Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Symbolic " flesh and blood " / invited and chosen / Two Vines

Greetings again Pearl,

I have read many posts on your blog.  My head is spinning - but I understand and accept you explanations of Scripture. (in fact, I have shared a link of your website with other ex-JW truth-seekers)
I do have one question, however (which I can not find discussed among your blog posts)
I remember the Scripture which says: "many are invited, but few chosen"
So I'm trying to understand the following Scripture:
When Jesus said:  "unless you eat of my flesh and drink my blood....etc..."
Who was he talking to on that occasion? John 6:53-59?
It appears that Jesus was talking to many Jews (in a public setting), not just to his disciples.
Was he telling EVERYONE - that they must "partake of his flesh and blood" 
(as a symbol that they accepted his teachings, and became his disciples?)
He said this BEFORE the passover (which he shared with 11 disciples)
He said this "before" any of his disciples were anointed at Pentecost.
It appears that he was inviting many to become disciples and partake (of his flesh and blood) Yet, even if they did... only a few would be chosen as Kingdom heirs. 
According to Scripture -  Jesus only invited 11 disciples to share the passover with him. (and established a covenant with them - because they stuck with him through his trials)
Therefore, how does Jesus words apply to others - who LATER become disciples?   (and suffer for declaring the name of Jesus),... does that mean that they should start partaking- before, or after becoming anointed with Holy Spirit?
Does the anointing of Holy Spirit - actually mean they have been "chosen" as heirs?
Just curious as to Why Jesus would tell everyone (including those who were not yet disciples),... that they must eat his flesh & drink his blood - if they were not yet chosen or anointed.

Please consider many points, made by the context of your cited verse.
If you read the context of John 6:53....
Verse 55: "For my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink."
    Can you see that the "flesh" and "blood" Jesus was referring to, was "true"?
He compared his flesh to bread/manna (John 6:33,35,41,47-48,50-51) (1Cor. 5:8)
and his blood to a true drink (1Cor. 10:4; 12:13)
    Is that the literal emblems?
...Now verse 57:
   "Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me.
Do we "live" forever, because we eat literal bread and wine on a certain day?
How do we know this?
See verse 47:
"Very truly I tell you, the one who believes has eternal life."
It is not literal eating, 
but believing, that bestows life.
Believing in what? 
Believing in literal bread and wine? Jesus just got done, chastising the crowd for putting faith in literal food (see John 6:26-27).
John 5:24 reads;
"Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word ("true food") and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life."
John 6:63 b : "The words I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit and life."
If we believe the one who sent Christ,
then we are putting faith in, the teachings of Christ, who only spoke what the Father taught him (John 12:49). 
If we believe the words of Christ, we are believing the Father. If we hear, believe, and obey the teachings of Christ (from God), we will live.
This is not speaking of life, through literal bread and wine.
Note what Jesus said about this "bread", at verse 35...
"Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty."
Do the literal emblems, remove our physical hunger, permanently?
Does the wine, take away our thirst, permanently?
Can you see that the "bread", is symbolic?
Verse 27 reads;
"Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures** to eternal life, *which the Son of Man will give you."
(** see Matt.24:35)
Jesus does not hand out the literal bread and wine to those who partake. Yet he is still providing spirit and truth, today.
Jesus also provides that "food that endures", through his Chosen ones (see John 15:16). That also, is not literal bread and wine.
This food endures, because it will always be true (Luke 21:33).
*Does Jesus give us the literal bread and wine that we may eat, at the Memorial?
What "bread" does Jesus give us, that provides eternal life?
Verse 63 answered us;
"The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you--they are full of the Spirit and life."

So... was Jesus referring to literal bread and wine, when saying that our taking him in, gives life?
Or, is the living bread from heaven... the one who provides "true" teachings...
teachings that, if taken in and obeyed, bring life?
Remember John 8:51;
"Very truly I tell you, whoever obeys my word will never see death."

What part of Christ, do people take in, which takes away symbolic hunger, and gives eternal life? Is it literal bread and wine?
John 17:3 reads; This is eternal life:
that they may know You, the only true God,
and the One You have sent—Jesus Christ."
Life results from "knowing" God and the one sent from heaven... the Bread from heaven. We can only know God, through the teachings of Christ. 
Just as Matt.11:27 reads;
"no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him."
The only way to "know" the Father and Christ, is to take in his teachings...
not by taking in the emblems.

when Jesus spoke of taking in his flesh and blood at John, chapter 6,
was he referring to the emblems of the Memorial?.... Or,
was he referring to his persona of being the Word of God...
and our taking in those words from God...
true words, from heaven, personified in the human manifestation... the body and blood of the man, Jesus Christ? (John 1:14)

What then, of the emblems?
Did you know that the same symbols can be used for different meanings?
Take for example, a comparison of John 3:14 and Rev.12:9A
John 3:14 reads;
"Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up,"
Jesus was referring to Numbers chapter 21 v4-8 (LINKED HERE).
Rev.12:9 A reads;
"So the great dragon was thrown out—the ancient serpent,who is called the Devil and Satan"

So... is the "serpent" in each Bible verse, the same identity? 
Does that symbol (snake/serpent), have the same meaning in both uses?
Absolutely not!

  Jesus used the symbol of his body and blood, in John, chapter 6, for all that he stood for, and the whole purpose of his human existence in human flesh... 
To provide the knowledge of God, which when taken in, results in eternal life (John 18:37; 5:24).
In John chapter 6, the symbolic flesh and blood, stood for the truth and spirit we find in Christ.
When we take it in, and obey it, we Live.

What about the blood that all must drink?
Jesus said that not only do we need the truth, we also need the spirit (John 4:24) in order to worship God correctly.
  Jesus was filled with God's spirit (Luke 4:1; John3:34), as if it were his life-blood (Lev.17:14; John 6:63; Rom.8:2,111Cor. 15:45; Gal.6:8). 
If we take in that spirit/"blood", offered by Christ, we have the other requisite and requirement for life (John 6:63; Rom.8:13).

Paul referred to the spirit from Christ, as the sap of the true vine (Rom.11:17,24; John 15:1-2,4-5) (Ps.92:12-15).
Just as a vine sends sap to it's branches,
Christ sends the life-giving "fluid" within him, to those bound to him in spirit (1Cor. 6:17; John 17:21; 15:4-5,26-27; 16:15). 
Jesus shares the spirit, and the life it provides, with those truly connected and receptive to him. Those branches produce fruit, for others to ingest the life spirit provided to them (John 15:5,16; Matt.7:20; Rev.22:1-2). 

Jesus was referring to this when he told Peter to feed his sheep (John 21:15). He was not asking Peter to give out the literal bread and wine at the memorial, but rather, to sustain the followers of Christ with spiritual food sourced in Christ (see Luke 12:42-43; John 1:141John 1:1; Phil.2:16; Acts 13:48).
We must have both... spirit (Christ's true drink/blood) 
and truth (Christ's true food/flesh), in order to live (John 4:23,24; 6:27,47-48,55).

What about the emblems? What did they stand for?
Jesus told us...
"And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, "This is my body given up for you; do this in remembrance of me." (Luke 22:19)
Can you see that in this instance, the bread symbolized the sacrifice of Jesus body, by his death? The purpose of that sacrifice, was to forgive their sins (Heb.9:22). The bread of the Memorial serves as a reminder of Jesus' sacrifice, for his own Bride (see Eph.5:25).
What about the blood/wine, of the Memorial. What did that signify?
Matt.26:28 reads;
"This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins." (Heb.9:22)
"In the same way, after supper He took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is poured out for you."
Do you see, that the wine/"blood", is a symbol for the price of forgiveness of sin?
Heb.9:22 reads;
"In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness."

It is evident, that not all the disciples of Christ, were at the first Memorial (Matt.26:20).
Only those whom Jesus chose to be there, were... the twelve.
Yet the "bread from heaven" (the truth from God), is free, and available to any who desire it.

Though the same symbols were used, they have different meanings, in different contexts. It is crucial, that this truth, is discerned.
I hope this limited information gives you more clarity about John 6:53.
The truth of Christ, is offered to all.
The sacrifice of Christ (for his Bride - Eph.5:25), is for his Bride (Rev.21:9-12).
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for the understanding of "many invited, few chosen"...
Do you know the context of this phrase?
It is found within Matthew chapter 22.
What "invitation" is being spoken of, there?
It is an invitation to the marriage feast! (Not an invitation to be anointed)
Who was eventually given an invitation to that spiritual feast?
Matt.22:9-10 reads;
"Therefore go to where the roads exit the city and invite everyone you find to the banquet.’ 10 So those slaves went out on the roads and gathered everyone they found, both evil and good. The wedding banquet was filled with guests."
everyone is "invited" to take in spiritual food, when the marriage feast is served.
Can you see that?
But despite being invited, many do not come.
Many, do not like what they sample. Many do not appreciate, what they find.
And, not all show respect, for their hosts and what is provided (Matt.22:11-13; Luke 10:16).
Do you think, that those who do not appreciate the truths being served,
will be chosen to understand what they are taking in?
What do I mean?
Do you have to be "chosen", in order to understand the marriage feast?
Please think about these scriptures...
"He said, "The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that, "'though seeing, they may not see; though hearing, they may not understand.'" (Luke 8:10)
"Blessed are your eyes because they do see, and your ears because they do hear." (Matt.13:16). 
Having spiritual perception, is a blessing from God. Not all receive that blessing (Matt.13:11,13,14).

"Then the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Why do You speak to the people in parables?” 11He replied, “The knowledge of the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them. 12Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him." (Matt.13:10-12)
can you see that when spiritual food is provided,
God and Christ choose who gets understanding of that "food"?

"Many", are invited to the marriage feast. We are told that "everyone" who is leaving the city, gets an invitation... "the evil and the good". Rev.22:17 tells us, that the Bride invites all, to take in living water, and that all who hear of that invitation, can share in inviting all they find.
But will all who sample the marriage feast, understand and appreciate what they find there?
No. Only those chosen to have their eyes and heart opened to the truth being offered,
will understand the information that they are considering.

More information about these things, can be found at these links:
There is also much more available at the Blog. Just try the search box.

Regarding the connection between anointing, and being chosen as heirs...
Being anointed by God's spirit, IS the choosing. Anyone or anything, ever anointed, was done so, in order to signify and consecrate God's choosing a purpose for that person or thing.
When God's spirit, anoints a person, it is to assign them their place in God's purpose for His new creation. It establishes God's choosing of that person, to inherit God's work. That purpose and service, can either be carried out faithfully, or not.
This is why Rev.17:14 mentions the progression of three steps... "called, chosen, and faithful" (NOT "invited"). Many can be called to Christ and God through the reading of the Bible. Of these, some are chosen to be a central part of the purpose of the Bible, to be selected as covenant slaves of God and Christ. Not all slaves, prove faithful to their assignment.
All disciples of Christ, enter into service to our Lord.
But there are various assignments. We all must be faithful.
A wife, is also in subjection to, and in the service of, her husband.
Yet, not all servants, are the wife.
The divine calling, choosing, and anointing, is NOT AN INVITATION (Rom.11:29). 
It is not a calling, that can be declined, without consequence.

 The time gap between the choosing of the 12 (John 6:70; 13:18) and their anointing with spirit (John 16:7; Acts 1:4-5,8; 2:1-4,32-33), can be explained in the symbolism which Jesus uses. A bridegroom chooses a bride, and they are bound by engagement. They are promised in marriage, legally and by contract. But, their union may come at a later time. Such was the case, with the apostles. When the branches of Christ's vine become one with him, they then receive the spirit, and are able to produce "fruit"... "fruit" being both the spoken wisdom of spirit, and those who accept it into themselves. The anointed are the branches (John 15:5), not the fruit. The fruit, is what the branches, produce. "Fruit", is the spiritual food that is produced for others (Luke 6:43,45), and at the same time, those who attach themselves to the branches (John 13:20), to share in the holy spirit/sap, coming from Christ/the root-vine, through the branches. 
This is why the negative side of this symbolism, shows that the juice of the fruit, is actually the blood of those, who accepted the rotten fruit/deceptive teachings of, and attached themselves to, the wicked "branches" (Rev.14:18-20; Deut.32:32-33; Matt.12:34; Rev.16:132Thess. 2:9-10) and it's "root" (John 8:44; Rev.9:11).

Please let me know if your needs were cared for...
and if you were able to accept, all that I have sent you.

Additional Pages for Study (coming soon)