From a reader:
This is how I understand...
Beast out of the Earth= Spiritual Mother Organization
Image of the Wild Beast = Image of the UN
This is how I understand...
Beast out of the Earth= Spiritual Mother Organization
Image of the Wild Beast = Image of the UN
Hello again Xxxx,
If you check at Rev.13:1, you will see that Jesus tells us clearly, that the seven headed beast is not in the image of the UN, but is in the image of Satan himself (Rev.12:3). "And on his heads a blasphemous name" (Rev.13:1) tells us, that this Beast is an owned slave of a master whose claimed identity is blasphemous. ( )
The doctrine of the Organization tells us, that the "blasphemous names" are on the UN, because they supposedly make the false claim of being an expression of God's Kingdom. Why? Because of the Isa.2:4 monument that proclaimed the aspiration of the UN's purpose. That monument is now gone!
I ask my readers to reconsider....who it really is that makes this false blasphemous claim....of being an expression of God's Kingdom...
which rests upon those assuming to be Christ's rewarded anointed slaves (Matt.25:23). This accounting with the returned Master, has not yet occurred (1Cor.11:26) nor the rewarding of the kingdom inheritance (1Cor.15:50). Such claims are blasphemy.
The doctrine of the Organization tells us, that the "blasphemous names" are on the UN, because they supposedly make the false claim of being an expression of God's Kingdom. Why? Because of the Isa.2:4 monument that proclaimed the aspiration of the UN's purpose. That monument is now gone!
I ask my readers to reconsider....who it really is that makes this false blasphemous claim....of being an expression of God's Kingdom...
which rests upon those assuming to be Christ's rewarded anointed slaves (Matt.25:23). This accounting with the returned Master, has not yet occurred (1Cor.11:26) nor the rewarding of the kingdom inheritance (1Cor.15:50). Such claims are blasphemy.
His sons, are the "Son of Destruction/Destroyer" (2Thess.2:3; John17:12) ...the "sons of pride" who persecute the Chosen (Rev.13:7; 11:7; 9:5,6; Psalm31:11,12,18,23,24; Job40:12).
According to the Bible, the Wild Beast and the man of lawlessness, are Satan's Son. (also Rev.13:18 "a man's number") (see ) (Matt.7:23)
Satan gives the Beast the traits of himself....his power and authority over all the Nations (Rev.13:4). (Represented symbolically by seven heads and ten horns)
The reason Satan creates the Wild Beast (Rev.13:1), is to target the Holy Ones (Rev.12:17; 13:7). That Beast has success in "trampling" the Holy Ones....for a time.
The authority/directors which Satan gives to the Beast, are symbolized by "seven heads"; and the power Satan gives them, is their "ten horns". Both the heads, and the horns, are human "kings" (Rev.17:9,10,12).
(see future article "Who are the Kings of the Earth?") The seven kings have received a kingdom, exercised through the power they have over the Beast (Rev.13:11,12,13) and it's dominion (Rev.13:2,7,8,16). The "ten kings" have not yet received kingdom (Rev.17:12), because they are directed by the heads upon which they sit.
(see future article "Who are the Kings of the Earth?") The seven kings have received a kingdom, exercised through the power they have over the Beast (Rev.13:11,12,13) and it's dominion (Rev.13:2,7,8,16). The "ten kings" have not yet received kingdom (Rev.17:12), because they are directed by the heads upon which they sit.
This power which the Beast exerts over the "remaining ones of her seed" [from all the Nations (Matt.28:19; Rev.13:7)], is true of the Organization, not true of the UN. According to the symbolic meaning of "earth"; "all the earth worships" the Wild Beast (Rev.13:8). This again is not true of the UN, but is true of the Organization.
The UN is not at war with the Holy Ones.
The Bible describes this Beast in many scriptures. None of them indicate that the Beast/MOL is the UN, but rather, describe it as standing/ruling in God's Temple. (2Thess.2:4)
All the scriptures are in harmony with the vision Jehovah gave me, to show me who the Beast is.
To my great grief, I can not control who sees the Truth Jehovah has given me.
I can only offer it to all, and give the scriptures which back it.
Insight and correct understanding is up to Jehovah's Holy Spirit and who He grants it to, and also who really begs for it (Luke11:13) and is willing to accept the Truth, no matter what the cost.
I have given you scriptural reason for what I know and teach.
I hope you read these scriptures, with prayer, to see what Jesus is telling us.
Remember that Satan has total control over ALL the signs in his world (1John5:19), and that includes the UN.
He is the "father of the lie" and has created a counterfeit fulfillment of scripture, in order to mislead the remnant (Rev.12:15).
Only scripture (and not Satan's world), can give us the true interpretation of the prophecies (John17:17; Gen.40:8; 2Tim.3:16,17).
If you have scriptures that you believe prove that the "Image" is a representation of the UN, please send them. I know myself, that it can be very hard to leave behind all we have been mislead to believe. Yet like Lot's wife, we must not look back at what we are leaving behind....not pick up anything to take with us (Luke17:28,30,31,32). We need a clean break in order to be clean, so that we can be given more truth (2Cor.6:17; 1Cor.10:21,22; Matt.13:12).
The Bible also clearly says that the fallen anointed one (Wormwood/false prophet) uses, empowers, relies upon, and exercises the power of the Wild Beast and it's "Image" (Rev.13:12; Dan.11:31; Jer.17:5; Eze.44:8). This is how the "Harlot" "rides" the Beast.
(Rev.13:11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18; 17:3) The life of the "Image" comes from the false prophet/fallen anointed one (Rev.13:15; 8:10; 9:1,2,3).
The traits of that scripture is fulfilled, not in the UN, but in the Organization. A fallen anointed one/star/false lamb, gives life to the Beast's image.
An Image of the UN, did not come from the anointed, but the Image of the Organization certainly has. The Image of the Beast/Organization continues to be strengthened, through the doctrines of the False Prophet above it.
That Prophet also demands that people from all the Nations, worship the Organizations' Image, as a spirit-directed god (Rev.13:12,14,8). But that spirit/breath/life, did not come from Jehovah. It came only from the False Prophet (Rev.13:15).
That Prophet also demands that people from all the Nations, worship the Organizations' Image, as a spirit-directed god (Rev.13:12,14,8). But that spirit/breath/life, did not come from Jehovah. It came only from the False Prophet (Rev.13:15).
I am certain of what Jehovah showed me in vision. But I know that as much as I hope you can see it also,
that this insight is in Jehovah's hands to grant (Matt.13:11; Matt16:17; Luke11:13).
I have great anxiety for you, because most anointed are falling for the fake fulfillment of Satan's world.
Please do not be among them.
It is so true Pearl. No matter many scriptures one gives to back up the truth, only Jehovah's holy spirit can reveal it to them. Even Jesus had to deal with those who could not grasp it, and he even performed miracles. (Raised the dead). Jehovah reveals it to babes. (Matthew 11:25) To those with humble childlike hearts the truth is revealed especially in these last days. (Matthew 13:10, 15, 16, 17) (Luke 8:9) (Mark 4:10,11) He asked his disciples who people were saying he was, and Peter responded "You are the Christ, the son of the living God". Who revealed this to Peter? (Matthew 16:15,16,17) So as hard as you or anyone works to let people know the truth, they have to have the right heart condition (childlike humility) in order for Jehovah's spirit to reveal it to them. It also helps to be like the ancient (Acts 17:11)
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work and may Jehovah bless you, and those who benefit from this work.
Hi Pearl,
ReplyDeleteYour understandings are logic.
"beast is not in the image of the UN, but is in the image of Satan himself"
Yes , it is quite more fitted definition, I agree
I used to think in terms of UN because since about 2009 I realized that "Spiritual Mother Organization" is a fiasco like UN, and I could call them quite the same institution at all (apostasy). Since this time I am converging to reality. Thanks for helping me refine my pearls!
James 5:7-10
We can only learn the real truth about our last days, if we are viewing things spiritually, and not physically.
ReplyDeleteThe path to true understanding must be by scripture, and not by world matter how much those events may emulate prophecy. Satan is fabricating a counterfeit fulfillment in the world that he controls. We must not be distracted by it, if we hope to perceive the real message of the prophecies.
Here is an excerpt from my Revelation Chapter 13 the Wild Beast exposed article. The article can be found at
ReplyDelete"So let us see who it is today that is in a position, has the power, (and has the motive), to persecute the holy ones".
Only holy spirit can reveal it to you, even if it is related to you in detail.
Agape, Obadiah.
Good reference to Hab.1:5! In fact the context of that verse is upon us...
ReplyDeleteHab.1:2,3,4 is the prophet praying to Jehovah. It relates to Rev.9:5,6 in our day. It also fulfills Luke21:20.
Then Hab.1:5,6,7,8,9,10,11 can also be recognized (Rev.9:3,7,8,9,10,11). The "kings" are the anointed; and their "god" is the "Image" of the Wild Beast (the "Spirit directed Organization" Rev.13:15). That article is excellent, thank you.