(I have inserted the scriptures)
Matthew 7:19 says "Every tree not producing fine fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire." When does this happen? Perhaps the elephant in the room here is the Watchtower organization. It claims to be solely producing fine fruits. There's no doubt that it has stated "truths" that they have walked back on... which would not be considered "fruit that remains."
However, they still produce fruit and have not been "cut down and thrown into the fire." What does this speak to the WT's validity as a tree producing fruit?"
Please read the scriptures as you come to them.
Remembering that these trees and fruit are symbolic;
Their being "cut down" and "thrown into the fire", is also symbolic.
The Bible tells us what this punishment means, how it happens, and even when.
If we understand these symbols of being "cut down and consigned to fire",
we become equipped to discern, if and when, that judgment is taking place.
Mercy and patience can first be shown: Luke 13:6-9
The cutting down and being thrown into the fire can be a healing discipline,
to those humble enough to respond (Heb.12:11)
... to God's discipline, and repent:
by which they become sealed/gain their soul.
Being "cut down", is done, through the testimony of God's prophets (Hosea 6:5).
That loss of standing in God's favor,
is a verbal, public exposure that contains God's condemnation from scripture and spirit.
God's condemnation can come from prophets on earth,
even while that condemnation comes "from heaven",
because that is where the sealed and faithfully active anointed, reside in spirit
So, the unfaithful trees that bear rotten fruit, are "cut down and thrown into the fire",
by their receiving divine condemnation (Ps.80:16)...
...sent through God's prophets who expose and condemn
If you read Rev.19:20; 20:10, you may note that the false prophet (rotten tree) and its Gentile beast organization, are "still alive" when being thrown into the Lake of Fire. This reveals that these entities can still be in existence to onlookers, even while receiving the condemning fire/judgment of God's Word, through God's prophets... which rebuke when unheeded, consigns them to spiritual death (Ps.80:16; Jer.26:4-6).
I have done my best to simplify and condense an answer for you,
but as you learn more of the whole picture and examine all the prophecies regarding this era
(as well as the Bible's interpretation of those prophecies and symbols);
you will see the reality of all these circumstances in greater and clearer detail.
The more you learn,
the more the whole picture of prophecy will fit harmoniously together, and make sense,
and the clearer it will become in your perception.
I hope this reply helps.
Love in Christ,