disfellowship disfellowshipping
There are those who wonder if my expulsion is really necessary. I have posted the comment of one with such concerns for me.
His comments:
The verse in Revelation about the beast killing the sealed true annointed (Rev.11:7),well,isnt that initiated by them..and not the annointed ? What Im saying is,they kill the annointed and instigate this,not the anointed getting themselves DFed by taking a certain course...as far as i can tell.
I know when i decided to not go back,it was because i couldnt handle certain lies anymore. It was ripping me apart inside and couldnt bear the thought of hearing them again ! SO,i understand why you are leaving.
My Reply:
I think it may help you to read and think about the following verses...
Rev.13:15 And there was granted it to give breath to the image of the wild beast, so that the image of the wild beast should both speak and cause to be killed all those who would not in any way worship the image of the wild beast.
16 And it puts under compulsion all persons, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves, that they should give these a mark in their right hand or upon their forehead, 17 and that nobody might be able to buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name."
Can you see that if you do NOT worship the idolatrous image of the wild beast (but instead "buy" spiritual food from Christ -Rev.3:18 "What do 'Buying' and 'Selling' mean?"), it will kill you?
See Rev.13:17....no one is able to speak truth there (Jer.9:2,3,4,5,6,7,8; 7:28; Isa.1:21; 5:7; 59:4,14; Deut.11:18). Only teaching "marked" by the beast, is allowed.
See Rev.13:16 ...we are "under compulsion" to have our thinking and actions/will/faith, "marked" as slaves to the beast.
Any who do not give the organization this worship, are "killed" (Dan.3:1,4,5,6; Rev.13:13; Dan.3:7; Rev.13:8,15; Dan.3:15; Rev.13:4; Dan.3:17,18; Rev.20:4).
We are told in Rev.11:7, that those who are sealed, have been killed in this way (Rev.20:4; 6:9,11; Rom.6:5; Mark 8:35). We are told that they were "witnessing" to truth (Rev.12:17,11). This is why the "beast" "kills" you. Truth does not have the mark of the Beast on it (Dan.8:12). It is contraband.
Only silence would save you (that would be accepting the "mark" of subjection to the beast on your "hand", since your deeds would be enslaved to the "beast", and not Christ.)
The "two witnesses", would have to "witness" (Rev.19:10; 11:3). Prophesying Truth is a violation of compulsory subjection to the spiritual commerce of the beast (Rev.13:15,16,17), which results in "death"/expulsion.
Only silence would save you (that would be accepting the "mark" of subjection to the beast on your "hand", since your deeds would be enslaved to the "beast", and not Christ.)
The "two witnesses", would have to "witness" (Rev.19:10; 11:3). Prophesying Truth is a violation of compulsory subjection to the spiritual commerce of the beast (Rev.13:15,16,17), which results in "death"/expulsion.
In Rev.6:9,10,11...can you see that the end of all the world's suffering, is waiting on the last of the anointed to get sealed, by being killed?
I have taken my stand, NOT to worship the beast and it's lies (666). This is the reason I am being "killed". I have been put in the situation BY THE BEAST (not myself), to either submit to it's lies and teach only those lies, or get thrown out. [Just as Daniel's three companions were put in the situation, to worship the "Image" or be thrown into the "furnace". (Rev.9:2; Isa.38:17; Jonah 2:6; Job 33:24,28; Psalm 30:3; 9:13; 86:13; 107:20)]
If you doubt that the WT demands that all are under compulsion to worship the "spirit-directed" "Image" of the Organization, by not learning or teaching (buying and selling) any spiritual food not marked as it's own brand....
test this out. (Rev.13:15,16,17)
Teach Truth openly, and see what happens to you. I am witnessing the consequences of this personally.
If you doubt that the WT demands that all are under compulsion to worship the "spirit-directed" "Image" of the Organization, by not learning or teaching (buying and selling) any spiritual food not marked as it's own brand....
test this out. (Rev.13:15,16,17)
Teach Truth openly, and see what happens to you. I am witnessing the consequences of this personally.
Anointed are commanded to "speak truth" (Eph.4:25; 5:11). When we do this while in the "beast", we are spotted as different...singled out, interrogated, and expelled
(2Tim. 4:3; 1Tim. 4:1; Rev.16:14,13,15,16; John 16:2).
Rev. 13:15 makes clear, that ANYONE who does not "in any way" worship the image of the beast, will be killed....based upon their lack of submission.
The elders are pressing me for submission. They want me to follow men, and be silent about the truth.
Jesus has shown me that the people bearing his name, (and yet are worshiping the "beast") are condemned to "Destruction" (pearl-winepress.blogspot.com ).
Jesus has shown me that the people bearing his name, (and yet are worshiping the "beast") are condemned to "Destruction" (pearl-winepress.blogspot.com ).
I have been shown this in order to give a warning. Should I be silent? Should I not warn my Congregation? (Eze.33:6) If you think I can be found faithful before Yhvh by being silent there, and by submitting myself to obedience to the organization, and by condoning the teachings of lies at the meetings (Ps.26:4; Eph.4:25) (if I sit there, I am setting an example and saying I agree); then I will try to find a way to continue there.....but you will have to show me scriptures for me to see that this idea is coming from Yhvh's counsel.
Believe me when I tell you that I would gladly relieve myself and my family of this terrible distress being orchestrated by the steward (Luke 12:45; Matt.24:48-49; Isa.5:22-23), by stopping what the elders are planning concerning me, if there was a way to be found faithful before Yhvh in doing so (Mark 8:35).
But I tell you, that even if I were willing to compromise and to placate them, this situation is not heal-able. All in the Congregation are against me now, for not worshiping the image of the Organization as they do (Rev.13:8). This is partly due to the slander (untrue) of the elders...and the slander (untrue) of my daughter (accusing me of being insane and unsubmissive to men -Acts 5:29; Gal.1:10; Rom.2:29), and the slander of other publishers because of my truthful comments at meetings (Eze.22:9), and the fact that some are listening to me ("causing divisions") Luke 12:51. Jesus caused divisions for the sake of Truth (Matt.10:34,35,36,37,38,39; Mark 8:35; John 7:43), as do his faithful slaves (Acts 4:19,20; 5:29; 1John 4:6; Mark 6:11; John 13:20; Matt.25:45,46) Such dividing is the working of the "Harvest" (Matt.13:30,38,39,40,41,42,43)
Can my relationship with the Organization/Elders/Congregation, be healed? No, not even with the declaration they demand; that of unconditional subjection to the Organization, it's current doctrines, and it's leaders.
But I am unable to make such a declaration. I belong to Christ. I am his slave. I already have an owner. I do not belong to myself, that I could give my life to men.
Those who receive the mark of the beast on their forehead (Rev.13:16), can not receive the mark of Yhvh and Christ (Deut.11:18; Rev.7:3; 14:1). We can not slave for two masters.
The Letter: http://pearl-farewell.blogspot.com/
The Letter: http://pearl-farewell.blogspot.com/