Friday, March 31, 2017

Memorial 2017


I have been asked when the Memorial should be held this year.
I have calculated it for APRIL 9, after sundown.

The reason for choosing this date:

I have realized, that the geographical location of Jerusalem, no longer holds any significance to God. The previous Temple in Jerusalem did reap the very consequences foretold by Christ (Mark 13:1-2; Matt.23:37-38). God's dwelling is no longer there.
He now abides within the hearts of His Temple stones (1Cor.6:19; 3:16; 1Pet.2:5,9; Eph.2:21-22). God's Temple is now located, in the members of NEW Jerusalem (Rev.21:9,2; Eph.5:23; Rev.21:22). 

God knew from the beginning, that his Chosen Ones would come to reside all around the globe (Acts 1:8; Mark 13:27; Rev.5:9-10; 7:9). 
Why then, I asked in prayer, would the city responsible for the death of God's Son (Acts 7:52; John 8:40; Mark 10:33) whom Jesus declared as "abandoned" by God (Matt.23:38), be the basis for any worship which the faithful perform, today? (Eph.5:10-11; 2Cor.6:17; Job 14:4)

My resulting decision then, is that each person should partake on the equivalent of Nisan 13, in their own locale. I expect that this will be during the same 24 hour period around the globe, after each person's sunset.

The way in which Nisan is calculated, is to find out when the Spring Equinox occurs. 
Then go to the schedule of the new moon for each month in your area, 
(Google search)
and find the new moon that occurred BEFORE the Spring Equinox.
That new moon, is the start of the last month of the Jewish calendar that Jesus followed. 
Then find the next new moon. That is the first day of the first month of the new year (Nisan). If the new moon occurs at an hour, after the partakers sun has already set, then that 24 hour period (sunset to sunset) is still the last day of the last month. The fresh day, would start the following sunset.
Next, is to count 13 days from the starting evening of Nisan 1.
For my location, that brings the start of Nisan 13, to after sunset, on April 9th.
This is when I intend to partake. It is up to each individual, to decide what they will choose to do.

For those who may be wondering why I plan to observe the Memorial on Nisan 13 instead of 14;
it is because Jesus did not institute the Memorial of his death, nor die, on Nisan 14.
He did so, the day before, on the "Day of Preparation", the first day of unfermented cakes.
To read about this, please consider this link from last year:
If you have received miraculous proof of God's choosing you (Rom.8:16; Eph.4:4) to belong to the Bride of Christ, and wish to partake with us, 
please contact me using the contact form in the right side column of this Main Page.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Discerning the Body / Messenger of the Covenant

A question I was sent, as follows:
"Dear Pearl,   The only people who I can find in the bible who definately  
went house to house were Herod's soldiers looking for Jesus as a child, and  
Saul (before he became Paul), in order to kill Christians. Jesus said in  
Luke 10:7 to his disciples not to be transferring from house to house,  
though Jw's hardly ever cite this scripture when justifying the preaching  
work, but use scriptures in Acts which according to a footnote in one of  
their translations, where they translate "house to house" the original  
Greek is properly translated “in every house”, “at home” or “in their  
homes”. Some authorities believe Paul is talking about preaching to those  
who were already Christians, not unbelievers . Would not  Satan  use an  
organisation that really is indistinguishable from the real truth? What  
better way to trap true Christians than to get them into the "JWorg" and then  
tell them they are not Christians. (no mediator, bible not meant for them,  
must be emotionally unbalanced if partaking of the emblems). Pearl, do you  
think when one has been indoctrinated by Watchtower Real Estate Inc, it's  
hard to get it out of your sytem entirely?"

Since you list a number of perspectives, just as I have written about them,
     (-house to house is a prophetic and thorough search for the "firstborn" 
        (Rev.12:17; Matt.2:18; Rev.13:7; 11:7; 6:9-11), 
      which God allows -Luke 22:31; Prov.27:11; Rev.12:10-11; John 16:2; Mark 8:35... 
      especially if and when His people are sinning and require discipline --

I will assume that you have repeated my written assertions, in order to lay them as a groundwork for your questions.
I do not however, follow your reasoning that follows, and will explain, why.
You state;
"What better way to trap true Christians than to get them into the "JWorg" and then  
tell them they are not Christians. (no mediator, bible not meant for them,  
must be emotionally unbalanced if partaking of the emblems). Pearl, do you  
think when one has been indoctrinated by Watchtower Real Estate Inc, it's  
hard to get it out of your system entirely?"

I would think it's obvious, that "true Christians" would not be drawn into an organization which required it's members to accept the overt doctrine, that they were not Christians, have no mediator, are not the recipients of God's Word, and are not the ones God intended to become one spirit in marriage covenant with Christ (1Cor.10:16; Matt.20:23; Rom.8:36; 6:5; Mark 8:35).
As we both know; a more accurate description of what "JW's" are taught, 

Regarding -- "NOT CHRISTIANS":
-Is it really taught to "JW's" that they are not Christians? Or rather, is it taught that there are Christian disciples of two sorts? There is a difference between spiritual Jews and spiritual Gentiles (Rom.2:28-29; Rev.2:9; 3:9) (Link - "Jew/Gentile"), just as there is a difference between those of the "earth" (Rev.13:11), the "heavens" (Eph.2:6; Luke 10:20; Rev.12:12), and of the "sea" (Rev.13:1; Isa.57:20), through which creatures, the truth may come to "feed" others 
"All sorts" can be disciples of Christ (1Tim.2:4; John 8:31)
    As you can see from the cited scriptures above, that spiritual distinction, is true
    Yet both spiritual Jew and spiritual Gentile, can both be disciples of Christ,
            (Gal.3:28, is speaking of nationality according to the flesh)

Regarding -- "NO MEDIATOR":
-As we know, there is "one mediator between God and man, Jesus Christ" (1Tim.2:5). 
    Do you assume that all human beings, are considered by God, to be His definition of "men"?
Even without a consideration of God's Words cited above,
surely you know that Christ is not a mediator for the unrepentant and defiant wicked?

Who is to set the standard, of wickedness? Is it not God?
Men may be deemed by God as among those deserving of death, and not even know it (Hosea 4:6; John12:35).
Many who believe themselves to be slaves of God, are mistaken, and will be condemned by Christ (Matt.7:21,23).
Because just as Jesus said... they refuse to accept and perform "the will of God", stubbornly imagining, 
that their own desires, will, and deduced convictions, are a sufficient substitute. 
  They do not know God, His truth, and His purposes, as well as they assume they do (1Tim.1:7). 
That scourge is not unique to "JW's".

--- It is a fact purported by Jesus Christ himself, 
that he has appointed angelic priests and kings to serve under him. Their service is defined in scripture as serving and healing God's nation 
(John 1:51; Col.3:23-24; Eph.2:6; Heb.12:22-23; John 15:8; Rev.22:2),  which healing only comes to disciples who obey Christ by fleeing the corruption (Matt.24:16; Eze.36:8).
It is the foremost service of Zion, to "feed my sheep" (John 21:17). It is a fact, that Christ appoints (anoints for a purpose -John 15:16; Rev.11:3-4; Zech.4:14
those whom he chooses and appoints to accept that task (Luke12:42-43; Heb.13:17). 
They may prove faithful, or not. Those "mountains" which provide "fruit", are not the obedient of the nations, which eat it and are healed.

Paul described his apostolic and prophetic appointment (the foundation of God's "Temple" (Eph.2:20; 1Cor.3:10), as being 
"ambassadors, substituting for Christ" as pillars among messengers of God (2Cor.5:20; Matt.10:20; Jer.23:29; Rev.11:5). Paul spoke of himself as being in the role of spiritual "mother" to other Christians (1Thess.2:7; Gal.4:19; 1Pet.2:2). Do you know why? (Gal.4:26; Rev.12:2; John 16:20-21). 
Do you assume that mother and child, are the same identity? Not all Christians become Christ's bride, and mother to the new creation. Some Christians, are the result of that union.

Do you really think this is the impression "JW's" are given?
I was one for 35 years, while intimidated into dismissing my miraculous anointing. As a "rank and file", there was constant pressure to conform one's life to their interpretation of scripture.

I assume you speak of the idea, that there is a group, chosen by God to "receive"/"hear"/understand as an opened book... the Word of God. 
The faithful who have God's approval (1Cor.11:19; 1:10; Eph.4:15-16), are free of the confusion, which is rife among religions, groups, and individuals which claim to accurately interpret the Bible, and consider themselves, Christians.

Well... what Did Jesus say about those for whom the Word of God was primarily intended?
He quoted Psalm 82:6, at John 10:35. Let's learn what those two scriptures teach us...
"I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High.' " (Ps.82:6) (gods/spirit sons/men, in God's image)
"If he called them 'gods,' to whom the word of God came--
 and Scripture cannot be set aside" (John10:35) (spirit beings born of God, who are sent God's Word)
Do you discern that there are "gods" whom God considers His sons, who are sent the Word of God?
Are all, "sons of God"? (Gal.3:29,26; Rev.21:7)(Isa.30:9; 63:10; Hosea 1:9) Do all, walk by spirit? (Rom.8:14) (Acts 7:51-52)

There are four baptisms into Christ, are there not?
There is literal water, there is spirit, there is fire, and there is death.
Do you know why?... and who each baptism, is for?
Not all God's Words, are regarding any of those baptisms.
I hope you are open-minded enough, to keep learning.

No blanket statement about those who choose to partake, can possibly be accurate to describe all those who do... either by positive or negative description.
The only positive reason to partake, 
is that one discerns 
--the identity of the body of Christ/God's Temple/God's handiwork
--the purpose and individual members of that body (apostles, prophets, etc.)
--the reality that one has been chosen by God, to be a member of that body

If one does not discern that body (and their exclusion or inclusion regarding it),
then they partake unworthily, and come under the condemnation which results. (1Cor.11:27-29,30-31)
(Who should partake?)

Why is condemnation the result of not discerning the relationship between the body and ones self?
If the emblems represent a joining to Christ as those in a marriage covenant with him (Matt.26:28; 1Cor.10:16;  Eph.5:25)...
and others assume they too have been chosen to join with Christ;
that is equivalent to committing spiritual adultery with someone else's husband.
It  is  wrong  to assume that you are the wife of someone else's husband, and so, proceed to become one with him --- simply because you do not discern the difference between the genuine wife (body of Christ -Mark 10:7-9; 1Cor.6:17; Eph.4:4; 1:18; 2:18), and yourself (1Cor.11:28-29). 
We may be invited to a marriage feast because of our relationship with the Bride and Groom, but we should not  then expect, to go on the honeymoon.

And finally you ask;
"Pearl, do you  think when one has been indoctrinated by Watchtower Real Estate Inc, it's  hard to get it out of your system entirely?"

The prophecy at Mal.3:1-3 addresses the spiritual and doctrinal corruption which has resulted to God's priesthood during our current, "time of the end". 
Please consider what it's content, teaches us...

“I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me. Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come,” says the Lord Almighty. But who can endure the day of his coming? Who can stand when he appears? For he will be like a refiner’s fire or a launderer’s soap.He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; he will purify the Levites and refine them like gold and silver. Then the Lord will have men who will bring offerings in righteousness".
Have you derived from those verses, that 
1. a "messenger"/Greek:"angel"/a herald, "of the covenant" 
(the covenant which binds God's chosen priests into serving God's people) 
2. will arrive prior to both of Christ's arrivals (Matt.11:10,14; Luke1:17; Matt.17:11; Acts 3:21; Eph.1:9-11; Matt.25:6; Rev.11:3-4; Zech.4:9,11-14; Matt.17:3,11)?
Can you derive that when the final herald arrives (Rev.22:6-7), it is unlikely that anyone is found, "standing" (Matt.5:13; Luke21:24,36; Dan.8:13; Rev.13:7)?
Do you discern that God's priesthood must be cleansed, as if by fire and soap? 
Do you discern that God's messenger will "sit"/preside, as a refiner, so that the repentant priests may once again, serve God in holiness? 
Yes, we are in the day of fire... the great tribulation (Zech.13:9; Isa.48:10; Luke21:24,22).
"Fire" and "lye" are needed to remove the wormwood of the "WT". But as you can see from God's prophetic Words, the "messenger of the covenant" will come to God's Temple (1Cor.3:16; Rev.10:1; Gen.9:13), and cleanse it of such defilement (Mal.3:3). That one will insist on the distinction between Jew/"earth"/God's dwelling... and Gentile/those of the "sea" (Rev.10:2-3). 
("Teach the Distinction") Mark 13:14 ("disgusting-thing")
So the question is,
who will accept that refinement? (Isa.59:15-16; 53:1; Rom.10:16; Rev.16:15
Mal.3: "“Behold, I send My messenger,
And he will prepare the way before Me.
And the Lord, whom you seek,
Will suddenly come to His temple,
Even **the Messenger of the covenant,**
In whom you delight.
Behold, He is coming,”
Says the Lord of hosts.
2 “But who can endure the day of His coming?
And who can stand when He appears?
For He is like a refiner’s fire
And like launderers’ soap.
3 He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver;
**He will purify the sons of Levi,**
And purge them as gold and silver,
That they may offer to the Lord
An offering in righteousness."
---The messenger angel to come, would rid God's Temple priesthood/Levi (1Cor.3:16; 1Pet.2:5; Eph.2:20-22) of its corruption, so that it's service is restored in holiness. John the Baptist did not accomplish this.
--We receive a key, when we are told that the messenger to come, is the messenger of the priestly covenant (Mal.2:4,8; 3:1). That seventh angel is depicted at Rev.10:1 as having a rainbow (sign of covenant -Gen.9:13; Isa.60:1-2; 2Cor.3:6-8,9-11; Rom.9:4) above his head.
Jesus referenced the arrival of this one he sends, as being a representative of God's spirit (Matt.10:20; John16:13; 15:26)... who would declare to the priests of Christ (Rev.5:9-10),
 the distinction between sin and righteousness, the righteous basis for judgment, and the events to come.

John16: "8 And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment 13 However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will **tell you things to come."**
--The angel/messenger Jesus sends, who will tell of things to come, is the same one he mentions at Rev.1:1 and 22:6....
"1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to **show His servants—things which must shortly take place.** And He sent and signified it by His angel to His servant John
"6 Then he said to me, “These words are faithful and true.” And the Lord God of the holy prophets **sent His angel to show His servants the things which must shortly take place."**
--As verse 6 stated, that messenger is one of the prophets, sent to the last of the symbolic 7 congregations (Rev.1:20; 10:7; Amos3:7; Rev.22:16; John13:20; 16:7).
That prophet contains the "spirit of Elijah" (as John the Baptist also had -Luke1:17), who comes to "restore all things" by restoring God's Temple priesthood (Matt.17:11,3).

Matt.17: 1 After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. 2 There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. 3 Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus. 11 Jesus replied, ‘To be sure, Elijah comes and will restore all things. 12 But I tell you, Elijah has already come, and they did not recognise him, but have done to him everything they wished. In the same way the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands.’"
Jesus said; "Elijah has already come, and they did not recognise him, but have done to him everything they wished."
How do we know that this is John the Baptist?
Of him, God decreed;
"13 But the angel said to him: ‘Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to call him John. 17 And he will go on before the Lord, **in the spirit and power of Elijah**, to turn the hearts of the parents to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous – to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.’"
So John was not Elijah... but he came with the same spirit, of Elijah... the spirit of a great and powerful prophet, which is what that spirit, represents.
At Matt.17:3 above, we learned that when Jesus is glorified on God's holy mountain (Matt.17:1; 2Pet.1:18; Rev.14:1; Isa.2:1-2)...
with him will be those who represent God's holy prophets and law-giving leaders (Moses).
How do we know that the spirit of Elijah is given to more than just Elijah and John the Baptist?
Because if we look again at what Jesus said (after the death of John the Baptist) and while the 3 men were looking at Moses and Elijah, he declared; "‘To be sure, Elijah comes and will restore all things."
If we consult Mal.3:1-3, we see that this restoration, is of the priesthood of God's Temple.
John the Baptist did not accomplish that, but the messenger of the covenant at Mal.3:1-3, does. That messenger is also sent, to make preparations "before the Day of the Lord" (Luke1:17; Mal.3:1).
We know that Jesus promised to return again. He will again have a prophet arrive in the spirit of Elijah, and that one will, restore the force of the priesthood covenant (Rev10:1; Gen.9:13; Num.25:13; Heb.8:1; Rev.5:9-10)
Malachi tells us how... through discipline and refinement. He will purify them of their error and sin. He will prepare them for the arrival of their high priest, so that the intended eternal service of that heavenly Temple in the Kingdom of their Father, can be inaugurated (Heb.8:1,3,5-6; Rev.5:9-10; 1Pet.2:5,9; Rev.15:8; 21:1-3).
Before that can happen, the last of those priests, must be cleansed (Rev.11:2; Dan.8:11; 2Thess.2:4; Rev.13:7,10; Col.2:8; Luke21:24; Mark13:14).

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Is there a "Faithful Slave"?

What follows is my correspondence with a reader, that contains beneficial scriptural information for all. The writers comments are italicized.

Reader: "I always took comfort in a so called organization of what I thought were like minded ones. However, I must admit that for many years I felt that various teachings did not seem to align with God's word. As I stated previously, I used to chalk-it-up to "the Society/Governing Body/FDS knows best" and I always figured that there was something wrong with my understanding."

MyselfYes, Satan knows that it is human nature, to lose our confidence and sense of security, when isolated. We naturally become distressed and made wary by remote and desolate places-- even those of a mental nature. Like a hunter that camouflages a trap; Satan has designed, created and fostered a lie, consisting of a whole society of reassuring fellows, who seem to be both informed, and loving. Truly, this is his magnum opus. Spirit confides to us, that "he knows his time is short" 
(Rev.12:12,17; Eze.21:21-22; Rev.13:1,4; 20:7-8; 16:13-161Tim. 4:1; Rev.13:7,10; Col.2:8Luke 21:24). 
The result of his final "machination", is the Great Tribulation... though as is the case with the hunter's trap, it is so well camouflaged. It draws in anyone with a genuine interest in truth, and offers a surrogate that tastes sweet, but contains poison (Rev.10:10; 8:10-111John 4:1; Rev.16:13Matt.24:24-25). 
Do you wonder why God would allow His people to fall into such a snare?
My own daughter would not even consider such a possibility.
It was a process, but now I see the answer to that, clearly (Eze.14:22-23; Luke 21:22; Zech.13:9; Isa.48:10). 
It is the reason why the Revelation scroll to be opened in the time of the end, is full of Christ's rebuke.
Satan's "flood", is directed at the genuine "woman", and her seed (Rev.12:15,17). 
(Earth Swallows Satan's River)
As seen in the link above, the Bible does not fail to mention of the collateral damage... those not anointed who are also drawn in and taken captive by Satan's forces of deception. 
As the previous scriptures and others testify, there will be survivors of both sorts (those of *the woman, and *her seed - Rev.12:17).

If we were offered when hungry, the best dish available, we'd take it, because it seems that there is nothing better. So we then overlook the faults it contains. Satan knew that this is our nature, and he successfully confined us to a limited menu. For a time, there was nothing better, in the way of spiritual food. That was due to the "silence in heaven for half an hour" (Rev.8:1)-(Heb.13:15; Dan.8:11-12; 9:27)... the result of God's temple, being trampled (Rev.11:2; Matt.5:13). But the time comes for a faithful steward to stand up and prophesy, and to provide food for Christ's sheep (Luke 12:42; Rev.11:3-5; 22:10; Dan.12:4,1,3,9-10).
We were masterfully manipulated and we paid the price. Should we expect otherwise, from the "father of the lie" (John 8:44)? Some day we will appreciate the full blessing, of being "set free" from Satan's snare, though for a time, we must presently endure.

Reader: "Additionally, I had trouble with the entire idea of the FDS. An entity originally proposed by Maria Russell and something that has progressively evolved.The Lord taught by illustration and I always took some umbrage in the apparent selectivity of which illustrations were to be taken as instructive stories and which were to be taken literally. This answer seemed capricious and arbitrary and intended for a measured purpose. What would make the illustration of the FDS any more literal than any other? And, why would it have the Society's slant? If it was intended to be taken and applied literally, would Jesus have not made this plainly obvious? Would a cryptic application not manifest itself in contradiction to 2 Timothy 3:16?"

Myself: The meaning of "Leviathan" (one of Satan's names), is "crooked and twisted". The generation that springs from him, is dubbed the same 
(Phil.2:15; Acts 2:40; Matt.17:17; 13:38Deut.32:5).
My point, is that Satan's agents, "twist" the scriptures 
(2Pet. 3:16; Acts 13:10; 7:51-52Gal.1:6-8)(Rev.2:2,92Tim. 3:13).
This is accomplished through "smoothness" (Dan.11:32; 8:25), meaning... a gradual evolution of truth into deception ("frog-like expressions" Rev.16:13
Because we have been convinced that there is "nowhere else to go", we tolerate the "frog-like expressions".
That is the earmark of Satan's success, because we have become "sharers" in the table of demons 
But thanks to God, we have awoken from the harlot's "cup", and now see clearly the distinction between truth and lie, light and darkness, life and death.
But the road of truth must be journeyed to it's end. That requires continuing education in it.
The truth about the faithful slave and steward of Christ's household, was spoken by Jesus, at Luke 12:42...
"The Lord answered, “Who then is the faithful and wise manager, 
whom the master puts in charge of his servants to give them their food allowance at the proper time?"

From that verse, we see that Jesus indeed does appoint a "manager"/steward, to provide spiritual food to all in the household of Christ. 
We can discern who this is, by their "fruit" (Matt.7:20; John 15:16)

Who are Christ's household? (Eph.2:19-22; Col.2:7)
There are those appointed within it, to "keep watch", lead, prophesy, and teach 
(Mark 13:34; Luke 12:36-37; Rev.3:20; 19:9John 21:161Pet. 5:2-4; Jer.3:15Rev.11:3; 22:17; Eph.4:11-12; 2:201Cor. 12:28). 
That is the reliable truth.

But according to Christ's parable, those appointed to such a position by Christ, can prove unfaithful. Christ described in detail, the traits of such a slave, and we are not lacking in our ability to recognize him. That wicked steward would "twist the truth", even about his own position, and the authority of his allies. That gradual "twisting of truth" and it's resulting scenario, is full blown, today.
Although Jesus always taught by means of illustration and parable (Matt.13:34,10,13),
that fact does not nullify the fulfillment of such prophetic parable. His words do not pass away, but are completely fulfilled (Matt.24:35); despite their being couched in symbolism, and wicked efforts and trappings, designed to laden them down toward obscurity.
 2Tim. 3:16 points to an essential element of spiritual life. 
John 17:17 defines God's Word, as the Truth.
Although  2Tim. 3:16-17 rightly points to the need to be equipped with the truth of God's Word, and the "completeness" with which it equips us to teach,
...that does not nullify the other essential requirement needed for spiritual knowledge, and the life that results. Being "equipped" is not all that is needed for a warrior (2Cor. 10:3-5; Rev.17:14). One must also be trained (2Tim. 2:15), and of the right disposition (Heb.10:35-36,39; Matt.21:211Pet. 5:6-9). God's spirit provides such training (1Pet. 5:10; Isa.48:10). Our worship must rest on both... spirit and truth (John 4:23-24).

How many have the Bible, and yet are filled with confusion and disharmony, unable to reach agreement in interpretation? (Eph.4:182Tim. 3:7; 2:25; Hosea 4:6)
That is where the faithful steward becomes relevant and essential (John 15:4-51Cor. 12:271Pet. 2:9-10; Matt.5:14) 
God's spirit is placed within His temple priesthood (1Cor. 3:16; 6:19) for the purpose of teaching according to the spirit alive in them (Mal.2:7; Rev.5:9-102Cor. 5:20; John 13:201John 2:20,27), which spirit-provision is symbolized by "fruit" (Luke 6:43-45; John 15:4-5,8; Matt.7:15-19). "Fruit", is to be eaten. The spiritual "fruit"/"sayings"/"teachings" of the steward, is the spiritual food he offers. It is either "fine" or "rotten"... it is either "meat in the season in which it is due", or it is "filthy vomit" 
It either lasts, or rots away, needing to be replaced and changed.
Their doctrines vacillate-- one day they are good to "eat"-- the next they are rejected-- only to see them later as again, good to take in. They are staggering under the influence of their mother of Confusion- "Babylon the Great"*(see footnote) (Isa.28:7; Luke 12:45; Rev.18:3
Yes... all these things are in parable. But make no mistake, they are reliable and have come to pass.
Both the "faithful slave" appointed by Christ to provide truth (Luke 12:42) and the wicked steward who "gets drunk" and "beats his fellows" (Luke 12:45), are realities. Both sorts are present, until the end (Matt.13:30; 24:35).

Reader: "The comfort of having someone else do our thinking for us is that we can continue on in blithe ignorance. This ignorance was cozy and comfortable. Reality is much more demanding."

MyselfThe reality of God's priesthood, is not to have "someone else do our thinking for us". It is to provide the essential element of spirit to our foundation of faith. Then it is up to us, to contribute the demanding thought process, of "testing" what we are offered, so that we may discern the true from the false prophets. 
There are many spiritual "temples", "priests", and spiritual provisions issuing forth from them.
Many today believe that God's Temple priesthood is not necessary for salvation. Yet remember, it was Jesus himself that said he appoints a steward, to provide provisions. His caution to all those seeking truth, was to discern who is faithful from who is not (Matt.24:451John 4:1). His direction was NOT, to go it alone. Even the members of the "Body" of Christ, are interdependent (1Cor. 12:21), but like a body, must work together for the health of the whole (Eph.4:16; Rom.12:4-5). 
Jesus said that when we see "the abomination" (Gentile Beast being worshiped), "standing in the holy place" (ruling over God's priesthood -  2Thess. 2:4; Rev.13:7)...
that we must "flee to the mountains" (Mark 13:14). 
Matt.24:16 is specific direction about where to go (Eze.36:8; 17:23; Isa.27:6). 
The "mountains", is a parallel to another parable, about the "slain", where food is found for "eagles"/"woman" (Luke 17:36-37; Rev.11:8,3; 12:6) ( and they are parallels to the parable about the marriage feast, where all those leaving the city ("fleeing -Matt.24:15-16), are invited to "eat" (Matt.22:9-10; Rev.22:16-17,6; 19:9). (

Spiritual food is being provided through "the Bride" members, according to the Temple arrangement of God. But outside that arrangement, there is famine (Isa.65:13; 55:1-2; Dan.12:10,3-4; Amos 8:12,11).
So although the parables of Jesus are not literal, they are true and reliable (Matt.24:35; Rev.22:7). I hope you will also be able to discern, that they are the reality of our present circumstances.
I hope the information in this letter, is beneficial to you.
[For more information about finding and benefiting from true spiritual food: (https://a-spiritual-family-new-creation.html)]
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In Babylonian the name Bab–ilu (Babel, or Babylon) meant “gate of the gods,” but the Hebrews derogatorily associated it with balal, a word in their language meaning “to confuse” (Gen. 11:9). The rulers of Babylon thought their city, the “gate” of the gods in the sense that they chose to think of it as the place where the gods consorted with men, to order the affairs of earth 
(Judges 9:35; Ruth 4:11 Kings 22:10; Jer. 22:3). The name reflected the claim of the Babylonian kings (Gen. 11:4).
  Babylon was founded by Nimrod (Gen. 10:10; 11:1–9). From the very beginning the city represented defiance of God's will (Gen.11:4–9), and its tower a monument to apostasy. The prophet Isaiah identifies Lucifer as the invisible king of Babylon (Isa.14:4; Rev.9:11; 13:2,4). In fact, it would appear that Satan designed to make Babylon the center and agency of his master plan to secure control of the human race, even as God purposed to work through Jerusalem. Thus, throughout the Hebrew scriptures, the two cities typified the forces of evil and good at work in creation. The founders of Babylon planned to set up a government independent of God, and had He not intervened, they would eventually have succeeded in banishing righteousness from the earth (Gen.11:6; Dan. 4:17). For this reason God saw fit to destroy the tower and to scatter its builders (Gen. 11:7, 8).

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Additional Pages for Study (coming soon)