Friday, March 20, 2020

Various Topics

What follows is my response to various questions I received.
The words of the inquirer, are in blue.

My response: 

My memory is not so good anymore, so I'll go through your messages methodically, point by point. In this way, I hope to thoroughly address everything. If I ever miss something, please let me know. I'll put your words, in Blue.

"Something I had wondered about was if the baptism was invalid, especially considering they've changed it (what you are baptizing yourself into, contrary to Christs command), for the 3rd time in 2019.  (2014 was mine)."

Vows are binding. The baptism is valid. The problem lies in the fact that the vow is a dedication of one's life, to "Jehovah" and his organization, while the one being immersed, believes that they are becoming a slave of the true God. The vow spoken, is a voluntary declaration of idolatry. Their lack of knowledge will not be enough of an excuse to save them (Job 36:12; Prov.5:23; 10:21; Hosea 4:6)
If they had put scripture above doctrine, it would have shielded them from being mislead (2Thess.2:9-12). The only way to salvation for the mislead and fallen, is repentance
(2Cor.7:10; Luke15:10; Acts 3:19; 17:30; 2Pet.3:9; Rev.3:3).
John the Baptist preached a baptism of repentance (Mark 1:4). Today we are washed clean, by accepting the Truth (Eph.5:25-26; John17:17).

You then mention those who act self-important (self assuming -2Tim.3:1-5) and treated you harshly and cut you off. You mention the hypocrisy of their emphasis being on donations. But then you say; "I can easily see how the beast will turn on the harlot based on the kinds of people who have overrun the organization "climbing the ladder".".
That kind of people have not, "overrun the organization". That kind of people, are, the organization. That is why the organization they comprise, is referred to, as a wild Beast (Rev.13:1; Ps.73:22; 1Cor.15:32; 2Pet.2:12; Jude 1:10; Isa.59:15
Any who are soft, loving, merciful, or do not give complete, unwavering compliance with how they are directed to preside over their charge, are removed from their position (Rev.13:4,15,17).

You then ask; "I guess I'll do a search on your site but wondered if you ever talked about the organization's baptism procedure & if that means anything for truth seekers.".
Yes, I hope you are able to find the many posts about baptism inside the Main Page blog, but there is also another blog-- ( It's been over 9 years since I wrote it, so I'm sure that more could now be added. As time goes on, there is more to write. If you don't find what you need by using the search box, contact me.

You then ask; "how is it that you partake (memorial) as a group?".
I accept the direction of 1Cor.11:33 where it reads; "So then, my brothers and sisters, when you gather to eat, you should all eat together." I partake with those who are verified by holy spirit, as genuine.

You then ask; "it seems the early Christians had something called love feasts, so some of the scriptures may be related to that? ". Obviously, a "love" feast would not be literal food, but spiritual food, shared among the members of the Body of Christ (1Cor.10:17; 12:7,25; Eph.4:15-16,11-12). 
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Now I will move ahead to your most recent letter....
Glad you grasp the meaning of "Jehovah". What a shock that one was for me. Credit for that refinement goes to another anointed brother (Paulo Vincentini) (hope I spelled it right). 

The next part of your letter makes some good points. You take the time to explain....
"One thing I find a little hard on another subject is not that Satan is the destroyer,  but how cooperative he appears to be, when he is God's Adversary. And even then only in some instances. Like I mean I understand how God allows things for both a testing and punishment, but for example for what benefit to himself would satan kill all 1st born in Egypt in cooperation with YHWH, especially when as a result YHWH's name would be magnified in all the earth?  Also wasn't there a point when YHWH told the stiff necked Israelites in the desert that he was sending an angel to lead them and to be careful "because his anger flares up in an instant"."
It is not due to a spirit of cooperation, that Satan destroys as God permits.
It is because, even the Devil and his demons, know God's supreme power, and the fact that no spirit dare cross, His specific demands (James 2:19; Ps.119:21; Job 26:10-11
When God gives permission to Satan to display and satisfy his destructive nature; even the faithful spirits fear to get in Satan's way... because they would be defying God's decree (Jude 1:9). Satan also is well aware of the consequence of defying the Almighty, and so Satan's blood-lust is curbed by God's justice. That is why we see Satan, pushing the boundaries of justice, in order to secure permission to destroy (Job 1:8-12; 2:3-6
It was in harmony with the purpose of God, for God to allow Satan to destroy the firstborn of Egypt (Ex.12:23; Heb.11:28). 
Please remember, that all are already judged, dead, and under Satan's power to destroy... unless they are saved by grace, which is the exception (John3:18; Rom.5:12
Those not saved, are already, essentially, dead (John5:24; 1John3:14; Eph.2:3; Col.1:13; John1:4), and under the dominion of Satan (2Cor.4:4). 
If we keep that in mind, we realize that Satan's thirst for blood, is never satisfied (Prov.30:15-16; 1Pet.5:8). He knowingly caused the condemnation of every living creature, to spiritual darkness and death (Ec.3:19).  The length of one's lifespan matters little, in light of their eternal eventuality. 
This was the reality, regarding the firstborn of Egypt. Satan knows that he cannot stop God's supremacy, nor His glory from being manifested in the end. Satan's nature, is to lie, kill, and destroy (John8:44; 10:10).
The angel that God sent to the Israelites (to guide and protect them) was not Satan. It was Christ/The Logos (John8:58; 1:14; Ex.14:19-20; 1Cor.10:1-4).
What God actually said at Ex.23, was 
"20 ‘See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared. 21 Pay attention to him and listen to what he says. Do not rebel against him; he will not forgive your rebellion, since my Name is in him. 22 If you listen carefully to what he says and do all that I say, I will be an enemy to your enemies and will oppose those who oppose you.".
Regarding your saying that "his anger flares up in an instant", I believe you are referring to Psalm 2:12...
"Kiss his son, or he will be angry
    and your way will lead to your destruction,
for his wrath can flare up in a moment.
    Blessed are all who take refuge in him."
God's wrath will take many by surprise... not because God is impetuous and lacks self-control, but because that Day arrives suddenly, as a thief, to those who are spiritually asleep or drunk (1Thess.5:4,6-7; Mark 13:35-36


  1. Many of the scriptural truths I've learned from your posts, Pearl, have been easier to grasp than the concept of Satan being the destroyer and not YHWH. The JW governing body have inculcated in the minds of their followers that YHWH is a bloodthirsty God, that is hard to remove from mind particularly when reading verses that use the word, "wrath." It does though make much better sense that God is not mischievously bloodthirsty, but IS love (1 John 4:8).
    For clarification so that I might fully grasp the term, "wrath"... the wrath of the Lamb and the wrath of God expressed in Revelation (Rev. 15:7; Rev 6:16) are in harmony with Ex. 23:22 and Ps. 2:12 where it speaks of God blessing those who take refuge in him...blessing them spiritually (understanding of truths), correct? And is the understanding that God's wrath that comes upon those who are spiritually asleep or drunk, suddenly, as a thief in the night is his allowance of the harlot to be eaten alive by the wild beast along with all those who are also spiritually drunk, not loving the truth about God and his son?
    Thanks for your patience as we sort out previous and false teachings!

    1. Hello Rachel,
      I left my reply to you, in a post called "God's Wrath", dated March 22, 2020.
      Here is a link to copy:


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