Friday, November 29, 2013

Two Witnesses

The vision at Matt.17:1,2,3,5 was symbolic, and it's purpose was for the education of the Chosen. The reason God's voice came from the cloud is because the "cloud" speaks for God (Heb.12:1; Rev.11:3,4,5; Jer.5:14; Matt.10:20) which "cloud of witnesses" are also personified as "Moses" and "Elijah".
Those who are depicted by these "two witnesses" (John8:17; Rev.11:3; Matt.17:3) will fulfill both roles in the time of the end (Rev.11:3,4; Zech4:14; Matt.17:3,11; Luke1:17; Deut.18:15,19,18; (John1:21); John16:14,15,13; Zech.4:9) after a necessary repentance and cleansing (Joel1:13; Rev.11:3; Mal.3:1,2,3; 2:7; Rev.5:10)...after which they must bear witness to truth.
That brings us to the reason why Christ discussed his departure from Jerusalem which he was about to ACCOMPLISH (Luke9:31; Matt.23:37,38,39; 24:1,2). The only hope the remaining ones of the woman's seed have, at being cleansed and sealed (and found faithfully standing upon their masters return for inspection of his slaves -Rev.6:17; Luke21:36) (which these two DO accomplish -Zech.4:14; Luke18:26,27; Rom.14:4; Jude1:24), is to imitate this crucial aspect of Christ's example (1Pet.2:21; Rom.8:17; Rev.6:9,10,11; 20:4; 19:8).
Just as Christ's departure from Jerusalem and all it stood for, resulted in his death; so too the final witness prophets must die for their faithful witness (as seen in the preceding cited verses).
(After they also leave the apostate City -Matt.24:15,16; Rev.18:4)
Jesus knew the importance of discussing this departure and death, with those who would come to fulfill these two roles, and this aspect of Christ's faithful example.

Remember also, that Moses and Elijah could not have represented what was fading away, because Jesus himself said that this vision was a depiction of his coming in kingdom glory, in the company of his faithful.
This is shown in the context of this vision, in the very verse right before it took place (Matt.16:27,28; 17:1,2,3,5; 2Pet.1:18; Rev.14:1; Matt.25:31; Rev.17:14; 1:20).

I hope these cited scriptures are considered, since each of my assertions are derived from them.
God bless all of honest heart, with spirit and truth.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Persecution Examples

What follows is a correspondence between me and a reader. Since it is reflective of the Christian experience, I thought that the ideas and scriptures expressed, may help others as well.
The readers questions are in response to the teachings contained at this blog post:

Dear Pearl,
You said on your blog:
"Despite the opening of the scrolls (in which "True knowledge will become abundant" -Rev.20:12; Dan.12:1,3,4; Rev.22:10; 10:7) by the final prophet "two witnesses" (Rev.11:3,4; Zech.4:14,2,3,6,8,9,11,12,13,14; Matt.25:4,10,13); (few will recognize or accept it as the revelation of truth that it is Dan.12:4,9,10; Amos8:12; Matt.13:11; 2Thess.2:11,12).
Satan will be able to gather together the Nations like the sands of the sea, Gog and Magog, against the exiled camp of the Holy Ones (Luke21:24,20; Rev.20:9; Jer.5:14; Rev.11:5)."
My questions are these...
If anointed have already left the org or have been DFed, how can there be a gathering against them once they are out? When they are out, the beast has no power over them anymore. This would have to mean in some other way Satan is able "to gather together" all those who don't accept the final witness.

Here's your questions in italics...

If anointed have already left the org or have been DFed, how can there be a gathering against them once they are out? 

The Org. and all witnesses (including family members of expelled anointed) do not stop being against them after they are out. That's when the adversity really starts. When we are part of the world, it is fond of us. When we refuse to remain a part of it, that's when the trouble starts (John15:19,20,18). Not only are we still spurned and slandered after we are out, the opposition to our work escalates within the Society's doctrines and teaching. The more we work for truth, the more they find ways to oppose it.
Satan can bring the Nations against the anointed both before and after they are expelled from the Org. They are dominated while inside, and after they are expelled they are still hindered (Rev.9:3-11; 13:7; 11:7; 12:17).
Remember too, that while some are out and preaching, some unsealed are still inside. As more truth comes out (scrolls opened), the harder the anointed inside are treated and stripped of power. This is a direct response to the truth coming out about the importance of the chosen, and the lies which are holding them down, being exposed, corrected, and publicized by those faithfully bearing witness to truth.
Being "surrounded" by the Nations is not physical, but is, a spiritual hindrance (Rev.20:7,8,9; Luke21:20).

When they are out, the beast has no power over them anymore.

Perhaps the slavery and mental chains have been removed (Rev.13:10; Isa.61:1; 49:24,25), but think about how they are kept as outcasts, and how the Org. makes them unable to witness to those they know. The Org. constantly restrains, opposes, and attacks their work, forbids all from visiting their sites, reading their writings, or listening to their admonishment (2Thess.2:6,8). That's not all...I know of those outside who are experiencing attacks on their property and personal public records, as well as those who have mysteriously died or disappeared. Who knows how bad this is, or will get? We have spiritual freedom now (John8:32; 2Thess.2:13,14,15; 1Thess.5:4,5,6,9,11), but the persecution has not lifted at all. Loss of children, marriage mates, homes, friends, and jobs, does not improve once we are out. In fact, things get worse. The power to persecute begins in earnest once we lose the Beast's approval.

Remember...these parables are not literal, but symbolic, like a simplified child's story with a lesson.
The people in the Org. are already gathered together against the faithful anointed now. Satan's misleading deceptions and his "operation of error" have accomplished this (2Thess.2:11; Mark13:14). Those who are not open to accepting the message of Truth, are the same people who share in the Harlot's sins (Rev.18:4; 17:6; 11:8,9,10). They are condoning the faithful being attacked by the elders/Beast; agreeing with it ("those evil apostates") and working with it, by rejecting them also. They take pleasure in unrighteousness (2Thess.2:12; Jer.5:31). All this begins only after the faithful are thrown out.

Does this answer what you were wondering about?
i hope so.

His reply:
Thanks for the explanation. It has made me realize that I myself have been persecuted via my JW family. "How could you leave Jehovah?" has been said many times. The presumption that I might as well go out and commit fornication because i don't count, I'm already disapproved and dead, and I might as well live it up to it. The presumption by one family member, that i must be a sexual deviate towards my brother's children...or that I'm a drunk now because "He left Jehovah". These were like a sword through the heart. But it now makes sense. I'm not there because of lies, that's why i left! The beast has trained anyone there that if you leave the beast Org, you are to be treated as bad as Satan.

My reply:
I'm so sorry for the hatred you are facing. Even those who love us, hate us when we do not worship their god, and join in with the idolatry. Remember this scripture?
"In regard to these, they think it strange that you do not run with them in the same flood of dissipation, speaking evil of you." (1Pet.4:4) Remember in the previous context, that the "drunkenness" being referred to, is spiritual (Jer.51:7; Rev.14:8; 1Pet.4:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,12,13,14).

Yes, we are treated as bad as Satan (Matt.10:25,26; Eze.2:6). This was really highlighted in the previous District Convention, where those who disagree with current false doctrines, were called "human apostates" who "cook up lies in Satan's kitchen" (in the company of spiritual apostates).
This deception is an amazing accomplishment for Satan, and a testimony to his power to deceive (1John5:19; John8:23,13; Rev.12:9; 16:13; 12:15). Humans are helpless before that power, without Holy Spirit's saving power and God's mercy (Isa.49:24,25; Mark3:27; Rev.20:2). We are not to be dismayed by the success of this power of Satan, since it was all prophesied about beforehand (2Thess.2:9,10; Rev.13:11,4,7,14,16; Matt.24:24,25; 2Pet.3:17).

I also know what it's like to be treated like the worst. It ripped my heart as well, to have my own daughter disdain and disrespect me, totally dismissing who she knew me to be for all her life, previously (Matt.10:34,35,36,39; Luke 17:28,29,30,32,33).
Yet Jesus told us "Rejoice, and leap for joy" that we are counted worthy to share in his sufferings 
This is a hard road for all of us to stay on. But what else do we expect? We have to keep hearing Jesus' words, telling us...
"He that endures to the end is the one that will be saved." (Matt.24:13; Rev.2:25,26; 3:11,12).


Monday, November 25, 2013

Law of Sin


Thank you for answering so quickly. Let me give you details of what I'm thinking, Romans 7:14-25. Please explain of what Paul might be going through in his case. Cause it looks as it seems he is battling within himself. And as if he answers his battle by another verse at Romans 8:5-8. It's interesting to what Paul might be going through as regards to Romans 7:23. Please, I await for your thought which are found from the scriptures. 


"For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin. 15 For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do. 16 If, then, I do what I will not to do, I agree with the law that it is good. 17 But now, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me. 18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find. 19 For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice. 20 Now if I do what I will not to do, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me.
21 I find then a law, that evil is present with me, the one who wills to do good. 22 For I delight in the law of God according to the inward man. 23 But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. 24 O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? 25 I thank God—through Jesus Christ our Lord!
So then, with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin."

Paul was not speaking of continuing to serve the law of sin with his flesh. He was simply clarifying that if the flesh is served, the law of sin is obeyed. He directs us to use our mind, that we might serve the law of God instead. This interpretation is proven, if we see what Paul also said, at Rom.6:14,12,13...
"For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law ("of sin with the flesh" -Rom7:25), but under grace. Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its lusts, 13 and do not go on presenting the members of your body to sin as instruments of unrighteousness; but present yourselves to God as those alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God."

Paul acknowledges that we all have a battle against sin within ourselves. But can a battle exist if there is no fight? The reason we do not give up, is because victory is possible. 
Otherwise, why fight? 
This is exactly the mentality of those who at heart, do not want to fight against the flesh with it's lusts. They would twist Paul's instructions as an excuse for loose conduct.
Regarding Rom.7:23...
"But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members."

The "members" Paul refers to is his flesh. The flesh (since Adam) is enslaved to sin. This is precisely why we can not allow that flesh to direct our steps. If we do, we remain in captivity to sin and death. If we wish to be set free from sin and death (and the law of our flesh), we must no longer walk according to it, letting it direct what we do. We must walk by spirit, letting IT direct our steps. If we do, we abandon the path of sin and death, for the path of righteousness and life. This choice is the whole purpose of Christ's teachings and ministry (John5:14; 8:11,12).

Regarding Rom.8:5-8, please read verses Rom.8:1,4,9,13. These clarify once again, that although Paul (like all of us) was born in sin, we seek a new birth in which we set our minds on the spirit, walk according to it, and continue to live by means of it.

The scriptures I already gave you have already answered your follow up question. If you read them again along with these new ones (and meditate on them); Paul's intentions and assertions should be clarified.

Love in Christ,

Sunday, November 24, 2013

The "Thousand Years" / The "Image" of the Beast / Scrolls

Some Questions:

About the thousand years mentioned at Revelation 20. I looked for articles, but couldn't find any. I'm sure they're there, but maybe in a post by a different subject?
    Another one is the Kingdom of the Son of His Love, Did this take place after his resurrection when he sat at his Father's right hand described at Matthew 28:18? (Luke 22:69)
    And the last one is the identity of the "image of the beast" in Revelation. A post of yours on Wednesday July 24th, 2013 said it was "the image of the organization as spirit appointed", but remember other posts bringing out that it "can speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed". I thought this was the elder arrangement and was trying to determine which beast had the number 666 (man of lawlessness). I thought it was the image that had this number."

My Reply:

Note Matt.25:31,32,46:
“When the Son of Man comes in his glory (started in first Century -John 1:14; Matt.26:64; Luke 21:27; Heb.12:1; Acts 7:55,56), and all the angels with him (Chosen ones who prove faithful -Matt.16:27;  1Thess. 3:132Thess. 1:10,12; John 17:10; Jude 1:14Rev.17:14; 19:14,8; 14:1; Eph.2:6; Rev.12:5), he will sit on his glorious throne (Ps.110:1,2; Eph.3:10; Ps.110:1; John 16:331Cor. 15:251John 3:8; Rev.3:21; Matt.12:28; John 12:31; 16:111Cor. 15:26Heb.2:14; Col.1:13) (again, began in the first century -Luke 22:69; Ps.110:11Cor. 15:25).  
All the nations will be gathered before him (Heb.4:13), and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats (Heb.4:1,2; Rev.20:12; John 3:17,18,19,20,21). 
Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life."

Note that this judgment (which is occurring now) is final (1Cor. 15:24) ("the end"), and is all based upon the treatment of Christ's brothers, while they are alive during this era (See context of Matt.25:31-46). When the nations stand before the throne of Christ and in the presence of He and his sealed ones while they are on earth witnessing; the nations respond positively or negatively to what Christ's ambassadors are offering them (Matt.10:40,412Cor. 5:20; John 13:20; 7:38; Rev.22:17). The very fact that it is the treatment rendered to the least of Christ's brothers that determines the permanent outcome to each individual (context of Matt.25:31-46) reinforces that it is how his brothers are treated during their physical lifetimes [which they spend preaching (Rom.1:16; Acts 24:16; Matt.10:40,41)] that already determines an everlasting judgment.

These facts help to reveal when the symbolic "Thousand Years" are actually underway. 
When is "Judgment Day"? 
I am hoping that by means of Matt.25 above and it's inserted verses; you can see the harmony with what I am about to explain.

You are correct that I have written very little about the Thousand Years.
        [Since this post was written, there is more available. 
         Please do a search for "thousand years" and "two kingdoms"]

Jesus told us that when we leave the apostate city (Matt.22:9; Luke 17:29-32; Rev.18:4), we are (like Lot's wife) not to look back nor long for past possessions which God deems worthy of destruction (Luke 17:30,31,32,33; 21:20,21,22).

I believe this is referring to spiritual doctrine Rev.18:10-11; 6:6; 13:17; 3:17-18) and the identity in the sight of God, associated with them (Matt.24:18; Zech.3:3-4; Rev.7:14; 19:8), rather than literal material goods.

In my effort to be faithful to this command of Christ (to leave behind what "treasures" we think we have) and keeping mindful of the prophecies which reveal that the "priests" in the time of the end, are in dire need for refinement and cleansing -Mal.3:1,2,3; Rev.3:18)... resolve was to suspend all I had learned while in the synagogue of Satan (Luke 5:37-39; Rev.3:9; Rom.2:29). I turned to Christ for Holy Spirit and Truth, and as promised, he delivered (Luke 12:37; John 15:4,5,7,8,161John 2:28; Eph.2:18)....
but not all at once. (John 16:12,13,14,15; Deut.18:181Cor. 13:9,10,11,12; Prov.4:18; Dan.12:10
I am still learning through a comparison of what I previously thought, to what I am now being made to perceive. As I do, and make each thought obedient to Christ (2Cor.10:5; 9:13; John 14:6), the picture of truth becomes more full and clear. 
My point, is that it is, thankfully, gradual.

The reason I have not written much about the symbolic "Thousand Years", was that, to start, I was simply made aware that what I had previously thought, was I did not write about it, but wrote about what I was presently learning. 

Jesus said that Holy Spirit and being led by it was like the wind (John 3:81Cor. 2:14,15,16; John 14:17). We don't know where it comes from or where it is going. We do not steer our lessons by it ourselves. I have learned to obey it in the moment, and so I try to accomplish writing according to what I am presently being given. I do not push ahead. I have awaited for fuller knowledge, through a gradual learning of the whole picture, and how all the pieces of truth fit with all the others. 
This is a hard challenge, to dissect it all into teachable independent compartments.

So, you were perceptive to pick up that I have not written much about the "Thousand Years" yet. But as it happens, the past two weeks have been focused on this very subject. I speak of my own learning. Your questioning of these subjects will aid me in this.

The Kingdom of the Son of His love (Col.1:13) is now (Eph.1:6; Acts 26:18).
This is the period while Christ, along with his co-heirs and priests, wage spiritual war against Christ's enemies, in order to subdue, defuse, and demolish them, prior to the arrival of God's Kingdom (Ps.110:1,22Cor. 10:4; John 16:33; 12:31; Heb.2:141Cor. 15:54; Rom.8:9,111Cor. 15:24,25,26; John 20:23; Luke 10:19) at which time ("the end"), the "Thousand Years" (and the period of judging) is finished! (John 12:312Pet. 3:82Cor. 6:2)
Those invited to be heirs of God's kingdom (which is not strictly the same as Christ's kingdom) are judged during this period of Christ's subduing rule ("Thousand Years"), as to whether they are faithful with "a little" (Eph.3:2; Matt.25:14; 28:19,20). Those who are faithful, become sealed to inherit God's Kingdom, when they will be given all (Matt.25:23; 24:46,47; Luke 16:101Cor. 15:24,25,27,28; Eph.1:9,10,11; Rev.14:1; 7:3,42Cor. 1:21,22) after the end of the "Thousand Year" "day" of judgment.

So to clarify, I currently perceive that the era of the "Thousand Year" reign of Christ and his chosen brothers, began in the first century (Luke 22:69; Ps.110:1-21Cor. 15:24-25; Heb.10:13), and continues until the time when Satan is released from his restraint in the abyss (Rev.20:7,8). During the time of his release, all the remnant (the remaining ones of the woman's seed) are mislead by Satan (Rev.12:9; 13:7-8,10; Col.2:8), but some, not permanently (Rev.12:6,14; 11:3). "Michael", (Dan.12:1; Rev.12:7) (Christ's "new name" -Rev.19:12; 3:12) stands up to complete his conquest against his enemies (Rev.6:2). The last of them will finally be subdued by both him and his repentant and faithful anointed priests, during their own lifetime (Mal.2:7; Matt.28:20; Rev.5:10; 12:10,11; Luke 21:32(judged by means of a comparative righteousness -Heb.11:7 and the "opening" of the scrolls during the time of the end Rev.20:12,13; John12:48. That era of the Great Tribulation and God's judgment and final harvesting, is also the time that commences upon Satan's release from the Abyss.).

 How those who seek God, respond to His representative priests (Matt.10:20; Luke 12:121Pet. 2:9; Mal.2:7) both during the symbolic Thousand Years and also afterward, during the Great Tribulation and Armageddon when the scrolls are opened, will be how they are resurrected  ("again appear/stand", before God's throne to be re-evaluated) and judged (Matt.10:40; 25:45,46; John 13:20).

This judgment in the time of the end, will occur to the final ones of the seed, according to Satan's end-time deceptions being exposed (Rev.16:13,14,151Tim. 4:12Cor. 11:3; Col.2:8; (Rev.13:10,7) Heb.12:15; Rev.2:20,16; 8:10,11 -bitter root/bitter waters -Heb.12:15), (2Thess. 2:82Pet. 3:10; Eze.16:35,36,37,39; Isa.3:17; Rev.17:16,17) by means of "scrolls being opened" (Rev.20:12; 5:3,5,7; 1:1; John 15:15; 16:14,15; Zech.4:9
Even though the Jews (including the apostles), had possession and familiarity of the Hebrew scriptures, those words of God were not fully understood or their meaning fully perceived (Mark4:12). Jesus had to "open" their eyes to the meaning - Luke 24:44-45
In the same way, we already have the basis for judgment, which is contained in the already existing scrolls, that are finally "opened" (Rev.20:12; John12:48; Rev.10:7). They are unfurled (opened) in the time of the end (Dan.12:4,9-10).

Those scrolls are the scriptures we now already have
(There is no Greek word for "new" at Rev.20:12
When Satan got out of the abyss, he was again able to veil scriptural truth (2Cor. 4:3,4; Rev.20:7,8; 16:13,14; 13:11,4,82Thess. 2:9,10,12). The truth contained in those little books, needed to be unveiled/revealed/"opened"/understood to release the captives (Luke24:45). 
  This is symbolically described in Revelation as "scrolls were opened". The dead are judged out of the things written in those scrolls which we already have, but which need to be accurately understood. Those understandings are "sealed up" until the time of the end (Dan.12:4,9; Rev.22:10). This is righteous on God's part, because the opening occurs during the judgment of the "rest" of those dead in spirit (Eph.2:1). 
Judgment occurs based upon the response to the newly revealed truths and accurate understandings. Most will not welcome that information, nor it's messengers 
(Dan.12:10,4; Amos 8:122Tim. 3:7; Rev.11:7,8,9,10; Matt.7:14).

Despite the opening of the scrolls (in which "True knowledge will become abundant" -Rev.20:12; Dan.12:1,3,4; Rev.22:10; 10:7) by the final prophet "two witnesses" (Rev.11:3,4; Zech.4:14,2,3,6,8,9,11,12,13,14; Matt.25:4,10,13); (few will recognize or accept it as the revelation of truth that it is --Dan.12:4,9,10; Amos 8:122Tim. 3:7; Matt.13:112Thess. 2:11,12).
Satan will be able to gather together the Nations like the sands of the sea, Gog and Magog, against the exiled camp of the remaining Holy Ones (Luke 21:24,20; Rev.20:9; Jer.5:14NIV ; Rev.11:5).

The "fire" which "comes down out of heaven" and "destroys them all", are the judgments of truth, coming from the two witnesses (Rev.11:5; Jer.5:14NIV ; Jer.23:292Cor. 10:4,5; Hosea 6:5) who are lead by Christ. 
Those few who respond favorably to these revelations, are written in the Lambs scroll of Life. 
Those who adhere to Satan's deceptions through the false prophet and wild beast, will join in condoning and approving the unjust slaughter of the righteous, 
and by their being mislead, will share in the sins (and plagues) of the final Harlot under the Covenant with Death. (Rev.13:8,15; 11:7; 17:6; 18:4)

I think and hope that covers all your questions, except the last...

"And the last one just for my benefit is the identity of the "image of the beast" in Revelation. A post of yours on Wednesday July 24th, 2013 said it was "the image of the organization as spirit appointed", but remember other posts bringing out that it "can speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed". I thought this was the elder arrangement and was 
trying to determine which beast had the number 666 (man of lawlessness). I thought it was the image that had this number."

If you return to Rev.13:14-18:
"Because of the signs it was given power to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived the inhabitants of the earth. It ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. 15 The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. (See who kills, at Rev.11:7) 16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.
18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666."

Please bear with me.
First, "the signs it was given power to perform" (see Rev.9:1) "on behalf of the first beast (see Rev.9:3 and Rev.13:12)
"it deceived the inhabitants of the earth" (2Cor. 11:3; Rev.9:102Cor. 4:32Thess. 2:9,101Cor. 15:55,56,57; Rev.8:11; 9:18)
(these are the as yet, unsealed invited ones/the "third" Eze.5:12; Zech.13:9).
These are the ones ordered by the false prophet, to set up (accept idolatry in their own hearts) an Idol honoring the Organization as having divinity (Rev.13:14,152Thess. 2:4; Dan.8:11,12,10; Rev.11:2; 12:4; 13:7,16), rather than honoring God (Deut.11:18) through obedience to their own calling by His spirit (1Cor. 6:19,20,15,16; Rev.17:1,2).

This choice is the essential difference between the two groups of "virgins", in Matt.25. (Rev.13:17; Matt.25:9,10)

The evidence of this fabricated divinity, is by means of Satanic power that was bestowed on the false prophet (Rev.9:1; 13:14,15; 16:13).

That Satanic power enables the false prophet to deceive the unsealed who have not kept awake and vigilant with a view to prayers (Luke 21:361Pet. 4:7; Eph.6:18). They have slacked off due to a false sense of "peace and security" from the enemy, a "spiritual paradise" and protected refuge, within "Jehovah's Organization". (1Thess. 5:3; Eze.13:10,15,16,5,6,8
( -paragraph 8) :

These claims of peace and security are false! 
(Matt.10:22; John 15:19,20; Matt.24:9; John 16:2; Matt.16:21,22,23; Rom.8:17; 6:5; Rev.6:11) (Rev.8:11; Jer.23:15-17; 7:4; Eze.13:9-11; Isa.28:18)
These lies mislead the chosen, and causes them to fall asleep, spiritually (Matt.25:5; Mark 13:33,36,35,37; Rom.13:11).

"so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed." (Rev.13:15)

Can the usual "image" speak and kill? (see Ps.115:5,4). Usually, images are made by men. But this image is different (Dan.7:23).
How is it that this image of the Wild Beast can "speak" and "kill"? 
Because unlike wood, silver, and gold; the actual beast is alive. The authority the actual beast exercises (see Rev.13:15; 11:7) is the image
The divine authority of the Image is displayed, demonstrated, manifested, represented by, and performed, through the actual beast. 
While the BEAST is the one speaking and killing, it does so as an expression of, and in the name of, the Image. The elders do not speak and disfellowship on their own authority as individuals (which the true anointed can do as individuals -1Cor. 6:2,3; Rev.20:4; John 20:23). 
They do it by the "authority" of their collective "spirit-directed" Organization (Image), which actual Organization (Beast), they are.

The elders can exercise a teaching and disfellowshipping power, only on the basis of their being representatives of the counterfeit "spirit-directed Organization"...(the abstract Image which they (Beast) concretely represent). 
So although a judicial committee may do the spiritual "killing", they will point to "Jehovah's arrangement" as being responsible. They will point to their decisions and action as being done by means of God's spirit, expressed through the "Divine Organization" which they are merely empowered to represent. They are living channels and representatives of the IMAGE.
The Image works through, the reality.
As soon as someone no longer represents that Organizational Image and it's lies, they do not retain it's authority, nor do they any longer represent it. 
If you do not faithfully represent the IMAGE, you do not remain part of the concrete Beast.

This inextricable spiritual union is not too hard to grasp...
Think of Christ's ambassadors. 
They substitute for Christ. God works through them, in what they say and how they judge (2Cor. 5:20; Matt.10:20; John 20:231Cor. 6:2,3; John 17:21,22).
Think of Christ and how he represented God (Col.1:15,19; 2:9; John 1:18; 14:9).
This is the same way in which the actual beast manifests it's own divine image.
Satan has replicated a counterfeit of the genuine. (Col.2:9; 1:15)  That counterfeit may fool men, but the spiritual realities are clearly seen for what they are in the spirit realm. Those spiritual realities, imperceptible to eyes of flesh, become unveiled through symbolism in the scroll of Revelation.

The Beast and false prophet have replaced the body of Christ, and Jesus as Head of his body. It is a counterfeit arrangement meant to replicate and replace the holy reality among the Chosen. The Gentile Beast is falsely given the power of the priesthood (through it's Image as inspired)...power to "speak" for God, and to carry out judgment (Matt.24:15). And all that power and authority is rooted in the fallen anointed false prophet who bestowed it (Rev.13:12,15; 9:1,3; 17:3,6; Hosea 9:1; 4:12).
THIS is the unseen reality, of what appears divine
(Matt.23:28; 7:15; 24:242Cor. 11:13; Rev.13:11,13,4,8; 18:16,18)

This power of the Beast, and it's Image of divine authority, will be used over the genuine priesthood/Temple of God, to trample it into subjection or death (Rev.11:22Thess. 2:4; Rev.13:7) It will sever the Chosen from Christ (Dan.8:11).
--- (Link:Great-trib.-two-phases)
Once again...only a remnant will be saved, by means of discipline and repentance.
(Dan.8:10,11,12,24,25; Rev.17:14; Dan.11:31,32,33,34,35,36,45; 12:1,3,7,10,11; Matt.24:15,16; Rev.18:4; Isa.10:22; Jer.44:14; Joel 2:32; Zech.13:9; Mal.3:1,2,3,17; Eze.9:61Pet. 4:17,18; Amos 3:2; Heb.12:6; Zech.13:9; Rev.8:7
Those who do not repent will be punished further (Jer.25:29; 49:12; Rev.18:6).

Regarding 666...
See Rev.13:17,18
Both the number and name of the beast, (not the image) are the same... a lie.
This is because both the numbers and the meaning of the numbers (name of crime on the forehead---false witness), describe the actual agents of the Beast.
For background to this,
Please let me know if there was enough clarity so that I was able satisfy your need.

Love in Christ,



Our Battle with the Flesh


Interesting that caught my eyes of what you said the great tribulation is spiritual test! I have a few question for you. If one does good and tries their best is serving Jehovah God but fails in the flesh does that mean they have failed spiritually? Like the mind is fighting over the heart, hope I'm making sense of this question. 


Thank you for your fine question. To answer it directly, I would need more information. For now, I will do my best to cover your question in a more general way.
Please explain what you mean by "fails in the flesh" (2Cor.7:1; Rom.8:6; 7:5).
Please also explain how someone can fail in the flesh, and yet "does good and tries their best",

When the mind of Christ (1Cor.2:16) gains mastery over the heart and flesh (1John1:6; John3:21)
(which it must -Prov.4:23; Rom.8:4; 1John3:3);
we no longer walk according to the desires of our flesh (Gal.5:16,17,24).
  This is not to say that this accomplishment is easy, nor instantaneous. But you seem to feel it is impossible to achieve, and that the dichotomy is an acceptable condition. This is not so (James 4:8; Job 17:9; Ps.119:10,113; Isa.1:16; Prov.28:13).

For those who are still slaves of their flesh, the following article contains many of God's comforting words that may help to motivate and encourage you... to ask God for what you need to gain your victory, if this is what you truly desire.

Thank you for answering so quickly. Let me give you details of what I'm thinking, Romans 7:14-25. Please explain of what Paul might be going through in his case. Cause it looks as it seems he is battling within himself. And as if he answers his battle by another verse at Romans 8:5-8. It's interesting to what Paul might be going through as regards to Romans 7:23. Please, I await for your thought which are found from the scriptures. 


" For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin. 15 For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do. 16 If, then, I do what I will not to do, I agree with the law that it is good. 17 But now, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me. 18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find. 19 For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice. 20 Now if I do what I will not to do, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me.
21 I find then a law, that evil is present with me, the one who wills to do good. 22 For I delight in the law of God according to the inward man. 23 But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. 24 O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? 25 I thank God—through Jesus Christ our Lord!
So then, with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin."

Paul was not speaking of continuing to serve the law of sin with his flesh. He was simply clarifying that if the flesh is served, the law of sin is obeyed. He directs us to use our mind, that we might serve the law of God instead. This interpretation is proven, if we see what Paul also said, at Rom.6:14,12,13...
"For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law ("of sin with the flesh" -Rom7:25), but under grace. Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its lusts, 13 and do not go on presenting the members of your body to sin as instruments of unrighteousness; but present yourselves to God as those alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God."

Paul acknowledges that we all have a battle against sin within ourselves. But can a battle exist if there is no fight? The reason we do not give up, is because victory is possible. 
Otherwise, why fight? 
This is exactly the mentality of those who at heart, do not want to fight against the flesh with it's lusts. They would twist Paul's instructions as an excuse for loose conduct (Gal.5:13; Jude 1:4).
Regarding Rom.7:23...
"But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members."

The "members" Paul refers to is his flesh. The flesh (since Adam) is enslaved to sin. This is precisely why we can not allow that flesh to direct our steps. If we do, we remain in captivity to sin and death. If we wish to be set free from sin and death (and the law of our flesh), we must no longer walk according to it, letting it direct what we do. We must walk by spirit, letting IT direct our steps. If we do, we abandon the path of sin and death, for the path of righteousness and life. This choice is the whole purpose of Christ's teachings and ministry (John5:14; 8:11,12).
Paul knew that a fight against the sinful flesh, made the difference between life and death (Rom.8:13). How did Paul try to save those whose flesh was their master? (Rom.6:12,16)
"To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some." (1Cor.9:22)
I believe that 1Cor.9:22, is the reason why we find Paul's words, at Rom.7:14-25. In his efforts to save those enslaved to sin, he conveys his understanding of that position. 

Regarding Rom.8:5-8, please read Rom. 8:1,4,9,13.  These clarify once again, that although Paul (like all of us) was born in sin, we seek a new birth in which we set our minds on the spirit, walk according to it, and continue to live by means of it.

The scriptures I already gave you have already answered your follow up question. If you read them again along with these new ones (and meditate on them); Paul's intentions and assertions should be clarified.
For more information and scriptures, this link may help: (Coping with Sin)

Love in Christ,

Sunday, November 17, 2013

1914 Examined

Here is a link to an article about 1914

NOTE: For scriptural proof that the genuine labor pains are with the heavenly woman, and not within Satan's world, please see the articles,

A thorough examination of the relevant scriptures, would be gained by considering all four parts of that series, of which the two links above are two.
The first part to this series, is


Saturday, November 16, 2013

Provoked to Jealousy

I do have a question:  How do you perceive Romans 11:11 where it says, "But through their fall, to provoke them to jealousy, salvation has come to the Gentiles."  I have the general idea, of course, but would love some more clarification on it.


I cover the context of Rom.11:11 at  "Anointed Flock--The Truth".
In addition, I would say this...
Rom.11:11 reads,
"I say then, that they have stumbled that they should fall? Certainly not! But through their fall, to provoke them to jealousy, salvation has come to the Gentiles."

Jesus became the "stone of stumbling" for most Jews (1Pet.2:7,8; Rom.9:32; 1Cor.1:23; Acts4:11). He was not the king/messiah they were expecting, nor what they wanted (Zech.9:9; Matt.21:5,6,7; 11:6).

They understood that the Christ would be the "King of Israel". They knew that he would be the one to govern the people (Matthew 2:6), but they didn't understand that his kingship was not of this world (John 18:36). They expected a political Messiah, one who would save them from their enemies in this world, not one who would "save his people from their sins" (Matthew 1:21). This is why, King Herod was troubled and all Jerusalem with him (Matthew 2:3), for he thought that the Christ would come and take his political throne from him.

Even after having the knowledge that he was indeed the Christ (Matthew 16:16), Peter rebuked him for saying that he would have to suffer (Matt.16:21,22). Even after he actually suffered and died, two of his disciples seemed to have no clue what was happening and Jesus said to them,
"O foolish men, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?" (Luke24:25,26)
Jesus had to interpret the scriptures for them, to show them all the things in the scriptures about the Christ (Mark8:31).

So I believe this is what Rom.11:11 is referring to, when it first says that the Jews stumbled.
But did this happen because God wanted them to fall from His grace? ("that they should fall")?
As Paul says..."Certainly not!"
God did not make Christ a humble king destined to die, (whose kingdom did not resemble the glory of Satan's world), just to stumble the fleshly Jews!

This fall was for righteous discipline. When they fell, God turned to the Gentiles for additional heirs. This was in perfect harmony with the covenant with Abraham. For, that Covenant did not only say that Abraham would be father to the Jews...but to "many nations" (Gen.17:4) who could all inherit the kingdom (Gen.13:15; 22:17,18; 26:4; 17:7; 28:14; Rom.4:13,12; 9:8; Gal.3:29).
Through this "fall" and loss to Abraham's fleshly seed, there was the hope that this would move them to jealousy, and the realization that if they were to regain the favor with God that they had lost (through their rejecting God's Son), they would need to repent (Acts2:36,37,38,39). This was the only hope left to the Jews; and this stark realization came to the repentant, by means of salvation to the Gentiles (just as Rom.11:11 concludes).
These truths are also illustrated, when Paul spoke to the Gentiles, at Rom.11:17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24.

Remembering that the Jews were already in the Covenant through Abraham AND MOSES, and eligible for the kingdom through that forgiveness of sins, they were eligible as heirs (should they accept it's Kingdom Messiah, or, repent of their rejecting him).
All they needed to do (while the Abrahamic and Mosaic covenant remained open) was to accept Christ (as the apostles did) or, repent of rejecting him. They would then become heirs of the kingdom, as was promised to Abraham their forefather.
[The Mosaic covenant was also necessary (which was only for the Jews) for the foregiveness of sins. After Christ's sacrifice, animal sacrifices within the Old Temple arrangement, would be replaced. This would open forgiveness to the Gentiles. This transfer to the New Covenant, would put everyone on even ground regarding the promises offered under the Abrahamic Covenant.]

When the Jewish aspect of the Abrahamic covenant (through the Mosaic covenant), was finally concluded and closed (after 7 years), no more favoritism would be shown the Jews (Acts10:34,35; Gal.3:28,29,26; Rom.2:28,29) (original fulfillment of Dan.9:27).
The first 3 1/2 years of favor being shown to only Jews, was during Christ's ministry (Matt.15:24; 10:6) while the Temple arrangement of worship in Jerusalem was still in force. The second period of 3 1/2 years of grace, expired afterward, and since that expiration of favoritism, the New Covenant alone continued to forgive sins for the promises to Abraham's seed. All subsequent heirs would require a personal selection by God, from among all tribes, tongues, peoples, and nations...including the Jews.
I hope I was able to make that clear. If not, please follow up.

Thank you for your good question,
Love in Christ,


2nd Follow Up to 1914


Second Follow-Up to 

as follows:

Dear Timothy,
I see that you tried to reason with "Bro DW".
 I thought since he did not get the sense of the scriptures I cited, but rather dismissed what they reveal, I would follow up for you.
He stated:
"So think about it why does the labour pains have to come before the birth on two SEPERATE women?? One's an Earthly Woman and one's Heavenly. Two separate women have two separate labour pains and two separate births. According to Pearls argument everyone on the Earth is exactly the same age, all women get pregnant at the same time and all give birth at the same time. Nonsense!!!
It's the birth of the heavenly woman that causes the labour pains for the earthly woman. The labour pains are for the "Earthly Woman" not the Heavenly one!!"

I will remind you of what Rev.12:1,2 actually said...
"Now a great sign appeared IN HEAVEN: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars. 2 Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth."
The labor pains, according to God, take place with a heavenly woman, not an earthly one. This does not necessarily mean that those who represent this woman on earth (but whose names are sealed in the heavens) do not have labor pains, because they do (Gal.4:19; Luke10:20; Isa.4:3; Heb.12:23)...but it does mean that these labor pains of the Kingdom's birth (it's completed number of kings), are not coming from Satan's world. (John18:36; Job.14:4)
DW then quotes Rev.12:13 to refer to the same heavenly woman as being on earth...
"Now when the dragon saw that it had been hurled down to the earth,+ it persecuted the woman+ WHO GAVE BIRTH to the male child".
He is absolutely I showed you in the scriptures above, that those anointed who are sealed into this covenant, become this covenant above and represent it on earth (Gal.4:26; Rev.3:12; Isa.42:6; Gal.4:19; Luke10:20; Isa.4:3; Heb.12:23).
Again, these labor pains are found within these holy ones who are of heaven (see previous scriptures)....not within Satan's world which is where "JW's" point to for the fulfillment of these "labor pains".
(The problem here is being caused by viewing "heaven" and "earth" as physical places. This fleshly view is not accurate, and prevents understanding of these symbols.)
If you would like to read about the actual woman having these labor pains, and how the scriptures identify the spiritual fulfillment of the signs Jesus gave, I hope you will consider

DW then says...
"Can you really argue that Satan being in heaven prevented Jesus being crowned King?? How can you say that the basis of Jesus kingship is Satan being hurled to Earth?? It's nonsense!! This is what the scriptures say is the basis of Jesus Kingship"

Of course, I never said these things. As you know, I did say that while Satan retains his power, he has opposed the 144000 from being sealed and crowned, which is after all, what the true arrival of the kingdom awaits (Rev.6:9,10,11; 7:4; 14:1). Satan has demanded to test these ones. "Day and night" he makes accusations against them, trying to prevent their receiving the final seal of God's approval (Rev.12:10,17; Luke22:31; Rom.16:20). Jesus is not awaiting his own crown, but rather the crowning of the full number of his co-rulers (Rev.3:11; 20:4).
Poor DW is still under Satan's blinding curse, as an agent of the Abyss (Rev.9:3,11).

As far as DW refuting the order of Satan's needing to be cast down by the chosen ones, before the kingdom victory for the completed 144000 (not the victory for Christ), the scriptures cannot be nullified (Rev.12:10,11). Christ has already been ruling over his body. But he has not been ruling over everything since 1914, without all his co-heirs. DW has totally forgotten that the kingdom administration is more than Christ (Eph.1:9,10,11,12; 2:6; Rev.14:1).

I hope that if DW's ignorance caused you any confusion, that these new thoughts may help to clarify. We should pray for all those still captive and under the power of this Great Tribulation of spiritual test, that as many as possible will be saved from this blinding deception, which has been delivered by means of Satan, the false prophet, and the wild beast (Rev.9:1-3; 16:14; 13:11-18; 2Thess.2:4,9; Matt.24:4,5,24,25; Rev.13:7).

Additional Pages for Study (coming soon)