Monday, October 4, 2021

Reigning During the Thousand Years

Question received:
Pearl, You said the thousand years began in the first century.  
Did this occur after Paul wrote 1 Corinthians 4:8 or am I confusing two different subjects/events?

My Reply:
[Readers can also consult this link: 

Scripture does not contradict itself when we have the correct interpretation.
If we fill our understanding/faith/wineskin with the wrong interpretation, there is no room for the new learning/new wine...  which may be a more accurate interpretation.
Please read the scriptures as you come to them. Your reading should be focused on the scriptures. They are the source of your learning by spirit... not my words.
Since this post contains much content, I recommend that you divide it into multiple study sessions, if necessary.
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Jesus' kingdom of a symbolic thousand years, began ruling in the first century: 
"right hand":
By being seated at God's right hand; Jesus is the one through whom God's purpose is accomplished (Eph.1:20; Ex.15:6; Ps.17:7; 20:6; 21:8). 
Even we today, may refer to our "right-hand man" (1Chron. 6:39; Ps.45:4; 98:1)
Jesus also has those, through whom he works (Rev.1:20; 5:6; 22:16; John 20:21; 13:20)

The 144K reign with Jesus, during his thousand year kingdom 
During that era, Jesus inducts and assigns the kings over which he is king (Rev.19:16; 5:10). They receive a dominion akin to his own... "not of this world" (John 18:36-37; 17:16). 
They receive a spiritual glory... filled with grace and truth (John 1:14,17; 14:6; 18:37), empowered with a command over the forces of deception 
It is they who are on the side of truth, that heed the voice of their king (John 18:36-37 NKJV )

The "thousand year" reign is not eternal, nor does it remove Satan's dominion over Satan's world. It simply imparts to those anointed as royal priests, an assignment and the resources to accomplish that ministry of grace and truth. Those who accept and respond to Christ's royal ambassadors (John13:20; Matt.10:20,40-41), are set free from the power of the Devil within their own lives.

Those who prove trustworthy and faithful with the property of their master (Luke 12:42-44; 16:10) will later be entrusted and rewarded with an everlasting position, in the Kingdom of God. 
That greater responsibility given those who were tested, sealed, and approved, will be assigned after all the enemies of Christ are conquered, including Satan and his reign over this world 

During Christ's thousand year kingdom, the authority, capacity, and duties of his under-kings include: 
*judging ( 1Cor. 6:2-3; John 20:21-23), 
*emissaries for Christ their king ministers of reconciliation with God, 
    becoming rulers of God's grace and Truth (as Jesus' reign, was) 
*authority and power over the darkness, demons, and Satan 
That is the nature of a kingdom that is not of this world. 
It holds the power of the light of Christ (John 8:12), to both... save souls (Rom.1:16), and to battle against Satan's dark power to deceive and thereby, kill (2Cor. 4:3-42Thess. 2:9-10). 
This royal spiritual authority and power is bestowed upon those of the anointed Elect, by Christ (Eph.1:3,6,11-12,18-20,21-23). 

Those who prove faithful with that assignment... and prove victorious, despite unrelenting, Satanic resistance and persecution, will receive a future, eternal kingdom with Christ. 
Such testing, conquering, sealing, and ruling for grace and truth, has been occurring since the 1st century (Rev.3:21; Eph.2:6). Likewise, the role of anointed priest has existed since then (1Pet. 2:5,9-10; Rev.5:9-10; John 20:21-23).

So then, how are we to interpret Paul's words, at 1Cor. 4:8?
1Cor.4:8 reads; 
"Now ye are full (lit. satiated), now ye are
rich, ye have reigned as kings
without us: and I would to God
ye did reign, that we also might
reign with you."

The interpretation of Paul's words that was given to us by the WT, asserts that...
those who were reigning, were reigning without Paul reigning. 

Look closer.
I will dissect it.
First Paul says; 
"Now ye are full (lit. satiated), now ye are
Paul is making reference...
NOT to a spiritual reign that includes authority over the demonic forces or the ability to forgive sins and bestow life through grace and truth...
but a reign that is rooted in physical, worldly blessings. 
It is the sort of reign that Jesus referred to at Rev.3:17
The design by which the anointed fall into this trap and receive this fleshly reign, is by failing the satanic test that Jesus first encountered, at Luke 4:5-7 

"ye have reigned as kings
without us"
Those who Paul was addressing, were reigning in a physical way... riches, tangible power to control those who obey and serve them, respect and prestige, physical comfort and excess (Deut.32:15; Luke 12:45; Rev.17:6; 18:7).
A reign over physical creation, is not due until after the end of this world. Until Satan is taken out of the way; the faithful and their royal spiritual position, are to be no part of this world.
Yes, a spiritual reign to champion God's grace and truth, with the ability to debase the demons and Satan himself, is not a reign over or within, Satan's world (John 18:36; 17:16). The time for the faithful saints to receive such a reign over a physical creation, was not in the first century. That is an inheritance that is bestowed upon those who have proven faithful, at Christ's return... at the start of the everlasting Kingdom of God.
    (The 1,000 years is the period during which the administration is being tested, 
      sifted as to fitness, and gathered in. -Matt.25:14,19,21; Eph. 1:10).
God's everlasting kingdom is the reward to those who were faithful with the "little" they were responsible for, during Christ's kingdom 
(Dan.7:9-10; Rev.20:12; Dan.7:13; Rev.5:1,6-7,12; Dan.7:14,20-22,27; 2:44; Matt.25:23; Luke 12:42-44). Under God's Kingdom, is when the faithful slaves inherit the physical creation away from Satan (Rev.11:15)... when Satan no longer reigns over the world, or over creation (Rom.8:18-21; Rev.21:2-3; 22:1-3; Eph.1:10). 
The wicked are then, gone (Rev.21:1; Isa.57:20; Ps.37:10). 

That everlasting physical reign for the faithful anointed, was NOT for the 1st century.
Those who lack spirit, endurance, and patience, and accept an immediate position in Satan's world, are reigning in a physical, worldly way, without the faithful. Those who prove unfaithful, reign within this world, enticed by physical power and riches. 
They imitate Esau (Gen.25:29,32,34; 27:30,34,37-38; Heb.12:16; Rom.9:13-14).
Many Bible characters of the past, like Esau, are likewise a pattern for God's standard for judgment 
to also be applied in the time of the end (Rev.3:9; Isa.60:14; Rom.15:4).
The faithful who reign with Christ, are grateful to do so in spirit and truth (John 4:23-24; Matt.6:19-211John 2:17), knowing that their hope and endurance, are not in vain. 

Those who reign in a physical way while Satan is still the ruler of the physical world, reign with an authority and power resting upon the showy display of one's means of life... the desire of the eyes, riches, power, prominence, followers, adoration.... these things do not originate with God, but with the wicked one (1John 2:16; 5:19).
We can be sure that this is the worldly reign that Paul was referring to at  1Cor. 4:8, because we just need to consider the context
The verses to follow, portray a contrasting comparison between 
the enticements and blessings of a reign within Satan's world, 
and the genuine appearance of the royal authority and power that is sourced in Christ.....
"9 For I think that God hath set
forth us the apostles last, 
as those appointed to death: for
we are made a spectacle unto
the world, and to angels, and to
10 We [are] fools for Christ's sake, but ye [are] wise in Christ; we [are] weak, but ye [are] strong; ye [are] honored, but we [are] despised. 11 Even unto this present hour we both hunger, and thirst, and are naked, and are buffeted, and have no certain dwelling place; 
12 We work hard with our own hands. When we are cursed, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure it; 13 when we are slandered, we answer kindly. We have become the scum of the earth, the garbage of the world – right up to this moment."

As we see above in the example of Paul; the faithful slaves, follow the model and footsteps of Christ 
Jesus was hated, persecuted, and killed for truth by the leaders who accepted a worldly reign 
(as described above at 1Cor. 4:10) (Luke1 1:43; Matt.23:27,25). 
Those faithful to Christ, pick up their torture stake and follow him to the death... joining him in being despised, defamed, and killed as a criminal 
In such faithful endurance (Rev.14:12), they share in the glory of Christ's integrity and kingdom (John 12:23-27,31-32; 17:22; 1:14)
So, when Paul said "you have reigned as kings without us", he was not saying that he himself did not have a spiritual reign. He was saying that those who accept a physical reign, reign prematurely over the physical, and they do so, without the faithful. ("You have reigned as kings, without us" - 1Cor. 4:8).

The next part of 1Cor. 4:8 is very illuminating for those paying close attention.
Paul said next; "How I wish that you really had begun to reign".
Now we might assume, due to our WT indoctrination, that this is saying that these kings were not really reigning because any genuine reign was yet out of reach.
Not necessarily.
If a spiritual reign with Christ was within reach, but these unfaithful hearers had not yet "conquered" to attain it (see Rev.3:21; 17:121John 5:4) due to their compromise to the enticements of the world...
...then Paul's words would also apply in that case.
Those reigning in a worldly, physical way, have not yet overcome the enticements of the flesh 
and are failing to attain a reign with Christ (John 17:16; Luke 22:28-29; Rev.3:21).

The verse ends with Paul saying; 
"How I wish that you really had begun to reign so that we also might reign with you!"
Is Paul really saying here that he himself is not reigning?
That may seem to be one possibility, but not if we accept the facts that Jesus started reigning in the 1st century, and his 144K reigned with him during their own lifetimes within that era. In light of those facts, Paul's words have been misinterpreted by the WT.

Let me offer you 2 other possible interpretations of Paul's words "so that we might also reign with you".
The first, is that IF these unfaithful were really reigning in God's eternal and physical kingdom to come; then Paul and all faithful anointed, could also be reigning in the physical realm, over all creation. 
That would be an understandable desire and wish of Paul.

The second, is that if Paul was already reigning with Christ in his 'thousand year' spiritual kingdom, 
it would be his natural desire that these unfaithful were also being faithful (like Paul), so that they could rule alongside Paul.

That interpretation is difficult to see, without removing our previous indoctrination.
I'll try to make it clearer...
Imagine that there is a graduating class of high school seniors.
Those who did not pass their exams, will not be a part of the commencement ceremony.
They may have lied, and said that they would be.
One of the true graduates may say to one who failed, "How I wish you were really graduating, so that I might graduate with you.". 
If we read that 2 students are not graduating together, that does not mean that neither are graduating.
Can you see that this can be said ("I wish you were really graduating, so that I might graduate with you."), 
without inferring that the one graduating, is not?
Paul was merely saying that he wished that the unfaithful had kept integrity and therefore, were really reigning presently with Christ, so that Paul could reign with them in the current "thousand year" kingdom.

He could have also meant (according to the first option), that he wished the physical kingdom of God over all creation, had really arrived (which physical reign the unfaithful took, prematurely under Satan), that Paul could also presently reign in that eternal kingdom over all creation, which God will bestow in the future on the faithful that Jesus will identify and reward, at his return, after Armageddon.

These are the optional meanings of Paul's words, which are in harmony with the other scriptures.
Any interpretation that discounts other Bible truths, is not an option. Truth does not contradict itself. If our interpretation of a verse does not harmonize with the rest, we must change our interpretation of it. Multiple scriptures make clear that Jesus began his reign in the 1st century, and it was during that reign, that the 144k also faithfully manifested their authority and power of spirit, light, grace, and truth.

"Now ye are full (lit. satiated/glutted), now ye are
rich (Matt.6:1-2,5,19-21; 19:23-24)(they compromised to Satan -Matt.4:9), 
ye have reigned as kings (in the world/physical)
without us: and I would wish to God
ye did reign  [faithfully, in the present with Christ (with spirit, grace and truth)], 
that we (the reigning faithful) also might reign with you."

and I would wish to God
you were reigning [within the eternal, future Kingdom of God for the proven and sealed faithful], that we also might reign with you. (...Our future hope finally realized, God's promised reward, bestowed upon those who have endured -Matt.24:13; Rom.8:24-25,28,30,35-372Cor. 4:10)"

Neither of those interpretations assert, that Paul was not reigning with Christ.
The interpretation that asserts that Paul was not reigning, nullifies many other scriptures and so, is error.

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