1. Why did God not simply decree that all who would obey Him could live forever?
Actually, God has made this decree quite clear, numerous times.
It began in Eden.
When God gave Adam and Eve perfect, endless life; it is reasonable to assume that they would have retained this, if they had obeyed him. He in effect, decreed endless life for obedience, when he notified Adam and Eve of the alternate consequences of disobedience (Gen.2:17).
Living forever has requirements. "simply" stating that obedience leads to eternal life, could be misleading, because obedience and the knowledge that leads to it, is not "simple", because Satan is constantly working (with powerful signs and portents) to veil the path to life (Hosea 4:6; Isa.5:13; 2Cor. 4:3; Rev.12:9; 13:14; 2Thess. 2:9-10).
Remember that Job also revealed his hope of "living again" based upon his sustained efforts to please God (Job 14:14-15; Job 1:1,5). This resurrection hope is attested to throughout the Hebrew writers.
And then of course, we know that Christ brought with him the confirmation of that hope (Matt.7:21; 1John 2:17; Acts 17:31; 2Pet. 1:19; John 11:25; 5:28-29).
You may wonder though,
Why do obedient ones still have to die before they receive eternal life (Jude 1:21)?
We are all born corrupt and sinful. And as we know, sin brings forth death
(Rom.3:23; James 1:15; Rom.5:12).
We can not redeem ourselves nor our fellow humans, even if we are obedient (Psalm 49:7-10).
But now that the ransom is paid, why are we still dying?
The life we look for, is not physical (John 3:3-6; 6:63). If we receive spirit life, we may also have the physical, because we can exist in both natures (Rom.8:9; 1Pet. 3:18; John 20:19; 1Cor. 15:45,22). Yet we must not live according to the flesh (Rom.8:5-6,2,9-11,13).
The kingdom of God has not yet arrived.
The kingdom of God arrives, when all Christ's enemies, are brought to nothing (Ps.110:1; 1Cor. 15:25) and Jesus hands his victory, over to his Father (1Cor.15:24). The reason why we still die physically, previous to the arrival of God's Kingdom, is because, Death, is Christ's last enemy (1Cor.15:26).
The subduing of Christ's enemies, is through members of heavenly Zion (Ps.110:1-2; Rev.2:26-27; 2Cor. 10:3-5). Before the last enemy (Death) is conquered, it must arise and battle with those who have already been granted life (John 5:24; 6:50; 3:6-7; 1John 3:14; Rev.6:7-8). After Satan's release from the abyss (Rev.20:7-8) he wages war with the last of the anointed (Rev.12:17; 17:14). Satan is able for a time, to bring them under the power of his agents of death (Rev.13:7; 9:10; 13:10; Luke 21:24; Col.2:8). Only by conquering the agents of the abyss of death, is death finally conquered (1Cor.15:55; Rom.6:5; Rev.12:11; Mark 8:35; Luke 21:19). This is accomplished during the time of the fourth living creature/last watchman (Rev.6:7; 20:9,14; 11:5; 12:10-11) and the fourth Beast.
Previous to the arrival of God's Kingdom, Satan's authority and dominion (deception and death -John 8:44; Rev.12:9; 20:10 a; Rev.16:13-16; Matt.24:4-5), still exist (1John 5:19; Heb.2:14). Jesus will soon reverse Satan's authority over death (Heb.2:14,15; 1John 3:8; Rev.1:18; 3:7; Matt.16:19; Isa.22:22; John 20:23), when his kingdom/Temple is finally finished with construction (Eph.2:20-22; 1Pet. 2:5; 1Cor. 3:16), and all it's members successfully "conquer" Satan (Rev.12:10,11,7,8) with God's and Christ's power (Rom.16:20; Gen.3:15; Luke 10:19).
That conquering (Rev.12:10,11) means life (Rev.2:7,10; 3:21; James 1:12; Matt.24:13).
(1Cor.15:24,25,28,26; John 5:24; 1John 3:14; 2:10; 5:2; Eze.37:14; Rom.8:13)
This conquering of Satan and his seed (previous to Satan's release from the abyss), occurs during Christ's kingdom of a "thousand years" by the symbolic 144,000 (not by the remnant).
1. Why did God not simply decree that all who would obey Him could live forever?
Actually, God has made this decree quite clear, numerous times.
It began in Eden.
When God gave Adam and Eve perfect, endless life; it is reasonable to assume that they would have retained this, if they had obeyed him. He in effect, decreed endless life for obedience, when he notified Adam and Eve of the alternate consequences of disobedience (Gen.2:17).
Living forever has requirements. "simply" stating that obedience leads to eternal life, could be misleading, because obedience and the knowledge that leads to it, is not "simple", because Satan is constantly working (with powerful signs and portents) to veil the path to life (Hosea 4:6; Isa.5:13; 2Cor. 4:3; Rev.12:9; 13:14; 2Thess. 2:9-10).
Remember that Job also revealed his hope of "living again" based upon his sustained efforts to please God (Job 14:14-15; Job 1:1,5). This resurrection hope is attested to throughout the Hebrew writers.
And then of course, we know that Christ brought with him the confirmation of that hope (Matt.7:21; 1John 2:17; Acts 17:31; 2Pet. 1:19; John 11:25; 5:28-29).
You may wonder though,
Why do obedient ones still have to die before they receive eternal life (Jude 1:21)?
We are all born corrupt and sinful. And as we know, sin brings forth death
(Rom.3:23; James 1:15; Rom.5:12).
We can not redeem ourselves nor our fellow humans, even if we are obedient (Psalm 49:7-10).
But now that the ransom is paid, why are we still dying?
The life we look for, is not physical (John 3:3-6; 6:63). If we receive spirit life, we may also have the physical, because we can exist in both natures (Rom.8:9; 1Pet. 3:18; John 20:19; 1Cor. 15:45,22). Yet we must not live according to the flesh (Rom.8:5-6,2,9-11,13).
The kingdom of God has not yet arrived.
The kingdom of God arrives, when all Christ's enemies, are brought to nothing (Ps.110:1; 1Cor. 15:25) and Jesus hands his victory, over to his Father (1Cor.15:24). The reason why we still die physically, previous to the arrival of God's Kingdom, is because, Death, is Christ's last enemy (1Cor.15:26).
The subduing of Christ's enemies, is through members of heavenly Zion (Ps.110:1-2; Rev.2:26-27; 2Cor. 10:3-5). Before the last enemy (Death) is conquered, it must arise and battle with those who have already been granted life (John 5:24; 6:50; 3:6-7; 1John 3:14; Rev.6:7-8). After Satan's release from the abyss (Rev.20:7-8) he wages war with the last of the anointed (Rev.12:17; 17:14). Satan is able for a time, to bring them under the power of his agents of death (Rev.13:7; 9:10; 13:10; Luke 21:24; Col.2:8). Only by conquering the agents of the abyss of death, is death finally conquered (1Cor.15:55; Rom.6:5; Rev.12:11; Mark 8:35; Luke 21:19). This is accomplished during the time of the fourth living creature/last watchman (Rev.6:7; 20:9,14; 11:5; 12:10-11) and the fourth Beast.
Previous to the arrival of God's Kingdom, Satan's authority and dominion (deception and death -John 8:44; Rev.12:9; 20:10 a; Rev.16:13-16; Matt.24:4-5), still exist (1John 5:19; Heb.2:14). Jesus will soon reverse Satan's authority over death (Heb.2:14,15; 1John 3:8; Rev.1:18; 3:7; Matt.16:19; Isa.22:22; John 20:23), when his kingdom/Temple is finally finished with construction (Eph.2:20-22; 1Pet. 2:5; 1Cor. 3:16), and all it's members successfully "conquer" Satan (Rev.12:10,11,7,8) with God's and Christ's power (Rom.16:20; Gen.3:15; Luke 10:19).
That conquering (Rev.12:10,11) means life (Rev.2:7,10; 3:21; James 1:12; Matt.24:13).
(1Cor.15:24,25,28,26; John 5:24; 1John 3:14; 2:10; 5:2; Eze.37:14; Rom.8:13)
This conquering of Satan and his seed (previous to Satan's release from the abyss), occurs during Christ's kingdom of a "thousand years" by the symbolic 144,000 (not by the remnant).
When Satan is released, there is a "short period of time" between the end of Christ's kingdom and the start of God's kingdom, in which the great tribulation and Armageddon take place. During that time, the agents of Death take captive God's remnant of Chosen priests (Rev.13:10; Col.2:8; Matt.24:24-25) and cause their sacrifices to God, to be suspended (Dan.7:7,21,25-27; 8:10-12,17,19,24-25; 2Thess. 2:8) (Dan.11:31-33; Luke 21:24; Dan.8:13; Rev.11:2; 13:7), as the Temple is being trampled by Satan's agents, the "Gentiles".
During that Great Tribulation, death becomes king, even over the remaining ones of womans' seed, the remnant.
That "fear of death" (Heb.2:14,15) includes a fear of it's agents (Jer.1:8,17; Rev.13:4,7), whose agents can hold the chosen ones under the power of the abyss of deception and death (Rev.9:1,3,10) after Satan is released from the abyss (Rev.9:1,11; 13:4,7; Luke 21:20; Rev.20:8-9).
God has told us not to fear the faces of these ones (Prov.29:25; Eze.2:6; Isa.51:12; Jer.1:8,17,19; Eze.3:9; 28:24) (see NKJV for Jer.1:8 "faces"), who only have the faces of men...not of gods (Rev.9:7; Eze.28:2,9; Isa.2:22).
If we fear them more than Almighty God (Isa.51:12; Ps.118:6; 9:20; Jer.17:5); then we commit idolatry (2Thess.2:4; Rev.13:8; Num.14:9,24,37,38). We must fear God alone (Jer.17:7; Matt.10:28; Rev.14:7; 4:11).
Once we are freed from this captivity (Rev.13:10,16; 9:14; Heb.2:15; Luke 10:19) (Gal.2:4; Col.2:8; John 8:32); we are freed from slavery to these agents (Rev.9:5,10; 1Cor. 7:23; 15:55,56,57,54) and their power (Rom.8:2; 6:16,22; John 8:32,36; Jer.31:11). Death, is then, conquered by the remnant and their supporters.
That "fear of death" (Heb.2:14,15) includes a fear of it's agents (Jer.1:8,17; Rev.13:4,7), whose agents can hold the chosen ones under the power of the abyss of deception and death (Rev.9:1,3,10) after Satan is released from the abyss (Rev.9:1,11; 13:4,7; Luke 21:20; Rev.20:8-9).
God has told us not to fear the faces of these ones (Prov.29:25; Eze.2:6; Isa.51:12; Jer.1:8,17,19; Eze.3:9; 28:24) (see NKJV for Jer.1:8 "faces"), who only have the faces of men...not of gods (Rev.9:7; Eze.28:2,9; Isa.2:22).
If we fear them more than Almighty God (Isa.51:12; Ps.118:6; 9:20; Jer.17:5); then we commit idolatry (2Thess.2:4; Rev.13:8; Num.14:9,24,37,38). We must fear God alone (Jer.17:7; Matt.10:28; Rev.14:7; 4:11).
Once we are freed from this captivity (Rev.13:10,16; 9:14; Heb.2:15; Luke 10:19) (Gal.2:4; Col.2:8; John 8:32); we are freed from slavery to these agents (Rev.9:5,10; 1Cor. 7:23; 15:55,56,57,54) and their power (Rom.8:2; 6:16,22; John 8:32,36; Jer.31:11). Death, is then, conquered by the remnant and their supporters.
The anointed do not enter into glorious life, without all these requirements...
obedience AND the ransom of Jesus Christ AND the end of Satan's power over them (2Tim.2:12; Rev.17:4; Rom.6:5; Rev.3:21; 1John 5:4; Rev.19:14; Eph.2:6).
The end of Satan's power has occurred with individual anointed ones (1Pet.5:10; 1John 2:14; Eph.1:20,21,22,23), up to and including some of the remnant. Once judicially establish that the bride/administration/temple is completed, God proceeds to condemn the false prophet, wild beast, and Satan (Rev.20:10-11; 17:1,11,16-17) as His initial acts as King. Although the judicial basis for God's kingdom by Christ and the anointed has been established, the blessing of eternal life has not yet been physically applied to all creation (1John 5:19; Luke 4:8; John17:15; 1John 5:18; Gal.1:4; Rom.8:19,25).
This brings us smoothly into your next question...
2. Who besides anointed Christians are experiencing benefits from Jesus' sacrifice and life?
How will these receive benefit?
We know that the anointed enter into the kingdom through many tribulations (Acts 14:22; 2Tim. 3:12; 1Pet. 4:13; 2Cor. 1:5; Rom.8:17; Col.1:13). This is compared to the labor a woman suffers and endures, before her child is born (John 3:3-6; 16:21,22,6; Isa.26:17; Rev.12:2).
This illustration of "childbirth" scripturally applies to many prophecies.
For example...
*The progression of the anointed from conception/"begotten" of incorruptible seed to "birth"/seal. (Mark 13:8; Matt.24:8; John 16:21,22; Isa.26:17)
*The consequences to come upon the wicked (Hosea 13:13; Micah 4:9; 1Thess. 5:3)
*The pain of creation since it's fall into sin (Rom.8:22).
*The agony the New Covenant-mother/Jerusalem above, goes through (made of those already sealed) until all her full number of firstborn sons are completed (Isa.37:3; Rev.12:1,2,5; Gal.4:19; 1Thess. 2:7; 3John 1:4).
Throughout the spiritual maturation process/cleansing, refinement of a chosen one, they are under a promise (New Covenant/mother in heaven Gal.4:26,28). This compares to a child developing in the womb. (Ps.110:3; 1Thess. 5:5; Judges 5:2; Micah 5:7; Gal.4:19) Once sealed (and born), they continue that growth, to become full representatives of that Covenant (Christ's 'Bride'/"Christ fully formed in you") and offer it's benefits to others as that mother in heaven (2Cor.5:20; 1Cor. 4:1; Isa.42:6; Acts 13:47; John 7:38; Rev.22:17; Matt.5:14). These sealed ones are no longer subject to death (Rev.20:4,5,6; John 5:24; 1John 3:14). They bring Christ's kingdom into the midst of fallen mankind...
to offer life by means of truth and light.... given them by Holy Spirit.
These symbolic "trees of life" (Ps.1:1-3; Rev.22:1-2; John15:16; Matt.7:20), offer "fine fruit" that provides spiritual healing (James 5:14-16). That "fruit" is their testimony of truth from in their hearts (Luke 6:43-45) wherein holy spirit, lives (Eph.2:22; John7:38-39; 2Cor. 1:22; 1Cor. 6:19; Matt.10:20).
When the agents of life, provide the fruit/sayings of life, so that others who hear and accept (John 13:20; Luke 10:16), might also live (John 6:63; 12:49; 20:21).... then the heavenly "mother" covenant/promise, made to the Chosen, is fulfilled. They are now that woman/covenant in heaven (Eph.2:6) and permanent members of that "City"/Temple (Rev.3:12; Prov.9:1).
(Luke 17:20,21,23,24; 2Cor. 5:18,19,20; Matt.5:14,16; 1Pet. 2:9; Mal.2:7; John 7:28-29; 14:16,17,26; 15:26; 16:7).
They can then offer living water, to all (Rev.22:17; 19:9; Matt.22:8-10)... to their children that accept their new parents.
*The progression of the anointed from conception/"begotten" of incorruptible seed to "birth"/seal. (Mark 13:8; Matt.24:8; John 16:21,22; Isa.26:17)
*The consequences to come upon the wicked (Hosea 13:13; Micah 4:9; 1Thess. 5:3)
*The pain of creation since it's fall into sin (Rom.8:22).
*The agony the New Covenant-mother/Jerusalem above, goes through (made of those already sealed) until all her full number of firstborn sons are completed (Isa.37:3; Rev.12:1,2,5; Gal.4:19; 1Thess. 2:7; 3John 1:4).
Throughout the spiritual maturation process/cleansing, refinement of a chosen one, they are under a promise (New Covenant/mother in heaven Gal.4:26,28). This compares to a child developing in the womb. (Ps.110:3; 1Thess. 5:5; Judges 5:2; Micah 5:7; Gal.4:19) Once sealed (and born), they continue that growth, to become full representatives of that Covenant (Christ's 'Bride'/"Christ fully formed in you") and offer it's benefits to others as that mother in heaven (2Cor.5:20; 1Cor. 4:1; Isa.42:6; Acts 13:47; John 7:38; Rev.22:17; Matt.5:14). These sealed ones are no longer subject to death (Rev.20:4,5,6; John 5:24; 1John 3:14). They bring Christ's kingdom into the midst of fallen mankind...
to offer life by means of truth and light.... given them by Holy Spirit.
These symbolic "trees of life" (Ps.1:1-3; Rev.22:1-2; John15:16; Matt.7:20), offer "fine fruit" that provides spiritual healing (James 5:14-16). That "fruit" is their testimony of truth from in their hearts (Luke 6:43-45) wherein holy spirit, lives (Eph.2:22; John7:38-39; 2Cor. 1:22; 1Cor. 6:19; Matt.10:20).
When the agents of life, provide the fruit/sayings of life, so that others who hear and accept (John 13:20; Luke 10:16), might also live (John 6:63; 12:49; 20:21).... then the heavenly "mother" covenant/promise, made to the Chosen, is fulfilled. They are now that woman/covenant in heaven (Eph.2:6) and permanent members of that "City"/Temple (Rev.3:12; Prov.9:1).
(Luke 17:20,21,23,24; 2Cor. 5:18,19,20; Matt.5:14,16; 1Pet. 2:9; Mal.2:7; John 7:28-29; 14:16,17,26; 15:26; 16:7).
They can then offer living water, to all (Rev.22:17; 19:9; Matt.22:8-10)... to their children that accept their new parents.
The final covenant, the Kingdom Covenant, is the last Covenant needed. It provides a mother covenant for the last phase of God's purpose....to restore all things, in heaven and on earth, to righteous perfection and life. (Matt.6:10; Rev.21:3; Rom.8:19,21; Matt.17:11)
This does not occur under the New Covenant.
The purpose of the New Covenant, is to give spirit life to those who will rise first. Under God's eternal Kingdom, they support the implementation of the Kingdom Covenant, as they slave for God and the representation of His Kingdom present on earth (Rev.22:3; 21:1; Dan.2:35,44-45; Zech.4:8-10,13-14)... the "two witnesses"/"Great Crowd"/"remaining ones" of the New Covenant seed.
This new creation mother Kingdom covenant, will provide life and "seed" for the earth. (Psalm 37:11,29) This mother was human, as well as being spirit. So too was the Son of Man human...the new "father" of earthly creation (Isa.9:6; Matt.12:8; 1Cor. 15:45).
Once the New Covenant promise is fulfilled, the remaining members of the "Bride"/"late harvest" (Amos 7:1; Rev.20:5 a Rev.12:17; 6:11; 11:7; 7:14; 1Thess. 4:15-17; John 11:26) (who are present at Christ's return, and usher in/belong to the new Kingdom Covenant) are refined and made ready. This new Bride/woman/covenant (containing the complete spirit of truth) will "come down from heaven", symbolically (Eph.2:6; Heb.12:22-23) to offer perfect truth and life to everyone else.
This will soon include those who have died. (Rev.22:17; John 4:14; Acts 24:15; John 11:25-26)
The New Covenant is in force for all those redeemed by the blood of Christ. It did not establish life for physical creation now. It provides spirit life now for "the new creation", who are spirit sons of God. (Rom.8:14; John 3:6; 1Pet.1:23)
Those who accept the blessings of this seed, (by listening to them and not persecuting and killing them- Matt.25:40; 10:40-41), go to move ahead in God's purpose.....becoming recipients of the next promise/Covenant....
the one having come down from heaven, New Jerusalem.
This is the final Covenant/woman. It will last forever as the Bride of Christ the King. By means of this Kingdom Covenant; God's promises, Creations' restoration, and God's last creative day, is finally brought into complete fulfillment (Matt.12:8; Heb.4:11).
God...and the rest of His creation, will finally enter God's rest....the eternal Sabbath....when our Father in Heaven can finally declare that he sees all he has made, and it is eternally, very good...as it was before sin ever corrupted it. (Gen.1:31; 1Cor.15:24)
Someday...the Kingdom Covenant will also be fulfilled... by the birth to eternal life of the entire human race seed, who also must accept and listen to the spirit sons of God (who were the promised seed of the woman/New Covenant). Already "living" due to the spirit of God within them, they are now the Kingdom Covenant/woman/mother from heaven. This Bride of Christ becomes the mother of eternal life for the resurrection/restoration of Creation.
Those who accept the guidance of Christ's Bride, to share in the conquering of Death, will also live.
*But note also at Rev.22:17, that "anyone 'hearing' " (Matt.13:16), can also share in doing
the inviting to the marriage feast. Any who partake of and appreciate the opening of the scrolls,
can share the provisions with others, by inviting them to the same feast of living waters.
In doing so, the "crowds can be fed" (Mark 6:41-42) by "five loaves"
(Matt.25:1-2,10; John 12:24; 1Cor. 10:17) and a "two fishes" ["Gentiles" (not anointed)
that are harvested from Satan's "sea" (Matt.13:48-49)(Leviathan),
who speak truth John 8:17).
("What is 'Jew'/What is 'Gentile'"?").
The reason I bring the labor of that woman, is because there is a final birth being spoken of...
The birth to life of those not anointed (Isa.66:7; 54:1; Gal.4:27).
This occurs under God's kingdom of sealed 144,000. The completed bride of Christ will bring these forth into life,
without any pain for "her", or for her earthly "seed" (Isa.66:7,11; Joel 3:18; Rev.21:2,3,4,5; 22:1,2,3,17; John 5:28,29).
This partly answers your question, as to the non-anointed "experiencing benefits" from Jesus.
Christ's ransom pays directly and first, for the anointed. Once these are redeemed and become a part of the Kingdom Covenant's construction, the Temple of God/bride, grows further toward completion (1Pet. 2:5; Eph.2:20,21,22; 1Cor. 3:16; Eph.1:10,11,12).
In the meantime, the teachings of Christ advise others (not anointed) to "receive" and "listen" to his faithful brothers (John 13:20; Matt.10:40; 2Cor. 5:20; Zech.8:23; Rom.2:28,29; Col.2:11). These faithful slaves work hard to provide understanding and guidance (2Tim. 4:2; 1Tim. 4:16; Mal.2:7). Jesus also teaches all, how to identify which anointed kingdom ambassadors are providing that fine fruit for life (John 15:4,5; Matt.7:20 pearl-finetrees.blogspot.com ).
By the treatment all (those anointed and not anointed) give the faithful anointed, these are judged with finality (Matt.25:40,46; Heb.13:2; Matt.10:42; Heb.6:10; Rom.8:33; Matt.7:1), because how one treats these, is a direct result of one's response to the Truth which the faithful declare (John 10:27; 12:49; 16:13; 1John 4:8; John 14:17; 2Cor. 2:14,15,16; 1Cor. 1:18,21; 2Tim. 2:21).
The ability to discern the faithful (who are offering food for life) is a gift from Jesus and the Father, to the non-anointed (John 6:44; 13:20; 10:27; 7:17,18). This is a "benefit of Jesus" to those not anointed, that they should use right now.
In time, the benefits of both Jesus Christ AND the New Covenant, will reach all creation (1John 2:2; Gal.4:26; Rom.8:19; Heb.9:28; Acts 3:21; Matt.17:11; Rom.8:21) when Christ hands his fulfilled kingdom over to his Father, for God to begin the eternal Kingdom of God (1Cor. 15:24,25; Matt.6:10).
But it is imperative to recognize the how and when. Otherwise, if you confuse and overlap the stages of salvation, it results in confusion ("Babylon"); and a diverting from the path of life and it's necessary guidance for the individual.
The application of the ransom of Christ for the second resurrection,
and the life provisions under the fully formed, completed and Materialized New Covenant (Christ's Bride),
is delivered for all physical Creation under the Kingdom Administration to come, under God's future Kingdom.
The ransom is first applied through the Promise/Covenant/mother in Heaven for the first resurrection (Gal.4:26; Heb.6:12; Gal.3:29) during Christ's symbolic thousand year reign. The ransom is then applied to the great crowd/remaining ones of the woman's seed that come through the Great Tribulation in faithfulness, after the thousand years have ended. That period is now. Once this purpose/promise, sees fulfillment in the full administration of Priests and Kings (Rev.5:9,10; Rom.8:24; Heb.11:1; 1Cor. 6:2; Dan.7:18,22; Rev.20:4; 2Tim. 4:1,2; Eph.1:10; Acts 17:26; Jer.27:5; Hab.2:3; 2Pet. 3:9; Zeph.3:8).
the Kingdom government is ready to remove the harlot, Satan's rule (1Tim. 4:1,2) and restore all Creation (Matt.17:11; 19:28; Rom.8:21,19) under God.
Yet even now,
those who "accept" and "receive" the faithful brothers of Christ, can be "written in the Lamb's scroll of Life" (Matt.10:41), which he presents to his Father. This favorable judgment for those who remove the mark of the Beast (Rev.13:8; 14:9,10,11; 15:2; 17:8; 20:15; Matt.10:41), includes an invitation to the Marriage feast of unveiled revelations, and the blessing of eternal life (Matt.10:41,42; 7:8; 22:8,9,10; Rev.19:9). This is certainly "a benefit from Jesus", and it is available to all, right now!
the Kingdom government is ready to remove the harlot, Satan's rule (1Tim. 4:1,2) and restore all Creation (Matt.17:11; 19:28; Rom.8:21,19) under God.
Yet even now,
those who "accept" and "receive" the faithful brothers of Christ, can be "written in the Lamb's scroll of Life" (Matt.10:41), which he presents to his Father. This favorable judgment for those who remove the mark of the Beast (Rev.13:8; 14:9,10,11; 15:2; 17:8; 20:15; Matt.10:41), includes an invitation to the Marriage feast of unveiled revelations, and the blessing of eternal life (Matt.10:41,42; 7:8; 22:8,9,10; Rev.19:9). This is certainly "a benefit from Jesus", and it is available to all, right now!
I hope this answers your questions. If not, please let me know.
I hope this answers your questions. If not, please let me know.
Good Day,
ReplyDeleteKindly expound on Proverbs 4, especially verse 18, which is used quite frequently by the Witnesses religion in explaining the changes in prophecy or just to shift goalposts, as it were. What is the context of the chapter and must we be selective in explaining any scriptural understading?
Kind Regards
Spritually Thirsty Soul
Please, may I start you off with a few articles:
(http://pearl-prophecycease.blogspot.com/) --Part One / the first half
If these do not supply an adequate reply, please ask further. I think the first one especially, will address what you are looking for.
I also perceive that perhaps a new post is in order, explaining the process of full enlightenment.
Remember Luke 8:18
"So be careful how you listen. Whoever has something will be given more. Whoever has nothing, even what they think they have will be taken away from them."
Within that verse is God's justice, and how it dispenses increasing light to His priests.
If we are faithful with a little, we are given more (Matt.25:14,19,21,29).
I don't know if I understand correctly so I ask why it is interesting. Luke 8:18 To those who have will be given, and to those who have not, they will be deprived of what he thinks he has. does it mean that those who have the light will be given other light and those who do not have the light will also be deprived of the light they think they have ???
ReplyDeleteJesus said that the true worshipers of God, would worship with spirit and truth (John 4:23-24). He also sent them to teach others by means of that spirit and truth (2Tim. 4:2; 1Pet. 2:9; Mal.2:7; Mark 16:20; 1Cor. 2:4; 1Pet. 1:25). The assignment Jesus gave to his servants, was depicted in a variety of parables (Matt.5:13-16; 25:14; 13:52,41,44-45,47; 20:1; 22:2; 25:1; 24:31). Yes, one of those symbols for the spirit and truth we have, is light. Some other symbols, are living water, manna from heaven, wheat grain, and fine fruit.
DeleteOne of the things that the disciples of Jesus have, is his peace (John 14:27). When they go out to do their preaching; that peace can be shared or kept, depending upon how they are received by their hearers (Matt.10:13).
What we learn from these scriptures, is that the possession of Luke 8:18 is multi-faceted, and yet it is all one thing.
Great peace comes from receiving, knowing, and teaching divine truth. It is received from Jesus, by spirit (John 15:4-5; 16:13; 20:22; Acts 1:8).
Now to apply Luke 8:18...
To those who have spirit and truth, and put it to work in feeding Jesus' flock... Jesus will give more to that faithful worker (Matt.25:23; Luke 16:10; 19:17).
To those who do not put the treasures of spirit and truth to good use; They will lose what they were given, as well as the worthless things they put their trust in, instead (Heb.10:38; Matt.25:24-26,27-30; Luke 11:34-36; Rev.3:17-18).
Jesus told his priests, to hold on to their testimony until he returns (Rev.2:25; 3:11; 12:17).
Those who do this, keep receiving more spirit and truth.
Those who do not make good use of the spirit and truth Jesus gives them, will lose that spirit and truth, as well as the reward for being faithful with them.
Luke 8:18 also adds the idea, that listening carefully to the scriptures, is needed by the person who receives spirit and truth (John 8:47; 16:13).