Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Symbolic Meaning of 40


"In biblical terms what does 40 symbolise? Why did Jesus fast for 40 days and nights?"


We are told that the 10 kings, are Of the Earth (Rev.17:12,18). 
They have not be raised to seat on Christ's throne in heaven (Rev.3:21; Eph.2:6), so they have "not yet received their kingdom" of heaven (Rev.17:14; 19:11,14; Luke10:20; Heb.12:23). They have chosen instead, to "rule one hour with the beast" of the earth.
Knowing that these numbers in Revelation are symbolic, we see that God's Word associates the meaning of "ten", with being, of the earth.
What does the numeral 4, symbolize?
Well, within Revelation, there are 4 living creatures, 4 winds of heaven, 4x6 (24) elders, 4 angels (holding the 4 corners of the earth -Rev.7:1-2 which effects ALL the land and sea), 4 horns of the altar.
Rev.20:8 speaks again, of the 4 corners of the earth. A corner, is the most remote part. We see again, that the entire realm is being referred to. The 4 corners of the earth, can also be seen as North, South, East, and West. That number infers a totality of a realm.
When we see these spiritual numbers being combined; we are being told that the resulting number is a combining of meanings.
Ten, is earthly.
Four, is the totality of a territory.
Forty, would be the full span and weight, of something earthly.
If we examine then, the places where 40 is applied in the scriptures, we are given depth of understanding.
When Jesus fasted 40 days, it is intimated to us that to the fullest extent (4) of his flesh/earthly existence (10), that test was complete and to the limit. There is no going beyond 4. To go further in that fasting, would have brought death.
Even considering what Satan offered Jesus during that time of test (Luke 4:5-7)...
 ["all (4) the kingdoms of the world"(10)], could also be symbolized by "40".
It is an interesting topic of Bible research, to see the many ways that 40 has been applied, and how the meaning of 4 and 10 can supplement what we are reading.

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