Sunday, June 30, 2013


Genuine lamps and stars (Rev.1:20; Phil.2:15; Dan.12:3) can fall (Rev.2:52Pet. 3:17; Jude 1:13) causing their lamp-light to become darkness (Matt.6:23; Luke 11:35) (Prov.20:27).
Regarding such fallen stars and dimming lamps (Matt.25:8), a scripture which comes to mind is Matt.6:22,23;
“The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!"

If our perceptions (eye) are bad (based upon doctrine rather than Christ's words -Matt.15:9; 7:26,27; 25:9,10; Rev.13:17); our understandings and faith are darkness (John 3:20) and "the light that is in you is darkness" (Your teachings are sourced in Satan's abyss) and "how great is that darkness"...yes...because Satan is a Master at blinding deception, and he will afford every false sign and powerful portent to such a fallen, unfaithful, Great Lamp of Darkness (John 8:442Thess. 2:9; Rev.12:9; 8:10,11; 9:1,2,3,11; Matt.24:5,24; Rev.13:11; 12:17; 2:20,5; 18:23) in order to mislead the invited anointed. We must never replace the light of Christ (John 8:121John 1:7; John 12:35) with slavery to men (Gal.1:101Cor. 7:23; Rev.2:20; 13:15) and their dark doctrines....even if they are a genuine star/lamp. We must "test out" the light in their lamp to see if it is genuinely from Christ's light (1John 4:11Tim. 4:12Thess. 2:1,2,3).

We are now in the midst of such a testing tribulation, and in godly fear should beg our heavenly Father for protection through it (Luke 22:31; Matt.6:13; Phil.2:12; Rev.6:17; Jer.30:7; Joel 2:1; Zeph.1:14; Luke 21:36; Eph.6:18), praying for all the remnant that as many as possible can awaken, be "killed" and become sealed. The sooner that happens, the sooner the 144000 can be completed, and the end can arrive (Rev.6:9,10,11; 13:15; 11:7; 12:10,11)!


Friday, June 28, 2013

Filling up the measure of their forefathers

Revelation makes a comparison of the Harlot (Rev.18:24), with the Religious Leaders of the first Century (Matt.23:35). How are those leaders repeated in the time of the end?
You may discern the answer to that question, by taking a closer look at their forefathers (Jer.44:4,5; Rev.2:21)

Thank you, Paulo.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Four Living Creatures

Good day sister Doxsey,

After not being to the meetings in ages last night i briefly went through my mother's watchtower mag and a sub-heading about Jehovah's heavenly organization caught my eye. It was based on Ezekiel chapter 1.

so my question is : What did Ezekiel see and what does it represent?


 I wonder, how the Watchtower  explained what Ezekiel saw, and how exactly it represents "Jehovah's heavenly wife-like organization" and how it is guiding the WTBTS. We have already proven scripturally, that this man-made term is not the meaning of the heavenly "woman" at all!
I am quite curious how this symbolic vision is explained by means of scripture, to mean that an Organization of spiritual Gentiles (which demands compliance to it's own changing doctrines, under threat of expulsion).... is the "visible" channel of God's spirit, as sourced and depicted in the vision of Eze. ch.1, and The WT equates keeping pace with IT (and it's vacillating corrections --1Cor.14:33; Rom.3:4) as keeping pace with the "chariot" depicted in both Eze.1 and the scroll of Revelation. (Rev.13:6,5)
When the WT speaks of "keeping pace with Jehovah's chariot"; you know it is not truly referring to the "woman"/New Covenant in heaven, but rather a full compliance with the local elders and recent publications.
They interpret these four living creatures as representing God, and His "four attributes", rather than the foundation of the Holy City of sealed conquerors. 
Has the WT forgotten, that there is no form in heaven or on earth, which can depict Almighty God? (Isa.40:18,25; 46:5; Deut.5:8; Ex.20:4; Rom.1:25)
Do these manifestations of Almighty God fall down prostrate before the "Lamb"? 
(Rev.5:8; 1Cor.15:27,28)

When the scriptures speak of the Lamb, the four living creatures (as first depicted in Eze.1 and Rev.4), the 24 elders, the 144000, and the great crowd (all those seen in heaven); it is depicting in spiritual terms, God's administration and kingdom, through which salvation comes to mankind (Heb.12:22,23,24,28,29; Eph.2:6,7) and through which God's "seven spirits" are channeled "throughout the earth". It is not depicting spirit creatures who are outside that covenant arrangement, and are not the promised "seed" of that heavenly "woman" (Rev.12:1,2; Gal.4:26,24),
through which all the earth will bless themselves (Gal.3:29; Rom.4:13; Gen.22:18).

The WT is blind to the true and full identity of this means of salvation, and has severed the meaning of their false doctrine of a "heavenly organization" as separate from that kingdom administration....labeling these four cherubim as unrelated to the Chosen Ones. This erroneous separation, diminishes the significance and place of God's Chosen and His everlasting purpose for them, so that they are viewed as insignificant... facilitating their "trampling" without invoking any resistance. Satan desires to bring the power of the Holy ones to nothing, and this false doctrine makes that quite easy (Dan.12:7; 7:25; 8:24; Luke21:24; Rev.13:7; 11:2; Matt.5:13).
All those seen in heaven [in the Book of Revelation, (and as depicted in Ezekiel)] are symbolic manifestations of that kingdom administration of sealed priests and kings. This depiction in Ezekiel is a prophetic vision of God's means of salvation to the world. That means is based upon the atoning blood of Christ, and all those of mankind purchased by it (Luke22:20; Rev.5:9-10) (Rev.12:5; 2:26-27; 17:14; John6:70; Luke22:20). That kingdom is depicted as many things (in many of Christ's parables), and one of those depictions is in the "four living creatures".

The vision of Ezekiel is a lesson in subjection to God's spirit by spiritual Jews who conquer... those chosen to be priests of God's heavenly Temple (Heb.11:10; 1Pet.2:5,9; 2Cor.6:16; Heb.8:5).
It is not a lesson for those who are anointed, to be in subjection to a "Gentile" Organization that somehow mysteriously keeps pace with, and who are supposedly being guided by "heavenly spirit creatures" and "the four attributes of Jehovah".
I hope this error is made clear to readers, as the following Bible verses expound on Ezekiel chapter one.

A whole book could be written about chapter one of Ezekiel. I will do what I can for now, and continue it as I am empowered and able. I will be as brief and simple as possible regarding what I perceive, by inserting scriptures which I believe have a modern day (and near future) bearing on what Ezekiel wrote. If you have further questions, please follow up.


EZEKIEL Chapter One:

1 Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, on the fifth day of the month, as I was among the captives by the River Chebar [This is the royal canal of Nebuchadnezzar (King of Babylon -Rev.12:15), which fed the Euphrates, and where some of God's people were being held captive. (Rev.9:14; 13:10; Luke21:24; Col.2:8; 2Cor.11:3-4; Rev.2:20; 2Cor.11:20,13-15). 
I believe that the "king" of the Gentile nations (Egypt, Babylon), are prophetic for Satan himself (Eze.32:2; Psalm89.10; Ps.74:13,14; Isa.27:1; 57:20; 1 John 5:19)],   that the heavens were opened (Matt.3:16; Rev.4:1; Luke 24:45) and I saw visions of God (Num.12:6; Amos3:7; John 16:13; Rev.22:6).
[It is no coincidence that this vision of the four living creatures is associated with this location (river Chebar) and situation (captivity).]

 2 On the fifth day of the month, which was in the fifth year of King Jehoiachin’s captivity,
    (God's people are then captive because of their leaving YHWH.
  There is a pattern of God allowing this persecution, in order to discipline his nation back to repentance. 
   This also happens in the time of the end -Mal.3:1-18; 1Tim4:1
   Rev.16:13,14,15; 13:10,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,14; Jer.44:14
   Joel2:32Isa.10:22; 27:12,13,1; Rom.11:5; 9:27,28; Matt.24:22)
                        ....but only a small "remnant" repent 
                            (Isa.10:22; Rom.9:27; Rev.11:3).

3 the word of the Lord came expressly to Ezekiel the priest (Mal.2:7), the son of Buzi, in the land of the Chaldeans by the River Chebar; and the hand of the Lord was upon him there (Eze.33:22).

4 Then I looked, and behold, a whirlwind was coming out of the north (Isa.41:25,2;** Rev.16:12; 2:26,27; Isa.10:6; Micah7:10; Zech.10:5; Rev.19:11,14,15; Dan.2:34,44
  [**It may seem contradictory for this identity to come from both
   the North and the East. This is not a contradiction, if viewed 
   by means of what these two symbols mean. The North is the 
   land of the enemy. This identity is called forth from that "land",
   just as Christ was (Matt.2:15
   (Hosea11:1; Ex.4:22; Num.3:13; James1:18).
   From the East...("from the rising sun who calls on my name") 
   is not a direction, but it is the "land" of the rising sun... 
   the dawn of light (1Thess.5:4,5,6; Acts26:18; 1John2:8; Rev.7:2
   which Christ gives to those chosen to receive it 
   (Rev.2:28; 19:9; 2Pet.1:19; Isa.60:1; Rev.16:12).]
a great cloud (Heb.12:1; Rev.1:7; 7:9,10) with raging fire engulfing itself (Luke12:49; Jer.23:29; 5:14; Rev.11:5; Heb.12:29; Mal.4:1-6); and brightness was all around it (Matt.13:43; Ps.37:6; Isa.58:8,10; Prov.4:18) and radiating out of its midst like the color of amber/metal/gold ("golden" praise of God coming from refined hearts --Eze.8:2; Rev.1:13; 3:18; Mal.3:3; Prov.17:3; 27:21; Eph.6:14; Dan.8:14; 1Kings6:22), out of the midst of the fire. (light, from light --Ps.36:9; 43:3; 19:8; Matt.6:22; 25:4,10; Phil.2:15; Dan.12:3; Matt.5:14).

5 Also from within it (Rev.3:12; John7:38; Zech.14:8; Rev.22:1,5,17,3) came the likeness of four living creatures (They were "angels" --Eze.10:20) (Eze.43:20; Zech.1:20,21; Matt.24:31; Rev.4:6,7,8. And this was their appearance: they had the likeness of a man (1Cor.15:45,49; Phil.2:7; Gal.6:15).

6 Each one had four faces (Eze.10:14), and each one had four wings [not 6, like Rev.4:8. (This is previous to the last third being added --Zec.13:9; Job 23:10; Rev.3:18; 8:7,8,9,10,11,12; Isa.48:10)].

---------------to be continued----------------

(Rev.6:1,6; 7:11; 9:13; 14:3; 15:7; 19:4)
7 Their legs were straight, and the soles of their feet were like the soles of calves’ feet (Micah.4:13(rather than a calves face --Rev.4:7; Eze.10:14). 

  [To have a "face" of an angel, is to be in a messenger role (1Kings6:23 -two "cheribum" of "olive tree" Zech.4:3,11,12,13,14; Rev.11:4). 
   To have the "face" of a calf, is to be fulfilling a sacrificial role, as well as those being used by God, to thresh those who previously did the merciless threshing. -Rev.18:6 (Micah.4:13; Hosea 10:11; Hab.3:12; Jer.51:33,20; Isa.41:15,14,16; 17:13; 29:5; Micah 5:8; Dan.2:35)  These bronze calves/oxen, were a part of God's original physical Temple. They supported the "sea" which cleansed the priests (2Chron.4:15; 1Kings7:40-50; Ex.30:17-20; Jer.52:17-20] [40 seah/ 150 mikvah/ = 5X30 (5 months)/ 2,000 baths (2x10x10x10) becomes 3,000 baths (1/3 added)].
They (their calves feet) sparkled like the color of burnished bronze (Micah4:13). (1Chron.18:8; 1Kings7:23,24,25,26; 2Chron.4:2,3,4,5,10; Ex.30:18; Jer.52:20)
We know that these things prefigured the heavenly reality -Heb.8:5.
 Image result for river throne vision
8 The hands of a man were under their wings on their four sides; and each of the four had faces and wings. 9 Their wings touched one another. The creatures did not turn when they went, but each one went straight forward.
10 As for the likeness of their faces, each had the face of a man; each of the four had the face of a lion on the right side, each of the four had the face of an ox on the left side, and each of the four had the face of an eagle. 11 Thus were their faces. Their wings stretched upward; two wings of each one touched one another, and two covered their bodies. 12 And each one went straight forward; they went wherever the spirit wanted to go, and they did not turn when they went.
13 As for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like burning coals of fire, like the appearance of torches going back and forth among the living creatures. The fire was bright, and out of the fire went lightning. 14 And the living creatures ran back and forth, in appearance like a flash of lightning.
15 Now as I looked at the living creatures, behold, a wheel was on the earth beside each living creature with its four faces. 16 The appearance of the wheels and their workings was like the color of beryl, and all four had the same likeness. The appearance of their workings was, as it were, a wheel in the middle of a wheel. 17 When they moved, they went toward any one of four directions; they did not turn aside when they went. 18 As for their rims, they were so high they were awesome; and their rims were full of eyes, all around the four of them. (Zech.4:10) 19 When the living creatures went, the wheels went beside them; and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up. 20 Wherever the spirit wanted to go, they went, because there the spirit went; and the wheels were lifted together with them, for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels. 21 When those went, these went; when those stood, these stood; and when those were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up together with them, for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.
22 The likeness of the firmament above the heads of the living creatures was like the color of an awesome crystal, stretched out over their heads. 23 And under the firmament their wings spread outstraight, one toward another. Each one had two which covered one side, and each one had two which covered the other side of the body. 24 When they went, I heard the noise of their wings, like the noise of many waters, like the voice of the Almighty, a tumult like the noise of an army; and when they stood still, they let down their wings. 25 A voice came from above the firmament that was over their heads; whenever they stood, they let down their wings.
26 And above the firmament over their heads was the likeness of a throne, in appearance like a sapphire stone; on the likeness of the throne was a likeness with the appearance of a man high above it. 27 Also from the appearance of His waist and upward I saw, as it were, the color of amber with the appearance of fire all around within it; and from the appearance of His waist and downward I saw, as it were, the appearance of fire with brightness all around. 28 Like the appearance of a rainbow in a cloud on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the brightness all around it. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord.
Ezekiel Sent to Rebellious Israel
So when I saw it, I fell on my face, and I heard a voice of One speaking."


Questions can be asked by using the contact form in the right side of this page.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

New Heavens

Here are my notes to a Bible student who is doing well.
Good job!

Very little to add to what you express.
I will put your words "in quotes"...

"Christ pulled the Temple down by dying for the world, but then start to rebuild it when He rises in in three days!"

Yes...he pulled down the material temple of Jewish worship (symbol of the Old Covenant -John2:19) and replaced it with the reality....the New Temple 1Pet.2:5,9 (raising up his "body" -- 1Cor.12:27; Rom.12:5; Eph.2:6), which is also the "New Heavens" (2Pet.3:13,7,17) which worship with spirit and truth (John4:21,23) under the New Covenant mother (Gal.4:26).

"Matt 19v28. Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth: In the age when all things are renewed, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. -Matthew 19:28
This is the ones chosen who Christ has with Him, able to judge."

To add a little more which I myself have recently learned...
"Twelve thrones" is an authority, based upon truth. Truth is symbolized by the number 12. The way that those who "have followed" Jesus (Luke22:28), judge those who have not followed in his footsteps (Heb.10:29), is based upon the truth of those who followed (Rev.14:5), making evident those who have not (Rev.13:11) (Rev.12:7,8,11); just as Noah "condemned a world" merely by his own righteousness (Heb.11:7); so too, the faithful anointed (Rev.19:8; 20:4) judge those who are not (Rev.13:8). The wheat and weeds have been growing to maturity and have been identified and separated, all throughout this world (Gen.3:15; 1John3:10,11,12,14). This culminates with the final remnant of chosen ones. The last ones to be judged, finish the "harvest of the earth" (Rev.14:14,16), which is the "dried out" harvest of anointed wheat (not the "vine of the earth" Rev.14:18).
(see )

Then you ask:
"Do the chosen take part in the 2nd resurrection ?"

Yes. (Matt.11:4,5; John14:12; Matt.10:8; Rev.21:2,4,7; 22:2)

Then you say:
"Those who have stayed faithful in the Truth.
 Will reign over the New Jerusalem.
 The Bride of Christ."
Yes, but just to make clearer...
those who stayed faithful in the truth will BECOME New Jerusalem,
and BECOME members of the them being everlasting servants of that Bride Covenant (Rev.3:12).
That kingdom covenant to come (the reality), is for all obedient creation;
not just the firstborn 144000.

You did very well.
But my question is, 
 why are the glorified 144000 able to be both spirit and flesh, as Jesus was able to be, upon his resurrection? (Rom.6:5)...
(1Pet.3:18; 1Cor.15:6)
...AND, why do the 144000 go up to heaven before "coming down"??

Here is a hint:

Good job!

Origin of darkness/good news/"woman's" son

I will post a reply I wrote to a letter I received, for the beneficial scriptural information it contains.
The letter to me recommended that I follow a noted prophet, who is also a woman;
and it accused me of believing in hellfire, among other things.


Prov.18:13 reads:
"To answer before listening-- that is folly and shame."

You have sent me this letter, without knowing my beliefs and teachings.
I do not teach hellfire. The Lake of Fire (of  Rev.20:14), is God's righteous judgment by means of His word of truth (Jer.23:29; Heb.4:12).
Satan is the "destroyer", not God or Christ (Isa.33:1; John10:10; Acts3:15). But God abandons those who choose Satan as their father, to that murderer (John8:44; Gen.3:17; 1Chron.28:9 --(click on to read entire verse); 2Chron.15:2; Jer.17:10; 1Kings9:6,7,8,9; Luke17:34,35; 13:35 A).
God did not create sin and death (Ps.36:9; 92:15; 1John4:8; James1:17; Rev.4:11). Sin leads to death (James1:15), just as God warned Adam (Gen.3:3). Without the gift of God's spirit [Ps.104:29,30 (see original Hebrew)], all expire under the sin of Adam (Rom.8:2,11,13; Eze.37:14).
It was and is never God's desire for us to die (Eze.18:23), any more than it is his desire for us to "burn in hell" (be destroyed -Rev.20:14).
To be made in God's image, is to have choice. (Gen.1:26)
Again, the destroyer is Satan (John10:10; Gen.3:13).
Regarding Isa.45:7; God merely causes a distinction between the light and the dark (Gen.1:4).
By means of his light, we can see that distinction (Psalm36:9).
The source of darkness, is symbolized in Satan's abyss of deception and death (Rev.9:2,11; Job 38:15,16,17,19,20,9,11).
God removes/denies His light from those who prefer darkness (John3:19; Job 38:15; Dan.2:22).

To be suitable kings and priests within the incoming eternal kingdom of God (Dan.7:18,22,27; Rev.12:10-11; 21:7);
we must leave behind our knowledge of evil, and grow in our knowledge of good.
We must be called out of darkness, into light (1Pet.2:9; Prov.4:18; Col.1:13; 2Cor.4:6).
Our "knowledge of evil" or darkness (Rev.2:24; Prov.4:19; John11:10; 12:35) is not what qualifies us...
but knowledge of evil, removes our unmarred bliss (Ec.1:18; Gen.6:5-6).

The good news of Matt.24:14 is defined within the Bible. That "good news" is the redemption of "Jacob" (Jer.31:10,11; Isa.27:6; 48:20,21; 49:5).

You speak of the woman in Rev.12. Do you know that the Bible teaches us, that this woman of Rev.12:1,2 is a covenant? (Gal.4:24,26; Gen.3:15)?
The SON she gives birth to, is not a single woman prophet. 
Just as Christ was born of such a woman/covenant (Gal.4:4-5; 3:16,19,24; 2Cor.1:20), fulfilling her purpose to bring forth a seed (Matt.5:17; Heb.8:7; Gal.4:24-26; 2:21). But the "woman"/promise (Gal.4:28; Rom.9:8) of the New Covenant, has many seeds (Gal.4:26; 3:17,26,29; Rev.12:17).
If you read the description of this symbolic firstborn son (Rev.12:5); it is the same description as Rev.2:26,27.
If you read Rev.2:26,27; you will see who the woman's son is.
(Gal.4:19; Eph.4:13)

I am a woman prophet myself. I was chosen by God to be so (Num.12:6; Eph.4:11; 1Cor.12:18).
I am aware of Acts 3:23. It was fulfilled in the context, if you look at Acts 3:16.
I am also aware that within the body of Christ, there is no distinction between male and female,
but they are all Sons of God. Gal.3:28,29,26.

You are correct. Satan is deceiving the entire earth (Rev.12:9).
But Revelation was written in symbols.
Do you know what the symbol of "earth" means?

I apologize, but I will not post your comment.
You recommend links to deception.
The purpose of my website is to provide the truth I am given by means of God's spirit,
not to publish and sponsor the misconceptions of others, to the potential corruption of my readers.
Thank you for contacting me, and for expressing your viewpoint.
I hope the scriptures above, help that viewpoint to grow in wisdom, as they help us all.
Love in Christ,
Pearl Doxsey

PS I have already visited the website you recommend...
in my search for other prophets (Rev.11:3).


Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Constant Feature

I would like to recommend a video which was made by my brother in Christ. It introduces much truth about the "disgusting thing which causes desolation" as spoken of in the book of Daniel.
I must though, add to it what spirit has shown me. Why?
The anointed body of Christ is made of many anointed members (1Cor.12:12,18,20; Rom.12:4). Each is given holy spirit and the education in truth which it provides (1John 2:20,27). Yet these parts, like pieces of a puzzle, need one another to have the whole picture (1Cor.12:21,25,27). This is why I will add the following clarifications and adjustments to this video.

  You will notice that at counter marker "1940" in the film, the brother is explaining Heb.10:22 and Heb.10:23.
He says that the water which cleanses, is baptism; the same baptism which is undertaken by general disciples of Christ.
The context--Heb.10:19, corrects this view, and establishes that those being cleansed by the sprinkling of blood (Heb.10:22), are priests, (Heb.9:12,13,14,15; Rev.5:9,10) who enter "the Most Holy place" (2Chron.23:6; Heb.8:5). To get to the heart of the matter, it is not physical cleansing, nor the physical "water" of baptism, which is being referred to at Heb.10:22. The scripture which interprets the true full meaning of Heb.10:22, is Eph.5:26; John 17:17.
Eph.5:25 clarifies who is "sprinkled" with the blood of Christ, which lifeblood he "delivered up" so that this "wife" may become cleansed 
(Eph.5:25; Titus 2:14; Eph.2:10; Ps.135:4; Rev.5:9,10; 7:141Pet.2:10,9; Isa.43:21).

The other adjustment, is regarding the "constant feature" which is removed from the Temple. This brother interprets that as meaning Christ's sacrifice. While he is correct in stating that this ransom is "perpetual"/"constant", and while that atoning value can be negated by the disgusting thing which overtakes God's Temple; I will explain why the "constant feature" which is taken away and replaced by the "disgusting thing which causes desolation", is much more than Christ's ransom. Without Christ's ransom, there are no redeemed priests and kings. Without these, there is no administration for a kingdom. Satan knows what he must do to the remnant of priests, in order to prevent his loss of world dominion (Rev.12:17).

I will insert my own references....
Dan.9:26 reads:
"And after the sixty-two weeks, anointed shall be cut off (Rev.13:7,17) and shall have nothing for himself" (Isa.50:2; 63:4,5; Mal.2:7; Isa.41:28) ("Who are 'gods'?") (Isa.58:12; Eze.13:5; 22:30; Isa.63:3; Rev.19:15). "And the people of the prince who is to come (2Thess.2:4; Rev.11:2; 13:7) shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. Its end shall come with a flood (Isa.28:15; Rev.12:15; 9:2), and to the end there shall be war (Rev.12:7; Gen.3:15; Matt.24:6; Dan.11:36; Rev.17:14; 19:11,14; 16:13,14,15,16; 20:7-8). Desolations are decreed. ("Great Tribulation - Why?") (Hosea 4:6; Mal.2:8; Eze.22:26; ("Teach the Distinction"); Dan.11:31; Rev.13:15,17,18; 12:2; 9:3,4,5,6,9,10,11)
(Abomination Causing Desolation)

You see, the righteous "prince of the army" (Rev.19:11,14; Dan.8:11; Rev.12:4; 11:2) must battle alone against the wicked prince Anti-Christ (Eze.22:30; 13:5; Isa.63:5), who takes over God's Temple (2Thess.2:4; Dan.7:25; 11:36; 12:7; 8:11; Rev.13:6,7), because the "daily sacrifice"/"constant feature" (Jer.13:17,18) has been removed from the Temple (Heb.10:231Pet.2:5,9). 
It's priests are no longer serving and supporting their High Priest and Lord (Rev.3:2). Those chosen to render "constant" praise of God (1Pet.2:9; Isa.43:10,21; Heb.13:15) are silenced (Rev.8:1). 
The wicked leader (prince) has taken over God's Temple of priests (2Thess.2:4; Joel 1:13; Lam.2:22), and is raised above those anointed priests. These can no longer render their sacred service to their High Priest Christ; but have rather become deceived, conquered, and captive to the Wild Beast (Hosea 4:6; Rev.13:7,16,17,10; Col.2:8; Jer.4:8; 9:10; Eze.7:18; 21:12; Joel 1:8,9,13; Rev.11:3). The trampled Temple priesthood is "desolated", leaving "nothing" for the returned Messiah/High Priest (Dan.9:26; 8:11,12). "The Lord's people" are "given over" along with the "sanctuary" Dan.8:12 (which "sanctuary" is not Christ's sacrifice, but rather where Christ enterswith his sacrifice -Heb.9:24) and "the city" is "destroyed", along with it's priestly service (the constant feature). These have been taken from the Lord (Dan.8:11; Rev.11:2)

You see, Christ's ransom is not the only "perpetual"/"constant" feature of the Temple.
The service of all the priests is to be rendered perpetually 

All anointed priests must serve in the spiritual Temple. This is the "constant feature"/"daily sacrifice" which the wicked leader (prince- Man of Lawlessness) will remove from the anointed Temple, and replace with the "disgusting thing" (counterfeit Gentile priests), whose ruling presence is "profaning the sanctuary" [Dan.11:31; 8:13,24,25 -(Zech.4:6); Mark 13:14; Eze.44:7,8,92Chron.13:92Thess2:4,3].
See- (

When we are told that the sanctuary is "brought back into it's rightful condition" (Mal.3:1,2,3,4; Dan.8:13,14; 12:11,12; Jer.3:22; 30:17; 31:11,23; 33:6; Isa.30:26; 43:1; 58:8; 60:14; 62:2; Hosea 6:1; Acts 3:21; Matt.17:11; Isa.1:26,27; Micah 4:8; Zech.8:3); it is not referring to the sacrificial ransom of Jesus needing to be corrected from a wrong condition....but rather, the negligence, displacement, abandonment, and idolatry of all God's servant priests, while under captivity to the Wild Beast/Man of Lawlessness/Locust-Scorpions/spiritual Gentile Organization. Yet that one did not get this position over the Temple on his own (Dan.8:24; 11:23; Rev.13:15; 19:20). Over that identity, is the one who empowered it....the False Prophet/Harlot/Wormwood/Wicked Steward/unfaithful anointed spiritual Jews (Rev.13:11,12,14; 9:1,3). 

Please keep these refinements in mind, as you consider this film...


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Who are the "Dogs"?

"Here's an account at Matthew 15:21 "Leaving there, Jesus now withdrew into the parts of Tyre and Si´don. 22 And, look! a Phoe·ni´cian woman from those regions came out and cried aloud, saying: “Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David. My daughter is badly demonized.” 23 But he did not say a word in answer to her. So his disciples came up and began to request him: “Send her away; because she keeps crying out after us.” 24 In answer he said: “I was not sent forth to any but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” 25 When the woman came she began doing obeisance to him, saying: “Lord, help me!” 26 In answer he said: “It is not right to take the bread of the children and throw it to little dogs.” 27 She said: “Yes, Lord; but really the little dogs do eat of the crumbs falling from the table of their masters.” 28 Then Jesus said in reply to her: “O woman, great is your faith; let it happen to you as you wish.” And her daughter was healed from that hour on."

The question is, how does it come to be the little dogs having faith and is shown mercy and where are they placed in Gods kingdom? As the other scripture puts it Revelation 22:15 "Outside are the dogs and those who practice spiritism and the fornicators and the murderers and the idolaters and everyone liking and carrying on a lie.’"

Matthew 7:6 puts it "Do not give what is holy to dogs, neither throw YOUR pearls before swine, that they may never trample them under their feet and turn around and rip YOU open."

At mark 7:27 But he began by saying to her: “First let the children be satisfied, for it is not right to take the bread of the children and throw it to the little dogs.”

Please tell me what you see base on this scripture given."


Holy Spirit's answer to you, is found at 1Cor. 7:14.
It reads,
"For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy."

You may wonder what marriage mates have to do with dogs, and with the bestowing of blessings by Christ.
  Normally, the unclean are not cleansed by the clean, but rather the clean are defiled by the unclean (Job 14:42Cor. 6:17)
All humanity born of Adam and Eve are unclean by sin's corruption (Job 15:14; 25:4; Psalm 51:5).
How then can "children" be made "holy" and marriage partners "sanctified" by another sinful person?
This is not speaking of a literal "husband" or "wife"; nor of literal children born in sin under Adam and Eve.
This is speaking of "incorruptible seed", whose father is God, and whose mother is New Jerusalem. (1Pet. 1:23; Gal.4:26)
All such children, whether Jew or Gentile, are cleansed....but not all at once.

In your cited verse (Matt.15:26), you see there are two subjects...."children", and "puppies".
Who are these children which are "holy", by means of their "father" and "mother"?
God and Abraham are the fathers of these (John 8:37,41), and their mother is the Law Covenant (Gal.4:24), which cleansed the "children" of sin by means of animal sacrifice. Since the time of Moses, sin need not rule as king anymore over God's nation (Rom.5:14).
If you read Matt.15:24, you will see that those under that Law covenant, were shown the favor of life, and preference for the inheritance of Abraham, first. (Matt.10:5,6; Rom.15:8) They were Christ's "little flock" of anointed Jews.
As we know, that favor of life and inheritance, was then extended to the Gentiles, who were the ones previously considered unclean "dogs". This was because the Jews in general, rejected God's means of salvation, the promised seed, Christ (Gal.3:16; Acts 13:46; 3:26; 18:6; 26:20; 22:21).
But how would dog-like Gentiles be cleansed?
We recall 1Cor. 7:14.
Whoever God the heavenly Father...or New Jerusalem the heavenly mother covenant (Gal.4:26) adopts, is thereby cleansed. Did this happen for Gentile "dogs"?
Please read Acts 10:15,45,47,34,35. Yes, even these puppies would now receive mercy (1Pet. 2:10; Rom.9:25), be cleansed (Acts 11:9; 10:34,35), and adopted into Covenant with God. They would join the little flock of cleansed Jews who accepted Christ (Luke 12:32; John 10:16; Isa.56:8; Eze.34:23; John 11:52; 17:20; Rom.11:25).
The Gentiles were now being called by God's spirit to join the anointed temple and body of Christ, and become Jews in spirit (Rom.2:28,29; Gal.3:26,27,28,29)... to become "one flock" under "one shepherd" and equal heirs of the kingdom.

God can raise up heirs for Abraham even from stones (Matt.3:9; Eze.36:26,27,28; Deut.30:6; Rom.2:28,29; Gal.3:29), so that His promises to Abraham are fulfilled (Gal.4:28; Heb.6:12). If not completely filled by those of Abraham's flesh, then by those of Abraham's faith who become Jews in spirit.
while the account of Matt.15:21-28 occurred before the door was opened to the Gentiles to be cleansed and adopted; Jesus recognized the woman's faith (Matt.15:28). Having Faith like Abraham would soon result in Abraham's inheritance, the promises, and the son-ship to God, to both chosen Jews AND chosen Gentiles. (Heb.6:12; Rom.4:13,16; 3:22,24,30; 9:8; Gal.3:7,14; Rev.5:9,10; 7:9)

No longer is the inheritance of the kingdom due to flesh (Gal.5:6; 6:15; Rom.2:28,29; John 1:13). In this way, the wall was taken down between Jew and Gentile (Eph.2:14,11-22; 3:1-6), making them into "one flock" of anointed heirs of the kingdom, under the one shepherd, Christ. (John 10:16)

What then of the dogs in Rev.22:15 and Matt.7:6?
First, take note of the disposition of these....
"trample" "rip you open" "those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood." (Isa.56:11,10)

Do these sound like those with the "faith of Abraham"?
(or even the "puppy" in Matt.15:27,28 who was humble enough to "treasure, not trample", mere crumbs from Christ?) (and considered herself Christ's slave)
You see, we are all born in sin and unclean. ALL those who inherit the kingdom must "walk by spirit" and repent, regardless of Nationality. Those who do walk by spirit, no longer sin willfully. They have been "made new". This was accomplished through much suffering and struggle (1Pet. 4:1; Gal.5:161Cor. 6:11; Eph.4:13; Matt.5:48; Eph.5:12Cor. 7:1; James 1:4; Rev.14:5; 20:6) combined with the blood of Christ on their behalf (Rev.5:9,10; 12:10,11; 7:14; 19:8)

Have the "dogs" at Rev.22:15 or Matt.7:6 obeyed  2Cor. 7:1?
If not, then they have not been "transformed" (Rom.12:2) into God's "children" (Eph.5:1). They are not sons of God, but rather simply, still "dogs".
If you look at Matt.7:6, you will see that these dogs are compared to swine/pigs. Why?
Because both dogs and pigs eat anything. This speaks of those who greedily gulp down the rotten fruit of lying doctrines (Matt.7:15,16,17).
This is why Satan can use them, to "trample" pearls "under their feet" (Matt.7:6; Rev.11:2; Isa.5:5; 52:1; Dan.8:13,12) and "rip open" those about to be sealed (Amos 1:132Kings 8:12).

These "dogs" who are banished from the Holy City, are not merely fleshly Gentiles, as the woman was in Matt.15:28.
No. They have remained SPIRITUAL Dogs/Gentiles, "disgusting in their filth", and they will die the death of the spiritually uncircumcised (Eze.32:19; Jer.9:261John 3:15). For those who were called ones, yet fell in unfaithfulness,  2Pet. 2:22 and Prov.26:11, apply. (Rev.2:5; 3:18,19)

I hope this has helped you to discern the difference between the Bible's verses about "dogs".
You see, things are not stagnant. Some "dogs" can become the "children", through God's grace and mercy...bestowing upon them a new father and mother. Should they accept the repentance, tribulation, and responsibility of that new family; they then become "holy" (1Cor. 7:14).

Some "dogs" choose to stay dogs, or return to being dogs.
As you see at Rev.22:15, these must suffer the penalty.
I believe that these previous posts will help you to understand more clearly:

"What is a Jew/Gentile?"
"Little Flock"
"Anointed Flock"

Regarding Mark 7:27 the "children" of the Law Covenant (Gal.4:24) (fleshly descendants of Abraham) were to be "satisfied first". In this preference, God fulfilled his promise to Abraham. For the deficiency that remained, God's spirit compensated with physical Gentiles whose invitation would follow,  as discussed in the scriptures above.

Thank you for your good question,

"Who are the 'birds'?"


"Who Are Anointed?"

> Pearl!
> I have read part of this, but there's just to much in it, too much meat!
> Keep getting indigestion so to speck!!! I have tried a few time now
> Get to the first part! And there's times am walking beside you! And can understanding you.
> And then I find myself wandering off.
> Is there anything just that bit lighter? For me to study.
> Am trying to pace myself and sticking to the questions you put before me, without going off track!!
> And l don't want to move from here! till l come to an understanding.
I have added this reply to that article as an addition.


I am sorry you are having trouble. You don't tell me which part is hard, but maybe if I tell you this....

Think of a family.
A father, a mother, and children.
The Father is God. The mother is a promise God makes, in His purpose to save us from sin and death.

The children are us, here on earth. But there is a difference between the children.
There is the child born first (the firstborn), and the children born later.
This follows the pattern God taught us, by means of the nation of Israel, and the Hebrew scriptures.
Listen to what God said of all the human children and animals on earth....
"Consecrate to me  every firstborn male. The first offspring of every womb among the Israelites belongs to me, whether human or animal." Exo.13:2 (Exo.13:12; 22:29; 34:19; Lev.27:26)

  God then decided that he would choose a certain group to represent these firstborn. See who they are.....
"I have taken the Levites (priests) from among the Israelites in place of the first male offspring of every Israelite woman. The Levites are mine for all the firstborn are mine. When I struck down all the firstborn in Egypt, I set apart for myself every firstborn in Israel, whether human or animal. They are to be mine. I am the LORD."  Num.3:12,13  (Heb.11:28; Num.8:15,16)

Even though the firstborn (Levites/Priests) belonged to God; they still needed to be purified/redeemed/consecrated (Num.18:15,16; 3:46,47; Exo.13:2,15; Num.8:6,21; Neh.13:22) unless they were already designated as clean (Num.18:17; John15:3; 17:17,19; 13:10; Eph.5:26).
As you can see, these "holy" clean animals, were destined to be sacrificed to God (Num.18:17; Lev.3:2; 17:6; Psalm44:22).
While alive, these were not to work mundane labor/commercial business, nor have their hair/wool shorn (used for profit/exploited) (Deut.15:19; Num.6:5; Judges13:5; Col.2:20; 3:2,16,17; Eze.44:15-20). These priests lived and served, as if it were always God's Sabbath Rest, by which these ones were owned (1Chron.9:33; 1Cor.7:23; 6:20; 5:7; Matt.12:8).

The Levites of Israel were like a shadow of the real firstborn priesthood to come (Col.2:17; Heb.8:5; 10:1; 1Pet.2:5,9,10)
God now invites the ones He chooses, to be candidates/electives, for the "firstborn son" position and it's priestly work (James1:18; John1:13; 15:16; 2Cor.1:21,22; 1Pet.1:3,23; 2Tim.2:15; Rev.14:5,4).
If they prove faithful through Satan's testing (Luke22:31; 2Cor.11:3; 10:4; Eph.6:12; 2Tim.4:7; 2Cor.13:5; John16:33; 3:33,34; Heb.12:2,3,4; James1:12) they are sealed into the reality of a new priesthood of "firstborn sons" (Heb.12:22,23) under a new High Priest (Heb.9:11; 4:14,15),
of which the original Levites only foreshadowed (Rom.8:23; 2Cor.1:22; 5:5; Eph.1:14; Rev.5:9,10; 20:6).

Like the firstborn "holy" animals meant for sacrifice (Num.18:17); these priests also must give their lives on God's altar (Zech.11:4; Rom.8:36; Ps.79:11; Rev.6:9,10,11; 12:11) if they are to fulfill their full purpose and assignment as belonging to God. Jesus set the example in this, for those who would come to belong to the true priesthood reality (not the shadow example of the past). (John10:15,18; 15:13,12,17; 1Pet.2:21; Rom.6:3,5; 8:17; Acts20:24; 1Cor.4:9; Phil.3:10).

Who are anointed?
They are those chosen by God to run the race for life now....
to be among his "firstborn sons" in God's earthly family. These firstborn will receive a double inheritance and responsibility (Gen.25:31; Deut.21:17; Rev.12:5; 2:26,27; Psalm2:8,9; Dan.7:18; Rev.3:12; 20:6,5)......
to restore creation (the rest of God's earthly family) to freedom from sin and death (John14:12 Rom.8:19,21; Matt.17:11; Acts3:21)
in the Kingdom to come (Jer.33:1-26; Rev.22:1-21).

I hope this helps you to know who the anointed are.
Please send me any questions.


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Seven Trumpets: A comparison

The following addition was added to the post of June 11, "The Fallen Star":
 LINK:  "The Fallen Star"

"Making the way in front of them, the original Levite priests had "the armed guard". Following them was the "ark" and behind that was "the rear guard"....
"The armed guard marched ahead of the priests who blew the trumpets, and the rear guard followed the ark. All this time the trumpets were sounding. When Joshua had spoken to the people, the seven priests carrying the seven trumpets before the Lord went forward, blowing their trumpets, and the ark of the Lord’s covenant followed them." (Joshua 6:9,8; Rev.8:2,6)
There is no such human entourage for the final prophets. Of them YHWH says;
"Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard." Isa.58:8

Unlike the final false prophets (Jer.17:5; Ps.146:3), The "glory of YHWH" alone will protect the path and accomplished work of the final anointed priests (Isa.59:1; 50:2; Num.11:23; Ps.89:21; 91:15; Psalm18:1-50; Zech.13:9; Isa.65:24; Matt.6:8; Zech.4:6).
The faithful have no "elder" army, no organization, nor obedient slaves with them, as the unfaithful do... (Rev.13:7,8,12,14,15,16,17). The faithful anointed priests put their trust in God alone (Ps.37:5; Prov.28:26; 3:5,6; John16:23; Isa.4:1,2,3,4; Jer.39:17; Isa.38:20; 30:19,26; 33:24; 41:17; 62:1; Jer.30:17; Ps.68:24; 116:2; 146:2)
Unlike the final false prophets (1Tim.5:24) the only thing going before the final faithful priest prophets, is their righteous acts (Rev.19:8; 3:4; 15:6; 19:14; 1Tim.5:25; Ps.37:6; 85:13; Isa.62:2; 26:2; 58:8,9,10) due to God Himself (Isa.52:12; 58:11,14) and their endurance, in fine works (Isa.58:1,2; Micah3:2; Isa.66:18; 45:22; 52:10,12; 56:8; Rev.2:2,29; James1:4,18; 2:5,24; 5:11)."
Num.29:1; Ex.23:16


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Fallen Star

Good day Sister Doxsey,
Can you please comment on these two verses for me; 
Rev 8:10 and Rev 9:1
Why does the Society say that the star that had fallen is Jesus in Rev 9:1
Would you not say that the star in question is the very one that is mentioned in Rev 8:10

In Rev.1:20 we are told that the stars are the anointed Christians and in Rev.12:4 it is said that the dragon dragged a third of the stars to earth, is that not referring to the anointed? 

I am having difficulties in understanding the WT stand on these verses. In the Climax book it is said that the fallen stars in Rev.12:4 are those from Noah's day. Was not Revelation written about the things "about to take place" and not history? (Rev.1:1)

Thank you

"The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great starblazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water"

 Eph.2:6; Heb.12:22-232Pet. 1:102Pet. 3:17; Luke 10:20;
Phil.2:15; Dan.12:3.

"The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss."


There are four reasons I know of, as to why the Organization of "Jehovah's Witnesses" believe that the "fallen star" of Rev.9:1 is Jesus Christ.
"Watchtower" reasoning:
1. Jesus is spoken of as coming "down out of heaven" (Rev.20:1)
    (Note: "coming down" is literally Greek:"katabainonta"="stepping down" Rev.20:1.
         "falling" is literally Greek:"epesen"="to stumble/trip and fall" Rev.8:10 - related to 2Pet. 1:10)
2. Jesus is said to have the key to the abyss (Rev.20:1; 1:18)
3. The "stars" of Revelation are compared to "angels" (Rev.1:20)
    so they may view this star as Michael the Archangel. (Rev.12:7; 22:16)
   (They also view Job 38:7 as applying to the original creation...
    not prophetically to the new creation, so they would consistently
    see these angels as spirits in literal heaven.
         (Note: Greek "angel", when translated, simply means, "messenger")
         (See:gods-angels) and (Who are the gods/theos?)
    "JW" doctrine has concluded, that "angel" is literal, and that all angels must be spirit beings
    of the sort which were never human [ Heb.1:7,14 (Ps.104:4); Heb.2:16; Gal.3:29 ].
4. JW's" can't imagine that their own collective anointed leader identity, with power over
    living spiritual waters ("springs" John 4:14; Rev.8:10), could ever "fall".
    As long as such ones retain power and remain in subjection to the Organization
    (which has replaced direct subjection to God -Rom.1:25);
    they believe that they need not be concerned with "falling" from God's grace.
    (Jer.22:5; Matt.7:21; 23:38; Amos 6:8; Rev.8:8) This is their false sense
    of "peace and security" (1Thess. 5:3).

I do not agree with these interpretations. I hope to show by means of scripture, why I have this faith.
These interpretations can only hold incontrovertibly true, IF :

1. No other star but Jesus "falls from heaven"
    (right away we know this is not true, due to Rev.8:10,11)
2. No one else has a key to the Abyss
3. Stars/angels can only be spirit beings (not human messengers)
4. Anointed are NOT prophesied to "fall" in the Lord's Day, while
    they have the approval of men.

And lastly, any interpretations must be by means of scripture, and harmonious with Biblical context.

If the Bible informs us that:
1. Other stars "fall" from heaven;
   then we must explore the possibility that these other stars can also
   fulfill the prophecy of Rev.9:1. This possibility must be explored scripturally.
2. If these same others can also have a key to the abyss, the possibility
   that these fulfill this role is strengthened. Again, this must be
   examined scripturally.
3. If "stars"/"angels" are anointed human messengers *according to the Bible*,
   then this possible impact upon prophecy must be considered.
   "Angel" simply means "messenger". We must not assume then,
    that God's only messengers/angels,
    are unseen (Isa.43:10,11,211Pet. 2:92Cor. 5:20; Mal.2:7) (Who are God's Witnesses?).
4. If anointed ARE the symbolic stars/angels,
    and a "great" one is prophesied to "fall"
    during Revelation's end-time prophecies, then we can not assume
    that the fallen stars MUST be demon angels from the flood era (Rev.12:4),
    OR Jesus Christ (Rev.20:1), OR Christendom (Rev.8:10,11)
         (which is not an anointed star at all -Rev.1:20).

And lastly, if the stars of Rev.8:10 and Rev.9:1 prove Biblically true as consistently meaning anointed ones (Rev.1:20); that singular, cohesive, consistent interpretation, must be explored as an option for these prophetic fulfillment.
If this new prophetic interpretation also proves harmonious, not only to Revelation's context, but also to the Bible as a whole; it must be preferred as a more accurate interpretation; rather than those interpretations taken out of Revelation's full context.

  First let me point out that while the WT dismisses the possibility that the fallen star of Rev.9:1 can be anyone but Jesus Christ, their interpretation is not consistent with their interpretation of the fallen stars of Rev.8:10 or Rev.12:4.
The fallen star of Rev.8:10 is interpreted as human (Christendom); Yet Rev.12:4 is interpreted as ancient demonic figures.
Such baseless inconsistencies should not be assumed as true. If scripture itself points to a different, yet consistent identity for these "stars"/"angels"; it is reasonable to allow this harmonious scriptural consistency to persuade us.
Further reason exists, if this consistent identity is harmonious to parallel accounts of the same prophecies.

   1.Are anointed ones symbolized by "stars"/"angels" in the Bible
      and book of Revelation?
   2.Are anointed ones prophesied to "fall" "in the Lord's day"?
   3.Who else holds a "key" to the abyss?
      Can unfaithful anointed ones receive a "key" to the abyss?
      If so, from whom? For what purpose?

If ONE identity (unfaithful anointed ones) consistently fulfills ALL the meanings and descriptions of this fallen star (Rev.8:10; 9:1; 12:4) *according to scripture*, then we MUST consider this alternate interpretation. It is folly to interpret the very same symbol, inconsistently and out of context, and as unrelated to the rest of the Bible. (IE: "FALLEN STAR" = Jesus Christ, Christendom, flood demons)
What if ALL these "fallen stars" point to the same identity, according to the Bible?

I will approach each building block to our reasoning, separately.
I will not look to the thoughts of men for interpretation,
but to God's Word.


...Who does GOD'S WORD describe as "stars"?:
          Dan.12:3; Phil.2:15; Isa.49:6; Matt.5:161Pet. 2:9; Gen.15:5; Gal.3:29
            (Job 38:7 ("angels" Hebrew literally: "sons of God")
         (stars of the "morning" Isa.58:8; 60:1,2,32Pet. 1:19;
            1Thess. 5:5; Matt.4:16; Job 38:7; Rev.1:20)
          ...Of the NEW CREATION
         (Gal.6:152Cor. 5:17; Eph.4:24; Col.3:10; Rev.21:52Pet. 3:13)

We should also note that Rev.8:10 speaks of this "great" fallen star as "blazing as a torch/lamp".

This reminds us of John 5:35,33 and
Rev.4:5; 5:6; which is the light given off by a chosen one who is preaching (Matt.5:15,16,14; Isa.62:1).
Next I will show scriptures which reveal who the angels "messengers" of the book of Revelation are. This will not be based upon assumptions which seem apparent and surface, but by means of scripture.

A true Biblical description of a guardian angel, messenger angel ...
The first occurrence where Jesus introduces the "angel" messengers of Revelation, is at Rev.1:1,2:
"The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, 2 who testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ."

We are clearly told that this angel messenger is the one who delivers the "known" meaning of Revelation TO John (Rev.22:8-9; Amos 3:72Pet. 1:21). Why was not John given the full interpretation of Revelation directly in his own era (Rev.10:4)? Why did he need to have a messenger angel deliver it to him? Why was it shown to him "in the Lord's day"? (Rev.1:10)
Because, these things were not to be revealed until the Lord's Day (Dan.12:4; Rev.22:10). John "heard a voice "behind" him. This voice/"trumpet" (Rev.1:10; Isa.58:1) was to come after John's ministry. This voice is compared to "rushing waters" (see Rev.14:2; 19:6). These scriptures compare this sound to "harpists playing their harps" and "a great multitude" (Rev.19:1; 7:9,10). But when John turns to look; What does he see?
"I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me. And when I turned I saw seven golden lampstands" (Rev.1:12)

Do these lampstands compare to the harpists, waters, trumpet, voice?
We are told that the seven lampstands are the seven churches/congregations of saints/"holy ones" (Rev.1:201Cor. 14:33) belonging to the seven angels (foundation of temple/apostles and prophets -Eph.3:4,5; 2:20; Amos 3:7; Rev.10:7), two of which prophesy truth in the Lord's Day (Rev.11:4,3; John 8:17). These two olive trees of the two lampstands, are the ones appointed to serve the Lord (Rev.11:4; 1:13; Zech.4:11,12,13,14; Matt.17:3; Num.10:2) Serve him how? To serve as messengers/"angels"/prophets (Rev.11:3,5). To whom? To their congregations/lampstands. The "stars" of each congregation (Phil.2:15), are the lights/torch/flame/star, for each lampstand, which supports them and holds them high (Matt.5:15; Heb.6:10-11).
Rev.1:20 B literally says:
"The mystery of the seven stars (anointed illuminators) that you saw in my right hand and of the seven golden lampstands is this: The seven stars are the messengers OF the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches."

Here we are given a clear correlation between the "stars" and the "angels"/messengers OF the seven churches/Congregations.
Jesus tells us that angels and stars are the same identity (as messengers of light Rev.1:20 for their congregational lightstand). Yet according to Rev.8:10, one of THESE "falls" (Rev.2:52Pet. 1:10; 3:172Cor. 11:3). The context of Rev.8:10 (Rev.8:8,9,10,11) dissuades us from seeing this star as an unseen spirit. This is because these stars are not unseen. They are just as Jesus depicts the messengers/prophets of light, to their congregations. They are the light/flame/star, upon the support of their lampstand/congregation. Without prophetic light, a congregational lampstand is as if, unlit. It has no light. The light/fire of anointed prophets and apostles, has it's origin, in Christ...THE morning star. He shares his light/flame, with his faithful messengers [Luke 3:16; Rev.2:18; (Matt.6:22); Rev.22:16; 2:26,27 (Hosea 6:5; Jer.23:29; Rev.11:5) Rev.2:28,291Cor. 14:32; Jer.26:5,62Pet. 1:191Thess. 5:19,20].
Rev.1:20 begins by telling us that this is a mystery. Those given revelations/visions, into these mysteries (Num.12:6), and the responsibility to "voice" them (Isa.58:1), are the anointed apostles and prophet heralds (Zech.4:14; Rev.11:3,41Cor. 4:1; Rom.16:25; Matt.25:6)
and the congregational group who receive, support, and are enlightened by, each of them (Matt.10:40,41,141Thess. 2:13; Rev.22:16,19).

You have likely discerned that I am promoting the idea that the angel messengers in Revelation are anointed priests/prophets. Lets look at more Bible evidence.
We are told that these angels are given seven trumpets (Rev.8:6; Matt.25:7)
      (Greek word "trumpet" associated with "voice" -Isa.58:1; Rev.1:10; 4:1).
Who does the Bible define these seven trumpet blowers to be, since we must get our interpretation from God and His Word? (Gen.40:8)

 Hosea 8:1

Please consider these scriptures:

"Have seven priests carry trumpets of rams' horns in front of the ark. On the seventh day, march around the city seven times, with the priests blowing the trumpets. The seven priests carrying the seven trumpets went forward, marching before the ark of the LORD and blowing the trumpets. So Joshua son of Nun called the priests and said to them, “Take up the ark of the covenant of the Lord and have seven priests carry trumpets in front of it.” When Joshua had spoken to the people, the seven priests carrying the seven trumpets before the Lord went forward, blowing their trumpets, and the ark of the Lord’s covenant followed them. The armed men went ahead of them and the rear guard followed the ark of the LORD, while the trumpets kept sounding." Joshua 6:4,6,8,13
"The sons of Aaron, the priests, are to blow the trumpets. This is to be a lasting ordinance for you and the generations to come." Num.10:8

According to God's interpretation by scripture, the seven angels who blow the seven trumpets (horns), are priests (Joshua 6:4; Rev.8:6; 5:9,10; 6:9,10,11; 20:4,6; Mal.2:7; Eze.44:23; Hosea 8:1)
These are not unseen, unheard spirit beings. They are anointed priestly prophets who have been chosen to bear the message of Christ throughout the earth in the time of the end. (See Rev.5:6) (Matt.24:27; Heb.9:11; Zech.3:8,9; Isa.4:2; 11:1; Zech.6:12; Dan.9:25; Heb.3:1; Dan.8:13,14).
(Rev.5:6; Heb.1:14; Zech.4:10; Rev.1:4; 4:6; Ps.104:4; Rev.4:8; Isa.62:6)

Making the way in front of them, the original Levite priests had "the armed guard". Following them was the "ark" and behind that was "the rear guard"....
"The armed guard marched ahead of the priests who blew the trumpets, and the rear guard followed the ark. All this time the trumpets were sounding. When Joshua had spoken to the people, the seven priests carrying the seven trumpets before the Lord went forward, blowing their trumpets, and the ark of the Lord’s covenant followed them." (Joshua 6:9,8)
There is no such human entourage for the final prophets. Of them YHWH says;
"Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard." Isa.58:8

Unlike the final false prophets (Jer.17:5; Ps.146:3), The "glory of YHWH" alone will protect the path and accomplished work of the final anointed priests (Isa.59:1; 50:2; Num.11:23; Ps.89:21; 91:15; Psalm 18:1-50; Zech.13:9; Isa.65:24; Matt.6:8; Zech.4:6).
The faithful have no "elder" army (Rev.9:1-3; Joel 2:2; Matt.24:21; Eze.2:6; Luke 10:19),
...nor a so-called "spirit-directed" organization (Rev.13:15; 19:20), as the unfaithful do... (Rev.13:7,8,12,14,15,16,17).
The faithful anointed priests put their trust in God alone (Ps.37:5; Prov.28:26; 3:5,6; John 16:23; Isa.4:1,2,3,4; Jer.39:17; Isa.38:20; 30:19,26; 33:24; 41:17; 62:1; Jer.30:17; Ps.68:24; 116:2; 146:2)
Unlike the final false prophets (1Tim. 5:24; 4:1; Rev.16:13-15) the only thing going before the final faithful priest prophets, is their righteous acts (Rev.19:8; 3:4; 15:6; 19:141Tim. 5:25; Ps.37:6; 85:13; Isa.62:2; 26:2; 58:8,9,10) due to God Himself (Isa.52:12; 58:11,14) and their endurance, in fine works (Isa.58:1,2; Micah 3:2; Isa.66:18; 45:22; 52:10,12; 56:8; Rev.2:2,29; James 1:4,18; 2:5,24; 5:11; Mark 13:13).

("Horns" are anointed kings Rev.17:12,16,18; 1:5; 5:6,10)
["Eyes" symbolize insight and understanding (Rev.3:18; Matt.6:22; Luke 11:34)]
[That insight is by God's spirit (Rev.1:14; 5:6; Matt.10:20; John 16:13; 14:171John 2:20,27,28)
given to the seven "angels"/priests/horns (Rev.1:4; 3:1; 4:5; Matt.5:15,16,14; Rev.5:6).
Next, we see in the first three chapters of Revelation, that Jesus disciplines the seven congregations/"lampstands", by directing a message to them, through each of the seven angels. When you look at the accusations that Jesus directs to these angels, do you perceive them as being human anointed "messengers" (Greek="angels"), or invisible spirits in heaven?
(Rev.2:1,2,3,4,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, etc.)
Jesus calls these anointed ones, angels. According to Rev.1:20they are, the stars.
Genuine lamps and stars (Rev.1:20) can fall (Rev.2:52Pet. 3:17; Jude 1:13) causing their lamp-light to become darkness.
Regarding such fallen stars and dimming lamps (Matt.25:8), a scripture which comes to mind is Matt.6:22,23;
“The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!"
If our perceptions (eye) are bad (based upon false doctrine rather than Christ's words -Matt.15:9; 7:26,27; 25:9,10; Rev.13:17); our understandings and faith are darkness (John 3:20) and "the light that is in you is darkness" (Your teachings are sourced in Satan's abyss -James 3:15; Rev.16:13; 2:9,24) and "how great is that darkness"...yes...because Satan is a Master at blinding deception, and he will afford every false sign and powerful portent to such a fallen, unfaithful, Great Lamp of Darkness (John 8:442Thess. 2:9; Rev.12:9; 8:10,11; 9:1,2,3,11; Matt.24:5,24; Rev.13:11; 12:17; 2:20,5; 18:23) and her helpers (2Thess. 2:4,9,10) in order to mislead the invited anointed. We must never replace the light of Christ (John 8:121John 1:7; John 12:35) with slavery to men (Gal.1:101Cor. 7:23; Rev.2:20; 13:15) and their dark doctrines....even if they are a genuine star/lamp (Rev.8:10,11; 9:1). We must "test out" the light in their lamp to see if it is genuinely from Christ's light (1John 4:12Cor. 13:51Tim. 4:12Thess. 2:1,2,3).
If we are Chosen Ones who submit to such a dark steward,
then we too are fallen stars (2Cor. 11:32Pet. 3:17; Rev.2:5). In fact, such mislead ones are the "third" of the stars that Satan's "tail"* (*the least of his minions -Deut.28:13) is able to cast down to the earth and cause to be trampled by them (Rev.12:4; 9:10,19; 11:2; 13:7).
Know this!......
This "third" of heaven's stars, are allowed to be cast down and trampled by Satan's power....not because they are sealed as wicked...but because God is allowing them to be disciplined and refined (Zech.13:91Pet. 1:7; Rev.3:19,18; Mal.3:1,2,3; Isa.48:10; 54:6,7,8; Jer.30:18; Hosea 3:5)
Ironically...their being persecuted, trampled, "killed", and cast down and out of the wicked City, is so that they will survive (Isa.57:1; Micah 7:2; Ecc.9:12; Jer.30:7; Matt.13:47; Prov.6:5; Isa.52:2; Rev.18:4; Luke 21:20,21,22; Isa.10:22; Ps.71:20,21; Micah 7:8,9,10; Ps.66:10,11,12) (Eze.7:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8; Rev.14:19; 18:4).
Yet in order for this discipline to have a saving conclusion for this "third", they must, after being subjugated, stand up for truth despite the seeming threat to their lives. (Rev.3:2; Matt.25:7; Isa.60:1; Rev.12:10,11)

The fallen star of Rev.8:10,11 and Rev.9:1, is given the key to Satan's abyss of darkness and death, by it's king (Rev.9:11; John 10:10; Isa.33:1; Heb.2:14).
For more on what this fallen star does with that key to deception and death, and who gives it to her,
here is a link:

We are now in the period of time, when testing our faith is vital (1Tim. 4:12Thess. 2:3-4; Rev.13:7). We are in a period of testing tribulation. If our house of faith is built on the sands of untruth, it will fall (Matt.7:26,27,24,25; Eph.4:14; James 1:6). In godly fear we beg our heavenly Father for protection through this test of our beliefs and faith, that we do not end in failure (Luke 22:31; Matt.6:13; Phil.2:12; Rev.6:17; Jer.30:7; Joel 2:1; Zeph.1:14; Luke 21:36; Rev.3:10; Eph.6:18), praying for all the remnant, that as many as possible can awaken, be cleansed and refined, be "killed"...proving their unwavering love for truth, and become sealed. The sooner that happens, the sooner the 144000 can be completed, and the end can arrive (Rev.6:9,10,11; 13:15; 11:7; 12:10,11)!
My personal notes for next continuation:
(Makes his angels spirits---you will live by the spirit in you---passed over from death to life---will never die at all. Key to Abyss---abyss is lies and death---Heb.2:141Cor. 15:54,571John 3:8; John 8:44; Rev.9:11; Rom.5:17,12,15; James 1:15; Rom.5:121John 3:8,5,10; Heb.9:26)

Additional Pages for Study (coming soon)