Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Perimeno and Prophecy

"Perimeno" has written concerning the book of Revelation, that "some prophecies are important to understand,
and some are not".
What does the Bible say?
The apostle John was told, "Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, because the time is near." (Rev.22:10).
We are told why the scroll of Revelation needs to be understood...
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Because you have rejected knowledge,
I also will reject you from being priest for Me;
Because you have forgotten the law of your God,
I also will forget your children."  Hosea 4:6

Any priest that rejects his job of gaining knowledge,
and shining that lamp of understanding for others (Mal.2:7; Matt.5:14; 1Pet.2:9; Matt.10:20),
will be rejected from future Kingdom service (Luke16:10; 8:18).

Are some of the prophecies in Revelation, not important to understand?
Jesus begins that scroll....
"The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants—things which must shortly take place.... Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near."   Rev.1:1,3
"Behold, I am coming soon! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy in this book." Rev.22:7
"I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book:.....if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book."   Rev.22:18,19

Just because Perimeno has not been graced with full understanding of Revelation, should he take the liberty to diminish the importance of Christ's words, to those for whom Perimeno preaches?
Should anyone of us dare to weigh the importance of God's Words, against our own comprehension?
Should a Chosen Priest publicly depreciate divine revelation, before he even knows what it means? (Prov.18:13)

The very word "Revelation" means to "uncover" that which was formerly shrouded.
Jesus was slaughtered so that he could learn these secrets from his Father,
and pass them on to us (Rev.5:1-10; John7:16; 8:26,47; 17:7,6,8; Rev.1:1).
I personally consider these treasures, worth digging for (Matt.13:44; Prov.2:4,5; Matt.13:45,46).
Christ promised his sons, that if we beg and remain awake, we will receive (Luke11:9,13; Rev.3:20).

John was commanded to "uncover" this scroll to the 7 congregations (Rev.1:11; 22:10). The final "two witnesses" are also commanded (Rev.11:3; 6:9,11; 12:11,17; 19:10; 20:4).
We are told that our future depends upon obeying Revelation (Rev.22:7). If Perimeno wants to discount what he himself does not understand; rather than beg God for understanding and humbly consider those of the body who may have been given that insight (1Cor.12:29; Num.12:6; 1Cor.12:21);
then he is free to do so...
But he should not try to shut the door of understanding to others,
by dismissing the need to understand,
just because he deems what is hidden from him, as nonessential to all.
(Matt.5:20; 23:13)

"Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need" (hunger for understanding),
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven."    Matt.5:3



A friend wrote to me to recommend an article about association with "unbelievers",
even after we have left the Watchtower. The article was good, and centered around 2Cor.6:14,15,16,17
As is the case with most people though, my friend did not realize who really are the "unbelievers".
I hope that my response below will help others to reconsider.

The article is beneficial...thanks for sending it to me.
When you mention a "witness" as being a "fellow believer"....
you may want to reconsider who the "believers" "really" are in this time of the end (Matt.24:45; 7:20).

When Paul wrote 2Cor.6:14-17; he refers to the "unbelievers" as being associated with 
"Belial" (a religious, godly "Master"--not Christ or our Father in heaven), 
"Lawlessness" (Matt.7:21,22,23),
"darkness" (which comes up from Satan's abyss Rev.9:2 which "smoke" is
  deception that darkens the true sources of "light" John8:44; Rev.13:11; 8:10,11; 9:1), 
"idols"...which the Organization and Governing Body have become. 
  Even the elders are given reverence (2Thess.2:4; Rev.9:3; 13:15), as if God's spirit is working through them (Matt.10:20; Mal.2:7), as if they were God's chosen and sealed priests (Matt.5:14; Rev.11:3,4; Zech.4:11,14) (Rev.11:2; Matt.24:15; Rev.9:7). Replacing God's "Temple" priests (Rom.2:29; 1Cor.3:16) with Gentiles (Eze.44:6,7,8,9; Num.18:7) is a rebellious abomination (Mark 13:14; Dan.11:31-33; Rev.13:10,7; Col.2:8; 1Tim.4:1; Luke21:24).

The reason why this is a "Great Tribulation" is because of how masterful Satan's last deception is.
He must keep the remnant from becoming sealed in order to buy time.
This last deception would even fool "if possible", those anointed with Holy Spirit, remember? (Matt.24:24,25; 1John2:20,27)
"All the earth" are deceived by this last sifting. It separates those who really love YHVH with their whole heart, soul and mind,
and those who give in to turning away from God to put their trust in men.
When they lose this Christian neutrality, they are actually turning to Satan.
Why teach people not to vote an endorsement to a politician, or to pledge allegiance....if you are going to demand it for the leaders of the Watchtower? (Psalm146:3; Jer.17:5; Rev.6:14)
They are not God and Jesus! (Rev.7:10; 19:1)

"Jehovah's Witnesses" are guilty of every description of the unbelievers!
Even the name they have stolen, is a blasphemy (Isa.43:10,21; 1Pet.2:9,10,5).
The worst "associations" are actually those whom you call "fellow believers".
I hope with all my heart, that you are not fooled by Satan's Great Tribulation...
the greatest test and deception, to sift out those whom he can take from Christ.
Prophecy tells us that almost all  will fail this Great Tribulation. 

When you read Rev. chapter 13;
I tell you that it is describing the Organization (Rev.13:1-10)
and the leaders over it (Rev.13:11-17), the Governing Body. (LINK)
As "witnesses", we have not been taught the True fulfillment about these prophecies.

I hope you will read more at the website so that you can see all the scriptures that prove these things.
May God give you his light and spirit,

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Four Illustrations of Revelation

Update-Addition-Clarification, to post of 
LINK:   Two Beasts of Revelation Thirteen
If these things seem confusing...
please read the link above first.

These four illustrations are about the very same identities and events.
Each illustration provides more information about each identity, and each event.

1. Christ's Steward Slave/"eating and drinking" with confirmed drunkards.
    History is replete with confirmation that the "Gentiles" of Satan's world, are spiritually "drunk"
    in their pursuit of power and position.
    The Steward Slave "eats and drinks" with them, sharing in their lust for domination.
    Part of this stolen power is demonstrated by how both these identities consume the same
    spiritual food and drink that was intended to be served to the returning Master/Bridegroom.
    To him belongs the power, and the spiritual food and drink his slaves have labored to prepare.
    (Matt.24:48,49; Luke12:36; 17:8; Isa.28:7,8,14) The returning Master will find his table,
    covered with the Steward's vomit....his house filled with unclean strangers...his faithful slaves
    struggling to be loyal, while being beaten and thrown out of the house.

2. False Prophet (with two horns)/Wild Beast (with 7 heads and 10 horns)
    The False Prophet infuses Satan's beast with "spirit". He causes all God's people to worship
    an idol... an "image" of the wild beast. This tells us that the actual tangible beast
    is not ordered to be worshiped, but rather it's collective image. (We know the beast is made up of
    collective parts, due to the description of it's heads and horns.) While the False Prophet
    does not command that the beast itself be worshiped, it empowers the Beast to enforce
    that it's image IS worshiped, under penalty of "death" (Rev.13:15). We are told that the
    result of this, is that the Beast itself is worshiped (Rev.13:12,8). Why?
    Because the Beast is the reality of it's own Image. The "earth" does not interact with the
    Image; but it does directly interact with the reality of the individual elements of the actual Beast.

    This fits perfectly the worship of the Organization of "Jehovah's Witnesses". It is not taught
    that the elders which make up the Organization, should be worshiped as individuals; but
    through the collective image of a "spirit-directed" Organization, the result is that the
    tangible Beast IS viewed as divine and spirit-directed. The elders come to be viewed as
    being individually directed by God Himself. It is believed that each elder is appointed by
    Holy Spirit, even though those truly chosen by God Himself, are dismissed. It is believed
    that any decisions the elders make must not be questioned, because acceptance of such a
    decision is viewed as equal to subjection to YHVH's spirit, ("Blasphemy" Rev.13:6) rather than
    what it actually is....
    a priestly decision made by spiritual Gentiles, un-circumcised in heart.
    In reality, God's choice by Holy Spirit is being mocked, rebelled against, and usurped.
    The result of worshiping the composite "Image" of the Organizational Beast, is that the "Image"
    is given power to kill all those who refuse to worship those who represent that "Image".
    In the name of the "Image", it's representatives act on it's behalf. In this way, the mystery
    of the Beast and it's own image is fulfilled today. Those who worship the "spirit-directed"
    "Image" of the Organization, give indirect worship to its representatives.
    How is this worship manifested? Rev.13:16,17,15 tells us.
  - (Meaning-of-Buying-and-Selling
    Of course, this authority, power, stature, and illusion of spirit direction and appointment
    that the Beast possesses, is not scripturally established as true. The divine stature of the
    Organization,whose body is made up of spiritual Gentiles, exists only because 
    the False Prophet says it does.
    This is how the False Prophet tramples God's chosen priests, and instead, "breathes life into"
    the "Image" which this False Prophet exploits for it's own benefit and power.
    (Rev.13:15,8; 17:9,10,12,13)
3. Fallen star/locust-scorpions
    The "fallen star" is a star of Christ, who has fallen from heaven due to unfaithfulness.
    After accepting the key to Satan's abyss, she releases the locust-scorpions. These are then
    given authority and power, which is symbolized by what "seemed like crowns of gold".
    Those crowns belong to the anointed, but they have been stolen from them. These Gentiles,
    (who persecute the unsealed men) have replaced God's chosen priests in God's Temple.
    (Rev.1:20; Dan.12:3; Phil.2:15; Gen.15:5; Gal.3:29) (Rev.8:10,11; 9:1; Isa.14:12)
    (Rev.9:1,2,3,7; 3:11; 9:21) (Rev.9:4,5,6,10; 11:2; Dan.7:25; Luke21:24; Rev.13:5;
     Matt.24:15; 1Kings12:31; 2Chron.11:14,15; 13:9; Eze.44:8,9; Num.3:10)
4.  Harlot rides the Wild Beast
     All harlots of the Bible are adulterous to their covenant with God. In order to be an
     adulterous harlot, you must have been in a covenant with God. This is not true of "Christendom".
     The religious figures of "Christendom" are not "fallen stars" from Jesus' right hand of power.
     This harlot is "drunk with the blood of the Holy Ones and all those slain on earth".
     While on earth, Jesus confided to us who this is (Matt.23:35,37,34,38), which is confirmed at
     Rev.11:8, which tells us that this adulterous city, is the same place where Jesus was
     executed...Jerusalem...the "city" claiming to be in covenant with God.
     (Hosea 1:2; 9:1; Rev.17:6; 18:24; Matt.23:35; Rev.11:8)
     The Harlot merely rides the beast. The Beast does the killing (Rev.11:7). Therefore it is clear,
     that if the Harlot is drunk with the blood of Christ's witnesses (Rev.17:6)...she is the one
     responsible for what she directs the Beast to do.
     This reveals that she directs the "scarlet coloured" (blood-stained) wild beast,
     and uses it to eliminate her enemies.
     (Rev.17:3; 11:7; 17:6; John16:2; Matt.24:9; Luke6:22; Rev.6:9,10,11; 20:4)

I hope all readers can perceive, that these two identities (anointed and non-anointed) found within these four illustrations (who are interacting symbiotically), are the same anointed and the same non-anointed in each illustration. These four illustrations enhance each other, to paint a detailed image of reality
.....a reality that we see fulfilled in detail,
before our very eyes....within the hierarchy belonging to the Organization of "Jehovah's Witnesses".


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Keys to the Kingdom/"Angels"

I recently wrote a post in response to a question, about the 12 apostles "judging the twelve tribes of Israel" (Matt.19:28; Rev.7:4)

This morning I was given more information by Holy Spirit about this subject, and wish to write it here now. (Psalm 119:147; 5:3143:8; 46:5Matt.10:27; Luke12:3; Isa.50:4; 28:9; 8:16; Rev.19:10) (2Pet.1:19; Rev.2:28; 22:16) (Zeph.3:5; Lam.3:22,23)

"Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
17 Jesus answered and said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. 18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. 19 And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
20 Then He commanded His disciples that they should tell no one that He was Jesus the Christ."

There is much that could be said about these verses, but I will only highlight that which directly associates with our subject today. I will approach all today's cited scriptures in this way.

"Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God"
First we see evidence that Peter recognizes truth, and that he has faith. Why?
Jesus replies;
"Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven."
Along with other scriptures (Matt.13:11,12,13; 19:11; John6:44,65; 1Cor.2:10; 1John2:20; 1Cor.12:28,29); we learn that the reason Peter recognizes the real identity of Jesus Christ, is because he was graced with that privilege of knowledge, by means of God's spirit.
 And I also say to you that you are Peter
Here Jesus calls Peter's attention to the reason why Christ changed his name. He tells him, that he is "Peter". "Peter" means "rock"/"stone"(Petros-male singular). Jesus is teaching Peter his place in God's Temple (Eph.2:20-22; 1Pet.2:5; Matt.3:9; Luke19:40; Rev.21:14; Exo.24:12; 2Cor.3:3), and how it relates to the other positions in that same temple.
"and on this rock I will build My church"
This time, the word Jesus uses for "rock"(Petra-female) is not the same word as Peter's name. This difference is significant. Jesus is telling Peter that he is a singular rock belonging to a present collection (Female church) of rocks . I believe that Jesus is referring to the foundation of rocks present with him....the apostles...Because Jesus follows by saying that on this rock, he will "build" (Greek-"build my home") his Congregation/Temple - 1Cor.3:16 (also his "Body" 1Cor.12:27).
Peter is here being told by Jesus, that Peter is a piece of the foundation of the spiritual temple to come. The fact that the apostles are the foundation of that Temple, is being highlighted to Peter.
Jesus then explains why this foundation, is sure...
"and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it."
Jesus promises that the "gates of hell/Hades/death" will not be able to have victory over the apostles (or those firmly built upon them- Matt.7:24). These gates of Hades/Sheol include not only physical death itself, but also all that proceeds out from those "gates"...the lies and deceptions of Satan. Hades, Sheol, the abyss, the pit, the sea, the deep; these are all the realm of Satan. Satan has authority over this place. It is the source of all spiritual darkness, deception, and death. 
Although all 144000 will have a history of battle with the forces of evil; those anointed who are granted Holy Spirit and remain in union with it, are not overcome by these forces (Luke10:17-19). The apostolic foundation of God's Temple (which God Himself erects- not human hands) is sure (Heb.8:1-2; 9:11,24. These promises reside in hope. The day of realization is sure.

"And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven"
The Greek for "keys", is "lockers". This definition contains the idea of being restrained, or "bound".
This is confirmed in the verse to follow:
"and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven"
Jesus tells Peter that whatever the "rockmass" "binds" on the earth, will be so bound in heaven.
This tells Peter that the foundation is being given an authority and power. Whatever they "bind" on the earth, will be respected by heaven. This is in perfect harmony with Matt.19:28; Luke22:30; Rev.20:4. The foundation is the "first" channel of the truth, after the "cornerstone" Christ. (1Cor.12:28). The twelve determine where Holy Spirit goes after being provided through them.

To be "bound", is to be restrained from the way of life (John20:23; Matt.22:13; 12:29; 13:30; Rev.20:2). All are already "bound" by Satan (1John5:19; 3:8; Heb.2:14). Those "bound" by the apostles, would remain so (2Cor.2:15,16). In this case, the apostles would identify those who have held back from them, the spiritual blessings of heaven (1John4:6; 2Cor.4:3). These abandoned ones would remain veiled, having spirit and Truth withheld from them (Luke 8:18; 1Cor.3:18), and would certainly not become sealed into a tribe of spiritual "Israel" (Luke13:24; Matt.7:14; Rev.3:11).
To be "loosed" and "taken along" (Matt.24:40,41,28; Luke17:35,37; Job 39:30,27,28; Rev.12:14), is to enter the feast of knowledge and understanding provided by God and Christ, and offered through the 12 tribe patriarchs of spiritual Israel and Christ's prophets. (Eph.2:20; Luke4:6; John1:14; 1Cor.15:57; 2Tim.1:10; Luke12:37; Isa.65:13)

Interestingly, the ones we may considered sealed as faithful, are the ones that we may consider "bound". But it is actually the opposite according to scripture.
It is true that those sealed while on earth, will be sealed in the heavens. But as it turns out, these are not the ones "bound", but these sealed, are the ones who are "loosed"
(John8:31-32; Gal.4:26; Gal.1:4; Matt.18:18; Luke4:18; Gal.5:1)

The apostles have 12 unique thrones in comparison to the thrones of the rest of the 144000. They are the foundation of the Holy City, given thrones to judge those sealed in the heavens (Matt.10:5,6; Eph.1:13; Col.1:5). Whoever they "loose" from the earth, will be loosed in the heavens (Rev.12:5).
What does it mean to be "loosed"? (John11:44)
All are captive to Satan's deceptions.....
captives of his abyss of lies and it's resulting death.
Only through the ransom and a "loosing" from those lies,
can anyone hope to be saved (Luke4:18; Isa.49:9; 61:1; John9:39; Rev.13:10; 9:14). That release depends upon the insight Holy Spirit grants.
But as we can see, the 12 apostles have a part in judging which Chosen ones receive it (Matt.18:18).
They determine who is "bound" and who is "loosed",
helping the master Christ to "reap" the harvest, gathering the "wheat", and "binding" the "weeds" for burning (Joel 2:5; Matt.24:16; Isa.5:24; 30:30; Luke12:49; Heb.12:29).

John4:36,37,38; James 5:4; Jer.9:22; Amos 9:13; 2Cor.9:6; Matt.9:37,38; Mark4:29; John4:35 all reveal that the anointed take part in "reaping" the harvest. How?
By preaching. 
However those who listen to the message respond to the truth offered, determines how the hearers are segregated (John13:20; Luke10:16; Matt.10:14-15). This includes the response of Chosen ones, to the message of the apostles and prophets (Eph.2:20; 1Cor.3:10). Both groups are the "foundation" because the apostles have made the permanent record of Biblical truth, and the true prophets help to reveal it's meaning and application at the right time. Both sources of truth must be accepted and received by those who are "grafted in" to the Temple of living stones. This "foundation" are the reapers of the anointed.
    Yet all anointed priests of truth, are reapers of all lovers of truth, as long as they help to gather according to revealed truth (Mal.2:7). In this way, all reapers help Christ, in gathering in those disposed for everlasting life (Luke11:23; 1John4:6; John8:43,47; 5:24; Matt.10:40,41; John13:20). This is how they are "reapers" of a "harvest".
If what they preach is not Truth, they "scatter" Christ's harvest to the winds 
(Eph.4:14; James 1:6; Jude 1:12; Matt.12:30).

Now it is important to learn something else from this.

Jesus also said, that his anointed reapers, were "angels". (Matt.13:39; Rev.14:15,19)
It is important to know, that the "angels" in the book of Revelation, are a symbol for anointed ones. The assignments and experiences of these "angels" are prophecies that apply especially to the remnant of  Chosen ones. (Angel means "messenger")
Rev.1:20 defines the "angels" as meaning "stars". These stars are also faithful anointed ones -- Dan.12:3; Phil.2:15.
You may have previously been taught that the "angels"/messengers in the book of Revelation are spirit creatures born in heaven, and that "stars" are Congregational Elders (or fallen angels/demons);
but the scriptural interpretation, is that they are BOTH the same identity-- anointed ones. The "stars" ARE the "angels". (Rev.1:20) (Link: who-are-fallen-stars-of-rev12:4.html)
With this new perspective in mind,
you may want to reconsider Rev.1:20; 2:1; 5:2; 7:2; 8:3,4,5,7,8,10,12,13; 9:1,13,14; 12:7; 14:6,8,9,15,17,18,19; 16:2,3,4,5,8,10,12,17; 21:17; 22:8,9.
Remembering that angel means messenger; Christ and Satan are also "messengers", and are also called "angels" in Revelation. (Rev.9:11; Isa.33:1) (John12:49; Rev.20:1-2).
    - who-is-destroyer?.html
Holy ones will judge the world, including each other, (1Cor.6:2,3) by their faithful witness and testimony to truth. As it was with Noah; obedient, loyal service for truth will condemn the unfaithful (Heb.11:7; Matt.12:37). Only those anointed who teach according to the apostles and prophets will be "loosed" from lies, and "acquitted" of the death that results from them. (Matt.12:36; Prov.18:21) Those lacking humility will find an un-scriptural reason to reject the Truth, refuse to listen to it's ignoble messengers, and perish as a result (1Cor.3:10,12; Mal.3:2; Dan.11:35; Rev.3:18; 16:15,9; 1Pet.1:7; Jer.5:3,4; 1Cor.1:27)

When we read Rev.7:4 and Matt.19:28;
perhaps we can think about the role of the apostles in determining
which anointed are deserving, and granted continued insight by Holy Spirit to aid them in becoming sealed. This is done impartially, with no regard to race or gender 
(Gal.3:28,26; Rom.2:28,29; Acts 2:16,17,18; 1Cor.12:11,18; Eph.4:7; Heb.2:4)
Only the twelve sit on these "12 thrones" to judge their fellow anointed to follow them.
In this way, they hold "the keys to the Kingdom". They preside over the 12 entry gates (Rev.21:12) to that Holy City.

You may also wish to consider, who today, have stolen this apostolic right to judge the anointed, (perhaps even deeming them worthy of beating and a condemnation of death), taking that right from the 12 apostles. (Rom.8:33; Isa.50:8; 2Pet.2:10; Jude 1:8,16,18)

2Thess.2:1,2; Luke12:45,46; Isa.66:5; Rev.11:7; 16:6; 17:6; 18:24; 22:19


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Two Beasts


Good afternoon Sister Doxsey
I trust you are doing well, I came across this and thought I should pass it on to you. It sure seems like you were right about the alliance to the org. Although this is starting very small it will blow up in the near future.



In speaking of the false prophet with two horns (Rev.13:11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18; 20:10; 16:13; 19:20)

Rev13:12 reads:

"It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed."

"It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf"
Here we are clearly told a detail about the "misleading" prophet. That false prophet uses the power of the "first" beast of Rev.13:1. That first beast ascends out of the "sea", which is Gentile (not God's Chosen People- not Jews- not in covenant- not anointed). The "sea" is the same as the "Abyss", the "deep", and "Sheol" (https://4womaninthewilderness.blogspot.com/2017/04/what-is-sheole-hades.html); 
because it is the realm of Satan, and contains within it, all those under Satan's control who are considered dead by God (Eph.2:1; 4:18; Col.2:13). Anointed "Jewish" priests granted the "first resurrection", have "passed over from death to life" 

This "first beast" is given all Satan's resources and dominion (Rev.13:2). This includes the power to mislead, rule, and consume in death, people from all the world's nations 
In Rev.13:12, we are told that the second beast that ascends from the "earth" (Gods people- Jews (Rom.2:28,29)- in covenant with God- anointed) "exercises", or fully uses, all the dominion and power of the "first", "Gentile" (not-anointed) beast. 
We are told that it's purpose of this use, is to gain advantage... "on it's behalf". In other words, the second anointed beast, uses the Gentile beast, for it's own benefit and advantage. This explains why the anointed beast wants "all the earth" to worship the "Gentile" beast....because the anointed beast (2nd), rules through the Gentile beast's (1st) power. 
The more authority and power the anointed beast can sanction for the Gentile beast....the more power the anointed beast can "exercise" through it. In this way, the first wild beast is infused with power to rule.... not from itself, but from the anointed beast (Dan.8:24,11; 11:36; Rev.13:16; 19:20; Matt.24:22). The anointed beast is also getting it's worldly power, from Satan (Rev.9:1,11; 13:11)

"and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast"

The "earth" is the footstool of God. It is under His feet, in submission to Him. It is His land, the anointed. (https://4womaninthewilderness.blogspot.com/2014/07/world-earth-home.html).
So according to the rest of Rev.13:12; the "Jewish" (anointed) Beast (Rom.2:29; 9:8; Gal.3:29) uses the first beast's power, to make all God's people (all the earth and it's inhabitants) worship this collective "Gentile" (non-anointed) beast. Why? Because that first Gentile beast is the muscle of the "Jewish" (anointed) Beast.
Do you recognize how these prophecies apply today in detail?
If not, think about anointed you know, who exercise world-wide dominion through those not anointed,
and teach others to worship the collective image of those not anointed,
and to submit to the representatives of that collective "image", as if they were YHVH's chosen priests. (Matt.24:15 pearl-disgustingthing.blogspot.com)
The links that you send me above, are a part of the fulfillment of these prophecies.
 (The Greek for "all the Nations/Earth" actually means people from all nations. This helps to clarify  
    that this dominion is not necessarily all people of all the world,
    but rather a group of people of/from all parts of the world (Rev.5:9,10).

"whose fatal wound had been healed"
For faithful anointed Christians, the dark spiritual powers of Satan's world has been, in a spiritual sense, made subject to them.
Like Christ, they conquer Satan's world (Rev.12:11; John 16:33; Eph.2:6; 6:12; Luke 10:19; Isa.14:12). Even personally within their own hearts, Satan's world and the powers within it, become impotent... "dead" to them (Gal.6:14; 5:24; Col.2:201Pet.4:21John 5:19; 3:9,14). 
Those Chosen by God to be priests, have overcome the world, and must continue to overcome it's deceptive power, enticements, and temptations of worldly power and dominion as Jesus did. 
(Luke 4:5,6; 2Pet.2:201Pet.1:14; Eze.33:13; Matt.12:452Pet.3:14; Eph.4:22,23; Heb.3:12,13,14)
If they fail to maintain their pure spiritual virginity; Satan's world and it's deceptive power of sin returns as if resurrected in the life of that Chosen one (James 4:42Pet.2:20; Luke 11:24,25,26).
The power of Satan over God's people, is symbolized in the first "Gentile" beast (Man of lawlessness- Rev.13:18), which Satan has given all his dominion to (Rev.13:1,22Thess.2:9).
That beast had been conquered by the anointed, starting in the first century (Luke 10:17,18,19,20; 21:15) and continued up until the outbreak of the Great Tribulation, which causes God's anointed to become trampled by the Gentiles. 

Through their previous world-neutrality and subjection to God's spirit, they gave that wild beast a fatal wound [a sword-stroke (Rev.13:14; Heb.4:12; Rev.2:16; 6:4,8)]. Faith in the sword of God, is His truth and spirit (Heb.4:12; Eph.6:17). By that faith, they conquered the world (1John 5:4; 2:14). That wound to Satan's power can be "healed", if an anointed traitorous leader resubmits to Satan as master, and empowers that beast over God's people, once again.

We read in the Bible how the world may overtake an anointed one as an individual. But in the case of Rev.13:11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,7 ; this happens on the grandest scale possible. 
The Steward slave (over the entire household of anointed/a great star burning as a lamp) is the one that "falls" from their enrollment in the heavens (Rev.8:10,11; Isa.14:12; Rev.9:1). 
The steward has accepted a friendship with "confirmed drunkards" (Matt.24:49; Isa.28:1,2,3,4,7; Jer.5:31; Micah 2:11; Hosea 9:10; 5:9; 7:5), to gain worldly power over his fellow slaves (James 4:4; Isa.66:5,2; John 16:2; Mark 10:42,43; Luke 9:46; Ec.8:91John 4:20,21; 3:10,12,15).

The wicked steward accepts world dominion, through the first wild beast gifted to him by Satan (Eze.16:32,33; Jer.17:5; 11:3; Psalm 118:8; 146:3; Isa.30:1; 2:22; 31:3; Rev.9:1,3). 
This was the same test Satan brought upon our Exemplar (Luke 4:5,6). 
The spiritual Gentiles of Satan's world who vie for position, power, dominance and riches, are "confirmed" as being "drunk" with the deceptive power of sin. These "Gentiles" have no real interest in true spiritual riches, which go hand in hand with shame, poverty, and persecution for Christ (John 15:19; Rom.8:71John 2:152Tim.3:12). 
The power the Gentiles amass through ambition and pride, is exploited by the unfaithful steward. He bestows authority, position, and favor to these (prostitute giving payment) to "secure" his own advantage over the household of God. That Gentiles Beast "tramples" the chosen "underfoot" for the Steward/Harlot. God allows this discipline for the unsealed. They deserve it for giving their subjection to uncircumcised Gentiles, rather than to Christ. In time, endurance through this discipline will have it's cleansing work completed, for those repentant who progress toward becoming sealed.

Through the false prophet's alliance with Satan's Gentiles who seek power intoxication;
*the fallen anointed star/false prophet/harlot, rides and exerts power through the first wild beast...
*the false prophet "breathes life" into the "image" of the first wild beast (From the "sea"),
        and "exercises" the wild beast's demonic dominion...
        ("breathe life into" indicates bestowing an impression of possessing spirit)
*the "fallen star" releases and empowers the locust-scorpions of the abyss (Rev.9:1,2,3; Eze.2:6; Rev.9:5,10).
*the Harlot in a covenant with death rides the wild beast....(also of the abyss --Rev.11:7; 17:8)
(the Wild Beast is a collective of the individual locust-scorpions.)
                (The Harlot has the name of her owner/mother/covenant on her forehead. Rev.17:5)

These four Revelation illustrations are about the very same identities and events.
Each illustration provides more information about each identity, and each event.
Let us look at this relationship between unfaithful anointed and the Gentile power they use to rule over God's household of "lesser" anointed slaves......

1. Christ's Steward Slave/"eating and drinking" with confirmed drunkards.
    History is replete with confirmation that the "Gentiles" of Satan's world, are spiritually "drunk"
    in their pursuit of power and position.
    The Steward Slave "eats and drinks" with them, sharing in their lust for domination.
    Part of this stolen power is demonstrated by how both these identities consume the same
    spiritual food and drink that was intended to be served to the returning Master/Bridegroom.
    To him belongs the power, and the spiritual food and drink his slaves have labored to prepare.
    (Matt.24:48,49; Luke 12:36; 17:8; Isa.28:7,8,14) The returning Master will find his table,
    covered with the Steward's vomit....his house filled with unclean strangers...his faithful slaves
    struggling to be loyal, while being beaten and thrown out of the house.

2. False Prophet (with two horns)
Wild Beast (with 7 heads and 10 horns)
    The False Prophet (two horned -Rev.13:11) infuses Satan's 10 horned beast with "spirit". He
    causes all God's people to worship an idol... an "image" of the wild beast.
    This tells us that the actual tangible beast is not ordered to be worshiped,
    but rather it's collective image.
    (We know the beast is made up of collective parts, due to the description of it's heads
      and horns.) While the False Prophet does not command that the beast itself be worshiped,
    it empowers the Beast to enforce that it's image IS worshiped, under penalty of "death"
    (Rev.13:15; John 16:2). We are told that the result of this, is that the Beast itself is worshiped
    (Rev.13:12,8). Why?
    Because the Beast is the tangible reality of it's own Image. The "earth" does not interact with the
    Image; but it does directly interact with the reality of the individual representative elements of 
    the actual Beast.

    This fits perfectly the worship of the Organization of "Jehovah's Witnesses". It is not taught
    that the elders which make up the Organization, should be worshiped as individuals; but
    through the collective image of a "spirit-directed" Organization, the result is that the
    tangible Beast IS viewed as divine and spirit-directed. 
    As representatives of the Image of the Organization,
    the elders come to be viewed as being individually moved by God's spirit.
    (This blasphemes YHVH's true chosen priesthood. - 1Cor.3:16)

    It is believed that each elder is a "holy one", appointed by and working under the direction of 
    Holy Spirit, even though those truly chosen
    by God Himself, are dismissed as irrelevant. It is believed that any decisions
    the elders make, must not be questioned; because acceptance of such a
    decision is viewed as subjection to the "Image" of "Jehovah's spirit-directed Organization".
    ("Blasphemy" Rev.13:6
    What it actually is....
    a priestly decision made by spiritual Gentiles, un-circumcised in heart.
    The spiritual Gentiles do not belong serving in the Temple arrangement. God views this
    arrangement as "a disgusting thing standing in a holy place" (Matt.24:15; Mark 13:14)
    In reality, YHVH's choice by Holy Spirit is being mocked, rebelled against, and usurped.
    The result of worshiping the composite "Image" of the Organizational Beast, is that the "Image"
    is given power to kill all those who refuse to worship/obey/serve/yield to, those who represent
    that "Image". As the tangible reality of the "Image", it's representative elders act on it's behalf.
    In this way, the mystery of Revelation's 10-horned Beast and it's own image are fulfilled today.
    Those who worship the "spirit-directed" "Image" of the Organization, do so through it's
    representatives. The "Image" is given worship (subjection/obedience) through it's
    representative overseers/individual locust-scorpions/collective tangible Wild Beast.
    How is this worship manifested?
    Rev.13:16,17,15 tells us.
    Of course, this authority, power, stature, and illusion of spirit direction and divine appointment
    that the Beast possesses, is not scripturally established as true. The divine stature of the
    Organization, whose body is made up of spiritual Gentiles, exists only because 
    the False Prophet says it does.
    This is how the False Prophet is itself, the source of "breath"/"spirit-direction" that enlivens
    the Wild Beast (Rev.13:15) and causes it's idolatrous "image" to be erected. There are no
    scriptures which indicate that spiritual Gentiles are spirit-directed slaves, priests, or princes
    of God. A search below the surface reveals that these references regard the anointed faithful.
    The False Prophet/Wicked Steward, exploits the "Image's" illusion of divinity, using it for it's
    own benefit and power, ...to trample/beat, God's chosen priests into submission.
     (Rev.13:15,8; 17:9,10,12,13; Matt.24:49) This downtrodden condition of the chosen heirs is a
    great advantage to Satan's continuing world dominion. Satan's motive behind his giving support
    to the unfaithful, is obvious.
3. Fallen star/locust-scorpions
    The "fallen star" is a star of Christ, who has fallen from heaven due to unfaithfulness.
    After accepting the key to Satan's abyss, she releases the locust-scorpions. These are then
    given authority and power, which is symbolized by what "seemed like crowns of gold".
    That crown of spiritual authority and power belongs to the anointed "elders"
    (Luke 10:19; Psalm 91:13; Mark 16:18; James 5:14), but this authority has been stolen from them.
    These Gentiles have replaced God's chosen priests, in God's Temple arrangement of
    the anointed priesthood (1Cor.3:16; Eph.2:20,21,221Pet.2:5,9,102Thess.2:4,3).
    (Rev.1:20; Dan.12:3; Phil.2:15; Gen.15:5; Gal.3:29) (Rev.8:10,11; 9:1; Isa.14:12)
    (Rev.9:1,2,3,7; 3:11; 9:21) (Rev.9:4,5,6,10; 11:2; Dan.7:25; Luke 21:24; Rev.13:5;
     Matt.24:151Kings 12:312Chron.11:14,15; 13:9; Eze.44:8,9; Num.3:10)
4.  Harlot rides the Wild Beast
     All harlots of the Bible are adulterous to their covenant with God. In order to be an
     adulterous harlot, you must have been in a covenant with God.
     This is not true of "Christendom".
     The religious figures of "Christendom" are not "fallen stars" (Rev.2:5)
     from Jesus' right hand of power (Rev.1:20; Phil.2:15; Dan.12:3).
(Rev.8:10,11; 9:1)

     This harlot is "drunk with the blood of the Holy Ones and all those slain on earth" 
     While on earth, Jesus confided to us who this is (Matt.23:35,37,34,38), which is confirmed at
     Rev.11:8, which tells us that this adulterous city, is the same place where Jesus was
     executed...Jerusalem...the "city" claiming to be in covenant with God 
     (Isa.1:21,9,10,11,27,28; Matt.23:35,36,37; Rev.18:24).
     (Hosea 1:2; 9:1; Rev.17:6; 18:24; Matt.23:35; Rev.11:8)
     The Harlot rides the beast. The Beast does the killing (Rev.11:7). Therefore it is clear,
     that if the Harlot is drunk with the blood of Christ's witnesses (Rev.17:6)...she is the one
     responsible for what she directs the Beast to do.
     This reveals that she directs the "scarlet coloured" (blood-stained) wild beast,
     and uses it to eliminate her enemies....who are Christ's faithful brothers (Rev.6:9,10,11).
     (Rev.17:3; 11:7; 17:6; John 16:2; Matt.24:9; Luke 6:22; Rev.6:9,10,11; 20:4)
This clarifies the relationship, and the identities, of these two roles.
The dynamic and relationship between them, is the same as the other illustrations we have discussed. This is because these various illustrations, are different parables about the same identities.

I hope all readers can perceive, that these two identities (anointed and non-anointed) found within these four illustrations (who are interacting symbiotically), are the same anointed and the same non-anointed in each illustration. These four illustrations enhance each other, to paint a detailed image of reality
.....a reality that we see fulfilled in detail,
before our very eyes....within the alliance between spiritual Jews and spiritual Gentiles, 
which comprises the hierarchy belonging to the Organization of "Jehovah's Witnesses".
  - (https://4womaninthewilderness.blogspot.com/2013/05/why-jesus-came-to-earth-last-world.html)
  - (^ half way down the page ^ )

Sunday, January 20, 2013

ARE the Temple, or IN the Temple?

I have a misunderstanding: in REV. 7:3-8 are shown the 144,000 , they are not seen in the temple, maybe because they themselves are the Temple (spiritual)
then, the Great Crowd is seen "worship him day and night in his temple" v15
I know that in the old the priests were (literally) serving God in Temple (that temple was of stones)
in spirit the Temple are exactly the 144,000 ones (living stones) now the Great Crowd is serving IN "his temple"
my misunderstanding: how can the Temple(the great crowd) serve God in his temple(of living stones, 144,000) ?
thank you for your time and effort.

“Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.” 4 Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel."
 "I answered, “Sir, you know.”
And he said, “These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. 15 Therefore,
“they are before the throne of God
    and serve him day and night in his temple;
and he who sits on the throne
    will shelter them with his presence."

Not all the truth is given in a few Bible verses, but the truth is constructed by means of all scripture.
This compares to the pieces of a puzzle. Rev.7:3-8 are not all the pieces which describe the 144000.
In fact, the entire scroll of Revelation is needed to describe them (the “wheat”). This scroll also includes descriptions of the antithesis of the 144000….those who do not prove faithful (the “weeds”).

Rev.7:3-8 is not highlighting the Temple aspect of the 144000. It is teaching here, a different facet of their attributes.
Here we are being told that these are spiritual Jews (Rom.2:28,29; Gal.3:29; Rom.9:8) chosen to be in covenant with God for the purpose of a holy priesthood (Rev.5:9,10; 1Pet.2:5,10,9; Isa.43:21,10). It also tells us that not all those chosen (the tribes of Israel) win the prize of being “sealed” (Rev.7:4; 14:3; 2Cor.1:21-22).
If you wish to learn the "Temple" aspect of the 144000, other verses are available.
(Eph.2:20-22; 1Cor.3:16; 1Pet.2:5)

You have asked;
“How can the Temple (the great crowd) serve God in his temple (of living stones, 144,000) ?”

If I understand your question correctly, you are asking-
How can the Great Crowd serve IN the Temple, if they ARE the Temple?
Is my understanding of your question correct? I hope so, because this is what I will answer. If this is not what you mean, please follow up with clarification.

I am perplexed that this confuses you, because all similar cases are expressed the same way.
For example,
If you were to see an battalion of soldiers,
Are they themselves “the army”, or are they serving “in” the army?

Of course, just a single soldier is not the entire army. But if only one soldier of a battalion were to enter a town first; it would not be wrong for someone to declare, "The army is here". So too; each single soldier is not considered “the Army”, but only a member of it, serving within the concept of a whole army to which they belong.
These concepts apply to any member of any group. So too, the Temple and it's members. 
Each single priest could be considered “the Temple”, but is really only a part of it, serving within the concept of a whole Temple priesthood, to which they belong.
Each priest is considered a representative of that Temple, and is serving as a priest within that whole Temple service (Rev.22:3).
Just as an "army" is not a physical building with a static location in which all soldiers must occupy in order to be "IN the army";
so too this spiritual Temple is a concept...a tent... that moves with God's spirit. That spirit is dwelling within each heart of the 144000. God’s spirit resides within each one of them, and in this way, they are God’s Temple. (1Cor.3:16; 6:19; Rom.8:9,11; Eph.2:22; Heb.3:6)
Another example-
If you have a Chorus...The chorus is not one member, but all. Each member is “IN the Chorus”…but there is no tangible “Chorus” that each member has to enter, as if it were a physical box or location.
The singers comprise the Chorus, as the soldiers comprise the army, as the Sons of God comprise the Temple.
Yet any individual member of all such groups, serve within that general group.
This is why a different aspect of the 144000 even tells us that there is no Temple
See Rev.21:22:
“I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple.”

This contributes more pieces to our full picture of understanding about the 144000.
Here The Father and Jesus are the Temple! Does this mean that the 144000 are God and Christ?
Does this mean that the Great Crowd from the Great Tribulation are inside of God and Christ….serving inside the 144000, who are also God and Christ?
As you can see, we can get very confused if we view things physically.

If we combine these scriptural pieces of insight, and logically compare these illustrations to other common reasoning;
We understand that the 144000 ARE the Temple (ie. The soldiers ARE the army)…individual priests serve IN the Temple (individual soldiers serve IN the army).  (1Cor.12:27; Rom.12:5)

As the commands of the army Officer are obeyed within the mind and actions of each soldier- the army itself, must also be within each soldier. 

At Rev.21:22 we learn that the 144000 are a city in which God dwells in spirit. Each of the 144000 have within them a heart in which the spirit of God dwells Eze.36:26; 2Cor.3:3; Jer.24:7; 31:33; Eze.11:19; Rom.2:29 (This is what qualifies them as belonging to the Temple).

Try to remember also, that this is all spiritual. As such- time, space, and physical laws, do not apply.
The physical realm is very limited in comparison. Even in the physical realm, we have seen that more than one reality can exist at the same time, if we are comparing a group to it's individual members. So much more so, in the spiritual realm.
Revelation's descriptions of the 144000 are nothing more than illustrations, for physical minds to be granted a partial glimpse, at grasping mentally a concept that is in reality, beyond human thinking (1Cor.2:9; John17:21,22,23,26)

So your original question was:
"How can the Temple (the great crowd) serve God in his temple (of living stones, 144,000) ?"
To use our illustration, it could be asked in this way:
"How can a battalion serve in the army they belong to?"
Hopefully you can see that it is logical for a group to serve within the larger group which they belong to.
The "Great Crowd" remnant of priests who come through the Great Tribulation at the end of this system (Rev.7:14), serve within the same Temple arrangement that all of it's members do (Rev.20:6; 22:3).
No one else is permitted to serve within, but the priests (Num.18:7; 3:10; 2Chron.23:6; Eze.44:9) (Heb.8:5; Col.2:17; Eze.43:10-12). When others enter the Temple, or serve as priests (Eze.44:6-9; 2Chron.13:9) God considers that a "disgusting thing, standing in the Holy Place"/Temple (Mark13:14; Matt.24:15) (http://pearl-disgustingthing.blogspot.com/)
That Temple is not physical, but is an arrangement of priests who slave for God's purpose, to reconcile mankind to Himself (2Cor.5:20; Mal.2:7; Rev.22:3).
When New Jerusalem is inaugurated in heaven (just previous to it's descending to earth- Rev.21:2); the Great Crowd (the remaining ones of the woman's seed- Rev.12:17) will join the previously sealed  priests in heaven (1Thess.4:17), to complete the Holy City as it's "capstone" (Zech.4:7). This is the last stone ("remnant"/"Great Crowd") to be placed into the Temple (1Pet.2:5; 2Cor.5:1; Eph.2:21; Rev.7:9,10,13,14,15,16,17).

I hope this answers your question. If not, please let me know.
Love in Christ,

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Spiritual Virginity -vs- The Harlot's Cup / Two Covenants

Rev.14:4,5 reads:
"These are those who did not defile themselves with women (Rev.17:1,2,12), for they remained virgins. They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They were purchased from among mankind and offered as firstfruits to God and the Lamb. 5 No lie was found in their mouths; they are blameless."
("blameless"--1Thess. 5:23; John 17:17)
"These are those who did not defile themselves with women"
pollute - soil - foul - contaminate - profane - stain

Does God consider becoming one flesh with one's own wife, defiling?
He pronounced everything "very good" when finished with Creation...
which included God's command to "fill the earth". (Gen.1:28,31)
This symbolic "virginity" then, is an abstinence from the type of "woman" that defiles.
These defiling women are not literal, but symbolic, as all the book of Revelation is.
"Women" are covenants (Gal.4:24). Their "daughters" imitate and serve their mothers, by which they become sealed as her representatives
(Isa.28:15; Rev.17:5; Deut.32:32,33; Rev.18:3; Jer.23:14)
(Gal.4:26; Rev.3:12; Isa.42:6; John 15:1,5; Luke 5:38; Rev.14:31Cor. 14:15; Ps.15:1,2; 104:15,16,28,27; Mt.24:45)
To leave one's spiritual status of "virginity", means to leave off one's purity in the truth (Rev.14:5). When this defilement occurs, one has left off patiently waiting for the Bridegroom, and the promise of a future marriage with him (2Cor. 11:2; Eph.5:26).
When it says that these are "virgins" who do not become defiled by "women",
does this mean that all 144000 are men?
No. (see Gal.3:28) Just as Paul refers to these "virgins" as all female, this is symbolic (2Cor. 11:2).
Both genders are used in illustration, to give a full comprehension of these spiritual events.
To forsake being a "daughter" to your marriage covenant with Christ (Gal.4:261Pet. 3:6; Luke 22:28,29; Rom.8:17),
and to instead, replace that Covenant with a new "mother" covenant (Isa.28:15; Rev.17:5); is to commit spiritual fornication/adultery against Christ (Rev.17:1,2; Deut.32:33). The "ten kings" have become defiled by "women" and commit spiritual fornication with the "Harlot" (-daughter to the "mother" "covenant of Death", "Babylon the Great" -Rev.17:5). Like Esau, they trade away their future inheritance, for a "one hour" rule with the Beast (Rev.17:7,12,13,18; Gen.25:30,31,32,33)....the Organizational Beast which the "Harlot" commands. This compares to the 5 foolish virgins, who trade away their virginity to Christ, in order to "buy" light for their lamps, from those who "sell" [Matt.25:8,9,10,11,12,13; Rev.13:17 (pearl-666.blogspot.com)].

The opening verse of Revelation tells us, that this scroll is written in symbolic language.
If your translation does not make that clear, I suggest you look at the original Greek (Rev.1:1).
Let's consider more, what this "defilement" is...
    and who these defiling "women" are.
2Cor. 7:1 reads:
"Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God." (2Cor. 6:17; Ps.26:41John 3:31Pet. 1:15; James 1:27  (Matt.25:36); Eph.2:21John 2:152Pet. 1:4; 2:20; 3:14)
As the preceding scriptures show, it is the "world" that defiles us. But the "world" is a general term. We need more clarity and detail in order to remain free of it's defilement.

Is this defilement with the world, compared to spiritual fornication...a loss of "virginity"?
 James 4:4 reads:
"You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. 5 Or do you think Scripture says without reason that he jealously longs for the spirit he has caused to dwell in us? 6 But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says:
“God opposes the *proud
    but shows favor to the humble.”
7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."

James 4:4 shows us that an alliance ("friendship") with the world, is "adultery" toward God's spirit.
The "wicked steward" forms such a friendship (Matt.24:49; Rev.17:2; 2:22; 18:3).
His *pride is at the root of his desire to form an alliance with worldly power. Because of this spiritual fornication with that power, he subjects himself to the devil (does not "resist"/"oppose" as Jesus did Matt.4:8,9,10). Only Christ...the original one "born of God", can keep those to belong to him, safe from Satan (1John 5:18), if we remain unspotted from the world (Eph.5:27,26).
Paul spoke of this purity, at 2Cor. 11:2, and it mentions the same "jealousy" as James 4:5.
2Cor. 11:2 reads:
"For I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy; for I betrothed you to one husband, so that to Christ I might present you as a pure virgin."
(What is the "world"?)

We see that Paul was not referring to a physical virginity, but a symbolic, spiritual one.
So, lets return to Rev.14:4,5:
"These are those who did not defile themselves with women, for they remained virgins. They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They were purchased from among mankind and offered as firstfruits to God and the Lamb. 5 No lie was found in their mouths; they are blameless."

Those who become part of God's heavenly Temple, remain free of any alliance with Satan's world. We may have been taught that this is speaking of politics, financial greed, etc.; but this alliance with the world is much more than that...



As Rev.14:4 says, the virgins are kept undefiled because they are free of relations with "women". What is this defiling symbol?
Women, are the symbol for covenants (Gal.4:24; Isa.3:12)
(see pearl-thewoman.blogspot.com)
These deadly "women" covenants (and their sealed daughters -Prov.5:3,4,5,8,9), are "drunk" with power, enticed by Satan's worldly resources (1John 2:15,16,17). These daughters are enticed by desire the power/resources, of the Nations/Gentiles, who do not belong to God. Such powers belongs to Satan (1John 5:19). To accept worldly riches as the Harlot has done, is to worship Satan (Matt.4:8,9; Rev.3:17). If Called Ones rest upon and amass the resources, glory, and powers of this world; they are being blessed by Satan, are doing his will, and teaching his deep things (1John 2:15; John 8:44; Rev.2:9,20,24; Eze.23:30; Jer.17:5; 2:18,19; Isa.30:2; Rev.11:8). The faithful and loyal called ones, rely on the power of God (Ps.28:7; 18:2)(John 6:15; Mark 10:42,43,44; John 18:36,37; Luke 9:58; Matt.10:9,10), even though this means an absence of worldly resources, glory, and power (1Cor.4:8,9,10,11,12,13,14; Heb.13:14,13; Phil.3:20)

If we enter the wrong covenant (with Satan), we become defiled by that "woman"/Covenant (Isa.28:15; Rev.9:1,11). We become "her" representatives (Rev.17:5). Those who accept these adulterous representatives of the covenant of Death (Babylon the Great), come under the same covenant of Death (Rev.18:4).
As you can see, that defilement involves making lies ones refuge (Isa.28:15; Rev.8:10,11) as a called one directly enters a covenant with the "father of the lie" (John 8:44). One can also come under this covenant of death, if one commits spiritual fornication with the Harlot that is originally in this covenant with Satan (Rev.17:21Cor. 6:15,16) by drinking in her defiling cup of lies and murders.
[Satan is the source/root, of this "cup" of "venomous" wine (Isa.14:29; Deut.32:33; 29:18; Jer.2:21; Hosea 10:1,2,8,13,15; Rev.17:6) -(lies and the murder of the faithful (John 8:44)].

How exactly does the scroll of Revelation depict this alliance with Satan's worldly power, which the spiritual Harlots lust after?
That power is depicted as a "wild beast" with 7 heads and 10 horns. Satan has transferred all his worldly authority and power....all his resources to deceive...to this beast (Rev.13:2; 12:3,9). And who does he give this wild pet/son, to (and the power to deceive)? To his lovers, the Harlots (Rev.9:1; 13:15; 17:3). These who leave their covenant with God for power in this world, ride this beast. (Hosea 1:2; 2:5; 3:1; 5:3; Jer.3:1; Deut.31:16; James 4:4). These enter a covenant with Satan...a covenant of death. The harlot that rides the wild beast, is one of the harlot daughters/slaves of the mother covenant of death, "Babylon the Great" (Rev.17:5). All those under the drunken spell of these Harlot daughters ("women" who defile), come under that same "covenant of death", called "Babylon the Great" (Rev.18:3; 17:2,1,15; Jer.51:7; 13:13; Ps.60:3; Zech.12:2; Obadiah 1:16; Rev.14:8; Jer.51:7,6; Rev.18:4).

Rev.14:8; James 4:4; Rev.17:3,5; Gen.11:4-9; Psalm 55:9; Jer.50:1-20

This covenant is named "Babylon", which means "confusion". That confusion is made of spiritual lies. Truth does not confuse, but liberates (John 8:32,36,2; Gal.5:1). Through spiritual confusion consisting of lies, Satan can gain domination of his enemies, causing them to lose their "virginity". These sell their purity away, to buy lies (2Cor. 11:3; Matt.25:92Cor. 11:2,3)...just as Eve did.
This interpretation that explains what defiles a spiritual virgin, is this:
-lusting after and gaining worldly power and position
      (sitting over the wild beast/over the abyss of death/lies -Rev.9:1,11)
-abandoning truth for the lie (Rom.1:252Thess. 2:10,11; Isa.28:15)
OR having spiritual unity with the harlots that do this;
which also brings that one under the Covenant of Death (Rev.18:4; 17:2).

The Covenant of Life, Jerusalem above,
  is a wellspring of truth and life to her daughters (Gal.4:262Pet. 3:14; Rev.3:12).
In turn, those daughters become a source of life to the world 
(John 4:14; 7:381Cor. 4:1; John 17:3,171Tim. 4:16; Prov.4:23; Rev.22:17; Matt.5:14,16).

Those who leave that covenant of life above, for
The Covenant of Death, (the abyss of darkness below) Isa.28:15; Rev.9:1
are a font of wormwood waters/wine of serpents....false prophets of lies, confusion, deception
            [(They are also over the Abyss's agents/Gentiles,
               which promulgate their lies -Rev.9:3; 17:8; 13:1,11,15)
             (Those "Gentiles" are counterfeit priests -Eze.44:6,7,8,9;
                  2Chron. 13:9 (John 16:2);
                Num.18:72Thess. 2:4; Matt.24:15)
(Rev.8:10,11; 9:1,2,3; Jer.23:15; 9:15; Rev.13:11,13,14; Matt.7:15; 24:24,252Cor. 11:14,15).
These harlot daughters become a source of death to those already "living"...
and are sealed as those who are in a covenant with Satan....
an agreement,
...that in exchange for the power over the Gentiles (those NOT spiritual Jews/anointed Rom.2:29),
and the ability to deceive the world
        (including Satan's target -Rev.12:172Cor. 11:3);
they must give their spiritual virginity over to Satan, becoming one of his many harlots under his  Covenant of Death (called "Babylon the Great").
2Cor. 11:3
Those who then commit spiritual fornication with Satan's harlot,
will share in her sins of misleading and killing. 
(Rev.17:2; 2:221Cor. 6:15,16; Rev.18:4,5; 17:6; 11:9,10)

To help confirm that this spiritual adultery (loss of spiritual virginity),
involves sharing in the teaching of lies;
when Rev.14:4 continues it's description of spiritual virginity,
it continues, into verse 5:
"No lie was found in their mouths; they are blameless." (Rev.14:5)

Rev.14:4 says,
"They follow the Lamb wherever he goes." How? See 1Pet. 2:221Pet. 1:19; Mal.2:6 (Rev.14:5,4).
Through obedience to the Lamb's words, these virgins become clean vessels to hold and to teach truth (Eph.5:26,27; Zeph.3:13; Jude 1:24; Isa.6:7; Jer.1:9; Matt.10:201Cor. 2:7; 4:1,2; Isa.52:112Cor. 6:17; Rev.18:4)
and are no part of the world (John 17:16; Rom.12:2) or it's enticements (1John 2:15; Matt.4:8).
"No lie was found in their mouths; they are blameless."
The lips of their heart, are clean. (Ps.15:1,2; Luke 6:45; Matt.12:35,33; 7:20)

(Psalm 51:10,13,15,19Heb.13:151Pet. 2:9; Matt.5:8; Psalm 45:14; 24:4; Rom.10:8,102Cor. 5:201Thess. 2:131Pet. 3:10; Rev.14:5)

Not so, the defiling Harlots.

James 4:4Matt.15:18; Psalm 78:37,8; Eze.18:31; Rom.3:13; Rev.13:11; Isa.28:14,15,17,18; Rev.18:6; 2:20; 19:2; 13:14,15; Matt.12:34; 15:11; James 3:6

or those marked by her beast on their right hand

Psalm 144:8,11; Isa.44:20Rev.13:16; Psalm 12:22Thess. 2:92Tim. 3:13; Rev.16:13

("Mark of the Beast")


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Our Accounting with the Master

All chosen slaves of Christ, face inspection by their Master (Matt.25:19; Rom.14:12; Luke 21:36). They should all be quite concerned that they examine Christ's parables which speak about them. Jesus lovingly provided many illustrations to warn his chosen of the dangers they would face (Matt.11:15; 24:25). I hope to highlight one such verse, it's interpretation, and it's warning.


"So he called ten of his servants and gave them ten minas. ‘Put this money to work,’ he said, ‘until I come back.’
“But his subjects hated him and sent a delegation after him to say, ‘We don’t want this man to be our king.’
“He was made king, however, and returned home. Then he sent for the servants to whom he had given the money, in order to find out what they had gained with it.
“The first one came and said, ‘Sir, your mina has earned ten more.’
“‘Well done, my good servant!’ his master replied. ‘Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of ten cities.’
“The second came and said, ‘Sir, your mina has earned five more.’
“His master answered, ‘You take charge of five cities.’
“Then another servant came and said, ‘Sir, here is your mina; I have kept it laid away in a piece of cloth. I was afraid of you, because you are a hard man. You take out what you did not put in and reap what you did not sow.’
“His master replied, ‘I will judge you by your own words, you wicked servant! You knew, did you, that I am a hard man, taking out what I did not put in, and reaping what I did not sow? Why then didn’t you put my money on deposit, so that when I came back, I could have collected it with interest?’
“Then he said to those standing by, ‘Take his mina away from him and give it to the one who has ten minas.’
“‘Sir,’ they said, ‘he already has ten!’
“He replied, ‘I tell you that to everyone who has, more will be given, but as for the one who has nothing, even what they have will be taken away. But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me.’”

The verses I wish to highlight today are Luke 19:20-23:

Then another servant came and said, ‘Sir, here is your mina [Rev.3:18; Eph.5:16)
What is this "Mina"?
TRUTH and TIME to use it-- 1Thess. 2:4; Gal.2:7; Mark 4:11; Acts 20:24; Rom.3:22Cor. 5:191Tim. 1:11; Matt.16:271Cor. 1:8; 4:5; 9:171Pet. 1:7]. What will each anointed one do with the precious truths Christ has entrusted him with?....
Wrap them in a cloth? (Luke 19:20)
Bury them in the "earth"? (Matt.25:25)
Fill their lamp instead, with the spirit/inspirations, of men's doctrines? (Matt.25:9)
All three of these decisions involve hiding what Holy Spirit teaches and directs.
This is what brings adverse judgment upon Christ's anointed servants.
Let's see what this particular slave did with the spiritual truths he was given responsibility for.....

I have kept it laid away in a piece of cloth
(Matt.6:19; James 5:2; Job 13:28; Isa.50:9; 51:8; Luke 17:33).
(This slave held onto his present life like a garment. That life in this religious system conceals the treasure of truth the master has given his anointed ones. That garment represents what others see as our identity. Such an identity is an illusion that will be eaten away and taken, just as the moth devours a garment (Isa.34:3,4; 51:6; Psalm 102:26; Rev.6:12,13,142Pet. 3:10,12; Heb.12:27).
So this particular slave disowned his divine treasure, in order to retain his "life"...his present identity  and standing in the present religious system. Who can he blame for succumbing to this pressure, and making this compromise?

 I was afraid of you, because you are a hard man. 
This slave of Christ describes Jesus as "stringent, harsh, austere" (Greek: austhros).

(of regulations, requirements, or conditions) Strict, precise, and exacting.
severe - strict - austere - stern - rigorous - rigid

  In reality, it is the house manager, the "steward" over this household slave, that is "stringent" (Luke 12:42,45; Isa.28:10,11,12,13,14). This slave has forgotten that his master is NOT the Steward, but that his Master is quite different in personality (Matt.11:28,30; Isa.28:121John 5:3). This unfaithful slave exposes the fact, that he himself has left the authority of his real Master, and has instead, become a slave of the unreasonable "stringent" Steward (1Cor. 7:23; Gal.1:102Cor. 11:20; Gal.2:4; Luke 12:45).

You take out what you did not put in and reap what you did not sow.’
Here we see that the unfaithful slave discloses the reasons why he calls his master "stringent". This is his excuse for refusing to do the work his master assigned him.
He accuses Christ of being a thief....taking what he is not owed.
He accuses Christ of not "putting in" nor "sowing", yet the Master "takes out" and "reaps".. Matt.25:24 adds, "harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed."
     Here we see that the unfaithful servant believes two lies...
1. That the steward is his master
The "steward" is the thief; not the Master.
The steward takes what does not belong to him (puts in his own storehouse, the resulting profit of the productive work of all the slaves, for his own benefit. Or, he wastes and discards it), rather than giving it to his Master.
The abusive steward wants the mina buried (1Thess. 5:19). In fear of the Steward's beatings, the unfaithful slave cowers (Matt.25:25), and so he obeys, and buries the "mina" entrusted to him by his real master. By obeying the Steward, the Steward has become his real master (Rom.6:162Pet. 2:19)
2.That the Master does not contribute his own work to the results.
When the unfaithful slave says that the Master does not "put in", "sow", "scatter seed", contributing his own sweat to the results; he is saying that Christ does not support the work he assigns, but he merely expects results.
This reminds us of Pharaoh, who unjustly demanded that the Israelite slaves make bricks without the necessary material provisions they needed (Exo.5:16).
Is this the kind of Master Christ is? Or again, is this in reality, the policy of the wicked steward?
Please read God's words... (John 5:172Cor. 9:10; Gal.3:5; Matt.11:30; John 14:16,26; 16:13; Acts 2:331Cor. 2:10; 3:71John 2:20,27; Matt.28:20; Isa.41:9,10,131Pet. 4:11; Eph.1:19; 6:10; Phil.4:13,19; Rev.11:3,4).
If God and Christ are contributing their own support to Christ's slaves; why does the unfaithful slave not recognize that?
Because the unfaithful slaves are no longer fellow workers with God (1Cor. 3:92Cor. 6:1; Luke 11:23; Rev.17:12,13).
God supplies His Holy Spirit (Luke 11:13; Gal.3:5) to enable Christ's slaves to accomplish God's will (see scriptures above; John 9:31; John 11:221John 3:22; 5:14). The unfaithful slave no longer has the support of Holy Spirit, because he is not a slave of God, but of the stringent wicked steward. That steward is unable to supply the needed support or materials to use Christ's mina. He is not supplying the "proper food at the proper time". Instead of being concerned with preparing the Master's marriage night refreshments (Luke 12:36), by using all the provisions the household slaves work to produce (1Cor. 10:17; Eph.4:16); He is eating and drinking to the point of intoxication, and is spiritually drunk with power.

So when this unfaithful slave accuses the Master Christ, of taking the fruitage that results from the laborious toil of his servants; this unfaithful servant has replaced his master with the wicked steward, and works under that wicked one's commands.
The unfaithful slave has no regard for God's will, nor the Holy Spirit He lovingly provides His faithful sons.
The True Master recognizes the traitorous disloyalty and cowardice of the unfaithful slave. That slave lost his love of truth (Rev.2:42Thess. 2:10) and left his unity with the True Master (John 15:4,5,6,71John 2:281Cor. 6:17,16,15; Rev.17:1,2) to bow to the wicked steward.

“His master replied, ‘I will judge you by your own words, you wicked servant!
(Rev.16:131John 4:11Tim. 4:1; Matt.12:36,37,33; Prov.18:21; Matt.7:20; John 7:18)
The unfaithful slave has admitted who he is a slave to, and it is not his master who paid for him (1Cor. 1:13; Gal.5:1)
When the "foolish virgins" arrived for the marriage feast,
Jesus said "I tell you the truth, I don't know you." (Matt.25:12,13)
Because the light they had burning in their lamps was not by means of the "oil" God supplies, Holy Spirit. They "bought" their "oil" from men (Matt.25:9,10; Mark 7:7), and their "light", was in fact,  "darkness" (Luke 11:34,35,36; Matt.6:23) as if buried in the earth, or wrapped up in a cloth.
They will be like a barren vine or a fruitless tree (Matt.7:19; Rom.11:21). Anything they have to "shine", or words they have to teach, will be like rotten fruit, "words" that will condemn them. (Deut.32:32,33; Jer.23:14)

You knew, did you, that I am a hard man, taking out what I did not put in, and reaping what I did not sow?
Here Jesus points to the folly of assuming that we know Christ, through someone proving wicked (2Cor. 11:4; Eph.4:20; Rom.8:15; Gal.1:8).
Should we not instead, observe all the things he himself commanded? (Matt.28:202John 1:9; John 8:31) This becomes impossible if we leave our scriptural freedom, our being taught by Holy Spirit directly (for the anointed- 1John 2:20,27), our subjection to the Bible, and our teacher and Head being Christ alone (Matt.23:8,10,11; Eph.5:23).

If we have been chosen by God, but we allow men to tell us what scriptures we are allowed to read, or apply to a subject or question....
If we let men teach us their doctrines, arrangements, and commands, instead of following what Christ commanded....
If we subject ourselves to men to become their slaves....handing over our thoughts, faith, power and will to them...
because we assume that they represent Christ,
(without even checking Christ's direction in this
when he asked,
"Who really is the faithful and discreet slave???")

then you must be told......
you are, the unfaithful slave,
and as the two witnesses are depicted,
you must repent in sackcloth-- Rev.11:3.

Why then didn’t you put my money on deposit, so that when I came back, I could have collected it with interest?’
Here Jesus essentially tells the unfaithful slave....
If you really are in subjection to the steward, why then, did you not give him what I gave you?
Was it perhaps because you wanted to avoid a beating? Who do you fear more?...
the steward, or the Master? (Luke 12:4,5; Jer.1:8; Eze.2:6; Isa.54:4)
The time is fast approaching, when the wicked steward will pay back all that he wasted and threw away.
In fact, he will pay back double.
Jesus forgave his sins, as he did all his anointed ones. But the steward is not willing to extend any forgiveness for the imagined sins of his fellow slaves. (Matt.7:1,2; Rom.14:10; 8:33)
The steward imagines that his fellows are being disobedient, and deserve to be beaten (Matt.24:49), as if HE is the Master who holds the accounting (Matt.24:46).
The steward imagines that he deserves honor and power, but feels he is being blasphemed instead. He himself blasphemes the Son of God by making himself the household/Temple Master (Rev.13:112Thess. 2:4). Although Christ forgives him (Mark 3:28; Matt.12:32), the Steward refuses to forgive those whom he imagines blaspheme against him. (Matt.18:21,22,33; 5:7; 7:5)
It is not the steward's blasphemy that condemns him. It is his lack of forgiveness for his fellows....his beating them...by disfellowshipping them in shame (Luke 6:22; Isa.66:5), removing their loved ones from them (Matt.10:36,21,37; Micah 7:5; Luke 12:52,53), and making them pay for their loyalty to the true Master. (1John 4:20,8; Luke 12:9; Rev.13:15; John 16:2)
For these lawless, loveless sins, they are condemned (John 13:34; Matt.7:23; 24:122Tim. 3:5). They will pay back every last "coin" of small value (Luke 12:59; 8:18).

What does this have to do with the unfaithful servants under the wicked steward?
At Luke 19:23, Jesus tells this coward that he should not have buried his light/mina/knowledge by Holy Spirit. That at the very least, he should have given it to the "bankers"/"on deposit" (Matt.25:27) who oversee the spiritual "buying" and "selling" (Rev.13:17). This means that at the very least, he should have sent it in to the "steward" who determines what "proper food at the proper time" will be released, and when.
At least then, the slave would have shared it with those who are responsible to use it. If the steward is wasteful and discards that "fruit" of Holy Spirit,
at least Jesus can call the steward into account for the rejection of Holy Spirit, and
the lower household servant will be excused.
Jesus will call the steward into account....
and he will pay back,
 all that he owes,
with interest.






Additional Pages for Study (coming soon)