Wednesday, October 15, 2014

"White Robe" / A Heavenly "Garment"

Dear Pearl,
I am a sponge when reading your new posts; I can't thank you enough for such wonderful food. I have a question that has come up on a forum about Hebrews 1:10-12 Psalms 102:25-27. I know that white robes and fine linen represent righteous acts as in Rev 19:8, Rev 3:18, and Rev 22:14, 7:14 speaks of washing their robes. Is there some connection here with those scriptures and to the robe and garment mentioned in verse 12 of Hebrews 1? (Heb.1:12) With the garment being changed does that not signify the washing of the robe by those chosen ones who also may also be signified by the heavens in verse 10? (Heb.1:10)

Boy, do I hope this makes sense. I pray you are doing okay today, as always. Thank you.

It is true that the white, washed robe, is by means of righteous acts (Rev.19:8). But this one verse does not provide the Bible's entire explanation by which a white robe is attained, nor does Rev.19:8 define what acts are considered righteous.
To acquire this symbolic white robe (Isa.1:18; Heb.8:12), the blood of Christ also needs to be applied to us (Rev.7:14). We also need cleansing by means of God's spirit (1Cor.6:11) and by His Word (Eph.5:25,26,27; John15:3), and then persist in worshiping God according to both (John4:24; 17:17).
Here are two links that contain many related scriptures, to help clarify the requirements for the symbolic white robe:

I apologize for all the additional information that follows. It may seem to be unrelated to your question, but it is related, and should be covered. Spirit previously prompted me to write about the "white robe". When I then receive a related question, it confirms to me that I must prioritize that information. So although I will get to speak about the heavens being as a garment, it will help to first explain the Bible's meaning of garment, and of the "white robe".
I will have to post this in pieces. As I work through this, I may add more sections. The ones that are now completed as written below, are in bold. As I complete another section, it also will become bold. So if you check this list as it changes over to bold, that will inform you that another section is finished below.

*White Robe -- from whom?
*White Robe -- a personal victory
*Dressed in White or Scarlet?
       -- Garment spotted by the Flesh
*Our Inner and Outer Garment --
        -- The inside and outside of the Cup
*Collective Garment of the "Bride" / "Harlot" / Ruling army of the "Heavens"
*A "Seamless" Garment
*"Worn Out" and "Eaten by Moths"
*A Golden Sash
*Cover your Nakedness!
*A Blue Cord that Heals by Touch
*A New Heavens

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White Robe --- received from whom?

While belonging to the WT, the leading teachers over it would have us believe that the only requirement for a white robe, is to be in good standing within that Organization.... following it's recommendations, arrangements, and expectations. In a sense, this assumes that the leading teachers can dispense a white robe, through submission to them. In this way, The Bible's own required "righteous acts", have been overruled.
As we will see, a white robe is attained by each individual, through persecution and suffering which Satanic testing brings. A steward cannot shield other slaves from such testing, even if that steward slave was faithful (Ps.49:7; Matt.25:8; Prov.10:2). Each slave will prove their own work (Gal.6:4,5; 2Cor.5:10; 1Cor.12:27), and stand before the Master for his inspection.
It is false to assert that subjection to the so called "faithful slave" steward, saves all anointed in subjection to them (Eph.5:6,7,9,10,11,17; Gal.2:4). We subject ourselves to God (James4:7), through His arrangement of the Body under Christ's Headship (Eph.5:21,23,30; 1Cor.12:18,14,27,28,29,30; Eph.4:11,12; 2:20; 3:5; 1Cor.3:10).
Such an assertion, fails to discern the "body", as it is arranged by God (1Cor.11:29,31; 12:18; Eph.4:12). It defies the role, position, and purpose of Christ (Eph.1:22); as well as the need for each called one, to prove their own faithfulness and performance of godly deeds (Rev.3:2,3), according to God's will and role for them as individuals. (1Cor.12:18,28,29; Rom.12:6,7,8; Gal.6:4; 2Pet.1:10; 3:14; Matt.24:24,25; 2Pet.3:17; Matt.22:14)

We are told that each of the invited, will be tested as Christ was, to the limit of what each one can bear, up to and including "death". Satan has demanded it (Job 2:4; 1:22; 2:3; Luke22:31; John16:33; Phil.4:13).
Satan is able to personalize the testing gauntlet, with whatever our individual weakness or wrong desire.
No one can do this for us, excuse us, exempt us, or award us.
We may only have our own sins forgiven, if we exert faith and do what is right.
But we cannot do this for others; nor can anyone else, do it for us.
Psalm 49:7 reads;
"No one can ever redeem his brother or give God a ransom for him".
Only God, through Christ, can save us (Isa.43:11; Rev.7:10).

In speaking of Jesus, Rom.4:12 reads;
"And there is salvation in no one else;
for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved."
While attaining salvation, we each must carry our own load (Gal.6:5; Rev.3:2,1).

We each must give an account to God, for our own choices, with no one to take the blame or credit for us.
Eze.18:20 reads;
"The righteousness of the righteous will be credited to them, and the wickedness of the wicked will be charged against them."
and Rom.14:12;
"So then each of us will give an account for himself, to God."

This also makes evident, that we cannot blame our neglect on another, simply because we chose to submit to them instead of to Christ (Gen.3:12,17; Jer.31:29; Matt.25:25; 15:14). If we are misdirected into disobedience, we have no one to blame but ourselves (Eze.14:10; Jer.23:21,22,14; 5:31; Rev.2:20).

No...from personal experience, I know that Satan tests each Kingdom candidate to the limit, both in degree and in duration. Any concept of a protective umbrella through membership in an organization, is an illusion...a very lethal delusion.
No one can prove faithful for someone else. Only God is entitled to set divine requirements.
No one is authorized to hand out white robes, or divine approval, in place of Christ (Rev.3:4,5; 22:12; 2Cor.5:10).
If we are deluded into thinking we already have a white robe, due to the approval of men; Christ calls us back to reality (Rev.3:17,18,19).
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White Robe = Personal Victory (Rev.3:5)
Invited Ones who prove faithful with all they are assigned (Luke17:7,8,10; 12:35,36; Matt.25:23), provide the very faithfulness that is the basis by which Satan loses his power and authority over all God's creation (Rev.12:10,11; 17:14; Rom.8:19,21; Isa.61:4,3; 2Pet.3:13; Rev.21:5,1,2,3).
Why would Satan grant any individual heir an exemption from persecution based upon their alliance with men? Satan knows that those who are sealed, receive an inheritance which includes Satan's defeat, and the taking of the world, from him.
According to divine legality, Satan is permitted to accuse and cunningly test anyone who has been elected to remove his dominion from him (Rev.12:10; Job 1:9,11; Zech.3:1,8; Eph.6:11; 1Pet.5:8,9; 4:12,13; Acts14:22; Luke13:24; 1Thess.3:3; 2Tim.3:12; Rev.1:9)
(Rev.11:15; 17:14; 2:26,27; 3:21).

As each Chosen one faithfully succeeds in attaining their white robe, Satan draws nearer to his demise. As each one fails, Satan buys more time.
No....subjection under a steward is not a free pass. It does not excuse us from our Lord and Master's expectation that we conquer Satan's tests personally, while faithfully accomplishing our own assignment. As Head of the Body, Christ commands and directs the work and load, of each part (John15:16,8) (Eph.5:23; 1Cor.12:27; Matt.11:29; 1Pet.2:21).
For a steward to usurp Christ as Head, and to "kill" his brother in Christ, is wickedness (Mark12:1,2,3,4,5; 1John3:12; Rev.13:15; 11:7) (John13:34; Matt.25:44,45; Rev.1:7).
For the Steward to enforce his stolen authority as Master, by means of strong "Gentile" arms against his brothers in Christ, is a forbidden alliance (Jer.17:5; Dan.11:31,36; Mark13:14; Matt.24:49; Isa.30:1; Rev.13:15; 19:20; Dan.2:43; Rev.17:16),
which was prophesied to occur (Luke21:24; Rev.13:10; 11:2; Dan.8:24,25,11; 2Thess.2:4; Isa.37:23; Rev.13:5,6,7,15; 19:20; 17:1-3; Matt.24:49).
each Called One must endure faithfully "to the end" of their life, or the end of this age (Mark13:13,8) (
I hope by this section, I have shown that the Watchtower's requirement for Called ones, is not the same standard as God's requirement (Rev.6:9,11). Therefore, attaining the "white robe" requires the approval of God, not of men (Rom.2:29; Gal.1:10; Col.3:24).
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To Be Continued


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