Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Is the harlot of Rev.17:1 really Christendom, as the Watchtower teaches?
God Himself says of His own people,
"The faithful city has become a harlot" Isa.1:21; 63:18; Rev.17:1
Is "Christendom" the "faithful city"?
If not...Then it is not the "harlot".
Hosea makes clear that this "harlotry" is the act of an "adulterous wife" (Hosea 9:1; 1:2; 5:4; 9:1).
Being as a wife to God requires a marriage covenant (Isa.54:5,6,7; 48:17; Jer.3:8,14; Hosea 2:19; Ps.73:27).
Is "Christendom"/"nominal Christians" in covenant with God?
Revelation's Harlot is not "Christendom"/"nominal Christians" at all!...but are 
the ruling, unfaithful anointed in covenant with God...
the "wicked steward" (Luke12:42,45; Rev.17:6) (Luke12:46; Hosea 6:5; Jer.5:14; 23:29; Rev.18:8)
and all anointed who stay a part of her organizational Beast, are committing fornication with her 


  1. thanks for clarifying that - i will mention that at my hearing...


    1. Oh Modise,
      I didn't know that it is your turn to be "judged" by those counterfeit priests trespassing into God's Temple.
      I know that this is a hard time to endure. Please keep me informed of the ordeal, and know that my prayers are with you for your power and faithfulness. Christ and YHWH have great affection for those who take a stand for truth, even in the face of Satan's persecutors (Matt.10:32,19; John14:23; Eze.3:9). These ones have no clue what is swiftly coming upon them (Isa.28:19; Eze.7:17,18; Matt.5:44).

  2. I also pray in favor of all these ones who take their stand against the Beast in obedience to Christ and loyalty and faithfulness to Father .
    with love in Christ,
    rus v.

  3. Modise.
    Place the Full Armour of God on.Ephesians 6v10-18, Christ will portect you.
    Whenever your glorifying the Lord. He will also help you in everything that you do for his Honour
    You are in my prayers.


  4. Thank you the words of encouragement. I will keep you updated


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