Thursday, April 2, 2020

Discerning False Christs and False Prophets


Dearest Pearl,
I hope this email finds you and your family well.  As usual, I have more questions that hopefully you might through Spirit provide insight upon.

First, as a side-note, I was reading a blog of Sas Gavril that appears as a link to the right on your blog page.  Just a little confused why Sas would address Rutherford as “dear,” as if Rutherford was a true witness of YHWH.  A review of Rutherford’s teachings do not indicate that he adhered to scriptural truth.  Rutherford introduced many false doctrines including assigning relevance to years (1918, 1874 [Christ’s advent], among many others); Leviathan in Job as a locomotive, and; the list of falsehoods is too numerous to include.  Wondered what you thought of Rutherford

Hello Rachel,
I'm happy to hear from you again. 
I have quite a lot to say about your comment regarding Sas and Rutherford. Even though it is only the introduction to your questions, I felt the need to discuss this.

I agree with you. Why should we conclude that Rutherford was a false prophet? 
How can we know? 
We can consult Deut.18:21-22 as well as the words of Jesus, at Matt.7:20 and Luke 6:43-45
"Bad or Rotten fruit" has a short shelf life. It spoils, and needs to be removed from the table and replaced. 
If that is the sort of doctrine that comes from a teacher, it is rotten fruit. The "proper food at the proper time" does not pass away, because it really is from Christ 
Rutherford also, did not observe God's arrangement of the Body of Christ. He did rather, oppressively rule over his anointed brothers (assuming that he himself was genuine) 
(Mark 10:42-431Cor. 12:7,12,14,20-21,25,28; 11:28-29; Eph.4:11-13,14-16
Paul had the proper view of being an apostle (2Cor. 1:241Pet. 5:3).
Having the right view of the leaders under Christ (Heb.13:7; Luke 22:26) is also necessary for those under the care of such leaders (1Cor. 7:23; Rom.6:16; Gal.1:10; Col.3:24). 

My reason for including a link to Sas in my blog's reading list, is because those links are to read at the websites of other anointed, who were given "a little"/"a few things" (Matt.25:21)... enough perception to recognize who the Wild Beast and Harlot are. 
The problem with Sas, is that he, like the great majority of anointed men who have been expelled, they forget to consider the need to obey 1Cor. 12:15-16,17-18,19-21 or 1Cor. 11:33. That error of remaining apart, is what we were trained to do by our previous Steward. We all need to grow past that 
(Matt.18:19-20; Mark 2:22; Luke 17:30-32; Rom.12:22Cor. 10:5).

Teachers who belong to the body of Christ (Eph.4:11), must have the apostles and prophets of the body, as their foundation of faith and works (Eph.2:20) in order to teach truth from Christ. 
That is why Jesus depicts the prophets, as light bearers for each congregation of anointed 
Jesus sends them to each congregation 
Those Teachers and Evangelizers of the body who accept the foundation (Eph.2:20), are building their faith upon the cornerstone/Head, who arranges and directs the Body parts... and God, who has also designed the Body and the way it works 

Those who work independently of the Body (1Cor. 12:21; 11:29), lose their connection to the Head (Col.2:19; John 15:4-6,10,9), and all the spiritual benefits of Jesus' care (Eph.5:29-30). Inclusion in the Body, provides unity, peace, and growth (Eph.4:16; Col.2:191Cor. 14:32-33,36-37) throughout the Body as a whole, as each member as assigned by God (1Cor. 12:18), provides what they have received, for the needs of the others (Eph.4:1-2,3-4,11-12,161Cor. 12:4,7,11).

As John 15:6 highlighted above; those outside the Body of Christ, wither up. They get cut off from the "nourishing sap" of holy spirit (Rom.11:17). The quality of their fruit, then suffers. Their power of light and truth... their lamp/eye/perception, starts to darken/"go out" 
As a result, they are not equipped to keep fully armored and awake, and will tolerate things which they ought not (2Cor. 11:3-4; Rev.2:20; Eph.5:11).

Although Rev.2:20 would point primarily to the present Governors of God's people (Rev.2:20; 17:1-2; 5:10).....
.....Sas "tolerates" Rutherford... even though in addition to his failings that you have mentioned, he displayed many other spiritual faults. As a result of Sas' regard for Rutherford, he is unable to overcome the same faults

Though Sas may not fall victim to the present Leaders / GB, he has fallen victim to a past GB - false prophet. If only Sas could understand and accept the Body of Christ (unlike Rutherford). That perception could have protected him from the error of looking up to and following a leader, who banished God's arrangement of the Body.
The reason for such dim spiritual sight?
Sas's eye/lamp is dimmed, due to his refusal to consider his need to grow, within the body (Eph.4:16; Col.2:19). 
He is overconfident, because he rejects the arrangement of the Body and it's benefits to him personally. He does not allow himself to be corrected by scripture... believing himself to be a prophet, despite the clarity of God's words, at Num.12:6
As with other expelled and professed anointed ones of pride, he 
1-- rejects the body arrangement 
2-- refuses to gather with all other anointed for the Memorial 
     (1Cor. 10:17; 11:33)
3-- Refuses to adapt beliefs to emerging Bible truths. 
4-- Indulges in independent interpretation of prophecy.

Sadly, these four things are common among the so-called anointed people that I have interacted with. And yes, I have attempted to send all of them these refining scriptures 
Rejecting the guidance which scripture provides, is indicative and evidential, of the 4 proud and stubborn immaturities, specified above.

You may wonder then, why I still let his link remain at the blog.
I am trying to leave the door open myself, to other members of the Body. I do not want to shut them off, as they have shut off from me. I also know, that the "little" perception/"few things" they were given, was given to them by Christ (Mark 13:34; Matt.25:14-15,23). 
I must respect that, and do my part to honor it. Jesus let Sas know, that the WT, is the Beast. He let Sas know that, before God let me know that. But when Sas went off and left the path of complete reliance upon scripture (1Cor. 4:6; Isa.30:211Pet. 2:21; John 12:49) to interpret prophecy on his own without scriptural backing; his growth of enlightenment in truth, halted 
If you examine his interpretation of 666 for example, you will see that it is based upon human observation of how the WT is structured... not upon scripture. 
AbleBodiedMan does that also. You can verify that, by considering his interpretation of the Mark of the Beast, as being the literal emergence of a body part from the water, during baptism... his personal deduction/observation/private interpretation. 

Abe's video, interpreting the Mark of the Beast:
Another one of his interpretations, is regarding 1914. He sought out a physical manifestation of "lightening from heaven" to determine the time of Satan's fall. He found one, which occurred in 1908 in Russia. 

Again, that interpretation is physical... not scriptural.
Of course, that interpretation conflicts with Luke 10:17-18,19-20 and what it means for Satan to fall from power over the heavens (1John 2:13-14; 5:19,4; Rev.3:21; 12:5; Eph.2:6Heb.12:23; Luke 10:18-20).

It also conflicts with when Jesus began his reign 
(Luke 22:69; Ps.110:11Cor. 15:25).

Abe has a high regard for Sas, and like Sas, Abe's interpretation of the mark of the beast, is not sourced in the scriptures (Eze.13:22Pet. 1:20; Gen.40:8).
Robert King too, rests his interpretation of prophecy upon world events... not upon scripture 
If such persons choose instead, to believe and teach according to spirit and truth, they will then be given more (Matt.13:11-12).
Jesus gave us the reason why, some men choose to teach on their own  (John 7:16-18; 8:47,43; 16:13).
All are proudly ignoring their need to assimilate themselves into the Body of Christ, because they wish to "glorify themselves"... not fade into a unified whole that glorifies only God. 
While remaining outside the Body, they fail to benefit from the spirit given to the other parts. Of course, this assumes that each of them are genuinely anointed, which is another topic altogether.

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

To conclude; I would like to add these words of the apostle Paul:

1Cor.11: "17 Now in giving these instructions I do not praise you, since you come together not for the better but for the worse. 18 For first of all, when you come together as a congregation, I hear that there are divisions among you, and in part I believe it. 19 For there must also be factions among you, so that those who are approved, may be recognized among you."

If you examine the context of those verses; Paul was referring to the Body members. He said that when they "come together", it is "for the worse". Verse 18 indicates the reason... 
When these anointed come together, there is no harmony, but division. They disagree, they separate, there is dissension and conflict 

If they all consulted and were in subjection to God's Word, that would not be the case 
(Eph.4:2-4; John 17:20-21,22-23,22; 1:14).

So we come to verse 1Cor. 11:19.
Paul says that those necessary differences in faith and doctrine, serve a purpose.
It helps to clarify to observers, which members truly rest their faith and teachings, on God, His Word, and the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Again, John 7:16-18 reads;
"16 Jesus answered them and said, “My doctrine is not Mine, but His who sent Me. 17 If anyone wills to do His will, he shall know concerning the doctrine, whether it is from God or whether I speak on My own authority. 18 He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory; but He who seeks the glory of the One who sent Him is true, and no unrighteousness is in Him."
And John8: "47 He who is of God hears God’s words; therefore you do not hear, because you are not of God.”

Disciples of divine truth need to know, which Christs/anointed, are "of God".
Jesus says that the way to know, is to examine from what source they are speaking.... from which spirit and water source they draw from, to cultivate and bear their fruit 
That includes the source they rely upon for interpretation of prophecy, 
    (their own deductions/observation, or scripture/living water)
how they decide to conduct themselves within (or without) the Body of Christ.

I will respond to your other questions, soon.
Love in Christ,

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