Questions received:
I was hoping you would discuss Luke 19:39-40.
It reads;
“Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!” 40 “I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.”
I am interested in understanding more the difference is between Jesus’ “disciples,” and the “stones.” When considering the verses prior in Luke ch.19, the wicked servant is mentioned (minas)…is this perhaps a comparison between the wicked slave and the anointed (“stones”) that will cry out?
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My Reply:
Although the connection between those obligated to preach (Luke19:11-17), and those who "keep silent" or "cry out" (Luke19:37-40), could be drawn and expounded upon; that comparison would not be a direct answer to the meaning of Luke19:40.
There are multiple application of Jesus' words. There are multiple scenarios where those obligated to cry out, keep silent... and multiple times when "stones" replace them in crying out.
There are multiple application of Jesus' words. There are multiple scenarios where those obligated to cry out, keep silent... and multiple times when "stones" replace them in crying out.
FIrst, lets look at what the Bible's meaning of "stones", are.
Acts 1:8,4-5; Eze.11:19; 36:26; 2Cor.3:3; Jer.24:7; 31:33; Heb.8:10; Deut.11:18; Rev.14:1; 7:3; Isa.43:10,21; 1Pet.2:9-10
From those scriptures, you may have noted the change from a heart of stone, to a heart of flesh. Such a heart is softened... willing to listen... willing to repent. These are the ones given spirit in the heart, so that they can understand the things of God (1Cor.2:12-13). Such priests become, "living stones" (1Pet.2:5,9; Eph.2:20-22)
They stand in contrast to those of Matt.13:13-15 NLT:
13 That is why I use these parables, For they look, but they don’t really see. They hear, but they don’t really listen or understand. 14 This fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah that says,
‘When you hear what I say,
you will not understand.
When you see what I do,
you will not comprehend.
15 For the hearts of these people are hardened,
and their ears cannot hear,
and they have closed their eyes—
so their eyes cannot see,
and their ears cannot hear,
and their hearts cannot understand,
and they cannot turn to me
and let me heal them.’"
you will not understand.
When you see what I do,
you will not comprehend.
15 For the hearts of these people are hardened,
and their ears cannot hear,
and they have closed their eyes—
so their eyes cannot see,
and their ears cannot hear,
and their hearts cannot understand,
and they cannot turn to me
and let me heal them.’"
Like the stiff-necked unrepentant of ancient Israel; such ones retain a hardened heart of stone... unwilling to repent and be healed (Isa.6:10) of their error and sin. The Bible refers to hardened, unrepentant hearts as "stones", and softened repentant hearts as "living stones".
First we need to clarify, who the original ones responsible to do the crying out, are... both past and present.
The priesthood of God is charged with declaring the praise found at Luke 19:38 (Ps.118:26-27; 1Pet.2:9-10; Isa.43:21,10)
(1Pet.2:5; Hosea 14:2; Heb.13:15; Mal.2:7; 1Cor.4:1).
Rather than the first century Jewish priesthood, praising the arrival of the Messiah; They were seeking his death (Mark8:31; John8:39-40).
(1Pet.2:5; Hosea 14:2; Heb.13:15; Mal.2:7; 1Cor.4:1).
Rather than the first century Jewish priesthood, praising the arrival of the Messiah; They were seeking his death (Mark8:31; John8:39-40).
In contrast, the apostles were spiritually regarded as the seed of Abraham, and as a result of their faith in Jesus (Gal.3:7,9,29; Rom.4:12-13,16) could arise as vocal "stones" (Luke3:8; 19:40; Rev.21:14).
So... in the first century... the Jewish priesthood "kept silent" regarding the declaration of praise due God for sending His son to them (John1:11-13,26-27,31,34; Matt.10:6-7; 15:24). The nation as a whole, rejected Jesus (John1:11; Matt.23:37; 27:24-25; 21:37-38,39-40,41).
The genuine sons raised up for Abraham and having the faith of Abraham ("stones"), took up the praise due, and cried out (Rev.21:14; Luke19:37-38; Acts 2:4,5-6,11,14,22-23,32-33,36; 1:8).
The genuine sons raised up for Abraham and having the faith of Abraham ("stones"), took up the praise due, and cried out (Rev.21:14; Luke19:37-38; Acts 2:4,5-6,11,14,22-23,32-33,36; 1:8).
The apostles were the first "foundation stones" of God's Temple. They were the first from among God's lost and hardened Jewish nation, to replace the silent priesthood. From then on, that spiritual Temple would be under construction, with more living stones being added (1Pet.2:5; Eph.2:20-22).
But there is a further fulfillment of Luke 19:40, which Jesus had in mind when he spoke those words.
Are there other hearts of stone that can be softened by the spirit of God?
Are there other "stones" that can be raised up as seed of Abraham, besides the Jewish disciples that were already crying out? (Matt.3:9)
Are there other stones, that would cry out, should the apostles themselves be silenced?
Are there other stones, that would cry out, should the apostles themselves be silenced?
"14 that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. 7 Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham."
There we see the fulfillment of what Jesus was referring to, at Luke 19:40.
If the Jewish disciples of Jesus kept silent... the Gentile stones would cry out... those also to be raised up as seed of Abraham (Matt.3:9; Rom.4:16-17; Gen.17:4-5).
There we see the fulfillment of what Jesus was referring to, at Luke 19:40.
If the Jewish disciples of Jesus kept silent... the Gentile stones would cry out... those also to be raised up as seed of Abraham (Matt.3:9; Rom.4:16-17; Gen.17:4-5).
The literal and physical seed of Abraham, were known by circumcision (Gen.17:12-13; Acts 7:8,51).
Those physical Gentiles who became Abraham's spiritual seed, would receive a circumcision of the heart (Rom.4:11; 2:28-29; Gal.5:6; 6:15; Eph.2:11-14,18-22; Col.2:11) by the law of God, being written upon it.
Once again... Gentile hearts of stone, are softened, repentant, healed, receive spirit, and able to hear and declare the truths of God.
We read in prophecy, that when God has prepared the marriage feast for his spiritual temple priesthood;
those originally invited, refuse to attend (Matt.22:1-3,4-5).
Matt.25:10-12 gives us another facet to understanding why those invited, do not attend. They are not guided by the spirit of God.
The "oil" for their lamplight is running low as is their light/eye/insight (Matt.6:22-23; 25:8).
In truth... rather than declaring the praises of God...
(Ex.15:3; 14:14; Ps.24:8; 83:18; Isa.42:13; 43:13; Jer.20:11; Rom.8:31; 1John4:4; Prov.21:30; Isa.40:18),
....they are declaring the praises of an Idol (Rev.13:4,7-8; Rom.1:25)!
Matt.25:10-12 gives us another facet to understanding why those invited, do not attend. They are not guided by the spirit of God.
The "oil" for their lamplight is running low as is their light/eye/insight (Matt.6:22-23; 25:8).
In truth... rather than declaring the praises of God...
(Ex.15:3; 14:14; Ps.24:8; 83:18; Isa.42:13; 43:13; Jer.20:11; Rom.8:31; 1John4:4; Prov.21:30; Isa.40:18),
....they are declaring the praises of an Idol (Rev.13:4,7-8; Rom.1:25)!
Are such ones prepared and actively declaring God's praise, as well as the arrival of the Bridegroom (Matt.25:6; Luke19:38)?
Since they are not found faithful at the arrival of the Bridegroom... they lose out on the provisions of the marriage feast
(Matt.25:10; Rev.3:7; Isa.29:10-11; Matt.13:11; 25:28-30; 22:13; Luke 8:18).
They are taken captive, suffer famine, and are rendered silent.
(Matt.25:10; Rev.3:7; Isa.29:10-11; Matt.13:11; 25:28-30; 22:13; Luke 8:18).
They are taken captive, suffer famine, and are rendered silent.
What "stones" then, would declare the praises of God... the bounteous provisions of the wedding feast, the arrival of the Bridegroom, and the day of God's inspection (Matt.22:11)?
After the original Invitees decline their attending the marriage feast,
God's faithful servants are directed to "invite anyone you find" on the roads leading out of the city (Matt.22:8-10).
Those whose hearts have been softened by holy spirit, appreciate their invitation to God's feast. They are honored by God, the Bridegroom, and his Bride.
They even assist the Bride in dispensing the living waters of God and Christ (Rev.22:17). They too, become "stones that cry out" when the original invitees to the marriage feast, remain silent.
God's faithful servants are directed to "invite anyone you find" on the roads leading out of the city (Matt.22:8-10).
Those whose hearts have been softened by holy spirit, appreciate their invitation to God's feast. They are honored by God, the Bridegroom, and his Bride.
They even assist the Bride in dispensing the living waters of God and Christ (Rev.22:17). They too, become "stones that cry out" when the original invitees to the marriage feast, remain silent.
It is true that the steward over the household of Christ, should be the one to "cry out".
The wicked steward will not do that, because he is drunk
(Luke12:45-46; Jer.51:7; Isa.28:7-8; Micah 2:11; Jer.5:31; 2Thess.2:11; Rev.13:11; 19:20). His allies have hearts like iron (Rev.9:3,9; Eze.2:6).
(Luke12:45-46; Jer.51:7; Isa.28:7-8; Micah 2:11; Jer.5:31; 2Thess.2:11; Rev.13:11; 19:20). His allies have hearts like iron (Rev.9:3,9; Eze.2:6).
The two witnesses (Rev.11:11,3-5; Zech.4:11-12,13-14; Rev.1:20) and their congregations/lampstands will do so.
They will be the stones which cry out, in the midst of a silent, trampled priesthood (Rev.22:17; Matt.22:8-10).