Wednesday, February 8, 2012

2012 Yearbook

I just read "A Letter From the Governing Body" preface in the new yearbook.
I would like to highlight some quotes, and give you scriptures for comparison.

"In some lands, your rights are being trampled underfoot by those who manipulate laws in order to 'frame trouble by decree' (Psalm94:20-22)'"
That scripture reads:

20 Will the throne causing adversities be allied with you
While it is framing trouble by decree?
21 They make sharp attacks on the soul of the righteous one
And pronounce wicked even the blood of the innocent one.
22 But Jehovah will become a secure height for me,
And my God the rock of my refuge."

A "throne" is a governing authority and the Governing Body itself is. Do they not "cause adversities" to their fellow anointed brothers and others who favor the truth of the scriptures rather than unity with false doctrines? Do they not decree trouble for these ones, by going beyond the scriptures in policies that slander, persecute, attack and expel? Do they not pronounce wicked any who disagree...not with the Holy Scriptures, but with them? As this scripture relates...such ones are NOT "allied" with Jehovah. 

John15:20 was also cited. In light of it, are the members of the Governing Body, persecuted as they persecute others?

Finally, those thoughts conclude with a quote from 1Pet.3:13,14,15 and the words:

"Be assured that we mention you dear ones regularly in our prayers as you continue to 'make a defense before everyone that demands of you a reason for the hope in you.'"

If anyone actually obeys 1Pet.3:15... before the Congregation; they will promptly be thrown out...if the hope within them differs from the hope of these men's doctrinal decrees. Why then does the Governing Body hypocritically claim to sympathize with those who must defend their scriptural faith and hope?

Instead of assuring the flock that they are mentioned in the prayers of the Governing Body, would it not be more righteous to assure them, that Jehovah sees any work we do for Him, and He will not forget the love we have for Him and all Christ's brothers? (Heb.6:10; Matt.25:40)

Frankly, it never occurred to me to desire "assurance" that I am in the prayers of the Governing Body. I desire and own relationship with Jehovah, of which Jesus is the mediator. I am confident that the "hearer of prayer" is aware of my own sincere expressions (Ps.65:2).
While it is true that Jehovah heeds the prayers that the righteous ones (James5:16) may say in behalf of others, those who hope to be a fine example to the sheep should always direct them to have a personal relationship with Jehovah (James4:8; Luke11:10,13)...and to be certain that they only look to HIM personally, for salvation (Isa.43:11; Psalm146:3; 1John2:17).
This comment by the Governing Body insinuates that one would feel relieved, knowing that these men pray for them. It clouds the fact that Jehovah judges each one individually, and one can neither blame, nor seek refuge in, an other (Rev.6:12,13,14,15,16,17).
Neither does Jehovah have special esteem for the publicized prayers of certain men, just because they are prominent (Matt.6:5,823:2,6,7,23,34John16:2).
It continues...
"We were delighted to learn that in 2011, there were 19,374,737 in attendance at the Memorial of our Lord's death."
The reason why Jehovah forbid David from counting his citizens, was precisely because Jehovah did not want the anointed leader of His people to be "impressed" or "delighted" in a sense of his own power, accomplishments, and dominion. It would entice him to view the span of those, as his own accomplishment, rather than having humble confidence, that whatever Jehovah's will was, He would do it for Himself. His purposes do not fail. (2Sam.24:1,2,3,4,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25)
Does the Governing Body feel that the growing numbers are due to their own power and accomplishment?
Do you remember such comments as these?...
"Due to the fine suggestion of the 'faithful slave', we are having good success from following their direction". credit given to Jehovah, or to the Governing Body?
Remember Moses.....when he took credit for the water Jehovah gave his people! (Numbers20:4,7,8,9,12). Yet, the unscriptural "arrangements", doctrines, and directions which come from these men, is not from Jehovah at all.
When we accept direction for our worship, are we following God's Word, or supplemental commands of men? Remember that one of the marks of the Beast, is on the hand. The "Beast" enslaves people's actions and deeds. Surely, the Governing Body has seated themselves in "the seat of Moses". But according to the Bible, the role of "Moses" and "Elijah" is not fulfilled until the faithful anointed are glorified in the "Holy Mountain", Zion (Matt.17:11Mark9:1,2,3,4; 2Pet.1:18; Rev.14:1).

Notice that in all their tallies, the Governing Body makes no mention whatsoever of the central reason the Memorial is held...for the anointed members of Christ's Body, to partake together.
Although there is also an annual census made of these, they are always held as of no account in all the Governing Body's comments.
How does the Governing Body overlook that the end of Satan's world (and all the suffering it contains) depends upon the sealing of the final members of this anointed generation? (Rev.7:3; 6:10,11; 12:11) How do they overlook the need for the anointed themselves to gather for this occasion? (1Cor.11:33)
This, is the real temple of God (1Cor.3:16)... which is in neglectful disrepair, while the Governing Body makes elaborate plans for physical expansion projects (Haggai1:2,4,5,8).

The only group of significance to the Governing Body, seems to be it's base of growing numbers of the "Nations", and the power and riches these represent. They want the security of a record, that will enable them to say, "Did we not perform many powerful works in your name?" (Matt.7:22,23) to the returned Master.
           (He has not yet returned to identify who the "faithful and discreet slaves"
            have proven to be... 1Cor.11:26. That designation is up to the Master...not
            up to the slaves themselves Luke17:10. He will identify these, when he comes Matt.24:46).
 All the while the Governing Body is engaged in directing these works, they overlook creating an arrangement that provides for their own fellow anointed brothers to obey our head, the Christ. (1Cor.11:33; 1John4:20)
Spiritual "Israel" is scattered around the globe, with no one to collect them together, even for the memorial. They partake in singular isolation...within a sea of spiritual "Gentiles" who are not partaking. This is not the arrangement approved by God, nor according to God's Will and Jesus' desire. (Matt.18:20; John17:21; 1Cor.11:33)

It continues...
"That impressive number of attendees is due in part to your tremendous response to the call for auxiliary pioneers last April."
How does an "impressive number" fit with Jesus' words about those who are approved? (Matt.7:14)
Who sent out that "call" for "auxiliary Pioneers"? Was it the scriptures? Jehovah? Jesus?
2Tim.3:16,17 tells us, that "all scripture" completely equips us for every good work.
There is no "call" to have "auxiliary pioneers" invite millions of spiritual Gentiles, to the Lord's Evening Meal in the Bible.

Are these men saying that God's Word is lacking? (Rev.22:18)

If they believe that we need arrangements, titles, programs, decrees, and doctrines in excess of God's Word, and it is those things which we should "respond to", ...whose orders are we really obeying? Whose direction is receiving our devotion?
Does not Jehovah God exact "exclusive devotion" (Deut.5:7,9)?
Does Jehovah approve of those who divert that devotion and "service", to themselves?
Where is the scripture that speaks of an hourly requirement for "auxiliary pioneers"? I have never seen it. (Matt.6:1,2,3; Gal.6:4) Jehovah does not look at amount! (Mark12:42,43,44; Isa.28:10,14)

It continues...
"Whether you were one of the 2,657,377 who served as auxiliary pioneers that month or you endeavored to increase your activity in some way, all of you made us beam with pleasure because of your willing spirit and zeal for the work Col.3:23."
Again, a count of those who obeyed the details of the command of men (Mark7:6,7).
Since when is the giving of men pleasure related to the purpose of our dedication... our sacrifices for Jehovah? Are we "paying" our deeds to "buy" the approval of these Leaders? (Luke19:45,46Matt.23:10,12) Are these the gods we seek to please? Where are our sacrifices really going? Is it really men's faces that we desire to make beam with pride? If our sacrifices are done to fulfill unscriptural requirements outlined by men, (Gal.1:10; Eph.6:6) then our worship no longer belongs to Jehovah. (Ex.20:3,5)!

We should not even expect Jehovah God to feel proud and pleased with our works...
For Jesus said,
"So YOU, also, when YOU have done all the things assigned to YOU, say, ‘We are good-for-nothing slaves. What we have done is what we ought to have done.’” Luke 17:10

Yet, if we are seeking the approval and pleasure of anyone, let it be our Heavenly Father, and no one else. (Heb.11:6Prov.27:11; Matt.22:37)

And lastly, Col.3:23 is cited...
"Whatever YOUare doing, work at it whole-souled as to Jehovah, and not to men".
Does that strike anyone else as hypocritical?
In speaking of end time survivors, Jehovah deemed it appropriate to specifically highlight the fact, that "no man" was able to "number" them. (Rev.7:9)

Perhaps the reason for the Governing Body's defiance of this, is the following words of Jesus...

Matt.12:33,34 “Either YOU people make the tree fine and its fruit fine or make the tree rotten and its fruit rotten; for by its fruit the tree is known. For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks."
John7:17,18 "If anyone desires to do His will, he will know concerning the teaching whether it is from God or I speak of my own originality. 18 He that speaks of his own originality is seeking his own glory; but he that seeks the glory of him that sent him, this one is true, and there is no unrighteousness in him."

Matt.7:15,17,20; 24:24,25


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