I have just finished fortifying with many new scriptures, the article
at 1pm EST
"in order that they may all be one" John 17:21; Eph.4:13 -- Rev. 12:6 reads; And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that THEY should feed her there a thousand two hundred sixty days." Rev.11:3,7; Matt.24:28NKJV; 1Cor.10:17; Isa.41:27; Eze.14:22 --- For those seeking to understand the correlation between prophecy and current events among the Chosen Ones, as well as the Organization who call themselves witnesses of Jehovah.

Thursday, December 29, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
New addition to pearl-dayandhour.blogspot.com
at 10:30 EST
at 10:30 EST
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
The "day" and "hour"
A new article discusses Matt.24:36.
How are some of the ways that
Jehovah determines the "day and hour"?
How are some of the ways that
Jehovah determines the "day and hour"?
day and hour,
end of world,
what is God waiting for,
when will the end come
Monday, December 26, 2011
Man of Lawlessness
A new article examines whether or not Judas was an anointed one.
This impacts the interpretation of the "Man of Lawlessness" in 2Thess.2, who rules over God's anointed Temple in the time of the end.
This impacts the interpretation of the "Man of Lawlessness" in 2Thess.2, who rules over God's anointed Temple in the time of the end.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Substantial updates to http://pearl-thewoman.blogspot.com/
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
I apologize for not having the scriptures inserted when the article
pearl-copingwithsin.blogspot.com was released.
I took care of that this morning,
for those of you who would like to benefit from those references.
Thank you for your patience.
pearl-copingwithsin.blogspot.com was released.
I took care of that this morning,
for those of you who would like to benefit from those references.
Thank you for your patience.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Coping with Sin
A new article, talks about dealing with Sin.
coping with sin,
dealing with sin,
how can I stop sinning,
Thursday, December 8, 2011
What is God, waiting for?
There is a new article today, from a letter I wrote this morning.
It covers the doctrine which teaches that the reason why Satan's world has not ended yet,
is because it needs to be proven a failure. Is this true? What does God say about this, in the Bible?
"What is God Waiting For?"
It covers the doctrine which teaches that the reason why Satan's world has not ended yet,
is because it needs to be proven a failure. Is this true? What does God say about this, in the Bible?
"What is God Waiting For?"
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
I have been helped to release more information. "Obadiah" has written an article on the identity of the "Great Crowd". I have contributed to, and edited the article. It is truth. I recommend reading it. It is located at
More information of the Great Crowd can also be found at
Sunday, December 4, 2011
There is a new Part II in the article; about half way down the page, at
It was written in response to questions asked about the Beast, and the event about to unfold.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Friday, December 2, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
A new addition has been added to the article
"Do we need to get out of God's House?"
The addition begins 3/4 of the way down the page...dated 11/28/11
It is written in response to an anointed one's question, as to how long
to remain in the Congregation.
Dear "Anonymous",
I appreciate you sharing your comments with me, but I invite you to please write to me directly, at pearl144000@gmail.com
For now, in answer to you. Matthew 7:21,22,23; Luke 12:51,52,53
Jesus did not teach unity with false religious leaders.....he preached unity with truth, (see Matt. ch.23) no matter what the cost (Matt.10:17,34,36,37,38).
Satan does not attack an "organization". He attacks the anointed, by means of an organization.
Again, if you wish to have a discussion, write me.
"Do we need to get out of God's House?"
The addition begins 3/4 of the way down the page...dated 11/28/11
It is written in response to an anointed one's question, as to how long
to remain in the Congregation.
Dear "Anonymous",
I appreciate you sharing your comments with me, but I invite you to please write to me directly, at pearl144000@gmail.com
For now, in answer to you. Matthew 7:21,22,23; Luke 12:51,52,53
Jesus did not teach unity with false religious leaders.....he preached unity with truth, (see Matt. ch.23) no matter what the cost (Matt.10:17,34,36,37,38).
Satan does not attack an "organization". He attacks the anointed, by means of an organization.
Again, if you wish to have a discussion, write me.
Monday, November 21, 2011
A new article
explores the doctrine of "the woman", and if it is really
"God's wife-like heavenly organization".
Knowing who the "woman" is in Rev.12 is essential
for accurate understanding and interpretation.
I appreciate if anyone
has a question, comment, or suggestion.
Thank you,
explores the doctrine of "the woman", and if it is really
"God's wife-like heavenly organization".
Knowing who the "woman" is in Rev.12 is essential
for accurate understanding and interpretation.
I appreciate if anyone
has a question, comment, or suggestion.
Thank you,
Saturday, November 19, 2011
The article at pearl-winepress.blogspot.com
continues to be strengthened with more scriptural support.
I hope you will re-read the end, after the Warning to God's named people.
continues to be strengthened with more scriptural support.
I hope you will re-read the end, after the Warning to God's named people.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
I would like to recommend an excellent contributed article
which was a combined effort.
It is about the doctrine of the Gov. Body.
It examines how the early Christians were directed, according to the Bible.
Holy Spirit or Gov. Body?
Another Update to the end of "Winepress"!
which was a combined effort.
It is about the doctrine of the Gov. Body.
It examines how the early Christians were directed, according to the Bible.
Holy Spirit or Gov. Body?
Another Update to the end of "Winepress"!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
All godly people strive for divine approval.
They hope that through godly devotion, they will be rewarded with eternal life.
There are current doctrines that expound upon the future rewards for the faithful,
and what is required to attain these.
What does the Bible actually teach us about these future hopes,
and how to attain them.
For those of you who want to be certain that their hope will not lead to disappointment,
I invite you to read Part One of the latest article,
"Are you chasing a carrot on a stick?"
They hope that through godly devotion, they will be rewarded with eternal life.
There are current doctrines that expound upon the future rewards for the faithful,
and what is required to attain these.
What does the Bible actually teach us about these future hopes,
and how to attain them.
For those of you who want to be certain that their hope will not lead to disappointment,
I invite you to read Part One of the latest article,
"Are you chasing a carrot on a stick?"
Monday, November 14, 2011
Judging angels
"Do YOU not know that we shall judge angels?" (1Cor.6:3)
Who are the "angels" that the sealed anointed will judge?
Please consider this question, in the new article,
located at:
Who are the "angels" that the sealed anointed will judge?
Please consider this question, in the new article,
located at:
Sunday, November 13, 2011
There is now a "Part Two" to the new article located at
"Has Prophecy Ceased?"
(The addition begins half way down the page)
It explores the other "gifts", and whether or not we should expect these also,
to be manifest in our time.
"Has Prophecy Ceased?"
(The addition begins half way down the page)
It explores the other "gifts", and whether or not we should expect these also,
to be manifest in our time.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
There is a new article, Has Prophecy "Ceased"?
Many point to 1Cor.13:8, and assert that prophecy has already been "done away with". Is this true? The article answers that question by means of scripture.
To read it, go to this link:
Has Prophecy "Ceased"?
Many point to 1Cor.13:8, and assert that prophecy has already been "done away with". Is this true? The article answers that question by means of scripture.
To read it, go to this link:
Has Prophecy "Ceased"?
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
For a list of all the current available articles....
Friday, October 21, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Second update/addition to
Now fortified with more scriptures (10/12/11)
Now fortified with more scriptures (10/12/11)
Monday, October 3, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
New Update to
which update you can view, if you scroll down that page.
I have also written today, a new complete article. It is entitled, "Who are the "Fine Trees"? In it you will find the words of Jesus, to help us identify the true prophets in the time of the end.
which update you can view, if you scroll down that page.
I have also written today, a new complete article. It is entitled, "Who are the "Fine Trees"? In it you will find the words of Jesus, to help us identify the true prophets in the time of the end.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
A Call to Chosen Ones
Here is a copy of a letter from me to a chosen one. It is written in harmony with the purpose of this site, and in harmony with the scriptures which head this page.
Good morning Xxxx,
1Cor.11:33: " 33 Consequently, my brothers, when YOU come together to eat [it], wait for one another."
Good morning Xxxx,
Thank you for writing back. Because I feel compelled by spirit and scripture, I thought I would share with you....
You said,
" I must agree with you, it would be nice if we could meet together on the occasion for the memorial. "
Yes, it would feel wonderful to me also. But our feelings aside, I hope you will consider the scriptures that implanted this realization in my mind.
Yes, it would feel wonderful to me also. But our feelings aside, I hope you will consider the scriptures that implanted this realization in my mind.
1Cor.11:33: " 33 Consequently, my brothers, when YOU come together to eat [it], wait for one another."
Paul here was speaking to partakers, since he says they come together "to eat it". He makes two points..."come together", and "wait for one another".
This certainly indicates, that partakers are to gather for the Lord's Evening Meal.
Just this one scripture suffices, thought there are more, to show us that the anointed themselves are to gather to partake.
The present arrangement keeps us partaking in isolation, amidst a crowd of those not partaking.
When Jesus spoke of "two or more" gathering, he was speaking to anointed.
If they came together, he would be in their midst.
Notice the requirement for the anointed's prayers to be favorably heard...
18 “Truly I say to YOU men, Whatever things YOU may bind on earth will be things bound in heaven, and whatever things YOU may loose on earth will be things loosed in heaven. 19 Again I truly say to YOU, ”If two of YOU on earth agree concerning anything of importance that they should request, it will take place for them due to my Father in heaven. 20 For where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there I am in their midst."
Do you see a difference between the anointed praying alone, and praying together?
How much more so, partaking!
I have come across many scriptures that establish the anointed as coming together as one body,, but I find Daniel's words, concerning the time of the end, of utmost importance to us, upon whom the end of this system of things has arrived....please pray and meditate on it, and it's connection to the scriptures cited above...
13 “‘I continued beholding in the visions of my head upon my bed, and, look! a watcher, even a holy one, coming down from the heavens themselves. (Jesus)
17 By the decree of watchers the thing is, and [by] the saying of holy ones the request is, to the intent that people living may know that the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind and that to the one whom he wants to, he gives it and he sets up over it even the lowliest one of mankind.”
This ties the end of our world, with a request made by the holy ones. Their specific request, is that Jehovah alone is ruler, and that He is able to take away power from the mighty and exalted unfaithful, and give it even to those who have been humiliated. Think about how this prayer relates to the faithful anointed now, and the "two witnesses" who are shamed and killed.
Also, considering what Jesus said about the power of two anointed praying together
and Jehovah's response to it....
Think about why Satan may be keeping us separated, under the present arrangements of the organization we are now subjected to.
Jesus said,
. 23 And in that day YOU will ask me no question at all. Most truly I say toYOU, If YOU (anointed together) ask the Father for anything he will give it to YOU in my name. 24 Until this present time YOU have not asked a single thing in my name. Ask and YOU will receive, that YOUR joy may be made full.
25 “I have spoken these things to YOU in comparisons. The hour is coming when I will speak to YOU no more in comparisons, but I will report to YOU with plainness concerning the Father. 26 In that day YOU will ask in my name, and I do not say toYOU that I shall make request of the Father concerning YOU. 27 For the Father himself has affection for YOU, because YOU have had affection for me and have believed that I came out as the Father’s representative."
Note verse 24.
Is it not true of us...the anointed in the time of the end...that until now, we have not gathered to ask a single thing in Jesus name? He tells us to ask!...that our joy may be made full.
According to Daniel, when the anointed request the end of the tyranny, Jesus responds...and acts!
I hope you will ponder and pray about these verses, which refer to the great importance of the anointed in the time of the end, coming together...
for prayer, and for partaking.
Both things, are now prevented.
This, despite Jesus prayer that we be "One".
20 “I make request, not concerning these only, but also concerning those putting faith in me through their word; 21 in order that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in union with me and I am in union with you, that they also may be in union with us, in order that the world may believe that you sent me forth. 22 Also, I have given them the glory that you have given me, in order that they may be one just as we are one. 23 I in union with them and you in union with me, in order that they may be perfected into one, that the world may have the knowledge that you sent me forth and that you loved them just as you loved me. "In my mind, clearly, we need to defy the present arrangement which rejects Jesus' heartfelt request,
that the anointed be one. One in prayer, one in thought, one in truth, and one in partaking.
The prophecies for our time, where the woman is fed (Rev.12:6), where the eagles gather to partake of the carcass (Matt.24:28), are for us, now.
1Cor.10:14-17 reads:
14 Therefore, my beloved ones, flee from idolatry. 15 I speak as to men with discernment; judge for yourselves what I say. 16 The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not a sharing in the blood of the Christ? The loaf which we break, is it not a sharing in the body of the Christ? 17 Because there is one loaf, we, although many, are one body, for we are all partaking of that one loaf."
If we who are the body of Christ, submit to those who separate us, do we not commit idolatry?
The carcass is the Christ, yet, according to verse 17, that body of Christ, IS US.
We are all to partake of one another's provisions...
17 Because there is one loaf, we, although many, are one body, for we are all partaking of that one loaf."
Yes, the eagles can all partake of the body of Christ, through partaking of the body of Christ...all the bread which comes from one another...the spiritual food, the manna.
We are told that we can not say that we have no need of the other members of Christ's body (1Cor.12:12-25).
We must feed one another what Christ gives each of us.
This can not be done under the present bonds.
Rev. 9:13-15 commands the final anointed, to be UNTIED!
Only then does the army of Christ ride forward with the final message of the "two witnesses".
I beg you to deeply consider these things and respond.
The time is upon us.
Your sister in Christ,
I am hereby inviting all Chosen Ones who are in agreement, to please contact me with regard to their interest in partaking and praying with other anointed. My contact is pearl144000@hotmail.com
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Relevant addition to http://pearl-newcovenant.blogspot.com/.
you will find it below the line of ************ stars.
It is written in response to "John"'s comment,
concerning when the "marriage feast" takes place,
and what the "marriage feast", is. Matt.25:10
you will find it below the line of ************ stars.
It is written in response to "John"'s comment,
concerning when the "marriage feast" takes place,
and what the "marriage feast", is. Matt.25:10
Thursday, July 21, 2011
There is a new "PART TWO", added to the article at pearl-whoareanointed.blogspot.com
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Addition to "Sighing and Groaning" article.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
A New Article
I have begun an article, the purpose of which is to declare a warning message from Jehovah God,
for our time, to His people.
It is located at pearl-winepress.blogspot.com
Each time it is updated, I will post a notice on this Main Page.
I have begun an article, the purpose of which is to declare a warning message from Jehovah God,
for our time, to His people.
It is located at pearl-winepress.blogspot.com
Each time it is updated, I will post a notice on this Main Page.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Will the Wicked Suffer?
I was asked today,
Question: Hello Pearl, In your view, when the finally unrepentant sinners are consigned to the lake of fire, to the second death, and annihilated, do they suffer in any way before being annihilated , and if so, is that suffering a proportionate penalty or punishment for their sins? That is, do you believe that there will be some punishing, some infliction of suffering or affliction or pain or what-have-you, on the wicked as they are thrown into the lake of fire just before they are snuffed out of existence forever? Or will they be judged and quietly dispatched into nonexistence with no other retribution?
If you would like to read the answer, it is located at
www.jw.org/ wol.jw.org/
Monday, June 20, 2011
Bible Teach Book
I have made a separate Blog just for the consideration of changes to the publication, "What does the Bible Really Teach?"
I will comb through this publication, paragraph by paragraph, in order to enhance it's content to be in harmony with spirit and truth. In this blog, I will list corrections and enhancements that are being offered you, the reader, for consideration. It is hoped that this will make this Bible Study tool, more useful for all sheep, whether they are students, or teachers.
This blog is located at: pearl-bibleteach.blogspot.com
which can also be located in my profile, under the list of blog articles.
I will comb through this publication, paragraph by paragraph, in order to enhance it's content to be in harmony with spirit and truth. In this blog, I will list corrections and enhancements that are being offered you, the reader, for consideration. It is hoped that this will make this Bible Study tool, more useful for all sheep, whether they are students, or teachers.
This blog is located at: pearl-bibleteach.blogspot.com
which can also be located in my profile, under the list of blog articles.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Mouse-over// Bible Teach book
If you find that the mouse-over is not working within the article you are reading, go to the feature in the upper right, choose a Bible translation, and click "save". It should then work.
For the revisions to the "Bible Teach" book, please go to this link: (revisions).
The review of this text will be covered progressively at that page.
Thank you,
For the revisions to the "Bible Teach" book, please go to this link: (revisions).
The review of this text will be covered progressively at that page.
Thank you,
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
The "Bible Teach" book...new and improved!
As you may have noticed in the update of the "Sighing and Groaning over False teachers" article; I am about to begin a series of articles that will cover scriptural improvements to the "Bible Teach" book, used in the ministry. This will enable Christians to engage in having Bible studies with interested ones, with "the proper food at the proper time".
Many have expressed distress over their ministry, and the fear that they do not want to be responsible before Jehovah, for teaching others according to the present apostasy.
I myself have many Bible studies. I have reviewed the material and inserted sticky notes where adjustments are needed. I will publish those scriptural adjustments here. Whatever changes you agree with, you can supplement your own copy.
As always, I invite other anointed for their scriptural contributions.
Jehovah bless and keep you all,
See http://pearl-bibleteach.blogspot.com/
Many have expressed distress over their ministry, and the fear that they do not want to be responsible before Jehovah, for teaching others according to the present apostasy.
I myself have many Bible studies. I have reviewed the material and inserted sticky notes where adjustments are needed. I will publish those scriptural adjustments here. Whatever changes you agree with, you can supplement your own copy.
As always, I invite other anointed for their scriptural contributions.
Jehovah bless and keep you all,
See http://pearl-bibleteach.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Three Parable Article
I have just finished updating the Three Parables article. It is adjusted according to the increasing understanding Jehovah's spirit is giving me at the proper time. I hope those interested will read the updated version.
Thank you,
Thank you,
Monday, May 2, 2011
Who acts as a restraint during the reign of the Apostasy?
This week's article examines the meaning of 2Thess.2:6, in response to a question.
It is located in my profile, or at pearl-restraint.blogspot.com
It is located in my profile, or at pearl-restraint.blogspot.com
Monday, April 4, 2011
Welcome Readers
Thank you for visiting my writings.
If you have a question on any of them, please feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of each page.
I recently received a comment from a reader who was concerned that Jehovah's Witnesses are celebrating the Memorial a day early, on Nisan 13. For him and those of you who may have this concern, I verified that the date is correct....April 17 after sundown.
In light of Jesus words in prayer, asking that his anointed followers would be as intimately united as he was with his Heavenly Father; I have set up this place. As it is now, anointed ones are scattered and isolated from one another. This is not Jesus' nor Jehovah's will for them. Christ's body should be fitly united under our Lord and Head. We need one another to have full understanding of truth. With this in mind, I thought this place may be a good start, introducing this idea to other anointed ones.
I have delayed removing this Rev.9 page due to the large number of hits it is still receiving. Please know that when it is removed, there is a copy of it in my profile under the list of blogs. I will continue completing it there.
Some may wonder why I have not worked on it for this long. I have been contacted by another anointed one who has input on the remainder.
If any anointed one appreciates the need for Christ's body to be united in love and work, please contact me. I am interested in what the spirit has given you and how that may contribute to the quality and quantity of the provisions offered here.
Thank you for your time, and Jehovah bless all His sheep who earnestly seek His favor and mercy.
If you have a question on any of them, please feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of each page.
I recently received a comment from a reader who was concerned that Jehovah's Witnesses are celebrating the Memorial a day early, on Nisan 13. For him and those of you who may have this concern, I verified that the date is correct....April 17 after sundown.
In light of Jesus words in prayer, asking that his anointed followers would be as intimately united as he was with his Heavenly Father; I have set up this place. As it is now, anointed ones are scattered and isolated from one another. This is not Jesus' nor Jehovah's will for them. Christ's body should be fitly united under our Lord and Head. We need one another to have full understanding of truth. With this in mind, I thought this place may be a good start, introducing this idea to other anointed ones.
I have delayed removing this Rev.9 page due to the large number of hits it is still receiving. Please know that when it is removed, there is a copy of it in my profile under the list of blogs. I will continue completing it there.
Some may wonder why I have not worked on it for this long. I have been contacted by another anointed one who has input on the remainder.
If any anointed one appreciates the need for Christ's body to be united in love and work, please contact me. I am interested in what the spirit has given you and how that may contribute to the quality and quantity of the provisions offered here.
Thank you for your time, and Jehovah bless all His sheep who earnestly seek His favor and mercy.
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