Friday, April 20, 2012

Marriage Feast / New Covenant

(Benefit to those not anointed:

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I thought it might help others to share the information from a letter to another anointed one....
Dear Xxxx,
I am very happy that you decided to write me. Interaction with other chosen is a source of joy for those of us who seek truth, love and unity.
Yes, as you know Satan's pressures are upon us, and will not let up until Christ comes to rescue us. Yet his care rescues us even now, in that he has sent us the spirit to be with us and feed us. He too, is manifesting his presence among us, that the world may believe that Christ is Lord.

I hope you will clarify some things you said, because I don't know what you mean...

"why Father allows many Witnesses to not be
> anointed, even though they can see the issues of the true gospel being
> the re-birth."  

First, "why the Father allows many Witnesses to not be anointed". Are you wondering why God does not do more anointing among "Jehovah's Witnesses"? Not sure what you are saying here. I know that almost all "witnesses" now are worshiping an Organization, committing idolatry against YHVH. Of those who are not, or who have left due to seeing the corruption, remember 2Chron.16:9? God shows his spirit to those with a complete heart. Only He can judge this about a person. 

The next part of that sentence...

"even though they can see the issues of the true gospel being the re-birth."  

Now you've really got me. Can you explain what you mean by "issues", the "rebirth" and how this rebirth is the "true gospel"?
Are you saying that the emergence of full truth (the spirit leading the anointed into "all the truth" John16:13), as being associated with the birth of the Kingdom? 
Or are you saying that when we are born again as perfect spirits, and the Sons of God are revealed (Rom.8:19), that only then will we have all the truth?
Or, do you speak of the Word (true gospel) as being the "incorruptible seed", which, once sown in the heart and brought to maturity, gives a re-birth into eternal life? (Luke8:11; 1Pet.1:23; James1:21; Mark4:28,29; Eph.4:13)
If this is what you mean, perceiving this truth is not enough to obligate God to choose and anoint you as one of His sons. His righteous and just standards for making such a choice, reside with Him.

I would love to understand what you are trying to say in order to share your thoughts, but the scriptures don't immediately come to mind as to what you are referring to, so I am at a loss. 

Remember the illustration of the marriage feast? (Matt.22:1-14) Those invited were not worthy, and so the King told his servants to invite anyone they saw, who were **"going out from the City" (**according to the Greek "diexodous") (Matt.22:8-9). These were given the opportunity to share in the marriage banquet.
Today, all are being offered the truth of things that were previously hidden, such as the understanding of Revelation. Many anointed will not receive this spiritual food, because they are not worthy. They are busy filling their lamps with fuel that is teachings from men, or they are following their own thoughts independent of the body of Christ. 
These will not be given the true light of understanding (Matt.25:9-12). Their lamps, shine out darkness, because their "eye" of understanding is not "simple"...exclusively guided by means of scripture (Matt.6:22-23; John8:47).
  Yet, those who have been drawn out of the corrupt "City" by Yhwh's spirit (Rev.18:10,18,4; Matt.22:7,9,10), will be invited to share in that feast of true food (Rev.19:9). It will be up to them if they are humble and appreciative enough, to attend and eat.

The next thing you say,

"At least these are now partaking at home, after the Hall Memorial. That's a big plus."

If you are saying that you believe that the New Covenant is for all, and not for the sins of the Chosen heirs only;
YHVH has plainly shown me how the ransom applies first, to the anointed. This is through the Covenant by virtue of Christ's blood (Luke22:20).

Please consider Rev. 5:9,10:
"And they sing a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, because you were slaughtered and with your blood you bought persons for God out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth.”

This is only one of the many scriptures that indicate a small piece of what spirit has plainly shown me, concerning all the truths of the Kingdom, and how the ransom is applied to mankind in general, through it's ambassadors, priests, and kings (Matt.7:20; Rev.22:2; Matt.10:40-42; Gal.4:19; Rev.12:2; Gal.4:26; Rev.21:2-3; 1Pet.2:5,9; Mal.2:7). The New Covenant, which ends/is fulfilled, at the arrival/coming of Christ (1Cor.11:26) is for that administration (Eph.1:9,10,11,12,13,14; Mark13:27), which is then completed. It is through them as the Bride Covenant/"woman" (Gal.4:26), that Creation is set free (Num.8:19,21; Rom.8:17,19; Rev.22:17), unlike the New Covenant, which initially sets the priests free from sin (Lev.16:6; Heb.9:11,12). First the mother must be free. Then those born to her, are also set free from sin, darkness, and death. First, there must be a free mother. Then the mother must marry a free father (Isa.9:6; Luke 4:16-21; John8:36). After the marriage of the lamb, children will be brought forth (Rev.19:7-9).

The New Covenant is for those who rule (Luke22:29; Rev.3:21; 5:9-10). All Creation will not be redeemed through Christ only (as the anointed are), but through New Jerusalem and Christ together. Once that Holy City is finally made complete, God's Kingdom commences, to the benefit of all who have obeyed the gospel of Christ. But in the meantime, those who belong to that heavenly city (Eph.2:6), offer the healing fruit of their lips (Matt.7:20; Rev.22:2) to those who accept Gods' sons (Rom.8:19; Ps.82:6; Gal.3:26,29; Rom.8:17).

For those who are not being redeemed (receiving a white robe Rev.6:9,11; 12:11; 19:7,8now, in order to be cleansed for Kingdom Rule; the emblems of that cleansing are not for them. The cleansing of the sins of the 144000 and great crowd of final priests (who come through the great tribulation), is through the blood of the Lamb (Rev.14:1; 7:9,14) It is important to realize that the "Great Crowd" are the last remnant (Rev.12:17), who come through end-time tribulation (see )

The partaking of the emblems stop, when this promise is fulfilled for the Chosen (1Cor.11:26; Rev.20:5)
Try to remember that Jesus fulfilled the Passover (1Cor.5:7; John1:29).
Try to remember that the blood of the Passover lamb, was not for the saving of all Israel,
but for the saving of the Firstborn (Exodus12:12,13; Num.3:13; Heb.11:28; 12:23; Rev.14:4). 

These "firstborn" ones are the first imperfect humans to be born again and released from sin and death by means of Christ's blood. 
The rest come to life subsequently, by means of Bride, Holy City New Jerusalem, and the Trees of Life who make up that City of living stones....
Trees which offer the fruit which "cures the Nations" (Rev.22:1,2). 
All, whether chosen to be the bride of Christ, or her children... must be born again as spirit, in order to see God's kingdom (John3:3,5-6; 1Pet.1:23). All are born through the faithful and sealed anointed who have fulfilled the covenant promise in heaven (Gal.4:26). That mother provides living water to others (Rev.22:1-2,17). Some are born now, by God's spirit, directly poured into their hearts... and his laws written on their heart by God's finger. They accept Christ, and live (). They are tutored and nurtured by those already mature, to become members of the Bride (2Cor.11:2-3). Others are born through an acceptance of the living water, spirit, and truth from Christ's Bride (Matt.25:34-36,41,45; Matt.10:14-15; John13:20; Mark 9:37). By their treatment of God's messengers, they are judged. They are brought into account, at the last day. The difference between these two groups is seen in Jesus' words, at John11:25-26; 6:63,54,40,47-50 (John5:24; Rom.8:9; Eph.2:6).

It is a wicked abomination for those who are not being raised up now, to partake of the emblems which are reserved as a symbol of Holy Promise, between those betrothed to the Christ, and their husbandly Lord. To take the emblems into oneself, is to become one "body" with Christ (1Cor.6:17; John17:22). Those who in presumption, do not discern this body of the Head, Christ (1Cor.12:27; 6:15) a loyal husband is one flesh, only with his wife; 
drink judgement to themselves (1Cor.11:29,27). 

That body of Christ, are anointed ones (1Cor.12:12,27-31).
Partaking of the symbols of Christ's body, is to become symbolically, one flesh with him according to the promise. This is only for the virgins promised to Christ (2Cor.11:2; Rev.14:4
  In godly fear, I certainly hope that a right to spiritual fornication with Christ, is not something you promote... to the destruction of all those who heed it (1Cor.11:29).
 Yet if it is, and this teaching is not sourced in scripture, there is yet time to correct this teaching. We are all being cleansed, refined, and the hope that by the arrival of Christ, we can be "finally found" "without spot" or blemish (2Pet.3:14).
This is why the parts of Christ's body, need one another to build one another up, in Truth (1Cor.14:26; 12:21; Eph.4:11,12).

If you are actually saying that you believe that those not chosen to be one body with Christ, should show a marriage to him by taking his body into themselves;
please provide me the scriptures which have guided you to this conclusion. Certainly we can not take it upon ourselves to leave the Bible's guidance, but more-so when we teach others and direct their actions before God (James 3:1). 

Regarding one of your last comments: 

"I do believe in your anointing, and although I cannot see all your explanations being perfect as far as what things in Revelation in particular say"

Please do not remain silent about the things you do not see eye to eye with (Eph.4:25; Zech.8:16). 
My explanations must be limited for each subject. The Truth is as wide as the sky, and I must choose how far to spread the border of what I discuss in each article. 
I have often received supplemental questions by individuals, requesting further proof or explanation of what perplexes them personally. If you ask, then I am made able to answer your personal questions, so that whatever point you do not clearly see as being scriptural...I can show you the scriptures to. 

In this way, individuals are assisted with their own doubts. There have been many times that an article is then made more beneficial for someone who did not benefit initially. Additions I then add, benefit all, including me.
Each one has their own questions. I can not cover all Truth in each article, but if a point in particular is of personal interest to you, or is hard for you to see....If you let me know what it is, 
then you give both of us the opportunity to learn more. 

Please do not read an article, and leave it with unanswered questions...or worse...assumptions without scripture. If you need more, please request it of me. This has often lead to anointed ones having their vision clarified and re-adjusted...including myself. Any explanations I have given which you do not agree with, please speak up so that we may be "perfected" through the Bible's answer.

Again...I thank you so much for writing me. It is the will of the Father and Christ that we come together, for many beneficial reasons.

YHVH's spirit bless you with faith, hope, love, and Truth.

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