Wednesday, May 28, 2014

144,000 / "Man of Lawlessness"? / Revelation's "angels"

Hello Pearl,
Thanks for your speedy response to my question. Apologies I should have been more direct. My question was do you see the 144 as literal or symbolic? I believe it to be a symbolic number and believe numbers of memorial partakers will continue to rise.
I have only recently become aware that there are JW'S and ex JW'S speaking about spiritual things and WTBTS on the Internet.
I have found one site but do not accept their certainty of nuclear war and yet another site but I can't accept that all in congregation should partake of emblems.
The common thread is the view of Man of lawlessness, disgusting thing, beast etc. Of which I am in agreement , the spirit opened my eyes sometime ago. There has been no greater persecutor of anointed in last days than WTBTS.
It is all very sad. Fear inspiring. Isolating. I look forward to the day we all speak in unity. I do not believe Jah will abandon the organisation, it will undergo a time of refinement.
I believe we all need to mention GB and WTBTS in our prayers just as our leader said - pray for those persecuting you.
I tried earlier today to communicate via the form at top right of site page but it took ages sending so you may not have received it.
I read that you are planning a way to warn WTBTS.Are you proposing a coordinated effort?
PS 48:12 says March around Zion you people and go about it. I relate this to Israel marching around Jericho before it fell, it applies to us now I believe. We are obligated to sound an alarm.
I suppose those of us outside the organisation, in a wilderness state so to speak, have in our own way already been doing this.

Jah Bless


My Reply:

Hello again A-1,
You have many new questions.
I will try to clarify and list them, so that I can address them thoroughly.

you ask if the 144,000 is symbolic.
Everything in Revelation is symbolic. This is conveyed right at the start by Christ himself, if you have an accurate translation of Rev.1:1.
If not, referring to a Greek interlinear is illuminating.
That translation reads:

"The Revelation of Jesus
Christ, which God gave unto
him, to shew unto his servants
things which must shortly
come to pass; and he sent and
SIGNIFIED it by his angel unto
his servant John"

The Greek word for "signified" is "esEmanen",
and means to convey by means of symbolism. That is consistent with the way Jesus always taught while on earth (Matt.13:34,35).
What then, does the symbolic number of 144,000 mean?
If you read about 666, you will get your answer....

Next, you say that you expect the memorial partakers to continue to rise,
yet you don't relate what you believe to be the significance of this.
The scriptures advise us to discount any numbering of God's people (1Chron.21:1; Rev.7:9).
Why then, do you give significance to an amount? That number has nothing to do with how many are faithful
(Rom.9:27,28; Luke13:23,24,25; Matt.25:10,11,12,13; 7:13; 22:14,3,5,6,8).
Please tell me why you seem to feel that the number is significant.

Next you mention that there is a common thread online about the identity of the man of lawlessness, disgusting thing, and beast.
Yet I have only found those who say that the "Man of Lawlessness" is the governing body. I do not agree, because the scriptures indicate that this "man" is spiritual Gentiles...the wild beast from the "sea"/"abyss" (Rev.13:1; 11:7)...
 not the beast from the "earth"/false prophet/harlot, who rides the beast (Rev.13:11,15; 19:20).
    "She" has formed an alliance with the "Wild Beast" from the "sea", as it's benefactor.
(Rev.13:1,11; 16:13; 20:10; 17:1,7; Isa.1:21; Jer.2:2,13,20,21,14; Rev.13:7,10; 11:2)


The Man of lawlessness is the blasphemous Beast/disgusting thing,
 standing in the "Holy Place"/God's own temple
(2Thess.2:4; Rev.13:6,18; Matt.24:15; 1Cor.3:16; 1Pet.2:5,9)
because these Gentiles dare to replace the chosen priesthood of God's Temple
(Eze.44:6,7,8,9; Num.18:7; Rev.11:2).
This is a deep subject, and I hope you will read all the cited scriptures in the following article link,
which clarify this distinction between the Man of lawlessness and the genuinely "called and invited" governing body.

I am the only one I know of that clearly sees this distinction between the spiritual
"Jews" and "Gentiles", and how that truth impacts the interpretation of these prophetic identities.

Next you say:
"I do not believe Jah will abandon the organisation, it will undergo a time of refinement."

Do the scriptures indicate that the final wild beast and final harlot will be refined?
Please send me those scriptures, because I believe the Bible indicates a different outcome to them...
(Matt.13:41,42; 24:51,48,49,50,51; 3:12; 13:30; Rev.20:10; 17:3,8,11,16; 18:8,21,24; Micah1:7; Dan.2:35,44; 2Pet.2:1) well as all who follow them
(Rev.19:20; 14:9,11; 2Thess.2:10,11; 2Chron.18:22,20,21; Rev.13:14,8; Eze.14:10).

God will not abandon the faithful chosen ones.
The faithful will have no part with the counterfeit Mount Zion/Organization
(2Cor.6:14; Rev.8:8; Zech.4:7,13,14; Rev.11:3,4).

Only the repentant remnant of called ones will be saved (Mal.3:3; Rom.9:27; Matt.7:14)....
and each of them will be "killed" by that counterfeit (Rev.6:9,10,11; 12:11; 11:7; 20:4; John16:2).
The Organization is not the remnant foretold to be refined by Christ (Mal.3:1,2,3; Rev.3:18,19)....
the priests are (Mal.3:3; Joel 1:13; Rev.11:3).
The way of salvation is also open to those who accept these final symbolic prophets (Matt.10:41; Rev.11:3).

Yes, we should pray for our enemies...
NOT so that this abomination can be mended and continue,
but so that as individuals, they can wake up, don sackcloth, take their stand for truth and be shamed and killed for the sake of it (Mark 8:35)...
 just as sealed footstep followers of Christ always are (Heb.13:13; Rom.6:5; Rev.6:11).
This action is according to the command of Christ (Rev.18:4; Matt.24:16; 2Cor.6:16,17,18).

(The contact form is not at the top-right of the page. Please find it down lower. It works well for all those who use it. Please try again, or write to me via my email:

Regarding the prophetic significance of the walls of Jericho (Joshua 6:6,8; Rev.8:6);
you may enjoy reading:
Link: The-Fallen-Star
 ----under the heading of "ANGELS"

Yes, the blowing of the "trumpets" of the "seven angels" of Revelation,
corresponds to the "seven priests" who blew their trumpets around Jericho.
These are the same "seven angels" in Christ's right hand (Rev.1:20) who are "stars"/illuminators/prophets/priests/lamps, to their own period congregations/lampstands.
(Phil.2:15; Dan.12:3,10; Rev.10:7; Amos3:7; Eph.2:20; 1Cor.12:29,28,18; Rev.1:20)

Yes, this is all horrifically sad and terrifying. I have seen it with my own eyes in vision. It is just as described in scripture (Deut.29:23,18-29; Rev.8:11; 6:17).

I hope you are reading the scriptures and links, because without them, you will not be enabled to share the perspective I am relating to you.


This conversation continues, at this link:


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

"Outside the Camp" / Generation to not pass away / Gathering

For a post about being disfellowshipped,
please see: 

A question I received:

"My Subject: In the Wilderness
Like yourself, I am anointed and disfellowshiped. I was outspoken in meetings regarding the issue of the GB setting themselves up as the FDS. They attempted to disfellowship me for apostasy, but were unable to pin that false charge against me. I was convicted of "reviling", because I had called two elders "agents of Satan".
I see myself as a loyal servant of Jehovah, not in the organisation, yet not a part of the world.
I am in a wilderness, waiting. It has been 10 years. The Devil has tried to crush me but the spirit has strengthened me.
My question is, what do you make of the increase of anointed ones?"

My response:

Hello A-1,
Interestingly hypocritical of the "elders",
 to feel justified in retaliating against you for calling them agents of Satan;
yet they feel just as justified calling the uncompromising ones, "human apostates",
who are working with Satan "in his kitchen of lies" 
(Rom.8:33; Hosea 4:4; Matt.5:11,12; Mark 13:13; Rev.11:8,9,10; John1:10,11; Luke 19:14; John 15:18; 8:40,37;
Matt.12:24; 10:25; 11:18; Mark 3:28,29,30; John 10:20; Gal.4:16; John16:2).
(That's a quote from the last district assembly program.)
They apparently believe that they are less deserving of being blasphemed,
 than Jesus Christ himself (Luke 12:10 A).

Your self-perception as loyal, although no part of the hierarchy of organized religion
(which IS part of Satan's world), is in harmony with scriptural truth
(Mark.10:42,43; John 15:20; 5:16; 1Cor.15:24).
The part of the world that hated and persecuted Jesus, were the religious leaders of Jesus' own people (John15:18; 19:12,15).
(1John2:15,16; Rev.3:17; 1Cor.4:8,10,11,12,13,14; Heb.13:14,13; Mark 13:13).
There exists no divinely sanctioned hierarchy nor organization,
except that which exists within the body of Christ, as arranged by God
(Eph.2:19,20,21,22; 1Cor.12:18,24,27,28,29).

Yes, all those who have awoken by the grace of God, are central targets of Satanic rage at this time
 (Rev.12:17; Eph.6:12; Rom.16:20; Gen.3:15; Rev.13:1,7,10).
Only with God's help, is it possible to remain standing
(Luke 21:36; Rev.6:17; Mal.3:2; Mark 10:26,27; Rom.14:4).
We must beg for the strength and wisdom of those shown favor, to be sustained,
so that all those striving to please our Father in heaven,
will be enabled to continue to do so.

About your question,
I regret that I must decline providing a response according to how it is worded.
I always try to avoid forming my own deductions or interpretations.
(John 12:49; 7:16,17,18; 1Pet.2:21; John 16:13,14,15,8)
Neither is it my place to validate who has genuinely received of God's spirit.

The only thing I recognize as valuable, is what God himself makes of events.
We discover those judgments as He reveals them within His Word.
(Rom.11:33,34; Job 21:22; 15:8; Isa.40:13; 1Cor.2:16; John 12:49)

Your question could be interpreted as having a few meanings, and I am not sure which you intend.
It is not clear if you believe the increase is accurate or a fabricated promotion.
A count taken by men holds no weight with God (Rev.7:9; 1Chron.21:1).
The number may only reflect an increase in those partaking
     (many now believe non-anointed should partake),
the number may only reflect an increase in those now confident enough to come forward.

One thing I am assured of, are the words of Christ.
He said that the spirit generated new creation (2Cor.5:17), will not pass away,
until all that was prophetically written, is fulfilled.
(Matt.24:34; Dan.12:7; Rev.6:9,10,11; 10:7).

Jesus did not specify how many individuals would be present at any given moment as time progressed. He only assured us that his faithful slaves would be present (1Kings 2:4; Jer.33:18; Rev.5:10) and undergoing their tribulations, until all things were accomplished.

If Jesus felt that grasping these facts was sufficient,
I am satisfied with that amount of knowledge....
whether the total number called at any given moment,
 increases, or decreases.

If you would like to clarify what your question is,
perhaps I could reconsider it, should you submit a "follow-up".
I also wonder if your question was more about the actual meaning of the "wilderness"
and how that symbol is fulfilled today, since that is your stated subject.
God cared for those who fled Egypt, and those who fled Jerusalem in the first century (Matt.24:15,16).
He will care for us as well.
(Rev.12:6,14; 2:17; John 6:31) (Ex.13:21,22; Luke 21:27; 12:49)

Thank you for contacting me.
I wonder if you have yet considered the "WT's" place in prophecy.
If not, I welcome you to consider my blogs, where you will find hundreds of Bible based articles/posts,
based upon that scriptural interpretation and application.
There is a search box on this Main Page,
and also a list of articles in my blogspot profile:

I hope you will write to me further, that we might become better acquainted.
The gathering from the four winds is underway, in order for those not blind, to attend...
the marriage feast,
the eagles to the slain,
the decisive battle,
etc. (Matt.13:41; 24:31; Luke 17:34,35,37,33,30; Acts 3:19,20,21; Rev.10:7; Matt.13:16,17,11; 22:4; Rev.3:20; Matt.24:33; Matt.24:28NKJV; Job 39:27,30; Luke 17:35-37NKJV; Jer.3:14-15NKJV)
(1Tim.4:1; Rev.16:13,14,16; 20:8,9)
      (When is the "Thousand Years"?
      ( mage-of-beast.html)

There is a final judgement (Daniel 7:9,10,13,14,18,22)  Once it's over, God causes Satan's dominion to pass away so that he and it are never seen again. (Daniel 2:35,44)..."In the time of those kings"... Once these old "heavens" or "rulerships" are destroyed by eternal fire; they never return. (2 Peter 3:10,13; Rev.17:14; Rev.19:11,14,8)
Armageddon is the final battle.  There are not two final battles/divine judgments renderedRev.16:14,16 and Rev.20:7,8,9 is the same final battle.
(***See links above)
This is a spiritual battle (Gen.3:15; Rev.12:17,5; 2:26,27).
(Jesus and his brothers wage spiritual warfare... not physical. 2Cor.10:3,4,5; Rev.17:14; 19:11,14,8)
  (See the article on Armageddon:

      [Note about Rev.16:14, and the Greek word that is often
      translated "world":
      Some translate Matt.24:14 and Rev.16:14 as "world"
      ("cosmos" in Greek).
      This is not the Greek word used there. It is literally
      "filled home"/"inhabited earth" (oikoumenE).
      The "inhabited home" refers to those who are unsealed,
      but are God's chosen people. Please read Jer.25:29,30.
      When God is referring to His whole People, He refers to them
      as His "filled home"/ translated, "all the inhabited earth".
      When He performs His will against this group, it is always
      His people...not Satan's entire "world" which is totally under
      Satanic control (1John5:19). When Jer.25:29,30 was fulfilled,
      it was fulfilled only with the Jews...not with the whole world.
      God's own people are the home of His spirit (Eph.2:22; 1:10; Rev.14:1).
      They are His "footstool"/"earth"/"dwelling place"
      (Isa.66:1; Ps.132:7; Lev.26:11,12; 2Cor.6:16;
      1Cor.3:16; Ps.99:5; 43:3; Rev.14:1) (Rev.14:3; 7:4 "from earth"/"from Israel")
      It is "filled"/"occupied" when it is completed (Eph.1:9,10; Col.1:20; 1Cor.15:24,25,28)
      THIS is the correct meaning of "filled home"/"inhabited earth" (oikoumenE).....
      not "world", as it is mistranslated at Matt.24:14; Rev.16:14; 3:10; 13:8,11; and Rev.12:9 etc..
      Understanding the meaning intended by the original apostolic writers, is pivotal in
      acquiring the one correct interpretation of the prophecies contained within their writing.

The "Thousand Years" are symbolic.  Revelation is written symbolically for a reason.
(Rev.1:1; 16:15; Mark 13:36,37; Matt.24:42; Rev.3:3; Luke 17:35; 13:35; John 12:40)

I am sorry you have been isolated for so long.
Perhaps you can now find comfort and fellowship.
If you contact me by using the form on this Main Page,
I will also write back to you. 

May God continue to bless you,
and all those determined to remain loyal slaves to God exclusively,
as they await their Master's judgment to be revealed.
(Matt.4:10; 16:27; 7:24,25)

Love in Christ,

I know this post has touched on some deep subjects.
If anyone has any questions that have arisen during their consideration of this material, which were not addressed within the cited links; Please feel welcome to use the contact form in the right side column of this page, to submit your question(s).

This conversation continues, at this link:


Sunday, May 25, 2014


I want to thank the contributors to Sas in Romania.
I just sent the full amount collected to him today.
It was a bit more than he said he absolutely needed,
so it really worked out well. All the support 
made what I personally needed to contribute, more affordable.
I hope all of you needing fellowship,
    will visit us soon at the forum.
Love in Christ,

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Pillar of "Fire" and "Cloud"


"I was thinking about the 1st tabernacle of God, and how the shekinah light and cloud have a representation today through Christ's true Brothers as temple members. Not from invited in general, but with those proving faithful. The faithful are like a pillar of fire, in that they preach the fire words of Jah that refine or consume the Invited who are stubble. As temple stones and the HS residing within them, the pillar of fire is seen through them. The truth/fire being revealed, proves they are true and faithful Temple members. Don't know about the cloud by day.
 I often wonder if at the sunset/sunrise, whether the change from fire to cloud was instant..or whether there was a short period where there was fire within the cloud. To see either would prove Jah was present there..but to see that change would have cemented He was truly there. Im sure there must have been faithful who appreciated what that manifestation really meant and made it a matter of attention to watch that change between cloud and fire. Im sure it created shimmering shadows in the night as real fire does.
 Just as that temple was a representation of the temple members today, Jah's fire words are manifested through faithful temple members."


Thanks for your thoughts about the original Tabernacle, and how wonderfully the spiritual one fulfills what was foreshadowed by the physical Tent of God (Ex.25:8,9; Acts 7:44; Heb.8:5,6; 9:23; 10:1) (1Cor.3:16; 6:19; Rom.8:9; Eph.2:20,21,22; Rev.21:3; Heb.12:22,23; Eph.1:3; 2:6) which is the "household of God" (1Tim.3:15; Heb.3:6; Matt.24:45; Eph.2:19,20; Amos 3:7; Rev.1:20; 10:7; Matt.5:17,18; 24:34).

You make a great point about the "fire" "for night" and "cloud" "by day" (Neh.9:19).
The night (darkness), is the world, ruled by Satan and his seed of disobedience (Eph.2:2). 
The faithful priests are the light of the world (Matt.5:14,15; Mal.2:7; 2Cor.5:18; 4:6,5; Acts 26:18; 1Pet.2:9).
They do not belong to darkness, or the night, or the world (1John2:15; Rom.12:2; Acts 26:18; James 4:4). 
The day is for those who have been enlightened (1Thess.5:5; Prov.4:18; Heb.6:4,5; 2Pet.1:19; 2Cor.4:6; 1Pet.2:9).
Once sealed as slaves of God alone,
they are vessels of His Word of Fire 
(Jer.23:29; 5:14; Rev.11:5; Matt.10:20).
That fire is to light up the night/darkness/world (Matt.5:14,15; Eph.6:12; 3:10).
Fire either refines or condemns and consumes 
(Isa.48:10; 1Pet.1:7; Job 23:10; Rom.8:19; Mal.3:3,18; Zech.13:9), 
depending upon the substance of one's deeds 
(1Cor.3:13,12,14; Rev.3:18; 2Thess.1:7; 2Pet.3:7,10,12; Matt.13:30; 3:12; Luke 12:49).
Both the refining,
and condemnation (uncovering of hidden wickedness), 
happen during the symbolic "night", while the undiscerning, sleep 
(Luke 21:34-36; 12:37-38,40,45; 1Thess.5:2-4).

Why was the cloud seen as the manifestation during the day?
Because the cloud are the faithful who manifest the presence of God in His Holy Temple 
within which cloud of faithful angels/stars;
These hold droplets of living water (John 7:38; Job 26:8; 36:28,29; 37:11,15,13; Mal.3:10; Ps.18:12; 77:17; 99:7) (Isa.4:5; 45:8) within which the light of Christ is reflected (2Cor.4:6; 3:18), into a rainbow (Eze.1:28; Rev.10:1). That rainbow contains God's covenant promise (Gen.9:13-16), to save from total destruction in the time of the end (Jer.31:11; Isa.48:20; Matt.24:21-22; Mark 10:26-27; Rev.7:10).

Friday, May 23, 2014

Wicked Steward / Shunning / Idolatry / Witnessing / Provisions/Refuge

First I would like to say that I am currently working on the "Survival" post,
and a commentary based upon the questions about Rom.8:29,30; and Eph.1:5,11.
But before I post them,
I wanted to post a correspondence I am having with someone,
her questions,
and the scriptural replies. There is good information in them.
I hope all are being built up to be valiant and strong for the sake of truth!
Love in Christ,


Letter I received:

Hi Pearl,
Firstly thank you for all the wonderful information, I am only
part way through but it's like someone switching on a light! Apologies in
advance if you've already answered all or part of my question elsewhere
-directions or links will be ample in that case.

I was disfellowshipped some 15 years ago from wtbts, for staying away from
meetings and smoking. Truth be told, I'd had a 'what if I'm wrong' moment
and spent a good few years back in the thick of the world getting up to no
good. Having finally come back to my senses and fully addressed my doubts,
over the past few years have been attending meetings on and off, with
little prospect of reinstatement as I still smoke. I was willing to put up
with the isolation if that is what God wants me to do, but I find the
atmosphere amiss. Just a couple of weeks ago I finally read Ray Franz'
books and I am no longer sure attempting reinstatement is such a good
idea. I emailed the local elder dealing with me, just asking one question
(why are we still commemorating the memorial if Jesus is present), he's
just replied now, he consulted the other elders at last night's meeting and
they say my questions can't be answered directly, I must attend meetings
and eventually my question might be answered. I suppose my question to you
is, as I am not of the annointed, should I simply tell them I have changed
my mind about reinstatement? Should non annointed be attempting
to 'witness' or is that just down to the annointed? Is studying the Bible
and your information sufficient?
Hope this message finds you in good spirits, despite all the lunacy that
best wishes and thank you once more,

My Reply

Hello Xxxx, Emoji
Very happy to hear from you.
It's good to hear that you are appreciating the scriptures you are considering in the context of my posts and articles.
As many years as I "studied" the Bible and attended meetings at the Kingdom Hall,
I never could see the meaning in them as I do now. 
Jesus promised that to him who has, more will be given.
Problem was...I didn't realize that while you are idolizing an organization, you don't "have" the truth,
so you're not going to get any more than what you've chosen.

getting baptized as one of "Jehovah's Christian Witnesses" is a total commitment.
Those seeking to fully dedicate their life to God, don't mind this,
because they believe that the dedication IS to God.
So it reflects wisdom when you thought twice about an unreserved commitment within "JW's".
To be fully dedicated to something that turns out to be wrong is tragic, as so many including myself, can attest to.

You said that after the "school of hard knocks", you fully addressed your doubts. I'm not sure what you mean there,
but I'm guessing that you decided to return to meetings and contact with the "Congregation", in order to examine things further, trying to get answers to your doubts.
Yet because of your smoking, you wonder if God wants you isolated and rejected as discipline.
Well I would like to comment on that.
I am sure that God does not want you to feel rejected. There are so many scriptures which tell us how important other Christians are... for our comfort, courage, wisdom, and strength. Remember that Jesus spent his time, mostly with "sinners". 
He said that "healthy people don't need a physician, but the ailing do" (Mark2:16,17). long as we desire to be cured of what ails us, we belong not only with others who are becoming disciples, 
but even under the personal care of Christ.
What about those who claim to be Christians?... How should they respond to those who are spiritually sick?
Jesus made that clear, in a parable. It is found at Luke 10:25-37. It is known as "the good Samaritan". Like "Jehovah's Witnesses", the Jews of the first Century believed that sinners were to be avoided (Mark 2:16). In an attempt to cause Jesus to incriminate himself, the Jewish leader asked Jesus, "Who is my neighbor?". He was in essence asking, "Who is worthy to receive our love?" But in that parable, Jesus taught that it is not about who is worthy to receive love, but rather; who is truly capable of giving it. We are to imitate God, who loves the good and the wicked (Matt.5:45).

"JW's" talk a lot about "the mark of true Christianity, as being love" (John13:34-35; Matt.5:43-44); 

but how little love they have for anyone who does not worship, obey, and slave for, their organizational god! Overly self-righteous, they avoid those whom they deem as spiritually defective (Ec.7:16; Rom.12:3; 3:23; James 4:6; Luke6:42; Matt.7:1-2; Prov.16:2). It is taught that by treating sinners with coldness, we are supposedly, helping them (Rom.3:8).
If we see someone in need, even if we view them as a spiritual enemy, we are to show compassion (Rom.12:20; Matt.25:35-40; 7:12) (John3:17; 8:15), because we don't really know their heart, as it appears before God (Heb.13:2; Matt.18:10)... as He views them (1Sam.16:7; Prov.17:15). Even God's faithful remnant, will be seen as wicked enemies (John16:2; Rev.11:3,7-9; Matt.25:42-46). The self-righteous, are judged by Christ, as "goats" (2Cor.11:15).

No, God does not want you to be ostracized, disdained, and treated like dirt. 
(James1:5; 1Thess.5:14; Rom.14:1; 15:1; 1Cor.13:4; Matt.12:20,21; 11:28; 9:13; Ps.51:17; 147:3; Luke15:4,5,6,31,32; 2Cor.2:7,8,9,10,11; 1John1:8; Rom.3:23; Micah6:8; Eph.4:32; 2Tim.2:24; Matt.5:44,45,46,47,48
(Gal.6:1,2; Rom.8:14; Mal.2:7; 1Pet.2:9; 1Cor.6:2)
Those who view and treat others without kindness,
do not see themselves accurately (James1:23,24,25) and are mistaken about their supposed basis for condemnation (John7:45,46,47,48,49) (Link: "Love your enemies")

I would not say that doing anything to intentionally hurt your gift of life and body, is okay with God;
only because the scriptures indicate that we need to cleanse ourselves of defilement/poisons/weaknesses;
physically, mentally and especially spiritually (2Cor.7:1; 1Pet.1:15; 1John3:3). 
"JW's" don't realize that it is far worse to teach lies about God, than it is to smoke 
Like the Scribes and Pharisees, they "strain out a gnat and gulp down a camel" (Matt.23:24; 15:14; 5:20).

Yet we all start out with those weaknesses and defilement, and it's a journey to become clean.
While on that journey, we can all use a little love, support, and encouragement.
"Witness" "elders" have taken it upon themselves to judge others. They have dared to replace God's chosen Temple priests.
You are treated shamefully....not because Christ expects it, but because you are "unsubmissive" to the "arrangement". 
To be approved of for baptism, is really to pass the test of subjection to the "elders" and their advice, 
and the doctrines of those who govern. 
It doesn't matter if they "seem unsound" 
     [yes, that's a quote from the WT -
      (w13 11/15 p.20) -Deut.18:20; Rev.19:20] 
are right, wrong, or back and forth...
as long as you are "unreservedly dedicated" to obey unconditionally, whatever is expected by these counterfeit "priests" and "princes" (Rev.9:3,7; 17:3; 13:5,6,7; 2Thess.2:4).

The meaning of God's Word of truth, does not change. So what are the minds of "JW's" slaves to?
Not to truth (Deut.11:18; Rev.22:4), but to men and their doctrines (Rev.13:16; Matt.15:9). That's called idolatry (Isa.40:25; Rev.13:4,17,8).
Bible prophecy has foretold that all this would take place as a test before the end (Matt.24:9,10,11,12,13,22,24,25; 7:14).
It sounds like you may be one of the few to escape this final trap. 
I hope so. (Matt.24:22; Luke18:26,27)

As far as reinstatement goes, 
continue to learn about the meaning of Revelation chapters 9 and 13.
For many reasons, both scriptural and spiritual, I am convinced that those prophecies apply lastly and today, to the WT. They are the only Gentile organization that exists worldwide, which has succeeded in subverting, dominating, and persecuting the entire remnant of Chosen ones, just as prophesied in every detail.

As you study the Bible's interpretation of those chapters, you may become convinced yourself.
If you do, you will be relieved that you did not go back to the WT, so close to it's fall 
(Luke21:21,22; Rev.18:4).
It has already begun to receive God's judgment. The atmosphere will continue to grow "amiss".
Remember too, that "reinstatement" and inclusion within the Organization, manifests an approval of men,
not an approval from God himself 
(Acts.3:19; Isa.44:22Prov.29:25; Matt.10:28; Col.1:13,14; Gal.1:10; Rom.2:29 B; Rom.14:12).
Remember that your standing with an organization or with men (elders) means NOTHING! 
All that matters in the end, is your standing with your heavenly Father and Jesus Christ 
(Rom.14:12; 2Cor.5:10; Matt.16:27; Eph.6:8). 
Don't be fooled into thinking that approval with men means anything to God 
(Rom.1:25; Matt.6:18,19,20; Prov.29:25; Gal.6:4; Eph.6:7,8; 1Cor.7:23; Gal.1:10; 2Cor.5:20; 10:12).

Take note that your reasonable question about the Memorial and Christ's supposed return in 1914 (1Cor.11:26),
was not cared for promptly and by means of scripture by the "elders". 
While Catholic, I received a similar answer from the priest, when I asked why he was called "Father" (Matt.23:9).
Christ's true shepherds actually care for the sheep, and feed them the spiritual food they require, by means of scripture.

Now I have reached the part of your letter where you ask questions. I will copy them here:

"I suppose my question to you is, as I am not of the anointed, should I simply tell them I have changed my mind about reinstatement? Should non anointed be attempting to 'witness' or is that just down to the anointed? Is studying the Bible and your information sufficient?

Please know, that many of the anointed have also "changed their mind".
There are many like myself who have woken up to the error of being slaves to men 
We cannot slave for two masters (Matt.6:24).
All faithful anointed depicted in the Bible, are slaves of God alone (Matt.4:10; Rev.7:3; 14:1; 22:3,4).

Many have lost decades of our lives while mislead. Most have lost mates, children, and parents, through disfellowshipping;  
for no other reason than loyalty to God as ruler rather than men. (Acts5:29; John16:2; Matt.10:36)
The Bible foretold this would happen under the wicked steward, at Matt.24:49.
These governing ones do not love their anointed brothers in Christ (1John4:20).

The primary responsibility to witness about God, falls upon those who are actual witnesses of God's spirit.
Isa.43:10 is speaking about those "chosen" and invited into the body of Christ. Those consecrated to "declare God's praises", are God's priests (Isa.43:21; 1Pet.2:9,5; Eph.2:10,20-22; 1Cor.3:16).
However, in the time of the end, hearing the final truths mean a life and death judgment for so many 
If we believe we have discovered the saving truth from a faithful slave of Christ (Mal.2:7; 1Cor.4:1), we may want to support their efforts (Matt.25:40; Rev.22:17). Life saving knowledge carries responsibility (Eze.3:18,21; Eph.4:25). Yet others are not God's chosen witnesses, but are those who support them (Heb.6:10; Zech.8:23; Rom.12:13).
If we stand up for truth, Jesus said he will stand up for us (Matt.10:32,33).

About your question on how much study is sufficient...
I know my place in the body of Christ, and my place in the timing of the End.
I know that I will keep on working to care for Christ's sheep until I can no longer do it.
I also know, that it is not what I say that is important, but what the Bible says.
So, I only write to help explain what the Bible says, and hope that readers will read the scriptures for themselves,
to get the truth from God.
Jesus said to examine the source of what you are offered. There are bad "trees" offering bad "fruit";
and there are good "trees"/prophets, offering wholesome spiritual food (Matt.7:15,16,17,18,19,20).

If you find a good tree (according to the guidance of Jesus), go ahead and see what scriptures they offer you.
See if all is in harmony with scripture, and pray for guidance (John7:17,18; 8:31,47).

All genuine vessels of truth can help you gain life (John7:38,39; Rev.22:17).
That aid will always be through scriptural interpretation,
  no matter how clever someones powers of deduction or observation may appear.
We don't need human intelligence to understand and obey God (1Cor.1:27,28).
We need His Word and Holy Spirit (John4:24; Gen.40:8).
Yet truthfully,
can we ever learn about God or His Word, too much?
We each do what we can.
I imagine that if I need to work at this every day, and I 
sometimes need to edit my posts in sections and over time...
I expect that readers may need to read them the same way.
It does take commitment to keep up with all Holy Spirit is now releasing 

It is always good to find ways to read the Bible.
If you go to this link,
you can even listen to it on your PC, while you do other things.

Only you can choose where and who you will learn from,
and how much time you will give to learning.
That is an expression of your free will and choice.
No one can or should dictate it, 
anymore than someone should dictate to us when, what, and how much to eat.
We form a longing in our own heart for truth (1Pet.2:2,3; John17:3,17; Ps.119:105).

If you do currently choose to limit your learning to what I am writing,
I believe you will have enough to be forewarned as to the present dangers.
Even what I have already written is enough in that sense.
And if any questions should arise,
I am here as a resource for you.
I pray for your progress in the wisdom of God, 
and the strength to apply and practice what you learn.
If you are interested in more information on coping with weaknesses,
here is a link that contains scriptures 
which has helped me and others:

Thank you so much for writing to me Emoji
Love in Christ,

PS... Is it alright if I post this reply?


Her response:

Dear Pearl

Thank you so much for your reply, it is indeed a relief to get much practical advice.  Feel free to make use of it on your site.

For the next couple of days I think I will continue to familiarise myself with all the rest of the information and scriptures through your site, I have much to learn.  To be frank, the biggest fear leaving the wtbts behind is 'ok what next?'. Sticking one's head over the parapet to see what's out there reveals a dazzling array of competing theorists, and sifting and examining them can seem quite daunting - thankfully praying hard and looking up scriptures if cited proves the best lamp.  I was more than prepared to go it alone if necessary but to find a like mind is good!

I am recovering from long term illness so not currently working, so I have plenty of time to devote to study :D   With no framework like the JWs, how do I share good news?  I'd be grateful as to any suggestions of where to start/how to go about this?

Finally (for the moment at least), as the brother from the local congregation is possibly the last JW I shall be able to speak to before being suspected of apostasy, I should like to make sure that I make the most of that last message, any advice welcomed!

Once more, thank you,

Love in Christ,

Xxxx :)

My Reply:

Dear Michelle,
Thank you for your permission, and for your quick response.
"Babylon the Great"....the name "Babylon" means "confusion".
So when we read the warning at Rev.18:4..."Get out of her my people",
we are actually being commanded to leave the "confusion" and go instead to the unchangeable, 
consistent Word of God and the hope it offers us (Heb.6:17,18; Mal.3:6; James1:17).
There is so much confusion out there now, thanks to Satan 
Sincere and whole-souled prayer to God for His light of truth, is the only way to find it.
He will answer such a prayer (Luke11:3,9,10,13; Mal.3:10). 
But that love of truth will need to be proven through tests (2Thess.2:9,10,11,12,15), 
as we are all exposed to the many lies. 
Many accept them, because of what they desire (2Tim.4:3,4; John3:19,20,21).

I understand your fear of being on your own without the WT organization.
Imagine how those leaving Jerusalem felt, when they obeyed Jesus' warning to flee into the wilderness of Judea (Matt.24:15,16)
He told them, that when they saw the Gentiles posed to attack the City, that they should flee (Luke21:20,21,22,24; Rev.11:2; 13:7).
That warning is also for today (Matt.24:3,13; Rev.20:9; 11:2; 13:7).


Jesus also tells us, that there is a place to gather (Matt.24:28). 
When Luke recorded Jesus' words about this,
he gave us more information (Luke17:26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37). In that account, 
we see how urgent it is that we flee from the "City" of the unfaithful. 
(Isa.1:21; Rev.17:18; 11:3,7,8; 18:4),
Yet we also see that there is a place to flee to, a place to "gather".
It is at the "carcass"/"slain", which symbolizes those faithfully martyred for truth (Rev.6:9-11). 
That place is also to the "mountains of Judea" (Luke21:21; Matt.24:16). These are the faithful anointed (Eze.36:8; Isa.16:1; Dan.12:3; Rev.1:20; Phil.2:15; Matt.5:14,15,16)....
Just as mountains can depict unfaithful called ones (Rev.17:9,10,5) who are harlotS/"hills"/"mountains" under their "mother"/"woman" covenant, "Babylon the Great" (Gal.4:24; Isa.28:15).
The faithful "mountains"/"slain", will provide the spiritual food required (Rev.12:14,6; 11:3,7) during the exodus, despite how much they are persecuted 
(Rev.11:8,9; Matt.10:22; 24:9; Isa.66:5; Matt.12:14; Mark11:18; 12:12; John5:18; 15:18,24,25; Acts5:27,28; John15:20; Matt.10:25; 12:24). ***Please take note within the foregoing scriptures, the identity of Christ's persecutors. They are those religious leaders who are in covenant with God....not secular authorities. 
Jesus said, "If THEY have persecuted me, THEY will persecute you also.".
Who are "THEY" who persecute Christ's brothers? "They" are still the same ones who persecuted Christ...the religious leaders of God's people in covenant.
It was not foreign "false religions" that persecuted and killed Christ (Matt.15:24; John1:11; Luke24:20; Acts2:36) for his bearing witness to truth (John8:40). Christ's brothers are "killed" by the same identity, and for the same reason (John16:2; Rev.6:9; Matt.23:37,35; Rev.18:20,24). Secular authorities have no interest, nor are they involved in this spiritual warfare (John19:6; 18:37,38) (1John4:1,4,5,6,20).

I welcome you to join the forum, whose members also appreciate scriptural truth,
and are obeying Christ's command to "flee" (Matt.24:16; Rev.18:4).
Through it, we gain some fellowship. You will have to submit a request to join, because the forum's sponsor "YUKU", requires it.
If you decide to but have any trouble doing so, let me know.

About "sharing the good news"...
We have two realms to reach...
those still captive inside the Beast Organization,
and those outside who have fled for various reasons (not always due to a love of truth)
who are searching as you have searched.
About those still inside, you know how protected they are from "apostates".
As soon as you are not enslaved to the "Beast", you are marked, and people shut their ears to you.
Despite this, God prompts us to tell them anyway (Eze.2:5,7; 3:7).
If you would like to read about a method by which many have given a witness to members of their own congregations, here is a link:

There may also be a way to reach those we do not know personally.
I will write more about this soon.

Regarding those who are outside,
it is possible to join many forums. Many who visit them, ask questions and seem to want answers.
We can reply to them, offering the scriptures which have taught us the answers.
Some who read my work, have also offered links to articles.
There are vigilant moderators that discourage this, and they often throw out, those who do this.
I am an enemy of many forums, but we are not perplexed as to why this happens.
So, caution and discretion is needed to avoid being thrown off a forum.
If you do witness in this way, develop a tough skin, because the spirit out there 
is cruel and vicious against the truth.
The best witness is a scriptural reply, actually quoting the scriptures. This is why it is important to read all the scriptures in my posts, so that the reason for your faith and hope, are solidly based upon them, and it is from them that you post a forum reply 
(1Pet.3:15; Rom.15:4; 2Tim.3:16,17; John17:17; 2Tim.2:15; 1Tim.4:16).

I have joy in your salvation.
It helps to ease my grief at the condemnation of so many,
including my own children.
May God continue to bless you!
As far as where your study should begin,
may I suggest reading our personal letters here, 
and the scriptures and links my replies contain.
They are tailored to your personal expressions and need.

Additional Pages for Study (coming soon)