Friday, December 18, 2015

BAPTISM SERIES -- Lesson Two Section 1 / The Wilderness

Questions added.
For lesson One, here is the link: (Lesson One)

The next section (Lesson Two) is the next addition, to 

Lesson Two

Progressing through the book of Matthew, the next words of Christ are found at Matt.4:4 where he is contending with his temptations by Satan, immediately following his baptism and it's vow to God (Matt.3:13,15,17; Luke4:16-21; Ps.40:7-8; Heb.10:7,16,9), to fulfill God's will and purpose concerning him (John4:34; 6:38). 
Here is the context of Christ's first response to Satan...
"Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. 2 After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. 3 The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.”
4 Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ " (Matt.4:1-4) (Deut.8:2-3)

So much could be said about each verse of this context, to supplement the actual words of Jesus, and the lesson those words teach us.
In Part A, I will do an overview of the context... verses 1-3 in sections 1-3
and then Part B will proceed to go into more scriptural depth about Christ's own statement at Matt.4:4
Examining the sayings of Christ, is the main purpose of this series (Matt.28:20 A).

Part A -- section 1 (Matt.4:1)
"Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil."

First we learn, that it was God's spirit that lead Jesus to be strengthened ("made perfect") through obedience, by the acceptance of trials (Heb.5:8-9; 4:15; Phil.2:8; John15:10; Rom.8:3) in the "wilderness" (Deut.8:2; Eze.4:6).
In imitation of Christ, his New Covenant anointed priests (Rev.5:9-10) (anointed with the token of Holy Spirit), must also be made "perfect" in holiness. They do that through loyalty toward and union with, that spirit. That requires endurance in it's fine work (1Cor.9:24-25; James1:12). Those who do this successfully, will receive more spirit (Matt.13:12) and life (John 6:63)
(Heb.10:14-17,19-22; 13:21; 5:5; 8:1,5; Ex.29:21; 30:25; Eph.5:26-27; 1Thess.3:13; Lev.8:30; Ps.133:2; 45:7; Heb.1:4-5; 1John2:27; 3:24; 4:13; John14:17; 2Cor.1:21-22; 5:5-6; 2Tim.2:10; Matt.5:48; Heb.12:23; Acts20:32; James1:4,12). The path to success was first tread by Christ. By acceptance of the same path of refinement tread by Christ, they are made perfect (John17:19; Rom.8:16-17; Col.1:24; 1Pet.5:10; 1:6; 4:13; 2Cor.4:17; Phil.3:10; Rom.6:5; 8:36; Rev.6:9,11; Eph.4:13; Heb.13:13; John10:3-4; Mark8:34-35; 1Pet.2:21; Heb.12:5-7,11-13; Zech.13:9; 1Pet.1:7; Mal.3:1-3; 1Cor.3:13; Rev.3:19).
Why did God's spirit lead Christ to face Satan?
Who else must be tested like Christ, and why?

Along with accepting such training, we also will always be afforded the choice to do what is right in God's eyes. God sees to that, and affords those who faithfully endure, a way to be delivered out of their trials, still preserving their righteous integrity (1Cor.10:13; 1:8; Matt.6:13; 2Pet.2:9; 1:3; 2Thess.3:3; Rom.16:25; James1:12; 5:8,11; 2Tim.2:12; Rev.3:10; 21:7). 
How may we overcome when under Satanic test?

God allows all those called to be His sons, to be tried by the devil (Luke22:31,46; Eph.6:12-13; 1Pet.5:8-9; 2Cor.11:3,13-14,4,20; Rev.2:20,10; Col.2:8; Eph.5:6; Matt.24:4; James1:13-14; Job 1:6,8-12,22; 27:6; 13:18; 31:6; James5:10-11) (Rev.13:10; Luke21:24; Matt.5:13; Rev.11:2). 
It is our opportunity to rise to meet the occasion, and to prove whose sons we truly are.
If we belong to Christ, we will, like him, endure in faithfulness, by obeying God throughout our trials. In doing so, we are spiritually branded and sealed, as servants of God (Deut.11:18; Rev.14:4-5; 22:4,3; Heb.8:10; Deut.11:18; 1Pet.2:10,9).
What opportunity is afforded those who are enduring Satanic trial?

For the aforementioned reason of refinement (James1:1-4); those of the woman covenant (Gal.4:24,26,28,31; Rev.12:1) are also lead by the spirit of God into the wilderness to face Satan (Deut.8:6; Matt.4:1; Rev.12:6,17,15,4,14; Dan.7:25; 12:7; Rev.2:10; 13:10,7). Yet as Par. 2 above explained; the faithful will be strengthened and enabled, to endure (Rev.12:14; Isa.40:31; Ex.19:4; Eph.2:6; Rev.12:5; 3:21; Heb.10:12; Rom.8:17; 6:5).
The "place prepared" for the "woman" (Rev.12:6), is her own heart (Prov.16:1; Job 11:13; Luke 1:17; James4:8; Isa.42:16) (Prov.17:3; Zech.13:9; Mal.3:3), which is being healed, cleansed, and nurtured by the truth of Christ, to follow in his footsteps (John14:3-6; 1Pet.2:21). God dwells in many such hearts/"ivory palaces" Ps.45:8; Eph.5:19 (John 14:2; 1Cor.3:16; Rom.5:5; 2Tim.1:14; Rev.3:12). 
She returns to the spirit originally given to her heart (Jer.4:1; Isa.51:1; 46:3; Deut.1:31; Isa.10:20-22) (1John2:27; 2Pet.3:2; John14:26; 16:13; Rev.22:6-7), so that it will enlighten her perception/"lamp" (Matt.25:1,4,7-10; Rev.13:17; Isa.55:2; Rev.3:18) (Luke11:34), so that she may faithfully endure her time under test in the "wilderness", while "facing Satan" (Rev.12:14) (Rev.3:10; Jude1:24-25; Rev.1:6).
Who, in the book of Revelation, is lead into the wilderness to be tested as Christ was?
What has God prepared for those who remember their devotion to Him?
How can a heart which has been moulded by God, prepare us to conquer Satan?

There are those called to follow the steps of Christ, who do not remain faithful (Deut.8:6) during their time of testing in the wilderness (Matt.4:1; Rev.17:3,2; Jer.2:20,19,21; Heb.3:12; Hosea13:6; Isa.1:21; 57:6-9; 31:1-2; Eze.16:23-25; Ps.78:58-59; Rev.13:11,14-15,8,7) [(Jer.2) (Jer.2:15; Rev.9:8; Jer.2:19; 9:15; Rev.8:11; Jer.2:5; Rev.13:8; Jer.2:9; Rev.2:23; Jer.2:21; Rev.14:18-19; Jer.2:21,20; Rev.17:1-2)]. These called ones fail the Satanic test, mentioned at Matt.4:8-9 (Rev.13:4,1-2; 17:3; Isa.31:1; Rev.9:7,9; 19:18-20; 17:14). 
In the scroll of Revelation, who else is in the "wilderness" of testing?
What are they seen doing?
Which Satanic test did they fail?

We will discuss those verses of Matt.4:8-9, in an upcoming lesson.

Part A -- section 2 (Matt.4:2) 
"After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry."

"After forty days and forty nights"
The time Jesus spent in the wilderness, was patterned for us in Moses (Ex.24:18; 34:28). By examining that pattern, we learn more about the purpose of Christ being there (Matt.4:2), after his anointing by God (Luke3:22; Ps.45:2,7,17; Luke22:29; Rev.3:21; Ps.110:1-4).
God initiated a covenant during that same time period, through Moses (Deut.9:9,11) during which he interceded on behalf of God's sinful nation (Deut.9:18,25; 10:10), and learned a means of atonement for His people's sins (Deut.9:18; Acts 3:22-23,25).

Other examples of this time pattern, also involve bearing the iniquity of sin  (Num.14:34; Eze.4:6; 1Kings 19:14,8; Jonah 3:4) and includes the repairing of a covenant/God's favor, for the repentant (Num.14:19-20,27,29-30,23,31-32,34; Eze.5:13; Jonah 3:6-7,10).
It is a period that signifies testing, to let each person prove their heart before God. By that period's completion, all reap what they have sown. Those who remain to inherit God's promises, are cleansed and suitable (Joshua 5:6; Num.32:13; 14:34).
(segment about numbers is removed, due to feedback. I will wait to publish that information, when it can be more fully explained.)

"Forty days and forty nights" is also a reference to the period during which God sent rain to cleanse the earth (Gen.6:11,17; 7:12,17), which also initiated a covenant (Gen.6:8,22,18). Those who remain faithful and are granted God's favor and mercy, and are carried through the period of trial, during which God removes the wicked (2Pet.2:4-9,1-3).
When Jesus went into the wilderness, he also suffered deprivation and temptation on behalf of his nation and it's sin (Mark 1:13; Luke 4:2; 19:10; Matt.15:24). He too sought God's Laws for His wayward people (Luke4:18-21), sought to become a channel of God's laws to be written on tablets of hearts, and for those who obey, a covenant... mercy, forgiveness, reconciliation with God, and divine favor for the repentant.
(John1:17; Heb.1:1-2; 2:10; 5:9) (2Cor.3:3; Jer.31:33; Ps.40:8; Deut.11:18; Rev.7:3; 14:1; 22:4).

Jesus Christ's successful endurance of ongoing Satanic test (Mark 1:13), established the fall and rise of many within God's nation, based upon the divine favor he attained by that faithful endurance, and it's comparison to those proving unfaithful.
(Luke 2:34-35; John12:48; Luke 1:50-54; Isa.8:14,18; Ps.110:2)
Our faith must accomplish the same
(2Cor.6:4; 1John2:13; Rev.12:11; 1Cor.6:3; Mal.3:18)
(Heb.11:7; Rom.4:13; John16:33; Heb.12:2; 1John5:4; Rev.3:21; Acts 3:25; Gal.3:29; Ps.110:2; Rev.5:9-10; Eph.2:6).

Lastly, Jesus began to fulfill his role toward those who entered a covenant with him, by the same time pattern (Acts 1:2-3).
What can we learn by this time pattern, and how might we apply it in our own life?
During that final period on earth, Jesus provided "orders" to his apostles (Matt.28:20) and God's teachings "about the kingdom", which are also contained in the scroll of Revelation (Rev.19:9; 22:19). During that 40 day period, it was time for Jesus to be the one to impart understanding, authority, and a means of reconciliation, through his apostles (2Cor.5:11-12,18-20).
We are facing our own period in the wilderness (1,260 days) (Rev.12:6)
We will either prove faithful to those teachings (Rev.12:14), or unfaithful (Rev.17:3) (two mothers) (Rev.22:11-12,18-19).

Those who prove faithful, will come through their time of testing in the wilderness... refined, restored, and reconciled to God (James 1:12; 1Thess.2:4).

...he felt hungry" (Matt.4:2)

According to Jesus, his "food" was to do the will of Him who sent him to the earth (John 4:34). That work and will, was to bear testimony to God's Words of truth (John5:36,24; 17:6,4; Rev.3:14; John1:1,4,9,14,17-18; 6:58). As we feed others, we are fed (1Cor.9:9-10; 1Tim.5:18).
This was also true of Christ (John 4:32,34; Deut.8:3). Yet until he finishes God's will, he feels hungry (Luke12:49-50; John5:17). When the fire from heaven is finally finished with it's work (Luke12:49; Jer.23:29; 5:14; Rev.11:5; 2Pet.3:7,10-13); Jesus will again feast in the Kingdom of God (Luke22:18; Ps.23:5; Rev.19:9; Jer.31:14).

(to be continued)


Sunday, December 13, 2015

" Locust - Scorpions " / " Abaddon " / " fallen star " / " Wormwood "


I am copying a question from the FORUM, for those who many not have read it there. I have made additions to it, here.
I received a letter, to ask if I had seen this excerpt from the Watchtower:

"Toward the end of the first century C.E., the apostle John received a vision of seven angels, each of whom sounded a trumpet blast. When the fifth angel blew his trumpet, John saw “a star” fall from heaven to earth. The “star” had a key in his hand with which he opened the shaft of an abyss. Thick smoke poured out, and from this came a plague of locusts. Rather than ravage vegetation, the symbolic locusts swarm against “those people who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads.” (Rev. 9:1-4) John no doubt knew how devastating a locust swarm could be. Had not locusts plagued ancient Egypt in Moses’ day? (Ex. 10:12-15) The figurative locusts that John saw well illustrate anointed Christians proclaiming Jehovah’s powerful judgment messages. They are joined now by millions of companions with an earthly hope. Little wonder that our united preaching undermines the authority Satan exercises through his worldwide empire of false religion."

The person who sent it to me, asked:
So in essence, if the GB are saying that the locusts are the 144,000 then surely they must see who the locusts king is, or don't they??
Their king is the angel from the bottomless pit; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon—the Destroyer. (Rev.9:11; Isa.33:1)
-  -  -  -  -  -  -
My reply to him:

I will review this statement of the "WT" in segments, and add some considerations. 

"When the fifth angel blew his trumpet, John saw “a star” fall from heaven to earth."
Notice that they do not provide a scripture at the end of that sentence, to show who that fallen star is. That's because if the previous account of that fallen star is read (Rev.8:10-11), one can see that this is "Wormwood"... who poisons the waters. Every reference to wormwood in the Bible, is bad, and refers to leaders of God's people who mislead into idolatry (Jer.23:15; Amos 5:7) (Rev.2:20). They do not lead people to Jesus Christ, despite what they may claim (2Cor. 11:13,4,32Thess. 2:1-2; Matt.24:4-5,24-25; Rev.13:11,15,8,7). "Falling", is not a good thing (1Cor. 10:122Pet. 3:17).
To clarify, if the scripture the WT provides at the end of their comments is read
 (Rev.9:1-4), it can be seen that this occurs when the FIFTH angel sounds his trumpet... and it tells us that the star has already fallen (past tense, "had fallen"). It is when the THIRD angel sounds it's trumpet, that the star actually falls, at Rev.8:10-11). There it is clearly seen, that the fallen star, is "Wormwood". When the "WT" states... "When the fifth angel blew his trumpet, John saw “a star” fall from heaven to earth."; that is a lie. John does not see the star fall when the fifth angel blows his trumpet. (Rev.9:1) John saw the star fall, when the third angel blew his trumpet (Rev.8:10).

Note that the FORTH angel, shows that the heavenly bodies are darkened following the fall of Wormwood (Rev.8:12
(the bitterness of Wormwood, is associated with spiritual harlotry Prov.5:3-5 << literally, "bitter as Wormwood").
The darkening of the heavens at Rev.8:12, is also the result of the star that has already fallen, when it releases the "locust-scorpions" (Rev.9:2).

Also notice the deceptive strategy in the way the WT words this phrase...

When the fifth angel blew his trumpet, John saw “a star” fall from heaven to earth
In truth, we have seen that 

*John did not see the star fall from heaven when the fifth angel blew his trumpet. It clearly says that it already "had fallenbefore the fifth angel blew his trumpet (Rev.9:1).
*If we want to see the Bible's depiction of when the star actually falls, we must retrace our steps back, to Rev.8:10-11.
Just as Prov.5:3-5 pointed out, 

the mouth (teachings) of a Harlot seems as sweet as honey (Ps.19:9-10; 119:103), but the after effect to those who ingest them, is as bitter as wormwood (Rev.10:10-11; Prov.5:3-5; Rev.13:11).
(LINK: "The Fallen Star")

"The “star” had a key in his hand with which he opened the shaft of an abyss."

 Once again, the WT uses deceptive strategy by it's phrasing. They state that the star "had a key", as if it already had it before "falling". No, according to Rev.9:1; first it fell, and then it was given the key. So their wording has the star presently falling and already having the key, at the blowing of the fifth trumpet. But the scriptures indicate that the star had previously fallen, and afterward, received the key during the fifth trumpet.
Because they lack holy spirit, they just assume what seems obvious.... that there is only one key, and that there is only one holder. That misconception results in another miscalculation... that of assuming that this key holder must be Christ (Rev.20:1). 
Is that true?
We know, that the Devil has been killing from the beginning (John 8:44; 10:10
He opened the abyss of deception and death in Eden, and has the power to cause death, and to imprison every human to the consequence of sin, since then (Rom.5:12).
Jesus told us that he overcame the power of Satan to cause death (Heb.2:14-15; Rev.1:18). Yet death still kills. This is because salvation from the abyss is conditional, and does not come to all. Both Satan and Christ possess a key to death...

Satan opens it, and Jesus opens it... to rescue captives from it (Ps.40:2; 103:4; 49:15; Rev.12:5; Luke 4:18; Acts 26:18; Col.1:13; Ps.49:15) (Rev.13:10,7; Luke 21:24,22), or to rightly imprison there, he who created it (Prov.5:222Cor. 4:4; Eph.6:122Pet. 2:4; Rev.20:1-3; Prov.5:22; Col.2:15). It is my hope, that based upon the previous scriptures, readers discern that Satan's own kingdom of "darkness" (the abyss), and it's power to overcome persons by blind confusion, is rightly used against him, by Christ (Rev.20:1-3; Prov.5:22)... so that Satan himself is plunged into blind darkness... making him impotent and ignorant about how to overcome the obedient sons of light (John 1:51Thess. 5:51John 2:8; Luke 10:19; Acts 26:18; Col.1:13).
Yet as Rev.20:7-8 reveals; Satan will be released once again, by a keyholder (Wormwood). He will then be enabled to throw truth and light to the ground, once again (Rev.16:13-161Tim. 4:1; Dan.8:12,112Thess. 2:4,9-10; Rev.13:7; 11:2), by means of the disgusting thing standing in the holy place, which causes desolation to God's people (Matt.24:15; Dan.11:31-36). 
(The "thousand years" -- When?
("Disgusting Thing")

Are Satan and the demons the only agents of spiritual darkness?
False prophets who mislead others, can also open Satan's pit, causing others to die (Luke 6:39; Isa.9:162Tim. 3:13; Eze.14:10). When they have that authority power (key is the symbol), they too have a key to the abyss of death... to send captives there. I hope you can recognize these Biblical facts. If you don't see them clearly, let me know. (LINK)
So... Wormwood  causes people to die... to be consigned to the abyss of death -Rev.8:11. Therefore, "wormwood" also gets a key to the abyss... the authority and power to open death-causing deception, and to cause people to come under the power of death (Matt.15:14). We see three identities exercising the power of the abyss (holding keys)... Satan, Wormwood (the fallen star), and Christ.
More than one person, can "open the shaft of the abyss", if they hold a "key".
Satan can give the key (authority and power) to those who do his will... He does use people (false prophets) to open deception and death/the abyss
(Rev.13:4; Matt.4:8-9; Rev.9:1,11).

"Thick smoke poured out, and from this came a plague of locusts."
The organization always used to point to Joel for their interpretation of the locust-scorpions. That is the right place to turn, for the many parallel traits between the locust-scorpions and the locusts of Joel  (LINK).
The WT has apparently stopped using the references in Joel, because both I and Obadiah have published the conclusion which Joel penned. If the references are followed through to the end, we learn that God destroys the locusts, and He compensates His people for the excessive punishment they suffered 

(Luke 21:22; Zech.1:14-16; Job 2:6; Rev.9:5; 6:9by the locust's persecution (Joel 2:25-26). 

Rather than change this false doctrine upon it's discovery, they simply divert their readers from the Bible's truth, by now resorting to a reference in Exodus, instead.
If we give scriptural consideration to the locust's scorpion tails, their nature also becomes clear 

(Rev.9:10; Eze.2:6; Luke 10:19).
(LINK: "Tails, Stingers, Scorpions")

God is free to discipline His own people (to "seal" them as His own slaves) (Heb.12:6; Job 23:10).
At Zech.13:9, God is said to discipline and refine "one third" before calling them His people.
If we return to Rev.9 to see how people respond to the discipline that chapter contains (including the locusts), we are told that "two thirds" do not repent/accept discipline/become refined (Rev.9:18,20-21). The "one third" is "killed" (Rev.9:15,18; 11:3,7; 6:9,11; John 16:2; Mark 13:12-14; 8:35).

"Rather than ravage vegetation, the symbolic locusts swarm against “those people who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads.” (Rev. 9:1-4)"
Of course, they fail to see the connection to Rev.7:3.
The "vegetation" is only guarded from "ravage" until the UNsealed, become sealed (1Pet. 4:17 LINK).
Again, their lack of spirit makes them assume the obvious, which is not the deeper truth.
Although the "unsealed" seem rejected... in truth we are all unsealed, until we become so.
We see that once those faithful are sealed... the "ravage" does break out on the "vegetation" (Rev.7:3; 8:7) (Isa.5:24-25) (2Pet. 3:7; Rev.20:15).

"John no doubt knew how devastating a locust swarm could be. Had not locusts plagued ancient Egypt in Moses’ day? (Ex. 10:12-15) "
"No doubt", John did. In fact, they are the very cause of the Greatest Tribulation (Joel 2:2; Matt.24:21-22) (greatest-tribulation).

Just because God sent locusts upon the Egyptians...
does not mean that the locusts cannot come upon God's own people for discipline as well. The WT seems to think that discipline is only for others, that they could not be among the "unsealed" men, and so they conclude that the proud and punishing locust-scorpions, must be themselves
 (Amos 9:8-101Thess. 5:3; Rev.18:7).
(Amos 9:9,1; Luke 21:35; Rev.3:10; Matt.24:22,39)(Rev.12:15-16
("Earth"? >> who-is-earth) ("Earth swallows River")
(Jer.1:14; 47:2-3; Mal.4:5-6; Job 22:16; Luke 6:48) (Gen.7:24; 8:3; Rev.9:10)  

150=5X30 (5 months X 30 days each = 150 days) (Matt.24:39; Rev.12:15,16) >> (LINK)

As regards the rest of the paragraph....
"The figurative locusts that John saw well illustrate anointed Christians proclaiming Jehovah’s powerful judgment messages. They are joined now by millions of companions with an earthly hope. Little wonder that our united preaching undermines the authority Satan exercises through his worldwide empire of false religion."
....note that there are no scriptures (John 7:18,16-17; 16:13; Rev.22:6).
Regarding, "They are joined now by millions of companions with an earthly hope"...
   ...where is there a scripture that states that the locusts are joined by others?
   ...where is there a scripture that shows that anything comes out of the locust's mouths ("proclaiming messages")?
Are not locust's mouths known for devouring and swallowing (Nahum 3:15; Joel 1:4; Ex.10:12-14.... not giving forth?
No, a "plague/curse" of locusts are for destroying... not proclaiming life-saving truths (John 10:10). The locust-scorpions of Rev.9 are instead said to "sting".
The Bible clearly tells us the purpose of that power (1Cor. 15:55-56) (Eze.2:6; Luke 10:19) (Rev.9:10).  Those with stingers inject sin into their victims... sin that brings forth paralysis and death (Rom. 5:12; 8:21Cor. 15:56).  The identity of the "man of sin" who gains power over the unsealed anointed, is also described in 2Thess. 2:3,4; Rev.13:7; 9:10.

In stating that the TAILS have death's stingers (Rev.9:101Cor.15:55,56) like scorpions (Eze.2:6);
these locusts deliver lies/sin/death, sourced in the abyss from whence they came. 
The Locust-Scorpions are in subjection to, and under the direction of, that last False Prophet/Wormwood/Fallen Star (Rev.8:10,11; 9:1,2,3). In servitude to that last Harlot, these Locust-Scorpions prophesy lies themselves (Isa.9:15,16; Rev.16:13). 

When these Locust-Scorpions falsely prophesy the Harlot's wormwood lies, what is the result to those who accept/receive/ingest those false doctrines?
Although the Harlot's lies may taste as sweet as truth (Ps.119:103,98; Eze.3:3), the result is death (Rev.10:10; Prov.5:3,4,5; 7:27; 2:16,17,18,19; Isa.28:14,15; Rev.8:11; Deut.32:32; Rev.17:2). Those Chosen who remain under that power, remain in death. They are in subjection to Satan, through his agents, and they remain under the power of the Abyss and it's destruction... unsealed as slaves of God. They are obedient to doctrines of demons, rather than obedient to the teachings of God and Christ. (Mark of slavery) (666)
(Deut.11:18; Rev.13:16) (Rev.14:1)

The WT teaches that Jesus Christ is the Destroyer... Despite Isa.33:1 and Ex.12:23 (Job 2:6) (Luke 22:31) (1Cor. 10:10; 5:5).
Yet, what do we expect?... Remember... the Wild Beast collective of Locust-scorpions is specifically spoken of as being blasphemous (Rev.13:5-6). 
The "False prophet" who empowers that Beast to dominate the anointed (Rev.13:14-15,7), "speaks like a dragon" (Rev.13:11and teaches "doctrines of demons" (Rev.16:13-16; 13:111Tim. 4:1).

There are many more scriptures which prove these things, but I hope the ones cited here are enough to convince you beyond doubt, that the Gentile WT is the "disgusting thing, standing in a holy place" (2Thess. 2:4; Matt.24:15; Dan.11:16,21-45) 

Thanks for writing to me. I hope you and your family are doing okay.

Love in Christ,


Additional Pages for Study (coming soon)