Thursday, April 30, 2015

Foolish Virgins

Hello again dear Pearl,
I hope you are finding the strength to endue & are not suffering too much. I keep you in my prayers.
I have a question with regards to the "foolish virgins" they are of the anointed who fall short of becoming part of the bride of Christ. So does the Watchtower put the foolish virgins in the second death, which condemns the Foolish Virgins to Second Death?
In Matthew 25 with regards to the parable it doesn't seem to indicate that they receive eternal destruction but it does say at Matthew 25:11,12, "Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open to us!' 12 “But he answered and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.’ "
So are the foolish virgins being rejected just as part of the Bride of Christ, when Christ says, "I do not know you" or is he rejecting them totally? Does this sit harmoniously with 1 Corinthians 3:10-15 where the foolish ones who build wood, hay and stubble on their foundation in Christ are “saved so as by fire.” It seems they are not destroyed.

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Your question also relates to 1Cor.5:5.
When we are overcome by Satan, due to unfaithfulness in all that Christ commands,
we are disciplined by our heavenly Father. (That discipline is depicted in the four horsemen of Rev.6, and again in the symbolic dramas that follow in Revelation.) Yet not all repent when God attempts to train them (Rev.9:20,21). Only the one third (who are killed in association with their repentance -Rev.11:7; 6:9,11), do repent (Rev.9:18; Zech.13:9).
I had wondered myself, the final condition of the unrepentant, since their lot is also described as an everlasting abhorrence, being "beaten severely with many strokes", or an eternal enduring of shame (Dan.12:2; Isa.66:24; Luke12:47). This alone does not conclusively point to either a living or dead shame.
We know that the building materials made of Gold, etc. (lasting materials - 1Cor.3:11,12,13,14,15), are the same as the "lasting fruit" / teachings, that the faithful witnesses of Christ and God, declare (John15:16).
Fire and water can only save, if they cleanse the heart (Ps.66:10,11,12; Job 23:10; 1Pet.1:7; Zech.13:9; Rev.3:18) (Eph.5:26; John15:3).
Otherwise, there is fire that can destroy, and waters that can sweep away (Matt.25:41; Rev.12:15; Ps.18:4; 69:2; 124:5).
Those not producing fruit from a refined heart (Luke6:45,44), are lopped off the vine of Christ (and so, do not partake of the marriage feast),
and are "thrown into the fire" (John15:2,6; Matt.7:19). This fire is termed, "the second DEATH" (Rev.20:14).

What we are sure of, is that those "virgins" who look to the Beast's "commerce" for spiritual provisions and light (Matt.25:9,10; Rev.13:17; 6:6; Eze.7:12,13; 14:10), are barred from the provisions of the marriage feast (Luke12:37; Rev.3:20), within which Christ blesses the faithful virgins with "more" (Matt.13:12; 25:10 B). That blessing is a full image of Christ (John14:21; 2Cor.4:6; Rev.1:16; Rev.22:16; 2:28; 2Pet.1:19) as he reflects "the true words of God" (John16:15; Rev.19:9). --- Our earth's sun, is a star. The earth's "morning star", is, the rising sun (Luke1:78; Acts3:20; Mal.4:2; Rev.22:16; 2:28; Hosea6:3) (Rev.1:16; 2Cor.4:6; 2Pet.1:19).
This is given to the virgins who enter the marriage feast with Christ. It is a full knowledge of Christ, and all the "light" his "face" possesses. This is why he is compared to a bridegroom. When the time for the marriage arrives, he gives himself completely, to his bride (John14:21; 1Cor.6:17; Eph.5:28,29,30; John17:21; Col.2:2,3,6,7) by means of the spirit of truth (John16:13,14,15; 14:3,4,16,17,18,20,23,26).

Yet, those who have turned aside to "fornicate" with
"uncircumcised" "Gentiles"
            [Isa.1:21; Jer.2:20,21; Eze.23:29,30; Ex.34:15; Rev.2:20;
             Hosea5:4,6; 7:11; Isa.36:6; 31:1 -Harlots rely on Egypt)
            (Sodom and "Egypt" --used to persecute the faithful in the
             time of the end -Rev.11:8)]
...or the Harlots above them (1Cor.6:15; Rev.17:2,3), will never see the full light of Christ. He does not know them.
I think it is appropriate now to remember, that without the light of Christ, there is no life. (John1:4; 8:12; 6:63; 1John5:11)
Adam and Even lost God's spirit, and life along with it. True, they endured for a time (Gen.5:5; 2:17; 2Pet.3:8), but eventually expired.
When a chosen virgin rejects the authority of Christ over her (Eph.5:23; Col.2:8,19; 2Cor.11:2,3,4,20; 1Tim.4:1; Rev.16:13,14,15,16),
"she" has sinned unforgivably (see Heb.10:26,27,29,30,31,39; 6:4,5,6; 2Thess.1:8,9).

The unrepentant unfaithful will suffer "destruction" and "everlasting fire" and "the second death".
I guess it depends upon how you define those terms. According to my own Bible understanding, this is non-existence (Ps.37:10,20,35,36,38).
There are those who accept the discipline (Mal.3:1,2,3), are refined and forgiven, and made righteous (Heb.12:6,11; Eze.33:11).
There are those who do not repent (2Thess.2:10,11,12; Rev.22:14,15; Matt.8:12; Rev.21:8).
These are not given the provisions for life. They are consigned to the dominion and agents of Satan's abyss of spiritual darkness and death (Eze.32:18-32 <click on) (Rev.9:1,2,3,10,11) ("Sea" is "abyss" Rev.13:1,7; 11:7) (Isa.57:20)
Only the repentant will be saved out of that captivity (Rev.2:10; 13:10,7; Ps.40:2; 49:15; 69:2,14; 103:3,4; 107:20).

The "Watchtower" does not put the foolish virgins anywhere, because their most recent doctrine about them states that they are not a reality, and that this parable is not a prophecy.
They assert that the foolish virgins will never actually exist, but that this is merely a story with a moral, because "Christ has full confidence in his slaves, and knows that they will all be faithful."
I believe this lying statement to be a part of the fulfillment of their foretold declaration of a false "peace and security" with God (1Thess.5:3; Rev.18:7).

If Christ does not open the door to us, and says he does not know us....
(Rev.3:7,8; Luke24:45; Matt.10:33; Luke12:9; Mark8:38; 2Tim.2:12; 1John2:23; 2John1:9; Matt.25:10) (1Pet.1:23; Rom.8:6,13).
There are requirements to gain the approval of the Master, and to gain his truth which leads to life (John17:3; 6:63), and so, to gain that life.

The question is, what becomes of living spirit creatures that lose God's spirit?
This would include Satan, the demons, and unfaithful Chosen ones.
Will they be destroyed and not exist anymore? This is what some of these scriptures convey.

Will they be conscious in the pits of dense darkness, never to rise again? This is also depicted, but this is symbolic.
I do not feel confident at this point, to assert decisively how God will dismiss and dispose of those hopelessly wicked,
but my own inclination is to believe that if they do not repent while there is yet time to do so,
they will be gone.
As Adam and Even lingered for a time, and suffered the indignation and despair that accompanied their moral and spiritual too will the unfaithful (Luke 13:28). This is because it is not God who directly kills. The Destroyer does (John10:10; Isa.33:1; Rev.9:11). God removes His Spirit of life and truth, and in time, they expire without it's support (Job 34:14,15; Deut.31:17; Ec.12:7; 7:12) (John5:21; 6:63) (Isa.5:13; 3:1; 65:13; Amos 8:11; Gen.3:22,23,24).
("Two Trees")

I'm sorry if my response is not as definitive as you wish.
I have always left this judgment in God's hands, and never asked for more detail.
I trust that God is Justice, and if my fallen brothers prove to be like the Prodigal Son, I will not resent my Father's rejoicing over their repentance and salvation, just as I am so grateful for His forgiveness toward me (2Pet.3:17; Rev.8:10,11) (Matt.18:35; Luke15:32).
Yet the Prodigal Son humbled himself, and repented. God's forgiving love does not rejoice in wickedness (1Cor.13:6).
Only those who repent, are accepted back into His household.

Perhaps God does not threaten with a full and plain disclosure of looming death,
because He desires the basis of forgiveness to be more about love, than of selfish fear.
This is as far as I have ever inquired of my Father, and I do not feel right about expecting more.
After all, God has a right to be the judge of each individual, and what they will reap.
Why should we, like Jonah, set ourselves up for a particular expectation? (Jonah3:1,2,4,5,9,10; 4:1,11)
Note: Nineveh repented.

If it turns out differently from what I expected, what of it?
Yet the wicked will reap what they have sown (Gal.6:7,8). But who am I to judge an individual's heart as wicked?
While we are sure that the Harlots and their mother will be "completely burned with fire" (Rev.18:8);
there may be an individual within that identity, that might repent.
If so, such a one should be welcomed with love (2Cor.2:7,8).

Our concern is rightly with our own faithfulness.
I hope the cited scriptures have met your need.
(For making and reading comments in language other than English)

Thursday, April 16, 2015


Hello Pearl
My question is about Judas!
He was a chosen disciple
One of the Twelve disciple.
Pearl were did Judas go after he took his own life?
Could you give me scripture ref this
As it was in a group talk, and there was different opinions!
I would rather have scripture backup ref the subject 
Hope you can help
God bless,


Hello "Helen",
First of all, I must comment on the words you use, because if they are not understood correctly, the answer to your questions will not be understood correctly.
yes... Judas was "chosen", along with the other eleven. 
       "Then Jesus replied, "Have I not chosen you, the Twelve? 
        Yet one of you is a devil! (He meant Judas, the son of 
        Simon Iscariot, who, though one of the Twelve, 
        was later to betray him.)" (John 6:70,71)
But please do not assume, the reason why Judas was chosen.
       "I am not referring to all of you; I know those I have chosen. 
        But this is to fulfill this passage of Scripture: 'He who 
        shared my bread has turned against me.'" (John13:18) (Psalm 41:9)

       "'But there are some of you who do not believe.' For Jesus knew 
        from the beginning who they were who did not believe, 
        and who it was that would betray Him." (John6:64)

John6:64; 2:25; 13:11 all make clear, that Jesus knew from the time he chose Judas, what role Judas would play. Jesus was not choosing him to be a foundation stone in the Holy City (Rev.21:14).
Since Psalm 41:9 did prophesy about Judas, God also knew, far in advance, the place of Judas, before he was even born.
It was not until Judas was gone from their company, that Jesus spoke of choosing the others to "bear lasting fruit" provide spiritual food to feed his sheep. (John15:16) (Rev.22:1,2; Matt.7:20)

Next you say that Judas was chosen to be a disciple.
This is not accurate. 
A "disciple" is someone who disciplines themselves. We each have free will, and must choose to obey and conform to that which we choose to be guided and trained by (John15:8; 13:35; 8:31). No one else can fully make us a "disciple" (disciplined one). 
Clearly, Judas did not choose to be Christ's disciple. 
  Jesus did not teach people to steal.
       "But Judas Iscariot, one of His disciples, who was intending to betray Him, 
        said, “Why was this perfume not sold for three hundred denarii and given 
        to poor people?” Now he said this, not because he was concerned about 
        the poor, but because he was a thief, and as he had the money box, 
        he used to steal what was put into it." (John12:4,5,6)
Judas was not a genuine disciple of Jesus Christ. He had not been "washed" clean by Christ's teachings (John15:3; Eph.5:25,26,27; 1Cor.6:11) (John13:10,11)

Then you say that Judas was "One of the Twelve disciples".
If by saying this, you mean that Judas was chosen to be one of the twelve apostles.
This also, is not correct, although the other apostles did assume this (Acts1:16,17).
As can be seen from the previous scriptures; Judas was chosen as the betrayer, and was known by both Christ and God as the one who would betray Jesus, previous to fulfilling that role.

The scriptures clear up the position Judas occupied in association with Christ. 
They clarify the reason Christ chose him, and the role of betrayer which Judas was chosen to fulfill. 
This certainly is not the same role which the other twelve were chosen for (Rev.21:14).
As was the case with Matthias; Judas was *"reckoned in" with the group of twelve, which Jesus designated as apostles (Acts1:26).
Later, Christ would again make a twelfth choice for an individual apostle by God's direction (Luke6:12,13; Acts1:20; Ps.109:8). 
That choice was Paul (Acts9:15; Gal.1:1; Eph.4:11).
Matthias was chosen by men... men unqualified to appoint an apostle of Christ for God 
(John15:16; Eph.1:4; Col.3:12; 1Cor.12:18,28; Eph.4:11,12).
*(For more on this, see: twelfth-apostle? )
 *(Regarding the Greek of Acts 1:26 translated as "added". More precisely, it means, "reckoned in"/"thrown in with" by men.)


Next you ask,
"Where did Judas go after he took his own life?"
Jesus gave us two indications for the answer to this question...
The first:
"The Son of Man will go just as it is written about him. But woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born." (Mark14:21)

When we are born, we come from a place of non-existence.
Yet Judas went to a place far worse than that. How so?
Judas was already born, lived, and became condemned. He "occupies" the "second death"...
which is eternal condemnation. Such ones have already made a negative record with God, unlike the unborn.

How do we know that Judas went to the "Lake of Fire"/"Second Death" (Rev.20:14)?
The second thing Jesus said:
"While I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe by that name you gave me. None has been lost except the one doomed to destruction so that Scripture would be fulfilled." (John17:12)

Judas was not written in the Lamb's scroll of life, and so, he went to the "second death"/"Lake of Fire"/destruction (Rev.20:15), because Jesus said he was a "son of destruction" (John17:12), just as the "man of lawlessness" is (2Thess.2:3). 
That "man of lawlessness" is the same identity (has the same "number") as the Wild Beast from the sea** 
(Rev.13:1; Isa.57:20; Rev.13:18) ("6 6 6"). 
That Beast is also said to be thrown into the Lake of fire/Second Death (Rev.20:10).

(For a scriptural comparison of the "Beast" to the "M.O.L.", see:
   **(If you wish to learn even more about this, you can also do a search
        by using the searchbox on the right side of this page. You may also ask a question,
        by use of the contact form.

So, to give a direct answer to where Judas went after his betrayal of Christ,
John17:12 makes clear that the destiny of Judas, was "destruction"...
because he became a son of the Destroyer, and was that ones' willing puppet (John13:27; Luke22:2,3,4
(John10:10; Isa.33:1; Rev.9:11).

Please understand that my calling and purpose, is not to equip others to argue during a battle of opinions, with those who are overconfident. 
My calling is to individually feed the meek... those who are aware of their spiritual hunger, and who realize that the truth means their salvation.
I do appreciate those who work to publish the scriptural truth they hear from the spirit and bride, by commenting on the various forums (Rev.22:17; 1:3), so that the truth is offered publicly to many. 
But what I have been given, is not to be used in competition for personal advantage.
May God bless the path of those who seek Him in sincerity,
(For making and reading comments in language other than English)

Sunday, April 12, 2015

"Mankind" / "Son of Man" / "Man' of Lawlessness"

"I have been looking at "the man of Lawlessness" (2Thess.2:3-10), although I understand the meaning of this (the beast made up of non-anointed gentiles/elders), I was wondering though; why it is referred to as a man?"

        (PLEASE read all the scriptures)
          [When you see an asterisk (*), it refers to a footnote at the bottom of the post.
                  Footnotes will be added when the post is completed.]

If you ask this because you wonder if this "man" is a single person, then it helps to read 2Thess.2:6,7,8...
"And now you perceive the restraint which will be revealed in it's time. The underhanded power of this lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now restrains will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way.
And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming".
What we learn from verse 7, is that this identity was already at work in the first century. We learn in verse 8, that this identity will be present when Christ overthrows it at the time of his coming.   The "man of lawlessness" is an element that spans much longer than a single human lifetime. It therefore consists of many individuals, all of whom bear its' traits, and who work collectively to develop the demonic purposes that the Destroyer has assigned to this Satanic "son"** (2Thess2:3
[(** Greek of 2Thess.2:3 literally reads, "son (not "man doomed to") of apOleias" = "son of destruction" = form of "Apollyon") (Rev.9:11)]
(John17:12 (also "son of Destruction"...not "man doomed to"); John13:27; 6:70; Luke22:3).

This idea of a collective is not unusual within scripture. Think of the singular body of Christ, consisting of many individuals (1Cor.12:27). 
The body of the Antichrist (singular), also consists of many individuals over time (1John2:18). So too, the members of the "man of lawlessness".
All those belonging to Christ come together to form one body (1Cor.10:17; 12:14,25; Rom.15:14; Eph.4:11,12). 
Just as The Temple of God is also shown to be a collective; (1Pet.2:5; Eph.2:20,21,22)... 
so too, is the "synagogue of Satan" (Rev.2:9; 3:9).

But there is much more which the scriptures contain pertaining to the reason why this entity is designated as a "man". It is worth uncovering whatever we are presently able. Since you have studied about this "man" as being the same identity as the Wild Beast of Rev.13:1; You may wonder why is it symbolically referred to as being a beast, and at the same time, a "man" of lawlessness.


When Revelation speaks of mankind (Greek: "anthropos"), God's Word is referring to what God considers mankind to be. If we glean from God's words, what God's definition of "mankind" is; that deeper understanding will open our interpretation of this term "anthropos", when it is used within the prophetic symbolism of Revelation...
(Rev.5:9; 8:11; 9:4,6,10; 13:13,18; 14:4; 16:2,8,9,18,21; 18:13; 19:18; 21:3
(As you can see from the foregoing verses, "anthropos" is translated inconsistently in most Bible versions)
(I have left out verses from the foregoing list which commonly include a translation of "mankind" or "men", even though in actuality, the original Greek of those verses did not contain "anthropos".)

First, we should accept that God considers "mankind" to authentically be a creation made in His image. Therefore, according to God's definition, authentic "mankind" is free of sin (1Pet.1:16(Col.3:5,7,8,9,10; Matt.5:48; Rev.4:8)

"Then God said, 'Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.' So God created mankind in his own image,
    in the image of God he created them;
    male and female he created them.
God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day." (Gen.1:26,27,31
"This is the written account of Adam’s family line.
When God created mankind, he made them in the likeness of God. He created them male and female and blessed them. And he named them “Mankind” when they were created." (Gen.5:1,2)

What is the essence of mankind, according to God's definition?
How did God create our original parent?
The perfect, immortal*(2), human organism... "mankind"...
       what does it consist of ?


"Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being." (Gen.2:7)

What was this "breath of life" that made Adam into an eternal*
(1) being?
Jesus leads us into understanding the answer, at John20:21,22...
"Then said Jesus to them again, Peace unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you. 
And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, 
Receive ye the Holy Spirit."

The original Greek words which are translated as "Holy Spirit" (John20:22), are "hagion pneuma"
The word meaning "spirit", is "pneuma", which means breath. Holy Spirit then, means the breath of God which contains the force of life (John6:63; 2Cor.3:6; Rom.8:2; 1Cor.15:45; Gal.5:25). When instilled, it gave eternal life to the lifeless corpse which God had formed out of the dust of the ground 
(Gen.2:7; Job 10:9; Gen.3:23; 2Sam.14:14; Gal.4:4,5; John1:14). 
  Adam had become the first of "mankind"...made in the perfect and holy image of God.
(Ps.104:29; 146:4; Ec.12:7; Job 34:12,14,15; James2:26; Luke23:46)
[IN RESPONSE TO COMMENT: As we know, life and health cannot be accomplished in a corpse
                   by air alone. If it could, we could resurrect the dead with an air pump. (Ec.12:7; Job 34:14,15)]
Mankind's Original Essence: (spirit of God combined with flesh = incorruptible soul / "mankind" as defined by God - Gen.5:1,2
"Mankind" would have lived eternally, if God's spirit remained within.*(1)

Did God's spirit remain within Adam and Eve?
As we know, Adam and Eve chose to sin, and that resulted in consequences (Gal.6:7; Ps.5:4,5,6; 34:16; Prov.15:29)
They chose to eat of the fruit / "knowledge', of the great Deceiver 
(Gen.2:17; 3:6,13; James1:15; Hosea10:13; 6:7; 2Cor.11:3; James3:15; 1Tim.4:1; Rev.20:7,8; 16:14), 
rather than from the Tree of Life.
("Two Trees") (John12:48; Eph.5:9; Prov.3:13,18)

The spirit of God, along with eternal life and it's sustaining "Tree", were removed from Adam and Eve's grasp (Gen.3:23,24,17,19; Ps.104:29; Job 34:14,15). Death resulted to all who were generated from Adam and Eve (Ps.51:5; Job 14:4; 15:14; Rom.3:23). 
Those originally created as "mankind", had replaced the guidance and spirit of God, with the guidance and spirit of the Destroyer (Eph.2:1,2,3; Heb.2:14 c; 1John3:8 a,b). 
"Mankind" was now corrupted, defiled, cursed... 
mere mortals subject to death 
       (Ps.14:3; 90:3; Gen.3:17; 5:29; Rom.8:13; Jer.13:25)... 
and no longer possessing the spirit or image of God. As a result of their chosen adulteration, they were no longer sons of God, but rather, dying sons of Satan 
(Rom.1:25; John8:44; Rom.5:12; Deut.32:5; Isa.24:5; Acts2:40)
  As soon as sin was accomplished (Gen.2:17; 3:6; James1:14,15); Satan's corrupt and dying lineage of seed had been initiated and generated (Rom.8:20; Job 14:1). From then on, Satan's seed would be in conflict and at enmity 
with those who gain and harbor the Spirit of God (Gen.3:15; Rev.12:17; Rom.16:20; 1Cor.15:45

(1John3:12; Heb.11:4; Prov.29:10; John8:40; 15:20; 3:20

(2Cor.10:3,4,5; 2Tim.4:7; 2:3) (Rev.20:7,8; 16:14,13,16; 17:14; Eph.5:11; 6:12; Rev.19:11,14,8; 12:7; Prov.28:4).

("What is Armageddon?")

(Done editing -- found the mistakes)

Two spirits / two fathers / two tables / two seed

Adam and Eve deviated from God's original design of mankind... that of being made in God's image, because they 
no longer resembled God's sinless spirit. God's life-giving spirit no longer resided within them, nor could they regain it through the tree of life (Eph.2:1; James1:15; Gen.3:13,19,24; Ps.104:29). Their existence became adulterated and temporary, based upon the corrupt and dying spirit of their master, Satan, who now owned them. 
Through them, humanity became mere earthly, mortal flesh... not belonging to Holy Spirit... being lead by their unclean earthly desires of lust, greed, lying, and injurious domination. 
Rather than resembling the original sinless condition of their Father's creation of "mankind" (Luke3:38); their spirit resembles those of lower, untamed creatures (Jude1:10,19; 1Cor.2:14; 2Pet.2:12; Rev.17:8; 13:11; 22:15; Jer.12:9; 15:3; Rev.19:17,18,21; 18:2; Eze.39:17) (Rev.9:3,7,10; Joel2:4,1,2,3; Isa.33:4; Job 39:19,20; Joel1:4,6,7; Rev.9:8; Eze.2:6; Rev.9:10). 
Humanity came under the control of lying wicked spirits, who general humanity has come to resemble...
 (John8:44; James3:15; 2Cor.11:14,15; John13:27; Matt.26:48,49; Eph.2:2,3; 1John5:19; Ps.74:20), 
...due to their rebellious hearts 
(Jer.2:5; Eph.4:17,18,19; Luke8:11,12; James4:4; 1John2:15,16,17; 4:5; John15:19; Rom.1:21,20; 8:5,6,13; Gal.5:17,19,20,21; Matt.26:41). 
Having the spirit of Satan, these come to resemble the father of sin (Isa.27:1; 57:20; Rev.12:9; Matt.23:33; 25:41) (1Pet.5:8; Prov.28:15; Eze.22:25; Ps.58:6; 3:7; 57:4; 17:12,13; 10:2,8,9; Rev.9:8; Joel1:6
(Isa.27:1; 57:20; Rev.13:1,4; Eze.29:4,5; 38:4,2; Rev.20:8) his sons and slaves. (Rev.9:11; 2Thess2:3; 1John3:12; 2Pet.2:2; John8:44; Matt.23:33

Such comparisons to other creatures can also be favorably made, in order to symbolize positive traits 
(Rev.14:1; 4:7,8; Eze.34:31; Ps.74:19; Canticles6:9; Rev.12:14; Job 39:27,29). 

When speaking of the confrontation the wicked have with God's people,
the Bible symbolically describes them according to their inner spirit, which God no longer views as measuring up to His concept of "mankind", but rather as wicked and rebellious scorpions, locusts, wild beasts, serpents, fish, etc.

------- PART THREE ------
Done Editing

Jesus told us that the hearts of both the wicked and the good prophets, would be producing "fruits" (Matt.24:5,24,25; 7:15,16,17,18,19,20; Luke6:43,45). Luke defines that fruit, as the sayings/teachings, which proceed from the spirit within each heart... either good (Phil.1:9,11; Eze.36:26,27; Rom.5:5; Acts2:18) or bad (Mark7:23,21; Matt.15:19; 12:34; Rev.13:11Deut.32:33; Jer.51:7; 2Cor.11:13,14,15). The difference between these two sorts of prophets, would be discernable by the "fruit" (sayings/teachings) that each produced. The fruit of lips (Heb.13:15; Hosea14:2; Mal.3:3,4; 1Pet.2:5) would either be sourced in the spirit of God (Matt.10:20; 1Cor.3:16; Rom.8:9) or the spirit/breath, of demons/Satan (Rev.16:13,14; John8:44; 1John3:8; 2Tim.3:5,7,8,9; 1Tim.4:1,7; Titus1:11; 2Pet.2:3). That demonic spirit/breath, can instill itself into the workings of men (Rev.13:15; 19:20; 16:13,16; 20:7,8) (Luke22:3,4; Rev.12:9; 1John5:19; 4:1; 2Pet.2:1,2,3; Dan.8:12). 
The fruit of each side would be offered on symbolic tables (1Cor.10:21; Rev.2:20), for others to "ingest" into their own heart (Prov.23:19; 4:23; Matt.15:9). Spiritual fruit also contains seed within it (Gen.1:11). The seed remains after the fruit is eaten. That seed will be cultivated in the heart...
good (James1:21,25; 1Cor.3:9,6; John15:1,2
or bad (James1:15), 
or sprouts can be weeded out (Eph.4:22; 1Pet.2:1), depending upon the desires of each heart. (Luke8:11,12,13,14,15; 10:16; Matt.13:8,9; 1Thess.4:8; 2:13; John12:48). 
  Whichever fruit/seed is cultivated within, will result in either a slave of God's Laws ("wheat"), or a slave of the devil's laws ("weeds") (Matt.13:37,38,39,40; Rom.8:2; 6:22,18). 
Such slaves receive a spiritual mark, identifying the master that owns their heart (Deut.6:6,8; 11:18; Ex.13:9; Rev.7:3; 14:1; 19:5) (Rev.13:16,7,8; Isa.44:20; Rev.14:9,10; 19:20). The fruit eaten contains it's own seed, which takes root...either perpetuating corruption and resulting in destruction (Gen.3:6; Rom.5:12; 2:8; James1:14; 2Thess.1:8; 2:12), or incorruption and eternal life (Rom.8:2,13; 6:17; James1:21; 1Pet.1:22,23; John6:63).

As slaves, they will either obey the truth, or the lie (Rom.6:16; 2Pet.2:19; John8:342Thess.2:9,10,11,12; Isa.44:20; Rev.13:16
(1Pet.1:14; Acts17:30; Rom.6:13; 12:1). 
They learn to imitate either the father of truth (1Cor.6:11; 2:12; Col.3:10; Rom.8:15,29; Eph.2:10; 4:24) and become restored into the image of God (Gen.1:27; Col.3:10; Rom.8:29; 13:14) --("clothed with Christ" -Rev.12:1; Luke1:78,79);
or retain the spirit and image of the father of lies (Isa.50:3; 2John1:7; 1John2:26; 2Tim.3:13; Eph.5:6; 2:2; 4:18; Col.2:4,8; John8:44; Gal.4:3; 2Cor.4:4; 11:14,15). 
As such imitators (Eph.5:1; Matt.5:48; Phil.2:15), they become seed / offspring, either of God and Christ (Rev.14:4; James1:18; Heb.12:22,23; Rom.8:14), or of the Devil. 
Just as God foretold us, these two Seeds have always be at enmity 
[(LINK) ("Wheat or Weeds?") ("What is Armageddon?")]
as soon as both sorts came into existence (Gen.3:15). That enmity continues until the end [Dan.9:26; 11:22; Matt.24:6; Luke21:22; 2Chron.16:9 B; (Rev.13:7,8,10; Col.2:8; 1Tim.4:1); 1Cor.11:19; Rev.12:17,7; 16:13,14,15,16; 17:14; 19:11,14,8; 2Cor.10:4,5; 6:7; 2Tim.2:3,4; Rev.11:18; Eze.7:14; Joel3:14,2,9,12,13; Jer.25:30,29,31; Rev.19:15; 14:18,19; Joel2:1,2; Rev.8:6; Isa.58:1]
because God's nation has been enslaved to an Idol... the "Image" of the Wild Beast Organization! 
  Now that Satan has been released from the Abyss, that composite entity is empowered (Rev.13:1,4; 9:3,10) to capture, restrain, trample, and enslave God's Chosen, until they are rescued by Christ/Michael (Heb.1:6; Acts3:21; Luke1:78; 2Pet.1:19; Dan.12:1; Rev.12:7,10,11; 17:14; Jer.30:7; Matt.24:21; Joel2:2; Rev.9:7,9,10; Eze.2:6; Rev.13:4,7,8; Dan.7:23; 2:40; 8:12,11; Rev.11:2; Isa.52:1; Rev.21:27; Col.1:13,14).
To Be Continued

(For making and reading comments in language other than English)

Friday, April 3, 2015

This Year's Memorial

Hello Everyone,
I thought I would write a bit about this past Memorial.
The love among the members of the Body of Christ, is most keenly felt as we obey the scriptural directives, to gather.
(1Cor. 11:33; Matt.18:20; Luke 22:17).
There were scriptures read, about the promises of God. This gave us hope, as well as insight into how the fulfillment of them, is progressing.
Here are some of my personal notes, which were used for my own discussion of the emblems...


Three meanings relevant for those chosen, come to mind.

1. Christ sacrificed his human life in the flesh.Through his body, he suffered, so that we could be pardoned.
He told us to imitate his sacrifice... to share in the purpose of a sacrificial life...
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God--this is your true and proper worship."
1Pet. 4:2
"As a result, they do not live the rest of their earthly lives for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God."
2Cor. 5:15
"He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them."
"For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his."
"When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained. Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the full number of their fellow servants, their brothers and sisters, were killed just as they had been." (Rev.6:9,11)
So the first thing I see in the emblem of bread, is that
just as Jesus sacrificed his body of flesh for the sake of the gospel,
so that others my gain life by means of the truth he offered,
so we too must live, and die, for the truth.

2. In using bread as a symbol for his body, he points to his human life, spent in providing truth. He said he was the bread from heaven, and his body was true food. He said that his whole reason for being born as a man of flesh, was to testify to the truth (John 18:37).
John 6:35
"Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty."
This is the same bread for which Jesus taught us to pray, "Give us this day our daily bread" (Matt.6:11)
He was not teaching an emphasis on physical bread, but on spiritual...
"Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"
John 6:51...
"I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world."
So the second thing I see, is that to take in the emblem of bread, we display our acknowledgment that we rely on Christ for our spiritual sustenance and the life that results from it.

3. The third significant meaning I see symbolized in the bread,
is another meaning the Bible gives to Christ's body.
1Cor. 12:12-14...
"Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free —and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many."

1Cor. 12:27,18,28
"Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.
"But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be."
"And God has placed in the church first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, of helping, of guidance, and of different kinds of tongues."
This body, composed of chosen and appointed parts, is also referred to at
"And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ".
This is the body of Chosen ones, that Paul refers to at 1Cor. 11:29,28,31
"For those who eat and drink without discerning the body of Christ eat and drink judgment on themselves.
"Everyone ought to examine themselves before they eat of the bread and drink from the cup.
"But if we were more discerning with regard to ourselves, we would not come under such judgment."

So, there we are told that we need to discern the Body of Christ, under Christ as it's head.
We need to discern who we are in relation to that body of appointed saints...
Have we been chosen to be a part of the body, as an apostle, a prophet, a teacher?
If we have positively discerned this about ourselves (1Cor. 11:31), then we rightly partake of that body of Chosen ones belonging to Christ.
Our self-perception is accurate, if spirit has clearly imparted knowledge of such an appointment, to us
(Rom.8:162Cor. 1:21,22; 5:5; Eph.1:14; Gal.3:29; Dan.7:18).
So when we partake of the bread, we also are discerning our place within Christ, and how we provide and accept manifestations of the spirit, from each other (1Cor. 12:7; Rom.15:14).
As 1Cor. 10:16,17 reads;
"Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ? And is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ?
Because there is one loaf, we, who are many, are one body, for we all share the one loaf."

So the third thing I see in the emblem of Bread, is that we see our own assigned place in the body of Christ,
knowing that our assignment within it, is for the building up and feeding of the entire body, upon which we individually depend;
just as the other parts, also supply what we need, and depend upon us.
Just as Jesus gave up his life for us, so we are to serve our brothers in Christ (John 15:13; 13:341John 3:16)
(Rom.12:10; 13:81Pet. 1:221John 3:14) through our individual gift of spirit's manifestation, within us (Rom.12:4,5,6,7,81Cor. 12:25).

Luke 22:15,16,19


Wine is a product of the vine.
Just as wine comes from a grapevine,
the meaning of the wine, comes from the meaning of the grapevine.
John 15:1-5,8
“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. 3 You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. 4 Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.
5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."
8"This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples."

So the first meaning of the wine, is that we must take in the product of the true vine, without which, we can do nothing.
If we remain in him, we are holy, and produce much fruit, which glorifies our Father.
Rom.11:16-18, compares this union with the true vine, as an olive tree...
"If the part of the dough offered as firstfruits is holy, then the whole batch is holy; if the root is holy, so are the branches. If some of the branches have been broken off, and you, though a wild olive shoot, have been grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing sap from the olive root, do not consider yourself to be superior to those other branches. If you do, consider this: You do not support the root, but the root supports you."
  So the true and holy root, provides us the nourishing sap of Holy Spirit and Truth (John 4:23-24), and thereby, supports us to bear fruit.
As sap feeds the branches, Christ's blood feeds the parts of his body, providing life to it's members. We take in that life...the Holy Spirit, which he gives freely to those who remember their dependence on it, and keep asking for it.
If we remain in union with the holy root-stock, we as it's branches, will also be holy.
As we partake of the emblem of wine, we take in what the true vine has provided...
holy spirit, life, truth, and a cleansed state of holiness ourselves (Rev.3:4; 19:8).
These things are ours, as long as we remain in subjection to our Head and Lord.

Luke 22:17,20
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Afterward, we also discussed meeting together regularly.
This is perceived as a desire of Christ, according to the will of God.
"that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one" (John 17:21,22)
If we are to "be one", and there be no division among the members of Christ's Body (1Cor. 12:25; 1:10)
this requires a gathering together, just as the scriptures direct (Heb.10:24,25). 
This gathering was prophesied, initiated by a "trumpet blast" (Matt.24:31), which is the voice of a herald among the priesthood
(Isa.58:1; Eze.3:17; 33:3) (Rev.10:7; 8:2,6; Josh.6:4,13).
Within the symbolism of Revelation, Christ directs his faithful slaves (Rev.1:1,3; 22:7).

I trust that all awakened members of Christ, were blessed by their gathering for this sacred occasion.
I anticipate with joy, the fulfillment of prophecy, by the collecting together of the faithful, in Christ.
(For making and reading comments in language other than English)

Additional Pages for Study (coming soon)