Thursday, November 4, 2021

Getting More, or Less

I don't know if I understand correctly so I ask why it is interesting. Luke 8:18 To those who have will be given, and to those who have not, they will be deprived of what he thinks he has. does it mean that those who have the light will be given other light and those who do not have the light will also be deprived of the light they think they have?

My Reply:
Jesus said that the true worshipers of God, would worship with spirit and truth (John 4:23-24). He also sent them to teach others by means of that spirit and truth 
The assignment Jesus gave to his servants, was depicted in a variety of parables 
Yes, one of those symbols for the spirit and truth we have, is light. Some other symbols, are living water, manna from heaven, wheat grain, and fine fruit.

One of the things that the disciples of Jesus possess, is his peace (John14:27). When they go out to do their preaching; that peace can be shared or kept, depending upon how they are received by their hearers (Matt.10:13).
What we learn from these scriptures, is that the possession of Luke 8:18 is multi-faceted, and yet it is all one thing.
Great peace comes from receiving, knowing, and teaching divine truth. It is received from Jesus, by spirit (John15:4-5; 16:13; 20:22; Acts 1:8).
Now to apply Luke 8:18...
To those who have spirit and truth, and put it to work in feeding Jesus' flock... Jesus will give more to that faithful worker (Matt.25:23; Luke 16:10; 19:17).
To those who do not put the treasures of spirit and truth to good use; They will lose what they were given, as well as the worthless things that captured their misplaced trust and esteem 

Jesus told his priests, to hold on to their testimony until he returns (Rev.2:25; 3:11; 12:17).
Those who do this, keep receiving more spirit and truth.
Those who do not make good use of the spirit and truth Jesus gives them, will lose that spirit and truth, as well as the reward for being faithful with them.

Luke 8:18 also adds the idea, that listening carefully to the scriptures, is needed by the person who desires to receive, spirit and truth (John8:47; 16:13).

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