Hello Pearl, I would like to know if there is an explanation on this subject that disturbs me. God already knew that Satan was going to do all this. Why did God make creation, despite that? Does He have any explanation?
My Reply:
Even though God knows what our free will is going to choose, what should be changed?
If God knows that some (including Satan, Adam, and Eve) are going to choose sin, should God have removed free will, or perhaps, not even have created physical life?
If a mother discovers ahead of birth, that the child in her womb is disabled; should she be condemned if she lets him be born? She knows beforehand that there are problems.
The parent's love and hope for the good that will also result from the child to come, move the parents to accept the deficiencies. The mother shouldn't have to explain her love and hope. The parents should not be condemned for valuing the good to come, despite the defect and challenge.
Life is a challenge. We are still within the era of Satan's dominion over creation (1John5:19; Rom.8:20-22; Eph.2:1-2). Satan is known as the Destroyer (Rev.9:11; Isa.33:1; John10:10). We see his handiwork, all around us.
Yet each of us can choose how to live during the time we have been given. During our lifetime, we choose what kind of reputation we establish with God (Eph.5:15-17; Heb.4:13; 1Pet.4:5).
we also become God's sons (Gal.3:26; Ps.82:6; 1John3:1; Matt.5:9; John1:12-13; Rom.8:14,17,19,21; 9:26).
in the blessings of the New Creation to come
Adam used to be a son of God (Luke3:38; Gen.2:7). When Adam and Eve chose to obey Satan; Satan the Destroyer, became humanity's father (Eph.2:3; Rom.5:12,17,19). We see that scenario of Adam and Eve turning to Satan for guidance, played out, in the choice between the trees in Eden.
As God saw the future (Isa.46:9-10)... We ourselves can know what a child will choose. We may be correct in knowing that they are going to make a bad choice. Should we lock them up and take away their freedom? Should we never have children?
Should we kill them, just to make sure they never make the bad choices that we anticipate?
We need to let them make the choice (Deut.30:15-16,19). If it is a bad choice, we use the situation to teach them, and possibly, our other children. We do not remove the ability to make choices.
After sin occurred, God already foresaw the new creation, and how it would be accomplished
God told Adam, Eve and Satan about the enmity, between the wicked and the righteous, as well as the victory of righteousness
Since the expulsion from Eden; God is gathering together those who love him (Matt.25:32,34; Mark 10:17-21; Mark 12:28-31). He is making a new creation for them. An abundance of peace, love and joy await the righteous (Ps.37:11; Isa.35:10; 1Cor.2:9; Ps.145:16).
That eternal future, free of strife, fear, tears and pain-- would not be possible, if God only foresaw the sins of the Devil, Adam, and Eve. God also foresaw the final good that would result, if He decided to be patient (Rom.2:4; 9:22; 2Pet.3:15). Waiting for the end of Satan's dominion, also requires our patience (Rev.14:12; Heb.10:36; 11:8,10,13-16).
Free will is a good thing, even though God can see in advance the choices we will make. Each person is making their own choices. God is not interfering. He knows the future. He reads the hearts of men.
Is this a problem? No, because we are free to choose our future.
Those who choose truth and life will live in the new creation. Those who choose darkness will not be there (John3:19-21). Even though God sees everything from the beginning, I don't see the problem. Can you explain why God's foreknowledge is a problem? In my opinion, it becomes an unjust problem, if God takes away our free will.
It should also be remembered that God was not the person in Eden. The one who interacted with Adam and Eve, was God's spokesman, the Logos and tree of life, who became Jesus Christ (John1:14,18; 6:63; Luke 6:45,43)(1Tim.2:5).
Jesus was the one who created, using his father's spirit (John1:3,10; 8:58; Prov.8:22-23,30; John1:1; Col.1:15-17). The Logos was the one who warned Adam and Eve and saw Satan's bad intent (Gen.2:16-17). The Logos may not have known the future as well as God knew the future (Mark 13:32). God allowed the Logos to guide and protect the physical creation that he had made.
Whatever resulted from the free will of Satan, Adam, and Eve; it affected the Logos/Jesus. Jesus freely decided to solve the problem of sin (Phil.2:5-7,8-10; John10:14-15,17-18; Eph.1:7). Through God's solution (John5:37; 6:39), good people are saved. Jesus writes their name in his scroll of life. They will live forever in the new creation. There is a wonderful future for those who love justice.
There would be no future, hope, or choice for anyone...
If when God foresaw failure on the part of some, He decided to abort the eternal future for the righteous.
Going back to the story of the parents who are expecting a handicapped child...
What if the parents knew that in time, there would be a cure for the infirmities of their child?
Just as God foresaw the advent of sin and death; He also foresaw an eternity of joy for the righteous.
How thankful we are that He did not choose to erase that possibility!
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