Saturday, April 28, 2012

Disgusting Thing

Here is a comment from a reader who asked a question about Matt.24:15

hi! ive been trying to post here but for some reason my comments don't get i'll try again..
 i have been a reader of your blog for a couple of months now..and i have drafted several emails to be sent to you personally,but never anyway...
 i just have something to share or maybe this is a question? i listened to a recorded CO talk where it discussed about the fulfillment of the prophecies in matthew 24. when i started reading your blogs i acquired a different understanding ( which i am open about) .
The speaker said that the phrase 'standing in a holy place' refers to the world's Jerusalem ( or what is viewed holy by the general public) and NOT Jehovah's holy organization or temple....the reason is because of the article 'a' - holy place. 
If 'the' - holy place was used, then it would refer to Jehovah's organization having a disgusting thing standing in the midst.. any thoughts on this? what the speaker said seem to make sense to me what are your thoughts on this ? uhmm..i might have to listen to that recording again and make sure i heard them right...


First let me inform you that I moderate comments. This prevents the automatic publishing of doctrinal errors. I am responsible before Jehovah for everything that is taught here. 
This is why it is not a “forum” free-for-all
(Prov.18:2; 26:12; Isa.5:21; Matt.12:36; James3:1; 1Tim.1:7; Matt.15:11). 
It is a tool Jehovah has graciously provided me, in order to accomplish my own obligation before Him
(Rom.12:6,7; 1Cor.12:28; Eph.4:11,12; 2Cor.5:10).

Moderating comments also allows me the time I need to prepare an answer to questions like your’s, before readers are left hanging. 
I think it is courteous to have an answer ready for readers, as soon as they read the question. Thank you for your patience. I know you have had to wait for this answer, but I work as fast as I am able.

Please do not hesitate writing to me personally at my email address if you feel inclined.

Okay, regarding your question. You said that according to a CO talk, “the phrase 'standing in a holy place' refers to the world's Jerusalem ( or what is viewed holy by the general public) and NOT Jehovah's holy organization or temple....the reason is because of the article 'a' - holy place. If 'the' - holy place was used, then it would refer to Jehovah's organization having a disgusting thing standing in the midst”

I don’t see any scriptures which support this idea, that “a” means a fake thing, and “the” means the real thing.
In fact, there are many scriptures in which “a” is used, and is the real thing
(See a few: Rev.20:11; 19:11; 7:9). Let’s examine the scripture you are referring to, so that the Bible can answer your question with certainty.

Matt.24:15   “Therefore, when YOU catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place, (let the reader use discernment,)”.

To determine where this "disgusting thing" actually is, we certainly have many more clues than the one word “a”, don't we? 
First of all, the disgusting thing is standing "in a holy place". Are we to think that Jesus is deceiving us? Is this place really “holy”, or not? Would Jesus be a hypocrite? Let me explain…. He told the Pharisees that they were like white washed graves which were full of dead men’s bones and every unclean defilement. (Matt.23:25,27,28). Would he do the same thing, and call “holy”, that which was really unclean false religion?
Rather than assuming it is impossible for the "disgusting thing" to be referring “to Jehovah’s organization having a disgusting thing standing in the midst” of it; 
what did Jesus actually say?

Jesus said that the disgusting thing and the holy place, were “spoken of through Daniel the prophet”. Let’s use the Organization’s own Reference Bible. 
At Matt.24:15, it rightly refers us to Dan.11:31
Within that context, we see that the “holy place” is also referred to as the “holy covenant” and the “sanctuary” where the “constant feature” was, but is removed (by the "arms" "profaning" it). 
The reference Bible also gives us Dan.9:27, where it speaks of a “covenant” to do harm to the constant feature (“sacrifice and gift offering”). The Organization also teaches that this “constant feature” IS the daily sacrifice being offered by genuine faithful anointed.

The last cross reference given in the Reference Bible is Dan.12:11
There it clearly states, 
“And from the time that the constant [feature] has been removed and there has been a placing of the disgusting thing that is causing desolation, there will be one thousand two hundred and ninety days.” 

Surely if you are one of “Jehovah’s Witnesses” you are familiar with the doctrine regarding this 1,260 and 1,290 days, as again being associated with genuine faithful anointed, and not with the “world’s Jerusalem” (This is not a scriptural term or idea, nor was the expressed opinion of Jesus Christ about what is "holy", the same as the “general public”.).
But in addition to these references, I wish to call your attention to another reference. 
Go back to Dan.11:31 in the Reference Bible. 
The cross references there take you to Dan.8:11. The organization teaches that this “established place of his sanctuary” (in speaking of the “Prince of the army”) is referring to Jesus Christ and his anointed. 

Another cross reference for Dan.8:11 is Rev.11:2, and is rightly associated with the “holy city” being “trampled” by this very same disgusting thing, for 42 months….a parallel to the 1,260 days.
(42monthsX30days in a Jewish month)=1,260

Remember what Jesus said? This disgusting thing and holy place, are the same ones “as spoken of through Daniel the prophet”. 
By the Organization’s own teachings and cross references…that “holy place” is God’s own Temple, and is just as Jesus himself declared it,…."holy”.
The scriptures also clearly identify what that holy temple is...(1Cor.3:16; 1Pet.2:9)

This is in harmony with the rest of the prophecies about the end (for example, 2Thess.2:4. By the way, there it states “in THE temple” of “THE God”; just in case you still had your doubts about the implications of “a” and “the). Remember...all the end-time prophecies are speaking about the same period and identities. We should not keep them apart, since they all augment and clarify the whole picture. Truth is harmonious with itself. The disgusting thing "standing" (ruling and taking over) in the holy place, is the same as the "trampling the holy city underfoot", is the same as the M.O.L. "raising himself up" in the "temple", over the "objects of reverence".
All the prophecies about the end are harmonious and supplement each other….IF you have the true understanding. 
If not, than such comparisons as advised above, are fatal to the deception.

Recent talk outlines may force the idea that the Organization which calls themselves by the Creator's name, have peace and security in their standing with Jehovah; but the Bible paints a devastating reality of what is soon to come for them. (1Thess.5:2,3,6)  ( )

Thank you for your question,

The Questioner replied:
hello..i am so glad to see your reply to my question. i also think it is very wise that you moderate the comments in your blog. i thought there is a problem with my browser or something that whenever i click publish nothing comes out on the screen, but now i know.:) thank you for taking the time to answer my question. they're very clear and i can see the scriptural basis in your answers. it's just that when i have read your blog about matthew 24:15 about the disgusting thing i am happy with the explanation but when i went through my recordings and listened to that talk, it kind of set a confusion inside my mind that led me back to accepting that maybe what the org teaches is be honest, a lot of my inner thoughts and questions are being enlightened by your writings. even the things i didn't know i didn't know. i've been wanting to write to you..but im sure you can understand the hesitation that i'm having. im currently in a spiritual struggle, especially with the recent releases but i am just an average person so who am i to question anyway-is what i say when i talk to myself.sometimes when i do a self evaluation, and try my best to be regular in my personal study using the publications, there's always a point where i just stop and think hard whether im hearing it right or if my heart is just being stubborn or if the spirit is not really enough to make me understand things.
im not sure if it's caused by my being a lurker to several blogs on the internet, like yours and others or if the struggle has been there yet i just didn't know it. but one thing is clear. there is a debate that has been going on inside my mind...and at this point i have already convinced myself to test ''every inspired expression' even if it means turning to the writings of those labeled by the Org as 'apostates'.i will take responsibility if in case i am wrong or if i am right with this action that i am taking. i do believe that only the brave ones will find the answer that they are looking for.

May Jah continue to strengthen you and continue your efforts in sharing what you have to us your readers....

take care! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Pearl, for the clarification on this. Also, I can totally relate with the person asking the question. The comment, "only the brave ones will find the answer that they are looking for", can be supplemented, by saying, "only those sighing and groaning" will find the answer. Sometimes I wish the sighing and groaning ones could meet and "build one another up" with loving embraces and fortification of real "truth" that you and other faithful anointed have provided. I've said it before, but I am thankful each day that Jah has lead me to your blog.


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