Sunday, March 27, 2016

Who Gathers and Partakes? / Abandon your "cloak"

A letter I received:

I just need clarity on one thing and I hope you can help, Pearl.
According to the scriptures Jesus had the "Last Meal" with the 11 apostles, faithful men whom he had "chosen" (John 6:70; 15:19,16).

Jehovah's Witnesses across the world commemorate this event on Nisan 14 on a yearly basis and during the evening all are invited and there are "chosen" men and women whom have been baptised with the holy spirit, and non-anointed also with them.

Since we, who know the truth and are progressing in the divine light of truth, who have obeyed Rev 18:4 we should keep in mind the words recorded in Matt.24:15-17 flee to the mountains and not go in to get our belongings as their valuable things might be tainted by false beliefs. 

Back to the "Lord's Meal" are there any scriptural basis for non-anointed to be present with the anointed like JWs do? We should bear in mind that Jesus Christ had the opportunity to invite all he met and was with during the day before sunset and yet did not do so.

If we are to follow in Jesus' footsteps 1Peter 2:21 then we must observe the commandment given to the apostles very closely. Anointed should meet and observe this commandment on their own, with Jesus  Matt.18:20

Thank you


My response:

Hello Modise,
Yes, those to whom Christ offered the unleavened bread and wine, were chosen to enter the covenant which that the wine represented and established (Mark 14:12,17,23-24; John 15:191Pet. 2:9; Rev.17:14) (Ps.91:13; Luke 10:19-201John 5:18; Luke 9:1-2; Mal.2:7; Rev.5:10). 
Jesus described those chosen for that covenant, as those who "stuck with me in my trials" 
(Luke 22:28-292Tim. 2:12; Rev.3:21,10; Matt.24:22,131Cor. 15:24-25,57). 
Such an adherence to Christ, was to his example and path (Luke 22:28; Rom.8:171Pet. 4:13; 2:21; Rev.1:9), which continued to be the standard of victory, for all those to be chosen by Christ; both then, and since (Rev.14:4-5; Ps.91:13; Rev.12:11,10,7-91John 2:14; John 16:33; 14:301Cor. 6:2-3; 15:57) (John 20:29; 17:20; Rev.12:111Pet. 1:8; Eph.1:12-13; Rev.14:12). 
As you may reason from the foregoing scriptures, those whom Christ invited to the last supper and inauguration of the New Covenant...
    [by virtue of his blood/wine (Luke 22:20; Zech.9:11; Matt.24:22
    (Heb.13:20; Phil.3:10; Rom.6:5; Rev.6:9,11), which they accepted], 
...were not of the general public, such as those who are invited to comprise the audience that attend the Kingdom Halls, each year.
1Cor. 11:33 makes plain, that those who gather, are gathering to "eat". The occasion therefore, is a gathering of partakers... the actual members of the Body of Christ/Temple of Christ's Body (1Cor. 10:17; 12:27-29; Eph.2:20-221Pet. 2:5,9-10) (John 2:211Cor. 3:16; Eph.1:22-23; 4:11-12; Col.1:18,24; 2:19; John 15:4-5). 

Failure to exercise clear perception about our personal inclusion (or exclusion) regarding the Body members of Christ, (including discernment about who gathers and who partakes of that "Body" -1Cor. 10:17), is to be judged (1Cor. 11:29,27-28; Rom.12:5-8).
As is clear from the Bible's first-hand account of the Lord's last Supper, there was not a mix of attendees that included the curious public. Neither were there Romans who officiated over Christ and the apostles, as the Gentile "elders" officiate over anointed partakers, today ("Jews" -Rom.2:28-29; Gal.3:29) (Jew-Gentile(Dsgstg-thing) (Matt.24:152Thess. 2:4) (who-are-gods?)
Not even all those who had put faith in Jesus were in attendance (John 12:11; 7:31; 11:45; 12:18,42) (Luke 22:14-15), but only those whom Jesus had declared as "chosen" members of his Body, as Bride (Matt.19:61Cor. 6:17; John 14:20; 17:23; 15:7,4) (Rev.12:1; Dan.12:3; Rev.7:4; Isa.49:17-18; 52:1; 61:10; Rev.19:8; 3:4) (Rev.12:1; Gal.3:27; Mal.4:2; Luke 1:78; Rev.22:16; 2:28; Isa.60:1; Jer.30:17).
Had the first Memorial been an open invitation, there would have been many attendees (Matt.21:8,11,46). Could a lack of accommodations be the reason why Jesus kept the number, sparse? No. Jesus had no problem accommodating a crowd (Matt.14:19).

Next you say that "JWs" hold the Memorial on Nisan 14. Yet this year, that is not true. According to calculations, they actually held it on Nisan 15 this year. I don't understand the basis for that decision. You may also be interested in learning about the original day of the Memorial, and that Jesus did not celebrate it on Nisan 14. To learn about that from the scriptures, please consider this article: (The Memorial - When?)

I appreciate your mention of Matt.24:15-16, and the urgent warning to flee. As you say, Jesus told us not to worry about things we leave behind, as if they had more value than our lives (as Lot's wife did) (Luke 17:31-32). 
At Matt.24:18, it tells us to abandon our "cloak", or, our outer garment (Luke 6:29; Matt.5:40). Our outer garment symbolizes our outward appearance to men... our identity and reputation according to their estimation (outer-garment). 
But our hidden inner undergarment/"tunic", is our own mind and heart (John 19:23; Ps.86:11; Matt.22:37; John 14:31; Ps.45:7), which is unseen unless we reveal it, to others (1Pet. 3:4). But our inner garment, is always exposed to the eyes of God (Heb.4:13; Jude 1:23; Isa.64:6,10; Mal.3:2).
When Jesus tells us to abandon our cloak, when it is time to flee;
we must be willing to surrender our identity and repute before men (Luke 6:29; Matt.10:28; Rev.2:9-10; Rom.2:29), as Jesus was willing (Isa.53:9; Heb.12:2-3; 13:13; 11:261Pet. 2:23; Mark 13:13; John 16:2; Matt.23:34-35; Rev.18:24; 11:7-10; Isa.57:1). 
When it is time to "flee", we must not be concerned about salvaging our reputation among those blind, deaf, and
condemned by God (2Thess. 2:11; John 12:40)... seeking to retain our "outer garment" (Matt.24:18; Mark 8:35).
Although Luke 6:29 and Matt.5:40 may seem like opposite statements; both are applicable. 
If our identity in the Congregation of "JW's" is demanded of us through disfellowshipping, we also surrender our inner thoughts in an attempt to profess a thorough witness of truth to our executioners, before our "deaths" 
If our inner thoughts are first requested by such "elders", we must also be willing to surrender our outward standing in the Congregation, as a consequence (Matt.10:32-33; John 14:6; Eze.33:8-9; Eph.4:25; Zech.3:8,3-4; Rev.7:14; 3:18; 19:8).
Neither the treasured "tunic" nor the "cloak" we leave behind, will prove to be of any lasting value, if we esteem them as of greater worth than Christ's command to "Flee" (Isa.51:7-8; 61:10,7; Ps.25:3). 
We must do so, as soon as we "catch sight" of the disgusting thing causing desolation to the "holy place" 
(Matt.24:15; Dan.8:24,112Thess. 2:41Cor. 3:16Luke 21:24; Rev.13:10,7; 11:2) (dsgstg-thing). 
The treasures of Christ, are always worth more than what we leave behind (Col.2:2-3; Matt.6:20).

Thank you for your faith filled expressions.
I hope in my heart that our Father continue to uphold you in faith, truth, and peace.
Love in Christ,

Friday, March 11, 2016

This Year's Memorial

I extend this invitation to all those who have been called and chosen by God, to be a member in the Body of Christ. We will be memorializing the remembrance of Christ's last supper with his Chosen ones, on March 21, after sundown for all participants.
Please use the contact form on this page, to either accept the invitation, or to ask any questions regarding our arrangements.

The reason for choosing this date:
The spring equinox occurs on March 20th at 4:40 PM, Jerusalem time.
The Jewish calendar calculates the new moon of Adar (the last month of the previous religious calendar year) to be at 9:31 PM on March 8th. That places the 14th day of the new lunar month, on or after the spring equinox, and thus that month should be Nisan (the first month of the new religious year). Nisan 14 (Passover) is then, March 22.
Although most of our contemporaries who celebrate the Memorial of Christ's death, do so concurrently with the Jewish Passover; scripture reveals that Jesus did not inaugurate the memorial of his sacrifice, nor have the "last supper" with his apostles, on "Passover".
He performed the formal remembrance of his death, the "day of preparation" (Mark 14:12; 15:42-43; John 19:14,31,42) which was also, "the first day of 'Unfermented Cakes' ", (which festival lasted a week), and was the first day of that Passover week (Mark 14:12).
["Jehovah's Witnesses" claim that this week-long festival of unfermented bread, begins the day after Passover, or, Nisan 15. (LINK - LINK)
This is untrue, according to Mark 14:12, which establishes that the Passover week (and the first day of Unfermented Bread) begins on the "Day of Preparation", or the day before the Passover Sabbath. That is also the day Jesus performed the Last Supper / Memorial. He used unfermented bread as the symbol for his body, thereby associating his sacrifice (and new Covenant with his Bride/Chosen John 15:191Pet. 2:9; John 6:70; Matt.26:17,20), with that religious day. This makes clear, that the important significance of "the first day of unfermented cakes" as it pertains to the Memorial, should not be lost through ignorance. It is the same day the Passover lambs were to be sacrificed, for the Passover Sabbath.]
  While the Passover lambs were being sacrificed for the sundown to come, Jesus was also dying on his torture stake (Luke 22:7; John 1:291Cor. 5:7; Isa.53:7; John 19:9). That was the afternoon following the memorial [and the same Jewish day (sundown to sundown) as the Memorial / Day of Preparation / first day of the week of Unfermented Cakes - first day of Passover Week (Luke 22:1,8,13-15,19,29; Rev.5:9-10; Mark 14:12; 15:42-43)].
Jesus was buried in a tomb, before the Passover Sabbath (Nisan 14), even began (John 19:31,33).

For more scriptural information about this, please see this post:
Although that post is written about last year's memorial,
the scriptures contained, make clear that Christ performed the "last supper", on the Day of Preparation which was also, the first day of "Unfermented/unleavened Bread" / first day of Passover Week.


Thursday, March 10, 2016

God's will and requirements / Re-baptism?


Dear Pearl,
...I'm always wanting to be under Yhwh's love, but Jesus Christ said "not everyone saying Lord Lord will enter the kingdom", and many will say "did we not prophesy and expel demons in your name and he will say I never knew you" (Matt.7:21-23). So I ask myself, what is God's will? I know John 17:3  says to take in knowledge of you and of the one you've sent forth. Is God's will to, in an undertone watch day study his law and apply it? What more is there if its not to prophesy or bear witness to the truth?
I also would like to ask,
Do you feel being baptized in the organization is a valid one, (being baptized in the name of the father son and God's spirit directed organization)? They don't say what spirit that is that's directing it. Did you get re-baptized after leaving? I often wonder and whether going somewhere to be baptized in the name of those three should be done?

My reply:

You ask about God's will, and how many who think they are doing it, will be rejected by Christ (Luke13:28; Matt.25:11-13). You rightly see that God requires us to learn His truths, and then to practice them, as well as publicize them. There is a good scripture that helps to simplify what God expects of us. It is Micah 6:8...

"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God."
God has told us "what is good", throughout the scriptures, and especially through the teachings of Christ (John 7:16; 14:24; 12:49; 17:8; 15:15). Based upon those teachings, He expects us to exercise God's expressed justice in our dealings. He expects us to love kindness... treating others as we wish to be treated. (Matt.7:12) He expects us to avoid feelings of superiority over others, remembering that we are all sinners, and do not deserve what belongs to God... namely worship or obedience (obey-men?). We may teach God's words, but any obedience to them (2Thess.1:8), is not to us.

Whatever we have in the way of understanding, we were granted by God's mercy (1Cor.4:7). We received it from God... not because we are anything (Rom.12:3; 2Cor.10:13; Eph.4:7; 3:7; 1Pet.4:11), but because God's will must be accomplished (Isa.55:11). We remember that He could make mere stones cry out, if we didn't (Luke19:39-40; Eze.36:26-27; Luke6:45; Hab.2:11).

Those who say, "Lord, Lord" think they have done great things, by their prophesying (Rev.13:11; 16:13; 1Tim.4:1; 1John4:1), expelling demons (Luke11:24-26), and powerful works (Rev.13:12-14). But by what means did they really do those things? They did it through a brutal power, that forgot Christ's Law of Love (John13:34-35; 1Cor.13:1-13; Matt.7:23). They did it by Satan's power, through a Gentile "Beast" (Rev.13:4,6; 2Pet.2:12; Jude 1:10), as "it" slanders, reviles, and blasphemes the faithful "least of Christ's brothers" (Luke6:22; John16:2; Rev.11:7; 2:9; Matt.25:41-46). This is why we must "come out of her" who "rides" that Beast (Rev.18:4; 2Cor.6:17; Isa.52:11; Jer.51:6; Luke21:22,21; Matt.24:16,15) (dsgstg-thing), so that we do not share in such sins. Yes, we were unknowingly baptized into that Beast... promising to let it guide our spiritual lives. In time, that guidance strayed far away from God's guidance (666). The fork in the road has come, and we must decide if we worship and obey God as His slaves (Deut.11:18; Rev.22:4; 2:2), or as slaves of the Beast (Rev.13:16; Rom.6:16; Gal.1:10) (Rev.2:20; 2Cor.11:20,12-15,2-5).
Our baptism involves the things Jesus said, at Matt.28:19-20....
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."

We must learn Jesus Christ's commands, live according to them, and be baptized in the names of those whom we do worship. Those divine requirements are not the same as our dedication to the Organization (Isa.2:22; Ps.146:3; Rev.13:8).
(More info. about baptism vows: baptism-vows).
(More info. about re-baptism: re-baptism?)

Yet, if we were baptized by Holy Spirit into Christ (Matt.3:11; Gal.3:27,26; Col.2:11), we are already baptized, and yet, we need to be cleansed...
not by literal water, but by obedience to God's Word (1Pet.3:21; Eph.5:26; Titus 3:5; John13:14; Ps.119:9). That is what will cleanse us of the mark of the Beast. We are then, no longer branded as it's slaves (Rev.13:16) if we become branded as slaves of God (Deut.11:18; Rev.7:3; 22:4). That brings us back to Micah 6:8
"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God."
The false prophet and it's Beast do not obey any of those requirements.
If we do, we are slaves of God, and are doing His will.

For those chosen by God to belong to Christ, as his covenant Bride and the dwelling of God's spirit on earth (1Cor.3:16; 1Pet.2:5,9-10; Eph.2:20-22; Rev.21:3); there is further guidance about what God is seeking within the heart, at Psalm 15 (Rev.21:9-10,27; 22:14-15).

Here is a Bible study, for those seeking to follow Matt.28:19-20
Of course, God's Will also includes teaching others what we have learned from Christ and his Body (Eph.4:11-12). Here is an additional link, about how that aspect of God's will, is accomplished: (Gods-will).  I hope this letter helps you to understand what God's will is, and about your baptism question. Thank you for writing to me, and I hope you will let me know how you do with the information.
Love in Christ,

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Gospel throughout the " World "

Important additions continuing


Hi Pearl,

I just wanted to ask your view on Col.1:23. Paul seems to be saying that the good news of the kingdom has already been preached worldwide? How could that be because he could never have covered the whole world in the time he had performing his ministry? But for argument sake let's presume he did complete it, then surely the worldwide preaching with regards to what this scripture is saying has been fulfilled in his day if that is what he is proclaiming.

-  -  -  -  -  -  -

My Reply:
Col.1:23 is a parallel to Col.1:5-6 and Rom.10:18.
The "world" to which Paul referred to as receiving a full witness, was the Jewish "world"/age/system/arrangement/adornment
(Acts 13:5,26,45-46; 3:26; 9:20; 26:20).

Jesus was sent only to God's People (Matt.15:24; 4:23; John1:11), not to the world at large, as we understand that term. God's people was the "world" that "hated" him (John15:18-22,23-25; Gal.4:16; Amos5:10; John8:45,42; 15:25).
You must see what the Greek definition of "world", as it was originally written in scripture, means.
This link will help with that: (world-earth-home)
Jesus was sent to Israel/"world" (Matt.15:24; John1:9,11), because they were given the promises by God. They were in covenant with God... the people to serve God and fulfill his purposes for a seed of salvation (Gen.17:3-4,9; 22:18; Gal.3:16)... the ones who needed to repent of their unfaithfulness, by the knowledge Christ brought to them. (Matt.15:24; John1:11; 8:22-24; Rom.10:18).
As a whole, that nation broke their covenant with God (Isa.54:5; Matt.16:4; 12:34; 23:33; 21:43; Acts 2:40).
Before God extended a new covenant to people of all nations (Acts 10:34-35; Gen.17:5; Gal.3:28-29), he gave an opportunity to the Jews first, out of regard for the patriarchs and the promises God made to them (Matt.10:6; Rom.1:16; 11:28; 9:5). That entire "world" was given a witness, before God abandoned them to the destroyer (Matt.23:34; 24:1-2) (Matt.3:10; 21:43; 23:37-38; Eze.18:31-32), who did destroy their "world"/age/arrangement, in 70 CE.

This accurate understanding of the Greek word that is translated as "world", is essential,
because it opens up the right understanding of Matt.24:14, and to whom the gospel is supposed to be preached to, today. (the-good-news)
We can't know that, unless we know what "world" really means, in the original Greek.

How does the "world" which was given a full witness, compare to
"all Creation"? (Col.1:23)

The "creation" being spoken about, is also the nation created by God. See Isa.43:7,21; 29:23; 64:8.
God did not create the world of sinful, dying humanity, now under the dominion of Satan (1John5:19; Matt.4:8-9; Heb.2:14Rom.8:20-22) (John8:44; Eph.2:2).

When the original nation creation by God (His Nation of people under Law) was destroyed, there was a replacement (Gal.6:15; Eph.2:15,10).
God's creation, are His own offspring (Eph.5:1; 2:10; 2Tim.1:9), based in Christ (Rev.3:14; Eph.1:4; Phil.2:15).
Please let me know if those scriptures are sufficient to make clear, what is meant, by "all creation', or, 
every creature "under heaven" (Col.1:23), or,
creation beneath the throne of God  (Isa.66:1; Ps.48:2).

The "world"/system/age/arrangement, that exists today, will also be done away with (1Cor.15:24; 2Pet.3:7,11; 1Pet.4:7)...
leaving only those who have repented, and proven their faith by their loyal works (1Cor.3:13-14),
and having obeyed the "worldwide" gospel of today
(Isa.48:20; Matt.24:14; 2Pet.3:11-13; John12:48; Jer.23:29; Rev.11:5; 19:15; Heb.4:12).
In contrast to the successful "worldwide witness" of the first century;
the final witness of today, will not be as thorough or complete (Matt.10:23; Rev.1:4,11). Why? Because the golden message of Christ, is contraband (Rev.3:18; 13:17; Gal.4:16-17Isa.29:8-10; Isa.55:2). (buying-and-selling) (mark-of-beast) (666)

  Because the love for truth has grown cold (Rev.2:4; Matt.24:12; 2Thess.2:10-12; Matt.13:15), God is allowing them to be blind and deaf to what the spirit now declares to the Congregations (Rev.2:29) (Rev.13:15,8; Ps.135:15,18,17). They are unable to hear the final proclamations, because they have been deceived into viewing God's faithful messengers, as wicked (Isa.47:9; Nahum 3:4; Rev.18:23,3) and have cast them out (1John3:12,15; Isa.66:5; Luke 6:22-23) (Isa.5:20; Rev.11:3,7-10; Matt.23:34-36; Rev.17:6; 18:24) (Mark8:35-38; John16:2; Rev.6:9-11; Matt.25:44-46)
(Amos 5:18,20; Luke11:35; Matt.6:23; Isa.5:20).
  Therefore, in this time of the end, the seven congregations will not all hear and understand what the spirit declares to their congregations. (Isa.29:10; 2Thess.2:11; Isa.6:9;  2Tim.3:7,5) Only those to whom it is granted, will be given ears that "hear" (Matt.13:16; Rev.2:29; Luke10:23-24; Matt.13:11; Col.1:12)

Thank you for asking your good question.
Love in Christ,
P.S. For those wondering how Matt.24:14 can be fulfilled without the power of the "Watchtower", this link may be of interest: (LINK).

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

BAPTISM SERIES / Part A -- section 2: " Forty days and nights "

Still Editing

"After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry."

"After forty days and forty nights"
The time Jesus spent in the wilderness, was patterned for us in Moses (Ex.24:18; 34:28). By examining that pattern, we learn more about the purpose of Christ being there (Matt.4:2), after his anointing by God (Luke3:22; Ps.45:2,7,17; Luke22:29; Rev.3:21; Ps.110:1-4).
God initiated a covenant during that same time period, through Moses (Deut.9:9,11) during which he interceded on behalf of God's sinful nation (Deut.10:10; 9:25,18; Joel 2:12-14,15-17; 1:14-15) (Joel 2:14; Rev.6:6 d), and learned a means of atonement for His people's sins (Deut.9:18; Acts 3:22-23,25). 
[The unrepentant, do not fast 
(Isa.22:12-14; 1Thess.5:3,7; Isa.56:11-12; Luke12:19-20; Rev.3:17-18; Isa.28:7; Luke12:45-46; Hosea 6:5; Nahum 1:10)].

1. What was the spiritual condition of God's people, when both Moses and Jesus entered the wilderness for 40 days and nights?
2. What did both Moses and Jesus seek from God, while in the wilderness?
3. What was God's response to both Moses and Jesus?
4. What responsibility did God give both Moses and Jesus, which they both began to carry out when they left the wilderness?

Other examples of this time pattern of 40, also involve bearing the iniquity of sin  (Num.14:34; Eze.4:6; 1Kings 19:14,8; Jonah 3:4) and includes the repairing of a covenant/God's favor, for the repentant (Num.14:19-20,27,29-30,23,31-32,34; Eze.5:13; Jonah 3:6-7,10).
1. How is the 40 day period in the wilderness, one of intercession?

It is a period that signifies testing, to let each person prove their heart before God. By that period's completion, all reap what they have sown. Those who remain to inherit God's promises, are cleansed and made suitable (Joshua 5:6; Num.32:13; 14:34).
(segment about numbers is removed, due to feedback. I will wait to publish that information, when it can be more fully explained.)
1.Before God's justice accepts intercession for sin, what must the intercessor, prove?

"Forty days and forty nights" is also a reference to the period during which God sent rain to cleanse the earth (Gen.6:11,17; 7:12,17), which also initiated a covenant (Gen.6:8,22,18). 
Those who remain faithful and are granted God's favor and mercy, and are carried through the period of trial, during which God judges and removes those who prove, wicked (2Pet.2:4-9,1-3).
1. What was the purpose of the 40 day period of rain, in Noah's day?

When Jesus went into the wilderness, he also suffered deprivation and temptation on behalf of his nation and it's sin (Mark 1:13; Luke 4:2; 19:10; Matt.15:24), during which he proved himself, without sin. He too sought God's Laws for His wayward people (Ps.40:7-8; Luke4:18-21), sought to become a channel of God's laws to be written on tablets of hearts, and for those who obey, a covenant... mercy, forgiveness, reconciliation with God, and divine favor for the repentant.
(John1:17; Heb.1:1-2; 2:10; 5:9) (2Cor.3:3; Jer.31:33; Ps.40:8; Deut.11:18; Rev.7:3; 14:1; 22:4).
What three main things did Jesus accomplish during his 40 days in the wilderness?

Jesus Christ's successful endurance of ongoing Satanic test (Mark 1:13), established the fall and rise of many within God's nation, based upon the divine favor he attained by that faithful endurance, and it's comparison to those proving unfaithful.
(Luke 2:34-35; John12:48; Luke 1:50-54; Isa.8:14,18; Ps.110:2)
Our faith must accomplish the same
(2Cor.6:4; 1John2:13; Rev.12:11; 1Cor.6:3; Mal.3:18)
(Heb.11:7; Rom.4:13; John16:33; Heb.12:2; 1John5:4; Rev.3:21; Acts 3:25; Gal.3:29; Ps.110:2; Rev.5:9-10; Eph.2:6).
1. How did the faithfulness of Christ, cause many to rise or fall?
2. How can we also have a part in the judgment of God's justice upon others?

Lastly, Jesus began to fulfill his role toward those who entered a covenant with him, by the same time pattern (Acts 1:2-3).
What can we learn by this time pattern, and how might we apply it in our own life?
During that final period on earth, Jesus provided "orders" to his apostles (Matt.28:20) and God's teachings "about the kingdom", which are also contained in the scroll of Revelation (Rev.19:9; 22:19). 
During Jesus' 40 day period with his apostles after his resurrection, it was time for Jesus to be the one to impart understanding, authority, and a means of reconciliation with God... to be made available through his apostles (2Cor.5:11-12,18-20). 
Just as Moses was given God's Laws on Tablets of stone, and Jesus was given an opened understanding of God's will for the New Covenant by Christ's blood;
the apostles (twelve foundation stones of God's spiritual Temple) and all the priesthood to follow, were given direction from Christ, during that same "40" period.
What occurred during Christ's last 40 day period?
How did the apostles fulfill a role similar to Moses and Jesus, during that period?

We are facing our own period in the wilderness (1,260 days) (Rev.12:6; Dan.9:27), to learn from the opening of the seven seals of God's scroll, and to be tested as to our loyalty to what we are given. Are we also willing to live and die in behalf of a sinful nation?
  We will either prove faithful to those teachings (Rev.12:14), or unfaithful (Rev.17:3) (two mothers) (Rev.22:11-12,18-19) (Zech.14:4; Rev.16:12; Josh.10:40).

Those who prove faithful, will come through their time of testing in the wilderness... refined, restored, and reconciled to God (James 1:12; 1Thess.2:4), and bearers of God's message of reconciliation and restoration.
Who is in the wilderness of Revelations' prophecies?
How do they differ?
How can we prove faithful in the wilderness, during our own symbolic 40 day period?

...he felt hungry" (Matt.4:2)

According to Jesus, his "food" was to do the will of Him who sent him to the earth (John 4:34). That work and will, was to bear testimony to God's Words of truth (John5:36,24; 17:6,4; Rev.3:14; John1:1,4,9,14,17-18; 6:58). As we feed others, we are fed (1Cor.9:9-10; 1Tim.5:18).
This was also true of Christ (John 4:32,34; Deut.8:3). Yet until he finishes God's will, he feels hungry (Luke12:49-50; John5:17). When the fire from heaven is finally finished with it's work (Luke12:49; Jer.23:29; 5:14; Rev.11:5; 2Pet.3:7,10-13); Jesus will again feast in the Kingdom of God (Luke22:18; Ps.23:5; Rev.19:9; Jer.31:14) (Matt.22:2; Rev.19:9).

For what food, did Jesus hunger?
When is Jesus second period of fasting?
Where, when, and how, is Jesus fed again?


Friday, March 4, 2016

Two "Mothers"

The "mothers" are covenants (Gal.4:24,26). Those covenants, are also called promises (Gal.4:28,26; Rom.9:8).
Once the promise of the covenant we have entered into (and have become that mothers "daughters" Ps.137:8; Zech.2:10) is fulfilled, we are sealed into that covenant, and join in fulfilling and becoming, the "mother" identity.

"Jerusalem above" is a mother covenant of Life. She sits upon the river of the water of life and it's agents (Rev.21:2; 22:1-2; 15:2; Ps.36:8), from which she offers waters of life (Rev.22:17), and fruit and leaves by her individual members who are trees which feed on her waters from God (Rev.22:1-3,5-6; 21:22,23). She provides the wine of spirit and truth (John15:4-8). She spreads her tent over those who come to life (Rev.21:24,2-3,6-7; Isa.54:1-3). Those sealed into her (Rev.21:27; 22:14-15), receive the crown of life (James1:12; Rev.2:10; 1Cor.9:25), and pass over, from death to life and are raised to life (John5:24; 1John3:14; Eph.2:6; Col.3:1; Rom.6:4; 2Cor.5:17)... raised to heaven where she resides (Rev.12:1; Gal.4:26; Eph.2:6; Rev.3:21; 5:10).
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"Babylon the Great" is a covenant of death (Isa.28:15). She sits upon the river of the water of death and it's agents (Rev.12:15; 16:13-16; 13:1; 8:11; 9:1-3; Joel2:2; Amos7:1; Eze.2:6; 1Cor.15:56; 2Thess.2:3-4), from which she forces others (under penalty of "death") to partake of waters of death (Rev.2:20; 8:10-11; 13:11,14-15; Jer.46:8), ashes (Isa.44:20), and the wine of Satan's vine (Deut.32:32-33; Jer.25:30,29; Rev.14:19; 18:3; Nahum3:16) ("Jezebel"). She spreads her tent over those who are under the power of death/abyss (Rev.17:1,15,18; Prov.5:5; 7:27; Rev.9:1). Those sealed into her (1John3:15; Rev.17:6; Isa.1:21; Mark3:29; Rev.13:6,15; 2Pet.2:12; Jude1:10) receive the aftermath of moth, rust, and thieves (Matt.6:19; Isa.66:24; 51:8,6; 34:4; Rev.6:14; 3:17-18) (Rev.17:1,16-17; Isa.47:10-11) and pass on to eternal condemnation and death (Isa.14:11-15; Rev.2:23; 20:10,14-15

where their mother resides (Prov.7:27; Rev.17:5; Eze.7:9,3).

  Matt.13:30; Mal.3:18; 4:1-2

I remember when I realized with astonishment, that the Organization has always belonged to Satan. It ascended out of the abyss (Rev.11:7; 17:8)... also emerged from the sea of Gentiles (Rev.13:1; Isa.57:20) at Satan's conjuring, bidding, and backing (Rev.12:17; 13:1,4) as his machination/operation of error (2Thess.2:9-12), since his release from the abyss (Rev.20:7; 16:13-16; 17:14; 1Tim.4:1). In contrast, God's Holy City descends from heaven (Rev.21:2)
At it's birth, Satans kingdom has "seven heads", which are it's succession of leaders (Rev.17:7,9-10)... fallen unfaithful anointed ones/false prophets (2Pet.3:17; Rev.2:5; Isa.14:12; Rev.8:10-11; 9:1 who have failed the test of Matt.4:9 (Dan.11:38; Rev.13:4; Eze.16:13-15,16-17; Rev.13:14; 19:20). The counterpart of those unfaithful "seven", are the seven stars/angels/prophets, in Jesus' right hand (Rev.1:20; 8:2) who are the seven horns/kings of Christ (Rev.5:6), who are given insight/eyes, into God's sacred secrets (Rev.5:6; Matt.23:34; John13:20; Matt.10:41; Rev.22:6; 19:10; Amos 3:7) (Prov.9:1; Rev.3:12)

["horns" are kings (Rev.17:12; Dan.7:24)].

During the Great Test in the "wilderness" (Matt.4:1), the faithful are depicted as delivered from Satan's face (Rev.12:6,14). The unfaithful, as enthroned upon a "Wild Beast" (Rev.17:3).
All the members of the GB (along with their mother covenant), sit upon a fortress of Gentiles... "an abomination causing desolation" to God's chosen ones.
Just as Rev.17:8 reads... those who worship the Beast's Image/Idol (Rev.13:8) will be "astonished" when they recognize the true identity of the Beast that persecutes Christ's remnant of brothers.

Rather than being "God's spirit-directed Organization"; it is Satan's "operation of error"/"abomination of desolation"/"disgusting thing standing in a holy place"/"Great Tribulation"-"trampling", to Christ's remnant of Chosen priests and "living stones" of God's genuine Temple.


Additional Pages for Study (coming soon)