets that standard (1John 4:1; Matt.7:20; John 16:13; Matt.10:27; John 7:16,17,18) ("Fine Trees"). We each must discern and decide which prophet we accept (John 13:20) or reject (2Thess.2:2; 2Cor.11:12,13; 1Tim.6:20; Eph.5:10,11; Rev.2:2; Matt.24:4,5,24,25).
We may ask for and consider an opinion we respect for direction and advice, but no one else is solely responsible for your life or death choice
Yet, God has promised within prophecy; "There will be deliverance in Mount Zion", due to God providing it
Christ's faithful slaves will exist (Rev.11:3; 8:2; 1:20; 10:7), but like Christ, they will largely be rejected, slandered, and killed
Those who have been sealed into the heavens (Joel 2:32; Rev.14:1; Heb.12:22,23) will be producing "fruit" faithfully (John 15:16), for food (Eze.17:23; 36:8; Matt.24:15,16; John 15:8)
Christ stands at the door and knocks, but if he is to come in and serve food to them (Rev.3:20; Luke 12:37), they must receive it the way he, as head, is providing it... from within, Zion (Ps.110:2; Heb.1:7,14; 2:16) (Yhwh's genuine Mountain).
I have been told many times, that the anointed who recognize the voice of Christ in what I offer, acted in harmony with the above verses.
Like I did, they turned to God for guidance, and for help to find other anointed who are striving to stand as faithful before Christ's inspection.
They speak of finding my blog (in various ways), and express that they believe God's spirit directed them as a reply to their humble prayer.
Yet there are other anointed (and not anointed), who it seems, do not recognize truth in what I am teaching. They criticize my person, my motives, and my words, but never do so by means of the scriptures.
They do not come seeking to cling to, and cooperate with, the rest of the Body members, nor what Christ is revealing at this time. They go off, often joining up with others who feed on flattery (Prov.29:5; 2Tim.4:3,4). They gather to the same house / forum, to keep expressing their own proud opinions (Prov.18:2), though never seem able to make progress in wisdom, nor harmonious agreement with their associates (2Tim.3:7) (Dan.12:4; Amos 8:12). They may have been truly anointed, but have failed their next test.
Yes, this is the gauntlet of the Great Tribulation. It will continue testing the Called ones, until the harvest is finished (Luke 13:24; 21:36). We will know it is done, when the Harlot, falls (Rev.6:10,11; 19:2)
Yes, this is the gauntlet of the Great Tribulation. It will continue testing the Called ones, until the harvest is finished (Luke 13:24; 21:36). We will know it is done, when the Harlot, falls (Rev.6:10,11; 19:2)
3. Those ex witness activists who have left the organization and speak against it -- They are not marked by the beast? -- or are they?
It seems your next question is asking if and how those who criticize the organization might still be marked by the Beast.
I see three spiritual groups who have left the organization. I will try to explain.
Those who criticize can be faithfully declaring God's message of condemnation, OR
they can be like predatory birds and dogs, who crave to feed upon the flesh/sins of others. They do not grieve for unfaithful sinners within the corrupt organization... seeking to do all they can to snatch them out of the fire by giving an open testimony (John 18:20). No, they relish tearing others apart. It makes them feel righteous and superior. ("Hated Birds")
Such ones may not be marked as slaves to the Beast's deceptions; but they have not been rescued from the mother covenant of death, under whose "confusion", they still are. Their confidence in themselves, is unfounded. Only those who come under the mother covenant of life, are saved for eternal life (Gal.4:26,24; Mal.2:5).
Now there is another group who criticize the organization for it's faults. They target the leadership as responsible for all it's corruption. But that group of reformists believe that if the leaders are willing to change, or if they are removed, that this will solve the problem. Such anointed and others believe, that the organization is still "God's spirit-directed earthly organization" (2Thess.2:11,9,10,11,12; Rev.13:8),
and that if the corruption is removed, all will be set right again.
They fail to recognize the true interpretation of Revelation's symbolic identities.
They fail to recognize the true interpretation of Revelation's symbolic identities.
Yes... these ones ARE still marked by the Beast, despite their criticism of it, and despite the fact that many of them are outside the "City".
Among these, are anointed who have been disfellowshipped for standing up to what they viewed as corruption or false doctrine.
But if they still revere the "disgusting thing"/"abomination"/blasphemous Beast/"man of lawlessness", as belonging over God's "holy place"/Temple/priesthood;
then they are still marked by the false teachings of the organization, and still follow demon-inspired sayings
then they are still marked by the false teachings of the organization, and still follow demon-inspired sayings
Such anointed are poised to become those who fulfill the identity of the ten kings, who "rule one hour with the Beast" (Who are "kings of earth"?) (Rev.17:12), if they return to "rule" after the Harlot/governing body, is removed.
Anyone who still reveres the organization as belonging to God/divine, are still idolaters, and are still marked by the Beast's "number" (Rev.13:17,18) ("666")
So you see, there can be a few reasons to criticize the organization. Those reasons can be good or bad.
We can be criticizing the organization, but can have differing beliefs about it. We can believe that all it stands for is fake, or we can believe it contains God's spirit and kingdom.
Those who accept any of the lying doctrines of the organization, are still symbolically marked by that deception. It's lies are in their heart... that is the meaning of the mark (Deut.11:18) (Rev.13:16). (Mark of Beast)
The result is that they will be moved by deception, to speak and to act, or to be silent and paralyzed.
Those who accept any of the lying doctrines of the organization, are still symbolically marked by that deception. It's lies are in their heart... that is the meaning of the mark (Deut.11:18) (Rev.13:16). (Mark of Beast)
The result is that they will be moved by deception, to speak and to act, or to be silent and paralyzed.
I hope I have offered all you needed.
If there is anything further you need, please ask.
I hope you know how precious you are to me, as are all the genuine faithful.
How I rejoice to see another one of Christ's sheep, found!
Love in Christ,