I received a comment about my published teachings on the "Great Crowd" of Rev.7:9.
It expressed a disbelief in the idea, that the Great Crowd are anointed ones.
and that the Greek word for "tent"/"dwell among them" at Rev.7:15 c, is the same Greek word for "tent"/"tabernacle" in Rev.21:3.
My objections are:
While English only has the word "tent"....these two places have two different Greek words.
One is a noun (thing), and the other is a verb (action).
There is a "tent", and there is the act of "tenting".
Knowing how these two words are applied in these two verses, are crucial, if we are to understand
the true identity of the Great Crowd.
Here was my partial reply:
Actually, I never said that the Great Crowd is the same group as the "numbered" 144000.
I said that no one can number those anointed who come through the "Great Tribulation"....the remnant of Chosen who become sealed. (Rev.7:14)
Rev.7:15 states that these are "rendering sacred service day and night in his temple".
The only ones permitted by God to do that, are the anointed, consecrated priests.
It expressed a disbelief in the idea, that the Great Crowd are anointed ones.
and that the Greek word for "tent"/"dwell among them" at Rev.7:15 c, is the same Greek word for "tent"/"tabernacle" in Rev.21:3.
My objections are:
While English only has the word "tent"....these two places have two different Greek words.
One is a noun (thing), and the other is a verb (action).
There is a "tent", and there is the act of "tenting".
Knowing how these two words are applied in these two verses, are crucial, if we are to understand
the true identity of the Great Crowd.
Here was my partial reply:
Actually, I never said that the Great Crowd is the same group as the "numbered" 144000.
I said that no one can number those anointed who come through the "Great Tribulation"....the remnant of Chosen who become sealed. (Rev.7:14)
Rev.7:15 states that these are "rendering sacred service day and night in his temple".
The only ones permitted by God to do that, are the anointed, consecrated priests.
(1Chron.23:30,32; Numbers 18:7; 1Chron.9:33; 2Chron.23:6)
"you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ."
(2Chron.23:6-7; 13:10-11; Rev.22:3-4,5; Mal.3:3)(Heb.8:1-2; 9:11; 1Cor.3:9)
Having anyone else in the Temple (or anyone performing priestly duties), is precisely what the scriptures call "a disgusting thing standing in a holy place". (2Chron.13:9; Eze.44:6-7,8-9; 1Cor.3:17).
(anointed priests have been circumcised in heart, so that they may enter the Temple and serve God acceptably--- Rom.2:29)
Anyone who "renders sacred service" in the Temple, must be a priest , in order for it to be "acceptable".
All others are condemned to death.
The Greek at Rev.7:15 c does not say that the "tent will be spread over them" (bad translation!).
It says that "God " Himself "will tent upon them". [See CJB or WYC translation]
"you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ."
(2Chron.23:6-7; 13:10-11; Rev.22:3-4,5; Mal.3:3)(Heb.8:1-2; 9:11; 1Cor.3:9)
Having anyone else in the Temple (or anyone performing priestly duties), is precisely what the scriptures call "a disgusting thing standing in a holy place". (2Chron.13:9; Eze.44:6-7,8-9; 1Cor.3:17).
(anointed priests have been circumcised in heart, so that they may enter the Temple and serve God acceptably--- Rom.2:29)
Anyone who "renders sacred service" in the Temple, must be a priest , in order for it to be "acceptable".
All others are condemned to death.
The Greek at Rev.7:15 c does not say that the "tent will be spread over them" (bad translation!).
It says that "God " Himself "will tent upon them". [See CJB or WYC translation]
The Greek word for this "tent", means to "tabernacle with"...to "dwell among"
[this is the same word used in John 1:14 to describe Jesus "dwelling among" mankind.
This is why he was to be named "Immanuel" ("with us is God") to describe God's spirit
with Christ and he being God's representative. God's "tent" was not over Jesus
....but God's spirit was in him....they were one (John 17:21,23). Also, Jesus was not
[this is the same word used in John 1:14 to describe Jesus "dwelling among" mankind.
This is why he was to be named "Immanuel" ("with us is God") to describe God's spirit
with Christ and he being God's representative. God's "tent" was not over Jesus
....but God's spirit was in him....they were one (John 17:21,23). Also, Jesus was not
"spread over" mankind... He was "with" them....dwelling among them
...as God's spirit dwells in His anointed Temple. Eph.2:22; 1Cor.3:16]
...just as the pillar of smoke and fire was with the Tabernacle in Israel,
during the time they also spent... in the wilderness ...just as the remnant are now (Rev.12:6,14).
God is with the Great Crowd (see Rev.21:22; 22:3). The sealed priests who complete the full number, are part of God's completed divine habitation,
even while still on earth. (Rev.11:4).
This is not the same as Rev.21:3 a ....which does literally say that the "tent of The God is with men". If you check there, you will see the word for "tent" (noun) is a different word entirely, from "to tabernacle with"/"tent upon"/"dwell among" (verb) in Rev.7:15.
Can you see all this in the scriptures above?
Please take each point, one at a time, with the scriptures that accompany the points,
and look at the Greek if you need to.
If you look at the Greek, you will be able to see that the English word "tent" (in Rev.7:15),
is not the word in Rev.21:3 ...which describes God's action toward the Great Crowd.
Rev.7:15 describes God's presence with his priests (reside among them) (Tent:VERB/ACTION).
God's spirit is indwelling among the 144,000.
Rev.21:3 describes the priests (Temple/Tent) as being with mankind (Tent:NOUN/THING). In this
context, God will be present in the earth, through his anointed
Temple/Priesthood/Holy City....just as He was present
through Christ ("Immanuel"/"with us is God" Matt.1:23; Col.2:9).
...just as the pillar of smoke and fire was with the Tabernacle in Israel,
during the time they also spent... in the wilderness ...just as the remnant are now (Rev.12:6,14).
God is with the Great Crowd (see Rev.21:22; 22:3). The sealed priests who complete the full number, are part of God's completed divine habitation,
even while still on earth. (Rev.11:4).
This is not the same as Rev.21:3 a ....which does literally say that the "tent of The God is with men". If you check there, you will see the word for "tent" (noun) is a different word entirely, from "to tabernacle with"/"tent upon"/"dwell among" (verb) in Rev.7:15.
Can you see all this in the scriptures above?
Please take each point, one at a time, with the scriptures that accompany the points,
and look at the Greek if you need to.
If you look at the Greek, you will be able to see that the English word "tent" (in Rev.7:15),
is not the word in Rev.21:3 ...which describes God's action toward the Great Crowd.
Rev.7:15 describes God's presence with his priests (reside among them) (Tent:VERB/ACTION).
God's spirit is indwelling among the 144,000.
Rev.21:3 describes the priests (Temple/Tent) as being with mankind (Tent:NOUN/THING). In this
context, God will be present in the earth, through his anointed
Temple/Priesthood/Holy City....just as He was present
through Christ ("Immanuel"/"with us is God" Matt.1:23; Col.2:9).
To provide a physical comparison as an explanation regarding the difference between the two Greek words,
You can either eat food so that the food is within you, is nourishing you, and becomes a part of you
as you absorb it and are nourished (verb) (God's spirit within the tent),
OR, you can set the food on the table (noun), and have the nourishment present before you
and within reach. (God's tent with mankind).
In actuality, God's spirit is in His Temple of living stones (1Cor.3:16; 1Pet.2:5; <Rom.8:2,9,11; 1Cor.6:19),
and that Temple is within reach of mankind, through those priests present in the earth.
You imply that the 144000 and the great crowd are similar in the way that both groups have been anointed (does this therefore mean that they are given the same assignment? If not, how do their roles differ?). This makes sense as only 'priests' or anointed may "render... sacred service day and night in his temple" without defilement. Are you implying that only those who are anointed are saved and sealed to reign with Christ and worship God? If so, who do they reign over if they are all priests? If not, how may non-anointed ones serve or worship Him without defilement or be saved, or how can they become anointed? (please excuse my misunderstanding if these are simple questions as I have only begun studying the bible around 5-6 months ago)
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