In the first century... every "Christian" who did not flee Jerusalem (Matt.24:15,16), likely died under God's disfavor for their disobedience, when Jerusalem was destroyed.
For what reason, would any Christian remain in first century Jerusalem, despite Christ's warning?
Jesus made plain, that the Jewish system was about to end (Matt.24:2), and that God's favor and spirit was no longer with it.
That is the stark reality today, regarding the "Watchtower" (WT-crumble).
for what reason would someone stay inside?
Those "not perceiving" the "Watchtower's" standing with God, are still in darkness (What-is-Hades?).
Why would anyone have a reason to remain inside an organization condemned by God, and about to be destroyed,
The influence of the Beast upon one's heart, is made evident and manifest, by the symbolic mark of "666", on your forehead and hand.
Those who were still swayed by the physical appearance of Jerusalem in the first century (previous to it's destruction), could also have that influence made evident, by their reluctance to leave.
Was it enough that Lot did not agree with the corruption he saw around him? (2Pet. 2:7,8)
Would that have saved his life from God's fire and sulfur that turned Sodom to ashes?
Or, did Lot need to "get out"?
then what are we waiting for ?...
...if not under the spell of a deceptive aura,
a veneer of divinity leading the unwary to destruction (Luke 21:36),
a lethal facade,
a demonic guise and hoax,
...convincing it's victims that they should remain inside the abomination for some reason?
Would you remain inside a Catholic Church, a mosque, or some other temple, if you knew God commanded you to get out?
Do you view the "Watchtower" as somehow different from those? If so, why?
Please examine your heart carefully, as to why, like Lot's wife, one should look back to Sodom (Rev.11:8).
Lot's wife's heart, was subject to that abhorrent city. She was not whole-souled in her willingness to leave it all behind.
Was she attached to something good?
We cannot serve two masters (1King 18:21).
We either cherish the lifesaving truth of Christ, who mercifully extends his saving guidance;
or we diminish that truth, as secondary to false reasoning
Though you say that not all Christians lost their lives in the first century...
every single one of them did lose their lives (symbolically) within the corrupt Jewish system. They were condemned by the religious leaders as heretics, apostates, and blasphemers who were deserving of death. Those condemned and cast off, were then treated as dead, by all followers. Their previous life was over.
(John 9:22; 12:42; 16:2; Luke 12:8,9; Mark 8:35; 13:13; Heb.13:13).
The requirement for faithfulness before Christ, is the same today
(2Cor. 11:2,3,4; Rev.2:20; 6:9,10,11; 12:10,11; 1John 2:14; Rev.2:7; 3:12,21) (1Pet. 4:12,13,14; 2Cor. 1:5; Phil.3:10,11).
Please meditate on Christ and God's words, about the reality and necessity of our sacrifice:
Of course we know that thus far, this death today, is not literal.
If we shrink back
"death" which naturally must follow (Rev.13:15);
If we belong to Christ, we will confess his saving truths before men, and die for it (Luke 22:28; Rev.14:4,5; 1Pet. 2:21). If we remain silent, then we are still in subjection to the law of the Beast... which decrees and enforces, that no doctrine but the Beast's, may be exchanged (Rev.13:16,17)(buying-and-selling). If we cower before that law, we disobey Christ's counsel (Rev.3:18; Matt.25:14; 13:52; 25:25,28,30; 2Tim. 1:7,8; 2Cor. 4:1,2; 10:5; Eph.4:25; Matt.5:14) ("Lukewarm"), and are still marked by the laws of the Beast.
What was Lot's wife willing to give up, "in exchange for her soul"?
Not enough, and so, she lost it.
Are we willing to give up an abomination causing desolation to God's children,
and fully obey Christ's warning to flee,
or not?