Question received:
Please explain Acts 1:11.
My reply:
Acts 1:11 reads; "‘Men of Galilee,’ they said, ‘why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.’ "

Please explain Acts 1:11.
My reply:
Acts 1:11 reads; "‘Men of Galilee,’ they said, ‘why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.’ "
Can you see that a comparison is being made, between how Jesus left, to how Jesus returns?
If we can gain understanding about how Jesus returns, we can understand more about how he left.
The Bible tells us about his return. It says, "He is coming on the clouds (of heaven)"
(Dan.7:13; Matt.24:30; 26:64; 16:27-28; 25:31; Mark 13:26; 14:62; Luke 21:27)...
(Dan.7:13; Matt.24:30; 26:64; 16:27-28; 25:31; Mark 13:26; 14:62; Luke 21:27)...
"with power and great glory" (LINK)
"at the right hand of God" (LINK)
"and all the angels with him"

At Acts 1:11, we read that the disciples were "looking into the sky". Jesus was taken up into the clouds.
Acts 1:9 reads; "After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight."
The Bible tells us that his return, is similar:
Rev.1:7 reads; ""Look, he is coming with the clouds," and "every eye will see him, even those who pierced him"; and all peoples on earth "will mourn because of him." So shall it be! Amen."(Zech.12:10-11; John19:37)
That description is comparable to what happens to Jesus' two witnesses (Rev.11:3), at Rev.11:12 >>"Then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, ‘Come up here.’ And they went up to heaven in the cloud, while their enemies looked on.".
There at Rev.11:12, we see the enemies of the two witnesses, observing their inclusion and symbolic ascension, to join the faithful of heaven, and all that this embodiment, entails (Heb.12:1; 1Thess.4:17; Eph.2:6; Col.3:1-2; 2:12; Heb.12:23; Luke 10:16-18,19-20,23-24)
2Thess.1:5-6,7-8,9-10; John3:18; 1Cor.3:12-13,14-15; Heb.12:11; Rev.20:9; 11:3-5; Jer.23:29; Mal.3:18; 1Cor.11:19; 2Pet.3:10-11,12-13.

I don't know what you think Christ's return will look like (Luke 17:20-21)...
but the scriptures tell us that "he is coming on the clouds of heaven" and "all the angels with him".
The "clouds of heaven" who have been given the spirit of Christ's mouth are in part, his "two witnesses"
(Rev.11:3; Heb.12:1; Luke 21:27; John20:21-22; 2Thess.2:3,8).
(Rev.11:3; Heb.12:1; Luke 21:27; John20:21-22; 2Thess.2:3,8).
The "angels"(Greek:"messengers") and "holy ones" upon whom Jesus arrives, are those to inherit the kingdom.
(Dan.7:22; Jude 1:14-14; 1Thess.3:13; Matt.16:27)
Those who battle with Christ against Satanic deception, will share in his power and glory... that of grace and Truth
(John1:14; Rom.8:17; 1Pet.4:13).

Only those who have kept alert, discerning, and diligent in caring for the Master's interests, will be found faithful
(Mark 13:36-37; Matt.24:43-44; 25:13; Luke 12:35-37; Rev.3:20; 2:7,17; Luke 21:36)
and equipped to join him in the battle for truth, when he arrives
(2Thess.1:7-8,9-10; Rev.19:11,14; 17:14; 2Cor.10:3-5)
(Dan.7:22; Jude 1:14-14; 1Thess.3:13; Matt.16:27)
Those who battle with Christ against Satanic deception, will share in his power and glory... that of grace and Truth
(John1:14; Rom.8:17; 1Pet.4:13).
Only those who have kept alert, discerning, and diligent in caring for the Master's interests, will be found faithful
(Mark 13:36-37; Matt.24:43-44; 25:13; Luke 12:35-37; Rev.3:20; 2:7,17; Luke 21:36)
and equipped to join him in the battle for truth, when he arrives
(2Thess.1:7-8,9-10; Rev.19:11,14; 17:14; 2Cor.10:3-5)
For additional and deeper information on this topic, here are 4 other links:
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