Saturday, November 9, 2013

Resurrection/Judgment/Life and Death/Times

I know this is a long post. It is a revision of a past post.
I have been shown more information about this subject, and have expressed this in the additions.
It is based upon a past question. I suggest studying it in sections, so that all scriptures can be closely examined.


Good day sister D,
 As usual i have been following your letters with interest and i drew a couple of points from the letter you posted yesterday:-
 Matt 19:27, 28
- does that mean that the apostles were resurrected when Jesus received the rulership from his Father in 33 CE and have been judging the Chosen ones since then?


Here is the scripture you reference...
"Peter answered him, “We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us?”
 Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel."
(See also, Eph.2:6; 1:3)

Your question:
Matt 19:27, 28 - does that mean that the apostles were resurrected when Jesus received the rulership from his father in 33 CE and have been judging the Chosen ones since then?

  Likely Peter did not yet realize (John16:12; Mark8:18,21) that all disciples, especially the anointed would have to leave "everything to follow" Christ (Luke9:23; 17:31,32; 9:62; Phil.3:8; 1Cor.11:1; 2Tim.3:12; John16:12; Mark8:34)...not just the apostles (Matt.19:27).
(When Jesus told them that they would judge the tribes of Israel, the apostles may have been thinking, that Jesus was referring to "fleshly" Israel (Gal.4:25; Luke19:11) under the Old Covenant, due to his previous instructions (Matt.15:24; 10:5,6,7) which would soon change
(Heb.8:13; Gal.4:25,30,26,31) (Acts10:34,35; 13:46; Gal.3:28,29; Acts13:47).
Peter also may not have yet realized, that these twelve apostles, as such, (1Cor.12:28,29) would (upon their anointment), occupy "first" place (foundation) in the rank/"class", within the entire anointed body of Christ (Eph.2:20; 1Cor.3:10; Rev.21:14; Matt.16:18,19),
and that this "Body" (1Cor.12:27,28) would be the "Israel" Jesus was now referring to
(Matt.21:33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43; Acts7:52; Heb.8:13; John4:21,23,24; Gal.6:15,16; Rom.2:29; Gal.3:28,29,23,24,25,26,27)
Once sealed, all victorious Chosen ones (including the faithful apostles), live forever (1Cor.15:22,23; John5:24; 1John3:14; Rev.20:6).
All other parts of Christ's body, the "Israel of God", would be in subjection to these who are "first" in "rank"/"class"/"set".
(Luke12:48; Heb.13:7,17; 1Thess.5:12,13; Acts 20:28; Rom.13:1,2; 1Cor.12:18)

Different ranks within the body of Christ?
Consider the scriptural meaning of the root word for Christ...
The noun Christos (christos), meaning anointed, comes from the Greek verb chrio (chrio), meaning to smear or anoint. The Septuagint (the ancient Greek translation of the Old Testament) uses this verb to describe any kind of smearing, pouring or anointing, ranging from regular armory maintenance (2Sam.1:21, Isa.21:5) to basic medical routines (Isa.1:6).

In Israel, the ritualistic act of anointing was performed to inaugurate people into certain specific offices, and only offices that had no earthly superior and were subject only to God. Thus only a High Priest (Leviticus 8:12; 4:3) and a prophet and a king would be anointed into office (1Kings19:16). Regular priests and certain venerable objects would be consecrated by receiving a mere sprinkling of the oil (Ex.30:26, Lev.8:30).  Aaron had already received his anointing as the High Priest (Leviticus 8:12). All "anointing", is not equal, either in purpose, resulting stature, or in sanctifying power.

This "first" place of the apostles (1Cor.12:28Eph.2:20) is demonstrated, when all anointed "parts" of Christ's body, subject themselves to the Greek scriptures, and base all they teach upon them (1Cor.3:10), which testimonies were written largely by these 12.
(Paul replaced Judas-

Jesus here tells Peter, exactly how these would be "first". He says that they will "judge" the "tribes of Israel". These twelve are the main part of the "foundation" of the Holy City (Eph.2:19,20; 3:5; Rev.21:14); and they determine all those to be "built up" upon  them/their foundation (1Cor.3:9,10; Eph.2:21). Those tribes that were to come, are referred to in Rev.7:4. There it speaks of those who attain a seal to become established as part of the 12 tribes of the 144,000, built upon the "foundation" of the 12 apostles and the anointed prophets.
In speaking of this "rockmass" foundation of the twelve, Jesus said in their presence:
"And I tell you that you are Peter ("a rock"), and on this rock-mass (plural) I will build my congregation, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
(see original Greek of: Matt.16:18,19 -- "Petros" -versus- "Petra").
  The twelve tribes of spiritual Israel that were to come upon the basis of the "rock-mass" foundation, are referred to in Rev.7:4. There it speaks of those who attain a seal to become established as part of the 12 tribes of the 144,000, built upon the "foundation" of the 12 apostles and the anointed prophets.
  *(LINK: Comment beneath "Prophets in Christ's Body//Temple foundation")

As stated at Rev.7:4, these 144000 are sealed from among the twelve tribes. In other words, those being selected, are from a pool of the twelve tribes of spiritual Jews (Rom.2:29; Gal.3:29), people in Covenant with God..."Israelites" (Gal.6:15,16). They have all been offered a promise from God....That should they prove faithful and endure to the end,
(Luke13:24; Matt.10:22; 1Cor.4:1,2; Matt.25:14,19,21,24,25,26,30),
the faithful will become sealed heirs with Christ and a permanent part of God's spiritual Temple Priesthood, to eternally serve as priests for the benefit of all creation.
(1Cor.4:1,2; Matt.24:13; Rev.3:12; Prov.9:1; 1Cor.3:16; Eph.2:22; Rev.21:2,3,10,12,14; 22:2)
(Rom.8:19; 2Cor.5:18,19,20)

Not all who are bought with Christ's blood (Rev.5:9,10) succeed in winning that race (1Cor.9:24,25; Luke 21:36; Matt.24:13; Mark 8:35; Rev.3:11; 7:4; 2Pet.2:1; Matt.22:14) (2Pet 3:17) (Luke 13:23, 24) (Matt 7:13, 14).
Paul understood that effort needed to be sustained. (Phil 3:12,13,14) (Matt 24:13)

Who will judge the winners of the seal? Primarily Jesus Christ (Rev.7:2; Isa.41:2; Mal.4:2; Luke 1:78; Isa.60:1; Rev.22:16; 2:28; Prov.4:18)
At Matt.19:28, Jesus tells the twelve apostles, that he shares the judging by bestowing this position upon them (1Cor.6:3). These 12 Patriarchs of spiritual Israel, choose whom they adopt for their own tribe... Just as the 12 sons of Jacob/fleshly Israel, had a tribe of sons under each of them (1Chron.2:1,2; 1Cor.15:46).
  When do the twelve begin this job of judging the candidates....which started to be chosen in the first century, up until our present time?

Jesus said that many living during his era would not see death at all (John 8:51; Ps.89:48; Matt.16:18 C; John 11:26). We are also told that many pass directly from death to life....a living condition in spirit (John 5:24; 2Cor.5:17; 1John 3:14; Rom.8:9; Eph.2:6; 1:3). Other men of faith are also mentioned as "living" to God (Mark 12:26,27). These are in the "memorial tombs".  Ecclesiastes (Ec.9:5,6) tells us that the "living" are conscious that they will die; but as for the "dead" "the remembrance of them is forgotten". Although we have been previously taught by the WT that this is applied physically,  I see it as spiritual......

"For the living know that they will die,
    but the dead know nothing;
they have no further reward,
    and even their name is forgotten.
  Their love, their hate
    and their jealousy have long since vanished;
never again will they have a part
    in anything that happens under the sun."

These "dead" in spirit are "forgotten" and their "knowing" has expired. I suspect they are not in the "memorial tombs" awaiting resurrection (John 5:28-29), but rather in Hades... the realm of those in darkness (Link:what-is-sheole-hades?).
As Ec.9:5,6  states..."they have no further reward" and "never again will they have a part in anything".
I strongly suspect that in God's eyes, they were spiritually dead (1Tim.5:6; Luke 15:24; Rev.3:1), and have no future reward, nor life, under God's Kingdom. (Col.2:13; Eph.2:1; 1Tim.5:6).
Those deemed as worthy of a place in God's memory, (viewed by Him as good as living); seemed capable of physical death. As Ec.9:5 stated, "the "living" are conscious that they will die".
So we see it is likely that those who were faithful before Christ, died (in every sense), although saved in God's memory for a future resurrection (when they would be "made perfect" through a future City prepared for them) (Heb.11:13,16,39,40), did indeed "die".

My point is that, up until the apostles, faithful men died and became unconscious.
What about after Jesus came?
John11:25,26 reads...
"Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die (physically?); and whoever lives by believing in me will never die (spiritually?). Do you believe this?”

This riddle contains our answer, as to whether the apostles transferred from physical life to spiritual life, without ever dying spiritually (John6:63; 2Cor.4:16,17,18). If so, it would enable them to judge chosen anointed, during the period in which each of those anointed ones lived.
Please also consider
John6:47,50,51,58; John8:51; John5:24; 1John3:142Cor.5:17; Rom.6:4; 8:9,10,11; Eph.4:24; John3:3; 1Pet.1:3,23; John1:13; James 1:18... which show that not only may the apostles have never died, all faithful anointed attain this everlasting life. See also 1Cor.15:20-26...

"But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. 21 For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. 22 For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. 23 But each in turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, those who belong to him at his presence. 24 Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power. 25 For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. 26 The last enemy to be destroyed is death."

"The rest of the dead did not come to life until the Thousand Years has ended" (Rev.20:4, 5, 6
 Just to clarify these scriptures here:  The first resurrection applies to the "priests and kings" who were killed for their testimony and reign with Jesus for the thousand years. They were just mentioned in verse 4.  They are not to the "rest" who don't come to life until the end of the thousand years. (See: coming-to-life)
Yet death is conquered for the "firstfruits", when they come to life (Jer.2:3; James1:18; Eph.1:13; John1:13; 2Cor.5:17,16; 1Cor.6:17; 15:54,55,56,57; Rom.8:37; Heb.2:14; 1John5:4).

This last enemy death, is not fully destroyed, until all faithful anointed attain to life (including the remnant Great Crowd). But a total "end" of death is not only talking about the first resurrection of the priests and kings, who are said to get life first. (Rev.20:4,6; John5:21).

At the point at which the 144000 attain to life, the basis of life for the rest is also attained through them....just as the basis of life for them, was attained through Christ.
The basis of life for both, is a "mother" covenant (Gal.4:26,24).
The covenant for the 144,000 is Jerusalem above...the New Covenant/Promise (Gal.4:28; Rom.9:8). As the called and chosen children of that covenant (1Pet.1:23; John1:13; James 1:18; 1John3:9) become sealed as faithful by maturing in light and truth, they become that "free" "mother" covenant to the rest (John8:32,36; Gal.4:26; Rom.6:18,22; 8:2). At that point, the "promise" is fulfilled.
In other words...Jerusalem above is a promise. Sealing is the promise fulfilled and materialized. That fulfilled covenant of 144000 "new creation" members, are the agents of the "mother" Covenant, to the rest of Creation, serving as priests even while they are yet on earth (Mal.2:7). These become the bride of Christ...the covenant of the kingdom (Luke 17:21), to produce the next generation of living seed... the new earth....(the "rest" Rev.20:4,5,6; 1John2:2)

We know that Christ's "presence" with his anointed, started in the first century and was promised to last until the end (see Matt.28:20 B)...
"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
But there is a culmination of this harvest of the earth (Rev.14:16; Matt.25:31,32; 16:27; 24:31; 13:40,41)
(Read again:
"But each in turn: Christ, the firstfruits (during the thousand Years); then, those who belong to him at his presence (remaining ones/remnant/Great Crowd)." 
(1Cor.15:23; Rev.20:6)
Christ's presence near the "end of the age" will be when he comes / returns, to settle accounts with his servants...the final judgment. This will be during a time of unprecedented distress, and many will fall. (Matt.24:3,9,10; 7:13,14)

Since the first century, Christ is ruling (Ps.110:1,2; 1Cor.15:25,24) with his chosen brothers (Eph.2:6,10; 1:3; Luke 22:29; 12:32; Luke 10:18,19,20). This kingdom is limited in scope ("a 'thousand years'"), while these are appointed over "a little". When the kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ (Rev.11:15; Dan.7:9,18,22),
and when God's will is done on earth as it is in "heaven" (Matt.6:10), then those who prove faithful over this little (Matt.25:14; Luke 16:10; Matt.25:23; Luke 19:17), will be appointed over all Creation (Ps.2:7,8,9; Rev.2:26,27; 3:21; Dan.7:18; Ps.37:11,29; Heb.2:5,16)
(Gen.28:13,14; Rom.4:13; Gal.3:29; Rev.22:1,2).

From all these foregoing scriptures, it would seem that anointed faithful are transferred into living spirit, even while they are still living their physical lifetimes (John5:24). When their physical bodies die, their spirit endures... they are "changed" to inhabit an eternal spirit, "in the twinkle of an eye", and can "never die" (John11:26).
Now note 2Cor.5:18,19,20 within it's context:
"17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, the new is here. 18 Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation, 19 namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation. 20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God"

To "be reconciled" is to be forgiven of sin and to live (Rom.5:10,11).
If those who have already received this life first; appeal to yet others in a "ministry of reconciliation" to God for "the world" through these "ambassadors for Christ",
does not the second resurrection occur when that reconciliation occurs?

Remember what Jesus said at Matt.10:40,41?
Those who accept the reconciliation through it's agents, receive the reward of it's agents...
forgiveness of sins, reconciliation with God, and life! (Matt.10:41)
Remembering that Revelation is symbolic, this first and second resurrection is depicted as occurring as first one, and then the other. This is true, and yet as part of Revelation, must also be symbolic. How so?

The anointed priests must be saved first, through the word planted in their heart (Luke 8:11,15; Matt.13:23; James 1:25,23,24). That word must be cultivated inside that heart (Matt.13:8,23; James 1:21; John17:17; Eph.5:26). This cleansing of the heart by the Word of God, is the circumcision of the heart by spirit (Rom.2:26,28,29; Matt.23:26; Deut.30:6; Jer.4:4; Col.2:11). This occurs as the word ("seed") is cultivated and brought to maturity (James 1:21,22,25; Eph.1:13; 4:22,13; Rom.6:17; 2Tim.1:13; 2:2) (Heb.5:8,9; 12:2,1,9,28; Eph.4:13,14,15; 1Pet.2:2,21).
Once maturity is attained, one becomes a representative (ambassador) of the word ("seed") in the world (Matt.13:26,37,38; Mark 4:28,29; Rev.14:15; John4:35,36; Ec.11:6). Those who accept that message which is being offered by the mature sons of the kingdom (John13:20; 20:23,21; Matt.16:19), THEN receive life, secondarily.
Can you see the primary and secondary receiving of life???
It is symbolic, in that the primary does not all occur at once...
neither the secondary occurs all at once.
It is symbolic.
Whenever a chosen one matures, testifies to truth and is sealed; living water issues forth from that one (John7:38,39; Rev.22:1,2,17; 19:9; Matt.22:9,10).
Those who accept the invitation, can also receive life, by partaking of the spiritual feast of truth. It does not matter when in literal time these ones come to life.
In this way, the "first" and "second" resurrections/"awakenings", are symbolic....during the "gathering together" of the things of the "heavens" (anointed firstfruits) and the secondary harvest... the things "of earth" (Eph.1:10; 3:2; Col.1:20) --all creation -Rom.8:19, means of truth.

I hope that readers can discern, that the bestowing of life occurs at one's opportunity to receive it, no matter what year it is. The "seven times"/"seven trumpets" are not literal years, but rather, a spiritual progression from spiritual babe to the full grown stature of Christ....
the seed in the heart brought to maturity during one's lifetime...
the ministry of truth that results...
and the life that results to others because of that ministry.
The literal years during which this occurs, in the lives of the ambassadors or their recipients, matters not. In this way, it is true to the book of Revelation, in that this "first" and "second" resurrection, is symbolic.

Note 1Cor.15:50-55...
"50 I declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God (not the 1000 year kingdom of Christnor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.
       LINKS: ("Two Kingdoms") (when-do-anointed-become-kings?
51 Listen, I tell you a mysteryWe will not all sleep" (1Thess.5:5,6; Rom.13:111Pet.1:13; Luke 12:35) "but we will all be changed"— (Rom.12:2; Eph.4:23,24; 5:1; Matt.5:48; 2Cor.7:1; Heb.12:23) 52 "in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound" (Rev.11:15; 12:10,11; Isa.27:13; Dan.2:44; 7:27; Rev.10:7; Ps.110:1; 1Cor.15:24), "the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. 
53 For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. 
54 When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.”
55 “Where, O death, is your victory?
    Where, O death, is your sting?”

Jesus said "and whoever lives by believing in me will never die". The "last enemy" death, is conquered on an individual basis. Yet the time will come, when the defeat of all death, finally arrives.
I see three groups....
1. Those already born of "incorruptible seed" (spiritually living 144000
    (1Pet.1:23; John1:13; James 1:18; 1Pet.1:3; 1John3:9) will never die,
    but have already "passed over, from death to life". Yet according to Jesus, they must continue
    to "believe in" him, exercising that faith (Rom.12:6; James 2:17,24,26).
2. There are also those anointed, who were conquered by Satan's final test (Rev.13:7,10), 
    and must be rescued and their sins, redeemed. These are redeemed after Christ's "Thousand Years" 
    to receive the second resurrection (see Link: Coming-to-Life).
3. Those who have faith in Christ, but have not been anointed by Holy Spirit... These must 
    attain their spiritual birth, by accepting the reconciliation to God being offered by it's ambassadors        (Mal.2:7; 2Cor.5:20; John13:20)... who are their new spiritual mother and father (Gal.4:26; Isa.9:6).
    Jerusalem above who is the Bride of Christ, is mother to unsealed anointed as well. 
    All must learn by listening to the cornerstone and foundation which preceded them.
(For any questions which arise concerning this, please use the contact box on the right side of this page.)

Why then does Paul refer to the first resurrection as occurring "at the last trumpet"?
We must remain open to the possibility, that this may not occur according to human physical timing.

The "seven trumpets" have a relation to seven eyes/spirits of God, the seven angels, and the seven times/stages of refinement. These things occur in the life of each anointed who become sealed, regardless of the era in which they live. These "times" represent a gauntlet of testing and a growth in understanding, refinement, maturity, enlightenment, activities, and purging of sinful flesh. The last trumpet is when each one conquers Death (1Cor.15:26,51-53,54-55,57-58; James1:12; 2Tim.4:8).
I personally remain open to this arrival of the "seventh trumpet", as being within the heart of each sealed one.....just as the arrival of the daystar is (2Pet.1:19; 1Pet.1:22,23; Luke 17:21); which according to vision given me, occurs at the end of the "seven times". (1Thess.4:13-18)

Each "time" carries with it, a symbolic "milestone" of accomplishment of requirements, within the heart of each anointed one, until they reach the full maturity of Christ (Eph.4:13; Heb.5:14; 1Cor.2:6) and are sealed. The sealing of the final remnant, will cause these sevens to be manifested with finality, and there will finally be observable consequences to the world around us....just as the seven trumpets finally impacted the city of Jericho (Joshua 6:8,20) did the twelve apostles judge each chosen anointed one throughout time?

The anointed attain spirit life now (Rom.8:9; 1John3:14; Eph.2:6; Heb.12:22-23; Jude 1:8; 2Pet.2:10).
How do the apostles judge each anointed one that has followed them?
We are told about this, at Rev.20:4,11,12,13,14,15; Dan.7:9,22; Jude 1:14,15; Matt.25:40,45,46.
(When-do -the-12-apostles-judge-the-12-tribes?)

The apostles have laid the foundation of the Christian faith, based upon Christ...the "cornerstone" of God's spiritual Temple (Matt.21:42; Acts 4:11).
Those who obey the "Good News" of this kingdom authority of Christ, the apostles and anointed prophets, are built up on that foundation (Eph.2:20,21,22; 1Pet.2:5,9).
Like Noah, Daniel, and Job (Eze.14:14); all faithful anointed establish a record of righteous obedience to God in imitation of Christ (Rev.19:8), despite Satanic adversity (Luke 22:31; Acts 14:22; John16:20). Like Noah, they provide a means of salvation from Satanic flood (Rev.12:15,6; 11:3). So we can learn much from looking at how Noah himself, actually judged a whole world...
Heb.11:7 reads,
"By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that is in keeping with faith."
(Gen.6:22; Eze.33:5; Phil.2:15; Rev.20:4)
By faithful deeds, those loyal to God establish an attainable standard.
Those who fail to meet that standard, are judged by those who succeeded.
Can you see this?

Let's return to Christ's words...
"Peter answered him, “We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us?
 Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne (Matt.28:18; Luke 22:69,70; Matt.26:64; Ps.110:1; 1Cor.15:25), you who have followed me (Luke 22:28; Mark 8:34; Rev.14:4) will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel." (Matt.19:27,28)

I believe that every faithful one, judges those who face the same trials and tests, yet prove unfaithful (1Cor.6:2).
This is why all those who prove faithful, are symbolically seen on thrones, rendering judgment (Rev.20:4). As we know, "twelve" thrones, represent the power and authority of the Truth
and the "tribes of Israel" are those who are called and chosen, but not yet sealed as faithful slaves of God (Deut.11:18; Rev.7:3-4; Matt.22:14; Luke 13:24; Matt.7:13,14,21).
These are "asleep", unripe, immature, undeveloped, and not yet sealed.
Such ones are naturally judged by those who have brought the word to perfection and have "produced a crop"...willing to lose their very lives for Christ. (John15:8; Matt.24:45; Mark 8:35; Rev.6:9,11; 12:11)
There is the patience of God for these. But time is running out. (Luke 13:5,6,7,8,9; Rev.6:13; Matt.21:19).
The basis of judgment for all....are the scriptures we already have...the Word of God...the scrolls which are being "opened"/understood (Rev.20:12; Luke24:32,45) in the time of the end (Dan.12:4,8-10) are not "new".

no matter when they lived,
will then symbolically be brought into judgment by the Bible...once the last of the Chosen prove faithful to those same teachings. We return to Rev.20:11,12,13,14,15.
Any not found obedient to the Word of God...after the full number of faithful have been found beyond accusation (Rev.12:10,11)
the rest will be consigned to "the lake of fire".
The Lake of Fire is a symbol for the Word of God in a condemnatory capacity
(Jer.23:29; Jer.5:14NIV ; Hosea 6:5; Rev.11:5; Matt.10:20).

By God's Words, we are either proved obedient and righteous for life (Rev.3:5),
or by comparison, we are proved disobedient, and unrighteous (2Thess.1:8,9).
Those who fail to be reconciled to God, are not written in the Lambs scroll of Life (Rev.20:12,15; Rev.13:8).
What does this mean for them?
All are already under decay, corruption, and death. We all have bodies that degrade and die.
Only those who are saved by means of the word of life, have a future.
God does not have to kill anyone. They are already dying...
"enslaved to corruption" (Rom.8:20,21,22; 5:12).
Only those who love God, love others (their neighbors), and obey His Word and arrangement for salvation, "pass over from death to life"....
Matt.22:36,37,38,39,40; 1John3:14; John5:24
...not at some future time,
but right now (John 4:35; 2Cor.6:2; 2Pet.3:8; Rev.20:4)!  Now is the acceptable time. (2Cor.6:2)

The apostles "judge" those who enter into the Holy City.
(Matt.16:19; John 20:23 -keys to kingdom)
(Rev.21:12,13,14,21 -twelve entrance gates to Holy City, with an "angel" over each gate).

The sealed members of the Holy City "judge" all others called and chosen.
(Matt.25:45,46; 1John3:14; John13:35; 1Cor.6:3; 1John4:20,21; Matt.24:49; Rev.6:10; Matt.23:34,35; Rev.18:24; 17:6) (LINK)
This authority to judge their peers, is a natural result of their own faithfulness.
If any of these are unfaithful to Christ's Law of Love, they themselves are judged by the faithful in comparison (1Cor.6:3).

This is the same way in which Christ's faithfulness to God, during his lifetime on earth; judged Satan.
So too, those anointed who walk by spirit, judge the world, who walk by flesh (John16:7,8,9,10,11,12,13; Luke 10:18; John12:31) (1Cor.6:2; 1John2:17).

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