Sunday, January 24, 2021

The Last Enemy, Death


What did Apostle Paul mean by saying, the last enemy to be destroy is "death''?


We find the emergence of the last enemy, Death, at Rev.6:7-8
"His" forces... (Heb.2:14; John10:10; Rev.9:11; Isa.33:1) (Eph.2:2; Rev.16:13-16; 20:7-9; 12:15,17; 13:4,7,10; Col.2:8; Luke 21:24) ...arise in the time of the 4th living creature/watchman (Rev.6:7-8), during the great tribulation (Eze.14:21-22,5; Rev.13:14-15; 19:20; 2:20). This "Death" is not speaking of physical death, which has existed since Eden (Rom.5:12), but the power to bring spiritual death, to those who were born again as spirit 

It is that 4th "living creature", who gives voice to the "7 angels" (Rev.15:7; 16:1; 8:2; Isa.58:1), through which, God's wrath against His enemies, is dispensed (Rev.16:1; 15:1). The "trumpets"/voices of the seven "angels">(Greek:messengers) symbolizes, the recorded words of the prophets, who were sent by Jesus to his congregations/churches (Rev.1:20; Phil.2:15; Dan.12:3,10,4; Rev.22:10,16; 10:7). They manifest the spirit of prophecy into the earth (Rev.19:10; 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6; 1Cor.14:32).

Death is one of the enemies of Christ, that needs to be subdued by him through the power of God (Ps.110:1-2; 1Cor.15:25), in order for God's kingdom to arrive (1Cor.15:24-26; Rev.20:14; 21:4; Isa.25:7-8). 
It is conquered through the remnant of Zion/Christ's brothers (Ps.110:2; Rev.17:14; 19:11,14; Eph.2:6; 2Cor.10:3-5)-(Mark 14:62; Heb.12:1; Rev.11:3,5; Jer.5:14) - (1Cor.15:53-55; Rev.2:7,10-11,28; 3:5; Mark 8:35; Rev.12:10-11) when they face and conquer the forces that bear the sting of Death (Rev.9:3,10; 1Cor.15:55,57).

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Wars To Cease


Hi Pearl! I was wondering if you could give a little of your insight on Isaiah 2:2-4, about going up to the mountain, and doing so “they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.” I was wondering about the words/phrases “swords, plowshares, pruning hooks, nation against nation and war”, specifically “not learning war anymore”. Is there a spiritual application of that, or is this one physical? I was trying to connect some scriptures about “not learning war anymore” in a spiritual sense, but I don’t know if any of these would be appropriate Bible references:

Matthew 24:6 “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.” Would the anointed not be at spiritual war anymore?

1 Corinthians 11:19 “But, of course, there must be divisions among you so that you who have God’s approval will be recognized!” Would the divisions cease since all the anointed would be in harmony as one, and have Gods approval? (John 17:21).

Revelation 12:11 “They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.” Is it that they’re being disfellowshipped/killed would mean they finished their “war” (rev 13:4) with the beast/wt and that allows them rest/“wait a little while longer” until the rest of the anointed are disfellowshipped just like they were? (Rev 6:11)

What I really appreciate in our group is that everyone is in harmony with understanding, and even though I’m a little slow in the pack learning things, I truly appreciate the unity with everyone trying to include and help me and others in understanding. From what I’ve noticed in a spiritual sense, and maybe I’m way off about this lol, but since all of the anointed are on the same page in the group, could that be how the anointed aren’t learning “war” anymore? Being that the anointed are in harmony with each other spiritually?

I appreciate all your help Pearl!


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I'll respond to each section of your letter, separately. That will help me to be thorough. I'll put your words in italics, so that readers can easily distinguish between us.

First you say; "I was wondering about the words/phrases “swords, plowshares, pruning hooks, nation against nation and war”, specifically “not learning war anymore”. Is there a spiritual application of that, or is this one physical?"... and then you go on to cite Matt.24:6 and 1Cor.11:19

Well, I'll start by giving the spiritual meaning of "sword" (Ps.59:7; Isa.49:2; Rev.1:13,16; Heb.4:12; Eph.6:17; John20:22; 2Thess.2:8). There are those who fight with Jesus in the battle for truth (Rev.19:11,14-15; 17:14; 2Cor.6:7; 10:3-5; Luke 10:17-19; Eph.6:11-12; 5:11; 2Cor.11:12-15). We see that the Word of God is the "sword" used to battle against the dark deceptions of Satan... who also has a battling spirit in his mouth (Rev.16:13-14; Eph.2:2; Rev.12:7,15).

What would it mean to remold our spiritual sword, into a plowshare? Well let's look at the spiritual meaning of plowshare. -- A plow, breaks up the ground for planting. Hearts are compared to such soil (Luke 8:8,11,15; 9:62; Hosea 10:12; ). As we battle for the truth, we "overturn" established beliefs (2Cor.10:5) to prepare a heart to accept the seed of God's truthful Word (Luke 8:11,15; 1Pet.1:23; James 1:21). The work of preparing a heart to receive the Word of God, is the work of a plow (1Cor.9:10). -- After that seed is planted and cultivated (1Cor.3:6-9; Isa.45:8; Jer.4:3 Hosea 6:3), there is a harvest (John4:35-37; Amos 9:13; 2Cor.9:6,10; Rev.14:15-16). 

By remolding our spiritual sword into a plowshare, we change our focus from spiritual war, to spiritual cultivation. A spiritual "pruning hook", lops off branches that are not fruitful, and "cleans" branches so that they are more fruitful (John15:1-3; 2Cor.7:1).

You ask; "Matthew 24:6 “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.” Would the anointed not be at spiritual war anymore?" ---- As you know, the spiritual war "must happen", just as you correctly connect 1Cor.11:18-19, and I will add Matt.18:7 and Rev.2:14. That warfare makes plain, which side of the battle each anointed king will take. That is a necessary part of the harvest (Matt.13:30,37-39,40-43; Mal.3:18; 1Cor.11:19) and conclusion to Armageddon. --- Then you add; "Would the divisions cease since all the anointed would be in harmony as one, and have Gods approval? (John 17:21)". Yes, the time comes for the battle to end. The scriptures that foretell this end to "Confusion" and the threshold of peace, knowledge, and unity, is indeed referred to at John17:21, as well as Eph.4:13; John6:45; Isa.54:12-13; Rom.8:18-19; Matt.24:28; Zech.4:10; Matt.13:31-32; Dan.2:35,44; 7:21-22.

[For more information on symbolic war, please see]

Next you say; "Revelation 12:11 “They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.”  Is it that they’re being disfellowshipped/killed would mean they finished their “war” (rev 13:4) with the beast/wt and that allows them rest/“wait a little while longer” until the rest of the anointed are disfellowshipped just like they were? (Rev 6:11)".

Rev.12:11 is referring to the ones who obey Mark 8:35. These are willing to face death for the sake of truth. This can happen through disfellowshipping (John16:2). When that occurs, those Victors have faithfully conquered the beast, just as Jesus conquered the world by not being intimidated by the same threat (John16:33; 15:18-20; 1John5:4; 4:4). What "world", hated Jesus? (John8:13,23; 15:24-25,18; 16:2; 8:40; Matt.12:14; Mark 13:13). It is the same "world" that will hate Jesus' genuine, faithful disciples. ( 

Such victors are raised up (Rev.3:21; Eph.2:6). That is just the beginning. After being written in heaven (Heb.12:22-23; Luke 10:20) they are ready to battle with Christ (Rev.19:14; 17:14). Their faithful stand and acceptance of death, is only the start of their battle against demonic deception. Those slain who are seen under the altar at Rev.6:9-11, are the 144000 who came to life (John5:24; Rom.8:9; 1John3:14), ruled with Christ over grace and truth, and fought with Jesus during his "thousand year" kingdom (Rev.20:4-6; Luke10:17-20). AFTER that, Satan is released for "a little while" (Rev.20:2-3; 12:12). That "short time"/"little while", is the same "little while longer" that the 144000 need to wait (Rev.6:11). The 144000 under the altar (Rev.6:9; 20:4) who never worshiped the Beast or it's image, are awaiting those who come to life, after the thousand years... through their also dying for the truth (Rev.20:5A)(Mark 8:35) after the beast does appear. They do so, after the "thousand years" ends, and during the Great Tribulation. Those who "come to life" after the "thousand years have ended", are the "Great Crowd" remnant who are sealed during the Great Tribulation (Rev.20:5a; Rev.15:2; 7:9-10; 19:1). The Great Tribulation ensues as Satan is released from the abyss. The "Great Crowd" come to life, conquer, die for truth, during Satan's "short period of time" while the 144000, rest... awaiting the remnant to also die and be sealed. ( --- ( --- (

Conquering by means of a faithful death, is only the start of one's reign. During one's reign, the enemies of Christ are battled and subdued through spiritual warfare (as initially discussed above). All enemies but one, were conquered by Jesus and the 144000. The "last enemy, Death" is conquered during the Great Tribulation and Armageddon (1Cor.15:25-26; Rev.6:7-8; 15:7; 17:1; 21:9) (1Cor.15:54-56,57-58; Rev.9:3,10; 1Cor.15:56). Death is conquered by each individual faithful one, when they die for truth (Mark 8:35; Rev.6:11). But after joining the faithful (Rev.11:7,11-12) they join Jesus to take down the kingdom of the enemy. They must then battle alongside him, by exposing the power of demonic lies and their agents/messengers. The faithful remnant must obey Jesus when he tells them, "hold on to what you have until I come" (Rev.2:25). What they hold, is their testimony (1Thess.5:20-22,23-24; Rev.12:17), until the end (Matt.10:22; Rev.2:25).

When all are sealed (Rev.6:9-11; 14:14-16; 15:1-3; 7:9-10,14-17) by a faithful death; then the harlot faces God's justice (Rev.19:1-2). The beast and Satan follow (Rev.20:10), and the powers which cause death, are destroyed.

As you say, there are anointed who are now unified under the headship of Jesus Christ. As such, they are all subject to his guidance and care, as he feeds and cherishes his Body (Eph.5:23,28-30,32). The result is that there is harmony, light, and peace. All things are unfolding just as prophesied. It is the time of "small beginnings" (Zech.4:10; Dan.9:25; Rev.12:17)(Matt.13:31-32; Dan.2:44,34-35; Isa.2:2-4).


Additional Pages for Study (coming soon)