This comment/question was left at the end of the post;
Thank you ... what I struggle to put together chronologically is, Jesus is enthroned, Jesus wars with satan in heaven and satan is thrown to earth, satan is imprisoned in the abyss. I don't understand the times.
If we were taught by the Watchtower, it is harder to learn a new chronology. If we are willing to get a new wine skin for our faith (Mark 2:22), and let the Bible be our new wine (John 17:17), it will free our faith and we will perceive the truth (John 8:32).
Jesus was installed at God's right hand, after his death in the first century (Ephesians 1:20; Hebrews 10:12-13; Luke 22:69).
Although we were taught that this "waiting" period, was one of inertia; the Bible tells us what Jesus was doing (John 5:17; 14:2-3), while waiting for the accomplishment of his enemies subjugation (1Corinthians 15:25). < He was reigning.
His mighty scepter was being extended, through his anointed king - priests... the members of Zion (Psalm 110:1-2; Revelation 14:1; 20:6; 19:11,16,14; 3:21; Eph.2:6; Rev.17:14).
Sealed as faithful, they are raised up to a heavenly position that is spiritual, not physical (Ephesians 2:6; Colossians 3:1). Jesus is awaiting the testing and sealing of all his faithful brothers, as they progressively conquer the enemies of Christ.
The royal power of Jesus and his faithful priests, was not of the world (John 18:36-37; 17:16). His royal power and glory, is spiritual (John 1:14), as is the power and authority of his kings (Luke 10:17-20; John 20:21-23). Jesus conquered the pitfalls and temptations of Satan and his world, during his lifetime (John 16:33; 14:30; Luke 4:5-8; 10:17-20; Rev.12:9).
As Jesus said at John 18:37, those who love truth and imitate his example, heed the voice of their king. They follow his example by battling against the forces that resist, distort, and slander the truths of God
(1Pet. 2:21; John 20:21; 13:20; Eph.5:11; 2Timothy 4:2; 2:3; 2Corinthians 10:3-5; Ephesians 4:8; 6:10-12).
The faithful join the army of Jesus from a heavenly position (Luke 10:20; Eph.4:1,7-8; 2:6; Rev.19:14,8; 17:14), and as the kings of Jesus, they battle with him during his kingdom (Rev.20:6). They need not die to do this work.
They do it while they are alive, here on earth (2Tim. 4:2; Mal.2:7; Rev.5:10). Their heavenly position, is spiritual (Eph.2:6; Rom.8:9; Heb.12:23,22).
During the symbolic thousand year kingdom of Jesus and his symbolic 144,000; Jesus is the head of that congregation, his bride, his priesthood, his body members (Ephesians 1:22; Colossians 1:18).
The spiritual temple of God is in subjection to Jesus, and they serve only him and his Father (John 12:49; 5:19)
Satan is released from the abyss when the symbolic thousand year kingdom of Jesus, ends (Revelation 20:7-8). Those two events happen at the same time, because when Satan is released, he empowers a false prophet and beast with a lying disguise, powerful signs and portents, and the ability to mislead the anointed (Rev.20:7-8; 16:13-14; 1Tim. 4:1; Matt.24:24-25). The anointed who are alive at that time, are taken captive (Rev.13:7,10; Col.2:8 NIV ; Luke 21:24) and are no longer subject to Jesus (Rev.2:20; 17:1-2).
Can Jesus reign over his living priests, if they are made subject to Satan? No (Col.2:19; 2Cor. 13:5; John 15:4-6).
Those anointed kings of the earth (Rev.1:5-6; 5:10; 19:16) have surrendered their potential rule with Jesus, to serve the Beast (Rev.17:12-13). The thousand year kingdom of Jesus over his kings then ends, because he is no longer ruling over his anointed
All this occurs after Satan's release, when Satan causes this great test, a great sifting, the Great Tribulation.
Some anointed wake up and repent in sackcloth (Rev.3:2 NIV ; Isa.52:1-2; Eph.5:14; Rev.2:28 NIV ). They realize the reality of their spiritual circumstances. They open the door to Jesus (Rev.3:20; 2:17), stand up to the powers that caused their spiritual death, subject themselves to Jesus, and battle with him against the demonic teachings. That is Armageddon (Rev.16:13-16; 17:14; 11:3-5).
The testimony of the final witnesses, causes the final fall to Satan (Rev.12:10-11; Dan.7:21-22,25-27; 11:33-35).
I say "final", because each anointed one must conquer Satan in their own lifetime, with the aid of God's spirit (Luke 10:17-18; Rom.16:20). When the last saints conquer Satan, Satan's reign is fully finished. His time for accusing and testing all the anointed (Luke 22:31; 1John 3:13; 2Tim. 3:12; John 16:20-22; Rev.12:1-2,5), is finished. The last enemy Death is then conquered, and the stage is set for the beginning of God's eternal Kingdom.
This has been a very concise reply. There are many topics contained that need to be explored more deeply, to accomplish a clear perception and solid faith. There are many posts written here that contain the scriptural references you need to have a full picture of these prophetic events and identities. I do hope that you continue to learn, and ask for help when you need it.
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