Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Blood / "foundation" of God's Temple

A Question:

Pearl, What do you say about blood transfusion policy adopted by WT ?


This Questioner went on to say that they believe that God's

 Law on blood is outdated, as the Law of the Sabbath is no longer binding upon Christians.

(If anyone wants to read why Jesus "violation" of the Sabbath,

 as well as David's "violation" of the showbread; is not

 related to violating the sanctity of blood; may I suggest this article... )

I replied as follows.....

Dear Xxxxx, 

I look to the Bible, not to the WT, nor to myself, for my guidance about blood.

We know that Jesus fulfilled the law, as your writing about the Sabbath showed.

But did Jesus change what YHVH said at Gen.9:4; Lev.17:11,14 ?

YHVH has declared that the soul is in the blood. This has not changed (Heb.9:22).

All souls (and their blood), belong only to YHVH. That also has not changed (Eze.18:4; 3:18)

I believe that this is the reason why, the commands for Christians, are as follows.....

"Therefore my judgment is that we should not trouble those of the Gentiles who turn to God, but should write to them to abstain from the things polluted by idols, and from sexual immorality, and from what has been strangled, and from blood.....For it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay on you no greater burden than these requirements: that you abstain from what has been sacrificed to idols, and from blood, and from what has been strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you keep yourselves from these, you will have health. Farewell.”  (Acts15:19,20,28,29)

You may notice there, that "the Holy Spirit" no longer "required" Christians to observe the Sabbath,

nor other parts of the Law which Christ satisfied.

But clearly...the laws on idolatry, fornication, and

blood...WERE still binding  upon the followers of Christ.

God has never changed His requirement of exclusive

devotion (Rev.14:7). He never changed his law on marriage,

adultery, and fornication (Matt.19:4,5,6,7,8,9).

Certainly, becoming a true Christian does not give us license

 to commit idolatry (1Cor.10:14; 1John5:21), or permit us to 

commit unclean sexual sins (Gal.5:16,17,18,19,24; Eph.5:5).

According to the apostles...neither does it give us the right to

 use blood (which still contains the soul, and still belongs only to God), for our own use.

The Command at Acts15:29, makes that very clear.

In the body/Temple of Christ (1Cor.3:16), there are different 

ranks (1Cor.15:23; 12:28)

The Cornerstone/Head, is Christ.

The foundation stones are the 12 apostles, and the Prophets (Eph.2:20; 1Cor.3:10; Phil.3:17).

In order to be a part of that true temple,

we must respect within it, the rank God have given us as individuals. 

If we are truly a part of that spiritual Temple of priests;

we must be built upon the teachings of Christ and the

 apostles (Acts2:42; 1John4:6) and no others (2Thess.2:2,14,15).

The apostle's teaching about blood is given plainly, at 

Acts15:29. To violate it is to leave the spiritual health it

 provides (Acts15:29 c; 1Tim.6:3,4,5), as well as leaving unity

 with the Temple/body of lay a new foundation outside God's Temple (Col.2:19; 1Cor.3:11; Matt.16:18). Spiritual maturity involves accepting the foundation already laid. (Heb.6:1)

Those who are given authority.... as apostles, prophets, or teachers, etc. (Eph.4:11; 1Cor.3:10; Phil.3:17; Heb.13:7,17); 

are given it   by the choice of YHVH God (1Cor.12:18)

and not of their own wish (Rom.9:16; John15:16).

This means that if we have not been chosen to be a part of

 the Holy Temple's foundation (as an apostle or prophet -Eph.2:20),

then we have no right to teach as if we have been chosen as such an authority (1Cor.11:29,31; Gal.6:4; James3:1; Matt.12:36)....

in violation of the foundation we have already been given by the choosing of God.

Let us teach, not from ourselves (John7:18), but from those of higher rank (Christ and his Temple foundation

Heb.5:12,11) whose epistles are found in God's Word. John8:47
As Paul stated; The standard to determine what is Truth and what is falsehood, depends upon whether or not a doctrine is in harmony with apostolic and prophetic testimony (1John4:6)

That "foundation" (teachings of apostles) has made crystal clear, whether or not we are free to take license with the use of what belongs to God alone... the souls of others. Can you determine by means of your power of reason, what the Bible's guidance is, as regards the use of blood in transfusion? (Lev.17:11; Eze.18:4; Isa.42:5; Eze.33:8; Acts15:29)
Love in Christ,

PS. If you are of the mind that transfusions save lives in emergency situations, you should do more research. Both me and my husband have a background in the medical field. My husband specializes in this very area. 
The medical facts are these:

Someone who is suffering from severe loss of blood (hypovolemia), needs their blood volume replaced. This can be done by means of normal saline (isotonic salt water). 
The increased need for oxygen (which is normally performed by the red blood cells) can be supplied by supplemental oxygen (delivered in gaseous form through a mask, or hyperbaric chamber).

This is a fact:
  When blood is delivered intravenously (as is the case of transfusion) IT TAKES THREE DAYS before the administered blood starts carrying and delivering oxygen throughout the patient's body. 
THE TRANSFUSED BLOOD DOES NOT address the immediate need and emergency for increased oxygen.
 In fact, it has been proven that the introduction of foreign blood, INCREASES the load placed upon the patient's own blood supply. Blood that has been in storage does not function normally, and will not return to that normal capacity, for at least 30 hours.
 The patient's own blood must now care for the needs of the foreign blood, in addition to the critical emergency aready at hand. 
The introduction of the foreign blood further stresses the oxygen capacity of native red blood cells, further burdening them. 
In addition, the foreign proteins introduced by the foreign blood, stress all organs and immunity systems, while they are already trying to cope with the existing cardiovascular emergency and hypoxia.

The reason why the medical community is striving to continue it's advances in bloodless management, is because it recognizes these facts, and realizes that true care, which is based upon science, accepts these facts, despite ingrained medical tradition and public ignorance.



  1. I am happy to see a simple and correct biblical answer on "blood"
    it agrees with this post done five years ago

    rus v.

  2. This is what I say:

    Romans 14:10 But why do you judge your brother? Or why do you also look down on your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of God;

  3. Dear brother,
    You say...
    Romans 14:10 But why do you judge your brother? Or why do you also look down on your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of God;

    I do not judge you. I only tell you the scriptural reason for my own conviction and behavior.
    I don't believe that we need to disobey, in order to show mercy.
    The "sacrifice" God spoke of which he no longer required, was that of animal sacrifices under the Law.
    Does that mean that we no longer have to give our OWN lives, for obedience and truth?

    Jesus said that at times, we would need to give our life in order to be faithful (Matt.16:25; Rev.6:9)
    We should be ready and willing to do this (Rev.12:11).
    This is in imitation of Christ (Rom.6:3).
    He did not try to spare himself when it came to pleasing God (John10:15,18)
    The faithful do likewise (2Tim.4:6)
    In fact, Jesus viewed a self-sparing attitude, as wicked (Matt.16:21,22,23).

    Why I see the command at Acts15:29 as clear and direct,
    and yet you do not see it as such,
    I can not account for.
    I do believe that if we have kept our love for truth burning hot (Rev.2:4; Rev.3:16), we are willing to
    make any sacrifice of ourselves (not of animals), to prove it.
    Jesus still condemns idolatry and spiritual fornication (Rev.2:14,20) and disrespect
    for the sacredness of blood (Rev.16:6; 17:6; 18:24).
    I am saddened that you do not agree,
    but your judgment is up to Jehovah (John12:48; Rom.14:12; 2Cor.5:10)...not up to me.

    If you remember....the only reason why I have expressed myself, is because you asked me to.
    ("Pearl, What do you say about blood transfusion policy adopted by WT ? ")

    Although I have replied to your own request, and given you my scriptural views (1Pet.3:15); is it not you who is now judging me? (Rom.14:10)

    Love in Christ,

  4. I have become quite alarmed at what I found at the link given above, from "ExatoVerdade".
    There it reads,
    "So this is what I say: "The blood came into existence for the sake of man, and not man for the sake of the blood" or ‘I want mercy, and not sacrifice.’ or “I ask YOU men, Is it lawful with blood to do good or to do injury, to save or to destroy a soul?” "to do a good deed [work] or to do a bad deed, to save or to kill a soul?"

    He puts quotes around these statements, as if they were scriptures. The first, says,
    "The blood came into existence for the sake of man, and not man for the sake of the blood".
    The Bible does not say this, but says "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath." Mark 2:27

    In fact, the Bible DOES show that Man must make sacrifice for the sake of blood (Eze.33:6; Gen.9:6)
    Blood never came into existence for the sake of man (Gen.9:4) but he was to pour it out upon the ground (Deut.12:16; 15:23) to prove that we understand that Jehovah alone owns blood (Gen.9:4,5,6) because of owning the life within it (Eze.18:4; Lev.17:11)
    This is an eternal command (Lev.3:17).
    "Sabbath" and "Blood", are not the same. We are not at liberty to make them the same (Rom.11:34), or to twist the scriptures into what we think they should say. This is very dangerous to do (2Pet.3:16).
    The other quotes also, exchange God's original words for his own.
    I wish peace with my brothers; but this "going beyond what is written" (1Cor.4:6) warrants a warning.


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