Monday, July 2, 2018

Addition to "Who are the Chief Princes?"

Many refute that Michael the archangel is an identity of Jesus Christ, in his capacity as protector of the saints (Dan.12:1; John17:12; 6:39; 18:9; Rev.19:12) and defender of God's supremacy in the face of global idolatry (Rev.13:8,4
(The name "Michael" means, "Who is like God?").
Those who refute that role of the resurrected Jesus Christ, point to the fact that Jesus could not be a mere angel, even if being, an arch - angel. 
Those who make such an assertion, apparently do not know the meaning of the Greek word, angelos. It simply means "messenger" (John12:49; 7:16). 
The Greek meaning of "arch", is defined as the original prototype, with no equal. To be the "archangel", is to be supreme among God's messengers. 
Here is the related definition of "arch" found here: (Link
-arch-, root. 
  1. -arch- comes from Greek, where it has the meaning "chief;
    leader; ruler.''
    (see John1:51; Rev.1:5)
  2. This meaning is found in such words as: anarchy, archbishop, archdiocese, hierarchy, matriarch, monarch, monarchy, patriarch.
  3. -arch- is also used to form nouns that refer to persons who are the most important, most notable, or the most extreme examples of (the following noun): archenemy (= the most important enemy);
    archconservative (= the most extreme example of a conservative).
  4. (see Col.1:18)
  5. -arch- also appears with the meaning "first, earliest, original, oldest in time.'' (see Prov.8:22-23,30; John1:1-2)
  6. This meaning is found in such words as: archaeology, archaic, archaism, archetype.

When Armageddon arrives, Jesus takes on an identity of a warrior (Rev.19:11,14; 17:14; 12:7) (Rev.3:12; Jer.31:33; Heb.10:16; Ex.34:14; Deut.11:18; Rev.7:3; 13:7,8,16,4). The name "Michael" ("Who is like God?"), perfectly describes his battle tactic and purpose. The meaning of "Michael" indicates Christ's victorious strategy, as well as the identity of his warfare target, whose power in false doctrine, needs to be neutralized (Isa.40:25,18; 46:5) (Rev.13:4).

Others may refute this named role of Jesus, based upon Michael being called "the great prince" (Dan.12:1) and "one of the chief princes" (Dan.10:12-14). Those are the topics that the link below, addresses.
The article on the chief princes was broken down into three parts/questions. Previously, only part one was finished. This post serves as notice, that part two is now ready.



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