Sunday, April 21, 2013

Part Two- The "Sheep"

This is a continuation of yesterday's Introductory post 

(Please read that first... )
which concluded with...

The faithful anointed are also referred to as "firstborn" of God's children, because they come to life first (Rev.20:6). They are not only firstborn of humanity to God, but also to Christ (Jer.2:3; James1:18; Rom.8:23; Rev.14:4). They are therefore, Christ's sons, previous to their adoption by the Father in Heaven (Rom.8:23). The father does not adopt those stained by sin, but after these receive forgiveness, cleansing, and life by Christ (John14:6; 6:51), they can then be adopted by God. Christ is their natural spiritual father (Isa.9:6; Ps.45:16).
Why have we examined these things?

Remember...sons bear the traits of their fathers. In this way, we can identify both groups of children, and the fathers who generated them.
Now let us apply this knowledge, to the "sheep" and the "goats".

Matt.13:30,38,41; 25:32

If the sheep are indeed sons of the kingdom, their natural spiritual father, is Christ.

Jesus Christ is called, "the Lamb of God" (John1:29; Rev.14:1; 5:6). His sons therefore, can also be depicted as lambs/sheep. These sons of the Lamb of God are also to be slaughtered lambs, as that one was (Psalm44:22; Rom.8:36; 6:5; Rev.6:9). Their blood is given up to establish the kingdom covenant to come, just as previous sacrificial blood established (Ex.24:8; Matt.26:28; Mark14:24). That blood is sacrificed on YHVH's own altar, and is offered of the donor's free will (Rev.6:9; John10:17,18; Rev.12:11). Under that new Kingdom Covenant, life will come to the secondary children of God, through that "bride". (Rom.8:18,19,21; Rev.21:2; 22:2,17)
Jesus once said regarding his own sacrifice, "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends." John15:13. The faithful anointed imitate...both the life and death of their Lord (1Pet.2:21; 1John2:6; John10:11; 1John3:16; Rom.6:5; Rev.6:9; Rom.8:17,36; Zech.11:4) (Rom.5:11; 11:15; 2Cor.5:18) for the sake of their beloved "friends" of the groaning physical creation (Rom.8:20,22; 1Cor.13:3; 1John4:8; Eph.5:1,2; Matt.5:45; Luke6:35; Phil.2:15).

Rev.5:6; John1:29
Rev.6:9; 20:4

At Matt.25:35,36 , Jesus describes the "sheep". The clear trait which this parable highlights, is that they are loving (John13:34; 1John2:8,9,10,11). They lovingly support even the "least", weakest, impoverished, and despised of Christ's brothers (Luke10:30,34,36,37,27; Matt.25:35,36,34,40; 24:45). They will not persecute, hinder, beat, or kill their brothers, in imitation of the scribes and Pharisees who killed their Lord (1John3:12; John13:35; Matt.24:49; John8:40; 16:2Rom.14:4; 8:33Matt.10:21; 1John3:15; Isa.66:5; John11:53; Matt.12:14; John19:15; Rev.13:15; 2Thess.2:6,7,8) By this faithfulness under test... and "death" for truth, the faithful seed of Christ will be recognized; as imitators of the Lamb of God (John13:34; 15:12,17; Rom.12:10; 13:8,10).

There are counterfeit "sheep" (Matt.7:15; Rev.13:11,14; 19:20; 2Pet.2:1; Matt.10:33)
In a spiritual sense...these false prophets who are unfaithful chosen ones, are "goats"...
as are those who receive them and their false teachings, and obey and imitate their murderous hatred toward the "least" of Christ's brothers.
(1John3:15; 4:20; Eze.14:10; 2Thess.2:9,10,11; Rev.13:14,8; 20:15; 1Chron.16:22; Rev.11:3,7,8,9,10; Matt.24:9; 25:44,45,46)

Counterfeit sheep are false witnesses. They are false prophets. They control the minds (forehead- 1Tim.4:2) and power (right hand- Isa.44:20; Ps.144:8; Rom.1:25) of their followers, and mark them as slaves of the Wild Beast's commerce of lies (Rev.13:16,17,18; 16:13,15)

Clickable links:
What do "buying" and "selling" mean?
False Prophets
"The thing that acts as a restraint"


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